(Kilt afflunttj gtduoipte IIenrt A. Parsons, Jr. . Editor THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1873. How. Isaac G. Gordon, Republi can nominee for the Supreme Bench, is emphatically the architect of his own fortune. Commencing active life as a moulder's apprentice in Lcwisburg, Un ioi J lounty, working regularly at the busi ness until an accidental injury to one of his feet disqualified him for manual la bor he began to read, and borrowing books from a friendly attorney, ventured upon the study of law, was in due time admitted to practice, speedily acquired reputation, tnd is now a candidate for the highest judicial offioo in our great Commonwealth. His example is well calculated to encourage young men struggling for success in the various callings of life. The fact docs not seem to be gener ally known that if Congress next winter repeals what is known as the increase of salary bill, such repeal would not eficct either the salary of the President or those 'of the Judges' of the Supreme Court, which will remain as fixed by the bill passed last session. Article second of the Constitution provides that "the President shall at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which can neither be increased or diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected," and sestion 1, of article 3, provides that Judges of the Supreme Court und inferior Courts Bhall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not be di minished during their continuance in office. Brioham Young's Divorce Case. The United States District Court of the Territory of Utah, in the divorce suit of Ann Eliza Webb, seventeenth wife of Brigham Young, has decided that it bas no jurisdiction, and that the case must be taken before the Territor ial Probate Court. This is in direct op position to the opinions of Judges Mc Kenrt and Hawley, and virtually of the Supreme Conrtof the Territory. Three eauses of divorce were alleged by the council of Mrs. Young first, desertion ; second, inability of the parties to live to gether in peace; third, the failure of the defendant to properly provide for her adequate support. The plaintiff asked $1,000 a month pendente life, 520.000 attorney's fees, and 5200,000 as her por tion. The court refuseed to make any allowance, of course, after deciding the question of jurisdiction as it did. The ease will come up before the Supreme Court, and this decision will probably be reversed. Letter from Washington Washington, D. C, Saturday, August 23d. The investigation into the causes of the Wawusct disaster and the rjspons ibility for the horrible sacri fice of human life, was concluded yester day as to the taking of testimony. A large number cf witnesses were exam ined, and notwithstanding the untavora ble criticisms upon the manner of con ducting the investigation made by the press, I am inclined to believe it about as thorough as it could have been made. It is to be regretted that so little was de veloped concerning the origin of the fire. In fact nothing whatever was discovered affording any light upon this question. As to the responsibility for the im mense and unprecedented loss of life perhaps nothing should be said until the officers appointed to investigate the mat ter have made their report. It seems that the duplicate copy of the inspectors' certificate on file in the office of the Su pervising Inspector General of Steam boats, at the Treasury Department, au thorizes the carrying of but fifty passen gers. Tbe steamer had on board at least a hundred and fifty at the time of tbe fatal disaster. The captain and offi oers of tbe boat, and the officers of tho company owning her, claim that the or iginal certificate allowed the larger num ber. Several persons who had fre quently been passengers on board also testified that they had real the certificate where it was bung up in tbe saloon, and that it said one hundred and fifty. The inspectors, on the other hand, testify most positively that the duplicate is cor rect and that tney would not have given a certificate for a hundred and fifty. The officers admit that the original cer tificate was first made out for fifty, but tbej subsequently got the inspector or some other of customs at Georgetown to change it. These officers all testify that they never heard of the matter before. There is a mystery about this somewhere and it is to be regretted until this point was eleared up. It seems the certificate was tampered with after it was made out and signed by tho inspectors. Whether this was done by some one connected with the custom house, or by some one connected with the steamboat company, ought to have been shown. GENERAL 1T0TE3 A distasteful ration Botheration. The oloth of a baker's suit is doeskin. A red herring will keep a man dry better than an umbrella. The softer the bead the harder the work of driving anything into it. A woman's love for a military officer is generally uniform. They have managed to squeeze 420 school districts into Kb ode Island. 'When is an umbrella like a person convalescent f When it is recovered. The Persian monarch's smile must be a sad one as it is simply a Shab grin. What nation is most likely to succeed in a dfficult enterprise? Detirmination. It is said that the Digger Indians are never known to smile. They are grave Diggers. Boys on land often play at the game of pitch-and-toss. When on sea still oftener. A Detroit servant girl was recently ot tacted by rats in a cellar, and it re quired the efforts of several persons to drive off the vermin. Edmund D. Scudder, of Trenton, N. J., recently died fr m congestion of the brain, brought on by 07erlieating him self at a game of base ball. A bed of peculiar clay is said to have been discovered in Jefferson county, Nebraska, from which bricks are made of a bluish inge, and of great hardness. A man in Colorado has shipped a hun dred prairiedogs east, with the intention, it is thought, of raising the animals for the market. The cradle which Abraham Lincoln rocked in can be seen in thirteen differ ent places in Illinois. They must have roeked him by sections. The three oldest citizens of Philadel phia are Coddiugton Cbeseboro, ninety four; Horace Biuney, ninety. three; and Ambrose White, ninety-thiee. Another new order has been organ ized in Pennsylvania; and is called the "Knight's of the Golden Eagle." Its members are business men, merchants, manufacturers, professional men and cleiks. The question of taxing church prop erty is now widely discussed. Ohio loses 5470,000 iu taxes yearly," because 525,554,725 of church property is ex empt iroin taxation. A lunatic in Erie offers to jump from the top of the highest elevator iu that city for twenty-five dollars. By all means raise the amount; it will prove the cheapest way of getin rid of him. The Supreme Court of New Hamp shire has just decided at Concord that railroad companies have no right to grant to any purty or parties exclusive privelage to carry express matter over their lines. The new Masonic Temple in Philadel phia is almost fioished. The dedicatory ceremonies will begin on the 25th of September and continue three days. It is estimated that over 100,000 members of the mystic tie will be present and as sist in the cirjmonies. It is noticeable that in the United States in 1870 there were 1,345 deaths by suicide, while there were only 202 by lightnimr ; in other words an individual ii six times as likely to kill himself as lightning is to kill him. Hartford Couian'. A Lager Beer Protective Association his been formed in Syracuse. Accord ing to the rules, the members of the as sociation are to ns-sist only those dealers who sell beer on Sunday. All those who deal in other liquors on that day are cen sured by the association. "While a Troy man was in a beer Fa loon, the other day, speaking to the toast, "Woman, God bless her," his wife waltzed iu and led liiui out by the car, and he now says that on the occasion of another festive matting be will have that toast changed to woman something else to which improved sentiment he will respond with an eloquence that will cast a cloud upon the fame of Daniel Webster. The War Department promulgates in general orders the findings and sentences in the case of the Modoo captives, Cap tain Jack, Sohonsbiu, Black Jim, Hasten Charley, Barucho, alias One-eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, who were tried by military commission for the murder of General Cuuby and Commissioner Thomas, aud assault with intent to kill other peace commissioners. They are found guilty of the specifications and charges, aud eenteuced to be hanged. Tbe proceedings have been approved by the President and Secretory ot War, and the sentence will be carried into effect at Furl Kalmuth, Oregon, on tbe 3d ot October, uuder the direction of tho Gen eral commanding the department of Columbia. Overproduction, new wells, tho exten sion of the oil fields, and a varitty of other reasous, have united iu producing an unusual depression in the oil busiuecs, tho price uow beiug but $1.25 per bar rel. Last year tho average daily produc tion was 18,000 barrels, but tho esti mates for it at this time are 25,000 to 210,000 barrels. Some of the wells re cently opened in Butler county are said to produco GOO barrels a day. The de pression in prico, compared with the cost of boring wells, raises an iuteresting in quiry. A well lasts from five to six mouths, and the cost of boring it is from 58.000 to 510,000. One ot these new wells, therefore, at present prices, has to yield 500,000 gallous of oil to pay for the mere outlay incurred in boring; it. This leaves the business somewhat in the nature of a lottery. Only wells that produce largely can be made to pay at preset prices, and oil men say that the smaller ones nro run at a loss. There seems, however no such thing as the supply of petioleum being exausted. Whatever maybe the varying fortunes of the trade, this is not to be considered smong its risks. ' NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AUD HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers TooSj Lumbermens Tools In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. A FRST-GIASS tin shop5 Employing none hut first-class Workmen and nothing hut first- class material used. ' t o ' OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S- -tf. new DISCOVERY la Chemical and medical Science. Dr. B. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND ELIXIR FIRST AND ONLY POLfTTON crproade In one mixture of Al.l, TIIK TWELVE vuluable active principle of the well known curative agent, THEE TAIt, rXEQT'ALLED in Coughs, Colus, Catarrh, Asthma, JJronchitig, aud Consumption. CURES WITHOUT FAIT, A recent cold in three to six hours; and also, y ft VITALIZING, PURIFYING and 6TIMUJ.AT1NU effects upon the general system, is remarkably effica cious in all DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. Including Scrofula and Eruptions of the akin, Dy ' pepsia, Disease of the Liver and Kidneys, Heart 1), ease, and (ieneral Debility. ' ONE TRIAL. CONVINCES I pit. GARVIiVS VOLATILE SOLUTION TAR MEDICATED FOR, INHALATION. K7" A remarkably valuable discovery, which posi tively cure CATAItltH, BRONCHITIS, ASTHJIA, and all Diseases of the 1,'OSE, THROAT and LUNGS. THE COMPOUND TAB AXD MANDRAKE PILL, for use in connection with the ELIXIR TAR, is a combination of thu TWO most valuable ALT EE A TIVE Medicines known in the Profession, and ren ders this Till without inception the very beat ever ottered. Solution and Compound EUsir. JP JBotfto Tar and Mandrake Pills, 15cts per Box. Medicated Inhalation, S.Oo per Package. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CURES to your Druggist, or to L,. F. HYDE & CO., . BOLE PfiOPBIETOEB, 195 Seventh Ave., Neto York . TO liO OH C.1rt1SSEIl!i. A NEW WAV 01' BUKKINO A Subscription Book. CAN SELL THOUSANDS!! PLAIN HOME TALK Is plain talk about the body find its physical and social needs. Dr. E. 13. Foots, author of "Medical Couuuoa Sense," of Kb. 10 Lexington Ave., N. Y., who entertains everybody with his pen, and cures every body by his skill, is its author. In its thousand pages it answers a thiusund questions you don't want to go to your physician about. It is, as is stamped upon its cover, "a book for private and oonsid erate reading." Price $9.25. and sent, postage prepaid, everywhere. A beautiful original oliromo, mounted, "Throw Physio to thk Dous," worth $10, goes w ilh the book. No chroiuo without the boo k No book without the thromo. Address MUR RAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 129 East 2)th Street, New York u2 lUt. k . A . A 2 hot u IK1 or 4S t t HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- SEND FOR CATALOGUES or Novello's Cheap Music. I Kovello's Glees, Part Songs, etc., 6 to 12 ' .ml. Novcllo's Church Music, b lo 12 cents. .Novello's Octavo Edition of Operas. Price (1; or $2, bound in cloth, gilt edges. Novcllo's Octavo Edition of Oratorios. lu t oper from till cents to $1; cloth with gilt edges. $1 te $i each. Hovello's Cheap -Editions OF PIANO-FORTE CLASSICS. Bach's -18 Preludes and Fugnes, Cloth, !?o on. Beethoven's 39 Sonatas, ottud. Full gilt S3 50. licet'ioven's 81 Pino Pieces, bound. Full eilt, If 3 00. Elegantly Elegantly Chopin's Valsex. Stiff paper covers'. k0 Chopin's Polonaises 00 ilhopin s Nocturnes Chopin's Mazurkas Chopin's Ballads Chopin's Preludes 2 OO 2 OO 2 OO 2 i 2 CO Chnpm's Sonatas Mendelssohn's Complcto Piano Work". Elegant Folio Edition. Full gilt. Com plete in 4 volumes OO The Same. vo. Full gilt. Complete in 4 volumes $1-1 OO The Same. 8vo. Paper. Complete in 4 volumes $10 00. Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words. Folio Edition. Full gill $0 50. Octavo Edition. Full gill 8 50. Octavo Edition. Paper covers 2 50. Mozart's 18 Sona' as. Elegautly bound. Full gilt 3 00. Schubert's 10 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 3 00. Schuber's Dunce Complete. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 00. Schubert's Piano Pieces. Elegan ly bouud Full gilt OO. Suhunianu's Forest Scenes. Nine Easy Piccas. Paper covers MO cents. Schumann's Piano Forte Album. Ele gantly bound. Full gill 2 W. The Same. Paper covers 1 50. MOTHER" GOOSE, or Natiouai Nursery ltliyiiie-t. Set to Music by J. W. Elliott, with 65 beautiful Illustration engraved by the Ill-others Dntziel- lfcinnln $1.50. Splen didly bound in cloth, gill vilgos, $2.5U. ASK FOIt NOVELL' "3 EDMIOVS. Address i. L. PETE'.'.S, f90 Broadway. New York. Agent for Sovcllo's Cheap Mumc. :!2t9. Kmv'n J. KvANd&Co. N lT ItS H HYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YOIIK, l'KNS'.V 6&r"Cutalogucs Mailed lo Applieunta"Yjlia liefer (by permission) lo Hon, J. S, Black, Washingiou, D. C. Wkikkb, Son & Cabl, Bankers, Y ork, Pa. 2-Hmv. DAGUSCAH01IDA RAILROAD. From aud af.er Monday, Feb. 6th 1873. Traios will ruu on this lload as follows. I.onuea l'.irlow 7 30 a. ui.. arrives nt Da-rusoahouda Juurtioo 8 10 a. in., cod- Dectiog with Accoiu. east o i-t a. m., aou with Mail west at 9 15 a. in. f.puvfi? Dafuacahouda at 9 20 a. m. arrive at Earlcy 10 00 a. in. Leaves Earley 3 SO p. in., and arrives at lagus cahopda at 5 00 p. ra., eoQuectiug with Mail east at 5 09 d w. uod Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. u). Id case P. & h. trains are luto, Dugus cabonda traio holds twenty minutes be yond the above time. Tickets Bhould always be procured before leaving stations. 0. It. EABEY, Lc-wm THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY. HAVING THE LARGEST CIRUU- ATION, IT TS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY gri'irtca to the gtttcrtjsia of the people of (Slh Countjj, TERMS:..$2.00 PER YEAR. RUING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If yon want to sill anything, let the people know it through the AnvocATE, the great advertising medium. She Blh giDoqatq Job Printing Oflice, In the Court House, Ridgway, Pa. ' The teHt work done, and at the very lowest prices. Blubki kept constantly on hand at this office. (laud bills printed at tbehortcst notice Call in and get our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail protrptly attended to Addrebs, HENRY A. PARSONS, JR.', Ridgway Pa. 1 F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES.II- HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 'ROOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tho BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES H. HAGERTY. NEW LIVERV STABLE IN At WW I) DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittzcns of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started ft Liv ery Stable and will keep. . GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES d Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms. BtQHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention. Aug 20 1870. If. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. WB SEN1 AN EI.F.QANT CHBOMO, MOUNTED AND BKAHY FOR FRAMIMtl, l'REB 10 EVERY AUENT FOK Underground OR, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE t BY Til OS. If. KXOX. 912 Fagee Octavo. 133 Fine Engravings. Pelates lncidcts and Accidents beyond the Light of Day ; Startling Adventures in all parts of tho World ; Mines and Mode of Working tliem : liuaencurrenis or Society j OninbUng and its Horrors; Caverns and their Mysteries; Hie Dark Ways of Wick cdncss : Prisons and their Secrets ; lown in the Depths ofthe Sea ; Strange Stories of the Detection of Crime. The boolf trcots of experiences with brigands; nights iu opium dens and gamh linir hells; Lite in prison ; Stories of exiles; ndveniurcs among Indians ; journeys through. Sewers ap Cataeonibs; accidents in mines; pirtes and piracy ; tortures of the iuquesions ; wonderful burglars; un derworld of the great cilcis, Ice, etc. for this work. Exclusive territory given. A gen is can make $100 a neck iu scin this book. Send for circulars and terms to agents. J. II. Jim r & Hj tlc, HARTFORD, CONN., or CHICAGO, ILL. I advertise! BY MAIL 26 CENTS HGEO.RROVELLCOh U WWrt WWW I HEWYORKfr Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wctniore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V. Honk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Proihonotary Jc, Fred. Schoeniug. Treasurer C. It. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners Robt. Cuinpbell, John Burr, Qeo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wilnisley. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Keruer and Charles Mead. U. S. PATENT AGENCY, OFFICE 918 F St., Washington, D. C. G. J. FERRISS, SOLICITOR. The CHEAPEST and most reliable Pat ten Agency in Washington. Full particu lars. Address G. J. FERRISS, Box US, Washington, D. C ffHi Cyy 4 BUSINESS CARDS. A. RATH BUN, Ridgway, Pa. Attorney-atdaw, 2 2 If. J" W. BAILK1', attorney-at"law. vlni.,1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Act! dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. T) TJFUS LUCORK, Attorney-at-Law, XV Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office in it ail's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. jfEYNOLOS HOUSE, HEYNOLDSVILLE, JEFFEESONCO, FA. II. 8. BELNAP, Psopriktoe . J. S. BORSWELL,U.X). Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Main it. Kulgwny, ra,, In the second story of the new brick building of John O. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Office hours: 8 to 9 a- n: 1 to 3 p. m. 7 8 p, m. jan U 7a GO. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutist corner of Alain and Mill streets, Kidgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. Vln3y. Tin S. HARTLEY', M. D., Physician ana Surgeon, Kidgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office house from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on corr.erof South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vlnl'yl. (1HARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Kidgway, Pa. Agent for tbe Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis actioa guaranteed. vlnly. rpiIAVEH HOUSE, X K1LEY it UKO., Proprietors. cor. Mill aud Centre Sis., Kidgway, Pa. The proprietors lake this method of an nouncing to the public that the have re til ted, " revised, aud improved, this well known hotel, aud are prepared to eulerlain all who lavor them wuu lueiv patronage, id the best style uud at low rules. Uood stabling attached. v3n(ilf. HYDE HOUSE, llinowAY, Elk Co., Pa. W. H. SC11RAM, 1'roprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying Btrict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, lo merit a continuance oi the name. Ott 30 18ti!t. rjMIE OLD BLCKTA1LS HOTEL, I Kane, McKeuu Co., Ptt K. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Tliaukl'ul lor the patronage herelofoie so liberally bestowed upou hi in, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention lo the cuinlorl and convenience of guests, lo merit a continuance of the same. The only stables lor horses iu Kane and well kept uiglit or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. vluliSyl. HAL.L, & 13UO Attorneys at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELK COCHTY PKKSYLYAUIA. JO. IN U. It ALL ..JAS. K. V. MALI K ERSEY HOUSE, C tNThSviLLE, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, 1'ioprictor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so libcrilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention lo the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the same. JAM.S PENFIELD, (Succ sor to W. C. Healy,) DEALER IN LEY GOODS, J ; i KI33, F&OTISICm PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. v3n"tf. West End, Ridgway, l'a. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGRAPHER AND DCALKU IN Cbrouios, Stereoscopic Views, Picture Frames, &.O. WEST END, KIDGWAY', ELK CO. PA vilulitf. RED. sCUOEMNa, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC ROOKS. Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothouotary's Office, Kidgway, Pa. vJnJotf. P. W. HAYS, UEAL1K IN Ery Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley I. o. vlu47if. ( EW STAGE ROUTE. J. C. Proprietor. Tbe subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between REYNOLDSVILLE & BROCKWAY VILLE has placed on that road a line of hacks Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in Reynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the arrival of the Broo villa stage, aud returu the same day. These hacks counect at Brockwayville with the Kidgway stages, making connection with trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and west. Every attention to tbe comfort o patrons of this line will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. ia-7itt.