THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1873. Car Time at IKdgtcay. Erie Express East 2:04 a. m. 2:3!) a. m. 5:00 p. m. 2:28 a. m. 8.65 a. m. 0:20 p. in. do (In Wool do Mail Enst An An VaJ ovo Accommodation Enst do do West elk lodge, a. y. m. The slated meetings f Elk Lolgs, No. 579. nre held nt their hall, corner of Main na Depot streets, on the sccona nnaiourtn D. 15. DAY, Secy. Hates of Advertising. Oneili iliimn. ntiA vpar S75 00 J ' ' 40 00 t i .i t 2C0 I ' I " 13 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, 'vine insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, JTnree insertions. $2. Business (sards, ten lines or les, per year $5. 1 Marriage lind Death notices inserted gratis. f Advertiser, est s payable quarterly. ' idlj r Jon work solicited at this office. Heayv fall of rain yesterday. See Fred. Schoeuiog & (Vs. new ad vertisement this week. Blackberries promise to be abund ant iu tbis section this season. Sheriff Oyster advertises a num ber of articles for sale in anotber column. Huckleberries are selling bere at 15 cents a quart. Eapberrios at 20 and cherries at 16. Good Sawing. 70,150 feet of lum ber was sawed at N. 15. Lane s mill at Blue Rock, July 4th, with one circular saw in eleven aud one-half hours. The logs were not selected. Williamspokt has a match factory with a producing capacity of 103,080, 000 matches per day of ten hours When in full operation about loity men and boys will be employed, V'ynant S. Wilson carried off the Iionors p the competitive examination of candidates for the appointment to West Point fro m this district the Nine teenth. Mr. WVlson is a resident of Ediuboro, Erie county. There were but three contestants. Turnip Seed. Just received G lbs. Fresh and Genuine Early Butch White Flat, White Flat lied Topped Im proved, Purple Topped Yellow Iluta liago Turnip Seed at BLAKELY'S. St. MarvV Call and get a pamphlet "What I Loow about Turnips" by I). Landseth. Drowned.- Ou July 10th, Joseph Buitana, while cngnged putting iu logs at the Thompson Mill, Fos Township, this county, was accidentally drowned. Esquire Peter Thompson, Peter Ilort inger, John Moiscr, Jacob McCauley, Hays Kyley and John Cuueo, held an inquest and returned a verdict in ac cordanee with the facts. Deceased was tin Italian about twenty-one ycurs of ago. An exchange which is in favor of putting onions to some use suys: "To keep flies off picture frames, etc., boil four onious in a pint of water, then with a ohai brush wash your frames over iu this liquid, and the flics will nut light upon them. The onion will not injure tho frames, and the odor soon disappears. It is better than unsightly gauze covers to your pictures. The Science of Health for Aug ust is an excellent number; opening with an illustrated article on the Care of the Feet; The Confessions of the late Sir EJwnrd Lytton Bulwer is given; Sios Against the Body; an excellent ar ticle on Green Corn, giving a dozen or more modes of preparing this univer sally used article of food; Causes and Cure of Summer Complaints; Health Resorts in America; Signs of Madness in Dogs; and a variety of other rich reading, including Answers to Corres pondents. Terms ?2.00 a year. A new Vol. began with July. Sent six months on trial for 81,00. S. R. Wells, Pub lisher, 389 Broadway, New York. The Undeveloped West. We -have received from the National Fub lishiDg Company, Philodelphia, Speci men pages of The Undeveloped West or Five Years in the Territories. Being a description of that vast region between the Mississippi and Paoi&c, its resources, climate, inhabitants, natural curiosities, etc, eto. Life and Adventures on Prarics, Mountains, and the Pacifio Coast. With 244 fine illustrations, from original sketches and photographio views, of the scenery, cities, lands, mines, people and cariosities of the Great West. By J. II. Beadle, West ern Correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, and Athor of "Life in Utah," eto. The work promises to be one of great value and absorbing in terest. To the Public: Feeling that I have deeply wronged certain persons by the statements 1 have mndo since my arrest, nncl wishing to correct nny falso accusa tions niado by mc, I tako this method of doing so and giving the reasons which in duced mo to do so. When I was first arrested, nfter tho sudden death of Sir. Scott, 1 was fright ened, and do not remember what I said or done. But, after being confined in jail, I was induced by ono professing to bo my IvieiHl to mako statements entirely false, believing that by so doing I could regain my own liberty at once, being told that I could bo released in two days if 1 implicated persons ill the crime with which 1 was charged. Believing this, 1 stated Joseph Woodward had tried to induco me to poi son Mr. Scott, which was falso. And after tho failure to aircst Woodward, tin der the same promise I made a statement which caused tho arrest of William Stur devant, who is, so far as I know, innocent ol any crime. 1 liese statements wcro niado contrary to the advice of my counsel, who told mo to havo nothing to say about the matter to nny persons. But this professed friend said ho could help mo more than any other person if I would follow his ad- vieo. 1 have since learned mat tins w;is dono to cct statements from mo which could bo used in cvidenco against inc. I was basely imposed upon and bribed by promises to mako statements entirely false, being told by this person that any thing I said to him could not bo used against mc. (Signed; MKS. KOENA. A. SCOTT. The Fire Fiend. V rent Destruction of I'rnnertu m J-.mnonum. Loss orcr $30,000. On Tuesday morning about 3:15 our citizens wcro nnmscd from their slumbers by the alarm of fire, which proved to be "Cook s block. 1 lie names spread so rapidly before any assistance could be had, that a number ol our best business stands wero destroyed, as follows: .lohn Campbell s hardware Store, J. Dcubler's tailoring establish ment., V. J. Godwins photo, rooms, Uelontr Dillon s drug store, 1 he Cam eron Herald, X. 1). -Veiscretui's boot, and, Mrs. Hitchcock s millinery store, L. Taggart s drug store and the nostoflicc: also tho following private families wero burned out: John Ander son, Dubler, M. T. Ilornn, Mr. Gallop, V. D. White, W. J. Godwin, n. I. lag gart, JohnS. Douglas, Wm. jlonison and Geo. IvimbalL Everything was burned from Xarby's shop on timid street, to I'enny's block on Fourth street. The fire is supposed to bo the work of an incendiary and started in J. Dubler's store, himself and family just escaping m time to save their lives. Two brakenien were the first to notice the fire and give tho alarm. jluch credit is due the men and hoys who worked to keep the llames from the Biddle llouso and the buildings on the east sido of Broad Street. Had the Bid dlo llouso caught iiro tho whole business portion of tho town would have been de stoyed. What pnzstlcs the minds of those burned out is where they will find places to live and do business as there is not a vacant room in Emporium. Tho number of business firms and private families turned out is nineteen. All the mail matter was saved from the postofiico. and locked up in Putzcl's store, together with drugs, -c. , saved from Tg' trait's store. Mr. Sweazcy gave Mr. Taggart the use of two rooms in his hotel, and bv 0 o'clock Tuesday evening the post ollieo was again in running order. Jr. Allard save Delong A- Eillon part of his store. Where the balance of the linns will find room wo are unable to say. An old chap at Oil City, Pa , likely to die, has burned up sixteen taousani dollars that there miy be no fiuarreliiig over his will. Norwegian girls, who have been doing kitchen work in Iowa at S-J.fiO a week, arc hiring out to work in t lie harvest fields at from 82 00 to $3.00 per day. stT m a iirs adve u t is k mT: n t. . PASSAGE TICKETS TO Oil 1'UOM Queenstown cr Liverpool, G-lascow oi" Doiry, ALSO TO AND FKOM LONDON', TO ST. MARY'S. Steerage from New Yoik 29 00 " to " " ol 00 From New York to St. Mary's 8 00 I HAFTS FOR MONEY. l'AYABLE IN ENGLAND, IRELAND, AND SCOTLAND AT LOWEST HATES WAY BE HAD FKOM JAMES BLAKELY, Offico at the Book Store, Centre St. ST. MARY'S PENN'A. nl0t3. U. S. PATENT AGENCY, OFFICE 018 F St., Washington, D. C. " G. J. FERRISS, SOLICITOR. The CHEAPEST nnd most reliable Pat t en Agency iu Wellington. Full particu lars. Address G. J. FERRISS, Box 05, Washington, D. C. St. Cloud Hotel" CORNER NINTH ANP F STREETS, WASHINGTON, I). C. On the American and European plant. The nio st crntrial ation in lie City. Opposite the Patent Office, Masonio Temple and one block from General Post Office De partment. The F and Ninth Street Cars, comnmnicatiii); with the Cupitol, Execu tive Mansion, Treasury, War and Navy De partments and the Ii. & O. oud 11. & P De pots, puss the door. N. B. Take F-Strcet Cars at B. & O. Depot and get out at 9th street. Take itth street Cars at B. & P. Depot and get out at F street. J. E. LYON, Prop. 3rCnt this out.-fl THE NATIONAL CAPITAL ADVERTISING AGENCY OF WASMAGTOX, D. a CQy Advertisements inserted in papers in every section of the country. tSfRates Lower than those of any other agency in the United States. JgyAdvertisers will consult their own best in'erest by addressing FENNYWITT, BENNETT & CO., Box U15, Washington, 1). C. Hew Advertisements. II ALL fc uVVAULEY, Attorney s-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St., Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3u!2lf. "1TTANTEB, Apeiits nnd Peddlers lor our PRESS AND ST HA IN lilt Presses and strains jams, herbs, vegetables, lard, tallow, meats, cheese, &o. Every family wants it. Sewing Machine and other established agents are finding this very profitable. Circulars tree. LittlehclU & Dame, AO. 102 Nashitiglon St., nostou, Mass. nl2-l8 ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that I will expose to sale at Public Auction on SATURDAY, JULY 2Gth, 1873. at 10 o'clock, a. m., at tho Coal Shalt, in Earlcy, Elk Co,, Pa. 2 Cold tinsels, 1 Machinists ham- m in i i . I ' : . t. mcr. 2 lias longs. I jjiacKsmun Tones. 1000 lbs. Iron, more or less. 2 Empty bbls. 3 galls tar, more or less. 12 icet gas pipe 1-incli. IU leet gas pipe U iuch. 1 X-cut saw. 1 square. I pumps lU-inoh. 1 pump 4-nicn. i rindstone. 1 anvil. 1 sledge. 1 hammer. 50 leet irum hose. I set tneklo blocks, o") feet sheet gum. 1 office desk, o five dozen bolts. 2 second-hand shovels. 1 set ticket stamps. 00 feet 3-inch rope. 22 mining cars. 1 ton hay, more or uss. 8 Patent Engine Packings, 2 Unions H-iuch. 10 iuch steel ljxlj-inch. 5 J-loot steel octagon. 1 Case of Draft ing instruments. 1 Compass. 3 Stoves. 2 Coal liods. 1 Ruler. 2 t fliee Chairs. 8 lbs. Metalic Packing. 12 bushels Corn, more or Iocs. o3 bushels Oats, mote or lefs. GU0 Props, more or less. 12 leet 10-inch Cast Pipe. 1 Coal Screen. I Pinch-bur. 50 leet 5 iuch Cast Pipe. 1 R lrog and chains. 1 pair Sleighs. 2 sets double trees 1 Wagon. 2 Mules, with harness. 1 manure fork. 2 neck yokes. 1 Log Chain. 800 Tons Slack Coal, more or less. 4 Monkey Wrenches. 1 Scicw Plate, with Taps and Dies. 1 Gas Tap 1-inch. 2 Gas Stocks. The property of The Toby Creek and Philadelphia Coal and Oil C"inpuuv. 3). C. OYSTER, Assignee. Ridgway, July 15, 7:5. IDGWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Annual j:c2ort of Directors. TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. DR .Tune 1, 1872. School. Building To bal . iu Treasury at date To cash from County Treasurer To cash from State 117 11 011 42 1G3 GS 1Q7 50 98 10 1,014 71 014 42 api'iopi lauon .. . . To cah from H. II. Wcnsel, coll'r, 1871 To cash from J. Pow ell, collector, 1872. To cash collected by Treasurer Powell, seated tax, 1872. . . To cash collected by Treasurer Powell, unseated tax, 1872. June 7, 1873. Balance overpaid the Sfliool Fund bv Treas. iJowcll 50 80 037 00 303 00 208 43 131 22 583 VI $2,910 17 $2,030 80 CR. By am't bonds & int. paid on Bidgway school building. . . . By commission on hainc y School Fund paid out 2,853 11 By commission on samo C7 00 Balance due Building Pund 2,233 23 44 70 350 81 2,910 17 $2,(139 80 TABULAR STATEMENT. To total amount of Treas. receipts, to wit: School tax 2.320 20 Building tax.... 2,039 80 $1,900 M By paid teach ers, viz: Jliss Lucy Horton, '72 70 00 L. 1). Rock well, 1872. . 300 00 Miss A. P. Taylor, '72. 150 00 " '73. 300 00 Miss P. Lane, 1872 100 00 Miss M. I. Avery, '72. 50 0) " '73. 105 00 F. II. Um- hollz. 1873. 500 00 Mrs. May E. Senium, '73 200 00 Miss Thorpe, 1873 103 00 Miss L. E. Card . . . r. . 103 00 Mrs. Mattio Buglo 40 00 Miss Martin. 110 00 2,200 50 FUEL AND CONTINOENC1E3. ' Paid Elk Ad vocate for print, rules and regula tions Paid for ink for school wells Paid for solar 5 00 5 30 charts Paid for iri- 10 50 mary charts Paid for mak ing out du plicate Paid W. C. Ilealy for brooms, pail, etc., '71 and '73. Pd. for print ing lasty'rs 2 10 10 00 8 G5 report, txc. Paid C. E. Bcman for ink furuis'd Paid Geo. L. 11 00 1 00 M' Cracken coal bill, '73 101 37 Paid F. Wil niarth, coal nt Johnson burg 80 00 Paid for pu pils' reports aud class records..., 10 00 Paid 3. Bhuto for painting bl'k boards 2 50 Paid for slat ing for bl'k boards 5 23 Pd. for clean ing houses nnd out houses, '71 and '72.... 22 00 Paid for hauK ing coal nt Johnsoub'g 6 00 Paid W. 8. Servico & Co. for stoves, nt Ridgway & Gardner's . 71 01 Tain N. Gard ner for fuel nnd clean'g house 18 00 Paid for nd- vort i s i n g Trciva. ac't for 1872... . 8 00 Pd. B. F. Ely for hauling coal, 1872.. 10 50 Td for print'g tax notices 3 00 Paid for post ago to send tax notices by mail. ... 1 00 BECllETAHIEs' SALARIES. Paid H. Lit tle in full for 1872.... 50 00 Paid C. E. 350 24 Roman, one half for '73. 25 00 75 00 BENTS AXD BEPAlltfl. rd. B.F. Ely for sidcw'lk plank and hauling, '72 Paid school house rent, 72, John sonbiirg.. . . 53 50 18 07 laid repairs to furnace, R i d g w a y sch'l house, 1872 81 90 Paid Powell it Kime re- pa 1 r ti x -tares 1809 to 1873 PaidN.Gard i:er, repair ing hmiKO and bnild'g out house.. 44 13 14 00 107 37 NEW BUILDINGS. Paid bonds tc interest on R i d g w a y building. . . COLLECTION FEES. Collector and Treas. Pow ell's foes. . . Balance due Tieasu re r Powell .... 227 10 2,238 23 101 82 5,193 10 $5,193 10 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ASSETTS. Bal. due from II. II. Wensel, collector, 1872, about 130 00 Bal. duo from tax pavers' tax of year ending June, 1873. 1,001 80 Bal. duo on Judgment vs. Ely & Messenger 287 71 Bal. due on Judgment vs. Ovorholtzei;... 891 08 Bui. duo on duplicate of P. Malono, 1S71, bout 75 00 59 LIAI1II.ITIES, Salaries due teachers for whiih no orders have been issued, to wit: Mi. Mattio Buglo 170 00 Mrs. .May E. Sehram.... 25 00 Miss Helen Martin 175 00 Miss Lucy Horton.... 70 CO F. II. I'm- holtz 350 00 Miss A. P. -Taylor .... 225 00 1,015 00 Outstanding orders duo teachers: Mrs. Mattio Bugle 170 00 Mrs. May E. Sehram... . 200 00 Miss Helen i'lil I llll .... Mil 'U Miss Lucy Horton.... 35 00 431 00 Building Debt. Bond for bal. due S. Jack son ,V Co. for Ridg way school house 1000 00 Two y'rs int. on same. . . 120 00 1,120 00 DueG.L. M'Craeken for coal lor 1873... 170 41 Due C E. Bcman, bal. one-half secre tary's salary, 1873. 23 00 $3,701 41 Excess of assetts over liabilities, $ 004 18 Ovcrholtzer jndgment of 891 08 sup posed to bo worthless, in which event tho li:iliilit ics would pveopd apscta $'.?8ft 00 Whole number of schools taught 5 Whole number scholars taught, to wit: Ridgway Males. Females. Total. Primary.... 45 87 83 T,,t,.,.,,,n,li.,t !!7 1rt K Primary.... 45 87 83 Intermediate.. 37 10 53 Uppermost grado 80 30 GO 118 63 201 .Tohnsonburg 15 19 84 Gardner's 11 0 17 Whistletown 9 8 17 Mill Creek 9 0 15 103 122 284 Pro rata cost of tuition per capitum et dium, or cost of each scholar for one day's schooling during current school year: Pvpils, Months. Per Day. Ridgway .Tohnsonburg. Gardner's. . , . Whist letown . Mill Creek... 201 8i 61 cts. 84 17 17 15 G 6 6 3 43 9 0; 10: 284 29J Average per centum of attendance in the entire district .' 71 SALARIES PAID. Principal Ridgway school, per month f 100 00 Three female assistants, Ridg way school, per month, each . . 50 00 Four female rural district teach ers, per month, each 33 03 Attest C. E. BEMAN, Seo'y. Ridgway, Juno 2d, 1873. FRED. SOHOENING & CO. Law, Commercial, Book, and Stationers. EIDGirAY, ELK CO., 1L DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW HLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KI.MDS AND PRICES. Vstcrbrook'a Celebrated Sleet iens the Ilrst Trtrff. All Kinds of Job Printing done iu the Rest Style aud at Low 1'iiccs. LETTER, NOTE, AND RILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & KIME. ! A. MAMMOTH STOCK! Firmly believing that tie world moves, and that the demands of the public are con stantly increasing, the proprietors of the (Snmtl 2nfrLal JStorc have just returned from the eastern and western cities with the most perlcct and complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERYDKSCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING V they do not keep, aud they have t t t . aOSOIUlCI? BROKEN THE PACK BONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored. Just published; a new edi tion of Dr. Culverwkil's Celebratko Essay on the radical cure (with out medicine) of SrERMATOKBHffi or Semi nal weakness. Involuntary Seminal Lo seas Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapac ity, Impediments to Marriage, etc; also, Consumption. Epilepsy and Fits, induced bv self induleence or sexual extravagance Cj"Frice in a sealed envolope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirab.e essay, olearlv demonstrates trom a tlnrty yearn' praotice, that the alarmininbg cons' auences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of inter nal medicine or the application of theknit'ej nointinir out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effsctual. by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be can cure nimselt cheaply, private lv. nd radically. (fofThis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the lanu, Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, potlpard ou receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's 'Marriage Guide," price 60 cents. Address the Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE 4 CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 4 tab. 8 and General Job Printers, 1JTICA " STEAM ENGINE (Foumeelt Wood tc 2Lum.) Q STATIONARY S PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Best & Hlost Complete Assortment iu tho Market Theae Etiffinof hnve always maintained tho very highest etnndurd of excellenoo. AVe make the tnanufacturo of Engines, Hoilcra nnd Baw Mills a specialty. We have thelaiycHt uml mewt complete works of the kind in the country, with machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process lnne numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prices nnd on tho nhortest notice. Wo build Eninnca specially adapted to Mines Sow Millts Grist Mills, i Tanneries, Cotton Uinn, Threshers and all classes of iaaDufucturirtr. I We are now building the celebrated Lane Circa larSaw Mill, the beat and moat complete feaw mill ever invented. t We make tho manufacture of Saw Mill outfits a special feature of our businetis, uud can furnish complete on the shortest notice. 4 Our aim in all cases is to furnish the best ma chinery in the market, and work absolutely un equal od for beauty of desitrn, economy and strength Send fur Circular and Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. rxicA, w. T, JOHN' W. PKAZEH, A '1' T t) R N R Y-A T-L A W AND FV.liciti'rs of Patents, No. !M0 Seventh St., WASHINGTON, D. C. INYKNTOIW iiiul others interested in Patent. Rusinrss should address EUSOX liUOS., IV.ieiit Lawyers end .Solicitors, l-'i'.l Mh St., Wasliingluii, D. C , for Advico and Circular. 1." we report an invention patentable wc arc willinf; lo wait lor our leo until a pat ient is allowed. I cheerfully crinnicnd lo nil persons who have. Imsiness in the l'nitcnt Otlice firm of Edson Bros., ns pei.tleinen of prompt busi ness hahits, and iu every respect worthy of lonfidenre. Hon. 1J. P. Hom.oway. I concur in the Dove. l. c Iueakbh. EXTEAOFFEE! Second Bistribuiiosi The Chromo "Cute" elegantly framed and a share in the DISTRIBUTION of bTiO Premiums amounting to $i l,O00. GIVEN AWAY TO Every subscriber to that Popular Weekly. Our Fireside Friend. Chromos are delivered nt once. The dis tribution will POSITIVELY take place on the TWENTIETH DAY OF AUGUST, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THKEE. OUR CHROMO "CUTE" is 1G20 inches in size, acknowledge! to be the finest nnd handsomest picture ever given with a paper. OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND is ao eight page illustrated family and story weekly in its third volume, lias now over Sh bNlr FIVE THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS, and rapidly increasing which insures the sue cess of the present distribution. The nub lishers of Our Fireside F'ricnd have sent to its subscribers this year over SEVENTY THOUSAND copies ot tho Chromo "Cute" snd are shipping hundreds every day, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, THREE DOL LARS PER YEAR, which gives the sub scribers FIFTY-TWO numbers of the best Family Weekly,' tho chromo "CUTE" finely framed, and a numbered CERTIFICATE entitling the holder to one share in the dis tribution of premiums for 1873. Subscribe now with the agent or send direct to the Publisher. SPECIMEN COPIES, particu lars, etc., sent free. A P "lATTQ Either local oi nJl LX L kJJ canvassing m WANTEDS town. cash pay and the best ou iu. Send at once for terms. Act. ins OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND, Chicago, 111. RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AUD ERIE BAILKOAD, WINTER TIME TABLlf. ON and after SUNDAY, OCT. 27 1873, the trains on the Philadelphia It trie Kailroad will run as follows) wertwako. Mail Train leaves 40 p.m. " " Ilidgway - p. m. It (I nvriea nt Kl-ffi 7.5fi D. 111. Erie Exp loaves Philadelphia... it. 40 p. m. Kiitgway z.oij a. iu. " arrive nt Erie 7.45 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Keuova,...2.10 p. ra Kidgway,..o. zup. m. nrr at Kane 7.30p. m. EASTWARn. Mft'.l Train leaves Erie 11.85 a. m. . " Hidgway 6.00 p. m. " " arrive at l'hilad'a... 6.6o a. m. Erie Express leaves Eric 9.06 p. m. m. m. ridgway... a. " " arrat Philadelphia.. 8.80 p. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.65 a. m. " Ilidgway... o.ot a. m. " nrr at Hcnovo 12.30p.m. Mail EiiBt cohuects cast and west at Erie with L 6 M S 11 W and at Corry and Ir vineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny It R W. Mail West at Corry and Irvinetou with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R R W. Warren Accommodation EaBt and West with truina on L. S. & M. S. R. W. cast and west nud ivt Corry with O. C. & A. R. R. W. Erie Accommodation East nt Corry and West tit Corry and Irvintton with O. C- & A. tt. R. W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Ocu'l Sup't. GUAND OPENING Wiu'er Arrangement BUFFALO, N'EW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time Tabic adopted SATURDAY, March 1, 1873. Traius depart, from and arrive at I lie liutl'alo, New l ork & Philadelphia lUilwuy depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER MARCH 1, 1873, UN TIL further notice, Trains will run as follows: LEAVING BUFFALO 7:10 a. m. Local Freight nnd passenger, arriving at Emporium at 6.10 p. in. 1J:00 ni. Philadelphia Mail arriving at Emporium at U:O0 p. in. i!:0 p. m. Local Freight nnd passenger, arriving at Olcnu at 8:05 p. m. 6.1H) p. in. Accommodation ar riving at Olciin at 8.20 p. m. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 1.10 p. ni. Mail Arriving at Buffalo at 7.10 p. in. 7.0U a, in. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving at i'utlalo i.t 5.60 p. m. LEAVE OLEAN. 5.15 a. m. Accommodation arriving at liullr.lo at 8.'J a. in. 7.-') a.m. Local Freight and passenger, nrrivi'm at Kuiiulo at 1.1(1 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave lluflalo at 10.00 a. m., arriving at Oleau nt 1.10 p. m. Leave Olean at '2A'i p. fti., m'riviag at Lliititilo t 0.00 p. m. Passengers lor llenovo, Lock Haven, Ct'illmmsport and intermediate points on the Philadelphia & Eric Railway leave liull'alo at. 12 in., arriving at Emporium at (j. p. in., Renovo at 8.30 p. m. Lock Haven nt 0.40 p. m. and Williamsport nt 11.05 p. m. Leave Williamsport. 8.30 a. m., Lock Haveu at 0.40 a. m., Renovo at 11.05 a. m., Emporium at 1. 10 p. ni., arriving nt Buffalo nt 7.10 p. in. ' For list of Stnsre Connections at Ticket Ollices. UulLilo Omnibus Line running from all rains. H. L. LYMAN, Ocu'l Tass Ag't. J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent.- NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Feb. 21th, 1873. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R, R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHIL'A. & ERIE R. R. OOI NO SOUTH. Buffalo Exjiress leaves Corry at 11 10 a m Leivcs Irvtncton. 7 68 am Arrives at Pittsburgh 855 p m 6 20 p m 6 15pm 6 16am 6 10 a m 0 05 p m 4 65 p m 0 30 p in Niclit Express Leaves Irvinelon. Night Express leaves Corrv Arrives at Pittsburgh Day Express leaves Corry Arrives at Pittsburgh Oil City Accom. leaves Oil City Arrives at isruuy a Rend ooiNa Nonm. iJiiaio express leaves Pittsburg at 7 50 a tn arrives nt i. orry " " Irviueton (i 25 p m 8 50 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh BOOp m Arrives at Lorry o oo a m 1) 54 p m 12 lOp m " " Irvincten Day Express leaves Pittsburgh Arrives at Corrv 10 4o p m Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 40 am arrives Hi uu tuy 1100am Connections made at Corry nnd Irvine tou for points on the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Valley Rtil Road. Pullman Pallaco Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gca. Supt. DAGUSCAH0NDA EAILE0AD. From and af;er Monday, Feb. 6th 1873. Traius will run on this Road as follows. Leaves Earlcy 7 30 a. m., arrives at DaguscuhouJa Junction 8 10 a. m.,con nocting with Accotn. east 8 14 a. m. aai with Mail west at 9 15 a. m. Leaves Pa'uscahonda at 9 20 a. m arrives (U Earlcy 10 00 a.m. Leaves Earlcy 3 30 n. m and arrivne nt Tloi.a. cahonJa at 5 00 p. w., connecting with Mail east at 5 09 p. in-, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. in. In case P. & E. trains are late, Darius cahonda train holds twenty miDutes""be yond tho above tinio. Tickets should always be procured before leaving stations. C. R. EAREY, Lestse. JOB PRINTING. Cards, Billheads, Letterheads, Note- hedd, Tags, Envelopes, eto., neatly printed at the ADVOCATE office Court House, Ridgway, Pa. '