The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 20, 1873, Image 4

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The niolt of time Wrinkles.
Voicu Of the night S'cat.
Di'ties are ours, events are God's.
Thb real yellow faver Greed for iroid.
Nothing Is so hard but search will And
It out. ,'
Something that doesn't mind pinching
Society makes kings or beggars, but
nature makes men.
The eight wealthiest men in New Or
leans are retired butchers.
Twenty thousand strangers have visit
ed Florida thus far this season.
It Is said that Iron can be made cheaper
In Tennesste than in Pennsylvania.
"Love Is an eternal transport." The
same migtt be said of canal boats.
It Is estimated that Kansas will add
o,w) to her population this year.
Florida has only 400 Indians left, an
Isn't particular about keeping those.
PEorLR who are always wishing fo
something new should try neuralgia.
" Great is bankruptcy," says Carlyle
"it brings an end to all shams under the
Prentice said that Daniel was the only
man ever lionized without growing vain
about It. i
Can a civil engineer Inform us how It
is that the mouths of rivers are larger than
their heads ? .
Why is a philanthropist like an old
horse? Because ho always stops at the
Twenty-two nrrsnna worn riiii-nnrl rin.
ring 187?, in the city of Brooklyn, by the
use of bad kerosene oil.
Yon need not tell all the truth unless to
inose who nave a light to know it all
run ict an you ton be true.
The man who attevnnt1 tn wViUfln a
bar of soap has injured his voice by trying
ij owg u slave uu a iuoinsses c&K.
ins tale-bearer and the tale-hearer
snouiu no ootn hanged up, back to back,
one by the tongue and the other by the
An editor triumphantly exclaims, "Man
shall not live by bread alone." and then
acknowledges the receipt of a jug of "old
Sir. a woman's preaching Is like a dog
BiuituiiiK ins uinucr legs, it is not
oone well, but you wonder to see it done
at ail. Johnson.
California housewives describe soda
as "that 'ere stuff which you put in bis
cuits 10 mane -em get up ana ureciiin
Dcnu themselves."
Josn Billings says : Yu kantflnd con
tentment laid down on the map ; it iz an
imaginary place not settled yet ; and those
reach it soonest who throw away their
compass and go it blind.
From a record of the fall of snow, kept
i'.v n KtMiucuian who resiues in nenion,
Mich., and measuied after every snow
inn, ine total iau oi snow on a level thus
lar, is not less than ten feet.
Nearly all the officers of Victor Eman
uel's household are furnished with Amer
ican wives. A heavy tariff should be
placed upon such exportations, as the
women are needed " out lYest."
"James," said a young wife to her hu
uiiuu u icw uays alter marriage, "you
were houest enough to tell mu that the
chimney smoked, but why didn't you tell
me uiiiL j uu snioKeu yoursen r '
A PHYSICIAN of Jacksonville. Til.. nrs
that lie has learned by actual and repeated
experiments that electricity, nronerlv an-
plied, will effect a cure incases of cerebro
spinal meningitis or spotted fever.
The boy that recommended a few drops
vi fiitui-Kf j-iu on sugar ior me cniia 01 dis
quietude has his match in another who,
tmcr sueeessiuiiy spelling "chicanery,"
uenncu id to De a "large coop to raise
A poet asks, "Where are the dead, the
vanished dead, who trod the eartli that
now we treat! ?" ff we were to miik n
random guess, we should say the most of
tlwirv, .1, 1. ..I. f i. .
wiuicu iijuiigu mis may nut ue
mo ngui answer.
Nothing makes a shy man feel more
shy than an overdone cordiality. Peo
ples' manner should show their Wind feel
ing, but not puzzle you how to make a
return. A eulogium by manner is
almost as embarrassing as a eulogium by
I have known a vast quantity of non
sense talked about bad men not looking
you in the face. Don't trust that conven
tional Idea. Dishonesty will stare hon
esty out of countenance any clay in the
week, if there is anything to be got by
it. Dickens.
The aged but astute Illinois farmer
keeps no barometer, nor does he put his
trust in the ground-hog, but he knows
when spring approaches, by seeing his
sons who have arrived at manhood, pre
pare to leave home, after a winter of
"sponging" on the old man.
The days of superstition are not yet
over. In the Pennsylvania Ilouse of Rep
resentatives, the other day, a bonrd of
thirteen were objected to because it was
an " unlucky number." It was changed
to eleven. The "old original thirteen
States" were a pre'ty good start for the
Republic, notwithstanding the oddity of
the number.
TnE corporate bodies and citizens of
Philadelphia have already contributed
upward of two million dollars toward the
Centennial Exhibition to be held in that
city in 1876. Congress Is expected to
vote an appropriation, and all the States
will contribute. It may be interesting to
mention that the expenses of the Vl nna
Exhibition are estimated at seven million
A more or less worthy Scotch wife was
remonstrated with by her minister for her
habit of beating her. husband. She ex
plained that her husband's conduct was
not all that It ought to be. The minister,
recommending kindness and forgiveness,
enjoined her no more to use her fists and
nails, but to " heap coals of fire upon his
head." " Weel minister," replied the
now enlisrhtened wife, " since you say sae,
I'll try the coals, but I may tell ye that
twa or thn e kettles o' boiling water hae
wrocnt nae improvement."
Some of the most distinguished clergy
men and scholars of New ork have form
ed an organization known as the Oriental
Topographical Corns, the obiect of whinh
is to "gain a more extensive knowledge
i me piaues mentioned lnuiDie nistory."
The chief field of operations of the corps
will be the valleys of the Nile, Tigris, and
jMipnrates, anu other uitmcal places in
Africa, Arabia, and Asia Minor; and they
are on me point or dispatching an expe
dition to tne noiy i,anu. The corps is a
business organization, with a capital of
live hundred thousand dollar.
Great Britain and Ireland.
It appears that the census return for
Great Britain and Ireland, as heretofore
published, are not quite accurate. The
enumeration of the people was made all
over the United Kingdom on one and the
same day, namely, April 3, 1871. The re
vised returns shew some errors. Thus,
it has hitherto been set down that the en
tire population of the British Isles, in
1871, was 32,817,108, against 29,070,032 in
1861 ; whereas it was a trifle less, namely
31,628,388. These returns show that Ire
land had decreased 6.7 per cent, in the
last ten years. The Uil ted States popu
lation, by the census of 1870, was 38,556,-
oo, as against tnat 01 isuu, which was
31,443,321 : but it must be rememhernd
that within that decade were four years of
very uestructive civil war, which must
have swept away nearly two millions of
auic-uuuieu men. witnout tins depletion
population in 1870 would have been
?Vr'eV.greater tnan that of England in
1871. 1 he corrected census returns show
the area of South Britain (England and
Wales) to be 37,319,221 statute acres. It
2?'? i0081 estimated at from 28,
000,000 to 40,000,000. but the above is tte
result of a recent survey. Forney's Press.
. A Millionaire Fancier.
Mr. Al.niCW n nrnnrvrnt tVia TMnl.
dent of the Pacific Mail Steamship Com
pany, over whose affairs rumor has been
very busy in the money mart and club
houses during the Vast few Hnvn nr alnr
the company's stock began to depreciate,
is one of the most prominent SDeculatfcr
in wall street. Although comparatively
unknown outside of financial circles, he Is
a central figure among the millionaires on
Change. Within the short space of three
years he has presented an example of pe
cuniary success far exceeding tne expec
tations of the most sanguine worshipers
of Mammon. From orrllnarv Hrenm-
slanocs he has risen to bo the possessor of
muuiHiis ivcaiin, ana to snare witn Jsy
Gould and Henry N. Smith the reputa-
Mun oi Deing ine most wealthy among the
active operators on the street. His deeds
of monotary daring have been numerous
and noteworthy, and have been conducted
on a scale of greater magnitude than
the veterans on the stock market, like
Commodore Vanderbilt and Uncle Daniel
Drew, ever dreamed of undertaking.
Mr. Stock well is of humble parentage,
his father bcillff at one time In liwrv
stable business In Cleveland, Ohio, where
1.1. A. . t '
mu great steamRnip manager was born.
He Is about thirty-live years of age. The
turning point in his career, which had
previously been oulet and uneventful, oo-
uurrcu in ituo, wnue he was acting as
purser on one of the Potomac river boats.
On one of the vessel's trins down the
river from Washington the late Elias
Howe, of Connecticut, the distinguished
inventor oi ine sewing machine, was a
passenger, with his eldest daughter In his
company, l ounff Stock well Was very nh-
tentive and considerate of the comfort of
Mr. and Miss Howe, and extended more
than the customary courtesies to them.
The acquaintance which was then formed
between the purser and the Howes was
renewed in the following year in Paris,
where the father and daughter went for
their health. The future millionaire was
quick to Journey after them to the French
capital, after collecting all the money at
his command to enable him to travel in
style. On his arrival there he laid siege
to the affections of the younsr lady, and
was not long in obtaining her "consent to
their marriage. Mr. Howe's sanction
was secured, and they were wedded with
much eelaf. Tliev tarried amid the cave-
ties of Paris for a short time after 'their
nuptials, and then returned to this coun
try. Subsequently, Mr. nowe's second
daughter was introduced to Mr. Stock
well's brother. Col. vl li. StoeUwrll.
and before manv months a new match had
been formed. Mr. Howe died In 1SG9. and
left all his vast property to his two
daughters. Soon after this event. Mr.
Stockwell threw himself into the arena of
the bulls and bears.
t first he confined himself to small ia
vestments, but gradually launched Into
Heavier anu more coiossai operations.
Pacific Mail was his favorite stock, and
under his manipulation it commenced ad
vancing rapidly in value. He purchased
share after share, and made It an active
stock. His ambition had led him to be
come a director in the company. After
getting himself elected a director he as
pired to the presidency of the corporation,
to which he also eot himself chosen.
Once in the coveted seat, he bes-an to con
sider how he could keep himself there
without bcinar obliged to carry the stock
of the company. A solution was pre
sented in the Panama Railway.
The stock of this road was selling very
low, and Mr. Stockwell seized on it as the
instrument which was to keep him in con
trol of Pacific Mail. He knew that the
steamship company was powerless with
out the railway by which its passengers
and freight were carried across the isth
mus, anu that the possession of its stock
would enable him to unload himself of
.Facinc Mail, and at the same time prevent
his removal from the Presidency. He
therefore sold short of Pacific Mail, which
Henry N. Smith began buying in, in the
hope of creating a corner. The stock
dropped several per cent., and after
Smith had secured the most of it he con
tracted with Mr. Stockwell to sell it back
at 90 in three months. Before the con
tract could be fulfilled the Northwestern
gale swept over Wall street and unexpect
edly stranded Smith, who was iust as
enirer to tret the Paeific Mail off his hands
as he was previously anxious to carry it.
Speculators say that he besought Stock
well with tears' in his eves to take it back.
and that it cost him a bonus of $500,000
before he could be released from the con
tract. The fortune which Mr. Stockwell has
amassed from his different speculations
has been variously estimated at from eisrht
to ten million dollars. How much of this
he has lost in the recent fluctuations in
racitic Mail is yet unknown.
In personal appearance Mr. Stockwell
is medium sized, and possesses a penetra
ting blue eye. He wears a moustache
and flowing English side whiskers of red
color. He is very quiek and decided in
his manner. His house on Madison ave
nue, corner of Thirty-ninth street, is one
of the mot elegant and costlv in the city.
It is furnished in a style of the greatest
grandeur. Even the fenders around the
grates in the drawing room are of erold.
r. Stockwell lost his wife about a vear
ago, and it is now reported in fashionable
quarters mat ne is engaged to a welt
kuown New l ork belle. N. Y. Sun.
An Immense Fraud.
Early in 1814 the bank of England, and
111 iact. the whole stock Exchange, were
victimized, by a "bull" fraud that rivals
111 us magnitude, ana certainly in its dan
ing, the most famous of our Wall street
corners, not excepting even that of "Black
Friday." England was almost exhausted
by her terrible lift en years' strurs-le with
Napoleon, and tottered on the verge of
revolution and financial ruin. The suc-
ces-tul military operations which had
checked the last grand coalition had added
to the deep anxiety and depressed the
funds to an alarming extent. Of a sudden
there was a tremendous rally. Consols
rose witli a jump, and the transfers of a
single day were greater than those of
months previous. The transactions on
'Change were of such magnitude that the
nimble lingers of the clerks could scarcely
find time to record them. The cause of
the excitement was this : On the 21st of
February, about 1 o'clock in the morning,
a violent knocking was heard at the door
of the Ship Inn, at Dover. The intruder
announced himself as Lieutenant Colonel
uuboug, aid-de-camp of Lord Cathcart,
His richly embroidered uniform, his stars,
orders, gold lace. etc.. supported the as
sertion, and the salt spray which wetted
him confirmed hisstorv that he had bribed
a French smuggler to bring him across
the Strait. His hews was important. Na
poleon had been slain in battle, and the
aiuea armies were in rans.
I he wildest excitement was nroduced
The news was forwarded to London, and
spread like wildfire. Stocks and consols
rose with tremendous raoiditv. and se
curities which had been bought by the
perpetrators 01 tne iod on Saturday for
some $5,000,000, sold on Monday for fully
$15,000,000. The crash followed soeedilv.
anu tne panics and exchange awoke to the
fact that they had been "bulled" out of
over 2,000,000. Investigation implicated
in the fraud some of the leading nobility,
including Lord Cochrane, one ofEngland's
most gallant naval omcers. vmcmnatx
An old farmer said to his sons : "Boys,
don't yon ever wait for suminat to turn
up. You might just as well go and sit
down on a stone in the middle of a med-
der, with a pail atwixt your legs, an' wait
for a cow to back up to you to be milked."
A gushing poet asks in the first line of
a recent effusion, "How many weary pil
grims lie V We give it up ; out experi
ence has taught (is that there are a good
VEGETABLES should never hn conked In
Iron pots, unless the latter are enameled
or otnerwise coated Internally.
TO PRKVIttaT fiwt.h Vnm Annnvtntr
brush them with lime water. Even if they
are far gone, It will cause them to decay
with little or no pain. Saturate the brush
wun, ana use witn toothpowder.
one-fourth pound beeswax, one-half pound
r -v. , ., . -. . 1 .
lresii mru or mutton Ml low. Melt tnem
together, and when partly cold add one
ounce of the oil of origanum.
Molasses Canpy. Two cups f mo
lasses, one cup sugar, one tablespoon Cul
vinegar, butter size of a hickory nut. Boil
lirUkly twontw minute. . iif-Tii ti." lne nrsl Winers in boston was uov. uel
Umi,7LSW: 811 the I"!.1"' . -T.her? are muiy ourioni stories
time. When cool pull until white.
Remeoy por Coli Feet. Soak the
feet In warm water with a little cayenne
pepper In It two or three times a week.
Try this for a month, or longer If neces
sary, and you will find it an excellent
remedy ior cold f eet,
To effectually cure settinir heim nut.
two or tnree cnicacns in tne nrst with
mem over iiignt, coop mem together the
iiAv uy, men raae tne cnicKens away
from her; she will cluck around a day or
two, and then begin to lay eggs again.
Cleaning Point Lace. Point, or any
ivinu ,n inie iaue, may oe cieanei easily by
soakinar it in a preparation of snnnilnn nn'H
warm water. If this is not procurable, tnat his sweetheart was true to him, the
ammonia may be used with almost equal Governor and the young lady were mar
effect. Let it soak till fit to rinse in pure rIed' But the singular part of it was, that
warm water ; then lay it on the ironing
board over clean linen, and Iron lightly on
the wrong side with a cool iron. After-
ward pin the lace on the linen-covered BPP' " perform the ceremony, he mar
board, Inserting a pin in every onen loon, "ed himself 1
to keep the pattern clear.
A Turkish Glue Cement. rlnlvn
half a dozen bits of euro mastic, each as
large as a pea, in as much alcohol as will
make it a liquid. In another vessel dis
solve as much isinglass previously soft-
eneu witn warer, as win make a two
ounce vial, that is holding four table-
spoontuls, of strong glue, adding two
small bits of gum ammonia, which must
be rubbed until it is dissolved in the isin
glass mixture: then mix the whole with
heat. When it is to be used niraln set the
vim in uouing water until it is dissolved
A T 1 i ,n n . . cneinist iue n wnirpnn baa
introduced a solution of ttA Serei In
ether for the purpose of giving maps, pic
tures, gioDes, etc., a clear, thin coating
for protecting them against dust and dirt.
Objects so covered can easily bo cleaned
by the application of a moistened rnir.
Drawings executed with charcoal, pencil.
or crayon may be permanently fixed by
the application of the dilute solution to
their surfaces. The ether evaporates, leav
ing tne gutta percna in a thin but sullici-
entiy protecting covering on the draw
Device for Measurix-a T,vt An
Iowa farmer recommends the following
device for measuring land : Take two slats
nhniit rIt fi.f- inr. a i
Zl i, !. har.pen ,,ne end ?f
u i 4, 4, ... .:
each, lay them upon the floor lik a pair
. . wuiiwo, w uiui uuiuis
sunn oe exactly nve ieet six inches apart:
now nail the other two ends together and
a piece across the middle, so that it will
look like the letter A, and the measure is
nmsned. to measure land, p ace
point at the starting place, and the other
also on the ground in a straight lino for
destination; stand alongside the machine,
with one hand on top of it: take one sten
forward, tin up the point that is hehinn.
swing it around (from you) on the other
point, and set it in a line also. A person
111 mis mtinner can measure correctly as
fast as he can walk three spaces make a
rod walk straight without stopping,
count the spaces, divide these by three,
mm you nave tiieruus.
A simple burn, which does not form a
blister, may be treated with a cold wet
bandage, or a scraped potato poultice.
cnange oicen. Alter the pain abates, ap
ply cotton wool to keep the part warm,
ueiore doing this,
1 . 41 r
b, apply soan lather, from
shaving soap, and allow it to dry on. Or
Luc; pin lo lu.iy im pauiteuuver witn sever
al coats of liquid collodion, with a camel's
hair brush. If the burn is more exten
sive, dredge it with very fine dry clay and
wrap in a bandage of dry cotton. It is
important to protect such hums from thn
air immediately. The dry earth helps to
form ascab, which protects the flesh and
allows healthy granulations to iro on. It.
also absorbs any foul odors ana prevents
bad smells. If a larsre blister is formed.
puncture it and apply a mixture of two
parts of collodion and one of castor oil
. . . . .. 4 1. ! .. . .1 1 .41 . . I
uvei hub , ureugu inicKiy witn dry eartn
,1 .. .. 1 V r . 1 11 r . t. I
or Hour, and cover with carded wool. Do
not change the dressings, after once nron
vriy Hppueu, ior several days
The Trans-Continental Bond Swindle,
Several items have appeared in the na-
:rs in regard to the suit brought in the
I rench courts against John C. Fremont,
on account of the sale of bonds in France
of what was called the " Transcontinental
Memphis Pacific Railroad Company," of
wiiicii no was i-resiuent. it is not ex
pected that he will appear in person to
di tend himself, but the suit is brought in
accordance with the customs of France to
bring out gtnerally all the facts in the anu endeavor to reach such French
men as participated in the swindle. No
thing could be stronger than the terms
01 the advertisements in the leading na.
pers. It was stated that the bonds were a
nrst mortgage on all the lands ceded to
the road, "amounting to 10,240 acres per
mile, or 300 acres to every $1,000 bond,
and 30 at res to every $100 bono." They
were offered at 410 francs for every $100
uona, payame in itsuu at Bio francs. Six
per cent, interest was said to be miaran.
teed by the American government, and
purchasers of bonds at that time (May)
were entitled to the first coupon, payable
in July. The trustees of the bonds were
announced to be "Andrew G. ( urtin,
Governor of Pennsylvania. Minister
Plenipotentiary of the United States at
St. Petersburg; Paul S. Forbes and
svante m. swenson." as copied from the
Paris Le Rational,' May 12, 1809. The
nime attached to the advertisement wag
M. J. Pisadis, one of the officers of the
French Bourse, and there was no douhr.
that their Introduction had the sanction of
tne imperial rench government. Edito
rials appeared from day to riav. nnnnunn.
ing the excellence of the bonds, the favor
witn wnicn mey naa Deen received, and
predicting a speedy advance in price.
Every American iu Paris knew their
character; but It was impossible to ex
pose the fraud, aa the papers had been
KUI.Kiillzpd anH r, ,
A circular in the Ens-Hah lnno-iincn was
laid before the American banking houses
in regard to it, but it could not reach the
French. Some Frenchmen did discover
the fraud and denounced it, but, to gain
time, libel suits were brought against
uiem. u ne bonds were sold, and a pen-
tleman Connected with one of the prfnei- keep l barred; or. If the enemy kas already se
pal banking houses Of Paris asserts that., oured a foothold. raUv the strength of the svttem
as the proceeds of this sale, they remit-
ted to New York the largest sum thevhad
miift . 11 almost three
muiluilO Ji UUliaidi
1 o facilitate the sale of the bonds mans
tllAVa VtHtnfnrl -U 1 1! .1 .
"WO L11( ICU W1LI1 lUTlTH 1 1 1 1 CM lirHWD TTVWYi
Norfolk, Va., to San Diego, through the
whole American Continent, and it. vi
said that the new company had formel
connections witn roads already built, so
that much Of the line was then Virtually
in operation.
The operations of the swindle
tnem. came out in & renort mmU hv t,a I
hmmt?0' l?f ,i1D' ?0m
a Dili to incorporate the uKout;hnrn 'rruno.
continental KAilway Company" and grant
irthe right Of way, presented to the Sen-
ate Arjril 22. 1870. Rw rlilu mnm nnl I
000 of these bonds were sold in Paris at
sixty per cent, realizine- at that rutn 1 .
800,000. The facts as stated above were
admitted before the committee aa th
French paper. were?oZcTand
only defense was that the agents made
thesn fnloa rsnrmentatlons without the
I aut.hnriHr nr rionsral Fremont, But for
I these false statements, however, the bonds
could not have been sold.
When all facts art brOUtfht Ollt On
trial this will probably be found to be one
ef the most adroit and successful swindles
of the period. It could not have been per-
ueintiea in jiingianu wiumuy, wnere
American securities are better known, nor
" ltA repeated in France. It has af-
I hutfad .n.u...lir Tn a trnnn noma nr iif
"""V - r"
nzry in France. jm. i. xieraia,
An Eccentric Governor.
One of the queerest old fellows among
toia about mm, our. tne most singular is
that respecting his manlnire. It is related
by Gov. Winthrop in his diary, and was
written at the time the anair tooK place.
Bcllins-ham was Governor of the colonv
of Massachusetts Bay in 1641. He was
nity years old. There was then a young
Inrlv In Rnntrin nnmnrl Permlnnn Tplhnm
wno was twenty-two years of age, and
was engaged to be married to a young
man, who was a friend of the oovernor,
and lived in the Governor's house.
By what arts we know not, but it is
certain that the Governor persuaded Miss
" cudupe mihi ne loveu tier uesi, mm so,
one day. while the vounir man supposed
"s lne governor wanted to Keep his little
affair secret.'and perhaps because he could
think of no clergyman to whom he dared
We may imagine the old Governor
Branding up peiore ninisen ana Mils 1'et
ham, and going through the service in the
old Puritan style.
"Do you, Richard, take Penelope," says
vruv. reumgnam, -to pe your wiie r
"I do," replies Richard to himself as
"Do you. Penelope, take Richard to he
your nusoand r"
I do." feebly reol es the little flirt.
Then," says Gov. Belline-ham. "I pro-
iiuuuce mysen ana you nusDand ana wife,
according to the rules of the Christian
church and the laws of the Province oi
. . . . ..
,cnusetts my."
The ceremony is over, and the Oovprnnr
salutes the bride, and hopes she will be
happy with her husband. It may he said
here, that she was happy with him, and
uiey uvea together more than thirty years,
sirs Bellingham survived her husband
thirty years, and died in 1702, at the ad-
vanceu age oi eignty-tnree years,
No Time to be Lost. In the incinient
Bulges oi consumption, me nrst symptoms are
generally a hacking cough, pains in the chest,
difficulty of breathing, or oppression of the
lungs. Something should be done at once to
check the cough, allay and heal the irritated
parts. Allen's Lung Balsam will break up
l,1B ""kh " increaiDly enorc time ; a ho
Prevent the formation of tubercles. Where
i'iochi mtj luiiiiuuuii oi tuuercieH. v
tubercles are once formed, the diseas
so is
1 iinru to cure,
For sale by all Medicine Dealers.
Wonderful Statements. Unless him,
dreds of our most responsible citizens
nave conspired to delude the community,
a me(licme has at last been introduced
wnicn is specific for almost every human
""""en not involving tne entire paraly-
zation or partial destruction of the orean
or organs in which it exists. These wit
nesses testify (in some instances from their
own personal experience, in others'on be
half of others,) that dyspepsia, liver com
plaint, remittent ana intermittent fever,
nervous debility, and numberless other
diseases, are rapidly and radically cured
by the new remedy. It hails from Cali
fornia, and has in two years overleaped all
competitors among advertised tonics, and
become var excellence the nf the.
people. California is an exceptional region.
Its vegetable products, especially those of
immic uuvb iiu equivalent
.ioo..,v.- i i i ' .4
a meuicinai nature nave no eaulva ent
mous alcoholless Vinegar Bitters, the
Invaluable mviarorant. nutrient, laxative
and alterative to which we refer. Those
who have tested the curative properties of
tins marvelous preparation pronounce it
the most comprehensive remedy ever
onered to mankind, and assert that there
is no inorganic disease which it will not
subdue. As a family medicine, we can re-
commena 11 witnout reserve.
We have often heard men comnlain of a
severe Dain qpi-ohh thn hnrlr In tlia rprrlnn nf
41.. 1. 1 1 . . . .
muueys, causea sometimes Dy too neavv
1 i 4V! ..4 -41. 1. .. 4 1 . ; .11 J
lifting at others, by taking cold. The very
delicate organization of these most import
ant orcans has got deraneed. There Is Iorr
of power in them to properly fulfill their
functions. Now. in Minh nasnn vnn wont
something that has a specific action on the
aneciea parts, ana in all the materia ruetliea
y.ou can. fin,d 110 better combination than
.2K"? 'sComfodnd Fluid Extract Bu-
diseased kidneys soon resume their normal
condition, and the patient rejoices in free
dom from his tiain. and restored health.
Sold by all druggists, everywhere.
Why is an old coat like an Iron kettle?
Because it represents hard ware.
WniL Waiting for a Coitoh "tn an It
came, you are often sowing the seeds of Con
sumption. Better try at once Dr. Jayne'g Ex
pectorant, a sure cure for all Coughs and Colds.
The Milwaukee Monthly, published
at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is one of the best dol
lar mOnthllp. Th.MamliHnmlu,. I. a.
lent one, and fully redeems the promise of the
publisher to effect substantial ImproTements
with each succeeding number. It is mainly de
voted to general literature, but has each month
aa Illustrated fashion article which ladies pro-
nounoe eminenuy practical and valuable. The
publisher requests intending subscribers to for.
ward their subscriptions direct to the office, or
ly mem oniy to an agent whom they know to
ue responsiDie
Chicago Pulpit. The last number of
the Chicago Pulpit contains a sermon by that or U'
inai thinker, Prof. David Swing. The Chicago
Pulpit enters on its second year better than ever
oeiore. 11 is lire, nnsectarian, and contains,
weekly, the ycry best sermons of Chicago minis
ters. Published weekly by Cabtkntsb & Shel
don, ass wabash avenue, Chicago. J. 60 per yearj
in ceuia a smgie number.
What Nkxt ? The March number iust
received is an excellent one, aa, indeed, are all
the numbers we have seen. In evidence of Its
popularity among the young folks, the publisher
says he received the goodly number of 7039 sub
scriptions during the month of February. Terms,
au cents a year, with a 1.00 Chromo to every sub
.unuw, oj mwimu. Specimen 8 cents. J011K
LDSI,i mlt8her, Chicago
The Hhleld of HealtH,
lietmity opens the door to disease. Nor Is this
all. When the door hat been opened and the terri
ble Intruder has entered, physical prostration ren
ders Its progress to the citadel of lit eomparaUve,
ly easy. Therefore bar tht door, and If possible
nd asslstoature to drive out the foe of health and
lire. The means of dninthi.i. within on...
reach. Brsoe up the physique with Hosteller's
Stomach Bitters when there are elements In the
air yon breathe or the water yon drink that are
morbid and unwholesome. This is barring the
door. Epidemics and endemics will assail in vain
the living fortress that is thus protected. It mar
1 laugh a siege t scorn." But If this precaution-
measure has been negleoted, the seeds of dls.
ease can be ejected by the same potent vegetable . .
vlgor.tlng. regulating and purify.
ih-ki- .ni.Dn..i. .
der.. The rapidity and certainty with which u
vanquishes fever and ague, rheumatism, bilious
eolie. lndlaestion indiwrrauittAmnl.ini. i. h...
' ,mu de"r trength it lmparu to the
"""wl" Sber, th. nerves and the membranes
w".! SVMch ,4 boreU- Um
Z Z UHJn ""
Som Throat, Cough, Cold, and simi
lar troubles, if suffered to progress, result in
serious pulmonary affeotlons, oftentimes in
curable. " Brown's SroneKial Tr-oohes" reach
directly the scat of the disease, and give al
most instant relief.
tTTHKN writing to advertisers please mention the
If name ef this paper.
Is extended to the World
To place before the mihllc a bettor Cough or I.nus
Jtumcily than
Tt in wnrrftntpfi to brim tin thn most tronMrtome
CniiRli in hn incmltbijr linrt tlmn. Thirn In no runic
fly that crtn nhow mnro ovldfiico of rcnl merit tlmn
ttilH HALS A M for curing Cunuinptluu, Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Croup, etc.
It Acts on the Klilnrr!
It Acta on tlio IJtci I
Which makc It more than Cough Iicmcdy,
What welt known Vrnsaimn of Tcnncsnee
any about Allen l-nug llnlnam.
Bphwofiwld, Tcnn., Sept. 13, 1872.
Okwtlkmkx: Hon shlnnn nix dois. Allrn's Long
Rnlftam. We tmvo not a Vottlo In tin- it torn. It luia
more rcniitntlon tlmn miy (Joutrh Mpfllrlnc wo hnvo
uvcr mini, imvn nrrn in uir urn
Wo meuu Just what we say. Very
IIkvo hiM-n In the1 drug Imalm-nn ii? ycurs.
Very truly yourn,
What the Doctor Hay.
Tin. Wltnon A Wnrd. Phyaiciant and Drugfcta,
wrlto from CPirtrevlUe, Tcun
" We purdmspd Allrn Lung Unlnam. and It 8oMs
rnpidly. We are practicing phyHlclnnn, an well rs
drni?cft, nnd take plcanure In recommending a great
ri'tncdv. mich n we bnow thU to be."
I'M yMH una do nt recommend a mcdlcino which has
do merit ; what they aay about
Can be taken as a fact. Let nil afflicted trnt it nt onco
nnd hn convinced of Hn real murlu. It Is harmless to
the most delicate child.
It Contains no Oplnm la Any Farm.
He not deceived. Cnll for ALLEN'S LUNG BAL
SAM, and take no other.
IV Directions accompany each bottle.
J.N. HARRIS & CO., Cincinnati, 0,,
IVSold br all Medicine Dealers.
fti Leading Business Houses of Si. Louis
Parties In making purchases In t. Lonls,
will da well to cat this out as a reference, as
the? are the leading
houses in their various
lines oi easiness.
linens, iiKou t( o:
10 10 N. MAIN ST,
.And Agt'a Home Cotton Mills, St Louis
,flA6tf"i"JB!l RPSeM?sn'.OTi.Wtireool8tt'
kiAti WaiViViAiaiMEOnSX rUSlUSH'aQOOCS.l
508 North Fourth Street,
XJ"3end for Catalogue and Price List."vB
MustratM Cmuioa-nrn fre. Ordorn UHfc4.
TVT -1117 13 V -w- t ivr &
VMceutiT it ing 11 rrn 01 n. Ki lavii uo.j
WholeaiUe JJealers in
$4 510 wasnington Ave., opposite S.
Davis fit to 1 new store, bt. Louis, Mo.
, Alto Propr r of Great Pacific Spies and
ICoffee MUU, 818 Broadway, St. Louis, Mo
of At,ii Kixns.
VoleAgentsforAmericanSpring Wagons. No
sa 4 . Alain &t., scixmis. bend lor Catalogue.
1 Send for
Bottlers' Outfit
?f.W.cor, 8
Illustrated Catalogue. !
nna Happuci nt En.terD nice..
LIPPINOOTT, Western Depot!
8th & St. Charles Sti., St. Louii 1
Dolmay Wine Co
ueaiersm XMauve and foreign wine.
VinDelmay.f SWEET
Vin Amour, El A'
Vin Boquet. I FLA
No. 813 Broadway, St. Louis, Mo
219 & 221 Market Street.
Commission Merchants,
The Otmi Is nnbllshed OtTAB-rnnir. a.1 enta nin
for the year, which is not half the cost. Those who
siterwards send money to the amount of One Dol
lar or more for Seeds may also order 23 cents'
worth extra the price paid for the Quids.
The First Number Is beautiful, irtvin nlnnn for
making Rural Homes, DlnlngVTable Docora
tiona, Window Gardens, 4c, and a mas of In.
formation Invaluable to the lorer of flowers. 130
pages, on line tinted paper, noma 300 Engravlncs,
ana a superb Colored Plate nnd bromoCovor.
The First Edition of 200,000 lust printed l!
Engaea and German.
Rochester, New York.
Ten Pays
thnn Kurlir Uae.
PrAllupllvn unrf
V CliAlUK, (1
v., 4 pouuus
by mnU, pontpaTd, tor
BusbeU to the Acre. A little Int. r
than tarly Rone. Equal In quality. 113
per pound, by mail, postpaid.
A $300 will be awarded as PREMIUMS
to tlione who produce the Lament Omn.
tlty from one pound. Descriptive Clrcu.
ties of Potatoes free to all.
Illustrated rntalnvnA. WV1
I Tiaut-.a. Witli r!nlnvA I'l. ,
f A New Tomsto, the "ARLING.
TON." Early, solid and productive,
i Price, 390 per packet.
23 Park Place, NeW York.
Publlntivc, Bookseller k Ntmlloner,
Catalogues ou application. Correspondence in-
vitcd. Tbeoloaical and Sunday behoul
Mortk n sneelnltv.
of Medical Wonders. Should be rend by
all. Sent free for ilatHUips. Address
. Pit. BUN APAltTK, Cincinnati, O.
LsiawrlaBt Wblakrra, Honilaehlss, Kytt.
brows, Kte Marlins's World Renowned Po
made forces Whiskers and Mouatachlos to grow on
the smoothest lace without lulurlns the skin. A
Sure remedy for halrineafl. Sent frMA An rteHlntof
fl.vo and Sl.Mi. LflS MARTINA A CO.
us uiark street, Chicago, III. Agents wante
Sweet Chestnut Trees and BeedY&c.T!
sWforSij. Kuts, In excellent condition forplnnttug,
per a, (Soot S Its, $1. An illustrated circular free; also
a SS-Daaa cntnlniriiA frMA. n nMw nn .1,4 hnantlfnl
greenuouse and bedding plants. Mueteentb year.ltiO
ores, U greenhouses. Address. ,
PaiaesvUle, Lsks County, Ohio..
12,000,000 ACRES!
Cheap Farms!
ma chs ATI st lajcd in mabki r, f ot sale br the
In the Gbsat Platti
3,000,000 Acres in Central Nebraska
Now for nnle in tracts of forty acre snd npwards fit
MlnliiK reulonn of Wyoming, Cnlnrado, rtah and Ne
ymla, holug supplied by tlio farmers In the I'latts
Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of
160 Acres.
FIJKE HOMES FOR ALL I Millioks or acbm
of choice Government LnnOs open for entry under
the Hohkrtrad Law. nenr thin Great Railroad,
with Rood markets and all the conveniences of an ola
settled country.
Free pme to porchsners of Rnllrosl Land.
Bertlonnl Mnpn-nhowlnu the Lnnil, nliio new erllllon
of IiaartaiFTivE Pami-hlit with nsw Maps Mailbu
Fasa KvsRTwiixaa,
Address, O. F. DAVIS,
Land Commimtoner V. P. R. U,
Omaha, Nan.
Soda Fountains.
Manufactnred by
Madison, Ind.
y Send for Circular.
Horse and Cattle Powders
Tht preparation, lonsnd favora
di Known, win moroucniy re-iiivir-orate
broken down anu low-ppirltud
liorses, by BtrcnKthenlneand cleans-
Itifr thn Htnniiarh it tin inti'dtilU'H.
ft iBasure nrovciulve of all dli
nrR lnclflinf 10 tnla animal. Biic
an l.VSti FKVKK. GLAMUEita
Ac. Its Ufio Improves the wind.
Increases the appftitc -Ives a
F!iiooth and flossy skin and trans
forms tho nilserablo skeleton into
aliuc-lookinK and spirited horse
Toknepersof Cowsilns prepar-
anon is invanianif.
It H a mi
llnllow Horn. etc. It lia
proven by actual cxperlitienl t
Increase tbeauantltv of milk an
cream twenty per cent. , and make
the butter firm and sweet. In rat
tenlnr cattle, ft (fives them a;i a
petite, loosens their bide, aud makes thciu thriv
muen taster,
In all diseases of swine, Bieh as Couphs, flccif
in the funics. L.iver, ac, imsaru-
a..ln.a. llv ntittltitf
from one-half a paper to a paper sjviliU
111 m u.trr:i ui oniw iiic awe
exes will be eradicated orentlrely
prevented, if fflven In time, a cer
tain preventive and, cure for the
Hog Cholera
DAYID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor,
I1ABOTKAU A CO., 714 N. Fifth Street, Agents
101 i?i i.oiiin.
i',r n;il(; lv Dnieelstn and Storekeeoern tliroueti
on 1 1 lie Lulled Status. Canadasatid buulh America.
liKtA tS UUK US Y Intneworld. Tnefal
uill.nil.ui UUIIIUOIII nnd liiBtructlve. 10.010
Belling weekly. Price 50 eentn. No humbug. Address
fail to procure 1HKN. WINS.
p rti
It not iHily relteveM the child from pain, but In vin-
unni'h mi! n. imiutcn ana oowcis, corrects aciuuy, a
pivt's tone and enerpy to the wluie eystera. It w
uho inutuntly relievo
Griping iu the Bowels and Wind Colic.
We believe tt the BEST and SUKK8T REMEDY 1
rUL' U'llIM 11 l nil nvcL' -a i
DIAHKHCEA IN CIIILPKKN, whether arising from
HJi-uiuiK Ji tiny uti r liiusi;.
Depend upon It, mothers, It will give rest to your
ova ui, nun
Belief and Health to Your Infants
Be sure and call for
HnvfriE the fnc-slmlle of "CURTIS & PERKINS" ot
I y'Sold by drulU thronahout the world
rr.iii'sm v:r ckiiss tts.
llALTUa of the
,7T)T.1?a Boundless
1 VV EBB. Author,
Our nw plan 3 ninffniflcent Chroinos rREG)
mmwtu Mteetfitt. ftlo rripttut enough, &no ri.ka.
Utma, etc. B. II AN.NAroau it Co.. Cincinnati A Chicago
I ONT wear that Spring Truss, whlcli Is killing
you, but send fiir circular for IIUWK'S
fclATIJ BELT TUI'RS, "i"h ifas
easv to wear SB a parter, and has cured patients
lu from ilo a weeks. Adilresa Box Iba,
Council Blufla, Iowa.
On Manhood,, womanhood and their Mu
tual Inter-relations : Love. Ita Laws. Pm
er, eto.
Aarents are selling from SO to 80 copies of this
work a dav. and we senrt n rAU
. ' . . . r . . . - "rt!BB. niatinK experience,
eic, oauuinal ruuijiBMlNU CO., Bt. Louis,
$51 tn !t!9n PP'ayl A Rents wanted I Allclnraesof
Y lu,viJ working pci'p1''. of ulllursex.ouugor
old, niako more nnmey m work fur us lu tin ir spure
j ,i vi uii inup tiiiui ai.uiviningeiFe. j'urtl
ulura tree. AUdresstl. Stinson & Co..l'ortlaud.MalMe
Sewing Machine
its Wanted. Send for circular. Address.
Increases Crops!
Saves Labor
Drouth. The
best ft cheap, nl
cultivating Im
plement fn the
world !
Auoress r. L. PERRY, f'anandalgua, N. Y., for
rJ.iT." coniainina Testimonials, from Maine to
I Is. 1 1 1 rti-n i a nu .1. t n m 1
t vauaua W 1C1H,
885 Ph.R niv 4" -
, . , , iLx . eu , male or lemuie. Ar
ticle sells to every family. Staple as flour. Fronts
f V, o;mples 4 circulars sent free for IS cenu.
AddreBS MOUKK ft CO., No. 2u7 M ater St., N. Y.
DR. WHITTIER, ex? sWI,'1
WORKING CLASSlweekgunrnnted.Kenuwta.
Die emutoynientt home, dayoreveniu ; nocnpitnl requir.
taihi ,n!?!itruS jf and valuable pavkage of goods sent
tree by Rsd. Address, with mi oenlieturu stamp.
M. YOUNG OO., lb Oorturndt-nt., NewTork.
$10 toA20
per day, Ave
rvwhere. Pnrtlc.nli.rn fren.
BLA1H ft CO., bt. Louis, Mo.
Liratrm ftDgriired, pt tueHt iueBsfiil i.hysioUu of the im
Coiiiiuluaiou or bMunalet fre. Call or wrii
LTA Heliable Kemedr in Uibsa. I
Reliable Kerned In Diaea-
tui cue a.iuud;s ana uri
nary Organs. For Rheuma
tism, Dropsy, Gravel, Bajla,
Skin DiseaseaColds, it las
no superior. Todm up tua
syBtem after Ague. Fby
aioiana prescribe it. Sold
by ail Druggist.
Employment ; 1 100 per week ; agents ft others to sell
a new article: indispensable to nierc.h'n a manfira.
Adxs witb stamp K.B.omlta Co, W Liberty st.N.X
Vltifuar ititter.i are ix.r a vim hincv jJrmfc
nuo ui finir (vii in, i iiimtcy. i hji rtpirus ana leilt!tQ
Liouors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please tlia
of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Ptoof Spirits and Refusa
taste, called "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Restorers,"
&c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin,
but are true Medicine, made from the native roota
and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants.
They are the Great Mood Purifier and a Life-giving
Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the
System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring
the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing
and invigorating both mind and body. They are easy
of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their
results, safe and reHabfe in all forms of disease.
Mo Peru on can tnke those Hitters accord
ing to direotions, and remain long unwell, provided
their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point
of repair.
Dyaptpftla or Imlijrention. Headache, Pain
rn the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diit
siness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had Taste
m the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpi tali on of the
Heart, Inflammation of the Luns, Pain in tire regions of
the Kidneys, and a hundred other pain 1m I symptoms,
are the i
on springs ot Dyspepsia, in
) eaual. and one bottle will pn
fsDrincs of Dvsoensia.
In these complaints
it has no equal, snd one bottle will prove a bcMer gua,
antee of tts merits thnn a lengthy advertisement
itee ot tt merits thnn a lengthy advertisement.
For Femalo Cotmiliiliif a, in voting or old.
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the
turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided aa
influence that a marked improvement is soon (lerccn.
For Inflammatory and Chronic allien.
mat Ism snd Gout. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Uiliou?,
Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Discuses of tin
Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have
been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by
Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derange
ment of the Digestive Organs.
They are a Qentle Purtrntivo m well as
a Tonic, possessing also the peciriiar merit of acting
ass powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam.
mation of the Liver snd Visceral Organs, and in Bilious
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
buncles, Ring worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eye', Kry
sipelas, Itch, Scurfs Discolorations of the Skin, Humors
and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature,
are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a
short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in
such cases will convince the most incredulous oi theil
curative effects.
tJlennne the Vltlntetl Dlootl whenever 50a
Bnd its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples,
Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob
structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it r
foul ; your feelings will tell you w hen. Keep tlr jljos,
pure, and the health of the system will follow.
Urntc'"t thonaanil proclaim Vinegar Bit
raas the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained
the sinking system.
Pin, Tape, anil other Worms, lurking in
:he system of so many thousands, are effectually de
stroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physicl.
Jgist: There is scarcely an individual upon the faceofthe
sarth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms.
It l not upon the healthy elements of the body that
worms exist, but upon the diseased Uumors ar.d slimy
leposits that breed these living monsters cf disease.
No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmin
tics, will free the system from worms like these Bit
xrs. Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in
Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type setters,
Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance'in life, will
x subject to of the Bowels. To -naid against
this take a dose of Wai.kbk's Vinegak Bittkrs once
or twice a week, as a Preventive.
Bilious, Remittent, nnd Intermittent
Fevers, which are so prevalent in tl:e vallevs ofiur
great rivers throughout the United Slates, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Mi-sonri, lilino'., Ten
nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas Red, Colorado, Braios.
Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Roap
oke, James, and many others their vat tributa
nes, throughout our entire country during the Summer
and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons ot
unusual heat and dryness are invariably accompanied
JLexte?j ve deranKcnts of the stomach and liver, and
ther abdominal viscera. There are aiw.ivs more or less
obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state
of the stomach, and great torpor of the!", being
clogged up with vitiated accumulation.. In their treat
ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon
these various organs, is essential!? neeessarv. There 13
no cathartic for the purpo-e equal to Dn I.' Walker's
Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the
dark-colored viscid matter with which tlie bowels are
oaded, at the same time stimuUt;ng'tl3 secretions ol
'.he hver, and generally restoring the healthy functions
of the digestive organs.
Scrofula, or Kills' Kvll, White Swellings
Ulcers Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter. Scrofulous
Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations Mercurial Af
fections Old Sores, Eruptions of the Shin, Sure Eves,
etc., etc. In these, as in ail other constitutional Dis
eases, Walker's Vinegar Bitteks have shown their
jreat curative powers in the most obstinate and intract.
able cases.
Dr. Walker's California Vlnr-rnr nil tera
set on all these cases in a similar manner. Bv purifying
the Blood they remove the cause, and bv resolving away
the effects of the inrkinwration t-he tubercular deposits)
t ir nffict srl pn: s retene hta th, tul :v m u cat c.u
li t ffctXcd.
The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinhga
Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative,
Nutritious Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant.
Sudorific, Alterative, and Anw-liilmis
The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of
Da. Walker's Vinegar Bitter are the best safe
guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers,
their balsamic, healing, aud soothing pmperties protect
the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties
nllay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels
either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc.
Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout
the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid
neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their
Anti-Bilious properties stimulate tlic liver, in the secre
tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts
and sre superior to all remedial agents fr the cure ol
Bilious Fever, Fever nnd Ague, etc.
Fortify the body against dixrnne bv puri.
Son); all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epV
emiccan take hold of a system thus forearmed. The
liver, the stomach, the bowels the kidneys and the
nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invig
orant. Directions. Take of the Bitters on going to bed
at night from a haft to one and one-half wine-giassfull.
Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton
chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take
out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget
able ingredients and contain no spirit.
T. WALKER, Prop'r. It. II. McWOAI.DdtCO.,
Druggists and Gen. Agts. , San Francisc land New York.
would not bo without It for leu times lis sub
scription price. KtciiAitn,
Kearney Junction, Biill'alo Co.. Nebraska.
Thtt tttmVM Ifl flr uimnlnnrhi,lln.H. I...
torS rt'OL'lVlHl hV thrt UT T...ITIU Mmi .v,. Li,,u..-..
tlhe cheapest and handsomest agricultural and family
iiirniil In this country; eight pages, forty columns.
I FT If fK.xrm A YI.AH. ClJits often for $1. Two
sample copies of different dates for three cent stamp.
It Isglvlng perfect satlsl'actinn everywhere. Try it.
Address BOWMAN MATTHEWS. Publishers.
414 N. Third Street, Bt. Louis. Mo.
Tor any rnso of Blind,
Blooding, llrhlng or IMco.
rntrcl Tiles that 1)E BlNo'S
Pit.s IIkmkmy fuii to
cure. It is pri-pitred ex
pnnrly to cine the Piles
and nolhing else. Bold h
all li ugL'iaia- l'ncu A.1.0U,
tf Established 1S30.1
W'WPI r u je. csirrriTije
-- wnn va, MISS! S I I lltfi
Manufacturers of 6sws.
SFIIes, Belting and Machinery.
trPr u llala a ...I f'i 1 . n
Boston, Mass., and Detroit, Mich.
USE the KelslngcKJBeh Lock and Support to
No sprlnn- to break, rs cutting of sashi cheap, dura,
ble. very easily sopited-holds snsh at any plico de
sired, snd a self fastener when the sash is dow n. Bend
sump for circular Circular snd six copper-brouzed
ik." 8JSL,0,!15r ,?lreJ8" ln t,ie u- 8- Postpaid, oa re
Sf.'S? "h I;1"L'm,Jn,dl,,cl'raet to the trile. Agents
nl llluntration of this cheapest and best lock,
Wood' Uoustheld Jkfagasuu.Iy. ItuUpeiulent,&c
to crtry nur.
un .vJiJL, ?" Pn"tloaT-hn mo.t rum Oomblnn.
Bkt "TUJ? ? T ' A ""'"' mllns with uup.r.ll.k-d .uooeis.
fcrr.rlSI.V, Di de"v""a "". Bend i.00
nnrly to iwiirn territory, mil ubln of Codu-uu nnj Terms
jeii. o npuuontlon. Sddrue The UNION rUBUmUNQ 0O
18 A PUR 8
With the sreen tea flavor. Wir.
ranted to null all tastes. Porsala
everywhere. And lor sale whole,
sale onivbv the Great Atlnntln A
PacincTea Co.ll t"ulton st.and
4 Church st.N.Y.P.O.boxoAof
Bend for Thea-Kectar clroo i nr ,
5nnn sk.tb wanted
,JJJ free by mall. Two new a
as flour. Addrets N. H. -WHITE, M
'"ninnies sent
articles, salable
ewars, IS. 4 .
A.N.K., 8.L.
J O 395
Put ilctt-
laiM aSasaa, 1 nDTU ta T . . T .
- wvj .iuonen, worta aio, a 1 S
Mo. Uu Ilk.