THURSDAY. MARCH 20, 1873. Car Time at Mltdgtcay. Krie Express East 2:35 a. m. lo do West Van ' m' ao ft mi t,st R.nn n m p.enovo Accommodation East 8:55 a m. do do do West. 6:20 p. m. Hates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 " " 40 00 f " " 25 00 L '.' " ". 15 00 transient advertising par square of eight linos or less 3 times or less 2 00 Businoss cards, ten lines or leas, tier y ;.. 5 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge wilt be held at their hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. o. l. Mccracken, Beo'y. Billheads, letterheads, etc, printed at the Advocate office Send in your orders. Methodist Services. Rev. J. W, Davis, will bold religious services, in the Court House, next Sunday, morning and evening. Sheriff Oyster, has a piece of land which he advertises for sale this week. The sheriff sella his goods cheap, and it is likely a good bargain could be had. Apr-IAS. Nice apples by the peck, bash el, or barrel at A. Cumruina's Ridgway Bakery. Maia street, near the post office. Snow fell hero to-day to the depth of four inches. It seems as though w inter was determined to "linger in the lap of" Tub way to support a newspaper, is to subscribe and pay your subscription; 0:10 ounce of this kind of support ia worth fourteen pounds of good wishes unaccompanied with the cash. Land Sales. The finale adjourned pal'?, of unseated lands fortaxes for 1870 and 1S71, yet due and unpaid, will be held at the Court House in llidgway, on Monday, April 11th, 1873, at one o'clock, p. m. Look HKaE. Five hundred agents w:iuted for the sale ef Kennedy's Photo pMph Family Record, the most beuuti pt.n work of the age, both u?e!'ul unil ornamental. Apply at once to II. .1. & 13. F. Kennedy, Conuaaut, Ohio. fho paying of salaries to all county incurs, instead 01 lees, is a proposition tnat is meeting with favor 111 a'l parts of tie State, It is proposed to gay all lues into the public treasury, and tlie olicera to receive their pay from the Treasur er. No doubt an effort will bo mado to incorporate this feaftre into the new (.li'ustitution. Arrested. Two young men named Akx. Nolf and 1'erlc Fields, about liticcn years of age, were arrested yester day by Constable V.'entscl, for stealing lumber from J. S. Hyde, at the Mead Hun Steam Mill, and brought before Empire Beeman Tlisy had rafted in threo platforms, and eight courses deep 111) had run the rait as far as the ices would permit. Pcrle Fields received b.iil and Ales. Nolf, was consigned to Kurt Ovster in default of bail. Rafting. Tho lumbermen in thin section cf the county, are busy at work, rafting in lumber, and making prepara tion for the spring ruo. However, the ioe is so thick on the streams; and the snow so deep in tho woods, That it will take a great deal of good weather to make a running stage and now the fear is that if the snow should go off with a ! 1 1 1 rain, that a bank sweeper equal to the one of 1861 would be the result, the in dications present are that the lauibsr men will have a good run. Paving Twice. Some of our sub scribers have complained that they have paid for the Advocate twice or that they have paid four dollars for one year's subscription. Now if our subscribers will do us the favor to be sure they have paid two years subscription for one year's paper we will be under obligations, if any have done so wo will send them the Advocate a year fee. We will fill out all back subscriptions, and we hope our enbscribers that feel an interest in having a good paper, will be prompt in sending the pay for subsciptions now due us. It very often happens that subscri bers complain of paying twice for one year's subscription, when the faots of the case will show that they have paid for one year and ozpeoted to receive the paper for two or three times what they have paid for. All we ask is that our subscribers do justice by us for it is our wish to do the fair thing by them. Lastly, we are not in lavor of inserti og duns in the paper week after weak, and would not have even inserted this had we not felt it justice to our patrons aud to ourself to do 10. Fbif.nd Advocate. Sitting at uiy win dow drerJiilly' watching the cloud, al they; float through the mistv ether chasing each other in quick succession; each in its turn gnthoring size and beauty as It dons the east off misty garments, of its floating noighbors, how frowning dnrkly, now beam ing with light, now spreading the folds of its spectrnl mantle o'er the fragile form of a weaker brother, then fading, swiftly fad ing into the dim blue of the d istant horizon, ny eyes then droep from their airy gaze, and my thoughts from their dreamy flight fall flat, prone to earth, shocked perhaps at the scene that meets my eyes. In full view from my window several young men are playing at "throw and catch ball;" an amusemaut laudable and innocent in its kind but not 'appropriate to the day. "Re member tho Sabbath day to keep it holy;" was one of the copies under which we used to scrawl w4th our cramped novitiate hnnd, in the thumb worn copy books of childhood days. God's flat and loag cus tom have made it a law universal among all civilized nations, and by them it is reoog nized as a' day sacred to worship and to rest. From boy I manhood (we were tiught the divinity of its origin, and we now sorrow to see drunken brawlers reeling along our streets breaking the sacred quiet with their bacchanalian howls, and idiotio gibberish. We wonder where they procure ihe potent liquid, for our laws prohibit ven ders from selling it on the Sabbath, aud our "knights of the bowl are all honoruble men." Winking you snccea we (niy must and I) remain your friend. Makrikd. On Monday, March 17lh, 1878, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Ediuboro, l'a., by the liev. W Hollister, Mu. llcNttv A. Parsoxs, Jr., of llidgway, l'a., to Miss Eva M. Fuller, of Edinboro, Pa, Scddex Death. 'e hear that a young 11110 named William Dixou died very suddenly last Friday night, March 14th, at Johnson's steam mill, iu Pleas ant Township, about scveu miles from Warren. It seems that tho deceased aud others came from Irvinetou that night bringing with them a quantity of whiskey of which they drank quite free ly during the night, and Saturday morn ing he was found deudain John U tier's barn. Yesterday a Coroner's inquest was held over thj body by L. T. Purmlee Esq , assisted by S. B. Stoddard, Na thaniel Sill, Ja!u4 R. King and others, who rendered a verdict after due inves tigator, that the deceased came to his death from excessive driuking of intoxi cating liquors. v This sad incident is an effective sermon on the evils of intemperance. Warren Ledger. A Real Old-Fashioned Winter. Where is that elderly scamp who has "howled for sixty-three years for an old fashoned winter? How we would like to ruu liiai through a planing mill run by ice water, nud cut him opcu with a snuw plow, and fill him full of snow bails, aud sew him up null uu icicle, ul1 ttiap hitu to the north pole until the epriig i.tiiis released bim. Ifco aalul wretch. l)uiib'jry News. .. I. A YUDg lawyer iu North . Carolina was lately paid a pound ol butter for legal services. A Company has been formed in Are quipa, Peru, to seek the coal deposits at Tuaibay. "Gehtl emeu's pautaloons upholstered here," is tho sia tear a skaj'tig park iu Titusville, Pa. Georgia has a joint stock company com posed exclusively of negroes, tor the purpose of building a colored hotel. Utica's chiet engineer has iuvented a nozzle that will throw water "nround a coiaer." Miss. Jennie Brown; of Wisconsin, has received fifty yards of watered silk as a reward for saving three men from a watery grave. A Dispatch from Snnko River, Idaho, says that the cattle are dying in largo numbers, caused by the severe cold weather. No fewer than 176 almanacs forlS73 have heen published in Paris, at prices running all the way from three sous to ono f'rance. It has been proposed in the Nebraska Legislature to offer a reward of $j0,0u0 to the finder of a four-foot vein of coal in that State. The Michigan crop of logs thisycai will bo very heavy, and it is estimated by pood judces that there will be at leat 20,1100,001) more in Grand river this season than will supply all the mills during the year, allowiug them to run night and day. Fklt. Suoht. A Kentucky man set out to husk eight bushels of corn, the ot&er day, but right in the busiest part of the task he was called off to shoot a man who had proposed au eloument with his wife. He therefore fell short two bushels. Nine counties and cities have so far voted ''for license," and eighteen "against license." The aggregate vote for license is 8,473, and against 16,291; lanjority against license 7,818. Bad luck is simply a man with his hands ia his pockets and his pipe in his mouth, looking on to see how it wil ooaae out. Good luck is a man of pluck with his sleeves rolled up and working to make it come right. LICENSE NOTICE. '. TAVERN LlCliNSji. . BEKKZITTK TOWNSHIP. 1. Martin Entz, 2. D. Kunes. BKNZINGER TOWNPniP. 3. Jacob Hcrbstritt. FOX TOWNSHIP. 4. Wolfgang Auman, 5. Kook & Son, (Kersey.) JAT TOWNSHIP. G. A. Turley, (Wwedville.) 7. T. J. & J. A. Burke, S. P. H. Rarke, V. 11. Rrownlee. Jones township. 10. Horace Stark. 6T. mary's nonouon. 11. B. Conner, 12. D. Scull, 13. A. J. Layton & Co., ,14. Mathias Wellendort. EATING HOUSE. EENZINOER TOWNSHIP, 15. F. Sore, J6. F. Doport. FOX TOWNSHIP. 17. P. G?h, (Kersey.) 18. James MoCloskey. jay TOWNsmp. 19. Thr-s. J. Burke, (Weedville.) 8T. MART'S BOROUGH; 20. Charles Klauscman, 21. J. B. Hiudlo, George Sclinnh STORE. jAt TOWNSHIP. 3. B. E. Morey. JOXiii TOWNSHIP. 24. Martin Sowers. FRED. SCI1CKNING, Clerk. A San Francisco widow keeps tho skull ot lier deceased husband in a glass bhc onee remarked to a Incnd who was viewing tbe remains: "Alus! how alien have 1 banned these boms with a broo'jistirk, I am torry for it now." Louisville Ky.,tlaims the only origi nal Tom Thumb, wlmjis colored. . 1 Honesty Pays. It pajs to be hon est. It pays in uiore rvs thau on. It not enly pays in the SHtisfaCiion it brinps, but, in the long run. it pays in dollars and cents. The Mechanic, the meiohant, the manufacturer, tiro law yer in fact, every man thai seeks ad- ancement through his labors will hnd that bouestf is not only the best policy, but the be-:t stock iu trude that be exu have. It may tnko longer to earn a fortune by honest labor, but ooce carried. it will last loiger and . buy more solid comfort than double the amount earned by difcboncst means. There is some thing better than wealth. Integryly s priceless. Money canno, buy it. J ne ueh uiuii may envy the poor man its possession, yet the rich can I. ere it from the be-'inning. Start riwlit 3011112 man. Let not ambition whispeis lead you Rftrny. J.e determined to deal cn the squnro with your fellow men. Evry duilur thus earned will biing a bloving to your heart. If you cant make money hnneMly you had better remain poor all your life. It will uot pay to exchange your honesty for a lew dollars and cents jtouey made by chcaliiig your neigh bors will burn into your conscienca tivi destroy foiever your earthly happiness Does ambition lead the citizens to lueli political power? Let bim understand that the ouiy ure loot ho Id m ciimbioi t!'e rugged tteep of fame is hereby of purpose, lie may have brilliant ability, may cunrm the ove snd please the ear, but if be lacks iutegiity be lacks the one treat .element of lasting power, if be is false to himself he v.iu oe laisa to others, aud his fall will be as certain as bis elevation was rapid. The wrecks of ambitious statesmen are to ba seen on every side, 'lbey had ability ; th'y hxd the coiilidcuce of tho people; uiey were elevated to rower and influence, but they lacked honesty and they fell mo'al wrecks made so by their own lolly. Let their fate be a w-nng to public men. Letpeisonul io'egiity be the priceless jewel that money cup neither buy nor sell. The lame that is uuit upon hon esty will stand like ihejslir.ft of evauite, the emblem ot buauty and eternal sirength. SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES, PREPAID m MAIL. My new priced descriptive Catalogue of Cnoicc flower and uarden noeus, Jo sorts of eiiberfor$l; new and choice varieties of Fruit atid Ornamental Trees, bhruht. Evergreens, Roses, Gtapes, Lillies, t'inall Fruits, House and border Plauts and Buibs; one year grafted Fruit Trees for mailing: Fru:t Stacks of all kinds: Hedtje Phi 11; b, &c; the uinst. ccmple'e assortment in the country, will he ent tratis to auy vl;in oddress, with P. O. hox. Tt lie Ope Cod t'ranherry for upland or lowhiud, 1! per 1000; SI j-er 100, prepaid by mail. irado List to dealers, bean 011 Commit; sion. Agents wasted. JJ. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Hm ehous, i'lyuiouih, Muss. tahlishcd 1812. TO KOHii !.Wf1SSMKS. A NEW WAY OF Itl'NKINO A Subscription Bools. CAN SELL THOUSANDS!! PLAIN HOiMti TALK Is plain talk abeut the body and its phytica and social needs. Ur. B. L1. Footb. nuthor of "Medioal Commoa Seuso." of No. 120 Lexington Ave., N. V., who entertains everybody with 111a pei, and cures evo y body by liis skill, ia JUi author. Iu riti thousand pages it aaawers a thousand questions you don't want to go to your physician about. It ii, as is stamped upon its eover, "a book for private aud consid erate reading." Price $2.25. and sent postage preraid, everywhere. A beautiful original ctiro mo, mounted, "Tuaow Paveie to tbi Docs," worth $10, goes with th book. No chromo without the book No book wiikout the chromo. Address MUR RAY HILL PUBLI8I1INQ COMPANY; No izv bast ziu street, Hew Xck. t6 d2 ISt. war.e-rfwc ......... 1 J -1 i. f: -. a TZU g WW - s jn.j3r.r -T1 NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, " AND . HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumber mens Tools In fact everything usually kept in a tirst-class Hardware Store. IV F!Pi Eiiiploying none but iirst-clnss Workmen and nothing hut tlrsst- eSas material -used. 1 C3 ??03ITE THE COUPwT W- S -tf. MALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR EENEWER. Ei ;ery year increases the popu larity of this valuftble Hair Prep arat ion, which is due to merit nlon e. We can assure our dd patr ons that it is kept folly up to its t Ash standard ; aud it is the on ly r enable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Fadid Haj r to its youthful color, making it t oft, lustrous, and silken. Tho seal p, bv its usn, becomes white and eleri a. It removes all eruptions and dan IrulT, and, by its tomo proper tie?, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes . the hair-glanda. By its use, tho haii grows thicker and stronger. In 1 'afdnesB, it restores the capillary glat ids to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in cxti 'erne old nge. It is the most ecoi lomioal Hair-Dbessiko ever uset 1, as it requires fewer applica tion s, and gives the hair a splendid, gloi ;sy appearance. A. A. Hayes, , M.I State Assayer of Massachu eetl .s, says, " The constituents aro pur 0, and carefully selected for ex cel ent quality; and I' consider it tin Best Preparation for its int ended purposes." Sok I by all DruqfUf and Dtalrrt tn IMietom. f Yiia One Dollar. ' B uciiingham's Dyo. POn THS WHISK3E3. As our Renewer in many cases re quire3 too long a time, and too in uch care, to restore gray or faded T Tuskers, we haT( prepared this d ye, in 'one preparmtion, which will q- uickly and eu'ectually accomplish tl lis resslt. It is easily applied, a ad produces a color which will n either rub nor wash off. Sold by 9 II Druggists. Pries Fifty Cents. 'Manufactured by R. P. HAXL & CO WAJbHUA. xjs. TO CO TEST. . Tlii an iiujuiry wliich every CDt tilnnill liave-'J7y answered bsfore lie tturts ou his jourocy, and a Utile care taken in examination ot Uoutft will iu mauj cu-es bitva ciuol trouble, time tiifl niooey. Ihs'-C", B. & Q. Ii. U.," running fiorti Chicago, through Gal';burg to Burliogtaa, aud tlia '-I., Ii. &V. Route,' running IVoia Indianapolis), tliritigh ljlooniingtoii to )Uiiim;to, have lohiev ed a 8 pic t did reputation in tbolast two years 3 the leadiu Passfagirs Routes to tle West. At Burhugtoa they ood ncct with the B- Js M. II. It. and from the jrraat Burlioton Roarte, vhich rung direct through Southoru Io to Nebras ka aud Kansas, with close cooueotiots to California aud the Territories; tsi "pu68etigers starting from Kilt County, on iheir way westward, eaunot do better lhaa to take the Burlington Route. ThU Liue has published pamphlet called "Hew to go West," which 000 tnios much valuaoie informatioa; a large tiorreot njap ol the Grea Weit, which cu b obtaiued free of charge by ad dressing tha General Tasseu'er Ageut it tha BAM. K , Borlirrton, Im HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- ilOPE'a CEHT. IiTVEsTHENTS SKilF.UD BV I IEST MOHVGAGS OK !fat (Sstate lorlli TIlIlliK TIMKS T11E SUM LOANKD. . At th? Dunking House of A 1, T, E N, S T E P II E N S & C O., In New York City, or at any Baali d- sigfia by the loudtr. TR AHE INYF.STINO FOR EASTERN V rarlit" ninny thousnmld of UolUrs per month in first marina- ri oil iniproTefl property in Illinois, an'i saeli liai betn the flemrnd for these dtsimlile securities, (bat wa liave, during lh last fificeB mouths, iHced ia tUcin nearly one million dollars, kiie fmi-an':tu'i icieieiit oil wbicli has, iu tachandeve-y c't9e, been promptly paid. Tlies mm trusts ars in the form of Trust leedd, and can bo cleW iu 20 days ebonld there he a Ui'.uva to pay internal or taxes wlien due. We iuTi'.st any siia, be it large or small, and collect and interest and principal its it matures, all expense to the lender. Caa refer topmtics for whom we hnve loaned largo noiounts, nnd v'io haro iifver Ibit a u.ilmr tuber of i.rincipol criul, ereet in this c'mss of Fecuritien during the lnet nntrn tears, ctnd lor .our pamphlet. 'Jllinoit an a p'ace i!J-v,utc.ii,' mailed tree. I1K.NP.V C. V. ILSON, OEO. W. TOMS. W1LSOX A TOMtS, DeALF.ns in Keal Estate Ten Pje Cent. brcxtiTirs and Scuooi. Bonds. BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS. jo 10 '71 yl HonlisDd: How Lost, How Restored.. e-arvjrfTaiwJuit publiehed; a new edl v i r. lion of Da. CuLvaawiLL'a Clkbrai iu E33AT en the radical curt (with out medicine) of Spsi'.uatbbiiosa or Kemi 1111I vie:ikuess, lnvoluutavy fceminal Losres, InroTtscY, Alatiialaad Physical Ineapae iiy, laijiedimtms ta Marriage, ate; aUo, Ci.nsrufTinN. Ei'ifcvrbT and Fits, induced by te'.f induleence or sexual extravagance. fJYTiQ9 in a sealed envolope, oily 6 ceiiu. The cclcbrttd author, in thli admirable eesay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty yenrV practice, thai the a'unainiu eoasek (iicnoes of t.-lf-abuse may a radically cured without the Iau;ittrous us of iater tial aiedicine or ihe jpi.lition of lbs knife; painting out a tuoJe of cure at once sicipta, curtain and effectual, by means of which evurv sutiVier, no matter what his condition may l.e cau cure hinigeli cheaply, private, ly, viid radically. ff." This Leciure tiiQiild bo ia tha hunds of every youh and every man in tha land. flent, under seal, in a plaia envelop, to any address, post pari oa recei fi f sis cents or two poet stuoips. ' Also. Dr. CuWerwell'i ' Marriage Qnide," priae 60 cents. Address the Publishers' C1JAS. 3. C. KLIBE t CO., 127 Bowery, Nw York, Past Oifics Sei, 4,. 68ff. at-S J. S. Bordtretl, M. D. Ealaotia Pbyaiaaa Office and residence eppoaiU tk Jail, on Centra at., Kidgway, P. Prampt attention will ba riven to all calls. One ours 7 to 8 A. M-: i2t2P. If.: aad , , e. ii. Mar. 2, W-tf. POWELL & HIKE. FovfcII & ILime E aria j rt4 a lrj 4 well arrwacad acw Start Hat ta la aid altt, ! thi Ira, aad all4 It frtaj Uar ( ganat vita tha AoUmI (aad! af all dmriptla, lkt saa b ftand la aiy narket, arc fully pr par4 U rotivttktr tli aasttaaars, wad supply tntif raU al ktttta Igarat Tkelr aribfiaaaat Is nweaail', prisiag DBY GOOD8 . CHOCKERT, HARDWARB, CLOTHING, B0013 AND SHOa?, EATS AND CAPS, KOTIONS,iate.,;ere, pons. FLOUE. salt. Food, li a b. Butter, DRIED APPLJSS, Dill ED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In chort eieryihisg"wiiUed in the Country by LUM6ER3IEN, "ARMj2IIS, ME CHANICS, MINKR8, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY Alsa. full itealt f MANILLA FIOPE of tha best nnnifaotart, ef enitable sizes for raftinj aad ruanhsj yarica. BiaVt ., UWdMM, 11 F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMESU- IIAGSRTr Maia Street, Kidgway, Fa. i :,y DRY GOOD3, NOTIONS, BOOTS, 8IIOES, 1IAT8 AND CAPS, GLASS AND , QUEENS- V- WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE, ' " k TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 1 A Large Stock of , . , , Groceries and Proiaionfl. Itlie BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hnnd, add sold as cheap as tha CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. NEW LIVERY STABLE in DAN SCR1BNER WISIIK3 TO IX- forna the Cittxens of Ridgway, and tha public fto&crally, taat li hns stnttod a Liv cry BtabH and will keep . GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Bugjies, to let 'apen thamoct reasana b'.e terms. will also do job teaaing. Btabla in the Brooks Bars, near tha Poet Office, on Mil1 street. AU orders left at tha Pojt OfQce will uieol prompt atten tion. ; Aus 20 1 370. tf. RAILROADS- P"iI.AD2LtHlA rTD TRIE K.4IL20AD. TTUTKU TIMK TABLE. -N and and after SUNDAY. OCT. 27 1872, 111 the irniii on the Philadelphia Eria Unilroad will run ks follows WEHTWABP. Mail Train leaves. l'liiladt-!phia..ll.40 p. ' llidgway 2.28 p. , m. m. m. tt n mrive at brie (.66 p. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12. 40 p. m. ' llidgway 2.8'J a. m. " " arrive at Erie .....7.45 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Kcnova,...2.10 p. m " Kidgway.-G. 20p. m. arr at Kane 7.3(p. m. EASTWARD. Ma'.l Train leaves Erie 11. S6 a. m. llidgway 6.00 p. in. ' arrive at l'hilada... 6.66 ft. in. Erie Eipress leaves Eue 9.05 p. m. ii l'idgway... 2.04 a. m. " " avral Philfldolphiu.. 8.80 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Knne 7.55 a. m. Bidgway... 8.65 a. m. " air at Hcnovo 12.30p. ni. Mail East connects east and west at Erio with LSMS If W und at Corry and lr viueton will Oil Creek and Allegheny al tl W. Mail West at Corry and Ivvineton wilt Oil Creek and Allegheny h 11 W. Warren Accommodation Eautandest with trains on 1.. S. & XI. S. H. W. east and west aud at Corrv with O. C. & A. K. It. W. Erie AceoDiuiudstionEast at toiry and West, at Corry and livinttou v.ith U. C- (J- A. It. K. W. SU. A. BALDWIN. Ucu'l Sup't. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Nov. H 1872. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. It. THE BEST P.OUTE BETWEEN PITT3- BUKGH AND POINTS O.N TUB PIIIL'A. & JSltlE K. U. GOISO SOUTH. Pay Expross leaves Cot ry at 11 00 a m Leaves Irvine ton, 11 of a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 80pm Leaves Irvinelon, 5 20 p m Night Express leaves Corry 6 10 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 80 a m Talker's Aceom. Icjivcs Oil City 7 16 a in Arrive at Farhci's 10 15 a m Oil City Accoin. leaver Oil City 4 80pm Arrives at Brady's Bend 8 30 p m GoiNO Day Express leaves Pi.tbburg Rt 8 00 a m Arrives at Corry ti 00 p iu " Irviueiou 6 00pm HiRhl Express leaves Piitsbuih 9 30 p m Arrives at Corry 8 60 a m " " Irvinetou 1) Sa p m P.i-ker's Accom leaves Parktr 0 20 p m Arrifcs at Oil Ci'y 9 00 p ra Oil City Accoin. leaves B. Bend 0 50 a m Arrives at Oil City 11 00 a m Connections made at Corry and Irvine1 tou for points oa the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Valley Blil Bond. Pull;rma Palluce Drawing Beam Sleet). irg Cars oa Ki-'Ut Exprees Trains between Corry aui Pitiburgli. Auk lor iiekcis via Alicgheny Valley B. 3. J. LAWKENX'E, Gea. Bupt. From aid after ZJouday, Feb. 6th 1871. Trains will raa on this Road as follows. Leaves Karlcy 7 30 a. ra., arrives at Daguscal.ouda Junction 8 10 a. ra.,oon naotinf; with Accom. east 8 14 a. ra., aad with Mail west at 9 15 a. ro. Leaves DaguscahonJa at 9 20 a. m. arrive at Ivarley 10 0 a. m. Leaves Ksrley 3 30 p. in., and arrives at Dagus cahonda at 5 00 p. m., couuectiDg with Miil ecit at 5 09 p. nv, acd Atoomnio datioo west at 5 40 p. id. Id case P. & E. trains are lata, Dagus cahanda train holds twenty amnntoi be yond the above time. Tickets should always be procured before leaving statious. O. B. EASBY, Lmcm.