The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 05, 1872, Image 4

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    Gambling In TVaslilnglon.
- A oorrenpondMifrwho 1 tfOlinp some
interesting stories of life in Washington
yenrs ngo, says :
Washington for many years has been a
hot-bed for gamblers of high and low
degree. Thero were a dozen faro banks
on the Avenue within a stone's throw of
OadHby's, on the corner of Bixth street.
Many of those establishments had club
rooms attached, where members of Con
gress and others amused themselves with
braa, vingt-et-un, and whist. Draw
poker came into vogue at a later day.
Gambling, and for large sums, was com
mon, particularly among Southern an4
Western members. Scores of them from
Ohio, Indiana, Kontucky, Tennessee, and
the Gulf States squandered their modest
per diem, then eight dollars only, at the
gaming table, and somo impaired their
private fortunes by the same indulgence.
8. S. Prentiss was reported to havo lost
thirty thousand dollars the first winter
he was iu Congress.
The most notorious and dashing gam
bler of the day was Edward Pendleton.
He came from Virginia, where ho was
well connected, his family being of the
best blood in the State, and ho married
a most respectable and accomplished
lady, whoso father hold a responsible of
fice under the government. Pendleton
gave sumptuous entertainments at his
club-house, which were well attended by
fcouio of the most eminent public men in
the district. Mr. Manguin, tucn l'resv
dent of the State Senate, John C. Crit
tenden, John M. Uotta, John B. Thomp
son, of Kontucky, and Linn Boyd, after
ward Sneaker of tho House, and others
of lesser note were frequently his guests.
Congress had enacted striugent penal
laws to prevent gambling, but they were
a dead letter, unless some poor devil
made a complaint of foul play, or Borne
fleeced blackleg sought vengeance
through the aid of the Grand Jury ; and
then the matter was usually compounded
by the payment of money.
Whist was a favorite gamo with the
foreign ministers and the elder stutos
men. Mr. Clay, General Scott, Mr.
Bodisco, and Mr. Fox nephew of Charles
James Fox who represented William
the Fourth nnd Queen Victoria, often
played together, a hundred dollars being
the usual stake. They generally played
well, as Hoylo taught the game ; but
many of tho mnmbers of the fashionable
clubs of New York play with more skill
than was dreamed of furty years ago.
Governor Maicey was a grout lover of
whist, but he never bet inonoy on the
game. Thcro were always inveterate
whisters in the Senate. A story was
current at one time of a protracted sit
ting at the card-table, at which Gover
nor Stokes, of North Carolina, and
Mountiov Bailey, serereant-at-arms of
the Senate, were two of the players. It
ran in thi3 wise : tho Senate adjourned
from Thursday over to Monday. The
party sat down to cards after dinner
Thursday evuning. They played all
msrht and all tho next day, only stop
ping occasionally for refreshments. The
came was continued Friday night and
Saturday, through Saturday night nnd
all day Sunday and Sunday night, the
players resthig for a snatch of sleep as
nature becamo exhausted. Monday
morninrr tho came was in full blast; but
at ten o'clock Bailey moved an adjourn
ment, alleging that his official cltuies r3'
quired his presence in the Senate-chain
ber. Stokes remonstrated, but the ser-geanfc-at-arins''
persisted, and rose from
the table. The Governor grumbled and
scolded, but finally cave it up, swearing
that if ho had suspected Bailey would
break up tuu game thus prematurely
ko would havo seen him any where be
lore ho woulu have mvitea mm to join
the party.
Mr. Webster played whist, but indif
ferently only. The lrgmians were ad
dieted to that stupid game known as
Bhoe-maker loo. President Tyler was
fond of loo, and on a rainy day, when
there was no great pressure of public
business, ho has been known to make up
a game at the White House, and play all
day, havintr dinner in his chamber. His
companions usually were William Bel
den, Treasurer of tho United States, Cary
Seidell, his brother, store-keeper at the
navy-yard, and sometimes uovornor Oil
mer, of Virginia, with now and then an
other favorite. The amount played for
was always small, but Mr. Tyler was as
much delighted at taking a pool us if he
had won hundreds.
rublio opinion was net so averse to
gambling in Washington as in most of
tho Northern cities. Probably the tone
of publio morals is no moro elevated now
than it was then, but there was then less
pretense and ostentation of purity. At
a large party givon by the wife of a
cabinet minister, Mrs. Clay, chaperon
ing a young lady from the North, pass
ed through a room where gentlemen
wero playing cards, Mr. Clay anion;? the
" Is this a common practice ?" inquired
the young lady.
"Yes," said Mrs. Clay; "thoy always
play when they get together."
" Dom't it distress you to have Mr.
Clay gamble '("
" No, my doar," said the good old
lady, composedly : " he most always
In the winter of 1841 General Scott,
Mr. Clay, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Bodisco
played whist once week for some time,
the stake, as usual, being a hundred dol
lars. They played a match game, Scott
and Bodisco against Clay and Fox. They
were well matched, and for a long time
the game was 'pretty even. At length
fortune favored Messrs. Clay and Fox,
and they were ten or twolve games
ahead. " Gentlemen," said the Russian
minister, rising from the table, "the
game has closed for the season. The ap
propriation is exhausted." And sure
enough not another game would he play,
much to the disgust and vexation or
General Scott, who, of course, was a con
siderable locor.
Things Possible witu Poultry.
The Poultry World thinks it would be
safe to count on ten dozen eggs per hen
each year. Appreciably less than this
would indicate derangoinent somewhere,
and it would Vot be unreasonable to ex
pect the annual avcrago to reach twolve
dozen at least. Even this figure would
not require a very great overstraining on
the part of fowl or keeper. Simply
wholesome caro and judicious selection.
Price is a delicate thing to touch on, it
varies so with seasons and location.
Taking for granted that tho majority ot
the eggs are laid in the course of the
Fall and Winter months, when prices
range high, and supposing the market to
be from Philadelphia eastward, and eggs
well sold, could not thirty cents per
dozen be had f Probably ; or very close
to it. Then, chickens are to be consid
ered in addition. The two-year old
hens on going to market, provided they
are of fair size and in good condition,
will amply repay for raising a like num
ber of early pullets to the laying age,
while the turning off as broilers of cock
erels at 12 weeks old will leave some
thing of a margin over their rearing ex
penses, if sold at $1.2.. to $2 a pair, from
the last of May till early in June. Al
lowing 25 cents to be this margin on
each bird, there would bo half that Bum
to be credited to'every hen when half of
the layers are recruited yearly. Again,
manure has to be added, which, at the
lowest computation, should be placed at
2.'i cents per capita. Turning to tho
running expenses, teen, uemanas nisi at
tention. Tho equivalent of ono bushel
and " a half of grain, for average-sized
fowls, will bo found not far amiss.
Larsror birds will require a trifle more ;
smaller ones, in degree, less. This sup
ply should not cause an outlay ol over
$1.2' at most, and that to include vege
table food in Winter. From 60 to o."
cents a fowl ought to cover all outlay in
the way of labor (cost of chicken care
was included above wnen speaKing oi
them). AVith proper conveniences, one
man, going to worn systematically,
hould be able to attend from SOU to 1,200
fowls in a fitting manner.
The Weigut of Live Cattle. The
following rule is generally accepted, we
1. ................ U..
ueneve. us iu'.imy uuuuiuiu uy ajhuiwu
cattle dealers, and has been adopted in
some localities in this country, where
animals could not be weighed :
First, see that the animal stands
square; then, with a string, taite ms cir
cumference lust behind the shoulder
blade, and measure the feet and inches
this is the girth. Then measure from the
bone of the tail which plumbs the line
with the hinder part ot the buttock, and
direct the string along tho back to tho
fore part of the shoulder-blade, and this
will be the length. Then worK the ngures
thus : Suppose girth of bullock 6 feet
i inches, length, 0 teet d inches, wnicu,
multiplied together, make 33 square
superficial feft, and these multiplied by
23 the number of pounds allowed for
each superficial toot ot cattle measuring
less than seven and moro than five feet
in girth make 759 lbs. When the ani
mal measures less than nine and more
than five feet in girth, 31 is the number
of pounds to be estimated for each super-
hcial toot. And suppose a small animal
to measure 2 feet in girth and 2 feet in
length, these multiplied together make
1 teet, which multiplied by eleven the
number of pounds allowed for each
equare foot when cattle measure less
than three m girth make a pounds.
Again, suppose a calf, or sheep, etc., to
measure 4 teet b inches in girtn, and d
feet 0 inches in length ; that, multijlied
together, makes 10 square feet, and these
multiplied by 10 the number of pounds
allowed tor cattlo measuring lesa than 8
and more than 3 feet in girth make
200 lbs. The dimensions in girth and
length of tho back of cattle, sheep,
calves, and hogs, taken this way, are as
exact as is at all necessary for common
computation or valuation ot stock, and
will airswer to the tour quarters ot the
animal, sinking the offal. A deduction
must be made for tho animals half fat, of
ono pound in twenty from those that are
fat ; and for a cow that has had calves,
ono pound must bo allowed in addition
to one for not being fat, upon every
Cellars axd Pits. We wish to make
a plea for the pit Storing vegetables
in the house cellar saves time and a lit
tle expense, as compared to pitting them
in some convenient snot out of doors,
but these advantages are dearly paid for
before Spring by those compelled to
breathe the exhalations of a decaying
cabbage, beet or turnip, r.ven where
there is no decay, vegetables thus thrown
into heaps will emit a strong odor that
surely finds its way into every nook and
corner from cellar to garret. If the cel
lar is unusually warm, then all the worse
for the inhabitant-- ot that house, and all
the batter prospect ?' r the village doctor
to run up a nice litlie bill. It was sure
ly wiser to uiakethe triningextra outlay
necessary to pit th-se vegetables now,
than to subject yon'sclt and tauiily to
the discomfort of breathing bad air all
Winter, and of pos.-ible loss ot health.
When once the experiment of pitting is
tried it is sure to result in the perman
ent practice of stori:. vegetables outside
of cellar walls.
Bat if you must nnd will store vege
tables in the cellar, i;t least, do not, un
less the cellar is very dry and cool, store
them before the beginning of steady cold
weather, and then remember that it is ot
the utmost importance to give all the
ventilation possible, day and night. Ten
barrels of fruit or gar len stuff are spoiled
by too much heat and dampness, where
one is destroyed by i rost. it is a gooa
rule to let the temperature in the cellur
fall to the freezing point before closing
doors and windows, and then to Keep it
as near 32 degrees as possible. A". '.
A Straw Candidate.
In Baa Franoisoo newspaper, some
weeks since, appeared the advertisement
of one 1). G. Harmon, announcing him
self as an independent candidate for
Congress. " Who is Harmon t" wai the
general interrogatory and it will be
seen that many thirsty souis received
balmy satisfaction upon that point be
fore Mr. Harmon retired from the con
tost, which he did in a short time through
the medium of another advertisement
The secret of this curious canvass will be
presently unfolded, for Harmon upon
appealing to ms tellow citizens conjec
tured that the readiest and most certain
way of going point blank to their hearts
was through their stomachs a diseovery
which it required no great anatomical
knowledge to make, and one which hnd
been made and acted upon before. Re
cognizing this recondite relation between
the ballot and Bacchus, Harmon hired a
room in the restaurant establishment of
Bickerstaff. In this apartment Har
mon " took a seat and received visitors,"
to whom he offered cigars without re
striction and wmo at discretion, or in
discretion, as the case might be. It was
during the trial of a suit, brought by
the proprietor of this refectory against
Harmon for tho expenses of the canvass,
that the candidate gave his testimony. It
turns out that his running tor Uongress
was what slangy men call, wo believe, a
put up job. He said that he was brought
out as a candidate by Messrs. Tetit,
Kir win, and Bickerstaff. It was agreed
that he should have a suite of rooms ;
that he should sit there and " look grave
and say as little as possible." There was
another man named Piper running for
tho same office, and the object of start
ing Harmon was to make Piper pay
roundly to get him out of tho way. So
the headquarters were established, the
corks were drawn, and a fountain of free
whiskey established ; cigars were dis
pensed without cost to all who loved the
weed, and trie electoral revelries com
menced. "When any men of intelli
gence called," testified Harmon, "I
looked wise, and said as little as possi
ble." Mostly, however, according to
Harmon's evidence, no one called except
bloats and loafers, who congratulated
him on "coming out," drank all the
whiskey they could get, and vowed to
sustain their generous host through thick
and thin. Harmon acknowledged that
he was drunk most of the time ; and
said that when he got sober he determi
ned to back out, for he " couldn't stand
it any longer." The conspirators against
the pocket of Piper besought their lay
figure of a candidate to " hold on for
just five days more." He resolutely re
fused. " Not another day," he declared ;
and they took him out of the field. The
whole thing, so far as it was a design
upon Piper's pocket, was a lamentable
failure, or appears to have been so.
Possibly matters migrht have gone more
satisfactorily if the straw candidate had
not got very drank to begin with, and
kept himselt in an elevated state ot Jiac
chus to tho end. He does not seem to
have made much out of the speculation.
He had a little money of his own when
he went into it, and this he spent treely ;
when it was gone he proceeded on cred
it, and consequently found himself a de
fendant in court, while rout, Hirwin,
and Bickerstaff meanly went back on
him, and refused to come down a single
First-class Railroad Bond are the best
for investments. Write to Citaiu.ks W.
HassLER, No. 7 Wall Street," N. Y.
I A oelobratod physician having said to
Jjord Btowell, rather more miimnLiy
than beseemed the gravity of his cloth,
" Oh, yon know, Sir William, after 40 a
man is always either a fool or a physi
oian." "Mayn't ho be both, doctor i"
was the rejoinder, with an insinuating
leer and- half drawling voice.
For nYSFKrsiA, indigestion, depression
of spirits, and general debility, in their
various forms also as a preventive
against fever-and-ague and other Inter
mittent fevers the " Ferko-kiospiior-ated
Elixir of Calisata," made by
Caswell, Hazard & Co., of New York,
and sold by all druggists, is the best ton
ic, and as a tonic for pationts recovering
from fever or other sickness, it has no
equal. Com.
The IIuvak Moo and its THATcarso. If
the man deserves well of his country who
makes two blades of grass prow where only
one grew before, surely ho who produces a glo
rious crop of hair on a comparatively barren
scalp deserves the hearty tbauks of the obliired
party. All honor, therefore, to Professor E. T.
l.vnii. for. nnniiMtlnnnhlv. his reuowned Ka-
TnAiHON nceomnllsbes this object. Gentlemen
whose whiskers are 6hv ot milking their op
pearance iu force, or the fibers of whose moiie
taches disclose those " ma(tniticent distances "
fnr whlrh Wmhlnfrtoii City was once so
famous, will find this IIaik rEKSi;AlEB the
most wonderlul encourager oi iiurims uevciup
ruentthat has ever yet been Invented. Both
sexes ttru advised to use ft, s, by all odds, it is
the best article for improving the growth and
beauty of the. hair, keeping it free from scurf
and dandrun", preventing it from becoming
harsh, dry nnd gray giving it a rich gloss aud
endowing it with flexibility that Toilet Chem
Istry has ever evolved t' om the vegetable king
dom. Com.
Newspaper Puffs are so common
that it is almost impossible fsr an editor
to express his honest opinion of the mer
its of any article without being suspect
ed of interested motives. This fact, how
ever, shall not deter ns from saying what
we think of a now addition to the Mate
ria Medica to which our attention has
been recently directed. We refer to Dr.
J. Walker's California Vinegar Bit
ters, a remedy which is making more
noise in the world just now than all the
other advertised medicines put together.
Its celebrity, as far as we can judge, is
not based on empty pretension. There
seems to be no question about tho poten
cy of its tonio and alterative properties,
while it possesses the great negative
recommendation of containing neither
alcohol nor minoral poison. That it is a
specific for Indigestion, Biliousness, Con
stipation, and many complaints of ner
vous origin, we have reason to know ;
and we are assured on good authority
that, n a ceneral invifforant and a regu
lating and purifying medicine, it has no
equal. It is stated that its ingredients,
(obtained from the wilds of California,)
nrA new to the medical world; and its
extraordinary effects certainly warrant
the conclusion that vegotable agents
hitherto unknown enter into its compo
nition. If Domilarity is any criterion,
t.hnre can be no doubt of the efficiency
of tho Vinegar Bitters, for the sale of
the article is immense and continually
increasing. Com.
Pimples and brown spots on the face, Erup
tions, Blotchce, Scrofulous Diseases, and nil
sores arising from impure blood, are cured by
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. 609.
Butter nnd cheese are almost Indispensable
articles nf food, l'ronerlr used, they are nu
tritious and healthv ; but an Inordiuate use of
either causes indigestion and dyspepsia. Par
son's Purgative Pills, Judiciously used, will
remove both of these troubles.
The American Aqricu'lurisi, xpeaking abmit
Mm front, merits '.if CABLE SCREW WIUE
Boots and Shoes, sas: " A Trial of these goods
for several months mist, nnd the testimony we
have from dcalerH. mov; this method of fasten
ing soles to be a good improvement ; there is
mi ripping, the wire holds until the sole of the
bhoe id ininy woru our.
Have you ague in tho face; nnd Is it badly
swollen V Have yon 6evere pain in the chest,
back, or side? Have you crumps or pains iu
the stomach or bowels 1 Have you bilious colic
or severe griping pains V If bo, uso Johnson's
Anodyne Liniment. Cora.
What it Cost. The Mayoralty cam
paign in New York city, it is authorita
tively stated, cost as loiiows : r or ajw-
rence, $9,000 ; for Havemeyer, $10,000 ;
for O'Brien, $75,000. The truth ot the
old adaee. that "Money makes the mayor
go," is not always reamed, navemeyer
was the successful candidate. O'Brien it
is said snent every dollar he had in tho
world and all his friends would loan him
on the result.
I. nvtended to the world ti nla-o bofnrj tlio rmWic n
lictior CmiKh or Lung remedy tbnn Allen's hiin
For Beaur of Polish, Saving Labor, Clean
liness, Durability O. nnpnoM nqmi
....... n n, wtni'rifi.wq lITAT!oxs. under othrr
Tmniois Imt rceintillBg oura In thiipe and OoW of wrppr
intended to deceive.
thk RiRiMi si t polish 1 ni i.nern. ttnve floaier'
. ftt twelve fentu tier pound twenty -five nnd Ally
pound boxes. "C'lieancr tliun my other bolt l'ollsn lor
UOtTii'Si' IHMNfl SI J M'JWKR TY.fl It No Wnrppnlrig
Chean nrrt liiimWe iirci,d'nlher!irtlcl"rir purpose.
1 IK HIMMi si Vl'l." : -""' TlK. Koraxlei,
brarliign nnd mm-lilnerv. I.nto "Is tlmraloneneoll
MORSE BROS., Prop'rs., Canton, Mass.
Said aPahekt to a Child. " Just look at
those Shoes, only bought last week ; Rood as
new, nil but the toes, which are worn throiiKh.
Money thrown awav, feet wet, Htoclungs soiled,
all because they were not Metal ripped.
Parents, take yoiir choice, neat, ficntecl. Silver
Tinned shoeswhich never wear out at the too,
or p Hoes without li
nrotrudiusr toes.
Which is the Cheapest?
Consumptives, Read
Would von etire hit dtr.inir Cmik'i. nnd lnng
hmk tht lipiiHIiy visor till latrly plantmt in our cn.-ek .
II yon ivmild. no not delay I for, ere you arc mm re, it
will bo toj lute.
Allen's Lung Balsam
Isyonrhopc. It ha been tried by thousand 8 uch ah
vou, who have be 'U cured; iimny, in thrir erntitudf,
havo lent their nnmii to n. that ninVrinff humanity
can ro.i'1 their evidence aiWhciieve. Don't exueriinrnt
with now and untfied mixtures vou can not ftltura it
buttrvntoncn this invaluable article. It if wirrnnted
to break up the most troublesome (lotifih in a few hours,
if not of too Iopr ititndinjr. It ia warranted to c-vo
pntire satisfact-nn in all cans of Lunfj and Throat ditli
cuities. An an Exnectoranl, it hu no equal.
Unsolicited Evidence of its Merits-
TV lint Vill.Unown XrtiprK.1tn
utout AIIoii'm I-miitf IStllMlllll.
R. R. R.
Cures the Worst Pains
Xeed an y one Suffer with I'uln.
Eadway'i Ready Belief ii a Cure for every Pain.
that Instantly stops the mot excruciating paiua, al
lays Inflammations, aud eurcs Congestions, whether
of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowela, or other glands cr
srgaos, by one application.
no matter how Tlolcnt or excruciating the pain the
RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, lcrv.
ous. Neuralgic, or proatrated with diseaso may
Inlliimnialloii of the Bladder,
Infliimmntlonol llio in cie,
1 miirelii of the I.nnKn
U ri l . . . It ft i. I k :I .... f li I n ir.
I'ulplladou ol the Heart,
Ureteric-, Croup, JMpinerlii,
J litturrh, Influenza.
WnnAa T I " ll 1. f ll .
urals;la, Rheumatism,
Cold Chill. Asrue I talll.
Tho arni'icatiou of tho READY RELlFFtntliopart
. 1 i:ai....ii......;..j ul
OT parld WIll'IU IUU JJUIU ui luiutuuj vaiqio m..iuu.u
M4. ml cnmt'ol't.
Twenty ilrnps In hull tumliler of water will In a
row moments euro :rampH, opusm. euur ninina..'iil
Heartburn, hick HeaiUche, Diarrhea, Dyneutery,
r'nii,, Winrl in tlm linwelH.und all Intemnl pulns.
Travelers should always rnrry a bottle of UAD-
WAY'ft ltKADY RKT.IKV witli them. A few drops
In water will prevent sickness or pains from rhaiiRO
of water. It is bettor lhau Frclicii Liandy ot Bitters
as a stimulant.
FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. There
Is not a romeiliiil atfeut in this world tlmt will cure
Fever and Ague, and all other Maliuious, unions.
Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by
ItAUWAY a yiLtLiii) so qmeK as awa n nr.nvi
kulikf. Fifty Cents per Bottle.
If o Person rnn ke lliese Hitters seoorrt.
Ing to directions, ami remain lontt unwell, provided
their bones arc not destroyed by mlnrnil poison or
other means, and vital organs wasted beyoud the
point of repair.
Dysiiopxln or TndlRestlon, nendocho, Pain
In the fthoulilers, fouiMm, Tightness of the Chest,
Hizzlness, Sour Krnrtniinns m niu rvomncn, nail
Tiisto In tho Month, Bilious Attacks, 1'alpltutloii of
the Heart, Innninmniion oi me i.nngs. ram in trie
region of the Kidneys, ami a nnmiren oilier painrni
symptoms, are tho off-springs or Dyspepsia, one
hoitlowiu prove n neuer iiumuuivvi ui us mcum
than a lengthy advert iHonicnt.
For Femnle 'oiiinlnliitH, In yonnit or old,
mnrrled or Ninclo, at the dawn omvomnnhnod, or
the tnrn or Hie, inese iouio mucin mxpiuy so
tleeldod an liilluetico ibat Improvement is soon,
percept llilc.
For liillnmmntnry sail Chronic Kheii.
inntlsm anil (lout, union", Hcrnilleut nnd Inter
mtllent Fevers, Discuses of the Blond, Liver, Kid
neys nnd Bladder, tlieso Iliitcrs have no equal.
Such Diseases arc ennsed by Vitiated Blood.
They ore n gentle Pur(tlvc is well ns
n Tonic, possessing tho merit of acting ns a
powerful ageut In relieving Contrestlon or Inflam
mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, aud la
Bilious Diseases.
For Skin Dlsenses, Eruptions, Tetter, Palt
Rhetim. Blotches, Hpols, Flmples, Pustules, Bolls,
Carbuncles, Hlng-worms, rVuld-lload, Siro Eves,
Erysipelas, Itch, Seuris, Discoloration ofthe Skin,
Hiimors and Diseases on be Skin of whatever namo
or nature, are literally dug up ami carried out
of tho svHteiu lu u eliort liiiio by the use of these)
Bitters." ....
Urateful Thousands proclaim IXFOAB BtT
teih tho most wonderful luvi(;orujit that ever
sustained tho ninklng svstem.
It. I. i-McMOXAM & CO.
Prngglsts and (len. Ants., .Sin Franeheo, Cal., A
cor. or Washington uml Charlton Sts., x.Y.
W No40 "
'ins, with ragged holos ami
Which looliH the Best ?
Prsnixa. Those who to round with
the contribution box in Californinn
churches plead and argue the casa in the
new as they eo alone;, lhe following
qialogua, it is said, took place between
one of these gentry and vn honest-look-in?
miner. Deacon L extended the
box to Bill, who slowlv shook his head.
" Come, William, give something," nays
tho deacon. "Can't do it," said Bill.
"Why not? is not the cause a good
one W Yes. trood onoush : but I am
not able to give tiny thing," answered
Bill. . "Pooh ! pooh ! I know better J
you must give me a better reason than
that." " Well, I owe too much money;
I must be just before I am generous, you
know." "But, William, you owe God a
larger debt than any one else." " Tbat'r
true, deacon, but he ain't pushing me
like the rest of my creditors.
Ccrf von. a Cold. A hot lemonade
is one of the best remedies for a cold. It
acts promptly and efficiently, and has no
iinnWstmt. .fW pftucts. One lemon
uhnuld be nronerlv saueezed, cut in slices
put with sugar, and covered with half a
hoiKus- water. Drink iust before
going to bed, and do rot expose yourself
the following day. This remedy will
ward off an attack of chills aud fever if
nsArt Tvrninritl7. e give it on the re
commendation of one of the judges of
our courts who is a just man aud never
takes brines
An Arab Trick.
Iba Batuta, tho Arabian, whose mar
velous account has boon more recently
corroborated by Edward Melton, the
Anglo-Dutch traveler, relates that when
present at a groat entertainment at the
court of the Viceroy of Khansa (Kinsay
of Polo, or Hangchaufu), " a juggler who
was ono of tho khan's slaves, made his
appearance, and the amir said to him,
' Come aud show us some of your mar
vels.' Upon this he took a wooden ball
with several holes in it, through which
long thongs were passed, and laying
hold of one of these, slung it into the air.
It went so high that we lost sight of it
altogether. (It was the hottest season of
the year, and wo were outside in the
middle of the pulaco court). There now
remained only a little of the end of a
thonir in the conjurer's hand, and he de
sired one of the boys who assisted him to
lay hold of it anA mount. He did so,
climbing by the thong, and we lost sight
of him also ! The conjurer then called
to him three times, but getting no an
swer, he snatched ud a knife, as if in a
grout rage, laid hold of the thong, aud
disappeared also! By-and-by he threw
down one of the boy's hands, then a
foot, then the other hand, and then the
other foot, then tho trunk, and, last of
all, the head ! Then he came down him
self, all putting and panting, and with
his clothes till bloody, kissed the ground
before the ahiir, and said something to
him in Chinese. The amir gave some
order in reply, and our friend then took
the lad's limbs, laid them together in
their places, and gave a kick, when,
nresto ! thorn was the lov, who got up
and stood before us ! All this astonished
me beyond measure, and I had an attack
of palpitation like that which overcame
me once before in the presenco of the
Sultan of India, who showed me some
thing of the same land. They gave me
a cordial, however, which cured the at
tack. Tho Kazi Af kharuddin was next
to me, and quoth he, ' Wultah !' 'tis my
otyinion there has been neither going up
nor coming down, neither marring nor
mending ; tis all hocus-pocus !
t'ouehs and Colds are often overlooked ; a
continuance lor any length of time causes Irri
tation of the I.uug-3 or 6ome chronic Throat
Disease. Brown' t Bronchial Troches are an
effectual Cough Remedy. Cow.
Do not be deceived with imitation collars
with folded edges, but asu for the Elmwood
with all the edes folded. Com.
Ior complexions restored and good com
plexions retained, by using " The Qiiacn's
Toilet." Com.
..kly N. V,
Only 81 a Year.
The Best Family Paper. The Wi
Sun. 8 pases. SI a rear. Send your 1
Tim Rest Agricultural Pnper. 1 e Weekly
N. Y. San. 8 paces. SI a year. Send J nr Dollar,
Tho Best Political Paper. The Wo Lly N. Y.
Sun. IndcDendunt and faithful. Acainst Puhlic
Blander. paue. SI a year. Sen your Dollar.
The Best Newspaper. Tho Weekly New York
Fun. 6 pases. SI a year. Send your Dollar.
Itus All tlie Kews.-The Wnekly New York Sun.
8 pane?. $1 a your. Send your Dollar.
The Best Story Paper.-The Weekly S. Y. Sun
8 paste. 91 a year, fend your Dollar.
The Be.t Fashion Reports in the Weekly N. Y
Sun. 8 msf. $1 a year. Send your Dollar.
The Best Market Reports in th Wetkly N- Y.
Bun. 8 paces. SI a year. Send your Dollar.
The Best Cattle Reports In the W eekly H. 1 .
San. 8 pases. 81 a year. Scud your Dollar.
The Best Paper in F.rery BcipnU. The Weekly
N. Y. sun. 8 paccF. f 1 a year. Sunn your uoim
A'ldron, THE SUN, New York City.
SpnTKnT'iri.n. Tew.. Sent 11. Ift72.
Gentlemen : Sliin us nix rto.en Allvjn's l.tiNO Hal-
SAM at one i. Wo haw not a hoi tie left in nur store.
Ii moro rentitntion than iinv f'ouirh meilicinn we b
ever sold, and wo biivebeen in tbe riruirbmineHKtwonty.
seven yeurs ; we mean rust what we y about tuo L-at
earn. nuij
Atr.i!n read the Evidence frim a Dmcit who wai
cured by use. ot tne rwwsnni, ana now seim 11 uirurij .
writes, Sept. 12. 1872 : " I am out of'h l.lo
HAC.SAM : pend me nan a Bin? ns fikhi iis juui-jn ; ,
would rather be out of any other medicine In my Mm
Tho I.UNd DaWAM never tails to Go good lor tho
afflicted with a coutin.
It is Harmless to the most Delicate Chilli t
It contains no Opium iu nny Form,
jpy Directions accompany each bottle.
CAtTION-Call for
Allen's Lung Balsam.
J. N. HARRIS & CO., Prop's,
For Sale by all Medince Dealers..
JOHN F. HENRY, New York.
GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO., BostonT"
JOHNSON, H0LAWAY & CO., Philadelphia.
;!s SarsaDarillian Resolvent
to 610 a lay guaranteed t no Capital
require . Audrey oiu'i,p-,ii uiuij
J. tf. iLUllJ. lu-mutiiou, u.k.
T,l'CII practice h
A.1L Ol t
ftven croat Tiilue to the a lviee
ho undertls-ncil 1" aliv mreit'il stuies giimii.
Attorney at Law, Columbia. Lancaster Co., Pa.
A HOOK full of FIX
tud i ouiic PicuireM font ti-r
i M.xmn. A.d!a CI.EMtlXS
!At CO.. .Vewtoiivtlle, Clermont
,0o.. Ohio.
Cbistaduro's Excklsiok IlAin Dtb stands 'llllliV-
aUcd and alone. Its merits havo been fo unlver.-nlly
aeknowledeeil that It would be a superororatien to des
cant on them any further nothinc can beat It.
Flaco's Inbtast Relief has stood twenty years'
teet. Is warranted to rive immediate rcitej to an
Rheui:.atlc, Neuralgic, Head, Ear, and Back ache", or
money refunded.
Cass. I havs been troubled for the last thirty years
lib Sslt Rheum ou iny hanua. Tluy have beeu to al
m,. tlmt 1 h.iva her.n nnnhle to UC tliein for SUV PUr-
oose for which thiy were istomled. I was advu-d by
lwea oi mine, v no baa Useu me i. oi inu m iu "j
i diil &v t-ii .uv.u hottUs. and to all an-
pearanc tuy hands are well, They look aud fel as
lllouu an entirely new skiu te'u uen io. u.-m.
II. u. itvi.uanT.
Drucsi-t, 44 !-oulll SI., Ttira.
Write for circulars to I. lUuaoni, Sen it Co., Uultulo,
Xew York.
The Hefuoe of Murderers. Nine
teen persons accused of the crime ot
murder remain in tbo Tombs Prison of
New York awaiting the final dispobition
of their cases. Of this number nine have
never been indicted, although, with few
exceptions, many weelts have elapsed
6ince tlieir crimes were ommuieu; vwo
have been tried, and the juries failed to
agree, while two others have been con
vioted and sentenced to be hanged, but
have thus far been saved by u stay ot
proeoediups and an appeal to the supreme
tribunal of the State for the correction
of alleged errors of law.
Chasoiko A Gcage. The rapidity
with which the fruasre of a railway can
be changed is one of the marvels of the
day. A year or so ago, the broad guage
railurav from Ciucinnati to St. Louis was
changed to a narrow guage roaa in me
course of a single Sunday; and on a
KiukIkt two hundred miles of the Grand
Trunk Itoad between Sarnia and Fort
Erie was changed from a guage of five
feet six inches to one of four feet eight
and a half inches.
Irate Pakent "Oh! yer don't
want to eo into business, don't yer ! Oh !
yer want to be a clerk in the Post-Llor-fice,
do yer! Post-IIortice, indeed!
Why. all vou'rt fit for is to stand outside
with your tongue bout, for people to wet
their itampi against :
A Juff-HftHflled Combat.
A few davs aso five or six wild West
ern steers stampeded from a drove near
Yonkers. ,Oue of them, a long-horned,
elephantine ox, wulked into West Mount
Vernon. Arriving at the Ilarlcm Eail-
road he steered New York ward in the
centre of the down track. Ten minutes
later the Chatham express thundered
aloncr. The engineer noticing that the
animal had no disposition to leave the
track, gave the usual signal tor cattle,
but as the train was then on a down
grade he saw that he could not stop be
fore strikiner the steer. He therefore de
termined to mt the ox nam enougn to
throw him from the track instead of the
train, and he cut on all steam. The
chamnion of the prairies saw the loco.
motive crashing down upon him. He
whirled, shook his head, pawed the
uravel. and took an attitude of defiance.
There was but one round ; it lasted about
two seconds. His oxship was placed
hor de eoiithat on ft bank thirty feet dis
tant, minus one horn, with two legs
broken, a battered head, and sundry
other bruises. The locomotive sustained
no damage.
Vanity. At length it is proved that
a man has more vanity than a woman
This is the way that it came to pass:
enrious investigator watched while
thousand men passed a looking-glass
used as a siirn ou the sidewalk in Uroad-
wav. The result of his observation
showed that nine hundred and ninety
nine men glanced complacently at their
image as thev passed. The other man
Wind. Four hundred and tifty-two
women passed during the same hour and
a half, and none of them looked iu the
mirror all of them being engageu in
tently examining each other's appearance
and dsess,
t i
no --
Una made the mnst ntonlfthtne; Cnrei mo
sjuiok, mi, rapia it re i .ie viiiiinr.. mu
auuvrKDC"! miliar ,,,,.-, v . "
truly Wonderful Medicine, that
Every Day an Increase in Flesh and
Weight is Seen and lelt
The Great Blood Purifier
Evervilron ofthoSAItSAPAIUI.WAN fiT.SOLVENl
ooinniunieatoa tliroii(.'li the blood, Hwcat, Urine,
Iml other fluiilH ami juice, of thn ayHein thovigot
of lire, for it repairs tho wastes of the body with new
kid sound material. Bcruiiiin, K. mulls, lonaump.
Mm, Chronic Dyspepsia, Glaudiiliir UiKeaae, Ulcers in
(no throat. Mouth, Tumors, Noilea iu tho Glands and
other parts of the B.VHtetu, Iroio Lyes, Klruuiorous
fliaclMives from the Ears, aud tho worst forms ol
Skiu diaeases, Eruptions, lever cores, cniu Mean
Hiuii Worm. Saltlthoum, tryslnclna. Acne, Blcei
Snols. Worms lu tho Flesh, Tumors, t'am rr-i in tho
Womb, and all woakeuimi and vainful i".. ariiis,
Ni'ht Sweat, Loss of Kperm ami ail wash s of the
life principle, are within tho curative ranpo of this
wonili r ol -uouoru uucuimtry, auu aicwuajs tine
will prove to any porsnu uaiug it for either of tlicso
form of diaeaHcita notent nowcr to cure them.
If the natleut. daily uccoinint! recmern ty vue
wastes aud decomposition that is continually pr
irreHHini. succeeds in arreptlnff inese wastes, aim t
p:ilit the same with new material niailo from ltciilt'uy
blood-aud this tho SAltSAl'AItlI.l,lAN will ail;
does Bccuro a cure is certain J lur when once tlii
remedy commenroa its work cf purification, aud sm
ceils in dimiuhiliiua tho Iohb ot wastes, its repair
will bo lanlil. and every nay tne mucin win ice
himself orowiim better aud sti'oni!r. tlto food Oit'est
Ins liutt-r, appetite iniproviux, aud flesh aud weiyht
Not ouly does the 8 tnSAPAutti.iAJj keroi.vfnt cx
eel nil known reliu ilial a-tellts iu the cure of 'hrou.
Kcrofulous, Constitutional, aud bkiu diseases ; but
Itis the only positive cure for
Itianev ana uiaacter toraraamis.
Tfriiiarv. aud Womb diseases, Gravel, IMalutci
Dropsv, Sloppago ot Water, Incontinence ot Urine
lii-ieiii's Dis'-a-sc. Albuminuria. and in all cases when
tlitrAro hriek.tliiut denosils. or the water ih thick
cloudy, mixed with substances like tuo wmto ci an
cug. or threads liko whito silk, or thero Is a morbid,
dark, bilious appearance aud white bone-dust do.
posits, and when thero Is a prickinij, burning s. nsa
tion v, hen passing water, and ittiu iu thu Small ol
tlie L'u. k aud along the Loins.
Tumor of I 2 Years' Growth Cured
by Radway's Resolvent.
j'Kicr: $1.00 i'i:n mottle.
C5on& If
Thru Art Sick
I Mtsfi.f waf ill nltth
unto death. An ucliinjf
httntl ; a iiuut nn'l 'U
ti ed " all tronu " fwol
ing at thp pit of th
Mnmnph ; (liir('f aftwr
eatinr : pain in the hawk,
(th a lam fi'io ; a bud
taste in the month : a
drT.hackimrconnh. with,
a tWiible (i'-pr'fri(f1 rwv
vons ByaU'm.all of whih.
mail my poor. fpi-hli
eoul lonjf even fr iat li
tocomtMUirl tvlh'Ve in
nf in yeutruiinfC' I tl1nl
all (iorU of romed!
without bfii'flt. Ut
relief camo at iat, and
1 tct-l that tliv lmn.l of a
bind Providence point
ed mo to the reiwd.r
AsH ha:- piorod fojcoW
for me, 1 vncnmniend t
to Mith'iinir ltii ndP. fcn
howop that it will euro them it did mo. If tlioe hy
. . , i .... . i ....... i lnn m Imrn Ihv iiinnn
cant: mi i if tiuu art poor, I will Km' thee a boUto
without w.w v. n.
I havo Known ir to run liiny vixw i-i y-.-
aftoroi h-r n-nu-iip Y.ivi ImltJd. J huvi' wiii'u w
1l-l' J1Ul Cl.mtivo poM-or-" in urern uii'i
f-. Livrr I'wptaiHt (Hie foi i-i mimr of Con.-nmp-
lon) nirr'y, If ev.-i. 1 H': to yli-ui to iu iiucri'iivc
port-fM1. L or ?-'rVQH Iiri itiiy aim umh' i uu--
nunkn oluj'-'l; blooirin- and 1 J'll'iv.
4 t Wiiri-rii Sirff1,ew Tork.
ACENTiS UAMKD whom 1 have nom;. N-iui tor
rirculnr.und i-Hrn the name ot tlioo who lmvp oecw
tittPU hV lt-1 U-'. P' lU O" JMUJl iu iiav,vo iv. -
have no uwonl.
27 Union Square7N.Y.
UiiuOiiMcdly tiic licst Spare Piano mfle.
Send for Circular -with Illustrations."
Prices rails? from 350 to 700 dollars.
livery l':ano 'WAKKAXT'ED for Fivo Years.
Iron in the Blood!
A N t J THE -
riMlK COMPANION aim to bo a fevorlte in ovary
tinnily-looked for i aiierly ly the yotlUBfolk, aud
reail Willi interest by tlie older. Its imrposc is to tn'er
est while It amuses: to be judicious practical, sensi- . Biul to havtf re illT niarniaueiit wortU, hile U
attmets for the hour.
It is handsomely illiutiateil, andhai foreontiibutor.
noine of the mot attractive wiitem iu tke country,
Amoni; theo are: ,
Prof. Jnmea DrMllle,L.nulae CMoulto,
l.oiiian M. AlcoM, "Soiihle liny,"
......... -A,.nu..wwl. K . Mtnlieilri.
Iti-liri-i-n H.Uavin. It ulli t htterlleld,
f. W. Flnntlers, HI. A. hrniMin,
Tbe Ulood own Ita red color to mlr.nte slohules
Inch float in that fluid, nud contain, in a healthy per
son, a lartte amount ol lion, wiuen inves vitiuuy 10 iu
blood. The Peruvian Synip elipilie tbn bloii with
this vital element, ana (flvei slieutfiu auu vib'or 10 uie
whole syetetu.
S. ei. Itobiuiun,
KothUiK Like It I It Stnnda Alone I
Rnh 1.1 tho ver,llet. nf the madlrnl world and tho
public on Hale'i Honey of HorehouudanA Tar. Couirhs,
Colds. Influenia, all irritations of the organs of speech
and respiration vanish under iu iiillueucu like logs
bclere the tuuUeUU
Pik' Toothache Drop, cure Toothaek in n min
ute. Hold by ail Drucsuu at ti cents.
The Ixkgs ire Btkained asd Kaceed by a per-
Utvnt Cough, the general strenath wasted, and an ln-
..ninhlM mithiiir pblhlih.,l lliprehr. IT. JliVlie
Expectorant ie au effective remedy tor C'ouyh aud
Loins, ana eierts a r.cnenciai eneel ou iue ruiuiouary
and urouchial orjfaa a.
Its reartiuiris adapted to tho oi l and youna. Is very
varied iuits character; spriiditlyaud eutertaiuini:. It
give. '
8torlrof AJventure,Stovle of Home and
jji'tf era oi a ra vt-i. fiiitoi mm,
Kttitoi ials iiounl'ur-Tulea, Fuvlry,
rent Toplea. Scleetloni. for Decln-
lUntoilt 1 Ai ttclea, million.
Itinera liliieal siUelcll-Aneeilolea,
r., I'uzzles,
llelixlous Artlclca. V uvi nuu inciaenu,
Subscription Price, $1.50. Sp-luien cople.
lent free. A-Hro-,
I'lililiY JIASO.Tf iV CO.,
41 Temcnt Plase, Boiton, Mass.
Humbug Dissected.
Quaint old Burton baa favored u. with an " Anatofny
Of Melancholy," but who .hall dissect the melancholy
fallacies and fibs with which knaves and fanatics en
deavor to delude the sick aad feeble of this generation
Charlatans, through the newspaper press, recommend
to the strengthless victim of disease co ivnlsin Durf a
tlves which, if taken, are sure to turn his debilitatod
system almost inside out, and sink him Into the utter.
most depths of helplessness and despondency! ia.
natics, ou the other hand, assure the prostrate patient
that no medicine containing a diffusive stimulant
ought to pass his lips. If be elects to be guided by the
advice of impostors and luDatics. let Mm make his will
lud eider his oofflu; but if there is a spark of common
sense in his composition, let him resort in his extremity
to Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, the most potent of
vegetable tonics a,nd alteratives the purest aud most
entirely wholesome of medicated stimulants. The
wonderful eures of dyspepsia, biliousness, rheumatism
physical prostration Bad malarious fevers which this
rare specifio has effected during the last twenty-two
years, are the most conclusive answers that can be
given to the enemies of mankind who offer volcaulc
cathartic, as tonics, and to the mistaken belncs who
would refuse a medicinal stimulant to a poor, broken
down invalid, who ia literally dying bv Inches for the
want of Judicious stimulation. Temperance, properly
understood, countenances ne such folly as this. The
State laws enaeted to put down the abhorrent vice of
drunkenness, provide tor the sale of brandy, whisky,
and other liquors as medicines ; and if these adulterated
liquor, of trade are accepted by temperance legitlatoai
as rsmedlea, what ought to be tbe general verdiot oj
the temperance public as regards the peerless vegetable
tonic baed upon a stlmulaat absolutely pure.
Prof. 11. Lincoln.
Perfect PanatiTS ana Reimlatiiis Pills.
perfectly tasteless, elegantly coaled with sweet gum,
iir.'uo. regulate, purity, citauae aim giruiiziueu.
IAD WAY'S PlLLS. for tho euro of nil disorders ol
tho Htotnneli, Liver, Bowelu, Kitlney'H, ElatUltr,
Nervoua DiKrases, Heauacho, Constipation, Oontive.
as. Iutlittestion, Dyspepsia, liilumsneas, liilioua.
Typhua an 1 Typhoid i'evers, Iiitiiuuniation of the
IVivvcis, 1 uea, uuuaiiuoraucmcutsoi lite internal
Viacera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely
Vegetable, coutaiuing no uicrcury,mincrals, or dele
terious, iimes,
Bj-Oon''re tho following symptoms resulting
from di.'orilors oi tho Dilutive 6 "U iiis :
Cousiip-ition, luv.trd Piles. Vullucss of the Blood
In tho 11. ail. Acidity of the titoutacli, Nausea, li-jart-burn,
iJUtf'ist of Pood, Fullness or Weight in tho
ritom ieli, Sour nictations, biukiugor Fluttering at
tho Pit ol Via Stomach, Swimming of tiio Head,
Hurried aud D.tiieult lirealhli , Pluttering at the
Heart, t!holving or Kutl'ocatinp; Beu&itiouH when in a
Lying posttiro, Di'imca of Vision, Put or V cba be.
t iro the flight. Fever aud Dull Pain iu the Head, lie.
Cieucy of iou, Yiilowncsa of the KUn aud
Eyes, Pain iu tui bido, etieat I.imtis, ami sudden
Flushes o tileat, Biimiu!? iu the FIckIi. A few doses
of HAD WAY'S PII.I.S villi free theBVKteiu from all Ihf
t'loveuMiieddiKnrdcrs. Price 23 cents per
ao, sola u; Lrut,is ta.
HEAD "FALSE AND TitHK." Reuil one letter
ijtamii to RAUWAY & CO., No. Ill Warren St., N. y.
uitoruiaiioti wortu tuotuauus viu co sous you.
Thel'Kni'VI ANSYUrt' milkesthc wr n'
uml cxiicl.-j Uiseuse by supplying the bloi d w:t.i
N ti"he'3 Ows Vitalizing agent IRON", i
Oiiitlnii.-Tic sure von pet Peruvian Sump.
P.i:u; lileH i ree. .1. P. MNSMOKK. Projusctor.
No. 3d J'ev St.. New York. ,
t".,j'l !'V )ni'"riti iencrally. .
IS A FI,'I!r:
.Vit'n II.!. Urn T.l Fli-or. The
in -.t Tea IntLiMleil. ' vi' rrj 1'i.r Siil", T.-hnles:;le
hv th (ireal Atluiule ana
I'liellie 'IVli i'li.. No. llil l'ulten
it. ; 4 I'li. i. li St., Se.w York!
P. O. lix. .'.oOwt.
v.,..; r T:iH.K..larnrOnr.
WASTED, AKents for the fa.test felling article
IT ill the world, tine nu'ellt cleared $SJ iu
one week, and has averaged 0 pur month during
the past year. A lor. ss
r. ,i if .1 i.u . v , . .
- ' 767 Uroadway, New York.
D It. WH 1TTIKR. "T-
Lonpeftt enpftRed, and m ontsucteHbiul fij?irmn of the
ape. uonnimauun nr pmopmei irew, i niiwwnie.
A fti'TS Wanlrd. We guarantee
J. lui nil, either ttx, at r a day o. ',0O0 or
uiure a year I Nt-w worlis by Mrs. II. btowe. and
ottinm. Superb Premium Oioen Away. Aioiiuy umd
riidly and cusily at work lur Om. n nio anu ite. r;ir
tiuiiiiirn iree. Wurtbinviua. Uu&tin fc Co.. lUilfuid, Ct,
PEK WKEK and expenses paid. We want
a reliable aient In every Counly in the V.
8. AddieM Ucdsok Kiveb Wias Co., lit
Maiden 1 ane. N. or tlikairo. 111.
K.. . msw....s nf 1(, Asnli
Addro-B HV. BKNJ AMtN, St. Lotti, Ma,
B Vi JC MJ we will my you 40 per wet k iu c.ibh,
tOent,-agl WllU UUimiC. tver i iitiitf tnn mucu -mm w
peusesuaid A. Ol'I.TKB itl).. Charlotte. MicU.
8-nt liy nl lur lOcts. PL B.
1U l,tIlnglou AV.
Newjorktit y.
v sl.iu ISI.s.' Sen't three-cent stum
fnr uirtkiilnra. KUUSON, HAYNES CO.
bt. Louis. Mo.
Huet. anerffetie. (iod-reunna- men Bud wotpeu
can 1 ave uleasaut, proUluhle work ; no rlK or cup
Wri'e to H. L. lia-sluiii.. 14 Lilldall St.. lloJtoli, Mi
e I
natrar or one hundred, ailaree n. u. vtll.sui
Atieneuy Lily
7 11. DUUn.1, AliLJUruoK, VUlvUfcMl)., A
For Family Use.
The Best Sauce and Relish
THH best Bollinpr book in tha markotiit
The Btrugnlos of
Petroleum V. Nasby
It Is Illustrated bv THOMAS NAST, the great
!t of Ameruan artists, uud contains au introduction
by Ilou. Cturlee Stumier. A'ttts wanted for this
iii.l other ivi'uUr tKvi). Addross I. N. Kichiirduou
-t Co., Hooton, iliss., ana St, Louis, Md,
SSTS to $230 per month, SH?SfS
ni;ile. toititr.'Uuee llu-til-.M iM,i.Him'ii.ia"
tjMDN i:SSK r'AMll.Y bKWl.Nli A1AOII1NK. Till
R Muehiiitf will stiteh. hem. fill, tuck,, cord, Wild,
C braid and embroider In a nioxt superior iu:inner. l'rlee
onjy Hi. Fully licensed and warranted fortloyears.
unt wai pay $iihw nr any iiiMeiiine ini "i
stronger, mure ueauiuui, or moru eiai-nu r, iu m,
1) ours. It makes the "tlastic Lock hlitrh." Every
second stilch can he cut, and still I he cloth cannot bo
S nulled .wart without tearing it. W epay AKents from
75 to Si per niouiu aim !::. - -
r.from which twice that amount can be made. Aditre
V... ....n.. ,. .... tu . l'liilturi;. la-2
J Chicago, 111.; or St. LouU, Jlu.
A New Colony in Kansas !
At " SKIDDY." In Ne-hn Tall-y. on,
Under lhe au-pice. of the NA'llilNAI, Ul'REAU
WM. P. TOMUNSON Loe J Atrent.
tut; American couTnist Axn homestead
JOI'KNAL. eontuitilnsr mop., vi itlt lull purjieulars as
to the (rn!illlr..i'lon ot inn l-ololiy,uie intuit. I 'nuiir
ll..n. C'ii.Kite. Wuuil, Water, elc. SF.X 1' I'VEl., ou
lipt.lieatioii to f. P.., Sec'y N. II. of Miration,
J iiiduii,, n, , .uw i ... .
Iiuls - - - - 50 Ccii(n,
Half Piiils 30 Ctints.
For Sale by all Grocers.
Write I t Ltita Illustrated ltaeoriptive Prioe List U
Double. Sinele Mursle and Hreeon-Loadine Rides. Shot
Guns. Rivolvers, Piatolt-, Ac, of every kind, tor men or
boye,atVdry lowpttcw. tiuns.fl te JOO; t'ntou,iKJs.
How to Advertise.
If vou i-h to dverlieesten.vly, a the toast possi
ble, uu tor eiia1';;'"'"'.;
Noj. PI. 3 soil f i ti litre bt.. Ic
, W. HTERj
ew York.
.... x
Puhliheil for the benefit of youmftnen rn.'V otnen
wUo mil v ftoiu Nil vou Dfl.ihtv, etc., mpjiiyine thb
hkamm uklv-cihv. Wiitien by cue wtiu Ulf il him
feftf. Hiid 4vit ii'' "- i't'CiviTi(f a po,-t-naid ulrt-cted
friiv-lt)i-. Addict NATlUMhL BAi A1U, Bnok
lyj. . Vy
tn ?f. lrljyl Ait nts wanted 1 Alltlaitee of
9 IU workiuic peil?, ot either jouug or
utd.niake more moiu-y ut work f .r ux in their pare
moiur-ntei or ull ttiu tnut I ban at oiiytUiiK eih.-. Purtio
ului fi'uti. Adilrcbb J. Biinm.n A Co , foriiuud, Alaiue,
Uiree. J. WuHTii, bt. La a is, Met. box 241.