The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 05, 1872, Image 2

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Of Illinois
Of Massachusetts.
FOR governor:
Montgomery Gountj.
Bradford County
Wnrren County.
Cumberland County.
Carbon County.
'.' ' Warren County.
Col. C. B. CURTIS,
Erie County...
Ift-Rep-Dem Congressional Convention.
This August body met at the Court
house in Kidgway August 27th 1872
and after organizing proceeded to the
delicate and difficult task of bringing
fourth, and somebody to act
ns color bearer of the mixed basis party
of this congressional district for the pres
ent campaign, and to the astouishment
of almost every one Thomas L. Kane
was the choice, by acclamation of the
mixture which composed the body. Mr.
Kane may be the coming man, the man
of the century, but then there are a great
many who have doubts, and following
the rule of law, intend giving themselves
the benefit of their doubts or. the matter
will politely, respectfully and kindly,
but postivelv, inform Mr. Kane on the
8th of October next that his services as
representivc in the congress of the Uni
ted States are by no means desired.
Mr. Kane may be, and no doubt is a
good citizen peacealilo and law abiding,
a kind and obliging neighbor and all
that, but there are ten's of thousands of
just such men, that have no more idea
of going to congress than they have of
succeeding the Emperor William to the
throne of the German Empire.
In our judgment, nsside from all polit
ical partisan considerations Mr. Katie is
as fit to do the work of a representative
in congress for a district of as intelligent,
industrious, and enterprising couftitu
ants, as those of this district as Horace
Greely is to be president of the United
Sates of America, and Jevry Black of
this State has said, and we think truth
fully that Greeley is the moat unfit per
son, either iu this world, or the two ad
jacent worlds for the office of president
of the United States.
Kane is emphatically a disappointed,
Eorcheadcd, place seeker, having much
more of the romantic, than of the states
manlike element in his make up as a
man, or aspirant to position. His pro
ject of exploring the Territory of Alaski,
at the expense of the Government, was
not only romantic bnt eminently vision
ary. The refusal of president Grant to
consent to fit up two or more vessels, at
a cost of not less than half a million dol
lars, an expedition that could not bring
any gain to the Government, was un
doubtedly the cause of the rupture be
tween the president and Mr. Kane.
.dgain the republican Btato convention
which mot but a short time before the
celebrated pie-bald self constituted Cin
cinnati mass meeting, refused to place
Mr. Kane on the ticket as a delegate
for the State at large to the constitution
al convention, that be might bo elected
president ot the contention ami occupy
as such, a chair that his great grand
father had occupied in a similar capacity,
insulted him (so he says) and ho went
straightway to Cincinnati aud constituted
himslf a delegate to the mass meel
and is now doing what a man of bis turn
of mind can do to defeat Gen. Grant
Now what an ambition ! the ambition
to set in the old chair because somebody
else had set it ? This might do for
little Boy or Girl but for a man oh
Is such a man fit for either congress, or
a State convention to amend it constitu
tion 1
Twestv Thousand Stuono, A
monster Republican meeting, 20,000
strong, with no end of tanner clubs and
banners, was held at Kokomo, Indiana,
on Saturdav. and addressed by Senator
Morton. Senator Pratt addressed
grand meeting at Centreville on the same
day. i-Dnify Telegraph.
Henry A. Parsons, Jn.
Venerea?, in aud by the 13th section
of the Act of General Assembly of Penn
sylvania, pnssod July 2d 180'J, entitled.
"An act relating to the Elections of the
Commonwealth." It is enjoined on the
Sheriff of every count j to give notico of
such elections to bo held, and to enum
erate in such notice what officers arc to
bo elected, in pursuance thereof, I. I).
C. Oyster, High Sheriff of the county
of Elk, do thcrcforo make known and
give this public notice to the electors of
said county of Elk, that a general elec
tion will bo held in said county, on
(it being tho second Tuesday of the
month), for the purpose of electing the
following officer, to-wit:
One person for Governor.
Ouo person for Auditor General.
One person for Judge of tho Supremo
Three persons for Congressmen at
Twenty-eight persons for Delegates to
the Constitutional Convention.
One person for Congress to represent
the counties of Clearfield, Cameron, Elk,
Erin, Forest, McKean and Warren.
Ono person for State Senator to re
present the counties of Cambria, Clear
field, Clinton and Elk.
One person for member of tte Legis
lature to represent the counties of Cam
eron, Elk and Jefierson.
Threo persons ns delegates to the Con
stitutional Convention, to represent the
couutics of Cambria, Clearfield, Clintou
and Elk.
One person for Piothonotary, Register
and Recorder, and Clerk ofgurts, of
Elk county.
One person for Commissioner.
One person for Auditor.
And the qualified electors of the
county of Elk will hold their elections
in the several districts, as follows:
Benezette township, at the house of
Elizabeth Winslovv.
Bcuziiiger township, at tho school
house on Michael St., near the Elk
creek bridge.
Fox township, at the Centreville
school house.
Highland township, at the house of
Levi .hllithorpc.
Ilorton township, nt tho school house
near I). 0. Oyster's Hotel.
Ridgway township, in tho Court
frit. Clary's ISoro., at the Town flail.
Spring Creek township, at the House
of Stoekdalc, Downer & Co.
Jay township, at the house of Alfred
Joues township, at the school house
in W llcox.
Mill Stone township, at the house of
Henry Herr, at Barrs Dam.
I also make knuwn the following act
eutitled "An act regulating the mode of
voting at all electious in the several
counties in this Coaimonweakh," as I am
required by the seeoud section of said
Section 1. Be it cna- ted by the
Semite and Haute of Representatives
That ' the qualified voters of the
several counties of this Commonwealth,
at all general township and special elec
tions are hereby hereafter authorized and
required to vote bv ticket, printed or
written or partly written and partly
printed, . severally classified as follows:
One ticket shall embrace the names of
all the Judges of the Courts to be voted
for and to be labelled, on tho outside
Judiciary" due ticket shall embrace the
names ot all fotute olncers to ue voted
for including tho office of Senator, mem
ber or members of Assembly, it voted
for, members of Congress if voted for
and be labelled "county;" ono ticket
shall embrace the names of all the town
ship olhVcrs voted for, and be labelled
borough or "township; and each shall
be deposited in separate ballot boxes.
I also make known and give notice,
as iu and by the 15th section of aforesaid
act, I am directed that every person
except Jus'iccs of the Peace, who shall
hold any officcappointmcnt of trust or
rofit, under tho Government of the
tinted Mutes, or this otato or any citv
or incorporated district, whether a com
missioned ofheer or otherwise a subordin
ate officer or a2nt who is or shall be
employed under the legislative or judi
ciary or executive dcfpurtinent of this
State or of the United States, of any
city or incorporated district, and ulso
every member of Congress and State
Legislature, und the select and common
council of any city Commissioner, or any
incorporated district, is by law incapable
of holding or exercising at the same time
the office or uppointment of Judge, In
specter or Clerk, of any election of this
llnmmniiwniilth nml thnt tin inslipntnr
Commonwealth, and that no inspector
or Judge, shall be eligible to any office
then to be voted for.
Also in the 4th sectionofthe Act of
Assembly, entitled. "An act relating to
electious and for every purpose, ap
proved April lGth, 18G0, it is euaetcd
that the 14th section shall be so con
strued as to prevent any militia or
borough officer from serviug as Judge
Inspector, or Clerk, at any general or
special electiou In . this Commonwealth.
Also, that in the blst, section ot said
aot it is euacted "That every general or
special election shall be opened betweeu
the hours ot seven or teu in the lore
noon, and shall remain without interrup
tion uutil seven o clock in the evening
when the polls shall be closed.
No person shall bo permitted to vote
at any election as aforesaid, but a white
freeman of the age of twenty-one years.
or more, who shall haye resided in his
Stato at least one year aud iu the elec
tion district where he offers bis vote, at
least tcn days immediately preceding
such election, and within two years paid
a State or County tax, which shall have
been assessed at least ten days before
the election. But a citizen of the United
States, who has previously been a quali
fied voter ot this State, but removed
therefrom and returneu, and snail have
resided in the election district and paid
tales ns aforesnid, shall be entitled to '
vote after residing in this State six
months. loitded; Thnt tho freemen,
citizens of the1 United States, who are
between tho-ages of twenty-one and
twenty-two years, and who have resided
in tho election district ten days ns afore
said, shall be entitled to vote, although
they have not paid taxes.
Whereas, The Fifteenth "Amend
ment of the Constitution of tho United
States is as follows:
Section 1. Tho right of citizens of
the United States shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States on ac
count of lace, color, or previous condi
tion of servitude.
Sec. 2. Tnat Congress shall have
power to enforce this nrticlo by appropri
ate legislation.
And whereas, The Congress of the
United States, on the 31st of March
1870, passed an act entitled,, "An. act
to enforce the light of citizens of the
United States to vote in the several
States of the Union, tnd for other
purposes," the first and second sections
of which are as follows:
Be it enacted, d-c., That all citizens
of tho Uni ed States who are or
shall be otherwise qualified to vote at
any election by the people of any State,
Territory, district, city, county, parish,
township, school districc, municipality, or
olher territorial subvision shall be entitled
aud allowed to vote at all such elections,
without distinction of color, race, 'or
previous condition of servitude; any con
stitution, law, custom, usage, or regula
tion of any State or territory, or by or
under its authority, to the contrary,
Sec. 2. And hi it further made t
That, if, by or under the constitution or
laws of any State or the laws of any ter
ritory, any act is or shall be required to
be done as a prerequisite or qiiAlification
for voting, and by euch constitution or
laws persons or officers are or shall be
charged with the performance of duties
in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to
perform such prerequisites, or to become
qualified to vote it shall bo the duty ol
every such person and officer to give all
citizens of the United .States, the same
and equal oppottunity to perform such
prerequisite and to become qualified to
vote without distinction of race, color or
previous condition of servitude; and if
ny such persons or olncers shall refuse,
knowingly omit to give full enect to
this section, he shall for every such of
fence, forfeit and pay the sum ot five
hundred dollars, to the persons aggrieved
thereby, to be recovered by an actiou on
the case, with full costs and such a low
ance for counsel fees as the court shall
deem just, aud shall also for every such
offence be deemed guilty of misdciuean.
and shall ou conviction thereof be
fined not less than five hundred dollars
to be imprisoned uot less than one
month and not more than ono year, or
both, at the discretion of tho court.
And Whereas, It is declared by the
secnoa section ot tne v l article oi me
Constitution of the Unite! States, that
This Constitution of the United States
which shall be madb in pursuance thereof
hall be the supreme law ot the land
anything in the Constitution or
lairs of any State, to the contrary, not
icithst ntdiiio."
And whereas, The Legislature of this
O'utnuuwealtb, on the Oih day of April
1 870, passed an act entitled "A further
supplement to the act ' relating to elec
tions in this Commonwealth," the 10th
ection provides as follows;
Section 10. That so much of every
act ot Assembly as provides that only
white freemen shall bo entitled to vote,
or be registered as voters, or as claimiug
to vote at any general or special election
of this Commonwealth, be and the same
is hereby repealed, and that hereafter
all fieemen without distinction of color,
hall be enrolled and registered accord
ing to the provisions of the first sectioo
of the act approved the 17th of April,
18G0, entitled, "An act further supple
mental to an act relative to the elections
of this Commonwealth," and snail when
otherwise qualified uuder existing laws.
be eutitled to vote at all general and
special elections in this Commonwealth.
No person shall be permitted to vote
whose name is uot contained in the list
of taxable inhabitants furnished by the
Couimissioneis, uuless ho first produces
receipt for the payment withiu two
years, oi Mate or uounty tax, assess. u
agreeably to the Constitution, and give
satisfactory evidence either on his own
oath or affiirmaiioo of another that be
has paid such tax, or on failure to pro
duce such receipt shall make oath of the
paymeut thereof; it lie claims to vote by
being an eleotor between the ages of
twentv-one aud twenty-two years he
hall depose on oath or affirmation that
ho has resided iu the State at least oue
year betore nis application, aud make
proof ot bis residence witnin his district
as required by the act, and that he does
verily believe from accounts given him,
that he is of the age aforesaid and give
such other evidence as is required bv
tho act whereupon the name ol the per
son so admitted to vote shall be regis
tered in the alphabetical list by the in
spector, aud a note made opposite there
to by the word "tax, it he shall have
been admitted to vote by reason of hav
log paid tax, or the word "ago" if he
shall have been admitted to vote bv
reason of age, shall be called out to tho
clerks, who shall make like notes in the
list kept by them-
In all cases where the name of persons
claiming to vote is found on the list fur
nished by the Commissioners and As
sessors, nod his right to vote whether
found thereon or not, is objected by auy
qualitied citizen, it shall be the lnspec
tors uuty to examine such persons on
oath as to his qualifications, and if he
claims to have resided within the State
for ono year or more, his oath shall not
be sufficient proof thereof, but thai)
make proof thereof by at least one corn-
I petent witness who shall be a qualified
elector, that he has resided within the
district, for tho purpose of voting there
in. . j, ...
Every person qualified ns aforesaid,
nd who shall make the duo proof, if re
quired, of his residence and payment of
or taxes aioreaaid, in the township, ward
or district in which lie shall reside.
If any person shall prvent or attcmp
to prevent any officer of any election un
der this act from holding such election,
or use or threaten any violence to any
such offiner, or shall interrupt or inpro
pcrly interfer with him in the execution
of his duty, or shall block ip the window
or avenue to any window where the
same may be holding, or shall riotously
disturb the peace at such election, or
shall use or practice any intimidation
threats, forco or violence, with design to
influence unduly or overawe any elector,
or to prevent him from voting, or to re
strain the freedom of choico, such per
soss on conviction shall be fined in any
sum not exceeding five huudred dollars,
be imprisoned for any time uot les than
one month nor more than one year and
if it be shown that the persons so offend
ing was not a resident of the city, ward,
district or township where the said of
fence was committed, and not entitled to
VDto therein, and on conviction he shall
bo sentenced to pay a fine of not less
than one hundred or more than one
thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not
less than six months or more than two
At tho same time and places, also, an
election will be held for delegates to the
convention amend the Cons'itution of
the State, in conformity with the act en
titled. "An Act to provide for calling
a convention," approved April 11. 1872.
As prescribed by said act, the following
rules and regulations shall apply to said
election and the returns of the same:
f irst. At the general eleation to be
held the second Tuesday of October
next, there shall be elected by the quali
fied electors of this Conimoliwealth, dele
gates to a Convention to revise aud
amend the Constitution of this State:
the said convention shall consist of one
hundred and thiity-thrco members to be.
elected in the manner following: Twenty
eight members thereof shall be elected
in the State at large as lollows : Each
voter of the Stato shall vote for not
more than fourteen candidates, and the
twenty-eight highest iu vote shall be de
clared elected; ninety-nine delegates
shall be appointed to and elected from
the different Senatorial districts of the
Stato. three delegates to be elected for
euch Senator therefrom : and in choos
ing all district delegates, each voter shall
be entitled to a vote for not mora than
two of the members to be' choosen from
his district, and the three candidates
highest in vote shall be declared elected,
except in the county of Allegheny form
ing tho Twenty-third Senatorial districr,
wliere no voter shall vote for more than
six candidates, and the nine highest in
vote shall be declared elected, and tho
counties of Luzerne, Monroe and Pike,
forming the Thirteenth Senatorial dis
trict, where no voter shall vote for more
than four candidates, and the six highest
in vute shall be elected, ond six addition
al delegates shall be chosen from the
city of Philadelphia, by a vote at large
in said city and in their election no voter
shall vote for more than three candidates
and the six highest in vote shall be de
clared elected.
Second. .The Judge and Inspectors
for each electiou district shall provide
two suitable boxes for each poll, one in
whieh to deposit the tickets voted for
Delegates at Inrgo, and the other in
which to deposit the tickets voted for
District Delegates: whieh boxes shall be
labelled respectively, "Delegates at
large," and "District Delegates :" and in
each district in the city of Philadelphia
an additional box shall be provided for
each poll in which to deposite tho tick
eta voted for "City Delegates; and
snid last meutioucd boxes must each be
labelled "City Delegates."
Hard. 1 he said electoin shall bf
Id aud conducted by the proper elec
tion officers of tho several election dis
tricts of the Commonwealth and shall be
governed and regulated iu all respects
bv the general election laws' ot the Com
monwealth, so far as the same shall be
pplicable thereto, and not inconsistent
witn the provisions of said act-
fourth. Iho tickets to bo voted lor
members at large ol the couventiou shall
have ou the out-side the words "Dele
gates at large," and on the in-side the
names ot candidates to be voted tor, not
exceeding fourteen in number.
Fifth. The tickets to be voted for
district members of the convention shall
have ou the out-side the words "District
Delegates," and on tho io-sido the uame
cr names ot the candidates voted for, not
exceeding the proper number limited as
aforesaid : but any ticket wflieh shall
contain a greater number of names thau
the number for which the voter shall be
eutitled to vote, shall be rejected ; und
iu caso ol the delegates to be chosen at
large in Philadelphia, the words "City
Delegates, shall be ou tho out-side ol
the ticket.
Sixth In the City of Philadelphia
the return judges shall meet at the State
House, at ten o'clock ou Thursday next
following the election, and make out the
returns for said city, of the votes
therein for delegates at large and city
and district delegates to be members ol
the convention j the return judges, of
the several election districts, within each
county ot the state, excluding Philadel
phia shall meet on Friday next following
the election, at the usual place for the
meeting of the return judges of their
county, and make out full and accurate
returns for the county of the votes cast
for members of the convention and for
district members of the same ; and the
proceedings of the return judges of the
said oity of Philadelphia and of the sev
eral counties of the commonwealth in the
making of their returns, shall be the
samo a thoso prescribed for return
judges in the case of an election for
Governor, except that returns transmit
u tne secretary of the commonwealth
shall be addressed to that office alone
and not to the speaker of the senate.
Pursuant to the provisions contained
in the 4th section as aforesaid, the
Judges of the aforesaid districts shall
respectively take charge of the certifi
cates or returns of election t their re
spective district and produce' them at a
meeting of one Judge from each district
at tho Court House in , the borough of
Brook villo, on FRIDAY, the 11th
iut of OCTOBER next, then and
there to perform the duties required by
laws of said Judges, also where a Judge
Dy sickness oi unavoidable accidents is
unable to attend such meeting of Judges
then a certificate as aforesaid shall be
taken in charge of by one fo the inspec
tors of clerks of tho election of said dis
trict who shall do and perform the du
ties of said Judge to attend j and tho
return Judges of the said districts afore
said are requested to meet in Brookville,
the county-seat of ssid county, on Fri
day after the second Tuesday of October
next, then aud there to discharge the
duties required by law.
Given under my hand at Ridgway,
the 14th day of August in the year of
our Lord, one thousand and eight hun
dred and seventy-two, and of the inde
pendence ot tho United States the ninety
sixth. D. C. OYSTER Sheriff.
Sheriff's, Office August lith, 1872.
Main Street, Kidgway. Pa.
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions.
Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap
as tne Uli liAl'MS I .
The Improved Gerard Oroid
Gold Watches,
9 00 12 00 115.00 $18.00
Y7E have recently brought our Oroide
t r Gold metal lo such perfection that
it is uitiicult lor the best judges to uistm.
quisli it trom gold. The tf watencs are
with patent escapement movements) in nn
pcaranco and for time equaling n fold one
costing tiiuu. The Hlz are lull jeweled
putenl lever, ociual to SM-jO cold watch.
The $16 ate the same as the lastbuta finer
miiMi, niciue movement?, equal to one com
ingMa. And the ?1 watches are of a
iine finish with full jeweled American lever
movement, eoihaline a gold one coslini
siiiia .
Thcr itrC alf in hunting entfes, tent's and
ladies sizes, and guaranteed for .time and
wenr by special Certificate. Ano elegant
dcsifrnsot gent, s and ladies chains from $1
to S1, and jewelry of nil kmns.
Goods sent O. O. D. -Customers per
milted to examine what they order before
paying bill, on payment of express f liarges.
Vi acn six wiilcues are ordered at one
timo we will send an extra waich of the
same quality free.
For further particulars send for ciroular.
Addreis J AMES GER ARD & CO.,
. 85 Nassau Street, New York.
, P. 0. Dor 3,861
Nov. at), 1BJ3-Vln37m6..
ON and after MONDAY, JUNE 3d. 1872,
the trains on the Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad will run as follows:
Aiau rraiu leaves I'liilaaelpliia-1 p. m.
ttiugway z.uo p. m.
arrive at brie p. m.
Erie hzp leaves Philadelphia... 12.30 p. m
" " " Ridgway 2.25 a. m.
" " arrive at Erie...... .....7.40 a. m
Accomodation, leaves Itenova, ...2.00 p. m
' " Bidgway,..6.14 p. m
rr at Kaue 7.30 p. m
A.9..1 Train leaves 11. iiu a. m.
" " " Kidgway...... 4.50 p. ni.
" arrive at I'lnliiu a... o.4U a. m.
Erie Express leaves Erie 7.50 p. m.
" " Ridgway ...12.38 a. m.
" " ar'at Philadelphia- 1.20 p. m.
Accomodation, leaves Kane...... 7.30 a. m.
" " Ridgway... 8.40 a.,m.
.. arr atst. Aiurys a.lZ am.
' - arr at Renovo 12.10 p.m.
Mull East connects east and wett at Erie
wit h L S & M 8 K W and at Corry and
Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R
R W.
Mail West at Corry and Irviueton with
Oil Creek and Allegheny R It W.
Warren Accommodation east and west
with trains on L 8 and MSB east and
west and at Corry with O C and ARR IV.
Erie Accommodation East at Corry and
irvincton with U U and A K K n.
Gen'l Bup't.
From and after Monday, Feb. 6th 1871.
Trains will run on this Road as follows:
Lieaves Parley 7.U a. m., arrives at
Daguscahouda Junction 8.L0 a. m.. con
necting with Acconi. east 8.14 a. m., and
with plail west at y.lo a. m.
I van I Himiaoihnnrin nr. M VII a vi
art ires at Earley 10.00 a.m. Leaves
Euriey 3.30 p. ni., and arrives at Dag-
uscahonda t, 5.00 p. m., connecting I
with Mail east at 5.09 p. in., and Ac
commodation west at 5.40 p. m.
In case P. & E. trains are late, Dagus
cahouda train holds twenty minutes be
yond the above time. '' : j
Tickets should always be procured
before leaving stations.
; C. R. EARLEY, Lessee.
Powell & Kimc
Having erected a large and well arranged
new Store House Oh the old Site, since the
fire, and filled It from ciUarto garret with
the choicest goods of all descriptions, that
can be found in any market, are fully pre
pared to receivethclr old customers, and
supply their Wants ut bottom figures
Their assortment Is now complete, com-
NO riONlUc, etc.
Feed, Ueans, Butter
Canned Goods,
i lu short everything; Wanted 'in. UieJCountry
i ......
. Also a full stock of
of thebest manufacture, of suitable . sizes
for rafting and running purposes.
mm mm $zz
Ridgway, Pa., March itf, 18T1
2 2tf.
JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Hidg,
way, Elk county Pa.. mar-22'601
S. HILL. PI rftiainn
and Surgeon
Kersey", Elk Co. Pa.
vln.i.,1. Ridgway; Elk CounfviW
Agent for the TimlvaW. T.(r j ......
. " uui 110011
detit Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
H. S. BELNAF, Pbomiktob .
S. Bordwell. M. D. EnlnnCn rhto.n.
Office and residence onnoaita iha
i on Centre St.. Ridtrwav. Tu. prnm
attention will he given to all calls. Offioe
hours : 7 to 8 A. M ! 12 to 2 P. Jf. i and
6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22. 60-tf.
Dental SurirRoff.
Office l (M, hrUcp Stn- . ttnr1. Jb
WMpphs. Walker's ne building, ilaia
street, Runway, pa. Will visit Kane,
Wilcox, and St. Mary's,
Phvsicinn ami Rnrtrpnft.
Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker'i Buildifttf.
Special attention given to Surgery, Office'
house from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence
on corner of South and Court streets, op
posite the new School House. All Soils
promptly attended to. vln2yl..
Druggist and ParmaoeuUsf, corner
Mnin end Mill streets, Kidgway, Pa. A
full assortment of earefallt seleoted For
sign andsDomestio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
f fght. f fn3y.
J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tli
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Oold
Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, done with
he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis
I act i o:i guaranteed. vlnly.
JL u. v. UUUK, Proprietor,
Cor. Mill and Centre Sis., Ridgway, Pa.
The proprietor takei this method of an'
nouncing to the public that he has refitted
revised, and improved, this wdl known
hotel, and is prepared to entertain all
Who favor Kim with their ndtronntfe. In fh
I be3t ttyle and at low rates. tlttiJOtf.
vluStf. West End, Ridjjway, Pa.
RmowAY, Elk Co., P,
W. II. SCriRAM. Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new"
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tendon to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit a cohtinnaBe ei the
Oct 30 1800.
1 Kane, McKean Co., Pa
It. Vj. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage beret of of 60
liberally bestowed npon him. the new pro'
prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention
to the comfort and convenience of guests,
to merit a continuance of the same. The1
only stables for horses in Kane and well
kept night or day. vlu23yl.
Auornoys - at - Lavr
Cbnthrville, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful .for the patronace heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the oomfort and convenience
of guests, to merit a continuance of the
, same.
S. A. ROTE, "
Chromos," Stereoscopic Views, Picture
Frames, &c.
v2n2tf.-" ' ' '
t i .
i .
One Door East of the Post Office, Main
Bt., Kidgway, Pa.
Vegetables of all kinds re-
iceiveaaauy. . :,. ,- .
t wnuiue y ranges uxa lemons.
: P. W. HAYS,
Dry ' Goods, ITotions, Groceries,
' -; and General 'Variety, :
! Earley r, O. .
tn47tf, ' ' ' v-"
Manufacturer and
Dealer in Boots
opposite Hotel, '
.; vTjkjo Pa,
Mam est.,
f27y V" , , . 1