The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 02, 1872, Image 4

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    Entertaining a Choir.
Since the groat Boston Poaoe Jutrileo,
our hitherto quiot villago has been in a
state of continual uproar. Gloo-clubs
vio with th town-choira in making both
day and night hideous with their per
petual turmoil.
I eould withstand this with ft com
mendable degree of pationco would they
give us old familiar songs and tunes i
but in lieu thereof, we have a something
that would even puzzlo Watts, or any
of the old hymn-makers, to make either
head or tail, middle or beginning out of.
"Once updn a time" I had the honor
to load the good old-fashioned choir of
the aristooratio cliurcn ot our neignoor
hood. Then it was that when I pitched
the tune, they wont ahead, and did up
the business on hand in short meter,
and took their seats like a well-behaved
and modest sot of people ; and those
were the times that tried the musoular
arrangements of the throat and mouth ;
but now
Lot me tejl you.
Jane Jane is my oldest daughter
she is a member of the choir, of the
Mendelssohn, Beethoven, and I don't
remember how many other clubs besides.
The choir meet for practice every Friday
evening. They meet at the several resi
dences of its members. Last Friday
evening mine was the house to be given
up to the sacrifice.
I debated within mysolf whether to
become oblivious to all sounds, sweet or
otherwise, by liberal potations of liquor,
or to take refuge with some kind but
distantly-removed friend.
Jane notieod my troubled mind, as re
flected on my oountenance. She bade
me for her sake to cheer up, and enter
tain the non-combatants singers, I
should have said.
They came the organ, the choir, and
the audience J filling the house to over
flowinsr. save one room, which I had
reserved for mysolf and my particular
Obedient to mv daughter's request, I
made myself conspicuous by my acts of
gallantry, especially to tne young ana
fair out of which number I expect to
choose my second wife, at some future
- day.
The first song or two was remarkably
well dono, being of the simple, plain old
school of lonir time aeo. The next on
the renertoire was an anthem. Com
posed of but eighteen words, it required
three hours and a half of unrelaxed ef
fort on the part of the choir to finish it
The organist struck up, and rattled
off a medley composed of "Oh, tor a
thousand toneuos." "Old doe Tray,"
" Put me in my little Bed," etc. Then
the loader in a sleepy tone, sung " Praise,"
the alto, "Por-aiso," the basso,
. " P-e-r-a-i-s-e." then they subsided
and suddenly, as if struck by a streak of
lightning, all joined in " iraiseyetno
Lord." The female portion here rested,
while tho males went at it again,
"Praise ve. Braise ye ye praise, ye
praise ye the hee-hce-hee the Lor,
the Lor thelothelothelo." Then the
fomenines took a
"Enemies? No, sir, not that I am
aware of J and I herewith authorize you
to offer a reward of five hundred dollars
for the detection of the scoundrel."
No one as yet has claimod the roward j
but gloo-clubs, etc., are not as popular
in our town as they wero.
Jiormal School Exercises.
In the Richmond Normal School, a
few days ago, the lesson in elocution
was upon " articulation" and various ex
amples of difficult enunciation were
cited and practiced. At tho close of the
exercises the principal called for such
exmplos to be handed in as tho pupils
might know or be able to find. The fol
lowing are some of tho results of the in
vestigation, and furnish a very good
collection for practice :
" Amidst the mist and coldest frost,
With buro wrists find stoniest boasts,
He tli runts his lists against the posts,
And still InslBts he sees the ghosts."
"Of nil the sows I evsr snw, I never saw a
saw as this saw saws."
" Up the high hill he heaves a huge round
"Crazy Crnycroft ennght a crate of crlckled
A crate of crlckled crabs Crazy Craycrott
II Crazy Craycoft caught a crate of erlcklcd
Where's the crate of crlckled crabs Crazy Cray-
croft caught r"
" Tbon wrcathd'st and muzzled'at the far
fetched ox, and lmprisond'st him in the vol
canic Mexican nionutain of Pot-o-cat-n-pct-1 In
" Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pep-
ners : a Dock or t cKlea nenners reier riper
nicked. If Peter Floor nicked a peck of
pickled peppers, wherc's the peck of pickled
peppers Peter Piper picked?"
" Thon wafi'd'nt the rickety stnfl over the
monntnin-beight clids, ntid clearly saw'et the
lull-orb'd moon."
" When a twister twisting, would twist him a
For twlatinir a twist three twists he will twist.
But If one of the twists untwists from the
The twist untwisting untwists the twist."
" Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round ;
a lotina roil liooeri Kowiey rouea rouna.
Where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley
rolled roond?"
"Theophllns Thistle, the successful thiBtle-
sfftcr. In sifting a selveful of this'lcs, thrust
three thousand thwt ls tlirongu tne tmck 01
his thumb."
" Peter Prancle, the prickly pear picker,
picked three pecks of prickly prangly pears
from tne praugiy peur-irecs on tuu pieasaut
" VUlcy Vite and vile vent a vorage to Vest
v indsor and est Ickbam von itson cd'
" Bandv-lccced Borachlo Mustachio Wblsk-
erlluscns, the bale but brave bombardino of
Bagdad, helped Aborrallique blue-Beard, Ba
shaw of Balcmanck-b, to beat down an abom
inable Bumble ol Bashaw."
A Broken Spirit,
years ago, in a little
We quote from tho Carolina Farmer this
edifying story of what a far-seeing
husbandman, in ono of tho back neigh
borhoods of Eastern New York did.
some twenty years since, to enhance tho
valuo ot his property by elevating the
standard of agriculture among the farm
ers arounu mm, no one ot whom took a
weekly newspaper or an ai
periodical :
lie subscribed tor ZO coptes, and had
them mailod to as many of his towns
men, selecting those in whom he had
most hopo. Us wrote to all, telling
what he had dono, and saying he would
receive nothing for the paper tho first
year, at the y end of which, if they did
not consider it worth the club price,
they could stop it, and inform hiin of
their decision. Home ot tho tanners
were so prejudiced that they would not
read them, but their children did, and
told the parents what they had found,
and finally all became interested, and
every one subscribed, or got their
sagacious neighbor to do so for them,
the next year. From the time the jour
nals began to bo read, improvement in
the goneral larm practice commenced.
Improved implements wore obtained,
draining, and turning in of green crops
was introduced, one bought a new breed
of fowls, and another a fine ram, another
a Berkshire boar, and another a mowing
machine, and so on ; by degrees there
was a general improvement in the sys
tem of farming, and a corresponding in
crease in the market value of the land
in the neighborhood, and this liberal
neighbor sold his farm and went West,
and he told the writer that he was satis
fied that the twenty papers, donated
five years before he sold his farm, en
ablod him to realize fully f 2,000 more
for it than he would have done, had he
not given impetus to farm improvement
in the neighborhood by inducing the
tanners to read.
Classes. It has been suggested, speak
ing of tho great need of reforming the
working classes, that tho non-workers
need reforming moro i ond, could they
bo earn their living, they would
bo reformed indeed. It is bocauso tho
working boes have to strpport so many
drones, of various kinds, that is so ter
ribly hard for them. The number of
real producing men is very small in-
..u, 1 deed, compared with tho entire mass of
gricultural m.t- A . .rt,otimr- fiT8 hundred
persons labor for a mere subsistence, in
order that one family of five persons
may wear purple and line linen, and fare
sumptuously every day. Let tho work
of reformation begin at tho top, and
come downward.
New York Wholesale Market.
BCTTKR-ftaT, fins flrkinl (
CHEESE State factory.'...'.
Ohio do..
COTTON Ordinary ...'!.'..!
low to good middling-...
EQOS-N. Y., N. 1., dt p.nn-a
FLOCR Superfine
"trm to tancy State.-....
Ohio round hoop
Kxtra amber
Spring wheat
Extra Genoee
St. I.mtl. HaiiMa a.h ...
Cork Meal Western or Jersey..
ltrnnrlvuritta ........
GRAIN Cork Western
fc Southern
BiBLlT Wettorn
Wheat Western No. 1 Spring...
uo. no. i ao. ....
Do. Amber
Do. W hite
w nltn (Imihm ....
PROVISIO.NS-Pork-New mess.. .
W a nrtme..
But- Plain S
Axtra mess.... 10 00
Beef hams Si 00
J O t
17 (IV
17 ttl)
aoy fey
It ((1)
Have You a Cold 1
Have You a Cough ?
Have You Bronchitis?
Have You the Asthma 1
Have You any Lung Diffi
culty or Weakness in your
Road tho following an! learn tlio value of
u w &2 n E(g a .r- tn izz 11 u m
IT-JLV UK tWJ fel Vi til IN J Kil El WT fl
KjjBXT --uawr mif Id HI -VJ aS4j NtfC -LJvr It.
Bostman Onllogo, po'keeps!r.
On-Tlie-IIndson. Tho only Intllnllon tn America dTote to t)
Hpecialtyof tmlnlnc Voung Men and noyffnrincroMln life, teaching them hnw t4g-t a living, niako mont-y
and hrcomo onterpri'lng, iimfnl citliene. Tho Oldest and only Practical Business Training School, and the
onlvonenrovldintf nositlotie fur Oradiliile. T-itnl exnonTO of nresrrilted nonrpe. B100 to iis
ddrasa for particulara and Catalogueol 1,000 Uraduatos in Duslnrss. II. J. K A ST MAN, I,L. D.. Po keenln. N. Y.
No Ta-ntlons.
What tho Doctors say.
S 90
f 01
7 U
7 70
S 00
9 CO
S 40
I 70
1 05
I it
1 SO
1 80
I 00
II 60
1 10
name manner.
But the thing couldn't last, sure. It
was now nearly ten o'clock, and tho
anthem not half through with. Myself
and friends naid auite a numbor of
visits to our room, to consult over this
stylo of musio, and to sample the Bour
bon. e now bolted the door, and
wont into secret session.
"Hank!" says Jim hite, "do you
know what I think is tho matter down
there 'i Tho last word of that sentence
that they are at now is Lord, according
to tho best of my belief. Now, give mo
ten. ink ond naner.
Tho implements wero provided. Ho
indited a noto to the leader, teeming
with compliments, and suggesting tne
lost word.
Teogue, the Irish boy, was called, and
Fifty years ago, in a littlo town of
Delaware, a lad aged nineteen, and bear
ing the name of Charles Draper only
recently left fatherless, and believing
himself wronged in the patrimonial
estate by his stepmother and her chil
dren warred fierco feud with tho later
turn in about tho occupants of his early home, and was
even ooirayea Dy passionaio sense 01 in
jury into striking the oldest of his step-
brotnors. or tins onenco ot not Dlood
he paid a heavy penalty ; for it gave
the incensed lady and her family an op
portunity to brand him with ignominy.
They had him " bound over to keep tho
peaco" toward them ; and when in his
accumulated wrath at this he uttered
threats they caused him to be cast into
jail. A high-spirited, imperious ' na
ture, ho took this disgrace, as ho deemed
it, so bitterly to heart that from the
moment of his introduction to prison
Quarters his wholo character seemed to
change. He did not care, he said, ever
to leavo the jail, now that its shameful
brand was upon him ; and if ho should
ero forth again it would only be to re
turn soon again with greater desort of
Horses ix California. Most of tho
horses of California are still of Mexican
stock, and are admirably adapted to
wild pasture and the saddle? They are
healthy and hearty; they keep fat on
scanty feed ; they can travel long dis
tances, even a hundred miles in a day,
without injury, and after having been
broken, thev are docilo and kind. For
general service in the southern part of
the State, they are decidedly superior to
American or English horses. They are
usually allowed to run wild until they
are four years old, and they are then
harnessed and broken. On some of the
ranches, the old custom of kecpinc the
mares exclusively for breeding is still
observed, and none save the geldings
are used for tho saddle or harness. The
Mexican horse is better than any other
for tho herdsman er vaquero, but is not
swiit enough for racing, and is not large
nough for teaming.
.A ear the middle ot tho Mate, most 01
the horses are of American stock. Tho
cross of the Clydosdalo with tho Cali
fornia stock makes a largo horse just
suited for heavy work ; but for tho
buggy and parade, tho Morgan and
thoroughbred are in demand. There
are now several hundred thoroughbreds
in the State, some of them equal to the
best of their kind. There are also large
numbers of American horses, of mixed
blood, but of fine quality, excellent for
gener.vl iarm work. Most ot tho Cali
fornia horses are never fod with culti
vated food or kept in stables, and many
the Amorican horses, except when
engaged in hard work, are treated in
the same manner. Thoro are 190,000
horses and 24,000 mules in tho State.
Oriis Uaui
WOOL N. Y., Pa.. O., and Mich....
Tt. and Iowa
Toxas and California......
Uood ,
Common tn flr..
8 (.0
J oo (x
0 M
a (ai
11 (Si
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' 6
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I 31
Dr. Liotd, ol Ohio, Unrgeon In the Army (Innng
tne war, n-oin exposure, contractr-a consumption, n
says: "I have no hesitancy in stating thnfltwas h
the ns of yonr Loxa Balsam that lain now all to am
enjoying neaim.
Dr. Flktohbr of Mlssonri, snye: "I wrsmmsnfl
your Balsam in preference to anr other medicine fur
Coughs, and it gives satisfaction.
ALLEN'S LUNU BALSAM Is the remedy to enre all
Lung and Throatdttncultle. It should lie thoroughly
tested before using any other Balsaiu. It will oure
when all others fall.
Directions accompany each bottle.
Again What tho Doctors Say.
Amos Wool. 1 it, M. D , of KosclnnVo County, Indi
ana, snys t " For throe years past I hae used Allin i
Ldno Balsam extensively In my practice, and 1 am
satisfied there is no bettor tucdkltlu for luug diseases
in use,'
Isaao A. Doras, M. P., of Logan Connty, Ohio,
save: " Allsn a Lena ijalsam not only sells rapidly.
but gives perfect satisfaction in every case within my
knowledge. Having confidence In it, and knowing
that it nnssosses valuable medicinal properties, I
freely use it in niy daily practice, and with unbounded
success. As an expectorant It Is most certainly ahead
of any preparation I have ever yet known."
Natmahiil Harris, M. D., of Mlddlebnry, Ver-
motit. mv,! ' T hnve no douht it will soon become a
Classical remedial ngent for tho core of all diseases of
the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, ana tho Lungs.
Physicians do not recommend a medlclno which haa
no merits ; what tboy say about
Can bo taken u a fact. Let all afflicted lent It at once.
Trvlcliioo, It. I.
General Agents for Now England Staloc
For Sale by
J. F. HENRY, New York.
i .-ill ur- - Ii I
Si,-' iiA B. -J
The Crfat Biona Purihe
aaiiwsa-aii, i.nii s isiaimir
A valuable. Indian compound, for restoring tna
health, and for tho permanent enra of all dUeaesails
Inf from lrapnrltlos of the blood, snch as
Brrofnla, Slcrofrilons lljnnor, Cancer, fan-
rernns llnmnr, Brysipent, vsmnor, sin
Ilhonm, Pimple si nil Humors on me
Puce, fleers, CntiRlii, t alnn-li,
llronrliltls, Neuralln, Illieu
tnat lam, Pains Infhe Blile,
Dysprpsln, Constipation,
Costlveness, Piles,
Headache, Dizziness, Nerronaness, Fain -
ness at the Htomacli, Pain in tne hbck,
Kidney Complaints, Female Weak
ness, and Ueneral Uciinit y.
This r.rcnnrallnn Is scienlincally and. chemically
combined, and so strongly concentrated iroin rools,
herbs ond barks, that Its good ellects are rcalited im
mediately alter commencing to take it. Thero is no
disease of the hnman system for which the ortiii
cannot be n-cd with perfect sofi ty, as It does not con
tain any metallic Compounn. rtfrpraiiirauiis mo as
tern of all Imnuritb-s of the blood It has no equal. It
haa never failed to effect a cure, giving tone and
strength to the system debilitated by disease. Its won
derful effect upon these complaints ara surprising to
all. Iany have been cured by the Vsortiks that have
tried many olhor remedies, it can well o cbik-u
this iic.J4A.rr
commanded to carry the note to Doctor imprisonment. In short, Charles Dra
Brightmam (the leader) -without dolay. per, partly hy his own notion, remained
Tho messenger pertormea his part aa- m jail at Georgetown tor no less than
mirahlr. Rushing into the midst of the
singers, with a loud voice, ho proclaimed
to the doctor
" There's a dead man wants to Bee you,
sur. and here s a letther he sent you,
The musio ceased, tho noto was perused,
and the anxious crowd ot inquirers lm
formed that the dead man was of their
own murdering,
Again they resumed thoir song, with
but little hopes for a speedy conclusion
"Jtow, it this was my house, says
Jim, " I'd turn tho wholo lot of 'em out."
" But you wouldn't toll them to quit
In so many words, would, you (
" No. Btart om up with an earth'
thirteen years f He was in his thir
ty-third year when Judge Edward
ootten, one of the associates of the
Sussex County Court, became acquaint
ed with and interested in his curious
case, and caused him to he discharged.
The samo humane magistrate save him
such aid in lawj too, as to enabTo him to
recover about 3,000 from his father s
contested estate : but the now morose,
broken-spirited man retained no ambi
tion for Life, and, instead of undertaking
any honorable career, became bar-keeper
in a hotel. That vitiation ot appetite
had nothing to do with this selection is
proved by the fact, that although a bar-
quake, or something of the sort. Whore's keeper for over twenty-five years, or the
the cannon yeu celebrated with last wholo remainder of his broken life,
year'f" Draper never drank a drop of liquor,
" Housed up, down in the cellar." used tobacco, or even uttered a coarse
" Just tho argument just the place I phase. The 'Wilmington Commercial, af
Kow, one moro bumper all around, and ter giving his story, reports his death at
to this sentiment : Here s to the lame, I Miltord last week ; and adds, that, hav
and broken-winded,- vainly endeavoring ing increased his little inheritance from
to 'escape the Day of Judgniont. May $3,000 to moro than four times that
thoy have abundance of faith to carry amount, the departing bearer of a broken
them through the trying ordeal in a be- spirit has bequeathed every cent to the
coming manner. Hank, take tho light, kind judge who befriended him when ho
ana snow tne way. was heart-sick and m prison.
1 suppose my head must have Deen
affected by the stimulants, besides being
confused by the noise, or I should never
have consented ; but that is neither here
or there. We unearthed tho article a
small-sized, but loud-tonad instrument
of war. Jim installed himself as chief
irunner, while I served as powdor-
uionkey, supplying him with two one-
The first dandy was made by Dame
Nature out of the refuse matter left
from making Adam and .ve. lie was
concocted with a bouquet in one hand
and a looking-glass in the other, llis
heart was dissected in the thirteenth
century, and found to be a pin-cushion
full of butterflies and sawdust. Ilenev
pound canisters, and a couple of cast-off er falls in love, for to love requires both
petticoats tor wadding.
All was ready for action.
"Now, wait," says Jim to tho man
who had volunteered to apply the
match " wait until they siinnior down
on the little end of that For-evor,' and
then lot her rip.
" For ev "
" Not yet," says Jim,
" For-ev-ev-ev for-ov," came louder
and mora of it " f--r-e-v-e-r."
An explosion followed, which came
near demolishing the entire fabric. The
glass rattled from the sash, and the en
tire population of the house made for
the doors and windows. Borne ran to
the village for assistance, but more re
mained scattered about the lawn, some
dead gone in a faint, and others calling
on the Lord to save them from the
wrath to come. The villagers came
pouring down like a flood. They assist
ed in caring for the wounded in spirit
while myself, Jim, and the selectmen
of the town began an investigation as
to the "cause of 'the disturbance. Jim
expressed the opinion that it must have
been an earthquake. I suggested Guy
Fawkes, and an underground visit was
There stood the disturber, looking as
cold and grim and brassy as if nothing
had occurred.
But who was tho individual with
malicious intent 't
" Have you any enemies, Mr. Wilkins T
inquired tho squire.
brains and a soul, and the dandy has
neither. He is a long-lived bird ; he
has no courage, never marries, has no
virtues, and is never guilty of first-class
vicos. Join Uuungs.
Tub Adds Liszt, acknowledged by the
leading musicians of the world as the Grand
Master of instrumentation on the Piano Forte,
has been so chary of bis commendation of
pianos of anr particular make, that the follow-
in? testimonial written by blm bearaadditional
weight, aside Irora the high source Irora wntcu
it emanates. This voluntary testimony, irom
the dUtiugaUlied Maestro, is a triumph for
America, a triumph tor Boston, and an endur
ing uiumpn lor Messrs. liailut, unvis to,
whose patent orchestral grand and square pi
anos are all made with the same fidelity as to
recent improvements, purity ol tone, ana su
perioruy oi wominansuip :
Weimab, May, 1871.
Mr. Florence Zieqfbld, Director of the
Chicago Academy of Music :
My Dear Director : The reputation of the
American pianos was established everywhere
by the extraordinary sensation they created at
the Paris Exhibition of 1367. Since that time
several of the leading piano manufacturers in
Europe have luuna it expedient to construct
pianos of the American kind. The distinguish
ing advantage of the latter peculiar richness
of tone and extreme solidity of construction
were evident to eye and ear la the most admi
rable Instrument manufactured by Ilallet,
Davis fc Co., of Boston, which was tested here
, It is highly desirable that the use and enjoy
ment of these instruments should be attainable
for European pianists. With distinguished
regards, I am, yours truly, r. I.1SZT.
A New Hoxet Plant. In a late
number of tho American Jiee Journal it
is stated that a very limited quantity of
the seed of tho Partridge Pea (cassia
chamacrista of botanists) has been placed
in the hands of the Commissioner of
Agriculture, for distribution among
bee-koepers who may desire to give it
a trial. Those wishing it should make
application for the same at once. It
should be known, however, that the
plant is classed among weeds, and is
often regarded by good farmers as littlo
better than a pest. It is described . by
Darlington, in Ins " Weeds and useiul
Plants," page 110, who says it is com
mon to sandy fields, especially souin-
ward, flowering from July to September,
and often as lato as the middle of Octo
ber. The only thing to recommend it
as a honey producing plant, is that it
blooms during the interval between
spring and autumn pasturago, and thus
furnishes feed for bees at a time when
other vegetation fails to give a supply,
It is an annual, and the Journal says on
this account " ought not to be difficult to
As Act of Jcstick. Doubting Castle was
a sad stumbling block in the path of Buman'i
Christian, though it couldn't bar his way to
Truth. We can sympathize with the Pilgrim,
for Doubt always besets us when we are ask
ed to believe anything particularly extraordin
ary. Consequently, when we heard, some
eighteen months sgo, that a physician in Cali
fornia had compounded, from the juices and
extracts of certain herbs found there, a medi
cine that cured almost every variety of blood
disease, we were incredulous. Since then we
have had opportunities of testing the accuracy
of the report, and are free to admit that our
doubts have vanished. Seeing what we have
seen, knowing what we know, it is impossible
for us tn question the remedial properties of
Dr. Walkkb's Viskoab Uittkrs. Thut
this fitmous vegetable Tonic, Alterative, and
Antiseptic is a speciiiu for Dvspi-pia, Liver
Complaint, Chronic Constipation, Fever and
Ague, Kilious and Intermittent, scrofulous
laintiHthe Blod, Incipient Consumption,
Local and General Debility, Khc-umatisiD,
Kick Headache, and Diseases of the Kidneys,
seems to be a matter beyond the pale of con
troversy a fixed met in medical history. The
statement of friend?, in whose veracity and
intelligence we hnve full confidence, corrobor
ated bv our own personal ooservatiun, compel
us, to admit the surpassing merits of the pre
Transforming tub Complexion The
transformations produced by Hagan's Mag
nolia Bai.m arc quite as astonishing as any
scene ou the stage of a theatre. Thut famous
beautlllcr, transmutes a sallow, peeky looking
complexion, into one in which the lily and
the rose ie lor admiration, and Imparts to a
dry, harsh skin, the soltuess of perlect loveli
ness. Tan and freckles, which country air and
sunlight are prulty sure to produce, in spile ol
p trasols ana sundowns, aru completely oblit
erated by it ; while It has a perfectly magical
eQ'ect in banishing undue reduces, blotches and
pimples train the ckin. When the lady who
has used it to remedy her coniplexional de
lects looks In the mirror, slie Is equally as
tounded and gratified at the improvcinunts in
her appearance, i-.veiy Dleuusli lias disap
peared, her neck, arms aud bosom, now rival
in whiteness the snowy collar which encircles
her throat, ber cheek mantles with a peace-
like bloom, and sue Is ready to Invoke a bless-
lug on the Inventor of the article which has
wrought such a delightful traustorninliou.
The advortlsor, hnvlnir beon pormanontly cured ol
that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple romedy,
is anxioni to make knoirn to his fellow ufTr-rer the
means of cure. To all who dealre it. be will send a
copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with
xne airecnons lor preparing ana otiiiK vp khiiio, wmi-u
they will And a Seas Crmt roa Consimi'Tios, Asth
ma, Bronchitis, Sec. Parties wishing the prescription
win please aaaress
ttC South Third St.. Williauisburub N. Y.
Price SI. 93.
Sold brail l)ni(rirl-.t-
y uawyi.'" fir j
Wild Ohkrbt TUi.ram. The mcmorr of Dr.
Wis tar la embalmed In the heart of thousands whom
htB Balaam of Wild Cherry has cured of cou?h. coldn,
consumption, or rom ether form of Pnlmouary dis
ease, ii ic now over lortv ream miicb inis Dreoamiion
wbb brought before the public and yet the demand for
u ii constantly lncrcaein?.
ViOETmn. Thft areat pucpops of the Veobtikr a a
cleanHeriind'puiinernf the blood Is ehown beyond a
doubt bv the eTeut number who have tattrn It. and re
ceived immediate relief, with such remarkable cures.
Fifteen mlnntot confidential telle with the ladled on
important subjects, by one of their number, fteut free
for two Btampri. Address Mrs. II. Mbtigkr, Huuover,
"INTEREST OR RENT collected In all part
m. oi ureal Jtriiain. noiiana. r ranee anu upmiany.Dy
J. i KUEALtf. Attorney at Law,
Columbia, Pa.
T?OR SALE One of the Finest Estates on
A tiUtaier. n
lurn&Phed. For ni
Gloucester Court-Uousc, Gloucester Co., Ta.
tidtaier. Virginia, containing 8b0 acres, 4tu acre
a ana currounainirs
In fine cultivation. Neighborhood and curroundinj
unsurpanhed. ror particular. addreK M. K
Blast la Brit Trass (or rup
ture) is durable, cheap and sale;
is as eailv worn a" a orarter: ha
cured patients In from 5 to ii wet-ki. For particulars
bcuu lor Ulrcninr. AatircsH
HJS.Mti nu fc, uox 13a, uouncu jsiunv, lows.
Parties vl-ltlng New York and wanting a renl artistic I
Broadway (opposite the Grand Central Ho-
tel.) 1.
Gas SilM AMrato
The best thin In the market. Sells at ulirV. Gives
are makine small fortunes selling them One r"
rri. Ill IN (INE WEEK. Another 17 IN 4 DAYS-
Write for circulars and terms, and secure tho best un !'
occupied territory at once. Agents wanted ev
erywhere. County aud State rights Tor pale. Ad
Bole Proprietors and Manufacturers,
1103 Broadway. New York.
No Perooii enn take thene Bitters accord
in to directions, and remain Jong unwell, provided
their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other
means and the vital organs wasted beyond the point
of repair.
lj-p)epln or Imllgcfttlnn. Headache, Pain
in the Shoulders, Coughs, TtRhtneM of the Chet, bis
tiness. Sour Kructationa of the Stomach, Had Taste
in the Mouth, Hilimts Attacks, Palpitation of the
Heart. Inflammation of the Lns, Pain in the regions
of the Kidnevs, aud a hundred other painful symptoms,
are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints
U has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar
antee of its merits than a lencthv advertisement.
For Female Compliiiiit, in young or old,
married or siiiRie, at the dawn of womanhood, or the
turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an
influence that a marked improvement is soon percep
' For Inflammatory ami Chronic Rheu
matlam and (lout, liiliotis. Remittent and Inter
mittent Fevers, Diseases of the UIod, Kiver, Kidneys
and liladder, these Hitters have no equal. Such Dis
eases are caused hv Vitiated HlooH, which is iteneraily
produced hy derangement of the Digestive Orleans.
They are a Untitle IMiiRallve as well aa
a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting
as a powerful zent in relieving Congestion or Inflam
mation -fine Liver and Visceral Organs, and iu Bilious
For SUlii DlHeasm, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, lilotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Hoils, Car
buncles, KinR-wnrms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Kry-
sipelas. Itch, Scurfs. Discolorationsof the Skin, Humors
t and Diseases of the Skin, nf whatever name or nature,
ars literally dug up and carried nut of the system in a
! short lime hv the use of these Hitters.
) Urateful Thousand proclaim Vinegar Rit
i tfrs the mast wonderful Invigornt that ever sustained
1 the sinkinc svstem.
! j VAl.KKrt,Pmp'r.n,lI.ncIONAI,nA,rO.
DiiiKKists and Ocu. Ats., San Francisco and XiW Yoilu
rtfi-iit In I'm W.'tM
lllt HOIILU ANU 11 IM .
r AI 11 UK It. Aoorutif it-
"LlX 11BHWAKK trill Ut.lAIJI U
'ton, t-iiilMll)Liri. Ciininntui,
Su L'jui, rlvi'lanl, HnKr
innni ami Phicni. Kolvli
of tha birtl trrtiltv. Onlv
(1,00 tw vm. No d.-alcr fan afti.rd to Jo withoul It.
Kvrv m-.i-'tinl-t fir.d ir.etil wirier aliould Uk It. tiivn rm.r
liiu -trvi':i "t iw mu' Litu rv than IJ S inufic Ant-rini'i.
hjot 1ur wier-ki u tkial f.-r '."i c-ali, r- tn; piiU. AiiiifJ
WuRLlt priiUMUNU CO.,
laoit Would IIiilhim, ratkliurrh, Th.
tSr-sol.I) I'.V A I.I
Common Sens Cnre for
dlspoTored snd cured when pronoun
ced incurable. This cut snow, the
only wny to reach the Peat of the dis
ease. $1.60 will procure enough to
cure any cuse, or send 60 cts. for
enough to prove Its merits or to euro
an ordinary case. Cure warranted or
nonoy refunded. Address, Key. fc.
W. EDMISIO.N, Uikhlaud, Ohio.
The Wat to Do It. Many premium chro-
moB aud engravings are bclug given bv differ
ent publishers ta subscribers, but we kuow ol
ouly one publisher who gives the premium at
the Lime of subscribing. We icier to the pub-
libher ol the v ssteun Wo8Li, whose adver-
tisemeut appears in another column. He tenth
the premium, with the first number of the paper.
within twenty-four hours after the subscription
ts received. Or it one subscribes ol one ol his
authorized agents be will receive the Chrotno
on the spot, when he pays his money. The
worla Is a spleuuia paper, and subscribers are
nocking to it by the tuousnnds.
Best Offer Yet!
Only S3 for $8 In Value ! !
Or for $4, S 1 3 In Value ! ! !
The Charmtuft and Artistic Oil C lironio,
Hie, 1117, price S), will be sent fret as a premium to
every yearly suotcnDer to tue
Acknowledged to be the BEST STORY and FAMILY
FArMi (published every Saturday) In this country.
"Have Patiknob." Is one of Messrs. L. Prang 6l Co s
highly finished artistic Oil Cukomou, representing a
nnopneru dog ana neautimi young snri at play tne
little girl teaching the dog patience by withdrawing a
favorite morsel just as be is about to p natch it. A
The Ifuinau Tele era ph. The uuive are tcl-
egrapbic fibres operated by tbe brain ; but if the stom
ach, the great vitaltzer of the Fytem. Is disordered,
the whole nervous organization is partially shattered
iur mo nine uuiug. i ahkast v CiIfkhveuckm belt
EBB APBKIENT works wonders in casti of nerrona d.
biiity arising from dyspepsia, by restoring tbe etomach
to n normal conaiTinn, ana Koppinir tue Dowels liee.
Poh't Hawk, Hawk, Spit, f5pit, Blow, Blovt
and difust everybody with your Catarrh, ana
its offensive odor, when Dr. Sage's Catarrh
n i : 1 1 .. ii .. i .
w i rv-uicuy win buccuhy ucsirov an uuu, arretf
gel na oi uy proper mUimgeu1K..w wo.. ,he dUcbar and jure a7((
lus uresuuuu in uuucaiiauic. if.i.i.
caution above given, in regard to this
plant, perhaps our bee-keepers naa bet
ter give it a trial.
Salt and Ashes rou Horses.
Those keeping horses should, twice a
week, throw in a nandtul oi salt ana
ashes. Mix them by putting in three
Darts of salt to one of ashes. Horses
relish this, ana it will Keep tneir nair
soft and fine. It will prevent bo ts, colic,
&c. A littlo around sulphur mixed
with salt and ashes, and given once in
two or three weoks. is also bonehcial.
All domestic animals will be thus bene
The Fatal Trichina.
It behooves those people who are fond
ITow to Ornament the Hair.
All that art can accomplish in Tjeauti-
fying, strengthening, thickening, and
perpetuating the human hair, is effected
by the use of Burnett's Cocoaijje.
There is a stimulating property in this
preparation, which literally compels a
rapid growth of the fibres, while its
emollient action renders them -silky and
elastic. It is the lest and cheapest hair
dressing and inviaorator in the icorU. So
say the masses who use it. Your drug
gist has it.
Chapped Hands, face, rough skin,
pimples, ring worm, sult-rhcum, and
uplendia work of art, very attractive to all, more por
Ocularly to the young.
lly .eudius St tlie Magxificixt Stesl ekosaviko,
"The Nativity of Our Lord,"
Sice, 83x38, price ii, will lie added, making
$13 in Value for Only $4 ! ! !
Specimen copies of tbe WESTERN WORLD Kent
free Address
JAMES R. ELLIQ1T, Publisher,
36 Broinfleld St., Boston, Mass.
Manufacturer and Dealers In
Machinery and Imperial
Soap, $itvreli, &o.
Xo. 172 Front Street,
T13F Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to
JL. O. 8UU1KU. J. B, 10. JBLIVEN.
Fbt at Tut At. llttw mmlhi
f. r V5 mill. Tbf Attl-KU
t-iie of tlif tunft riiUlirnlifm
in Ik cll. Conulua )
i Mst. nr M columns of rt
're iittltfr, dt-itfind to ititff
nt, Ir.ttru't Hid ftKftn- lh
bf. ititfTMti of wurWinpnirti.
Ili'itiration of t-roiiiineut
workinemeD In mmi mu.
IN utr.Ucra iU tuooutt.rla r. ut
ftcrilMr. Only il.iO icr
jtw, or on frful ihrt nvnthf for 5 cenu. VriU your nm,
Tuwn. Cvuctr ad State rUinlv, enrloM the monft, aod ftddrua
. IKuN WokLD i'l'BLl&HINt CO.,
1bo Woulo Bcilpino, FilUburh, ra.
t3TAgBti wsUitctl oa Salftry or Commit on
Farmers t Mechanics t Ererrboutf.
mission Allowed, and Chromot furnlthei Canvautrt
to deliver to customers at time of subscribing.
The handsomest, -and one of the best and
most entcrtainius; of the uionthUei
tiOUOGcnulne uiikssbiimrtl I, I11TT3. I
A n sel
Any Kind
Pittsburgli, Pit. Largo 8 page, 40 column,
wtielcly. Sent 3 mouths on trial for S3
cents. Worth 825. Cut this out. Try It.
Those who Use the
Lippincott's Magazine. Florence sewing machine
Cheap Farms! Free Homt
4 f srrf
or TUK
Best Farming end Mineral Lands in Amc j
3,000,000 AC'UKS IX XEBRASu
GVltI101N ol'tlio WKST,
. Thet-e lftndi are in the central portion of the UnilrJ
Stat, ou t lie 4Ut (lepree ol" North Liitiludo, the eun
tral line of the ffreut Tmpurute Zonu of tho AoiiTlriut
Contineut, and for crain triowing and stock ruUiu
Ullnntasse(l br nnv in the Unite! Ptnte.
CUEAHKIl IN PRICK, more favorable temitlfiven,
snd more convuuicnt to inarkt than can be found
Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers.
Soldiers cntitltJ to a Homestead of 160 Acres.
Free Passes to Purchasers of Lauil
Send for the new deerlptive pamphlet, with new
uiaili d true svervwhure. Addre
mult, publilied in Enpli-'h. German, SwedifeU aud l.i
Laud CoimnLtlonor, U. P. It. R.Co..
. , . , i : ..).. .... i I, ,, ,. 1 utuur uutuueuus auwuuilB uuicu, nuuiuq
?ar W haa already reI bHu madoBoft and giaootk by using the
ferred to two deaths in Cleveland from
trichina, through eating diseased pig
nieat. Two other people, in the same
citv. are now sufforiner from the same
disease, -with very little probability of
recovery. As in tne nist case, tne com
plaint was brought on through eating
sausage made of pork. Fart of tho food
was csnipoaed ot meat Dougnt in tne
market, and part from an animal fatten
ed by the sufferers themselves. On ex-
. ,r a i j -c l. :it, .
annning we iwo kiiiud oi poia. wnu a
microscone. it was discovered that tho
meat procured at the market was full of
trichina, while none could be soon in
the home-fed portion. As there is no
intimation that the former was at all
decomposed, .the disease was probably
the result of bad feeding of the hogs
from which the purchased meat was
taken. However that may be, it is in.
cumbent upon the consumers of pork to
Juniper Tar Soap, mado by Caswell,
.Hazard is (JO., jn ew York, it is more
convenient and easily applied than
othor remedies, avoiding the trouble of
tne greasy compounds now in uso.
To THB fOBIIo. We know ot no remedy
tquol to Jacks )N 's Catarrh Hncfv aud
Troohc Powder, fur Catarrh, Asthma, Lots
of Voice, 4.C Is mild, pleasant, agreeable to
use, and a snrn cure. Ask your druggist for
it, or mail SS cents to Coopkr, Wilson &
Co., Philadelphia.
The very best Sewing Machine is the
t lorknce. " Kead the advertisement.
RurrcKK can be cured without tutTerinz.
Elastic Trusses are supersctliiiK all oiliers.
Before buying Metal Trusses or Supporters,
send for a descriptive circular to the Elastic
Truss Co., 683 Broadwav, N. V.
I'uniViLLF.n ANn Ai nvn PARI.V.RrHEW
be very particular as to the quality of WIRE, Never leak, rip or come apart ask for
it. There is no doubt that many dis- them. One pair will satisfy ouy one that they
eased beeves and sheep, as well as hogs, "ae no mu
lri lerl unrl nt to market lor lood. ' """"H-
mi .1 -,r I
ine poorer uiwse. - v I Ratreed stoeklne. ana in.trnnlnir tws are
mostUkelyto sutter trom mis unscru- not iBen ou twt wlleie SILVER TIPS are
pulous conduct of the dealers; but beef worn. Pureuts remember this that lust twice
and mutton, lortunoieiy, arenov uue-cteu "uk.
wifh trichina, and oue-ht at all times to or laIe by de.Uers.
V.-v iMinfArra1 t 11 DT1 1 1 nil si V fillPfin CiT
LLfcl Wl-ln. nA.-fck, .!?"tiwffiS1V,..?n.4f .?'?' .n4P- Bead
Popular Literature aud Science.
Tolume. Tna nam bur of nairei baa been lncrearted.
enablfnir tho conductors to furuith an additional
amount of POPULAR HEADING in tbe beot and mo it
emphatic sen. The contribution now on band or
specially enydtfvd euibrucw ah cslucallv attractive
LlsT or
tope t her with a Tariety of able and interesting articles
to the sUortwr art ic leu by ditiui;uliiUt)d wrltern, the
will appear la LIPPIN'COTT 8 MAGAZINE during
r WILLIAM BLACK, actbob or
" A Uaughtor of Heth," Iu Silk Attire," etc.
a. y rr o xj iv .
Mr. Edward Wbymper's exquisitely lUustrutcd work,
Scrambles Among the Alps.
ILLUSTRATIONS de?lirnod bvdlHtlurulahed srtlnts
snd eugravud iu tus unfuu.t style will sccoutpouy
eucu uuutDsr.
LipplncoWa Magaxtne
Is for sale by all Periodical dealers.
TERMS. YearlT Snbscrintton. SI 00. Sinel. N'um-
hnr. 3i cntji. Llberikl Clubbiuff Rjites.
number mailea, DOitasw Piua, u ay aaaress, ou re-
celDl or i) chimp.
U. lafl'iniiui'r ssv iu., raeuincn,
71i and 717 Markot Su, Pulladelpbla.
REVOLVERS. Mome's Siz-SbooUrs. patented
Jan.. 1871. 4 lucb barrel, flue nuiib. Will ahoot
4 rods, fries J, sent nnit-onia. Agenu wanted.
"Vna uh llaa riAT.TAHIIlD iBOM ColNICI M,
rnivvriliirhi, wnrld far both .truiirbt and firnlar
work, addiew V ALVIiii CAttB w. ticvoiaua, y.
i'i i 1 s.'t&S3 ffri
know it U the bot.
because It does more
work, moro kind of
work, and better
work, than any oth
er. Send for circular
and sample of
Offlcc, 39 Valou
Square, New York.
JOR ONE DOLLAR we will mail you a box of
itamped with any Initial or Pot name. Four tUos lid
uk-ou piiiienui iu earn uox.
j It rneeU the dally want of any lady. Mrnooi fririare aauptinn u.
It's the prettiest prudent to a young lml y.
Try one box for youraA-ll.
AddreM LOHIXi,,
P.O. llox 6011, Uoaton, Maaa.
Selling the Autoblograpby ot Saiu'l S.
Tbe Great Missouri Bushwhacker.
Clotu.llluitrated, prepaid, $1. Send for circular
IlUUAl.'K WIIAX, Juffersou City, Mo
For any cane of Blind
ttlt.Adiiip. llrblnir. or VI
cerated Piles that Da
Bmo's Pils Rsusur fa la
to oure. It la nrenarcd ex-
prehHly to cuiu Ibe Piles
and uothlng else. Sold by
all Diuegi.t. Price Sl.uO.
5,000 AGENTS WANTED.-Samples scut
free by wall, with terms to clear from 85
toHlU per day. Two entirely new arti
cles, salable as flour. Address
H, II. Wini'K, Newark, N.J.
Startling but True.
Wanted ajrenti to Introduce our fant aellUnr eoodfl,
I $5,000 a Top.r can be made iiyenerfretlc men. Adlia
MONROB KENNEDY & CU., FltUburgli, Pu
I k lOPVT Wantrwl. Aarenti make more mnneT
jV work for un than auythiiifc elie. Particular free.
U. tiTiSiuJI 4t Co., MM Aft rubtitner, fornaiia Nu,
CO., 7
The Stevens Mineral Fertilizer.
Nature's Fertilizer.
Price $15 per ton on board cars at LUboa.
iino-, II.,
Life to Plnnlfsi!
Toatl to Iiisootw!
For information as to its value nr- a
Fertilizer and Insect Destroyer
send fer circular containing certiflcal of rclluble men
who have ued it for the put three year..
All correspondence to be aaaresgeu to
SAMUEL II. R03BINS, Lisbon, N. II..
Secretary and General Agcut.
Wholesale Depot, 20 South Market Street, Boston. .
$20,000 COLD l'OR $1.25 ClURENCY.
rpnU People's Orand Musical FeMlval and Oltt En
X tenirioe will take place at the Mctropolitau Tlia-
tre, In S;cmtti'Dto, URliiJinta, on the lj(h of Jum
1872. whtu OU9 Prizec, amouutiiiK to over $80.00Ot
will be distributed to Ticket Holder, hi the ta:iiu
m tinner a- at the drnwinu of the ceU'brutvd Mercantile
Library (tit't Concert of Ban Pianciaco, the hirhi'U
prize beiufi $20,000 in Gold. Payment ot Prize guar
anteed by drpoiu. Ticket. currency, or 11
Ticketufor $!K.i0. Full Information with proi-peotu
can be obtained at FCLCil k CO S MauatfeiV Atfuucy,
IVQS H road wny, New York.
J new ueedliiijf from Enrly RiHe,ol'woudertul produc
ttveueKn and nueat quality. Will yield twice bm much.
Kit PeerletiH.or any other potato now Ki own. Tliree hunk
ela were produced fiom half a pound the pat ea-ou.
Dekdiptive circulars free. Price $1 per H).. or $3 for 4
Ifra.tpOdt-paid, by mail Umq. W.Cuiupbeil, Delaware , ,0.
Tfl el nAlf.V n.M Mnruilnf airant.. S1k
elusive territory. New monopoly. Sell In
every family to entire aati.actlon.
Mvkbs M'r'oCo. Idi John 8t..N
Ou Harriafte. UfVV Belief for Young Men.
Reiuarbubie Hcport. neut tree. Address, IIowaks As
socriTiox, Pnilaiielphla, l's.
"I OMKSTE ADS. where they are and how to iret them
1 1 All about It. Eook.SOc. J. R OACiE., Iowa
400 or tlrst-clasi Piano..
Address U. 8. C1A.NO CO.
April -7s
No discount. Noaireuts.
Mi liruadway N. V