The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 04, 1872, Image 4

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    An Arkansas Lore Story."
Twelve years ago a pretty coquette
of Calloway Couuty, Iky., ouudlior
court reduced to two persevering suitors
njimed, respectively, Eldridge Millc
and William Scbrader, who, having out
stayed half a soore of less pertinacious
rivals, now competed vigorously with
each othor for the laBt flirtation. Wisely
concluding that her opportunities for a
settlement in life wero not likely to be) (
so frequent as they had been, and that
it was time to chooso between tho, two
last admirers for her future lot, the,
lrvcly lass, after due study of the subject,
told Schrader, who was a widower, that ,
she should always esteem him as a very
dear friend, and placed her hand m
that of Mr. Miller for life. As is quito
common in "such cases the gentleman
selected for friendship accepted his fato
with very bad grace, and refused une
quivocally to forgive his rival's success.
Thence ensued between his family and
tho families of Miller and his bride much ,
hard feeling, which had for one of its
final effects a determination of the young
husband and wifo to leavo thoir native
State and make a new home somewhere
in tho wilds of Arkansas. It was Mil
ler's intention to turn prairie farmer .in
tho Southwest, and found a homestead
there for tho two littlo ones multiplying
his household cares in due succession ;
but the soil of. Arkansas proved stub
born, the times hard, and, as the war of
secession began about that time, he sud
denly solved the problem of married
lifo by joining the Southern armjft
Marching to battle, ho left wifo and
babes in a most embarrassing condition
of poverty, which, howevor,- they en
dured patiently until tho news of a
great battlo involved in its list of fatali
ties tho sad tidings that they were
widowed and fatherless. Upon recover
ing from tho first shock of her bereave
ment, Mrs. Miller took refuge with her
helpless charges in tho hospitality prof
fered by certain sympathizing relatives
in Henry County, Tenn., where, to her
great astonishment, she was presently
greeted by her old lover, Schrader.
The latter explained that through con
tinued regard for her, having finally re
solved to seek a reconciliation with her
husband, ho had reached Arkansas only
in time to hear of poor Miller's death in
battlo and her own departure. As an
old friend he felt impelled to follow her,
in tho hope that he might bo nblo to
render some friendly office to her possi
ble needs; and hoped that, for tho sake
of old times, sho would call upon him as
on a brother. All this was naturally
grateful to the feelings of the penniless
widow, away from all the associations
of her early home and a dependent upon
.,,f i, i, .,!
her gratitude so plainly that its object
took courage to suy more. Kentuckian
days were recalled, old sympathies re
vived, the patriot-dead mourned in con
cert, and a new union proposed. Tho
end of it all was that Mrs. Miller be
came Mrs. Schrader, and went with her
second husband to a new home at Cross
land, in the State of her birth. There,
after a lapse of nearly nine years, the
Murray Gairtte describes tho household
as wildly agitated by tho unannounced
arrival of a wonderfully ragged, bearded,
and gruff intruder, who introduced him
self as tho late Eldridge Miller, other
wise known to tho poets as a species of
Enoch Arden, and informed tho aghast
Schradors thut ho would trouble them
for a couple of children belonging to
him. Mrs. Schrader having fainted and
been removed, Mr. Schrader solicited
Homo explanation of his guest's perplex
ing escape from tho tomb ; upon which
that comic ghost related that he had
been captured instead of killed by tho
Yankees; was taken a prisoner to Chi
cago, and there liberated upon condition
of going to tho frontier and fighting the
Indians ; had been captured by the In
dians, and by them held in captivity
tintil tho very recent date of his escape.
In his old Arkansas homo he was told of
his wife's journey to Tennessee with tho
children, and remarriage there ; and had
at last traced her to Crossland, to re
claim only his offspring if sho chose to
remain with her second husband. Tho
latter personago listened to this romance
with ruprehensiblo Bigns of incredulity,
observing, in reply, that tho story of the
captivities was too attenuated, and that
Mrs. Schrader would surrender neither
herself nor her children. "Then," re
marked Enoch Arden, gruffly, "I'll seo
what tho law can do for an old soldier."
Mr. Schrader invited him to do his
worst, and a suit was actually begun ;
but on the evening previous to the day
appointed for the trial a private inter
view between tho wifo and her first love
ended in their elopement together, chil
dren and all ; and they are probably
back in Arkansas by this time, not
troubling themselves about the lament
ably deserted " Philip Kay."
Teter Cooper.
The Hon. Pctei Cooper, although in
the eighty-second year of his age, is ac
tively engaged every day in tho con
struction of a small vessel upon an im
proved plan. Ho is actually putting in
to practical operation a theory of his
own for the promotion of speed which
took possession of his brain more than
fifty years ago. He is certainly one of
the most energetic and remarkable men
of his years existing among us.
Ho has invented or been a party to
more than sixty labor-saving inventions
during his most eventful career, and
even at this late hour of his lifo ho finds
time to examino into every important
invention which is brought to his notice,
and whenever ho is impressed with tho
actual importance and benefit of such to
tho general world he invariably lends a
helping hand in the matter of its intro
duction. Aside from all this he attends
regularly to his glue manufactory, and
individually to his many Charities. No
man amongst us has done more real
good in this way than he. Tho Cooper
Institute, growing larger and larger
in its usefulness day by day, will be a
more lasting monument to learning and
general progress than has been endowed
by all the Astors, Stewarts, and men of
wealth iu our midst. ,X Y, Citizen.
There is an old man in Concord, N.
II., of such a singular turn, thut if there
were many like him the cordwainers of
Concord would come to insolvency j for
no matter what may be tho depression
of tho thermometer, be the mercury to
0 or below 0, this ancient character
wears neither shoes, nor stockings, in
doors or out. He thinks it wrong to kill
animals, and therefore wicked to use
leather. On through tbe snow he goes
barefooted without a wince, but the let
ter writer who describes him says that
he is somewhat " husky of voice." We
should think so, especially as out of ten
derness for beavers or silkworms ho al
ways wears a straw hat.
ffhe latest music out Cat concerts.
a a me ultujiatj.
TlVE Cows. The great prevalence ' of
" abortion among cows, in the dairy dis
tricts of New York, during tho last ten
years and tho dilhoulty of arriving at
any correct conclusion concerning tho
causo of tho trouWe, iist give interest
to any new facts or theories in respect
to this scourco'of tho dairy. At tho re
cent meeting of tho American Dairy
men s Association at Mica, wo had a
conversation with Dr. Briggs of yorth
Pitcher, K. Y.; wh6 claitris to have " dis
covered some curious features connected
with tho diseaso, not hitherto noticed.
In all instances when ho has made dis
sections of aborting cows, animalcules
have bdon found in the lungs, in the
vagina, and in other parts of the ani
mal, while tho expelled foetus has also
been aifectcd with tho samo class of or
ganisms. In dissecting tho immature
calves he affirms that worms aro invar
iably found about tho umbilical cord,
and ho attributes tho diseaso to thso
causes. ' - V
It will bo remembered that a few
years ago tho State of New York ap
propriated a considerable sum of money
to bo expended in investigating tho
cause of abortive cows, and Commis
sioners were appointed for tho purpose.
Wo believo uo dissections of affected
animals were made by thoso selected to
investigate this matter, or, at least no
microscopical examinations wero resort
ed to. Tho commission, extending over
two or three years, collected a large
number of facts, from which cortain de
ductions were made, but nothing posi
tive was elicited as to tho causo of tho
trouble. Wo thought at the time, and
still think, that tho great fault of these
investigations consisted in not making a
thorough examination of tho aborting
cows, and in not having an experienced
microscopist detailed especially for this
purpose. It had been long suspected by
members of tho Littlo Falls Farmers'
Club, that abortion was due to causes
similar to thoso named by Dr. Briggs,
and it was hoped that by the aid of the
microscope the matter would be fully
The statements of Dr. Briggs seem to
bo confirmed by thoso "of M. Bonley,
well known for his researches concern
ing the diseases of cuttle, such as car
buncle, &c. We seo it stated that this
gentleman has lately made a comniuni-
eation to the Academy of Sciences at
Poris.'based upon somo investigations of
31. Zundel upon epidemic, or what ho
calls enzootic miscarriaqro in cattle, as
follows :
He states that it has long been known
that when a cow undergoes a miscar
riage in a stable occupied by other cows
in a condition ot gestation, thisnecident
does not remain isolated, but on tho con
trary, and, in fact, very commonly, the
remaining annuals miscarry successive
ly, as though a contagious principle had
been discharged from the first case, and
communicated to nil tho others, it has
already been shown by experiment, that
if the liquids discharged by a cow that
has just miscarried, be introduced into
tho vagina of another cow nearly at full
term, the miscarriage will take place in
tho second cuse.
According to Fronck, this is produced
by the micrococci or bacteria, which exist
in an extraordinary quantity upon the
foetal envelopes, mid conduce to their
decomposition. These being introduced
into the vagina, multiply with groat ra-
pidity, penetrate to the uterus, and there
initiate that decomposition of which
abortion is the consequence. If it shall
be established that 'abortion among cows
is caused by living organisms of the
character referred to, we have reason to
believe that a remedy will yet be dis
covered for this disease, which is proving
to bo one of the greatest scourges that
has ever afflicted the herds of Central
New York.
There is no abatement of the trouble
this year in Herkimer and the adjoining
counties. We know of herds in which
thirty or moro cows had aborted during
the early winter and lip to February 1 o.
In some dairies the loss from this diseaso
for a series of years has been more than
the entire profits from the herd during
tho time. The question of " cause and
remedy" for the trouble is one of very
great interest to tho dairy public, and
wo give the above facts in the hope that
further examinations may bo made,
either confirming or refuting the state-
mcnts to wliich we alluded. A'. .1. 117-
larJ in Jlurnl AV? Yorl er.
Farm Poultry. Farmers frequent
ly neglect their towls, not so much trom
a conviction that they don t pay as be
cause there are so many other things to
attend to. Yet oftentimes tho labor
spent on more pretentious affairs is not
as prohtablo as that dovotod to poultry,
Of course much depends on location and
the maikct. A flock of fowls such as is
usual on farms, will in most situations,
if rightfully managed, yield more in
value annually (either gross or net) than
a good cow. But no farmer expects
that a cow can bo tended a year and her
todder raised, cut, and housed, without
considerable work. Fowls, if allowed
their freedom, may bo managed with
much less labor thun when they aro
yarded, but in uny cuso a great deal of
time must be spent in raising chickens
in sufficient numbers to keep tho ranks
ot the laying stock always mainly filled
with birds not old, which is indispens
able to success, it should be remember
ed that eggs aro more profitable than
table fowls, except in case of early
chickens. i
Bueakixo up of Grass Laxds.-
piece of grass land that will cut two
tons of hay per acre, or which will fur
nish an equivalent in pasture, cannot bo
profitably broken up, especially if the
land is inclined to be rough or wet.
Many fields which aro now covered with
coarse herbage, might by draining and
manuring become covered with valuable
and nutritious grasses, and where lubor
is scarce and high this course is fur pre
ferable to putting such land under the
plow. Draining is often all thut is need
ed to produce' the chunge ; sometimes a
judicious application of artificial man
ures might be profitably used.
Improvement of Overflowed
Lands. In California there are tracts
of land alang the rivers which are occa
sionally submerged, tho soil of which
consists of exceedingly rich alluviul de
posits..;. They are called "Tule" lands.
A company of capitalists are engaged in
reclaiming these lands and bringing
them into cultivation Dy means of a sys
tem of dykes or embankments. When
it is remembered that this description of
lands all over tho country is of almost
inexhaustible fertility, it is seen how im
portant it is that they should be made
useful instead ot romaming, as they of
ten are, hot-beds of disease.
Habits' oMiVii'lch.
Thcra.has.lortr' existed a belief that
tfiof.ttie1 fiMvufX'Jff tt ehijmct'
all iiflufc JliAlsi-4 UnU"s bt iek. yob tj&
neglects them, and is eren cruel to them.
That this notion wns shared by the
writer, cf tho bopk of Job is evident It
also prevailed a thousand yefs"te tho
puk otjJob was.writteui ,Noo Lam.
; i :i " Even tlm sea monster draw out
the breast ; they give Buck t1.tlu;iryoun
onos j" the diiucnter of mv yjorilc is be
come crueL-like the ostriches iu the wil.-l
dojrnqBfc? tit "X A
ix iB4)rDoi tuatinis idea respect
ing tho cruelty of the Ostrich t6ward-its
young is derived from the fuot that if a
flock of ostriches be chased, and. among
them there bo soma very young birds,
the hitter are loft: behind by thoir par
ents,! and - fall a prey to. the banters.
TI..4- 1.. ...... K. 1..,-
in the matter, n The; wide sandv, fWrr. 1
affords no blaoo of ohoealtuent in which
it might hide its 'young. .Nature has
not furnished it with weapons by means '
of which it can fight for them, and con
soquently it 1 is forcoditb use 'ths' only
means of escape by. "which it -can. avoid '
sucrifioihg its own lif4 aa well as the life
of the youTrg"Wiiirl .ft-imfl t, 1
it does not; hdwrver, Wave the! young
until 1 bris tHcrf 'by nIT mrans. ru its
poytr to svo fthcn," ypr ' example1, it
sometihieshasree'durso to the mauceuvrc
with which . wo aro so familiar' jft . tho
case of tliOj lapwing and pretends to. bo
wounded or lamed, iu order to draw, tho
attention of its, pui'pucrsi while its young
escape', Lu another direction,,.! An iur
stance of this practico is given, by Ir.
Anderson, in his "Lake J garni' .:, "J hon
wo had proceeded littlo more than half
tho distance, and in a part of tho , plain
entirely destitute of vegetation, wo tdis
covered a male and feniulo ostrich, with
a brood of youug ones about the. size of
ordinary . barn-door fowl .4, 1 Wo., forth
with dismounted from 'our- oxen, aid
gave chase, which proveilof no ordinary
1 Tho moment tho parent " birds be
came aware our intention tuey sot oit
at full speed the' female lcadm'pf 'the
way, and the cockk though at some little
distance, bringing up the rear of the
family. It was very touching 'to 'ob
serve the unxiety tho birds evinced for
tho safety ot their progeny.!', finding
that we were quickly gaining upon
them, tho male at onco slackened his
pace, and .diverged somewhat .from his
course ; but seeing that wo wore not to
be diverted from our purpose, ho .again
increased his speed,-unci with 'wings
drooping io us to touch the ground, he
hovered round us, now in wido circles,
and then ducreusing the circumference,
until ho came almost within pistol 6iiot,
when he abruptly threw himself 011 tho
ground, and struggled desperately to re
gain his legs, as it appeared, like a bird
that had been badly wounded.
" Having previously fired at mm, 1
really thought ho was disabled.and made
quickly toward him, lint tins was only
a ruse on his part, for,, on my nearer ap
proach, he slowly rose and began to run
in a different direction to that of the fe
male, who, by this time, was considera
bly nhead with her Charge."; Nor is
this a solitary instance of thocare which
the ostrich will take of her young.
Thumberg mentions that on one occa
sion, wheu he happened to rido near a
placo where an ostrich was sitting on tho
eggs, the bird jumped up and pursued
him, evidently with tho object of dis
tracting his attention from tho opgs.
When he faced her, sho retreated ;' but
as soon nshe turned his horse, she pur
sued him afresh. Jlev. J. O. Wooil, 1
Earth Moutitls.
Tlioy lire numerous in this country
from tho forty-tilth flosT-ee of north lat
itude to the Gulf of Moxioo, of various
sizes and shapes. - Indians huve no tra
ditions in regard to thoso who construct
ed them. . It is clear, therefore, that they
existed as they now appear when the In
dians arrived on tho American conti
nent. 1 , .
When Julius Ciesar inmded England,
ho found extensivo displays of mounds,
which uo. desert Utid us InUrwt JSidanui,
which lie'supposod had been constructed
by an aboriginal liopulalion attos ', upon
aires bolore. Ine round ones were con
sidered the creations of the Bolyio, who
wero intruders iroiu tho , continent,
"Many of thoso ancient tumuli or bar
rows aro in excellent preservation at
this day, particularly in Houtli Wilts and
Dorset. .hnfrliMi untiqmmans aro be
ginning to investigato them with moro
interest than thuy have lusretoforo. re
ceived, 'with ah cixpoctutiori of gaining
somo ligbt rospeytiiig the ryniote history
of lingluml bollora any, form of civiliza-
tiuu iiau uucu -AAA- yj.i.ifvi-iM
Successful Editors. An English
writer says : r A good editor, or compe
tent newspaper conductor, llil0 gen
eral or a Doiitr born, iitit made. .-Exer
cise and oxpieuenoe give iciljtjrbutjthe
Qualification is innafe, or it is never
manifested. . On the London daily pa
pers all tho great liistorians; novelists,
poets, essayists, and 'Writers of travels,
have been tried 'alio" nearly even' otfe
has failed. ' " I can siild tno late! editor
of tho Londou Time', " find anv num
ber of inch of genius? to ' t! to fot'ine,
but very seldom ouo.imiu of otvmuign
senso." Nearly all nucoessf ul editor aro
of this description. ; A good editor sel
don writes much for his paper fJ ho
reads, judges, selects, dictates, ulters. and
conibinos, und to lo-iiTl'ilus well ho Las
but littlo time ion ooiuponitiou.-" To
writo for a paper is one thing, to lit a
paper is another-,,
New York AVholeaale Marke t. ,
BUTTER State, flue firkins..' f SS $ 1
Western ti .(J
CHEESE SutulUuUiry.,.v.,(.. is (9
(lino do..
' a'unn duiry.;.... .-'
COTTON'-Ordiuary ....-.. ; .
Low to irood luiadllbj;...
EGQS-N. Y.. N. j it Ifmu a
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FLOUR tfupei-Uiie
Ltru U Ulic.y tle......
Oliioroand boop
xira aiubur..,,
Hprhur wbout
Extra Ui-netitie
8t. Louis double oxtru...
Cobs Mill.-Western 4 Jurty..
IlrrKWIIElT FLOL'R V luti lbd
Bikliit Wentei-a
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Yt. und Iowa
Tuxa and California....
Conunou to fair
8IIEEP fc LA.MBS Sheep
It scorns tiiflt to fioii1o'ticto'l5arly con
stituted minds death is by no means so
terrible Heven the most trifling of Mrth
ly troubles.' A German in Philadelphia
tho other day upset a lump in a saloon
ftnd caused somo inconsiderable damage,
and was so troubled by tho mischief lie
had done and the fear of arrest, that ho
incontinently threw himself into a well
and was drowned. There is something
tqry strange in the various motives and
onuses of Suicide, If philosophy could but
find it out.
Tire KirrrTirAT fnwTvrr.n F.rmv nil.
Vnnco in Medicine, every now remedy linS en
Oonnlerert an opposition, which U tho trst of
truth. Giilen and Jenncr otily trcfe believed
when Ihcy hud proved their discoveries airiinst
oprwulilon. Bat. men arts obrervirijf, and- en
elits always mnke believer?. No incredulity
am stand' the silent argument of good results.
" "f" proc mirneu ..
?f. "TVr?.tlie "comai l.Ds 0, ,11 or-
nin nn Elixir that would regenerate the sink
ing system and cure diseases not organic, the
incredulous shook their heads. " Vet his Vis
ioah Bittehs is now the Standard Kestora
tive of the Western World. The truth could
not ho resisted. Under iba operation of the
new remedy, -Dfupeptics re)r"'"e''nc'rnonhh)
appetite and strength, the Jlilious ana . on
stipated were relieved of every distressing
symptom ; the Consumptive and llhenmntic
rapidly recovered ; Intermittent and Kjmit
tent Fevers were broken up ; tho taint of
Scrofula wag eradicated I Who cook) gain
sny facts like those ? Not even the Faculty.
Skepticism wrs routed. All doubts as to the
claims of the Hitters to the first pi ice in the
first rank of modern medicines were silenced,
and this wonderful preparation is to-day the
most popular Tonic, Alterative, and Blood
l)epurent ever advertised in America. In
common with other journalists, we are free to
add our testimony to this remedy. It is a
domestic medicine, und no householJ should
bo without it. (
The Secrkt of Cai-tivation. Features
cf Grecian mould, a well-turned neck and
beautifully rounded arms, are no cloulit very
nice tilings to Imve, mid ladles who possess
these charms have reason to be thankful to
Mother Nature ; yet, idler all, the most eapli
vatlng ol all womanly charms Is a pure, fresh,
and brllliaut complexion. This superlative
fascination nny l-uly may secure, by using 11a
oan's Magnolia ISai.m, the standard beautl
Ijinsr preparation ol the presnnt nj;e. H diff
er from all ordinary co.-inetiea in three most
essential particulars, inasmuch as it contains
no injurious ingredients, does not contract or
shrivel the skin as all the astringent "blooms,"
" lotions" and " powders" eventually do, but
produces a lasting loveliness by improving the
health of the skin. Under its operation Hie
texture of the epidermis becomes liner, and the
surface eott as velvet and smooth 11s poicelain.
eatnres cannot be changed, but complexions
in, and it is unite cert un that a lady with no
other charm than o tresh mid rosy couiplex-
ou, will all rati more admiration in company
ban her neighbor with a classic lace but a sal
low skin.
Are yon nn Itltot 1
If you are, of course you le! a bad coiiih t r
hoitiljlu cold have Us own way. but, if
wise, you will promptly remove the dangerous
isitalion with Jldlcs lloneu ot lliirtfinuntt
mirl 'Jar.
Mi itPERl MintnSK-R-H ! Oh yes it's aw
ful. Nothing can bo worse than the torture
of a decayed tooth w ith the nerve exposed.
But take heart, Vie s laolhtuhe Drops will
m e it hi one miuiile.
Immeoi TET.r, It every f'utiiliy knew tlie
alue ol'Miss Sawyer's Salve they would iinnic
liately liurchiise n box nud nevnr be without
it. U your Druggist in out ol this Salve nnd
nculeets to keep nipplied, feud ncventy-llve
cents ns directed in uiiulln-r coltiinti, mid fy
Villi saw tlie advertisement iu lliis paper. Not
amoni: tlie least ot tlie invaisauie propcrueii 01
.Mi-s sawyer s Salve are Us lieu ticial ellcets
ou the liiur. Kubiiuil ou tue tcaip lu nve or
fix diUtirent parts 11 promotes tlie Kruwti
the Iiair, prevents iis tiirnini; giny, mid, ou
bald spots, it produces a new frrowtli of hair.
No lady should be without this invaluable ar
ticle us mii Indispensable eosiuelle for the toilet.
It eradicates dauiliutl und disease trom the
head, and blotches and pimples from I lie face
My I'isibnii, stop that teirible eoueli. and
thus avoid h cunsmnptive s gruvo by Dr.
l'ierce's CiolJtn Medical )is;oven-. For cur
ing all throat, und lunj; diseases it
litis never been upmllcd. Sold by Druggists.
The "Domestic" makes the most per
fect stitch on all kinds of goods without
chango ot tension. - ,
Cdrons and Coi.iis. Those who are stiffur-
- 1 ,
iiiK Ironi Coii'rhs, Colds, llorscness, Sore
Throat, &c, should try " Brown' Uroiuiial
1 roc lie ,
CllAri'El) Hands, face, roup:h skin,
pimples, ring-worm, salt-rheum, and
other cutaneous ail'eetions cured, and the
skin made soft and smooth by using tho
JuxiPEit Tak Soap, made by Caswell,
IIazabd & Co., Xew York. It is moro
convenient and easily applied than
other remedies, avoiding tho trouble of
tho greasy compounds now in use.
To have coin fort and hcultu wear Boots and
Shoes that will not leak and are piiablu mi-li
only me niada wilh the CAISLK SCREW
WIRE. Try ttieia. All bear tho l'atent
Not every one can be i'rcsidciit, but nil can
buy SILVER. TIVTEO Shoes for their chil-
drcn und ibwcby leaseu their Shoe bi;ls two
thirds, ft
For Salt; by all Dialer.
To TUB We know of no remedy
equal to JaOKSOX's tATAltUlI Knuff and
1KOCI1B 1 owiiek, K-r C utarrh, Asthma, Loss
of Voice, Ac. Is mild, pleasant, aitrceable to
use, and a sure cure. Ak our drut;iist for
it. or mail !i."5 cents to t ooi'BK, Wilson 4.
Co., l'biluilt-lphirt.
For Dhiinonll Turninir Tool ftr' tnioioir Eini-rv" nud OrindHliiiR-p. addreiiB PU1.L1VAN MA-
ClllM CO., ClaieiuoiiL, Ntiw Jtaiiipelurv.
The Hardware Trade all over tlie United Btatctdaro
rapidly and profitably entering Into tho Fale of our
Star Tools, the best tool, ainde. i. W. II AI.I.ETT Jt
CO.. buir Tool Co. a Vi orku, H ut-t ituitdi'li, Couu.
IlARASSIHa Buuams. An unnatural excitement of
the bruiu and liervou Kyti-lil in tlio direct catue t,f
i-ieeiiit-M-in-hn, u aio oi iiaru-ii-infr nociuiuai uieain.
Vkuutisk baria oeculiarlv fuolbiuirt-Utct In ull uch
cuBUk, wlwu taken junl b.-lore uoiuif to bed.
A GEKTS1 EvERvm uKRli! B'-ml tnmp for rireu-
a m. iur.u. 4. campion, Koineo, M.ieomut.o., .iiicu,
CIIIKES hi the world lor bnlh slmiulit and i-lrcnlii
work, addrcw CALVIN CAKlt i CO., Cleveland. O.
AfJFNTQ Will And it 10 their advantage toaiin
w .l:niri for illustrated catalogue,
fraud. KOVBLTX CO.. Botou, Maw. ,. 7.
i f Q O Improved Swine mid for breeding- iu
Ml bv L. U.Sll VKK. lll.O. K.-iifl ir,,..
fpHE IVY HILL NURSERY. Catalomie of SnmU
j ruiu, Demuuaa ftuea fotaithM will im mulled
true loalUiiptkauU. Adilru RK1S1C &,
1MMEXSH SVCCKSS.-Altfitta Mnnteil
a. male or tumaU, iu wvury county iu tlie (.'. a', aiiu
CauuduH, to bell our new and uut uetul putuiit ; fn-iu
oum to il it u6d in uTory lanuty. liiU pur ct. (TinirmiiM!.
KormuipluN und term inclose 10 cU. lu iK!t(i L'isUN
CO., ol j itivorMrwut, Tioy, IN.
Warranted a rierfeet pure in tun dav.. br Prof. Ron
Ppaviu Uclnedy, or uuney returned freely. ri.;ut lor
M VtUI AUIUIH4 rf. 111. Hll.lllllJICV.I,
- Edwrd.ville, SU Law. 0o If,
j new tcedliug trulil Karly K-)i-e, of wondeliul pro-
uu. ..umniiu uueaiquuui). niiiji.iu.,'..'"-u,
04 Peerleiiii.or anv oLber notuto now irrowu. 1 hrea bu?b-
eU were produced fiom half a pound tbe past .eamin,
Peficiiptive cuculurii flee. Price 1 per lb., or $3 for 4
Uia..po.l.paid, by mail. tioo. W. Cauipbi-11, Pi-lawau.,0.
Gbiit Discovcbt. RaUinir and
full inir flonD PilLK Witbuut
or PoTlToaa at tbe aiuall cot of
only Om Csxt PoPSii. Thuja ou
tbe SuiiAUK. NO HLMhUCJ. Beud
lu renin lor circular.. Pay lio.tatfo.
Aaarau rrof. KllWKH, Burllutfiou, t.
The' American Vol u ntee'r) If
A 'ir,KMi,n TAi-rn. iMi'-iininif ?mitn tnnt In-
fonniiMmi .)i- .SoliUn-H) SnUorw, urtTiei' HHri,"
8 Wt-
nice it1?; iiirarrrrT w, r,r. ri:
.lUlibAI.L 11V LL .Nt.ll lui.Al.Lh.i.
' I warrant my OAItDEX AND FLQWK SEfcliSln
tvery repcct. fctnd for crttalcffuo td , ' ' J
': .' ' , .KililV H, I viai.r
;AIi,iijt Illtt'rtTnted CftUJogtit of clinlco Fon-ln and,
EiTfra, wat ntnterl pqunl to nny In thU country. Itmhiuh
Hen?, from ten to thirteen pound each "
( X TENTS for p.t-tifiM roilottntl 'n7p!f1wpfStfo57.
SARAH If. MAUT1N, Mm Ijkhnnd, 11am. ..
The Celtic Weekly;
t . : 8TOHY PAPEH.-l , 1 , ...
ftanftfflintt wll limit fiMrMnaa. ni-rfi.4i vim f Ikrf lllniP
Interest combined with historical iuutmctinii. rxvel
lent und entortntninsr literature for nld nnl yoitnit,
continued and Unified morion poetry, akebcliet, bit
araohlral and tODoirrunhiciil.
will mnfce 1t first nppoarnnce on Fobrnnry 29, 197i,fl-
U.-U iur imr:ii , 191. - 1 f ; - t ' '
Thfi publi-hf
ol thin nlph-toncfl mrr
Iph-toncd fsimlly pnpr ro-
fpecttnlly inlorm tlio Iri-h poopl of America, and th
Amtnicnu miblio treuotmllr. lluot the f Imvn munlv
riinccmentH fur tho nrodnctioii of mi OllHilNAL STO-
with th btwt peiiiMiieala ot lao day. , Tlie loUowinf
Ki I'Ai'KK, wmrti nm tear fanvraM" fKinmir!Pon
pioricH will uppoar 111 mu nnl iiiiinocr;
"M a
' " I ' . V-.'l-l-f
' 'r Br ft . - '
:': - .- -. .-.
I . By "Christine." '
I .- : . UK. T ,C -
tue nonnons op sepTemhek,
By Dr. J. C. Water.
t OR,
I)y P.. J.llim Rodenbere;.
Dy Dennis Holland.
By Mrs. Ellen E. Mmligan, (nee Cullouim.)
By John Loclce,
Editor of Tub Ckltic Wccklt.
A sneeittl fentnrs of THE CELTIC! WEEKLY will ba
tbe entire exclusion of advertinement-.
Nothinir will ba left undone to render this Great
Original Storv rmn-r tbe best in America.
Price Only Six Centa. To be bad of all Niw
ueau rs.
Mail Subscribers. One Year. C2.50 Six Monthf.
. r. . l.. f.....i. . tf ....
. . ,r u , run .iiuiiiuj, Qi.uv.
Two Copies, one address
tve " "
w un an ammonal copy to tno poller up or uio cluu.
A tfrtif 4 w-iiitf-il In ifrv tnwn aiiH rllvln tlin TTnItofl
suites wnere one not alreadr nppolnud.
Libt-ml term. to nil airenU ami cettcrrf un of club
ovur tun copus.
M. J. O'LEARY & CO.,' f uWishers,"
P. . Box GOT 4, New York.
Cheap Farms! Free Homes!
nn Tim line or th
Bast Farming and Mineral Lands in America.
3,000,000 At'KLS IX XEBBASK.t,
. TBB I oftho WKSSX,
Thof-e Inn, Is nro in thp central nortlon of thr- TTnttcd
Stntfp, on the 41st dferee ot North L;ititudo, t)m oon
tra.1 line of Uie ureal TomueniU' Zona of the Amt'dcaji
Couliut-nt, and for era in prowintr uud ttocl: ruleinir
un--itrr.a.-(iwi ovnnvin tlie unitea statt-n.
L'llEAPKH IN iMtlCE.morafuvoruhletprmiiirlvon.
and iiuno cunvunit-nt to imukut thiui can to found
Frco Hompsf ends for Actual Settler.
Stfrs culitW (o ' UomcsteaJ o( 160 Jlftos.
' Froc PasHv-s to Purrhnaera of Land
Soni !"r tho now d,4Criot.Y muunhlct. wiflin
mnp-, puml-hpi in tnirn-h, liermnn, Sedifh and
u. r. u. i Tit
Land Cominisiontr, lT. P. R. R. Co.. 1
. B. H. entsi
It don't pay you
to fight tho beat
machine. Provu
car claims. Oct
the agoncy and
'Jit. Addreai
BDttESTIQ " B. M. Co., 86 Chamber Bt, N. T. '
X. price reduced. If litis
lft.n., fri
mLa. Frico ai uer buttle.
Office. No. 60 Cedar bt.,
New lou
BY aondiu auueD", with are, iwifhu color of eyea
and hair, you will receive by return mail a cor
rect picture of your future hut-band or wife, with nam.
and date of inaniai(- Addrarfa W, JOX. 1'. O, lrawet
tio. ii Fultonwlju. ew aiK.
llHOK KK g I ALE. 4liolianoa.40 Walchea,4l Sow
IB tn,. M:,.,ine.. uoo Silk bre.ref ,ttitJhawln,6 A Oold
Chain" I. loo Hut Gold Jewulrj'.aiid 76,uih.rKiilcln
at .1.00 each. Send t'i ceuta tor tickuta or lauip, iur
circular.. C. P. BANKS 4 Cv., Boston, Mam
HLLF.l TION of all manner of Debit, Inkeriian-
ces, lultreul mid litm.i in an parit (y ureal aril'
alti. Holland, Prane and Oermany. . auudaltv of J. If.
ki.jlaiJi AaorUAiy at uftw, oiuuiyia, a. t
290 for flrat -cla Piano!. No discount. Noagenta.
Aauitt.. U. B. rlAAU u uroaawav. n. I.
TIKINTINQ PRESSES. Price $4.00. Hend atomp for
M- circulars. j. w. vaaiun. ruuuw,, aiicn.
A. area, (with .lamp) box HJJ4, n Joik.
"EASIEST. ftttM .. ISM)'.
A'J- Cv VJ A rJl Ellractcmel Uumt,
vC.V'.- VS Bcrolnla. Flcra. Rheuma
M il 'JK. ilnm,Syuhilis.8kii.dluai-
W.'l . r V er. all lood Diwa-e.
'te"&tr The beet iVjiown Blood
Vte-ttz'' PuriJler. Soldbyalldruii.
- nature's bby.
iTiminitinii-- -t - '-t -
A-valunlilo. JodJin rotucoauj, .fir ft." lot-in; ihg
lir-alth, irM fof thirTinfm.-rnotit etifo hf all AIa-4'arH-Inirfrom
lmpurltlpa of tho blood, eucIUA ' .
Scrnfntn, RcrflfUlnns Humor, Cnneer.tCnn
errtsnft lluthmt Krynirw-ln, Cnnhrr, Holt
Khenin, PiuipMM4 Htnnora on tho
Fnce, I'lcei-Of Conghff, OntniTh,
U ttroMchttls, Ndtiralglo, Rlicu
mnllmn, Pallia liiithe Hlilr,
' rj-npMli,vt.'etlHT,iilln, i1
"n FnilitMnH, Piles, ' f f
lladiu-lin, DtExInentlVerronaiioHi FalMt
( tltaMtoiiHM-B, Pains 1st the Itnck, ?
C JviuiMiBsnpuiiu, female weak, v
I uew,anauonul nubility-, ...
... t .'.1 . - 1 -r . r -t 1
Tills nrMinrftllrtn fa .ff fil tflnnilr fttif! 1,jrrt,t..fi11
eombln-rt, and 10 uotmjr o'ntniel inurt root,
beruimiHl biirka, that. ltauuU li U arc tr-alilt-d im
nicdlHtely m'lijr commencing to takoit. Tlii'16 U no
dtiPRMO or the hnmim syiu m for Whlth the VEotriRg
cannot b unod with pffi-fiif.-l a&i-itjr, an It (loon Tint ctm-
luiu hii) ill 1.-Ml 1 1 it: t;o!ijjuiii. r or (.-ruiintlT 111K IMP fY--
l(rn of ull Impin-Uie t nf ttln blood It haa fio final.-' It
ha novor tailed to ir-f:t a cure, givinf tona and
Htrc nk-tb to Hit- ny-item dolillltnlod by dUeuso. Its olt-di-rlnl
f.-tr,-f:tn upon tlieio complmiitN are eilrprl-illl! 10
all. Mny bavc buouviu-vl b- ib- Vkuktink ihut liavu
tried niuny otlii.-riiii:dk--i. It cun woll bi culled
I- "-5. 1
. r tor a i y
lt.ll. HTBVUNH,
it 1
Prica 1 .." Bold trynll Dmr.tA
TTTST.'R you hnvo a :ilvo comliinlnif ("oothlnt? tA
XL lHalintf propertinw, with no damrerous Injrrcd-
Jont. A reincuy at Imiirt for tlio many patna ami
ncho, woiindu nnd hnih-cn to which fu-Kh la ht'lr.
I more caitr nppllod thnn many nthnr rrmcdi-Bt
never produrintr a b:nl cU'ect, but nlwaya relieving
pain, howorcr ;verp.
It is prepared by Minn frnryrr, wlm line d It
In her own extensive treatment of tho rick, for
nearly twenty years, with iiroat hipctrp.
The principal Ulfeanei f r which thin nlvc rco
ommended are. Chilllain t ihnnnUimt I'ihn,
Srofubtt OM ffrrrs AaH liheum. Snminn. J?urtit
Ferer Sorri. '7on, 7-;;i, J-.tynipeltt, $ore
Effect L'trhtr luh. ftean$t oiht 'ing-iCormit1
Corns, IHtc nf Iitwcttt 't.'anrern, Toothnvh Enr
nrfic, tSot'f XifilCBt Jlahhufis, Xicvllen Lnatt
JUh. bcai'i J'i'tt JenfiUiy, f tapped ilana
,SmhU Cntx, UrtticsK. ( roup! Crauktd Lip9, and
dares on nun mi 1
It never IniH to T'nrf" RhrirrnnMm If tirnnorlv
applied. Rub U nn well with the hand three times
a day. Tn several ease it has cured paMcd limbs.
Yor'Ji?t- H has been discovered to be n Fure rem
edy. lVraon that liavo been nfllieted for years
have been relieved by n. few applications. For .Vy
sipelas it works wonderrff nl laying the inflammation
and quieting the patient. For ( happed IFandt it
produce n cure Immediately. those with Salt
JiJtfum obtain this Halv, and apply it freely, and
tlioy will Mnd it invaluahle. - It U L'ood iu cut,cn of
Scrofula nnd Tumor. Cancer iinvo been cured
with it, Tho best Halve ever invented for SteoUm
Ereaat nnd Aiv Jijipict. .No way hOurlous, but
aure to niford relief. Sot or Weak Jtye-Uuh it
on the lids gently, once or twico n dav. Curea deaf
ness by putting In the eart on a piece of cotton.
For felon this U superior to ai.ything known.
For Pimpfes tl.N nctd liko a charm. For 2iurn$
and tScaldtt npply tlio Balvo at onco nnd it Kives
iinmcdiato relief. For Old Sores, npply once a
From Mrs. ELIZABETH COOJIUS, Urunnckk.
Brunswick, April 4, 1SC7.
Miss Sawy.:ii : I received your letter last iven
ini;, nnd was very glad you concluded to let mo
lake your Salve. 1 think I cun do well with it, and
it will be quito an accommodation to my hubband,
a he cannot get along without it. lie lias tried
everything else and has never found anything thnt
healed his leg as thut balvo of yours, and we liavo
both found it to bo all. ami etxn more, than you
recommend it to be. M'c have had i iu the family
live or six yearn, and liavo uset it for everything,
nnd can truly tat tee ha-vt never found it equal.
I nsc it for n weak back, and H acts like a charm.
Mr. Coombs has had a Eerer Sora on his (to Jcr
thirty years, and would be a cripple to-duy. if he
had not found a ivmetly in your AVtv. It keeps '
it Healed, ana take out the lnuaniinntion, prouu
flesh and swelling,' and does for him nit that he can
ask. I can recommend it for a irood many thiiik'4
tliat you have not, for I no it for everything. I
consider it invaluable in a family. Jl yon can put
this testimony together, nnd it cun bo cf any ser
vice to you, you arc welcome.
. lours, ivc,
If your Druggist Is out of the' Salvo, and neglects
to keep supplied, send seventy-five cents us directed
below, and receive a box by return mail.
Tut nn In Boxes at 60 cents each. Prepared
bv M1SH C, HAW YE 11, and put up bv L. M.
ItOBBINS, Wholefl&Ia and Retail Drugr-
gtdt, Kociimna, Jie. a i rim sent n ee.
bv mail on reoeipt of sHvunty-iiv ceuu, by L. M.
HOBBIXtf, ltoekland, Me.
DI2 ALKR v Mt;iiciyEa. i j '
Wanted -This s Spring!
10,000 FARMERS
To lmprovo t ho ianda of the Iowa Tlailroad LAnd Com
puny, now lor uJe fur chb-h or on lvutf f tine lit profc-iit
vuiue, wuii mx p.TPt-m. lnifrcsionaoicTrpiipdyionifj.
TlitK-e laiuU oomnrife tour (tovnruinent railroua irruiit
on the liiiet of the Sioux Oit and Pacific and the Iowa
divifion-' or tlii!(.i:icaoatid Anrtuwiti'rn and I Ll.fje n-
Iu llic MiJillc Rcgiou of Western Iowa,
Noted for Us saluhrlons climate, iTtextitmsfibafl poll a
finely WiittrM yet pt'rt'pcl ly drahiott di-tii t, (t'rt hoin
cultural btate in the Union.
uvr aim aunuj. ami in tut bum utua oi tut; ujt uirn
in tho beautiful and liiTiirfanfr valley of either the
ooyiT, tu t-atlo, Uiu eoldlur. tnt Mltle ftiouk, at M
ud $i pur tuiri'.
1.71U.tiuO aere8 are for dfcnoal In 40 or M) nere fiimi :
or hi coniniift truotfl mi 1,000 uyrm r mom u detlred by
nit- imut- IUI llll-l UttAl MWN HUfl l.
LtK-al aift'iiu Bt stations have pr!e of every tract and
provided with temn t ubow land
ei-H. iaxntoima tickuU are otl iu t liii-aro ( cllh-.-t.
Uupot) or at tliifl'ottlci? receivable for lmid Tuacha-ed.
8 nd tor a iruide it irives deccriiiiiou. nriut'ti. ttiriu-.
location-:, uud lioir to reach the laudi1. County niupof
uu-uia luua uirnifuea iree. AaarubM
JOII B. CALHOUN, Land Commissioner,
3fr t dar Rapid Iowa
Flower Seeds flower. Seeds !
Tlie Hubcriher, having over 40 yearn' experience In
cuItiYatius; fluwur S.-i-ds, etc., uaw made a cucutm oj
all the moat dasirublfl Howuru tor ueut'inl uultivftliou
the lint coiiipriseri over s(j0 kinds, and a pen-ou wlect
Inir fin.i, li .mi n tut- 4 (itk f1nv.'(i-BAtif aelectinir
iroiu an expeuiva buicy catulai(Usut Uiau half
tue exiH-'L: u many on tlie .wi uie -iu ny ouitr ui.
10c licMSOc.,aiid Me. per paek.ipe. Tli llJt wHWh?
pent to all who anply for it. U 11. UAUiitrtw
Flunhinp, L. I., N. V. I
Selling tho Autobiography ul'baiu 1 B.
r Th. i.reat Mlasour'l Bushwhacker.
t Cloth. I llu.trate.l. prepaid, )l. ten. I for circular
, . UOUACK W11.COX, Jcllvraou city,
A we have reduced the price, of our
for the Spring; trade, we Invite all Interested Inairi
cuirure to cnd for circular. . Addrea; ; : i
AViio w
LL SUFFER t U i now 24 years ulnce Dr.
Tobia' Vehetian Liuirnent was put totr th.
nublie: waiTantlnc It lo. cure uurouic uueuniallm,
lluaiache, Cutf. Caiu, Bniitea, Old Bore, PaiuH in ana uivfr ;..n't u never ua xiuieo. Boia ly
UWTIBia, Vraiipliig, and Ftahiuir taade
eay. heat Book; 76 pues ; 60 eugiuviiiK. Ouly
ito cenu, postpaid,
tieud for Catalogues of Books, etc,
C. P. K1LK I , Holland, N. Y.
f JUY your reeds direct of the O:
II) Cataloiru. for 187 Addrew O.
rower. Bend for
jf V.J
"No Prnnn rnn Inkf lhte Ttitfers abenrrt
.tiK tn direciiom, ftnil fmfl!n liinjj mi well, provided
tlteir boneTe not destroyed by ipineral ptrinrj or other
iean and the vital organs wasted beyond the point
of r-pair.'
ill -nepMta or Ilidl ffestlon. Headache, Pain
in (he bhouldcr. Coughs. '1 'ightness of the Client, l)t
tinesn, rtir Kructaiiuns of the Stomach. I'ad Tatto
in the Mouth, J.ilious Attacks. Palpitation of the
Heart, Ttifl.immntioii of the Lunt, P.iin in the region 4
of the Kiflneys, and n hundred other painful symptoms,
are the offspring of Dyspepsia. In jhee campUiut5
it I111 ro equal, and one bottie will prove a Letter guan
anr f rrtwiti tlnn a lenpthy advertisement.
For Fcmnlo t'ottipliilata in youn or old,
married orsiiif;T' At the dawn of womanhood, ot the
turn of Jifr, these Tonic Hitters display ( so decided at
influence that a marked iiunrovement is soon percep-libl-.
4 -
For Tiiflmrtmrilrfrj- ft ml Chronic Rhu
suatlm si4 fi'nit, F.ilicw, Ksmittent and Inter
mittf-nt Fevers Iifasrs of the Blond, Liver, Kidievw
ard IJia(iier. tttosa Hitters live no equal. Such Dis
e.wi are r.iusod by Vitiated I.'ood, which U gcHerally
prnrlnrd hv draiirMti flirt of the IiKminrB r?aau
They are n Uriiflu I'lirttrat I ve aa well n
n Timlr. )rt.e'in: alo tho peculiar merit of acting
a a powerful afiit in rtTevtog (.'onestion or Intiani
m ion of the Liver and Visceral Orgius,aiKl ii Uilious-
For ftklrt nicnara, f.runtifnf Tettrr, Kail
Uhetirn, ljl'jtclies, Spots Pimples Pustule, Hoils, Can
bnntlcs Kin-wonns, Sore Eyes ' Kry
sipclas ttcli. Scurfs, I)iKihir4tionsof the Stein, llumora
and Jiwe nf the Skin, of whoever name or tintun
fire literatfy duf up and carried out of the system in Sk
short time by th use of tliese liitters
Cratofiil ThoiiflitmlH proclaim Vinmsar Bit
trrs the most wonueriul luvigoraut that ever sustained
the sifikiii" svstcm.
f WAI.KKft, Prop'r. II. II. McIMVNAI.D A. CO.,
DrugK 'r's Rod (icn, Agts., San Francisco and New York,
Cabinet Organs.
Tht MAROV A II AM I.I ?f ORdAX CO. rf.pwtfnlly (uinPiinc
ih tntroductloa, tbii hmod, or liiirovinenU of much mora tliM
onl inry Inttrcit. The. rt
Invented sn4 jmfmtfrt by Mr. Caul Foqilbiso, k Swtdl.h Ortt
huililtr, sua ih enlyufenfiil romblnstton of raal f.ipi with
rcii vr msd. (S Cirtulart for particular!,)
Invented and patt ted Mr. W. O. Dav, of HuHimort ; by which
tue ierf-mtier tin I mtintly move tlie Key Hoard to the rljtlit or left
and to ptay at a higher or lower pitch. (Set partteuiart in Cireulat.)
ylb r.
Considering their capacity, ri g t mr, and thorough
ejciCitince, the prices of these mtv styles art
tower than any bfore offered.
' TIi Orcam nxnAt by b Blatcit k Hamlin Co. art aclaiinw.
ledp.l lo cti'rl rII clhnri In purity and btauty of ton, power,
ar't-tjr Mid duraMlityt and contain patDtid linprovmoti not
In any otticri. Tliey Itav nnlijrml y won litghett premium at lit
dull rial UxMbltloDi, IrcluJinn a nitnlal at tlie Pabib Expobitiok, for
piuoNttRATtn avpR RioRtTV Br ths only Amertcan Orpant mid
Urrly in M'ui-r countrlpa, and are pronounced to li uxqui
viosadlv tub fesT y inuiiviam aimot univbbau.v. St
teiUinuny frAnt more than
In the T'nitbp Kttki, EvotftND, Fhancb, GmkmaNY, he., prints
In full in a TESTIMONIAL CIIUT'LAR which will be nt in
to any aJiirt. llvre are a few brief extract fruni writ knuwu,
'Tlie liftt nw In it. r rtivb Nuwon, hkii T,rr
Cart, Marik 1.on Ii:vai., Vkh-h t i.i t, I'. liai.s'i i, anl
otUrr. We Uv. n--t vti.-h uiotiral 1-n- frum ri:y
ntlir." ('Laha IU Iab Khl Lcii:, Aom.Aini I'm: i I'm i .
Dp ho ma us, mil ntliri. efinrallv rgir4 M,m i
A 1 1 1111110 I At.illt Or,nt IttH-.(lmir') lV A'tV ntflM." 1 Hi., f.
Tmom. " Kice) t tiifinmt-rm ut tlie . tut I Itave rver t-B.
Hl'I.L. Tin- h?H llilrvliirlili ..t ihe IliMl."- 4. h
Mm li 4. 41 la a1! lhi. qunltlr, huMi vnnahUHe ixirlivuw-
uTirivaie-t. . I. Mm .-- r.r miH-iUr tit rvt-rv' Vif t t(
I'll I U i.-trn. I.. M. liiTrw HUK. ' 'i-i,.irirj;(v ll"BU-
tl (!. V. R. i.ilmokk. " KniiriiHT In nil r.w.'t t ntiv J
,-erYr Mn."-KfivM Thiuh. " Fxrr'.1;! in nnaliiv ol
tone, rirl eX'-clleni-e and durability and viiull impmvfmnt
t liHiiid m ntlitra. at. .hmhamv " 1 lie nut, i-rittiall
'V are tt-.i, bih thr in ire i'ni t-m he jtid, ihe nmrv rertaiik
it li iirh will Un lite meet! ol iuirturiiv acconled tlieui." Ji ail
Acknowledged lo ttn$e the letf, this Comr-anv now
undertake to sell at fhh ivtv that their
Organs shall be
I'liqncNt loaabTy CheapcKt,
whU'U ibv rrriainlv nr fii-tMnd li ! hv tS tn;!nn (if rT.
tvu MaCHiKt-Kr and I'si qii.i.'t I'.ni.niM fr M.roun k j
.mi! t'ivy invlip ntiiiii"ii I inr.r r. .rti r.i .-, wim li will luund
iw, -vin I eta, tlian tin prk-i. Iciiitudi'd lor vinnuion iitl very
iplcri r rcn.
""a51 r.,i t .... ri...- aim A'j-a. aiim
, nt prt(prii mt pru r., pp t
ti J? and Oircular. with ndt tlscrptioaa oi
"7'l-.fTrmTt"rT. new tfylandlMHiuWAAiRw.lwTe4ti
t : M(flt,i utonlnl Circular, tent frea to any addreu
l'asoii & eaiil::t cegan co. . ;
154TromonlSt., C(Kon. 596 Broadway. How VnW-.
A. B.W. TAYi.OR & CO.'S
36th, Regular Drawing
Prlien. S50.0HO. Capital Prlic. $5,000. Gold.
Tii kt't. $l.l0 ench : 0 Iur Si. DO. Drawing tukc jjlar.a
regularly, jjend lor circular.
. . . A.B. W. TAYLOR & Co.,
Dux 1,401, Cluclunatl, O.
Publlfhcd for the bnflt of young-men and other
who sillier from Nervous Debility, etc., siipplyiliK Til.
ftiEANa ov sKLr-ccu.. Written by oi who cured him
aclf. and tent free on reoelvinir ajot-ii:iiil directed en
veliipu. AddreM NATHANIEL S1AVKAIR, Urooklyu
K-Y-... -i :
, Joa UN JJOLLAK we will mall you a box of
f tamped with any Initial or Pet name. Four ilzea and
vixteou pattarns In each box
It meets the daily want of any lady.
Hoarding School girl are adoptinir It.
It', the prelliet present to a young lady.1
... Try on. box for youneLl.
Addreu IjOItlKO, liilllMlter,
P.O.Box 5011, Boston, Ma...
Employrnent for one or two .cents In every
town and village, except In lUn Wcteru Ktates,
wiu'ra wo are now fully represented, to cunvusa
for what thoso that sen, will linve. They all any
they cuunot keep house without It. Amenta inako
money. For ladles, as well as gcnth uiQU, tho work 1
agreeable and respectable. Address
E. li. FUA1T. tiat Mouth Cuual bt. Chicago, 111.
A Watch for 51.-50,000 Sold.
r 1I1L. f'-r t Ih ihI.1 aaiK tit'av, tn.i, Lo, fnr, Aid far
L .aiBvifi taurtafj t. H mo-At. BKat !. at wiwrttar
fi''nj-". t'iai w.triT-4... (lu rv.U,l, All ia i.i
El SO a OU7. KrMtbkm, Vu
err," '
Bk ...iT--.WT-'.
-VERY jprfrTSyif $132,
LOW IJn3l $125,
tJVZ A 9J J tWeury Blj Ahl gl. U
.lAt-fcrf tiuo Ut S-t 1BMIIW Aat.M4k
a.'4i aa -ti-U .ou riuil. iSiuiiple nackugeg ot
HiifLinoth Corn. White Norway Oau, and Alfikts Clojer
Tkich, to Mil wii Bend ttamp 10 pay ptituirtfa Aldrj
K V jPOVKti Al CO., Va. krgChetjiL-r Ua., Va.
Of Mu auil Bxpreaa. New Catnlogne Free
.Address, - " ICIWAKGRll At. BARRY,
aUtab'd laO.' Al(. iivft Hurlcrie. Rochester, N. Yr
I'" OC.ii"ACEiiTS WANTED to' sell a well
i know n anu- popuUr VUlilur..i liuend terms
laade with tAM Wivtua trood country ronueutious.
a Battery Place, N. Y.
AGENTS Wanted. As-ent. make more money at
work for ua than auythintr eUe. Particulars free,
O. BTiNanN A Co., Flat Art Pulilithert, Portlaud. Ua,
ilar SO 71