Henry A. Parsons, Jr., . . Editor. FOR GOVERNOR, HON. HENRY SOUTHER, Or SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1872.; Headquarters Republican State Central Committee or Pennsyl vania. Philadelphia, Feb. 6, 1872. In pursuance of the resolution of the Republican State Central Comniittco, adopted at Hurrisburg Jan. 18, 1872, a Republican State Convention, composed of Delegates from each Senatorial and Representative District, in tho number to which such District is entitled in the Legislature, will meet iu the Hall of the House of representatives, at Harrisburg, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, the 19th day of April, A. D. 1872, to nomi nate candidates for Governor, Judge of the Supremo Court, Auditor General (should the Legislature provide for the choice of one by the people), and an Electorinl Ticket; and also to. elect Senatorial and Representative Delegates to represent this State in the Republican National Convention, to bo held at Philadelphia, June 5, 1872. RUSSELL ERRETT, Chairman. The Secretary of the Treasury reports that, since the beginning of President Grant's administration the annual ex penses of the Internal Revenue Bureau have been reduced 83,145,330.30. ' HOOKS AND EYES. The less a man knows the wider he keeps his mouth open. It is an impossi ble for a sick oyster to keep its mouth open. A careful country gentleman refuses to let his gardener plant three greenga ge trees, because he had an objection to any more-gages on his estate. Scarcely. A brave Kentuckiancss slaw a bear with her little shotgun. It is scarcely necessary to add that she was a bruiu-ette. Dobson says his friends eeem deter mined to give him the titlo of Dr. His butcher, baker, and all the rest do so, but they put the Dr. after his name instead of before it. At Scranton,Pa.,it has been discovered that a member of tho order of the Knights of Pythias, in that city, is a woman in disguise. "The discovery was made while the lady was being initiated into the mysteries of tho third degree. In the Green Bay, Wis., postoffice a notice is posted up, which reads as follows. Price of three cent stamps, three cents each; licked and stuck five cents each; the clock will answer question, 'has the mail closed?'" A Massachusetts politician's opinion of the intermarriage of whites and ne groes was that ho didn't believe in it Said he:- "I think that every person ought to marry some one of his own sex." Rowland Hill being once annoyed by his foot-boy singing profaue song while cleaning the knives and forks, ordered him under pain of dismissal, to sing hymns. But as' the work proceeded only to the tune of the solemn yet slow measure, he was compelled to tell the boy to return to his old style ot profane music otherwise his knives and forks would never have been ready in time for dinner. The Art op Not Hearing The art of not hearing, says an excellent writer, is full as important to domestic happiness as a cultivated ear, for which so much time and money is expended. There are so many things which are painful to hear, many of which if heard will disturb the temper and detract from contentment and happiness, thut every one should be educated to take in and shut out sounds at will If you would be happy when among good men opeu your ears; when among bad shut them. It is not worth while to hear what your servants say when they have slammed the door; what a beggar says whose pe tition you have rejected; what your neighbors say about your children; what your rivals Bay about your business. 'MANHOOD: How Lost, How Restored, Just published, a new editiou of Dr. Cul verwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical eure of certain weaknesses, the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, elearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming oonaequeacea of suck errors and abuses may be radically oured without the danger ous use of internal medioine or the apiili- oation of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once Bimple, certain, and ellectnal, by means of which every Bufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in th hands of every jouth and every mon in the land. Sent, under seal, in plain envelope, to any address, postpaid on receipt ot six cents, or two cost stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 25 eents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO.. 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box If vou want any visiting cards, call at the Advocate office and see those we have printed. We have some fine samples of these and also of other job work. LICENS2 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing persons have filed potitious to the Court of Quartor Sessions of Klk County for Tavern and Eating House Licenses, and that the same will be pre sented to the said Court at April Term 1872 (commencing April 8th, 1872 ) . TAVERN. Benrzrtte Town sli p. 1. Ahncr Ober, 2. Martin Enz, 3. D. Kuncs, Joy Townshul. 4. J. McNcrney, 6. Armcl Turley, G. B. Brownlee, 6. Patrick II. Burke, 17, .1 . fox township, 7. Wolfgang Aumun. St. Mary's Borough. 8. Robert H. Morrison, 0. B. Conner, 10. Daniel Scull, 11. A. J. Layton (Washington House'), 12. A. J. Layton k Co. (Luhr llou.se) eatino house. Centirvific. 13. Jnmos McCk'skcy, 14. F. Gill. St. M.try's Jlorongh. 15. John Hcimlel, Hi. Charles Klaus man, 17. John WachtL STOKK. St. Mary's Jloro. IS. L. B. Cook. FRKD. SCHOENING, Clerk. Agents Wanted Everywhere. To Canvass for our Popular Work3, Specially suited to Bales through agents, TLAIX HOME TALK. A work that bIiouUI be in every family in the land. lL'ino. 912 pages, profusely il lustrated. Price, elegantly bound, 3.25. THE LOST C1TV. or Chicago as it was and aa it is. A book bvim full of thrilling interest and Btartliiip; incidents; profusely illustrated. Price, elegantly bound, 1.50. WELLS'EVERY MAN HIS OWN LAWVER AND UNITED STATUS FORM BOOK. A complete Business Man's Guide for every State in the Union. 12mo. tWO pages. Price $2 .00. Wells' Illustrated Natioual Hand Book. A book for everybody. Price, elegantly bound, $1.00. All the above are works that meet with rapid sales. Our agents are doing extraor dinary well with them. Full descriptive confidental circulars, sent on application, and svinplo copies of either of tlie works sent post paid on receipt of price. We want good live Agents; men who can fully appreciate tho merits of the work, and the fact that it meets a universal want. Agents Who desire to do good as well as to make money. Address, WELLS & CO,, '432 Broome St., New York. vln47in3. STEREOSCOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trado to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES ana GRAPIIOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E, & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel Importers and Mauufacturors of niOTDGRAPHlC MATERIALS vlo2yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SGRlBNElt WISHES TO IN- form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has starteda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon he most rcasona ble terms Br3L,He will also do job tearxing. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Post Office, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet- prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wet more. Additional Law Judge Hon. Juo. P. Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. . Luhr, J. V. Honk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff D. C Oyster. Prothonotury o., Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Henry D. Derr. County Superintendent, liufus Lucore. Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, John Barr, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kerner and Charles Mead. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 8econd Monday in January. Second Monday in April First Monday in August. First Monday in November NE MILLION OP LIVES SAVED. It is one of the moBt temnrkahln fnntu nf this remorkable age, not that so many persons are the victim? of dyspepsia or In digestion, but its willing viotims. Now, we would not be understood to say that any one regards dyspepsia with favor, nr fpU disposed to rank it among the luxuries of mo. arirom it. Those who have ex perienced its torments would scout such an idea. All dread it, and would gladly dis. pense with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Tnpley, who was jolly under all the trying circumetanoes in which he was plnoed, never had an attack of dyspepsia, or his jolity would have speedily forsaken him. Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human system is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There are diseases more acute and painful, and which more frequently prove fatal, but none the effects of wiiich are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to the body. If there is a wretohed beinir in ,1.- 1 1 J. . 1 1IO WU1UI 11 IB A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We hove said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal of human diseases. This is imphatically the case in the United States. Whether this general prevalence is due to tho character of 'tho food, the method of its preparation, or tho hasty manner in which it is usually swallowed, is not our provinoo to explain. The great fnot. with which we are called to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univci sally. Nearly every other person you meet is a victim, an apparently willing one: were this not the case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is wit hiu the easy reach of all who will avnit themselves of it? But says a dys peptic: What is Jliis remedy? to whioh we reply: This 'great nllovator of human puttering is almost as widely known as tho English language. It has ollayoJ the agonies of thousands, and is to-day carry comfort and encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is noi.e other than Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Would yon know more of the merits of this wonderful preparation than can be learned from the experience of others? Try it yourself, and when it has failed to lulfil the assurance of its efficacy givon by the proprietor, then abandon faith iu it. LET IT BE REMEMBERED, first of all, that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is -.j a rum beverage. They nre composed wholly of the pure juice or vital principle of roots. This is not a mere assertion The extracts from which they are compounded are prepared by one of the ablest of German chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only in all cases of tho billiary system. Iloofl.ind's German Bitters stand without an equal, acting promptly and vigorously upon the liver; they remove its torpidity an 1 cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying the stomach with the most indispensable elements of sound digestion in proper pro portions. They purify the blood, cleansing the vital fluid of all hurtful impurities and su planting them with the elements of genuine healthfulness. Now, there are certain classes ot per sons to whom extreme Hitters are not only unpalatable, but who hnd it impossible to tako them without positive discomfort. For such Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC !ias been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight alcoholic stimulant is require I in connection with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bitters. HOOFLAND'S TONIC acts with almost marvelous effect. It not oDly stimulates the flagging and wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently strengthens its action upon the Liver and Stomach thorough, perhaps less prompt than tho Bitters, when t lie same quantitj is taken is none the less certain. Indigestion, Billiousuess, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its po tent influence. It gives the iuvalid a uew and stronger hold upon life, tcinovos de pressed of spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. But Dr. Hoof'land's benefactions to the human race are not confined to his oclebrated GERMAN BITTERS, or his invaluable Toxic. He has prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winning its way to popular favor because of its in trinsic nietits. This i HOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi tute for mercury without any of mercury's evil qualities. These wonderful Tills, which ore Intend ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly com. posed of Podophyllin, or the vital princi ple of the mandrako root. It is the medi cinal virtues of this health-giving plant in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated form. Tho Podophyllin acts directly on the Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to make its billiary secretions m regular anil prope.- quantities. Tho inju rious results which invariably follow tho use of mercury is entirely avoided by their use. But it is not upon the iivcr only that their powers are exerted. The extract of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully combined with four other ex tracts, one of which acts upon tho stomach, one upon the upper bowels, one upon tho lower boweli, and prevents any griping effect, thus producing a pill that influences the ent're digestive and alimentary system, in an equal ami harmonious maimer, and its action entirely :ree from uausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. Possessing these much desirable qualities the Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should bo without them They are perfectly safe, require but two tor an ordinary dose, are prompt and eih cicnt in action, and when used in connec tion with Dr. lloofland s German bitters. or Tome, may be regarded as certain spe cifics in all cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pspsia, or any of the disorders to which the system is ordidarly subject. Hie PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach and b jwels, carrying off improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Tonio purify tho blood, strengthen and invigorate tho trime, give tone and apps lite to the stomach, and thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. Hoofland, having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external applicati :u, in tho wouderful preparation known as Da. HOOFLAND a GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches ot all kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Chilblains, Sprains, Burns, Pain in tho Back and Loins, Ringworms, etc., etc., all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, Colic, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Pains in the Stouiach, Colds, Asthma, etc. These remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. C31 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO These Remedies art for tale by Vruygittt Storekeepers, and .Uedictne Dealers every where, vln21yl O NEWADVERTISEMENTS S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGHAPHERt AND DEALKR IN Chromos, Stereoscopic Views, Picture Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA. v2n2tf. GRAND OPERA Given throughout the United States. $40,000.00 Distributed among Ticket Holders. First Priae, $75,00 in Gold 1 Every one receives the full value of his money with chance of a fortune. A Handsome Gift with every Ticket at. the time of purchase. TWENTY THOUSAND GIFTS 1 A BOOK AVITII ONE TICHET. A WATCH WITH FIVE TICKETS. A SEWING MACHINE with 10 TICKETS. Given at time of purohase. Tickets with Premium, sent to any Ex. press Offices. C. O. D. Send for Circular to GRAND OPERA CO., 129 Fulton St., New York. JiflfStorekeepers wanted as Agents. U.S. A.A3ra-niarl5. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a writ, of Fieri Fn.;, ,i Slit, of the Court nf common PIpho e l.'iu county, and to me directed, I will exposo to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway on MONDAY. APRIL 8th, 1872, at or.o o'clock, p. m , tho following describ ed property, to wii: The undivided one-fourth int erest of that certain tract of land situate in the township of Millstone, County of Elk (lato Fon-st) Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows. On the north bv irnnt. 'n Jia-. warranted in the name of Samuel Wallace. on me east ny tract rvo. Vitih warranted in the name of Win. Willink & Co. On the south by tract No. 20:iJ, warranted iu the name of Wm. Willink & Co., nnd on the west by tract No. 2700 warranted in the name of Win. Willinn & Co. Containing nine hundred (000) acres and allowance. Being tract No. 2007, warranted in the name of Win. Willink $ Co., being part of the same land that was conveyed by Richard Arthurs and wife to L. C. Wincooop and Joseph McGcc and conveyed by L. C. Winecoop and Sarah R. his wife to J. W. Coleman the first, party hereto by deed bearing date the fifth day of July A. D. one thorsaud eight hundred and seventy. seized and taken m execution and to be iold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Shkuiff's Office. 1 Ridgway, March 14th. 1871. J n2ts. A SEMES OF Grand Presentation Concerts will be given at tho OPERA HOUSE, SYRACUSE, NSW YORK By memdersef the New Yprk Opera Com pany, to tane place between teb ruary 20, and April 20, 1872. 'ndcr the patronage and management, of lie LEADING CITIZENS OF SYRACUSE. 'EOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK, Syracuse, Treasury, At the close of the last concert there wiil be 70,000 Worth of Presents Given away, to the holders of Tickets. Every Ticket soli will receive a Gift. 1 GIFT $10,000 RESIDENCE, 1 GIFT $7,000 RESIDENCE, 1 'iift 84,000 Manufacturing Site, 1 Gift $2,000 GREENBACKS, 1 Gift $1,001 Building Lot. AND Over 300 Grand Gifts PIANO FORTES, LADIES- & GUSTS' GOLD WATCHED. SILK & MERINO DKESd PATTERNS, Ladies' Mink Furs, Sewing Machines, Morse, Larrugo an I Harness, Silver Setts, Brussels Carpets, Bedroom Suits, Stoves, Barrels of Flour, Gold and Silver Coin, Greenbacks, ,t-o The balance in beautiful Ear-rings, Pins, cuius, and ornamental articles. REFERENCES: F. F. Aimer, Esq., New York. Bngart & Co., New York. Jackson k Co., New York. Anp the following Merchants of Syracuse at wpose stores the gifts cau be seen. A. btern & (,o., s.iver setts and jewelry. Whitlock & Co., shawls, silk and merino dress patterns. W alden & Dana, sewing machines. Velasko & Co., piauo fortes. Schenck & Gridley, stoves. Nottingham & Tucker, real estate Tickets, $1,00. Cli-b Hates Five tickets, $4.50. 10 tickets $0.00; :!0 tickets $18.00: 100 tickets, $90,00. All orders must be addressed to the American Opera Company, 117 West Eleventh St., New York City, or American Opera Co., Syracuse, N Y. Large orders should by Post-office "order or Express. Agents wanted. 2-1 mS. 4 GENTS WANTED! For the fastest jTX an! most popular book with UO Il lustrations, likenesses of all the Presidents beautifully bound, and printed on tinted paper. rilE NATION, Its Rulers and Institutions, L ENGLISH AND GERMAN) Nothing like it. Strikes everybody as just the book they need. It is an Encyclo paedia of the Government. Siuele nairoi in it, are of themselves worth the price of the book over 600 paiet and only $2.50. A RICH HARVEST, for Canvassers ladies and gentlemen farmers, teachers and students. One anent took 75 orders in a few days, wiih circular alone, before the bosk appeared. &20 A D iY can be cleared in tan-territory. Write atonoefor cirou lar and information. NEW WOULD PUB LISHING CO., Cor. 7th and Market Streets Philadelphia. vlnSlyl. Uillheads, Letterheads, etc., printed at the Advocate office. RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA ERIE RAILROAD, WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, NON. 20th, 1871, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows! WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 6.20 p.m. V " " Ridgway 9.27 a. m. " " arrive at Erie 2.60 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.80 p. m Ridgway 2.15 a. m. " " arrive at Erie 7.40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Renova, ...1.30 a. m. " " Ridgway,..0.00p. m. " arr at Kane 7.30p.m. EASTWARD. Ma'.l Train leaves Erie 11.25 a. m. " " " Ridgway 4.55 p. m. .I arrive at Philad'o... 6.30 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 9.00 p. m. " " " Pidgway... 2.00 a. m. " " nrrat Philadelphia.. 3.30 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 6.00 a. m. " " Ridgway... 7.55 a. m. " arr at St. Marys 8.35 am. "' leaves St. Marys 8.40 a m. " arr at Renovo 12.10p.m. Mail East connects cast and wett at Erie with L S & M S R W and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R 11 W. B ' Mail West with west bound trains on L S & M S R W and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny 11 R W. Warren Accommodation east and west with trains on L 8 and MS R east, and west and at Corry with O C and A R R W. Erie Accommodation East, at Corry and Irvineton with O C and A R R W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEWTIME TABLE. Commencing November 20th, 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS- . BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. R. OOlNO -SOUTH, Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 25 p in Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 55 p m Night Express leaves Oil City 9 30 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 40 a m Mail leaves Oil City 9 45 a m Arrives ot Pittsburgh 6 00pm Parker's AccomJ leaves Oil City 7 15 a m Arrives at Parkci's 10 15 a m Kittiinning-Accom. leaves Oil City 4 00 p ni Arrives at Kittanning 9 10 p in OOlNO NORTH. Day Express leaves Pi tsburg at 7 50 a m Arrives at Oil City at 2 25 pm Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 20 p m Arrives at Oil City 5 45 am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 11 50 am Anrrives at Oil City -7 25 p m Parker's Acnom leives Parker 0 ( 0 p in Arrives at Oil City 9 15 p m Kittanitig Aceoni. leaves Ki'.ln'g 7 05 a m Arrives at Oil City 12 20 p m Close Connections made at Corry for Pittsburgh -.villi trains East and West on P. & E. It. . Tul'minn Pailaec Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars o;i Niglil Express Trains bet ween Corry nnd Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. J. J. LAWRENCK. Gen. Supt. 1 F YOU WANT TO HUY GOODS CHEAP ao to TIIAYHIl &'lIGEUTY ' Main Street, ridgway. Pa. OKY GO01S. NOTION.!, HOOT;', shoes, hats and o.vi's, GLASS AND QUEENS W WOO!) AND VlLLOW.VAK E. TOBACCO AND C1GA113. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The 11 EST H HANDS ot F LOU It Constantly on Innd. al l suld us cheap as tho CHEAPEST. Til VYEil & HAGEilTY. vln2. The Improved iitruril Oroitl (iold ftttc:iC3, 89.00 812 00 815.00 818.00 WE have recently brought our Oroide Gold metal to such perfection that it is difficult for tho best judges to distin. quisli it from gold. The $0 watches ure with patent escapement movements; map pearance and for tiaie equaling a gold one costing i lie tu aro lull jeweled patent lever, equal to fcloO gold watch. The !?15 aie the same as the last but a tiiior finish, nickle movements, equal to oue cost ing $175. And tho $18 watches are of a fine finish with full jeweled American lever movement, equaling a gold one costing IjilU. They are all in hunting cases, gent's and ladies sizes, and guaranteed for time and wear by special certificate Also elegant designsof gent's and ladies chains from $1 to $4, and jewelry of all kinds. Goods sent C. O. D. Customers per mitted to examine what they order beforo paying bill, on payment of express e barges. When six watches are ordered at one time we will send au extra watch of the same quality free. For further particulars send for circular. Address JAMES GERARD & CO., 85 Nassau Street, New York, P. O. Box 3,301 Nov. 30, 1872-vln37iG. DAGUSCAH01TEA RAILROAD. From and after Monday. Fob. 5th 1871. Trains will run on this Road aa follows: Leaves Earley 7.30 a. m., arrives at Dasjuscahouda Junction 8.10 a. m., con necting with Accom. east 8.1-1 a. ru., and with Mail west at 9.15 a. m. Leaves Duguscalionda at 9.20 a. m., anives at Earley 10.00 a. m. Leaves Eariey 3.30 p. ui., and arrives at Dag uscahonda at 5.00 p. in., connecting with Mail east at 5.09 p. m., and Ac commodation west at 5.40 p. m. In case P.'& E. traius are late, Dagus cahonda train holds twenty mjnutcs be yond the above time. Tickets should always be procured before leaving stations. Ci ft. EAELEY, Lessee. POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kiuic Having erected a large and well arranged new Store House on the old site,, since the fire, and filled it from ciUarto garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to receivcthclr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OP- RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SIIOE3, I1AT3 AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK. FLOTJE, SALT. Feed, Ueans. Butt or, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everything wanted in th-i Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NER3, LABORING MEN, EVER Y" Abo a full Btock of MANILLA ROPE of thebest manufacture, of suitable sizes for rafting and running purposes. Ridgway, March 2.'. 1871 Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual f o r "fcX.S.vM preserving tho restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, fullijia hair checked. and baldness often, though not always, cured by its uso. Nothing can restore the hair whero tho follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth ot hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. its occasional uso will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to tho ecalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which mako some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not-harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing oho can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not sou white cambric, nnd yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.f Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. For Sale bv G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist, Ridgway, Pa. MALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN JIAIIt EENEWEE. Everv vear increases the ronu- larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is tho on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Geay or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp,'by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair-Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, Sl.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL CO., NASHUA. N.H. The ixgredients that COMPOSE ItOSADALIS aro jmlilislicd on evory package, there-' lore it is not a secret preparation, itonscqucntly PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT ! t is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all ilB forms, Rlieuma tistn, Skin Diseases, Liver Coin nlaint and all diseases of tha lilood. CITS EOTTLS OP ROSADALIS will do moro good than ten bottlca of the Pyrup.i of Saraaparilla. THc UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS luiveu.ed Rosadalisintheirpractica tor tho wbt tluoo years anil ti'cely cncloiso it ns a ri'liablo Alterative and blood Purifier. DR. T. C. rrorf.of Baltimoie. 1)H. T. .1. liOYKIN', " Inn is. w. c, un. " Hit. F. O. DANN KLLY, " pit. J. S. SPARKS, -of Nicholftsvillc, Dfi. jVl. MrCARTHA, ColumWa. S. c. ' ICR. A. B. NOELXS, Mgecomb, N.C. lUSED A":TD n'EOHSED BY I J. B. rr.ilNVII St OXS, Fall River, Mass. ' !r. W. S.r;TIT, Jackson, Mich. ' A. V. IVi;." i-.L.K, I.iiaa, Ohio. IS. IIA1.1., I.iu-.n.Ohio. II RWK.N & CO.,G.rtonsviUp, V. .ui i.. (f. i Li' MJUk.X , Wurlieea- liOi i), Ten a. r -.r rrMf" v.-;".l not nV.nvr m nny ox : i::--ti.-( in rt-lrt! ' a tu Clio l. t;l l'.i.-.!i'is. Tot!." '.'l:icv.l ; I II:. : H V" UfllHIltfO a l'Il:d K- ( "ictfapevir.r tt any they li;ve ever last'l ia the trp.vment of diseased JJ i- udl! ; ana to tai'iiruiriprt we s.iy l.y i;..vi'!-i!:3, and jou will bo rcotoic'j to huuiili. Kosadiili is s:.!.l bv all DrHRiristi?, lrice per ki.'.i.e. A4iin . E3. CLSilEKTS I: CO Stzr.ufactuTir.g Chemistf, Baltiuore, Do.