lh (tyomitg gicotate. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1872. SB- Bates of Advertising.; One column, one year $71 CO i " " " 40 00 i " " " 25 00 ' " " f.... 15 00 Tronsicnt advertising persquare of eiht tiicsorloss 3 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten linos or loss, per yosr 5 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk loigu, A. Y. K. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge 'will be hell ill their hall on tin second unci fourth Poesdays of ench month. o. l. Mccracken, Seo. fTemple of Honor and Temoorance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on ea:1i alternat e Thursday, at their Lodge Room, oa llain street, over J. V. Honk's store. S. A. ROTE, W. R. Car Time at Iltdgtcay. Erie Express East, 2:0G a. m. do . do West 2:15 a. m. do Moil East 4:65 p. m. do do West 9:27 a. m. Jlenovo Accommodation East 7:55 a tn. do do do West 0:00 p. m. To-morrow is groundling day. Le-nt will commence oa the 14th of February. Lutheran Services will be held in the Court House next Sunday, morning and evening, by Rev. J. Rrenneman. If tou don't stop chewing tobacco the first thing you know you will have the "ntnanrosis ausina pectorsi hypoe lioncraiasifl and locomotorataxy." Look out, boya this disease is "ketching." Jas. TltCKARP, who lives about four miles from this place on the Garduer road, while going home last Monday evening, had his feet and hands badly frozen. Warts. Warts have been cured by the application duily (for a few day?) of spirits of salts. It doos not stain the skin, or leave a scar where the warts have been . We have receive the Tribune Almanac for 1872, published bjj the Tribune As sociation, New York. The Almanac contains much useful information; costs 20 cents; and uo family should be with cut it. many ot the largest advertisers in the country niako al! their contracts with newspapers through the Advertis ing Ageney'of Geo. P. Iloweil & Co, 41 Park How, 2i"ew York. Their facili ties for tho translation of the business nre not excelled by those of any similar establishment is the world. On Wednesday of last week, 24tl n't., while James Hatithorn was at work for Th-nn.is Irwin on a log slide, an iron gr.ib flf!W from a log, strikiug him on the hick of the head, cutting the scalp throught to the scull and knocking him Fenceless, lie was taken to tho house nnd on Thursday Dr. Uordwell drersed the wounds, and now repjns tha patient 33 doing well. Molasses Candy. Tune two quarts nf the bunt molasses, one pouud of brown sugar, the juico of two lemons, or a tcaspoonful of strong es sence of lemon. Mis, and boil to the tiroper consistency. lake care that it does uot burn. Put it. on a buttered plate, and when partially coaled pull it in the usual way. The longer you pull it, tho whiter it will become. Accident on Boon Mountain. Last Friday, 2Gth ult., as Mr. Hiram Woodard and wife were goiug from Sinnemahoning to Pearsol's lumber cunip, and while withiu about two miles of tho camp, the cutter they wero traveling in upset, breaking Mrs. Woodard's arm and dislocating her wrist. Dr. Rordwell was sent for and airivcd at about 7 o'clock iu the even ing when he set the arm. Cotilmon Party at the Oyster Hotel. Last Friday, 2(ith ult., a party of twenty-five couples went from this place to Oyster's for a sleigh ride and dunce. The slgighiug was excellent and all appeared to enjoy it. At about twelve o'clock the company sat down to a splendid shipper, for which Mr. and Mrs. Clark deserve a great deal of praise. The Oyster Hotel is a first class place to go if you want to enjoy yourself. Chuystal Weddinu. Edward Souther, of this place, celebrated- the fifteenth auuiversary of his marriage on the 23th ult. 'Many valaablo presents wero made, among others a pair of ele gant and costly vases, a beautiful ink stand, wine glasses, etc., oil of cut glass and haviug initial or monogram, aud the occasion was ono long to be remembered. That they may live to see many happy returns of this djy is our wish. 'We acknowledge tho receipt of a huga piece of very nico cuke. Fire. The dwclllng-houso of Mr. J ereniiah Elliott, at Spring Crck, ; thin county, Was entirely destroyed by fire- on the morning of Friday, 19th ult. Most of the household goods wero saved in a damaged oondition. The firo originated from a stove pipe leading through the floor. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renkwer now stands among tho first, and at the head of all articles for a sim ilar purpose. The testimony of our physicians is conclusive as to its value; and we aro personally acquainted with scores of cases where it has been used with the best of results. It will restore gray hair to its original color, and leaves it glossy, and io a healthy condition; while, for heads troubled with dandruff, or any disease of the scalp, it acts like a charm in cleansing them. Try it, and you will not bo disappointed. Lowell Courier, May 2, 18G8. Signs of the Zodiac. A philoso pher in the West, grown into admira tion of the Cherry Pectoral, writes Dr. Ayer for instructions under which sign he shall bo bled, which blistered, and which vomited, and under which he shall tako Ayer's Pills for an affection of the liver, also under which sign his wife should commence to take the Sarsaparilli for her ailment. He adds that he already knows to wean his calves under Taurus, change his pigs in Scorpio, cuts his hair in Aries, and soak his feet in Pisces or Aquarius as their condition requires. Schoolmaster, start for Wisconsin, and visit Mr. Ham when you get there. Lowell Daily News. A' Human Ruin. Desponding, list less, tormented with a thousand pains and disabilities, which no language can describe, the confirmed Dyspeptic is lit erally a human ruin. But not past re pair. His case may have been botched, aud maltreated; but with Iloofland's Germau Bitters within his reach, the way to complete recovery is open to him. Or, if he requires a still more active invigorant, Iloofland's German Tonic, with its nutritious spirituous basis, will soon restore his shattered system to perfect health. Sold by all Druggists. I WAS getting gray and didn't like it Nature's1 Hair Resjorativo restored tho oolorof my hair, cleaused my scalp and pleased me wonderfully. Nothing like it in the market, nor ever was or ever will be. See advertisement. 2t. In G now i no Nails. Some people are much troubled with the edges of the nail.oi a too cutting into the flesh. The cause is, pressure on the nail, which is strong and round, so that the edges aro driven directly downwards. Take a bit of broken window-glass, aud scrape the arch of the nail till it is so thiu and weak that it cuunot resist the .pressure, and, as a natural consequence, it will flatten and become wider. Pictures of J. Wilkes Booth are being sold in New York as photographs of Stokes. Payi.no a Promissory Note. There wero two early settlers in the western part of Pennsylvania whose uames wero Peter Schmidt and John Sm.irtz. Peter had increased the size of his farm by onncsing to it a small tract of land adjoining, and ho lacked about one hundred dollars to pay for his new acquisition. He called on his ueighbor John to borrow tho amount. John consented at once, aud going iuto another room he brought out an old bread basket, and counted out the de sired number of dollars, aud then tho pair sat down to two large earthern mugs of cider and as many pipes of tobacco. After smoking over tho matter awhile it occurred to Peter that in a similar transaction he had heard of something like a note passing between the borrower and the louder, and he suggested as much to John. Tho lender assented to the propriety of sueh a course. . Paper, pen and iuk wero produced, and be tween tho two adocument was concocted, stating that John had lent Peter S100, whicli Peter would repay to John in "tree nionts." This Peter signed, and thus far the two financiers mado the thing "all regular and ship-shano." But at this point a difficulty presented itself. They both knew that notes wero drawn in tho oporatiou of borrowing d lending, but neither ot them had observed what disposition was made of the document; neither of them -could tell whether it was for tho borrower or the lender to take charge of tho paper. Here was a dilemma. At last a bright thought 6truck John. "xou havo the money to pay, I'eter; you take dis paper, so you can see as you have to pay it." This was the conclusion; the common sense of the thing was plain, and Peter pocketed his money and his note, "so he could see that he had to pay it. 1 hree months passed over, and to the day appeared Pete), and paid over the promised sum to John. Ibis being done, the mugs and pipes were again brought out. After puffing awhile, Peter produced the uote aud handed it to John with the remark . "Now, John you must take, the Dote, so as you can see thut the money has teca paid." KEWADVERTISBME1TTS NOTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN that tho Commissioners of Elk County will meet the tax payers At thoir office, In Ridg way, on the 15th and 10th dys of Febru. ary next, for the purpose of hearing and determining appeals on the assessment and roviewing of Military F.nrolmont of 1871, at which time and plan all persons feeling themselves agrioved can attend if they lea prorer. - C. H. MoCAtTLRT, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, Jan. 25, 1872. n48t3. is worth $28 per ton, free of Freight at any station on the P. & E R. R. west of Williamsport, by the car load. Address, 11 HEATH & SON, n43t3. Hay Dealers, Corry, Pa. j&TTvMANHOOD t iS,. How Lost, How Restored. Just published, a new .edition of Dr. Cul vcrweH's Celebrated Essay on the radical euro of certain weaknesses, the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of such errors and abuses may bo radically cured without the danger ous use of internal medicine or the appli- cation of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and eliectnal, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in t lie hands of every joulh and every mon in the land. Sent, under seal, in plain envelope, to any address, postpaid on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. CulvcnvcU's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Adde-s the Publishers, CI1AS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, l'ost-Office Cox 4.5SG. vln47yl. Agents Wanted Everywhere. To Canvass for our Popular Works, Specially suited to sales through agents PLAIN HOMETALK. A work that should bo in every family in the laud. 12mo. ill- pages, profusely il lustrated. Price, elegantly bound, $3.25. THE LOST CITY, or Chicago as it was ond os it is. A book brim full of thrilling interest and startling incidents; profusely illustrated. Price, elegantly bound, $1.50. WELLS' EVERY MAN HIS OWN LAWYER AS l) UNITED STATES FORM BOOK. A complete Business Man's Guide' for every State in the Uuiou. 12mo. COO pages. Price $2.00. Wells' Illustrated National Hand Book. A book for everybody. Price, elegantly bound, $1.50. All tho above aro works that meet with rapid sales. Our agents are doing extraor dinary we'l with them. Full descriptive confidental circulars. sent on application, and simple copies of either of ttie works sent post paid on receipt of price. Vt c want good live Agents; men who can fullv appreciate the merits of the work, and the fact that it meets a universal waut. Ageots Who desire to do good as well as to make money. Address, WELLS Si CO,, 432 Broome St., New York. vln47m3. P. W. HAYS, DKALRB III Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear ley 1. O- vln47tf. lf.oai.. Charles Springstead ) In Common rieas vs. of Elk County. Chrlotte L. Springstead J No.10 Nov. T.'71. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Charlotte L. Springstead, respondent abovt named: You are hereby notified that tho subpeon- and alias subpoena in the above case hav ing been returned non est inventus, you are required to appear on tho SECOND MON DAY OF APRIL next, being the 8th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Simnirr's Offick, 1 Ridgway, Jan. lath, 1872. ( n46le. T THAYER HOUSE. D. D. COOK, Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre Sts., Ridgway, Pa. The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing to the public that he has refitted, revised, and improved, this well known hotel, and is prepared to entertain all who favor him with their patronage, in the bestttvlo aud at low ratej. vlu3Utf. THE Tenth Volume of Wood's Household Magazine begins with Janu ary 1372. Its regular contributors in clude Horace Greeley, Gail Hamilton, Thos: K. Beecher, Pr. W. W. Hall, James Parton eto. Harriett Beecher Stowe, Brick Pomeroy, John G. Saxe, Maj. Genl. Kilpatrick, Petrolium V. Nasby, etc, write for it occasionally. Terms, Ono Dollar a year. Io clubbing, three first-class periodicals are given for the price of one of them. The most liberal Premium List ever published. No periodical is n:ore frequently or fa vorably meutioned by the press. "Wood's Household Magazine is one of the monuments of business entcrpiise which mark the age." Methodist Home Journal, Philodelphia, Pa. "It has been improving ever since wo knew it a good criterion for the future." Courier, New Market, Canada. "It is a marvel of cheapness and first. class quality combined. New York Times. Specimen copy sent free to any address. S. 8, WOOD & CO., nW'tf Newburg, S. Y. "SOT? TO GO VTZZH." Forty years ago Illinois was as far West m most people wished to go, and journey's were made in the legondary "Prairio Schooner," but in these days of Progress and Improvement, the word West has come to mean Iowa, Kansas, Colorado.JCalifornia and the Territories, and the Traveler reaches almost any point" therein by a splendid Lino of Railroad. This Lino of Railroad is tho Burling cu Route, which starts from Chicago over the Chicago, Burlington Quincy R. R., from Indianapolis over the In dianapolis, Bloomington & Western Short Lino, and from Logansport, over tho Toledo, Peoria fc Warsaw 11. R., and running through Burlington, reaches Omaha, Lincoln, Nebraska City, St. Joseph, Attchison, Levcnworth and Kansas City, connecting with tho Union Pacific, Kansas Pacific fnd other Rail roads running from those cities. Always go' "By way of Burlington," and you will be sure to be right. Tho Burlington Route has admirable answered the question; "How to go West?" by tho publication of a truthful and interesting document, filled ...with facts io regard to Time, Conneclious, Accommodations, rates of Fare, and other interesting items, and illustrated by a large map, truthfully showing the whole West, which they distribute free of charge. 'Jopics, and additional in formation, can he obtained by address ing. General Passenger Agent, B. & 51. R. R.. Burlington, Iowa. $1,000 IISWAIID! A reward of One Thousand Dollars will It paid to any Physician who will produce a medicine that will supply tho wants of tho people better than tho article known as OR. F.lli Rivers Celebrated Elooi Cleansor cr Panacea. It must be a belter Cathartic, abetter Alter ative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic, and in every way belter than the Pan-a-ce-a. No mailer how long it hai been in use or how lately discovered. Above all it must not contain anything not PURELY VKO KTABI.E . $5,00 REWARD ! ! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will bo paid for a medicine that will perma nently cure more cases of Costiveuess, Constipation. Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, (lout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils. Loins, Side and Head and Female Complaint than nn. F.nsi.mrs BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, . which is usel more extensively by practic ing physicians thau any other popular medicine known. For Silebv O. G. JIEHSMSE R and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg-- way, Pa. vln'22yl. To ADVERTISERS. All persons who contemplate making contracts with news papers for the insettion of Advertisements should sen 1 to GEO. P. HOWELL & CO. for a Circular, o- inclose 25 cents for thoir ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAMPHLET con taining Lists of 3,01'0 'Newspapers and estimates, showing the cost of advertising, also many useful hints to advertisers, and somo account, of tho experiences of men who are known as SUCCESSFUL A DYER. TI3ERS. This firm are proprietors of the American Newspaper advertising Agency. 41 PARK ROW, H. Y. and are possessed of uncualed facilities for securing the insert inn of anvertiseincuti in all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest rates. vln37t21. FOB, SALE. THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS "THE JOIINSON15URG COAL LOTS" with all the privileges possese.1 by the Wilinarth Coal Company, Apply to SAMUEL A. CROZEIt, Upland P. 0., Delaware County, Penn'a. ttiJ'Tiiit mil PHASES OF LONDON LIFE. By P. J. Kirwan.the well-known Journalist. The Very Largest Oouiu)istions Paid. This book is a beautiful octave of CG5 pages, embelishcd with 200 cnyravingt, and a finely executed map of London, designed end executed expressly fur ihh work by eminent artists It contains a full, grnphio and truthful statement of I lie Sights, .Sc erets and Sensations of the great, Metropolis of the world. Address, DUFF1ELD ASH MEAD. Publisher, 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. vln41tf. .1CE.ITS U1.VTi:ii. GREAT INDUCEMENTS! DESCRIPTIVE OF LIFE IN UTAH. By a SISTER OF A HIGH PRIEST, oue of his victims, who has mado her escape after a residence of fifteen years among them. Her affidavits to tho Government, crushing evidence against Rrigham Young and the Elders. The "Prophet" iu court. Trial aud seutenco of -Hawkins. Startling disclosures, plots, assinalions and victims. 47 poges, fully illustrated. ' Circulars, Terms and full particulars, seut free on application, address, DUFFIELD ASHMEAD, Pub. 711 Sansom St., Philadelphia, vlnlltf. If you want any visiting cards, call at the ADV oatb offi;e and see those we have printed. We have prune fine eamplcs of thesa atiJ alao of other job work. M0RM0N1SM, THE HEW YORK TRIBUNE. FOR 1872 The consolidation of Italy, so lon; frag mentary and impotent, into one powerful State, with Rome as its capital; the hu miliation of France through a scries of ornshlng defeats, ending with the liege ond cipitnlaiion of her proud and gay me tropolis; the expulsion of the Burbons from the Spanish throne, and tho substitution for them of a scion of the most liberal among royal houses; tho virtual absorption of tho kingdoms of Saxony, Wurttemberg, Havana, with Radon, Hosse, the Hanso Towns, &o,. under the headship of Prussia, into the triumphant and powerful empire of (Jertnany; and tho arming of Russia to reassert, her preponderance in the councils of Europe, or lb prosecuto her often post poned but never rclingtiislied designs on ihe great city founded by Constantino and the vast but decaying and anarcbial do minion of the Sultau, all combine to invest with profound interest the ever changing phases of our tidings from tho Old Wo'dd. The TainuNE. through trusted correspon dents stationed at nil points in Europe where great movements are in progress or imminent, aims to present, a complete and instructive panorama of events on that con tinent, and to mirror the prolonged strug gle between middle-age Feud alism and Ecclesias'icism on the one hand and Nineteenth-Century skepticism and sec ularism on the other. Recognizing a Di vine Providence iu all that proceeds and is, it looks hopefully on the great, conllict. as destined (like our our recent convulsion) to evolve lrom strife, disaster, and seeming chaos, a fairer and hnppicr future for the toiling masses of mankind. In our own country, a war upon corrup tion and rascality in office lias been inau gurated in our City, whereby the govern ment, of our Stato has been revolutionized through an initial triumph of Reform which surpasses t he most sanguine anticipations. It is morally certain that tho movement thus inaugurated cannot, in its progress, be circumscribed to any locility or any party, but that its purifying influence is destined to bo felt in every part of the Union; re bukinp venality, exposing robbery, wrest ing power from poliiiuians by trade, and confiding it to thoso worthiest and fittest to wieUl it. To this beneficent, nnd vitally needed Reform. Tue Tribute will devoto its best energies, regardless of personal inter ests or party predilections, esteeming ttiti choice of honest and faithful men to office as of all New Departures tho most essen tial and auspicious. The virtual surrender by the Democratic party of its hostility to Equal Rights re gardless of Color has divested our current po iiics of half their bygone intensity. However parties may henceforth rise or fall, it is clear that the fundamental princi ples which have hitherto honorably distin guished the Republicans are henceforth to be regarded as practically accepted by tho whole country. The right of cvtry man to his own limbs and sinews the equality of all citizens before the law the inability of a Slate to enslave any portion of its people the duly of the Union to guarantee to every citizen the full enjoyment of his lib ery until he forfeits it by crime such are Ihe'broad and firm foundations of our Na tional edifice; and palsied be the hand which shall seek to displace them! Though cot yet twenty years old, the Republican party has completed the noble fabric of Emanci pation, and may fairly invoke thereon the sternest judgment of Man and tho benig nant tmile of God Henceforth, the mission of our Republic is oue of Peaceful Progress. To protect the weak and the humble from violence ami oppression to extend thobonndaries and difluse the blessings of Civilization to stimulate Ingenuity to the production of new inventions for economizing Labor and enlarging Ptoduction to draw nearer to each other the producers of Food nnd of Fabrics, of drain and of Metals, and thus enhance the gains of Industry by reducing the cost of transportation and exchanges between fanners and artisans such is the inspiring task to which this Nation now addresses itself, and by which it would fain contribute to the progress, enlightenment, and happiness of our race. To this great and gojd work, The Tribute contributes its zealous, persistent ctlurls. Agriculture will continue to bo more es pecially elucidated iu its Weekly and Semi Weekly editions; to whiuh somo of the a'jU-st and most, successful tillers of tho soil will steadily contribute. No farmer who sells ;!00 worth of produce per nu llum tan afford to do without our Market Reports, or others equally lucid and com prehensive. If he should read nothing else but what relates to his own calling and its rewards, we believe that no fanner who can read at all can afford to do without such a journal us Tnu Th.bune. And we aspire to make it equally valuable to thoso en gaged in other departments of Productive Labor. We spend more and more money on our columns each year, as our country men's generous patronage enables us to do; and we ara resolved th.at our issues of for mer years shall be exsolled in varied ex cellence und interest by those of 1872. Friends in every State! help us to make our journal better and better, by sending in your subscriptions and increasing your Clubs for tho year just before us! TERMS OF THE TRIRUNE. Dailv Tbidi.ve, Mail Subscriberi,, 5 10 per annum. Semi-Weekly TninvxE, Mail Subscribers, $1 pev annum. Five copies or ovef, $tf each; an extra copy will be stut for every club of ten sent for nt one time; or, if pre ferred, a copy of Reccollectious of a Rusy Life, by Mi. Greoley. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. To Mail Subscribers. Ono Copy, one year, 62 issues S3. Eive Copies, one year, 02 issues u. To One Address, ail nt one Post-Oflice. iO Copies 1 50 ea. 20 Copies 1 25 ca. 60 Copies 1 00 ea. And Oue Extra Copy to each Club. To Names of Subscri bers, all at one P. O. 10 Copies SlOOea. 20 Copies 1 36 ea. 60 Copies 1 10 ea. And Oue Extra Copy to each Club. Persons entitled to an extra copy can, if preferred, have either of the following books; postage prepaid: Political Economy, by Horace Greeley; Pear Culture for Profit, by P. T. Ijuinn; Tho Elements of Agricul luie, by Geo. E. Waring. Advertising Rates. Daiuv Tkihcne, 30c, 40o., 60o., 7oo., and $1 per line. Si.Mi-WfcEULY Tribune, 25and50 cents per lino. Weekly TRinu.NE,S2, S3, and $5 per line. According to position in the paper. In making remittances always procure a draft on New York, or a J'vst-Ojflce Money Order, if possible. Where neither of these can be procured, send the money, but always in a ULi.isTi.iiEi) letter. The registration fee has been reduced to fifteen cents, and the present registration system has been found by Ihe postal authorities to be nearly an absolute protection against losses by mail. All I'c.btiiiuHt- i's are obliged to register Ut ters when roque-ud to do so. Terms, cash, iu advance. AUmss 1UE TRIBUNE, New Torlc.' W. S. SERVICE. GO AND SEE! IT WILL TAYt THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTnER IN STOCK S TO WE S IIOTJSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES 77ILL SUIT I GOODS WILL PLEASEI SELL STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! XT. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Maaouic allall Huilding, Ridgway, Pa. NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Contains no LAC SULPHUB No SUGAH OF LEAID-No LITII-AUG-E-No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil Ihe finest fabric, perfectly safe, clean ami efficient, desideratums long sought for and found at last! It, restores nnd prevent the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearance, removes Dandruff', is cool and refreshing to tho head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a dressing for tho hair it is tho best article in the market. Dr. U. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass Tho genuine is put np in a panel bottlo, made expressly for it, with the name of tho article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. figyScnd two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." Tho information tt con tains is worth S 300,0.) to any person. FOR SALE BY G. O. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Main Street, Ridgway, Penn'a. vlnllyl. established in 1830. WELCH &, GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill ntsh ings, and Machinery. 6-Get the BEST, they will prove the cheapest. Prices reduced. Send for price List an Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich. Tal2t88J 1 sN 1 H'ssrsssss?-' BUSINESS CARDS. "1 A. RATHBUN, Attotney-at-LaW . Ridgway Pa. 2 2 tfi rOIIN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Rid way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'OOl 4 ft. llll.L, Physio ian and Snrgaotf fcersfiy, Elk Co. Pa. J O. TV. BAILEY, ' . ATTORNEr-AT-LAW. vln23yl. Ridgway, Elk Count, Pa. Agent for the Travelor"s Life and Aool dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JEYNOLOS HOUSE, BSTO0LDS7XLLE, JEFFEfefiOCtf, iL . H. S. BELNAP, Proprietor . . n TS. Rordwell, M. P. Eolcctio Physical a Otfico nnd residence opposite th4 Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Office hours: 7 to 8 A. M-; 12 to 2 P. M. ; and 6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, G6-tf. D R C. II. FULLEtl, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. RlPOWAT, -P. Residence and office opposite tho Thaycf House. m S. HARTLEY, M. D., I. Physician and Surgeoaj Ridgway, Pa. Office in Va!kcr Building". Special attention gven to Surgery. OfJici house from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residcnca on corner of South and Court streets, op. posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. (1 0. MESSENGER, ' X Druggist and Parma ceutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For--sign andsDomestio Drugs. Proscription carefully dispensed at all hours, d ty or night. vlu3. (CHARLES HOLES ' J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tho Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, done wilh tho samo accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN CU7 GOCIIS, GROCERIES, PB071S10K3 PRODUCE, FRUITS, &c. vlnStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, RinowAY, Ei.kCo-., Pa, W. II. SCI1 RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hcrctofor so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new proprietor, hopes, by paying slrict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi th same. Oct 30 1800. T HE OLD BUCKTAIL S HOTEL, Kane, McKean Co,, Pa n. Vj. jAJiJiittll, I'roprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore stf liberally bjstowed upon him. the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict, attention lo tho comfort and convenience of guestsj to merit a continuance of tho samo. Th only siitbles for horses iu Kauo nnd well kept night or day. vla2:lyl. iiall, & imo. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELS COUHTYPKUSYLTAMIA. J JO.INO. HALI, ; ,TAS. K. V. BAI.fr DR. G. WHIPPLE. Dental Surgeon. Otlice in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry djue in tlio best stylo, and all vok warranted. Ho will visit Kane on ihe 1st, 2d, and 31; Wilcox on th 10t.li, 11th, and Pith; St. Mary's on the 21st, 22d and 23.1 of each month. At all other times ho can bo found at his office in Ridgway. Pa. vln2yl. K ERSEY HOUSE, CuxTasviLLB, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful, for the patronage herctolore so liber illy bestowed upon him, tho new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, tomorit a continuance of th same. J." WILBER, One Door East of tho Post Office, Maitf St., Ridgway, Pa. Fresh Fish every Thurs day. Fresh Oysters every day. vlnltf. J. D. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots & Shoes, Main St., opposite Hotel, 2"7 WU30X, P. AGENTS WANTED! For the fastest an most popular book with. 60 Il lustrations, likenesses of all the President beautifully bound, aud printed on tinted paper. THE NATION, Its Rulers and Institutions, .V ENGLISH AND QERMAN Nothing like it. Strikes everybody just the book they need. It is an Encyolo poctlia of the Government. Single page in it, are of themselves worth the prioe nf the book over 600 pages and only $2.50. A RICH HARVEST, for Canvassers ladies and gentlemen farmers-, teacher and students. One agent took 75 oritrt in a few days, wiih circular alone, before thf book appeared. $20 A D IY oan be cleared iu fai.-territory. Write at once for oirciw lar and information. NEW WORLD PLT5 LISU1NQ CO., Cor. 7tftiwrt Market 6ttWtL Vhiladoljhia. vlnBljl.