The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 18, 1872, Image 4

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liangluriblo Dlnjular of Writer anil Tj-
TUo amusement afforded ty ludicrous
typographical errors 'Will bo inexhausti
ble while printers are falliblo and edi
tors write with abominable indifference
to legibility. One of the most astonish
ing blunders of this kind was committed
some ycarB ago in an editorial in the
Bulletin. The writer, who had cautioned
his roaders against casting their pearls
before swine, was amazed and griovod
to perceive that the compositor hud
warned the public against " eating pills
before sunrise." This was corrected in
the proof, but tho reporter who doclared
of a certain new store that it had " sixty
fancy windows," was even more indig
nant than the storekeeper when he saw
in his papor the statement that the estab
lishment pontaincd " sixty faded win
dows." And then there was tho poet, in
Muncy, who sought to smooth tho
wounded feelings of a bereaved family
by publishing in tho local paper a poet
ical tribute to the deceased daughter,
Emily, in which ho declared that " wo
will hallow her grave with our tears."
He was pursued next morning by Emi
ly's exasperated brother because the
printers insisted that " we will harrow
her grave with our steers."
The poets suffer most deeply. Noth
ing could be worse, for instance), than
tho misery to tho bard who asserted, in
his copy, that ho " kissed her under tho
silent stars," only to find that tho com
positor compelled him to " kick her un
der the cellar stairs." A certain Jen
kins, also, was tho victim of an aggra
vated assault, becauso when, in his re
port of a wedding, ho declared that " tho
bride was accompanied to the altar by
eight bridesmaids," tho types made it
that " tho bride was accompanied to tho
oltar by tight bridesmaids." Those
things are peculiarly unpleasant when
they occur in remarks upon death ; as in
the caso of the editor, while writing a
sympathetic paragraph observed that
" Mr. Smith could hardly bear tho Joss
of his wife," only to find that tho printer
had mado it " Mr. Smith could hardly
bear such a boss for a wife."
Even more deplorable is the injury to
the journalist who complimented a cer
tain candidate with tho observation that
he was " a noblo old burgher, proudly
loving his native State." Imagino tho
indignation of tho candidate and tho
horror of the editor,- when tho paper the
next day contained tho assertion that tho
said burgher was " a nobby old burglar,
prowling; around in a naked state."
But the printers do not make all tho
mistakes. We remember the laughter
and comment provoked by the statement
of a provincial reporter, who called tho
attention of tho constable to the fact
that " on Sunday last some twenty or
thirty men collected in the hollmc-back of
Thomas McGinnis, and engaged in fight
ing during tho whole morning. Mr.
McGinnis' back must have been uncom
monly large.
Uunng the H ranco-x'mssian war a
ereat deal of fun was noked at tho New
Jersey editor who read in tho cable dis
patches that " JJazaine has moved twen
ty kilometres out of Metz." He there
upon sat down and wrote an editorial, in
which he said ho was delighted to hear
that all the kilometres had been removed
and tho innocent people of Metz were no
longer endangered by tho presence of
those devilish engines ot war sleeping
upon a volcano, as it were. And then he
went on to describe some experiments
made with kilometres in the Crimea, in
which one of them exploded and blew a
frigate out of the water.
Another editor clipped from an ex
change an obituary poem, which he sent
to the composing room with some intro
ductory remarks. He said : " We pub
lish below a very touching production
from the pen of Miss M . It was
written by her at tho death-bed of her
sainted mother, and it overflows with
those expressions of filial affection which
are tho natural outgrowth of pure untu
tored genius that has developed beneath
the sheltering influence of a mother's
love. The reader will observe how each
line glows with ardent affection and ten
derest regret."
Somehow, in attaching this introduc
tion to tho poem, the editor turned up
the wrong side of tho clipping, and the
consequence was that the editor's lines
led the reader gently into an article up
on " Hog Cholera in Tennessee." It
was rumored that tho relatives of Miss
M was seen prowling around the
office the next day, armed with shot
guns, but this has not been traced to
any reliable authority. Philadelphia
A Queer Messenger.
A gentleman who held a judicial posi
tion in India, tells this story :
I was a magistrate in those days, and
Fan, a favorite dog of mine, always went
to court with me, and sat on a chair by
my side. I had a tame monkey too,
which Fan was very fond of. I used to
couple them together, and they played
about the grounds very happily.
Ono day, I expected some friends to
luncheon. i was in court, and, soino.
how or other, I had left Fan at homo
that day. As I was rather lato at my
work, my friends arrived before I came
home, and seeing Fan, they dressed tho
monkey up in his red mcket and blue
trowsers, and, fastening his chain round
the dog's nock, with a card tied round
it, on which was writton, " Mulliga
tawny is getting cold," told Fan to go to
her master.
Well, Fan set off, tho monkey running
by her side and trying in vain to hold
her back, by hanging to the chain.
was busy writing down the evidence,
and took no notice of Fan jumping up
into her usual position upon the chair,
not even looking at her, but my atten
tion was soon attracted by the monkey,
who in full uniform, seated himBolf on
my table, and put one hand into tho ink,
while with the other he seized tho pen
was writing with, to mv consternation
and to the amusement of the crowds of
natives with which the court was throng
ed. I need not say I was obliged to act
journ the court after that, and go off to
tiffin, which you know is the Indiun tenn
tor lunch.
In a town in Michigan, a week or two
since, an old lady of 00 years who had
beon lescued trom the flames 01 a uurn
inc house at the cost of considerable
trouble, crawled back again after her
money, and perished in the flames.
An nloned-fiom western woman re
centlv cot on the same train with her
elopine husband and his eloped-with,
and presented a revolver at her faithful
spouse's head, walked him out of the car
and proceeded to scratch his eyes out on
the depot platform.
Cooking Food fob STOcn.-VThose
who onnoso cookins food for stock on
general principles will bo pleased with
the following from tho Loudon (Eng.)
wttniry uenticman s Magazine.
xnorousrh mastication ot food is re
commended as all-important, but it must
bo remembered that cooked food rarel?u
,caus lorth the necessary process, and no
amount ot cooking will render loot! more
nutritious. Mastication is necessary for
two purpose to break down and satur
ate the food with an important fluid tho
saliva, that fluid effecting important
changos in tho nutritive elements to fit
thorn to undergo subsqucnt actions by
other juices of the digestive organs. It
is not possible 'to supplant these socro
tions by any process of preparation by
cooking or addition of fluids. Dame
Nature has supplied vegetable food for
every season, and only requires of man
that bo should observe the peculiarities
of each, and give tho benefits to animals
as far as possible. It is a decided mis
tako to cook the food of animals when it
is sound and sweet. Tho mistake, so
called, of supplying tho dry food in win
ter, is more apparent then real. Iho
exerciso of common sense is called for in
order to regulate tho practico with suit
able roots and proper sholter una
warmth, moro than is usually done. It
is a mistake to neglect tho young stock so
much as is commonly done. It moro at
tention were paid to them, and tho sup
plying ot artihcal tood increased during
the period of their most active growth,
adverse states would not bo so general,
and tho remedy less sought after in
useless preparations of food which run
into expenses. Among working horses
tho effects of cooked food arc something
marvellous. Colic, and indigestion
generally, with disease of tho liver und
kidneys, is ot common and tatal occur
rence. It may be more easily under
stood to say such preparations arc quite
unnatural, as the digestive organs aro
constituted to act upon tho most nu
tritive grains. It is also commonly be
lieved that animals, especially horses,
pass much away by the bowels that
should be digested and appropriated to
the system. This question requires more
philosophical research betore it can bo
definitely and accurately settled,' but we
can go so tar as to say that when the
masticatory organs are in good order,
and digestion perfect, a proper allowance
of food is thoroughly assimilated. Ap
parently whole grains may be found in
tho excrement, but upon close examina
tion they will turn out to bo the shells
only, which by the action of tho diges
tive juices have been divested of their
internal nutrient parts. Some persons
look upon digestion as a process in which
everything must bp utilized for tho build
ing up of tissue. They forgot it is quite
as essential that other substances should
bo present those non-nutritious in them
selves, but by their constitution and pre
sence give bulk to tho rest, and assist in
their general reduction in the stomach
of tho higher animals, exactly as the
sand and pebble act in tho crops of
birds. The success of feeding our domes
tic animals does not lie in tho way of
cooking food and administration of condi
ments, but in a judicious management
generally, in which the peculiar features
of organization, physiology, geology,
meterology, and hygrometrics, play their
respective parts, and agricultural success
will never be certain until these branches
of science are more definitely acknow
ledged. Manure ox the Prairies. It is
not many years sinco farmers of Illinois
and other Western (states claimed that
their land was too rich, and further, that
no manure would be required upon it for
the next one hundred years. A change
of opinion and practice, however, is be
coming apparent, and occasionally wo
ear ot manuring and high farming even
in the best portions of tho West, as, for
example, in tho following instance :
Mr. t. H. Skinner, in an address bo-
fore tho Northern Illinois Horticultural
Society, said that " where I have laid out
tho most money in cultivating and ma
nuring, 1 have realized tho largest proht
on the investment. Let mo illustrate
this: In the year 1862, 1 planted 80
rods of land to strawberries, it being my
first setting beyond a family supply. On
this small plat I spent many days,
hoeing, cultivating, and raking, making
t as tine as a nower garden. All through
tho season I really thought myself it
would not pay, but I took great delight
in having it look so nice. Tho result
was that I had over fifty-three bushels of
extra largo Iruit, and it being a very dry
season, I realized $8 per bushel for it,
netting me over throe hundred dollars
abovo all labor expended, for tho fruit
on eighty-six rods, or little more than
half an acre. This experiment induced
mo to plant four acres the next season,
and 1 took the same pains in tho setting
out and tho first hoeing, but after that I
only gave good ordinary cultivation, and
this field looked well ; but I could seo
plainly in tho spring following that tho
yield would not bo equal to my iirst ex
periment. I am not ablo to give tho ex
act expense of this four acres, but it was
but little, if any, more than for tho first
mentioned one-halt acre. e picked
one hundred and thirty bushels of fruit,
tho season being quite a favorablo one.
Tho crop sold for $S per bushel, making
a total of $1,040, or about $900 for tho
crop net ; $225 per acre in tho last in
stance, and $000 in tho first. Now I
would ask, which mode paid tho best i
la tho above estimate ot expenses tor
the first half acre, I Bhould have men
tioned the cost of nino days' work with
team, hauling and applying water du
ring the drought. Artificial watering of
tho strawberry or other small fruits,
although expensive, will pay OOO per
cent, on the outlay. Tho same principle
and mode ot cultivation will apply to
the raspberry and all other small traits.
And if it pays to cultivate thoroughly in
growing these trims tor commercial pur
poses, it pays equally well in growing
thein for home use."
Sundry Hints to Housekeepers.
Under the general title Sundries, Marion
Harland in her capital text-book for
housewives gives some good practical
hints, a tew ot which, we copy lor tho
benoht ot inexperienced housekeepers :
Cleaning Pots, Kettles, and Tins. Boil
a double handiul ot hay or grass in
new iron pot before attempting to cook
with it ; scrub out with soap and sand ;
then till it with cold water, and let it
boil half an hour. After this, you may
uso it without fear. As soon as you
enmtv a tot or trying-pan ot that which
has been cooked in it, fill with hot or
cold water (hot is the best), and set it
back upon the hre to scald thoroughly,
New tins should stand near the lire
with boiling water in them, in which
has been dissolved a spoonful of soda,
for an hour ; then be scoured inside with
sqft-aonpj afterward rinsed with hpt
watcr. Keep them clean by rubbing
with sifted tcowi-aahos, or whitening.
Copper utensils should be cleaned with
brickdust and flannel.
Never set a vessel in tho pot-closet
without cleaning and wiping it thor
oughly. If groaso bo loft in it, it Will
grow rancid. If set aside wet, it is apt
to ruBt.
Knives. Clean with a soft flannel and
Bath brick. If rusty, use wood-ashes,
rubbed on with a newly-cut bit of Irish
potato. This will remove spots when
nothing else will. Koop your best set
wrapped in toft white paper; then in
linen, in a drawer out of damp and dust.
Never dip tho ivory handles of knives in
hot water.
Silver, Wash, after each meal, all
that is soiled, in very hot soft water, with
hard soap. Wipe hard and quickly on a
clean towel J then polish with dry flan
nol. If discolored with egg, mustard,
spinach, or beans, or bv any other means.
rub out tho stain with a stiff toothbrush
and silver soap.
After rubbing with a stiff lather made
with this, wash off with hot water, wipe
and polish while hot. There is no need
for tho weekly silver cleaning to bo an
event or a bugbear, if a little care and
watchfulness bo observed after each meal.
Silver should nover be allowed to grow
dingy. If Bridget or Chloo will not at
tend properly to this matter, take it in
hand yourself. Havo your own soap
cups two of them one with common
soap, tho other with a cako of silver soap
in the bottom. Havo for 0110 a mop, for
the other a stiff brush a tooth-brush is
best. Uso your Bol'test towels for silver.
Besides being clean and easy of appli
cation, the silver soap will not wear
away the metal as will whiting or chalk,
or plate-powder, however finely pulver
ized. .
Vaulting China and Glass. The right
and only neat method is quite simplo
and easy. Kinso tho greasy plates, and
whatever is sticky with sugar or other
sweet, in hot water, and transfer to a
larger pan of very hot. Wash glass first,
next silver, then china one articlo at a
time, although you may put several in
the pan. Have a mop with a handle ;
rub upon tho soap (over which the water
should have been poured) until you havo
strong suds; wash both sides of plato
and saucer, and wipe before putting it out
of your hand. Draining leaves streaks
which can be felt by sensitive finger
tips, if not seen. If china is rough to
tho touch, it is dirty. Hot, clean suds,
a dry, clean towel, and quick wiping,
leave it bright and shining. Roll your
glasses around in the water, filling them
us soon as they touch it, and you need
never crack one. A lady did once ex
plain the dinginess of her goblets to me
by saying that she was " afraid to put
them in hot water. It rot glass, and
makes it so tender! I prefer to havo
them a little cloudy." This is literally
true that she said it, I mean. Certainly
not that a year's soaking in hot water
could make glass tender.
A young girl in tho East Indies was
recently held tor two days m the em.
brace of a serpent which had coiled it-
selt around her body and would not per
mit approach of any man. During that
time she subsisted on milk and plantains
brought by a woman, and a snake
charmer finally succeeded in charming
her venomous lover away.
Information about any Railroad Bonds
can be obtained if you will write to
Charles W. Hasslek, No. 7 Wall Street,
Aew York.
Literary notice.
The Litti-K Corp-wal for Junnnry makes
his sulute lu u ImniLoine uuw uuil'oriu, having
luid aside bis military dress anil douned thu
curb of pence. We ure pleased to nolo tbis
new departure, and deem it timely mid proper.
This number coutuius Iho tlrst chapter of the
Viuze Stouv, which opi'us out lu a very in
tcrestiui; maimer. The illustrations ure fine,
aud not excelled by nuy other similar periodi
cal iu the land. While parents and children
are looking for somchii nice lor the New
Year let us BUrj;eet n Hal of the Little C'ok
i'ouai,. Terms fl. SO a year. John E. Mn,
lek, Publisher, Chicago, 111.
New York Wholesale .llnrkett.
BUTTER State fine firkins t
Orange Co. piuls
CHEEHE Htnte fneU.ry
Ohio (In.,
Farm iluiry
COTTO X f ' riUuary
Low Ut good nilihlliUK
EGGS N. V., N. J.. & Peuii'a....
FLOUR Kupe-i fine
.xtrn lo fancy Ktato. ..
Ohio rounil hoop
Extra amber
Spring wheut
E&tra Ueueaee
Kt. Loulsilouble extra..
CORN MKAL Western & Jersey.
ik a
in a
v a
HH u
17 a
ID1, a
; a
28 a
6 60 a
s 40 a
it M a
0 40 a
6 74 a
n m
7 25
(1 70
7 40
7 40
9 IK)
10 S3
4 00
4 23
3 HO
1 15
1 10
1 60
1 lit
1 m
1 113
16 no
12 26
10 10
M 00
21 60
7 40
8 70
3 70
4 20
8 50
BITK WHEAT FlXlCltiMW) Its....
BAKLKY Western
Oats .....
Wiikat Westorn No. IKprius..
lo. No. 2 Uu ..
Iiu. Aiuher
Uo. WU to
White Genesee
1 10
1 47
1 4
1 IM
1 (,:!
I 6
PROVIMIONH I'oua-New mess IS 37
W'll prune Ji .
UEF.F-Plain sou
Ultra innhS 10 (10
UeeihaillH 22 00
Bacok ' a
GiSKKS 11ami t'i a
Laud a
fiKall) Clover a
'I liuotny... m a
Flaxseed a
9 60
WOOL XX Mat !, O., null lull.,.. .112 a
Vermont a
BKKVES-Ilest 12 a
(toon u a
Common to fair sit a
SHEEP A LAMUa-Hheei 7 a
6WINF.-I.lve ih a
iJimus 7 a
niesseu 04 a
Don't desnair because you have a weak
Constitution. The vitalizing principle
pmbodiod in Dtt. WAI.KKUS 1XF.QAK
BlTTF.Its will assuredly strengthen it.
In every drop of that combination of
. , i .i. ;.. .. t! 1..
vegetable curatives, lucru is a numum
ting, a regenerating, u regulating power
unetiuallod in tho whole ranee ot pro-
nrieturv und officinal remedies. It is to
the inert nnvsiauo wnat sieani ami on
are to tho locomotive engine. Yet it
contains no fiery excitant, nothing but
tho iuices of rare medicinal Herbs ana
roots, intended by the Ureut Physician
for " the healing ot tho Nations.
Neglected Coughs and Colds.
Few aro aware of the importance o
checking a Cough or " Common Cold,'
in its first stage ; that which in tho bo
einniner would yield to " Bnow.v's Bnox
chial Troches." if neglected, nftvn
works upon tho Lungs.
Defend good principles as you would
vour life. J. Monroe Taylor's Cream
Yeast Baking Powder will defend itself
against all attacks.
There's money In " How to Make the Farm I'ay
genu lo uoo. A. visit, kuaiuoersuurg, ra.
" Life is Utah j or thh Mysteries
and Crimes of Mormonism ; beino as
kxp03h of their secret rites add
TIC history of Polygamy and the
Mormon sect, from its orioin to the
present time;" by j- h. beadle,
editor of the Salt Lake Reporter,
in thn title nf & valuable work iust isaued
hv thn NVH,1 Poblishinff CO.. Phila-
oy tne ational fUPH"luK vu., tuui- i
delphia. Pa. I
' .. ..I
Ws.m ... 11. .. ,1, rt viiari tho wrirlrt I
has been horrified, startled and perplex-
"tuio Lnri, iuii.j j --." -.- i
ed by the audacity and success of a sect
calling tuem86ives jjiuruiuus. xuuugu
founded in fraud, this sect has suoceeded
in spite of all opposition, until it is to
day the standing reproaoh of our coun
try. The Author's long residence in Utah
and his position as Editor of the leading
journal of that Territory, peculiarly
qualified him to write this work. Mor
monism has been productive of so many
dark and strange mysteries so many
terrible crimes that tew can oompiehend,
without an intimate knowledge of it,
how much wickedness it has to answer
for, and what a standing menace to or
der and society it is.
xue work shows how Joe smith ana
Brigham Young have been enabled to
deceive and cheat their followers ; how
by leading them on from criuu to crime,
and enticing them with licentious baits,
they have suoceeded in maintaining
their influence over them ; and treats of
the Mormon religion, its infamous and
heathenish character, its multitude of
gods, its abominable doctrines and prac
tices, revealing many strange and out
rageous Ceremonies. Of the Endowment
or initiation ceremonies, , showing how
obscene and disgusting they are j how
female modesty is outraged in them, aud
now licentiousness is taught as a part of
their religious creed.
It is important that the public should
know what manner of people are grow
ing up in our very midst. This work
gives a lull and autheutio account ot
their degraded social condition, their
blasphemous rites und ceremonies, their
sacrilegious doctrines aud practices, and
is the most thrilling and startling ac
count of licentiousness aud crime ever
published. It is calculated to do great
good by giving to the public a candid
and impartial statement of a question
which bids fair toctiuieno little trouble,
The bouk is sold only by subscription,
and agents are wanted in every county.
For neatness of turu-out, combined
with artistic finish of details, as well as
for nulling qualities, the Maps and Charts
published by Messrs. Haasis fc Lu
brecht, of 107 Liberty St., New York,
are not excelled by any issued by man
ufacturers of such articles. The prices
.k:u iu,on ILT ...a a.-.i nu...a . I
?" l"co "I j
uu uh.u, ttrt, r&irfuit'iy muuvititt, uuu
some idea ot tue extent ot tne sale may
be gathered trom the tact that Messrs.
Haasis & Lubreciit tmploy more than
titty artists aud workmen in their estab
lishment. The business of this firm is
transacted exclusively through agents.
aud this affords to persons wishing to
net in such capacity, an excellent oppor
tunity, of which they would do well to
avail themselves. Send for circular to
Haasis & LrBREcnT.Empiie Map and
Chart hi.stablHliuieut, 10, Liberty St.,
Nvw York.
To the 1'ublio. We know of no remedy
equal to Jackson's Catarrh Snuff and
TiioonE Powder, fur Catarrh, Asthma, Loss
ot Voice, &c. Is mild, pleasant, agreeable to
use, and a sure cure. Ask jour druggist for
it, or mail !3S cents to Cooper, Wilson &
Co., rhlladclubia.
Worthy of Note. An exchange says
thcro is scarcely a day passes that wo
do not hear, cither from persons coming
into our oflico or in some other way, of
the success of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment
in tho euro ot coughs and colds, so pre
valent about town iust now.
lt we can benefit the readers of this
paper any by recommending Parsons
'ttrgattve Puis to bo the best anti-bilious
medicine, in tho country, we are willing
to do so. We have had about as good a
chance to know as any one.
A protruding toe Is not a surhtly thlnsr, say
not hint: about health aud comfort. SILVER
TIPPED Shoes never wear cut at the toe.
ior Sale by all Dealers.
Economy Is wealth but the best Shoe Is the
UABLE BUKEW W1KE. They never rip,
leaK or come apart. Try tliem.
All genuine t;oods stamped.
Oar readers bhould eee and test the
Harris lit miner and Binder, mlvurtiHed
iu our columns. It does all claimed for
it, aud no lady using a machine c m af
ford to be without it.
TnE Purest and Sweetest Cod-
Liyek Oil iu tho world is Hazard &
Chs well's, made on Ilia atta-8hore, from
fresh, snlectfd livers by Caswell, Haz
ard ifc Co., New York, lt in absoluU'ly
mre and sweet. Patients who httvti once
titkeu it prefer it to till othcra. Phyai-
ciaus have decided it superior to any of
tbe ether oils in market.
Tub IUhvest of tub 11bai. When Hie
oouib arts us a rukr, luuiuiui; uway a roll ol
paucu IUicjih every tiniti 11 lliroui;u tuu
liiiir, tialduess would soon beuuiuu iiiuviluljle.
liul eveu in this cai.u, lorUira us il luuy eeeiii,
tlio iiiischUOuu he nrresti'.tl, thu his rt'miicd.
1. Vim Kuiinuron, aided Liyunritk iititiiimiioii
ol'tlie hrurtli to iroinotu the nlisoi'tIuu of tliu
fluid by the scalp, will Blop llm tliltiiilnjr-otit
pi'oct'm in iorty i-i)lit Uoui s. I lie roots iroiu
wuivn tue aeml niuiueiitH were fiuou will soou
be re-euduwed Willi vitality, mid u uew irrowlti
will Hpeedily Hn ln up on the denuded plaeiw.
X ti Id woi'K oi reiuoilueilou win uo on uiiin
tin) duuiiiKu is completely repaired, mid tlio
luxuriant crop ol'liuii thus iiroduced will never
wltlier or lull out as lotii; us I tie viUllzlni; up-
pllealloii is regulurly eiuuluued.
Cries of Murtler lu the Night
Appall us. A bud t'uuli rlnt;luK tluouKh the
uouse iu tlio Hours ol dui Kiieas, is euuuiiy silt;-
U'?llve of dungcr and di-uth. Kootlie, ipilet,
and cute It Willi " Kale's Honey of llorcliound
and lur." Oilier reiiicdies luuy have dUup-
pomtctl you, but tins never lulls.
l'ike's Toollmelie Drops cure Toothache Iu
one luluuie. Hold by ull Druggists ut 'Ji eeuls.
Best and Oldest Family Medlelue, San-
ford'i Liver lnvtorator.k purely Vciwtablu Cathartic
aud Ttmio for Uyipepila, Coutlillon. Debility, Sick-
bnadaclie, lllllnua Attutlu, anil all d"mirrmcnu of
Liver, ntotum u ami liuwela. Aa your muificisi ior u.
uewar. qj initiation..
For 1 he Journal, "Hrw to Maka Mm Farm J'ay,'
icu l to u. A. llelu, CuaailMiriibuiif. l a.
To Consumptives.
Tha ailvartiaar. lnviiiv bora nennanently oure.1
of that druad dnwawi, ('onaiimiitiou, by a ulinpla
roniHtly, li auxUua u muk kuowu to ui" itmuw
iinerora vita uieana OI euro. i"i wuu oouwt.,
bo will aoud a oony ol tho inefci ll'ilou uaett. di tto ut
ebai'Ko), with ilia dtiwtlon for iireiai ln aud
ualuK the aaiua. whlrh thov will llutl a auak C'l'im
tloa wlahlUK tha nriMurlubuu ill lloa aildieaa
!M Boutli'Tblrd HU. WlUlaiuabui gu, N. V
dlir K i A MONTH. Amrntii wanted. SeTKn beat
C3 )U .UlugarUcle.inihewoilil. Sampleij free
Addiaw J. BH0SS0N, Ddti-oit, Mlt-a.
flBY M CAROLINA FARMKR." ..Krat-claM aitri-
X. cultural Maaaxiuo, Wiluiiuioa,N.V. par) ear.
Li ltemcdu Found at Last!
It will Cure Your Cough.
It Will Prevent and Cnrv Con-
Tt Congh. which yon are neglecting, mny result
ln f,J Consumption. If some prompt, leme.
dy isnotuse.l. Why SKorliico your
ll,a whnn MI fall llH
' . . ...
. cured soqnioa ann at
' so small a cost
Va,UB of MnnGV whn Com.
pared to Health.
Thou who are afflicted with a Conirh or wits. Con-
MinmtJnn r fid the following letter from a promi
nent merchant of Marine City, Michigan, tlatod
Jul 2d, 170!
.arftlr.r Th Allen's T.unff Balaam has StT'vwi.
I would not Uko to ho without It, for lt has saved my
llfn. I took a bad ooM. and a ooukIi. ami Unally
consumption wa, seated upon mp. I wr In a very
bidatmo. I trledevaivtliinKthHtwnsrecommer.d
ex), and spent agrtntrtftal f money, mill hot no help.
1 nau Allen a 1.1111 jsmanm ior hhih, uui 1 anew
notmnir 01 11a met ita. 1 tuu not nice 10 inxn 11, wun-
nut. kniiwine more about lt. 1 hau not bold a bottle.
wnen yoni agent cmhu on mo. i toiu mm i cuum
notll a nietllo n 1 know nothing about. He urged
me to try It niy.elf. I iliit eo and, to my grateful
aurprlKO, fie hrat bottle aloppen my cougu s auu,i
mm the third bottle waa taken, mv iunira we
healed ami well; and I cm now apoak knowingly to
my friend t and cuxtomoraof the good qualitiea of
Ailen'a Lung Balaam. I remain your, reapeot-
fully, i.. u. tu 1 1
fa warranted to hroak nn the moat tronbleaome
oough In an Inoredlhly ahort line. There la no reiun
dy that ean ahow more evidence of real merit than
thin H ALU AM for curing consumption, uougnu,
Onlda. Aathma. Cronn. tc.
It la nly a .out eight yeira alnco the Balaam was
frratoffnrod t the public anil, In thla ahort lime It
hita bee.ome known anil appreciated In nearly every
town and village throughout the United Hialea and
the 1),. million of Canada. Hundreds of thousand
of hotllea are annually Bold, and thonanndaof wit-
neaaoa teaniy to iia uuequaimu u-.woi m uciuwu m
dlaeaaes that lt la recomui ended for.
It la Harmless to the most delicate Child,
It contnln no opium In any form.
It Is sold by Medicine Dealers generally.
J. IV. llarri At Co., Prop'rs,
Cincinnati, O.
For sale bv Perry Dnvla Ron, Provideneo , John
T. Henry. Dew Vorki French, Klchaiua ft to.,
PP'W-Sjfc. "J ' -n
Webster's Unabridged
10,000 N'ortf and Afeaninf not in other Diction-
SflOO Engravings. IStO Pages Qnnrto. Price 112.
Whonever I wish to obtain encr dnfinltlona, I
consult lt. lachuylerc'olfax.j
Every Scholar knows its vnluo.
W. 11 1'iotcott, the nistorian.l
Been one of nir dully companion.
I John L. Mutl -y, tho Historian, ir.
So far aa I know, bent ilt lining Dictionary.
Hoiace Mann. I
f"lie best iniido of students of onr Lancuaire.
IJoLn u. Whliticr.J
Cfxcels all others in dcQntnir scientific terms.
I President Hitch oek.
Remarkable compendium of hnmnn knowleilprs.
1 W. is. Clam, 1'res' IA. Col ego.
A neressilv for eve-v Intelligent fnmllr. stndf-nt.
teacher smlprofes!-ionslm in. What L'bmry is com
plutu without the host Knirhth Dictionary I Also
ilelistiTS national notorial Dictionary.
into Paces Octavo. 600 Engravings. Prloe t".
The work is r, n lv a urm of a Oittioaaru. ius Iho
tUnr for the milliuu. A m. J-.ttiicattoitxtl Monthly.
ruoasheil hy G. & C. MKRKIAJI, SpriuifUelil,
Mss. bold oy all Booksellers.
Swarthmore, Pcnnn, A few students of either ei, who
present testimonials of good moral character, will be
admitted oa or before 2ti mo. lu 1872. For catalogue
address DWAiU H MAG1LL. Principal.
dents. UutlemeuendiuKUBiOcUwiU receive photo
graph, and be placed in correspondence with live ladies
ot any description. Try us. We guarantee satisiactiou ,
in every case. Address
1 us Ttlinrnirranha ami iwfivt nlpnuint rrtrrocnoiv-
Box S3. iinore, Vt.
Brainard's Musical World,
A monthly Mairazine. each number containing
twenty-lour pages ui beautiful new music and interest !
lnjr reading matter. Kach volume of the Musical
w orm contains t&XO ttortnqf choice muttc. ach num
ber contaim froin eiut to ten pieces of new mude.
Only 1 per year, wiin elepant premiums tor club.
Piauon, Organs, Melodeoiu, BooKd, Music. Albums,
Chroiuos, Sewiiig Machine, etc., given as Premiums.
oeuu ten cents ior specimen copies containing a uuge
amount of new niutic, new premium lin and lull par
ticulars. Actfires a. liKAlN AKiJ & suits, blithers, j
Cleveland, Ohio. Catalogues of music sent free.
Hoovers New tallery of thromos.
1 HOOVER haa removed his entablifhment from 804
Murk t Sr. to 1 1 IT :it.itiiiit t. Philftiinlniiia..
Pa., where he is prepared to receive order from the !
trade tor Foreign t'Hromot, as well as his own publica
tion. -j. Mr. Ji. has just liniahed anew chromo, called
iLIDh, same cize, price, aud style,
as hi popular picture TUE CHANGED CHOSS.THB
TilK UOLY FAMILY, le to trame Ws8 inchen.
Tne new chromo of " THE CAPTL'KE OP THE
SEKAP18," alter the celebrated marine paiutcr, Jame
Hamilton, sue lx a very tine picture ; al-o, " ltu ill
PUZZLED," size Uxll : his celebrated FRUIT-PIECES
cnmiot bo surpassed. BEAUTIFUL bNOW, llixi.
DELHI, N. ., uuautumnul landscape, and many others
oi equal merit ior naie oy ail tne leading dealers inrougu
out the United States, and wholesale by the pullUhr,
a. iiuuvciid ao 1117 Ciientiiiu St. k
Tim Sngar Maker's Frienrl
SO 000 10
one d;.y ! Wore
Agents wauled
to tuiivnhS and
sell 1 ti'a Fat-
gS 3 17 Hf RroiT ii Hi'ciit lUNoru.
S VV lainBlM. ("Ireiilim anil Temin K-ul on
w Trw-lpt of CO ctii to pay ponmp..
Address C. O. l'OST, Manuf. and t'al. ntef. Kurllneton.Vt
To plncMjpfnro tUft pi'opln thn plau of the Cnion
mvv at rest. Tills pttiii is taking tho load wherever
Mt'lll'Ill I frill 1UI II If . lllf IIClieil'H III I .111 1 II HUT.
iiuroiiicwi. L.iui'ini titinininsuUH hiiow m or NtUriiy
Kuu untt'od to ttvilvt, lutt-liUiMit canviwacia. lii'f
uit'UCi'M required, t cut fur ciivu ui to
Union lSontlit Co.,
.Hldillfiowu. OrmiKe i'o. N. Y.
aud ftlYrn.tUti ul' .UOKAlOAlsi.H.
With a full and anllieiitlo history nt I'olvuum v.
i... it in.'., hi i.' ,.r iiiu ki.ii,
ono ivmi la IMi Htiiim lilHTrt lu four ilaya, another 71
Keniaaro ino',iina " nn iiniireeene noil HllcceMf,
In two iIa a t-vmi fur t'HTulai'ii at.u a. tt what tlio
iiraa am nf the win k. NATIONAL 1'1'lli.lSH
1 Nil i u , l-liiia., 1'a.
Of) flflf) l'AUMKHH' HKI.HKlt m-nt ll. It
lu,uviu Hluiwa "How to miv anil how to mnko
inouoy on tho t'ann." " Whole to look for tin ii-n-III
-4 if il how to olitaiii tlioiu." How lo clear H I'K litll.l.A US lii'twiell Deceliltier nml
Alav i'onv 1UKK to oarh 'rentier ut thia miner
i-i'llifltiK name anil IV O. aiiill'oaa lo 1KC11.KU &
Mivl Kill , I'hlla '.Blnlilil, I'enli.
KKIIO KK Murdora at tl Chtrairo Kilva uover
hatnieu to tlioHtf ho uaeotu- uew 1'alent Safety
Laiuiiwirk. O.OoOHihl til vilaya. Airoota wauteit
I'veiywheii hatunlra by mail "ioeta. Aililreaa V
I.AUl'WK'h CD., 21 .'uui'tlami aiieel, Now Voik.
Wo wl 1 aoud a hauil
nuiuo riiMiitHtiiM of
our A' llltutrtitnl
maifu Jtitile con-
tiiiuinir over MO u
Una NtTiiiturft lliua
IratloiiM u auy book
aireut free of i liarifo.
Ail reiM .aiiumi,
i'LUuauiNti Co , i'hlluot'iplua, lJa.
StutlontTs, PnnierH, und Manurueturem
or Patent Spring-Buck Account Books.
AUkladHof flrHt-cUnn Biiilinnerv. WrUinr Paners.
DcHkf, PurdoliuH. iii ti UtM'kii. Kximu BiHikii. 11.
aiwi for 172, fockot Cullery, . aiiln, C'heHHintiu,
M'aliets, &o.,(&o. Wekewpeveiylliiug luourUut,
ftiirtHell at lowt-Ht prUei,
ONR apiillcatlon of CriniMlr Co.
iuh' U wariuntwl to curl the
BtrultthtHt hair of fither mx into
bfiiuLltiil k I rintcUMR,-or bi-nvy,
Milky. iuaHMivM tuila (without lu-
jury) iu tvery raw, or wouwv
t'JIVi'rillliy iriuutivu. BUUl yoHl
pAht turSctii: thrw ior foj ccuw.
WU. CHfiNKY, AtUilaud, Mnaa.
i C'OfWl tor ttrttt-oUBS Plauoft. No dlncouut. ho
Broadway, w, t
-i n
For Boauty of Polish, 8nvlng of Labor,
FreenoBB Trom uust, uurnmnijr at uneap
nesa, truly unrivaled.
Bitwaro of WortldcM Imitations, unrtw other names
but roMmbllnn oum la simps and color of Wrapper,
Intended to dccelva.
The Riling Sun Polish In bulk, for stove denim
V VS" cr, TiJSMSl
MORSE BROS., Prop'rs.
"I I ERE you havo n naive combining oofttlilncf nM
J J brallng properties, with no dangerou ingred
ient. A remedy nt hand for the many pains find
neheft, wounds and bruifwn to which flesh is heir.
In more enslly applied than many other remedies,
never producing n bud effect, but always relieving
pain, however severe.
It 19 preparod by Jfl&t ,teitryrrt who 1ms ticcd It
in her own extensive treatment of tho sick, for
nearly twenty years, with grcnt success.
The principal diseasef! for which this snlve 1s rec
ommended nrc. Chilblain. y?Af?mim, iiVt
Scrofuta, Old 67cr, Halt HhrumfSprainn Burna
jver Sores, Felons Pimplc9, Eryiplan Sort
Eye Barber1 Itch, T)eafneHt Boil, fihiff-worm
Corn, Bite of luted. Cancer, Toothache, Ear
ache, Sore 2tipplet Bahlne, Sicollfn Breat,
Itch, Scald Bead, Teethina, Chapped Band.
Scalds, Cat, Bruite, Croup, Crutfad Ltpt and
Sore on Children
It never fails to cure HhpumntUm if properly
applied. Hub it on well with tho hand three times
a day. In several cases it has cured palsied limbs.
For Pile it lias beon discovered to be ft sure rem
edy. Persons that have been afllicted for years
hao been relieved by a few applications. For Ery
eipela it works wonders, ntlayitiR the inflnmrwution
nnd quieting the patient. For Chapped Hand it
nrmliif ca n riii InimPiliatnl V. TL-t tllUSC With ttlt
(hewn obtain this Halve, nnd apply it freo nd
tlu-v will lii id (t invaluable. It is good in cnwi of
Svrafnla and Tumor. Cancer have been cured
with" it. Tho hoAL Salvo ever Invented for Sicollen
Breat nnd Sore Nipple. No wny injurious, but
sure to KfTurd relief. Sore or Weak 'ye Uub it
pn the lids gently, once or twice a day. Cures denf
ncus bv putting in tho cars on a piece of cotton.
For Felon thi is superior to anything known.
For Pimple thU nets like n charm. For Burn
nnd Scalds, apply tho fialvo at once and it gives
immedlnte relief. For Old Sores, apply once a
N'it among the lent of the Invaluable properties
ofMiHH Hawvkk'i Halve are its beneliclul effects
on the hair. Uubbed on the scalp, in live or six
dilFerent parts, It promotes the growth of the hair,
prevents It turaug gray, aud on bald pots it pro
duces a new growth or hair. N lady should bo
without this invaluable article as an indUpensablo
cosmetic for the toilet. It eradicates dandruff and
disease from the head, and blotches and pimples
from the face.
TTe, the tindersitmcd, have been acquainted with
Miss Sawyer for many yeors, and believe her to be
a Christian lady and n skilful nurse, nnd having
used her salvo iu our families, it gives us great
pleasure In saying it Is the best general medicine
we have ever used :
Iter. E. F. Gutter,
Itetf. W. O. Molinan,
Hcv. Jnsrph Knllocli,
Her. Oeorjre Pratt,
Gen. J. P. Cillrv and wits,
CapL J. Crocker and wite.
Cnpt. David Amos and wife
Win. Wilton aud witu,
E. R. Spear,
John T. Bfrry,
Vin. H. Titctmib,
Mrs. Charles Snow,
Mrs. Alex. Snow,
Ijt. E. P. Chow nnd wife.
J. Wakctir-ld tIMi Wire,
Win. Jitottlc and wife,
Jacob Shaw ninl m ite,
John S Cnie end wife.
A. S. lilfC
II. W. Wielit B.nJ wile.
ueo. w . Kimimii. .ir. (Mayor w. u. miter ana who.
Joscpli FarvrfilL
C. R, Mallard.
Ephraitn flurrctt,
Lcander Wcek,
lion. X. A. Burpee,
Francis Cobb,
of R'tcklund) and wile.
Thomas Co1mm ttd wife,
ucs. iicury iiiKranam afla
0. J. Conant Postmaster ot
RocklaiKl) and wife,
1. K. Kimball hikI w.fe,
William CuLoun.
If yonr Dnieylst is out of the Salvo, and ncg!oct
to keep supplied, send soTontv-fivocenUasuirected
below, and receive a box by return mail.
Put np in Large Boxes at 50 cents enoh
(nearly tluve liuietf nfl lurire a tin- boMepreentcd
above). Prepared bv MISS C. SAW Y Kit, and
put up W L. M. ROBBINS, Wholeee.lo
and Retail Druggist, Rockland, Mo.
A Trial liox Bunt tree ii mail nn receipt oi nevetr.y
live cents, by L. M. liuUUl.N'b. ltocklund. Me.
mis vAT.r.m.r pat.vk is hold et
Inventors whs wii tJ taka out Letters Fatent
ere aivi::d ta eaucscl witli
pioprvirxors of the
svhohav proj-ocn'cl claims tcroUio Fatuui OCIcj
for over T .vert y Yonr
ENT AGENCY Ullie mot eii.oueiva in the world.
Cliarerrt Usi llian tuiy o'.hor roi;aMo agency. A
faniphlot coaLiuuiatf toll Lustructioua to lovtfutor,
'a c""t pra'.i.
CJ'A lundrtnmn Tolnraf. contnlnlnu IM
Mt-'clia:iip:U cnu'ravmc. aiid tie United tiutet Censu
by Lruu'.ioiJ, Willi lktiu nul Kt'Cuipts fur Mechanic-,
mailed on r-'cipt v( 2i cen-n. Thi BeiKNTiria
A.MEHir-isr j tho tvt id cavpent Yetkly Illnv
lrit-d NcwsparH-r, dovot d to yi-icucp. Art, aad Mc
chjiilca, published la tUo wnr'd. ThruO do liar j n
year. bpftMrrtcnt Rnitls. AddrvtiR
Aiuft v H7 I'rtr How, New Trt-k.
ummcr MtiWH'iiiir Bulbs, for 1S72 ;
Now rtalr. ConsiRtinir of ovor ISO natreR. on roaft.
tiiittt pupcr. with up arils ot-iOO i'p,irHt cuts, nut)
rinU iiuiiliil t'olurnl I'l-lm! t over, a bruu
ttlMtooHiKU in toliUH, 'Uiu rulnft catn oiUot vr
publishtM. be uil eenta for tony, not mit half tlu
vatuo o( tho colortMt pliitH. in tho, onltr,
nmtui'nuij? to not U'Krituau il, theprire ot ratalotfue,
S-V., will i e rt'fitmh-tl iu -'4ia. Kow rvisujuiria
pltueil ou thH tui m I M)tinff vt ltu olil. l-'rooioolii
i UrttmuHia Quality ot hi eiU, mIoo! iiaokets. i .-ice
ami pri'inhim-oUVHHt.iutitio it to the advautneof
all to ! ivh.ise mu-iU of u. bt-e l ataloKUb iur ex
tiiionlinai y liitliueintMit,
Y.'U w il miHH it it you do not see our catalogue
bi'foro oult'riUK attMlrt.
it U rut our two chromo f.r 1872, a' ste 10x24 one
a Ihiw.T lnin of bulb uilanU, coiiiMing of liit-,
Ac the other of atiuuai, bionulai uuil ijieuiiiai
nlauta. truuiante thn
evor IhsiuM in thia eouutiy, A tutpei b m lor orna
ment ; niHlltHt, postpaid, on rcoftlpi of 7&o ; also lroe,
ou coutlittfiui 8M'ctiiMt iu catahiHttti. Aihlr h
J RttiblthtU Isto. liut Ueaicr, tiw ui-k
Fancy (Joods, Toys & Fireworks.
32 and 34 Maiden Lane, New York.
Haa on hand a large and choice stock ot
Tall and Holiday Trade.
Home aud out-door aporta and games of ail kinds.
W An rnrl-M afXl unr. ttnabU. lit tO aiUtc(.
pat. th. uuuiU of tin yuol.c, nnd at pricr. that all
win aeeinreanonaine.
fcjix pi:h oknt. intkwkst. fkkk ok
Open dally trom 10 A. M. to I r. M and on MON
DAYS and THURSDAYS trom I to 7 r. M.
latereat easumeacM oa th Orst slay at caea
WM. VAN NAME, President
HENRY R. CONkLIN, Secretary.
will an ttllud bllbsk a .iit.
Wc1is11mik Ui world. 'lu
&nB,u.lilnu IL. 1Li.j.
chin. W. Baa
rhlo you with U for. QrullsduMiuMiU t. Ui trad.
H1LU UAHK1S, SIWlwy, f. X,
P&ICE $1.60,
J. WstNtK, Proprietor. R, H. McDonald C., Vmmltt A
0n. AffnM, fUu Kmiiclwo, Cal., nnd 14 Commtre ttrttl, N. T.
MILLIONS llenr Testimony lo (heir
Wonderful C'nrntlve Effects.
They sre not a Tile Fancy Drink, Mado of Poor
Ram, Whiskey, Proof Spirits nnd Refuse
Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please tho
taste, cal led "Tonics." " Appetizers, ' Restorers," 4ic.,
Viat lead the tippler on to drankennessnnd ruin,bnt aro
true Medicine, made from the Kativt Knots and Herbs
of California, freo from nil Alcoholic Htimu
InntPJ. They are the GREAT IU.OOI) PL HI
a perfect Renovator and InvfgorRtor of the Byrtem.
carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theulood
to a healthy condition. Ko person can take these Bit
ters according to directions and remain long unwell.
provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral
poison or other means, and tho vital organs wasted
beyond tho point of repair.
They nre n fJenile Pnrgntlve ns well nn a
Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting
as a powerful ngent In relieving Congestion or Inflam
mation of the Liver, nnd all tho Visceral Organs.
old, married or single, nt the dawn or womanhood or at
the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal.
For Inflniiiiitnlnry nnd Chronic It hen tn re
turn nml Omit, Dysncpffla or Indigent Ion,
Allium, Remittent und Intermittent Fe
ver, DiMrnnrM of the Klood, Liver, Kid
neypi nnd lUndder, these Hitters, have been most
successful. Such IHtnMcn nrc caused by Vitiated
ninnil, which is generally produced by derangement
of the Dtiti'Mive Orgnns.
ivsrr:rsiA or indh.f.stiox, nead-
ache, Pain in the HIouM-r, Coughs, Tightness of tho
Client, Dizziness. Sour Eructations of the fitoinach.
Und Taste tn the Mouth, Bilious Attack, Palpitation ol
the Ilfart, Ir.fhtnmntton of the huntrs Pain m the re
gions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are the oftsprlngs of Dyspepsia.
They Invigorate the Ptomaeh and sttmnlnt the torpid
Uvcr and Bowels, which rentier them of unequalled
efficacy in cleansing: the blood of all Impurities, and im
parting new life and vi??or to the whole system.
FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruption, Tetter. Salt
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car-
j bundes. Hinir-Wornn, Scild Head. Pore Ryes . Erysipe
las, iicu.. -runs, jJiseoiorniton ut he klu. Utimorenn't
Ureases of the Skm, of whatever name or iiHture, are
literally dusr up nnd curried out of tin system in a shurt
time by the um-ut thm Bitten. One bottle in such
cases will convince the moat incrcduloMs of their cura
tlve cileeiK.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blond whenever you find ltu im
purities bursihuf throuch tho skin In Pimples, Erup
tions or Sores ; cleano it when yon find it obstructed
and slujrffMi in the veins : cloanse it when it is foul.
and your feeling will tell you when. Keep the blood
pure, and the h- alth of the svstem will follow.
Pin, Tnpe, nnd, other Worms, lurkinir In the
system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed
and removed. Hays n dltinrulhfd phvioloiriflt,
tiier is scarcely an individual upon the face of the
earth w1hm l""ly I exempt fm the presence of
worms. It is H't upon the healthy eh-ment of the
bony ttiflt Wfirni exist, tut upon the aieaseu humor
and slimy deposit that brfd These Hvinit monsters of
disease. No fiy'Vin of Meuicin, no vermifuges, no
anthelmintics will freo the hyxtem from worms like
these Bitter.
J. WALKER. Proprietor. It. II. McDONALD A CO.,
Druggist and ltn. Asnts, Pan Franclsro. California,
and 32 and 34 Commerce tr;et. New York.
Principal Office 101 W Fifth St., Cincinnati, O.
The enly Reliable Gilt Distribution in the country !
$60.000 00
In Valuable Cifts!
To he drawn Monday, Ft'h. 16th. 18T2.
Two Crartd Capitals of
$5,000 Each in Greenbacks !
TWO PRIZES Cl.OOU a ( , ,.
five nti.KM s.-)o 5 uruunuauns
One HORSE and BUGOY, with ullver monnted
Hflri.fcs8, wnnu row-
One Flue Toned Rosewood PIANO, worth 1400
10 Family (SEWING MACHINES, worth 1100 eacn.
Five Himvv rased Gold Huutln Watches and
Heavy tii.ld Ciiitlns, worth 30o each 1
Five Gold American limiting Watohes, worth 1125
Ten tallies' Gold Hunting Wntchf a,worth tlOO each.
600 Cold and Silver I.ever Hunting WaTCUKB,
tin nil) worth from (20 to auo each.
Ladles' Gold I eontine and Gents' Gold Veat Chains,
solid and iinnbl -p'.iiled sliver Table and 1 eaBUoona,
PhiinKi'illi Albuuia, Jewelry, sc., u.
Whole Ko. Gifts 6,000! Tickets limited to 00,0001
Aicenfs Wanted to sell tickets, to whom liuer.
al (iii'iuiuuia will ko paid. Six Tickets, 5 ; Twelve Tick
ets, ilO; Twenty-live, 120.
Cirrnliira containing n full list of prizes, a descrip
tion of the nuiuucr ol drawing, aud oiner miornia-
tloll 111 K'lO' euce lo llie U18II lOUUKU, witi ue wu, w
nny oue onloiiuic them. All letters niuat he ad
diessi'd to
L. D. SINE, Boxse, Cincinnati, u.
Otlice, 101 West Fifth St.
1,500,000 ACRES
Richsst Farming Lands in the World,
Neosho Valley, Kansas.
Missouri. Kansas and Texas Railway Co.
The Lands offered by this Compmy are mainly
wltlilu 2o ml e of earh side of tlm road, exte..ilniK
170milealna Ihe NKOnllO VALLEY, the. rloliest,
ttiiest. aud moat Inviitng valloy for settlement In
the West. . . A
Ono-tlilrd of the labor demanded at the Eastwul
Insure Iitb double the amount of orops
PulCM OK LANj.-fcito ja per acrei creiUt
oft -n yenrs' time.
TtCU.Urt JK SA I.E. One-tenth down at the
time of ptiro aae. No payment the second year.
OuH-tenth e.ery year after, wl h annual Interest.
i'or runner luionnaiion, aaoi-ess
ISAAC T. ;0ODiOV, I, and Com'r,
Nkiii-ho Falls Kanhah.
a Sweeny, Ringbone, Spavin,
d and all Diseases of Horse v esh 7
Woman from Fourteen to Fortv her Unties, her
Dangers, aud her Hiseaaea : involving the laws of
ibyslcal developments and pel eoual beauty, wltU
uiportuut advice aud suggestions. Price 26 cents,
ae.utby mull. AddreaaliK. b. C. PRAiT. No. t14
Biokilwuy, N. Y.
Improved Porous Plasters
are recommended by the BEST PHYSICIANS as
a sure and afe remedv for KHEUMATHSM.NKU.
KALOIA. 1IIBEAWK1 oi iu nvr-n auu a iu,
Svvi tAiiuM,. KRKAttT I.DNOSOT 8IDK.
JNfc-bttUM. 'roue uoue w .wo,.wnii
to Insure the best result. ..
Oeneial Depot, 126 Hudson St., New York. Bold
by all DruggUt PHlCHi 26 cents.
A GENTS Wanton a
nta make more mnney at
til. else. Particulars fnw. .
n work for us mau auv
iHu Art Pub ri.-Portlaud. Me.
urn w .
I Address Novkltt Co., Baca, Ms.
1 JanU-fll
Q7R A month Horse ana ontnt rurnlslied.