,!!mJ U1.3 I - " "-Tr- - as? TTFVTiV A PiUamJB .To T'r.n-r.t. lvn!l).,. t, ,ELK. COUNTY THE RErVBLtftAX PA JIT 1'. Two Dollars f5 AiOium. " VOL. I. RIDGWAY, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1871. , 1 t rsffT . El v u illnH nHmynM R inM ; ' ' . : ZJiW "Iff H fill 7 I H ! I V..VJI1 I IJW ' 1 '.I 1?.'.r- ' TUB LAST 1.AV OP TUB RIINSTREL. It was mi nnrioiit Tetf?mn . Of maiiv ft bliHHtf llKht, Ami lie pinuiiil his niy:in lililoonily Ki'fore my liNr all night; 1 ' Nir pmvOTj nor pence, nor bUwiiliemy UiHtiirlHMl tlie BKtxl IkIiU , Ills tlirpRrthftre eoat wn patchwl anil stained In spots of many a hue, Tlie primal stratum nronplnn out of ''regulation blue;'' " ' The rape, " Inraiiable of stain," M'aa stnlncil already tlirougli. ' ' The tropic sun had tiromed his chceV, Anil battle left Its trace In many a cut and seam anil scar That plnughnl his f iirrowcil face, Whose native beauty nothing oweil To soap's effem'uate grace- " Anil I cursed that ancient warrior, PeceaMI I tt as wrong To st mly out anathemas ' Ulimuslcnl ami strong, Anil dlaentomb from burled tongues Oaths polyglot and long, Wlilch heedless ff'U on that fell wretch, lteinorscli'SH but Loreiiii ; . .. He wore my scanty patience out With " Wearing of tlio Oreen," And a alnnibcr-qviellliig Infamy Ycclpt ye " Uurse Marino." Then I spake that fell destroyer fair, And said, " Oh, monster bora. Of discord sniiernaturiil. Why dost thou haunt my door I If gold can buy thy abwuce, tuke It, gis and sui no more." " Put up thy pnrse ; the vain jiurmlt Of gold allures not me. Hut fain would I detail a tale Of saddest misery. The wreck you now liehold was oneo A reckless youth like thee. . " In boyhood's thoughtless foolishness I Joined the U. 8. Keg Lar army, where, nil me I I lost In battle this right leg, I place upon your mantrl-picco oay I thank me not, I beg. The left wrs left bnt one short week j 1 lost It with my hair Tir Apaches didn't leave a patch UiMn my cranium bare ; Pray keep them as a icwacy Or heirloom, as It wuru. . "The arm was amputated off. lielow the shoulder bone; a ' Nation'a (colward' did that Job in lovely Ariroua, Or ' Arrow-Zone' so called because The Indian mat it owner. ; . , " Our war broke out, I took a hand And gave roy only arm ; Though but half ntnieil for the fray, Koiuehow I felt al-artn And, Mtrnnger still, when armless quite, I was nut free from harm. " A ball at Ball's Bluff timkjn mr spine And shattered both nivthlghs; 'Twas afterwanl, t Oettysburg, I lost this nuir of eves ; Please lay them on tlie carpet, whero My other baggage lies. "And then at Rlehmraul I was left V ikiii the told for dead. Because a fourteen-iioundcr camo And took off this here head Be careful how you liandle it," ,, The apparition aaiil. " These ribs"" No more I" I sternly cried ! ' Base fragmentary bore, Desist. Fack up your trunk, mid take- Ynur shadow from mr disir!" Witli ribald laugh, his thorax fell DiHjoliited on the floor. And there that shattered warrior lay With his Ainjecta mem Bra lying ull around, whilo I, Dejected gazed at them For quartering soldtura In uiy house Is Homethlug I condemn. Then I locked him up (with a skeleton key) In hla organ neat and amall, And ground him up Into Aii?rAo, To the tuiioi nl march In Haul ; And there won't be a Soldier's ileunlon hero Till Uabrlel sounds the call. National Standard. SHE WOULD ELOPE. About eifrhty years ago, ou the brow of Bergen Hill, overlooking the valley of Newark, there was a fins old home stead, belonging to the old Knicker bocker familr of the Van Cortlandts. It had been built by the grandfather of the present occupant, who had brought from Holland most of the materials for building it. He greatly prided himself upon this fact, and was never so happy as when he was pointing out to bis visitors the redness and hardness of the bricks, and the tine designs of the porcelain fire places;, the vanes on the top of his house and barns had also been brought from the old country. Everything.' about the house and its surroundings had ' that substantial air which showed comfort, and no economy had been studied when it was planned and built. The grounds had likewise been laid out with considerable taste. One side of the house was quite, shelter ed by loftly trees of the most luxuriant foliage, while a fine lawn, ornamented with beds of rare flowers, surrounded the rest of the building. Mr. Van Cortlandt and his wife were about as pleasant specimens of American Knickerbockers as could be found in the New World ; they seemed to combine in them&elvns the solid virtues of the old land with the modern improvements of the New. Mynheer Van Cortlandt, al though of moderate height, was by no means moderate in rotundity ; his hab its, too, were indolent, and a good hearty laugh over one of his own jokes, which made him shake like a jelly-bag, was the most violent exercise he ever took, for daily perambulations around his estate were so diversified by stoppages at his numerous acquaintances', as hardly to deserve the name of exercise. His good friend, Muller, bad such ex cellent schnapps that bis feet always by instinct led him there, while De Feyster, who had just returned from Amsterdam, had so many stories to tell about the old Burgomasters, that 'old Van invari ably halted there to smoke a pipe. He generally wound up at the homestead of Zabrieski, who, next to himself, wis the most considerable uian in all these parts. They used to boast that between them they owned mora land than any other two men in the State. For many years it had been their intention to consolidate their possessions by investing it in one family, which was to be accomplished by the marriage of Van Cortlandt' only child, Greta, to Zabrieski's only child, Herman, who were considered by their respective parents as the ultimate flower of their respective families. . . , Greta Van Cortlandt was the leau-Ueal of a Knickerbocker belle. (She had the solidity of the Netherlands, with the grace of the American. Her blue eyes rivaled the summer skies, while her hair seemed made out of the sunbeams. Had she lived now, when blondes are the rage, she would have driven the Empress Eugenie from - .the 1 Tuileries, and Lydia Thompson from Niblo's, She wanted no patent palpitators to make . believe, she had a heart. Its honest beat ings were visible to all who told her a tale of sorrow or distress., . i . :,.'. Although inclined to tmlimpoint, she was as active and lively as a fawn. ' She could run up Bergen Hill without get ting out of breath, the only evidence of the exertion being a brightier, merrier glance in her eyes, and a littlo deeper rose blush on the soft cheeks.- : t'. -l 4 As the girls ol those days did not wear long trailing dresses to sweep the dirty BtreeU, a lady's foot was visible whenever she walked, and the young, people used to say, when they wanted- to describe tidiness, that it was as neat as Greta's ankle." , . ' It was certainly a pretty sight to see Mr. and Mrs. Cortlandt and Greta on their - way to the.' meeling-houBe every Sunday morning. .. . She walked on with some friends a little in advance of her parents, and it would have made you smile to hear the praise they both bestowed upon their daughter. The old lady would say : ' - " I think, Hans, that I have too much good sense to be misled by my feelings as a mother, but do look at Greta. Did yon ever see any girl with half her grace ? and just notice her walk I" Old Hans heartily echoed this disin terested sentiment, and would call his wife's attention to some good quality of Greta, which he thought she had over looked. ' : It must bb confessed that Greta was not only the wealthiest, but also the prettiest girl in those parts ; and as she had a pair of the brightest eyes, it is not to be wondered at that she was aware of the fact, more especially as she had the very best and costliest mirrors in her dressing-room in all the State. It was certainly a very pretty sight to see Greta at church. No sooner had she taken her seat in the old family pew than she placed her prayer-book open on the' slope before her, and then gave a quiet glance at the opposite side of the church. The glance became a smile, which lit up her pretty face, when she Baw in that direction a young man some two or three years older than herself, ready to acknowledge the glance with a tender look, which really made the geuintfuce of Herman Zabrieski positive ly handsome. . We have always thought that good ness was the finest kind of beauty, and it was perhaps this that made Greta's betrothed 's one of the handsomest faces in Bergen county. . When the service was over, and the minister bud pronounced his bltssing, Greta was in the habit of bending her head reverently down, and breathing a short prayer ; and it was most singular that when she raised her bright beaming face, she always found Herman Zabrieski waiting at the pew-door to escort her home. Sometimes the Van Cortlandts would pass the rest of the Sabbath with the Zabrieskis, and sometimes the Zabrieskis would return to the Van Cortlandt man sion. 'But at all events, Herman was always Greta's escort and companion for the rest of that sacred day. There was one tact about their court ship which, while it would have made any other girl than Greta very happy, rendered her perfectly miserable. The little circumstance we allude to was, that the proposed marriage of Greta and Herman had the full approval of the parents of both. Greta wouldoften say to her betrothed : " I am very much afraid, my dear Her man, that our marriage will not be a happy one." " Why '(" he' would reply. "How can you ask such an absurd question i" said Greta. " There is no ro mance in it." ' " "How is that'r" the simple-minded young Knickerbocker would say. " Because," said she, " our engagement has the consent of our parents." "You don't think," said he, " that I would marry you without the consent of your father and mother V . ".You wouldn't '(" said Greta, with a look of 'astonishment and indignation. " Certainly not," said he, " no more than you would without my father's and mother's consent." " Herman, you do not know what love is. You think you love me, because your mother and father, and my father and mother, have no objection to it. If you knew anything of love, you would know that 'The course of true love never did run smooth.' How does a woman know a man loves her if he will not do something dreadful for her '(" " Dreadful 1 What do you mean by dreadful r "I don't mean dreadful," said she, " but daring such as carrying me off in the middle of the night, and when pursued by my father and his servants, swimming the river with me in your arms 1 Would you not do that, Herman '(" " What, and make your name the talk of the country V Besides, there is no need for it. Did not your father tell mine only yesterday that the day you and I were married would be the hap piest day of his life i" " Then, you would not elope with me 'i" " Certainly not," said he. . - ' 1 V Then you do not love me half as much as Alcanzordid the Lady Almeida, for he carried her off from her father's castle, and while he was carrying her off, cut down of her fathers myrmidons seven teen, who tried to impede their flight." " Well, all I know is, that if the con stables catch that fellow, and I am on the jury, I will do my best to hang him. Was the fellow ever caught 'f". , 7 . Without condescending to notice his question. Greta said : - " There can be no truly happy marriage without the parents oppose it, and they are compelled to elope to save the lady from being forced to marry the man of her father's choice." t ' " Well, if I was a girl, said Herman, seriously, ." I would not like to marry without my parents' consent, more especially my mother's." - i 1 , " Answer me one questions, saia ureia, with a mischievous twinkle of her eye. " Did my mother ask my consent '" No," said be. , " How could she r" , " Well," said Greta, " I mean to follow mymother'8 example. You know how happy Lord Porchester and the Frinoess Pauline were, and they ran away.'- "I never knew a lord In my life," said Herman.'" J u' . " ' ' " Well, said Greta, you will know all about them if you read the novel I have up-stairs." It was in vain that Herman pressed ber to name the happy day. I ! toll you," said he, "that mother and father fire ahxious to have the mat ter settled." " I don't ice," sail Grta, " what they have to do with it j and I tell you, plain ly, if you don't love me enough to marry me in my own way, that I can try and find a young man who will ; but I must say ' good night,' for I have left Seraphina on a rope ladder since eleven o'clock this morning." t . , . 80 spying she tripped out of the room, kissing her hand to him as she disap peared. After saying a few words to Mr. and Mrs. Van Cortlandt, Herman took his leave ; and going to the stable, mounted his fine bay horse, and trotted to Hacken sack Manor in a very dismal frame of mind. He bad been brought up in such excellent habits, that, although he would much rather have retired to his own room, and buried his chagrin and dis appointment in sleep, he could not do it till he had firBt asked his father's bless ing, and kissed his mother. For as the Holy Book says, in one of its inspired chapters : " There were giants in those days," we may be allowed to remark with deep regret over another extinct race: "There were good sons in those days." Both Mr. and Mrs. Zabrieski could not fail to mark their son's serious aspect. " What ails thee, Herman V said his father. " Nothing, sir ; somewhat fatigued with my ride." " Who ever heard of a young man's being fatigued with a short trot of four miles, on a moonlight night.wheu.he had. been to see tbe prettiest girl in all tno country '" said tbe old lady. " Perchance," observed her husliand, "Greta would not give him a parting kiss because the old folks were on the stoop!" " How can you put such absurd no tions into the boy's head," replied Mrs. Ziibrieski. " Knickerbocker girls keep their kisses for their husbands, and don't waste them on lovers I That was the plan 1 went upon when I was young." There was a roguish twinkle in the old man's eye, as she said this, but he said nothing ; although the skillful might have translated the twinkle in his eye to mean : " I never tell tales out of school." " 111 wish you good-night," said Her man, " for I am really tired, and have a headache." So saying, he went up to his father, who shook his hand and patted his head, while his mother gave him a good hearty kiss. " What is the matter with the lad ?" said Zabrieski. "The boy's only a little love sick. Boys are not what the'y were when you were young, Jake. Then the more they were in love the more they ate ; now they fall off in their appetite and look dismal. Herman will be himself again when he is married I" " For my own part," replied old Za brieski, " 1 don't see why they don't get married at once. I'm ready with my money, the Manor House is all ready ; and 1 say again, dame, I don't see why they don't marry at once. If Greta is giving herself any airs, she ought to be talked to, and I'll be the Dutch uncle to do it, if she hasn't got one in her own family !"' The next morning old Zabrieski, after breakfast, went to look round his farm ; for he was a busy man, and liked to see that his orders were carried out. He had no sooner taken his departure than Herman, who had tried to be as cheerful as ha could at the morning meal, said to his mother : " Mother, can you keep a secret ?" " Yes," said tbe old lady laughing, " like a woman !" Herman look so sadly at her, that she cried out, " Whatis the matter, my boy '(" "Well, mother," replied Herman, "I think that Greta is either mad, or else she wants to break off with me.'' " Good gracious I" was the old woman's reply, What do you mean V " Why," said Herman, blushing like a girl, "she says she won't marry me, without I'll elope with her." " Elope with her '(" almost shrieked Mrs. Zabrieski. "The girl's mad I What's the need for your running away with ber when we are all of us dying to see you both married V" , " That's the trouble, mother. She says that such marriages are always unhap- Ey. She says that in all tbe novels she as read, the happiest marriages are those where the parents oppose, and the bride has to escape from the bedroom window down a rope-ladder." " The Lord preserve us !" said the old dame. " Greta is as crazy as old Mina, the gipsy." Herman then told her all that had passed between them. The old lady, who was very shrewd, told Herman she would talk it over with his father, and begged him not to des pair. . ... ... ; Old Zabrieski was exceedingly puz zled when his wife told him of Greta's whim. His first impulse was to go to his ancient Van Courtlandt, and suggest that Greta should be put in a straight waistcoat. His wife's counsels, however, prevailed, and it was agreed to take Mr. and Mrs. Van Cortlandt into the conference, and consult what was best ta be done. - - - - The next morning Mr. and Mrs. Za brieski and their son drove over to the Van. Cortlandts,' who were delighted to see them. After the first greetings were over, Dame Zabrieski said to Herman and Greta, who were chatting in a corner : " Now, you young folks, go and take a nice walk, for we have come to spend a long day here, and we old folks want to have a chat." r.When Herman and Greta had de parted on their stroll around tbe grounds, Mrs Zabrieski related the con versation she had with her son. - The astonishment of Greta's parents was un bounded. " It is all owing," said Van Cortlandt to his wife, H to your allowing her to read those foolish books. I never read but one romance in all my life, and then I dreamed for a week that I was a prince in disguise, riding about in ft complete suit of armor. When I recovered from all this nonsense I resolved never again to mad another, nml I have kept my resolution." We need not repeat all that passed on this occasion. It is sullicient to say that the result will show what they determ ined on. When Herman and Greta had reached a secluded spot in the garden, they sat down on a rustic bench. After a short pause, the young Knick erbocker said : " Greta, I want to ask you solemnly one question." ' A dozen, if you please," said the merry girl j " I am ready to answer." " Were you in earnest last night," re sumed her lover, "that yon would not marry me without I eloped with you t" " Most certainly I was," she said, with great seriousness. " Well," said he, " I would rather lose my right hand than do it; but as I would rather lose my life than lose you, I have resolved, very reluctantly, to agree to your plan, on one condition." " I'll agree to anything, if you will only elope with me," said the wilful girl. "Greta," said Herman, "what will the neighbors say of us when they hear of it V" " If you think more of our neighbors than you do of me, why don't you marry one of them V But what is the condi tion V" " How do you propose to escape from the house V" "Why, in the usual way, of course," returned Greta. " I shall get out at my window at midnight, descend a rope ladder, and jump into the carriage, which you will havo waiting at the end of the lane." " A rope-ladder ! I thought so ; it's just that rope-ladder I'm afraid of ; it is too dangerous; you might miss your footing, or the ladder might break, and you would be killed." " Those risks," said Greta, " only in crease the pleasure." ' It is a risk I won't let you run," said Herman, with an air of determina tion. " Then you refuse to elope with me '(" said Greta, hastily. " No, I don't ; but instead of trusting to a rope-ladder, Girschen and I will lower you in a basket." " In a basket '(" said Greta, spring ing to her feet. " Whoever heard of a heroine eloping in a basket ? What do you mean if" " I mean that if you will let Girschen and me lower you from the window in that large basket I saw in your store room, when I helped you store away the preserves, I will elope with you. But as for trusting your precious lite to a flimsy rope-ladder, I won't do it ; it would be the next thing to killing you." They had a long discussion on this point, and Greta manfully battled for her own way j but as she dearly loved Herman, she finally agreed to his as she termed it " preposterous plan." On their return to the house, they found the old folks waiting Uiuuar for them. Before the lovers separated that night, it was arranged that the elope ment should take place on the following Thursday; on which evening, by a most fortunate coincidence, Greta's parents had announced their intention of invit ing their neighbors to a grand festivity. Greta retired to rest that night in ex cellent spirits, and alter binding Girs chen to the most solemn secrecy, she imparted to her the whole design, and engaged her as an ally. " My dear Herman," said Greta, on tbe morning of the important event, " how very fortunate it is that my father should take it into his head to give a grand party to-night! When all are busy dancing in the large parlor, and mother and the servants are busy laying the supper in the hall, I will steal up to my room and descend from the window. 1 wish that you would let me go down the rope-ladder, instead of in the basket it is not half so romantic I" "But a gteat deal safer, dear Greta." " That may be ; but I don't remember, in all the novels I have read, that any heroine ever was let down in a basket, said the romantic girl. " They all es caped from parental tyranny by a rope ladder ; and only one of all the number ever met with an accident, and that was Annabella of Cologne, who was so clumsy as to miss her step and break her neck." Well, without your being clumsy," replied Herman, pressing her bands, "you might meet with an accident. Perhaps the rope might break. No, my dear, iou know 1 only consented to elope with you on condition of your going out tbe front door, wnich is even safer still, or else by mi and Girschen lowering you in that large clothes-bas ket in your room. My dear, I was prac ticing all day yesterday, and that pulley is as safe as a baby's cradle. Besides, you promised me." " Well," said Greta, " I would much sooner run the risk of the rope-ladder ; but still 1 will keep my word. Any thing is better than being married like the rest of the world I There never was a merrier set than that gathered together in the hospitable mansion of the Van Cortlandts. The clergyman of their church was there. and all his family. Scarcely a family of any importance in the neighboiod but was present at this grand party. A small band of musicians had been hired from New York for the benefit of the dancers, and the larder and tbe cookery of Mrs. Van Cortlandt had been taxed to the utmost to feast the merry throng. Under the pretense of assisting his fiancee, Herman bad been at the Van Cortlandt homestead ail day, and, with the secret connivance of the old people, had arranged so that the lovers should not be disturbed while they fixed the ap paratus for elopement. At the last min ute, Greta had made another appeal to have the rope-ladder substituted for the basket: but Herman was too much alarmed for her safety to agree to her wish. " I tell you, Greta, you will not be half a minute descending. With Girs chen above to steady it, and with me be neath the window to lower you down, nothing can be better. It is only fifteen teet, and we shall be in the carriage and driving to Newark long before we are missed. My iriend the Key. Air. W or tendyke will be waiting to marry us, and the next morning we can return to receive the congratulations of our friends and tbe blessings of our parents. Still," said he, " I wish you would abandon your strange scheme, and be married as other people are." io this she would not listen. So the helpless Herman merely cave a sorrow ful sigh, and pressed the wilful girl's hand. - - - -, - - , r - - - - Meanwhile, the basket and rope were hidden away beneath Greta's bed, she flattering herself how nicely all things had conspired to second her whim. , bbe had secured the fidelity of Girschen' by a very liberal sum of money, saying nothing of a couple of very handsome dresses, which blinded her maid to any fear of the old folks displeasure. It was arranged that she should not accompany them in their flight, but remain benind and feign astonishment at Greta's disap pearance! Never had Greta shown to more ad vantage. She was the life of the party. She sat down to her harpsichord and rattled off a lively country-dance. She then would spring up to attend to some of her guests. Then she would steal off to that part 01 tbe lawn wmcn was under her bedroom window, and look up to see that the sash was open. To disarm suspicion, she had requested Her man not to speak to her till she should give him a bouquet to hold, which was to be the signal for his hastening to the lawn to lower the basket. They were all about to join in a general dance, when Herman received tbe signal or bis fate. He bowed to Greta, took the bou quet, and stole out of the door which led from the grand parlor to the lawn, while she ran up stairs to her own apartment. There she found her maid with a large cloak, which she hastily threw over her shoulders. She then helped Girschen lift the basket to which the ropes were attached over tbe window. In another moment Herman bad hold of the rope, in Greta got, and was about midway be tween her window-sill and the lawn, when at a least a dozen persons, all with torches, rushed out of the' house, and, to Greta's utter dismay, planted themselves immediately where she was going to aught. Poor Herman paused in his action as though paralyzed, and there was the un happy Greta midway suspended between her window and the ground. " Pull up, Herman I" said the bewild ered girl. As she said this, a blaze of light streamed from her wmdow, out of which, to her horror, leaned the beads of her mother and father. " What is the meaning of all this f" said her mother. " Herman, let me down 1" screamed Greta. Meanwhile, the entire party had gathered on the lawn under the window, which, owing to the torches, was as light as day. Herman now began to let the basket descund, from which, when it touched the ground, Greta was helped out by Mr. and Mrs. Zabrieski. " What explanation," said Mr. Van Cortlandt, " can you, Mr. Herman Za brieski, give for this outrageous con duct f He said this with so stern an air that Greta, with her characteristic generosity, hastened to her lover s rescue. ' Father, don't blame Herman ! It's all my ftfult 1 I made him do it I "What were you going to do?" said her mother, assuming great indigna tion. " We were going to elope I" ." To elope 1" they all cried in a chorus. " And why were you going to olopf. 'f " inquired her mother. " Because it is so romantic !" " Come into the house," said her fath er. " We will soon cure you of your ro mance." Saying this, her father and mother took her by the arm and led her into the grand parlor, the company all 101 lowing. Greta was so thoroughly crestfallen that her high spirit gave way, and, throwing herself on to her mother's neck, she burst into tears. " Pray, don't be angry with Herman ! It was all my fault 1" Buid the weeping girl. " irray torgive rum r " I will only forgive him on one con' dition," said her father, with great asperity of manner. " I will do anything to please you !" said Ureta. " Then," said the father, " you must marry Herman to-night. I won't sleep till 1 have seen the ceremony performed. Caught thus in her own toils, Greta consented, and, amid the congratulations of ber friends, she dried her eyes, and smiled once more. It was not until nearly a year after ward, when their little Herman was christened, that her husband confessed his share in the plot . . A Keen Reply. Legal bullies who ask women imper tinent questions in the witness-box ought to get their deserts, as did the solicitor general the other day in the celebrated Tichborne case in England. The wit ness was a governess who had formely been employed in tbe Tichborne family. Governesses in England are generally regarded as being who are made to be snubbed and insulted. So the solicitor- general snubbed and insulted this one, while' she was testifying to the identity of the claimant to the Tichborne estate with the young heir as she knew him twenty years before. At last she had chance at him which she did not hesi tate to improve. - " Was the young man. always polite to ladies f asked the sohc i tor-general, "He was, indeed,' polite. toward ladies, , replied the governess ; and with a well-understood emphasis she added, "gentlemen, I believe, always are so." The court-room burst into a loud laugh, and the solicitor-general turned red in tbe face. " I Railways nt $5,000 a MiIo.,n :l A wooden railway on the 4 feet .81 inches gauge is being constructed from the town of Sorel, at the confluence of the Richelieu river with tbe St. Law rence, through ' Druramondvillo, to Arthabaska, P. (4., by Mr. L. A, SeneeaL contractor. The Montreal Herqld gives a long account ot a recent trip on tbe line. Upwards of 2,000 . men were at work, and the rails are laid on a large portion of the road. An experimental trip was made, the train going at the rate of 23 miles per hour, aud running with remarkable smoothness. The jour nal quoted furnishes the following in teresting particulars: ' ' ' " 1 The ties, which are ot nemiook and tamarao, are now brought down on trucks from the woods through which the railway runs ; they are put on a rollway, run up to most ingenious circu lar saws, so gaged that at one operation they are mortised the prqper depth and distance, not the difference of a hair's breadth being found between one and another. As fast as they are cut, and the operation is very fast indeed, the prepared ties are rolled over to a differ ent siding from that on whicti they were received, an ordinary circular saw sides them, and they are loaded up to be run out to the place whero they are wanted. The wedges for keying up the rails are also prepared here, lbe rails are ot maplM, four by seven inches, and fourteen feet long, the gauge of the line being four feet eight and a half inches. The cost of tbe line, in which cost are included stations, (nine 111 number), car and I00O' motive depot, engine aud repairing shops, engine and tender, two passenger cars, eight grain cars, and twenty-hve wood cars, is 0,000 a mile, in lull for all but tbe Yamaska Bridge which cost 3j, 000. It should be mentioned that land damages, fences, etc., are included also in this amount. In payment it was agreed municipal and (iovernment de bentures should be taken at par, and nothing was to be paid except as work to tbe extent ot flU.UUU was finished. : The Last King of Ireland. ' Roderic O'Connor, of the ancient line of Conuaught, was the last king who sat on the throne of Celtic Ireland. His character and exploits are painted with no nattering hand by the monkish wn ters, who longed lor his destruction, or later historians, who have written in the interest of the Roman church. All the crimes and woes of a fated CEdipus are attributed to tho unhappy king who ventured to strike a last blow for the freedom of Ireland; who resisted with obdurate patriotism the steel-clad le gions of the Pope and Henry II., and who more than once seems to have been on the eve of a final triumph. It is said that Roderic was thrown 111 chains by his lather, who feared bis savage tem per ; that he put out tbe eyes of his two brothers, and that he wasted in civil feuds the forces that should have been turned against tho foe. He seems, in deed, to have wanted prudence, and too often to have been deceived by the treacherous arts of JJermot and the priests. Yet one cannot avoid review ing with sympathy the story of the un happy monarch whose disastrous reign was at least marked by a sincere patn otisoi, and whose misfortunes were never merited by his treachery or Mb servile fear. . Amidst his savage and ancestral wilds the O'Connor, terrified by novel dangers, assailed by the most powerful monarch ot tbe age, exposed to the an athemas of the Italian church, surroun ded by traitors, and scarcely safe from tbe intrigues ot his own sons or his tin bitious rivals, still maintained a spirit not unworthy of that long line of patriot chiefs of whom be was destined to be the last ; and it is a grateful trait in the character of Roderio that he strove once more to revive, by liberal endowments, tbe famous Uollege of Armagh, as if con. scious that Ireland could only hope to secure its freedom by a general educa tion of its people. Interesting Electrical Experiment. Astonishing as is the fact of the con centration of the power of a lightning' flash into a minute interval, yet as won derful is tbe extent ot the earth s surface affected by it, as will be seen from the following experiments of the writer, never before published : A galvanometer consists of a delicately suspended mag netic needle, surrounded by a coil of copper wire, through which coil current of electrioity can pass ; when ever this passage takes place, the needle rapidly turns around its point of sus pension. This being understood, 1 con nectad the wire of a galvanometer with the water pipes of Baltimore, and the other end of the coil was joined to a gas pipe of a house in the southwest part of tbe city. Thus a vast metallic system of electrio nerves stretched away three miles to the northwest, to the - reservoir, and about as many to the east and south east over the city. A thunder storm was raging at the time, at so great a dis tance in the north that only the illumi nation of the clouds told when a flash occurred. Yet, whenever that flash took place, tbe needle was instantly deflected through ten or twenty degress. ', .The two occurrences were simultaneous, ap- pareniiy, lor i. couiu uetect no airxerence in the instant 01 their manifestation Indeed, so sure an indicator of the flash was the galvanometer, that when I-'shut myself up in a dark room, signalling to an observer of the storm whenever the needle moved, and receiving a Bigdal from him when a flash occurred, our signals were always simultaneous. : The next day it was ascertained that the Btorm was over twelve miles distant therefore, at least five hundred equare miles of the earth's surface were affected (inductively)' at each flash 'of the light ning. Cor. Evening -Pott. ,ia, , li t r Cincinnati' is said to be inOre densely populated than, any city in tills oouutry. The population is 30,000 to the square mile ; New York, the next most densely Populated city, has 32,000 to the square mile : Cincinnati has about 68 persons 10 me square acre, xonaon has 40, id' inourgn w, and Dublin Vi, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Tim nnmnlncical exDerimentalists of Iowa have evolved" jk'neW. specie of pear which they call the Bismarck: Chicago has had a swine 'exposition. The papers there call it a f four-legged . hog show," to prevent mistakes. A rolling-pin. with which a loving wife knocked her husband flown seven times, came In as evidence id an Indiana triah . . A heroic father in Montreal chose fine and ' imprisonment rather than tell the census man how old.'-his "unmarried daughters were."" - An independent Missouri girl sot out to earn her own "living 'as a telegraph operator, and in two years accumulated foo.uuo. , it was Jett ner, by, a ricn uncle. " On the' first of November next, the in terest on the five-twenty loans, series of 1862, March and June 1864 and 1865, falhi due, the payment of which will take over 121,000,000 in gold. . An Indiana paper notices the death of an old subscriber, and touchinglT adds : We are sorry to hear of the death of . any of our subscribers who are . prompt about paying us. ' '- '- The . Mormons deny ' that Bngham . Young has sought to evade the process of the Court and Grand Jury, and they say he wiU obey a summons as witness or submit .even to .a warrant of arrest, but will not yield to imprisonment. A Milwaukee boy of five is art invet erate smoker, and has' been for three years and nine months. At the ' age- of thirteen months he cried for his father s -pipe and got it, and, though made des perately ill, persevered, and had the habit before he could walk or talk. Two countrymen 'gaping around a Saratoga hotel, the other day, were ap- proached by a lady wearing a fashion able trail. One of the party dodged it, but the other walked straight across it, and on finding out his error apologized with, , " I beg your pardon, madam ;. I thought you had passed some time ago." It is related of a member of the Bos ton bar that once meeting in the dog days the estimable son of a father of rather equivocal reputation',' in an ab sent minded moment lie amazed him by inquiring how the old gentleman stood the beat. The old gentleman bad been dead two months. " ' ' At the examination of- a parochial school, a reverend gentleman was ask ing a class the meaning of words. They answered very well till he gave " back biter.". This semed a puzzle. It went, down the class till it came to a simple urchin, who looken sheepishly knowing, and said. " It may be a nea. .'. One of the silly abstractions of the " health" journals, which greatly dam ages their usefulness, is that which de clares that it is unhealthy for two peo ple to sleep together. A man of ninety nine died the other day from the effects of sleeping with his wife - nearly eighty years or from some other cause. "Abuse not him in word," said Don Quixote to Sancho, "whom you are re solved to chastise in deed." This aph orism is clearly stolen by the Don from tbe antediluvian story of tbe negro Bailor who, being strapped 'up for the lash, cut short a prefatory homily of the captain by saying, "If you preach, preacbee; or if you flog, floggee; but don't both preacbee and. floggee too!" The- will of the late Aristarohus Cham pion, of Rochester, whose wealth is sup posed to have been several millions, has been filed with the Surrogate. He be queaths one-half of all his real and per sonal property to the American Bible Society, and the remainder of his prop erty, with the exception of $1,000, to the Presbyterian Society for Foreign Mis sions. The testament will be contested. The patriotio Philadelphians have lately been mortified by the discovery that a picture in revered Independence Hall, in that city, which has for many years been looked on as an excellent likeness of Gen. Charles Lee, of Revolu tionary memory, turns out to be a por trait of Gen. Arthur O'Connor, an Irish man, who had nothing whatever to do with our Revolution, although be was a very brave man in his own country. , An Irishman named William, and one Samuel, a Jew, were partners in the ownership and management of a large and valuable rancho, not many miles from Virginia City. Samuel was up braiding his Irish partner for his queer management of some particular bus iness. William could endure it no longer, and retorted: "Now, Sam, you had better dry up about my Irian, blunders, for you Jews have nothing to brag . of ; there you were for forty years bringing your folks through the wilderness, when ' any good smart Yankee would have done it in four days." Sam, subsided, and peace was restored. ' "' . ; At the Chicago' stock-yards the cus tomary practice of handling disabled . -hogs is to jerk them up to the shambles,- ' . by placing an iron hook through their jaws, and thus hauling them up an in- t cunea plane by steam power. Two or . -three butchers, who 'were-sworn, de scribed, with tbe utmO8t,in0-roi2, the process, telling how it was often, five minutes, and sometimes '"tntooh more,' -' after the animals- are thus lacerated . before the knife puts an end to their misery. It is suggested 'that this 'is a" good field for the Humane Society to pjjeratein. ,. ,yjy, 1' Mt t Iui6y-bees were imported, to f the Paoitio coast several years later than the j discovery of gold in California.-and'it1"" was questioned it wether-they-- would thrive in that region, because they ?e -not . indigenous there; but1 they have'"''' multiplied wonderfully, and v wild honeyj' that is, the produot of yagrant -swarms which have left the parent hives of rW-dO Aesticated insects, is found 'In'-" large quantities throughout the .tJtate H though the beejiupters are frequently disappointed of anticipated .prizes through the enterprise of thgriizlyV bears. In pursuit of such sweet larcenies tbe bears climb lofty trees, if the wood be decayed and toft,