The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 27, 1871, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JULT27, 1871.
Rates of Advertising.
One column, one year
f "" 00
40 00
25 no
,... 15 00
Transient advertising per square of tsiehl
linns or leu 3 times or Irs. 2 00
Unfitness cards, ton lines or less, per
yenr G 00
, Marrlngos aad Death noliees inserted
gratis. . , ,
Elk lodge, A. Y. M.
Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be
lield at their hall on ths second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month.
.. ... a. l. Mccracken, Sco't.
Tsmn'e ol Honsr and Temnorance.
Elktnn Temple No. 81. meets on ea:h
Alternate Thursday, at. their Lmlgs Room,
on Main street, over J. V. Honk's store.
Car Time at nidgtcay.
Erie Expross East 2:20 r.. m.
do do West 2:20 n m.
do Mail Fast 4:52 p. m.
do do West 10:03 a. m.
local Freight East 7:25 a. m.
do do West. 5:41) p. m.
Last Tuesday was a warm, pleasant
Klklon Temple of Honor, No. 81,
will meet this evening.
C. B. Gould, "Father Gould," of
the Cameron Press, was ia town jestcr
day. P. Ford, of Suicthport, Deputy
Internal Revenue Collector, wa3 in town
On Saturday, the 21st ins1,., there
was a heavy rain and hail storm in this
There is an error iu tho data of tho
first page of this issue, inttead of June
it should read July.
The new school house bell was placed
in position yesterday morning. The
weight of the bill is 259 pounds.
We are informed that Hon. Henry
Souther has disposed of his residence,
on Main street, to Mr. Fred. W.lmarth.
We were visited by Mr. Green,
"local" of tha Cameron Press, last
Tuesday. .
CtlAS Codv, ' the tinner, has ono of
Job's comf jrtors on his neck, which he
says is nice. Wo don't care to know
how it is outself.
Geo. Walker is building an addi
tion to his new building on Main street.
The addition is the same size as the
original building.
TnANKS. Our thanks are du? Hon.
Jno. G. Hall, for a copy of Smull's
. Legislative Hand Hook, together with
a number of other valuable documents.
W. C. IIealy's new store, West
End, hus received the finishing coat of
paint; the beauty of the color and the
manner in which it is put on reflect
great credit on the puintcrs, Messrs.
DuPortand Dill.
Page Pmndle uibt with a painful
accident on Wednesday, 19th inst , by
having a piece of steel fly into his eye,
whilo ho was dressing the mill-stones
in the grist mill, at this placo. Tho
steel was taken out by Dr. Bordwell,
and there is no danger of loss of sight.
Wanted. A boy to do chores for
his board and schooling. No boy need
apply unless he is large noagh to take
care of a horse, milk a cow, etc.
Centre street. Ridgway, Pa.
Quarts. It issaid some babies are so
small that they can creep into a quart
measure, but the way in which some
adults can walk into such measures is
astonishing. So says the fTarren
Ledger man, and it's likely ho "knows
how it is himself."
Quarterly Meeting. The fourth
ond last quarterly meeting for this con
ference year, will be held at the Court
House nest Saturday and Sunday.
Services will commence on Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock and continue over
the Sabbath. The Quarterly Confer
ence will convene on Monday evening
at 7 o'clock.
Question for the. County Commissioners.
1. How many cubic feet make a cu
bio yard?
2. What ia a fair price for earth ex
cavation? 3. What commissions will pay a
Treasurer for handling money? Is
three per cent, for reoeiving and three
per cent, for disbursing a fair compen
sation? .
Tor the People.
1. Can you afford to pay the ring
five thousand dollars per annum for
wasting your hard-earned money?
Answer above and then we will ask
few more querries for informntion.
' Have you ever tried Nature's Hair
Tlnstorativa? You. will ho delighted
with it. Clean, safe, and efficient. It
in driving all thn poisonous compounds
out of the market. It is as clear as
crystal. Seo advertisement.
Trout. Wo sea bv tho new law
passed by the last L!fiisl!ure, that per.
sons are allowed to eaten trout during
the months of April, May, June, July,
and the first fifteen Jvjfs of August,
tho words in italics having been added
to tho law of '69 and '70.
An Emporium schoolmaster recently
received the following note. "You will
oblige mo not to yousa that wail Bone
on the Lipso of my Litel dautcr. Give
your Hart to god and perhaps yon will
have more Pnccnch." For further par
ticulars address, Father Gould, Cameron
Snow in Jut.y. A geotleinari from
Sunbury informs us that the cars ar
riving at that placo from Willis msport
on Saturday morning wero thickly en
crusted with snow, which is represented
to have been quite severe in its area.
A fall of snow in July is an unusual
phenomenon. State Journal.
New PostOfficf. Regulations.
The Department at Washington will no
longer print the cards of business firms
on return envelopes. Tho names of
the individual or firm will be printed
when so ordered, together with tho re
quest to "return if not called for," &c,
but persons desiring to advertiso their
business on stamped envelopes, will
havo to paeronize the printing offices
nearer homo. This regulation went in
to effect June 1st.
Some outsideis at the late Democratic
County Convention, noticed that G. F.
Dickinson was voted for as a candidate
for Associato Judge. We see by tho
Democrat that George Dickinson patert
is the nominee. Queries, How long
since votes for the son werejcouiitcd for
Mid nominated the father?
Is this another family arrangement,
since other people have moved into the
couuty, J. K. P. II., for imtuncu, who
carry this county in their breeches
pocket now?
Theft. Mr. N. B. Waterson, shoe
maker at this place, was victimized to
tho amount of about thirty-five dollars,
last Sunday. It seems that a "tramp"
shoemaker giving his name as David
Martin, came to Mr. Waterson last Sat
urday, and asked for work which was
given him. On Sunday he borrowed a
clean shirt of Mr. Waterson; helped
himself to the thirty-five dollars and
vamoosed. The thief is a man of mid
dle age; slight buiid; light complexion;
with a bald spot on his head, and wore
at last accounts a liht suit of clothes
and a clean shirt.
Accident. Last Thursday, 19th
inst., John Door, while engaged fe'ling
a hemlock rear Daguscahooda station,
had a bad acc'lcnt befall him ond a
narrow escape from death. The tree in
falling struck a beech, tearing off a
limb, which struck Mr. Door, crushing
his kull badly. It was lound neces
sary to raise the skull and take out a
piece about an inch and a half square,
which difficult operation was success
fully pcrformod by Drs. Ilartman and
Russ of St. Mary's, and Hartley of
Ridgway. Last Tuesday he was re
ported as feeling better, and hopes are
entertained of his recovery.
A Vicious Bull. We understand
that a bull, belonging to Judge Dickin
son, found his way into tho road on
Wednesday, 19th, inst., and got his
bullship raised to the. highest pitch; so
much so that Mr. A. W. Potter a fruit
tree agent, canvassing in this vicinity,
was attacked by his bullship and
knocked down, in consequence of which
Mr. Potter will have to lie by for a day
or two. It ia to .be hoped that this
will be a warning to the Judge, ond
that hereafter this vicious animal will
not be allowed to run the road. Docs
the Judge remember the fablo of the
Lawyer and Farmer? "If and if," says
the Lawyer, "that alters the easel"
nis Honor forgets, it saetr.s, the time
when he took lie dollars from another
man in payment for damages done him
by said man's bull?
Mr. Potter, the gentleman assaulted,
is from Crawford county, this State,
and an old resident of that county, hav.
ing lived there aboul 3G years, Craw
ford is ao old settled county; thick with
greenbacks, and boasts of four Republi
can papers. The Journal is the oldest
as well as the leading paper ia the
county. Crawford has a court house
that cost over a hundred thousand dol
lars, and other county buildings in pro
portion, which fact speaks well for the
wealth of the county. Judgo Lowrie,
of Philadelphia, istha presiding Judge.
One op Them.
Song of t',a gwdeu seeds. Put. iiw
u my little bed.
For 'some days past the stranger
visiting our post office and otljer public
buildings must have hern nt'rnetcd by
tho elegant portrait of "The Trinco of
Elocutionists," which adorned those
places of resort. On Monday even iug
tho gentleman of the flowing locks of
jetty black announced himself, to the
audience gathered iu "Messenger's Hall,
as about to present to them an enter
tainment previously offered to thousands
of audiences with tho highest mark of
approbation and applause. , His, ho do
clnredto be an entertainment that ap
pealed ooly to the refined and intelli
gent of the community, though fre
quently for lack of full appreciation on
the part ot some in the mixed audi
ences before which he was sometimes
compelled to stand, his very best efforts
fell like a wet blanket upon his hearers.
With this modest introduction the
gentle Prince proceeded, at the request
of his nuditory, tDgive 7ns revised and
amended edition of Poe's Raven, pre
faced by an introductory, explanatory,
explatatory prelude; giving in prose,
decidedly prosey, a full history of the
life, genius, and oliaracterol E. A. Poc,
the character and habits of the Haven,
and a moviig account of the effects of
bad whisky upon tho genuino genius
who loves and loses bis fair one. Be
ginning with his passion at fever beat
he tore tho poetry and story to tatters
leaiug but a few shreds of Poe, on
which his delighted audienco dwelt
with so much pleasure that we predict
It will be many days ere they forget
the Prince's rich, rare, and racy, ren
dering of the Raven. Next he gavo a
fair interpretation of Trowbridge's
"Two Vagabonds." "Beautiful Snow"
followed, introduced by a long story of
Dora Shaw, the fallen angel, picked up
by J. Wiikcs Booth in a driving snow
storm in New Orleans, Our devil, at
our elbow queries, when did that snow
storm get to New Orleans? Two Ver
sion of "Barbara Fritchie," one the
original and tho other in what in our
younger days was styled hog latin gib
berish, followed. Having next given a
high toned rendering of "Excelsior" to
show our academy boys how to get up
there. At tho repeated request of his
hearers, ho gave a living imitation of
Hamlet's madness, and stirred our very
soul with the famous soliloquy, not
withstanding the fact that some intel
lectual individual insisted that he had
called for Shakespeare first. His
reading of Widow Bedott's letter to
Elder SuifHes, especially her feeling al
lusions to his influenzy. and the pre
scription of certain unmentionable por
tion of female apparel, carried his au
dience by storm, and was tho only hit of
the cveninj. "Shamus O'Brian," giv
en in high gentlemanly Irish, concluded
the evening's entertainment. In short
the performance of J. Prcscoft
Eldridgo was tho veriest humbug it has
ever buun our misfortune to witness.
We understand that the last effort of
J. Prcscott Eldridge, before loaving
town ou Tuesday, was to endeavor to
induce our worthy Post Master to take
an agency for the sale of patent needles.
Our frieud Grove, the Messenger, has
asamp'eot those same needles. This
fully convinces us that the Professor is
a man of many points. When next he
comes l elocute may we be there to see.
Fi.iks. Those who desire to be rid
of these troublesome, summer pests,
need only to use the following simplo
remedy: Take have a 6poonful of black
pepper in powder, one tea-spoonful of
brown sugar, and ono tea-spoonful of
(cream; mix them well together and
place them iu a room on a plate, where
the flies are troublesome, and they will
suou disappear.
A Shoemaker's Ltjck. About
twenty-five years ago, Mr. Robinson
(the prxscnt owner of the famous Rob
inson farm, near Parker's Landing,
which lias yielded thousands of barrels
of oil and dollars to its owner) sold one
hundred acres of the farm to to a shoe
maker named GraDt, residing in tho vi
cinity, inr ona hundred dollars, to bo
paid in boots end shoes for his, Robin
son's, family. Within the last two years
thiR tract li:i3 proved the most valuable
oil territory, and Grant as well as Rob
inson hare not only been made wealthy
from its oil, but still receive a handsome
revenue from the same. A few weeks
a;ro Mr. Robinson received the last pair
of bo its on his contract, tha ono hun
dred dollars worth of leather having
just been asuJ up. Titusville Herald.
At a recent session of the central
criminal court, London, the grand jury
drew up a document and presented it to
the leeordcr, setting forth that in their
opinion, the office they had been called
upon to occupy was "useless, and ought
as speedily as possible bo abolished."
Tho reason given for this conclusion
wan, that the preliminary examination
before a committing magistrate was, or
ought to be, more thorough and satisfac
Jactory than any examination they could
make, uud more likely to answer the.
eodsff justice. '' ' " ' '
TErtniriLF. Storm. -A terrific storm
of hail wind and vain, passed over tho
central portion of this State on Sunday,
which did an almost incalculable amount
ot damages. Hundred of acres of oorn
and oats were knocked down and. fields
entirely ruined. In many places win
dows facing tho worm wero left without
glass. Cattlo ran about tho field bellow
ing with fripht and pain from the pelt
ing of the hail. A correspondent writ
ing from Turbotville gives the following
description of the storm in that locality:
"On Sunday afternoon, about 8 o'
clock, the mostteirible wind and hail
storm passed over the country back of
Tuibotvillc, that was ever known or
heard of in this section. Tho sky was
as blaek as uitfht. the forkod lighting
flashed, tho thunder rolled, the wind
blew and the hail fell, presenting to the
eve a scene indiseribabie. It was for a
time cnmhaticallv on elemental war.
The hail became master. It fell at sumo
pluces to the depth of two feet ond over,
destroying everything in its track.
Corn, oats, potatoes, and other crops are
beaten into the earth. The trees are as
leafless as in mid-winter even the bark
in many instances being peeled
off. Buildings were unroofed, or the
roofs beaten full of holes. Windows
are without glass, and in short, a most
desolate scene presents itself to the eye.
Somo farmers are well nigh ruined. I
conversed with one of the unfortunate
men on Monday morning, who told nio
that he will bo compelled to sell out, ih
he has nothing to feed his cattle and
winter his stock.
It seems tho strip of couutry over
which tho stotin passed is only about a
mile or two wide how long remains to
be learned. On Monday morning the
hail was a foot deep in some places."
Erie Republican, 21st iust.
Connecticut has had thirty Govern
ors. Oliver Wolcolt held the office
longer than any other twelve years,
ton consecutively, Sam'l. lluntiugdon
stood next, and William A. Buckingham
third. Connecticut elects a Governor
every year.
They s.iy that a hen in tho vicinity
of Jafl'rey, X II., got shut in behind
some farming tools, ond staid there for
twenty -seven days, by which time, says
the Cheshire Republican, "she shrunk
so from lack of food and water that sho
was able to come out."
The following are the jurors drawn for
August term of court, 1871:
Bcnezet Richard V. JJoylo, Robert
Rothcrick, E. H. Dixon. Geo. W. Window.
Beuziuter Joseph Bided. Jr , Joseph
Schaur, Anton Munich, Thomas Kcruer.
Fox Matnins Spooler, Sr., James Mc
CWkey, John Mosier.
Horton S. A. Olnistead. C. E. Reman.
Jay William B. Hewitt, Josiati 11.
Jones Joseph Nye, Christopher Dill.
Millstone J. C. Champion, William
Ridgway J. Y. Houk, James Hickard,
Edward Derby.
St. Mary's Coo. Ed. Wei?, F. X. ila
Renorct Ralph Johnson, Jr.
Benzinger Martin Fiolle, George Sella,
An'on liauer, Michael Lawler, Joseph
Fox William Hewitt, Jarncs Earns
worih, C. E. Grccu. Isaac Hays, John Tay
lor, John liuiitzlemaii, John Koch, David
II orton James Reiily, Allen Giles,
Joseph Chamberlain, N. M. Brookwny.
Bedford Segara, Harvey Parsons, Joseph
Jones A. I. Wilcox. Jocpli Pistner,
Daniel Smith, Michael Weidurt.
Jay Martin Clover, Joshua W. Roth
rock. Millstone James Greenawalt.
Ridgway Itoraco Warner.
Spring Creek D. G. MeNaul, Robert
St. Mary's Michael Slcbig, Chas. Mo
Vean, John Walker, Sr., Frank Gerg.
j the Hon. L. D. Wktmobe, 1'ieaidunt
Judge, and Hons. J. K. Whit more and Jesso
Kyler, Associates, Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, Oyo"
and Terminer, nud Goaeral Jail Delivery,
for the trial of capital and olhnr oITetisca in
the County of K1U, by tlieir precepts to mo
directed, have ordered the aforesaid na
med Courts to bo holdeu at Ridgway, in
and for tho Couuty of lllk, on the Fivet
Monday of Aujtust, 1871, itbeingthe 7th.
day of the month, and to continue one week.
Notke is hereby given to the Coroner,
justices of the Pence, and Constables, of
said County, that they are by 4hcso prcs
hnls commanded to be then and there, in
thoir proper persons, at ten o'clock, A. M.,
of said day, with their rolls, rcoords and
inquisitions, and other remembrances, to
do those things which their oliiccs apper
tain to be done, uud that all Justices of
said County, mke returns of all recogni
zances eutered into before them, to tho
Clerk of the Court, ns per Act of Assem
bly of Much 4th, 1831. And those who
are bound to prosecute the prisoners that
are or shall be in the Jail of the County
of Elk, and to be then and there to prose
cute aginst them as shall be just.
Ridgway, June 20, 1871.
From and after Monday, May 29th 1871.
Trains will run on this Road as follow:
Leaves Earley 7.10 a. m., arrives at
Daguahonda Junction 7.45 a. m., con
nects with , Local east 7.56 a. tu., and
Mail west 9.50 a. m., Leaves Dagusca
honda 10.20 a. in., ariives at Earley
11.00 a.m. Leaves Earley 4 00 p. iu.,
arrives at Daguscahonda 4.50 p. m.,
connecting with Mail east 5.05 p. m.,
and Local west 5.21 p. ra. In case P.
4 E. traiug aro late, Daguscahonda train
holds twenty minutes beyond the abovo
Tickets should always bo proourod
before loaving stations.
C. R. EARLEY", Sup't.
Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots &
Main St., opposite Hotel,
Wucox, Pa.
Leaving tho East ond Arriving ot
Chicago or Indianapolis, how-sliall we
reach tho West? The best Line is ac
knowledged to be tho C., B. & Q , joined
together with tho B. & M. Railroad by
the Iron Bridgo at Burlington,' and
called the Burlington Route,
The Main line of the Route Tunning
to Omaha, connects with tho great Pa
oifio Roads, and forms to-day the lead
ing route to California. The Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts
motith, passes through Lincoln, the
State Capital, and will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming the
shortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles. '
Another branch of the B. M., di
verging at Red Oak, falls into a line
running down the Missouri through St
Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas.
Passengers by this route to Kansas,
see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis
souri, and, by a slight divergence, can
see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fino views should remem
ber the Burliuton Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afar" its tree
fringed streams its rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prarics further than tho eye
can reach.
Land-buyers will bo suro to remem
ber it, for they have friends among the
two thousand who have Already bought
farms lroin Goo. S. Harris, the Laud
Commissioner of the B. & M. 11. 11. ot
Burlington, Iowa, or among tho four
thousand home-steaders and pre-emptors
who last year filed claims in the Lincoln
land office, whero "Uncle Sam is rich
enough to irivo us all a farm."
"VX7E aro authorized to nnnounoe the
name of C. It. SEXTON, of St.
Mary's, as an INDEPENDENT candidate
for the oiUce of II!xh Sheriff of Elk
J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main Street., Ridgway, Pa. A?cnt for the
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing W atcl es, etc.. done with
the same accuracy as heretofore. Satis
faction guaranteed. vlnly.
Proposing nn amendment! to tho Constitu
tion of 1 cnnylvania.
Be il Resolved hy thn Srnate and of
Representatives of tic Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania in General Assembly met. That
the following Binendineut of tho Constitu
tion of Com mon v. call h bo proposed to the
peoplo for their adoption or rejection, pur
suant to the provisions of the tenth article
thereof, to wit:
Strike out tho Sixth Section of tho Sixth
Article of the Constitution, and insert in
lieu thereof tho following:
"A State Treasurer shall bo chosen by
the qualified electors of the State, nt such
times and for s'icli term of service as shall
be prescribed by law."
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate
Approred the fifteenth day cf June,
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
und seventy-one.
Prepared and certified for publication
pursuant to the tenth article of the Cou
btiiutiou. F. JORDAN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Sec'y of the Commonwealth, 1 12t.
Ilarrihhurg, July 6th, 1871. 1 20.
published on every pack ge, there
fore it is not a secret preparation,
ft is a certain euro for Scrofula,
.Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma
tism, fciliin Diseases, Liver Com
plaint end all diseases of the
will do rnoro good than ten bottles
of the Syrups of Sarsapinlla.
have used Rosadalis in their prnrtieo
for tho past threo years and f rely
endorse it ns a reliuhlo Alterative
and Llood Furi'.icr.
DR. T. C. Pl'Gn, of Baltimore.
UH. T. J. l-OYKIN', "
nn. n. t". cah a. "
Dll. J. S. Si'AP.Kb,l .S-ichriasvil!,
OH. jVl. McCARTHA, Columbia,
EE. A. li. K02LF.S, F.dgcKoxfc, N. C.
J. B. BENCH & EO.XS, F!l River,
I W'.JSMTTIT, J-clrn, M!rh.
A. F. WHKeXLH, Lima, Ohio,
n. HAI L, J.iinii.&tiio.
CRAVEN & l'0.,Otii('onsvr!?e, Vi.
S-A.M'L. O. McFADDfcA, Murlrces
boro, Ttau. .
Our rpace t ill net allow oi any ex.
tended rt'niitiks iu;.. u ., t!
virtuiaof Kunadalii. Totli? Knliral
Hroiession guarantee a mitt Kx.
traitsuptrior to any they hare evtr
used 1:1 the treatment cf rti'astj
blood; and to thoaltlirted weaayfv
KusatlaUa, and you will ha rcsiuij
to health, i
RosaUali is Bold y all Drnprijta.
p: Jim-
pi-K-e per b.iule. Addic-a
n. cisKiirrs & C3.
HzrutfMluring Chrmhts,
8 TO T'ESl
No. 1 Masonic Hall Buildinir.
Ridgway, Pa.
Contains no LAC SULPHUR No
VER, and is entirely free from th9
Poisonous and Health-dsstroying
Drugs used in other Hair Prepara
tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will
not soil the finest fabric perfectly safe,
clean and efficient, desideratum" long
sought for and found at last!
It restores and prevent the Hair from
becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap
pearance, removes Dandruff, is oool and
refreshing to the head, checks the Hair
from falling off, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Heatlaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a
dressing for the hair it ia the best article
in the market.
Dr. G. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass.
Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS,
Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is put up
iu a panel bottle, made expressly for it,
with the namo of the article blown in the
glass. Ask your Drtitrgist for Nature's
Hair Restorative, and take no other.
Send two three cent stamps to
Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair." The information tt con
tains is worth $500,00 to any person.
Main Street, Ridgway, Penn'a.
The most Complete Itustnenj
College in the Uuitea Mutes.
Affording facilities for acqaireing a
thorough practical business education,
posBeestd by no other School in the oountry
Since its incorporation in 1805; nearly
SixteonThousand Students, 'representatives
from iT.'iy btute iu tue" Union, have
attonded here. . ....
No vacations. Students enter at any
time, and receive private instructions
throughout the entire course."
N. U. Cir jiirs with full particulars and
All necessary information, on addressing
SMITH & COWLEY, Principals,
Pittsburgh, Pa
ENRY SOUTHER, Attorney-st, Law,
Kidgwny, l'a. (feb'.ro K),
l 1 A. RATH BUN, Attorncy-ftt- Law1
JC9 Ridgway Pa. 2 2 tf.
OHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg
I way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'GGI
S. HILL. Thysician and Surgeon,
, Kersey, Elk Co. To.
A. PARSONS,' ' ; . t
. Dealer In Boots, Shoes and Leather. '
lain Street, Ridgway, Pa. rtlnltf.
veyor, St. Marys, Pa., holds himself
in readiness at all times, to perform jobs
in his line. 2 8
1 X X. SORG, Saloon-keeper, corner of
I ' a Railroad and Miohacl streets St.
Marys, Pa. Native Wines, good Lager
Beer, etc, constantly on hand. . 2 8.
WILLIAM GELS,' Restnnrant, Mi- '
chael street, St. Marys, Ta., keeps
the best of Lager Deer and Native wines
constantly on hand. .' 2 8
Cn. VOLK, 'Manufacturer ond Dealer
. in Lnpcr Deer, opposite the Railroad
Depot, St. "Mary's, Elk county Ta. .
mxottSTOts.jtrrziy.OHW, tL
U. S. BELNAP, Proprietor .
JS. Bordwell, M. D. Eolectie Physican
. Office and residence opposite the
Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt '
attention will be given to all calls. Office
hourst 7 to 8 A. M-; 12to2P. M. ; and
0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 00-tf.
Ridgway, Pa.
Residence and office opposite tho Thayer
1 S. HARTLEY. M. D.,
Physirtintt nnd Surfreon,
Kiugway, rn. Oilico m Walker s Building.
Special nttention given to Surgery. O'lica
hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence
on Main Street, wosl end. All calls
promptly attended to. vln'Jyl.
Drugjrist and l'artnaceutist, corner
Main nnd Mill street?, Kidgway, Pa. A
full assortment of carefully Feleoted For
sign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
night. vlnCy.
vlnStf. Wc3t Eitd, Ridg'voy, P.i. .
RtnnwAV, Elk Co., Ta.
W. II. SCUUAM, Pror.riek.r.
Thnnkful for tho patronage heretofore
eo liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenionoo of
guests, to merit a continuance oi 'the
Oct 30 ISO'.).
il. . Moure, late of the JJyd House)
Open Day and Niirht-
franklin, Ta., Givo speoial attcn
t on to Chronic diseases, and those pecu
liar to women and children. .
Dr. Borland, diagnoses diseses by an ex
amination of the urine, and by this Ohl
Girman method has successfully treated
thousands of cases without seeing them'.
EDWARD MoBRIDE, Watchmaker nn'd
Jeweler, Railroad street, St. Marys,
l'a. Engraving and repairing dono on
short notion, and in a workmnnliko man-
ner. Watches, nnd everything in the Jow-
elry line, Constantly on hand. 2 9
Dental Surgeon.
Otlico in Walker's Duilding. All kinds of
dentistry doue in tho best stylo, and all
work warranted. Ho will visit Kane on
the 1st, 2d, and 31; Wilcox on the 10th,.
11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st,
22d, and 23d of each month. At all other
limes he can be found at his ofiloe in
Ridgway, Pa. vln2yl.
C&NTacviLLE, Elk Co., Pa,
Jons Collins, Proprietor. ; r't
Thankful for tho patronage heretofore;
so liberally bestowed upon him, the neir
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and eonvenienca
of guests, to merit a continuance of the i
Attorneys - at - Law
JOllNQ. BALL..........
-.... ,.JA. K. . HALL-
LKQAL. r '
Lewis Boyington "k I Common Pleas
' of Elk Count. -
Sophronia BoyingtoOs J No.15, ion. T;i 1-
Libel in Divorco, a viculo matrenionii.
To . Boyington, respondent ahors,'
named: . . ' "
You are hereby notified that the tub;
poena and alias subpueua in the above caso ,
having been returued non est inventus ,
you are hereby required, to axpear on tho
being the 7th day of Hie month, to answer
the complaint In the above eai-.
. ' , Sheriff"
Siiseifp's Office,
Elgway, June, I, 1871. J vlniito.
i ft
V t