IIknry A. 1'Aitsons, Ja., - Editor. THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1871. asruaioAiT stats TicxrT. Auditor General: DAVID STANTON, of BcavM Co. Surveyor General: HOT3ERT 13. LIS AT H, of Schuylkill. The Ei'a Citrl Coimiike. .f tho Republican party of Tennsylva iia will meet at the Logan House, Al toona, on Wednesday, Jur.9 21at, nt 12 tn. A full attendance is requested, as iusinesn of importance will be trans acted. . KUSSELL EREET, Chairman. The friends of lion. Horace Grccky, In Kansas, have succeeded in drawing jrom liim 1 letter to the effect that he vill net dco'.ine tho Presidential nomi nation if it is tendered him. The publio debt statement shows a larger reduction for tho month of May ihan was expected. Tho quarterly payment of psnsions, it wes thought, -vould reduce the payment on the debt to about three millions of dollars. But f ni renort shows a reduction of about lour and a half millions. This is an excellent report 'inner tho circumstan ces. i. i The "now departure" of tho Demo. ratio party of Pennsylvania in their nnuAntinn at Harrisburs. has fallen like a wet blanket upon the organiza. lion. It has taken them completely by surpriso, and they don't know what to mnlcA of it. Some have an idea that it mean3 a consolidation with the Re publicans, while others say it is only a hait to catch the colored voters. The Democratic Journals are urging the claims of their candidates in thl State because they were soldiers. I is within tho recollection of most o our people that it is only a few short years since they were denouncing these eoldiers as "Lincoln's hirelings," "radi cal pets," and all that sort of thing. After all, however, they arc not more inconsistent than the soldiers who ac cept nominations at the hands cf a party that sympathized with the rebels. Neithor are to be trusted. Erie Gazette. A Providence merchant (aves hi? umbrellas by cnttinp a email piece out of the handle, which ho carries in his pocketbook, ready to provo ptoperty nt any time. In Michigan attendanca at school for at least twelve weeks in the year is made compulsory upon all children between the ages of eight and fourteen. Postajro stamps of the denomination of seven cents hnve been issued by the Government. They are designed cs- tcoially to prepay letters to Germany, ring tho rate to that country. Immense fields of corn have been planted in Illinois this season by itin erant corn-plantcra, who take jobs at twenty-five cccts an acre. With a man, a boy and a machine, they plant twenty acres a day. Tbe Bank of California has received supply of or. e, two and three cent uickle coins, furnishing them to retail dealers for greenbacks at par. This is the first introduction of these coins in California for circulation. seventh person in London is in receipt of publio charity. The cost of aiding this class bas increased during the patt ten years 08 per cent, taster than the growth of the great metropolis. Tho. amount spent last year in this country for unniMeis, churcbes, and missions, home and foreign, was aboat cicht millions of dollars; and that for artificial flowers which are vanity fifteen millions. Massachusetts is elated by tho an. nounncnient that only 10,000 tect re. main to be bored in the IIoos&c Tunnel The Drosnect of completing tho work by the commencement ot the next con tury is considered good. It will probab'y surprise many people to learn that the territory called the "British Isles." of which Gieat Britain and Ireland are the chief, lying oft the hnrmiean continent, are fully 500 in number, and that 175 are inhabited. Arizona advices, ot May so, say there is a teport that the Cachics band, who were recently routed and driven over the Mexican line, have returned armed wilb Henry rifles and needle cuds, and arc committing numerous murders, and that ten men have been killed and seveial wounded. The authorities of St. Louis are mak nic war upon the milkmen under an ordinance which provides that whoever shall sell milk adulterated with water or other substances, or auy milk produc ed from diseased cows, shall be deemed guilty of n misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of SHRl. A large number ot ot fenders have been prosecuted. Dragging the Chicago river to find out what uiled it to make it smell so .sour, has revealed tbe fact that some one anchors dead dogs in tho river by weights. They found twenty valuable dogs in one ptace. Wciclit till they find the man who leaves his dogs lying arouud tnat way. An Indianapolis man has cot a nose which he can put out ol joint and swiu jt mound on the side ot his lace like rate. IK? don't do anything for a liv The Indianapolis Journal asserts that ndiana has within her limits a Cold of coal which for extent and value is un- nualled in the world. So extensive is the coal fields of Indiana that thousands of acres of land, containing tbe best quality of block coal, and convenient to tho railroad, can be purchased at rates very little hicher than the ordinary prices of agricultural laud in the same vicinity. Woman was toasted in the following tyle at the recent anniversary meeting of tho Richmond Light Infantry Blues: " W oman puro ai a snow Bake as tails upon the cold peaks of the Baetian Alps; beautiful as the houri that bathes herself in the crystal fountains of the Moslem paradise: graceful as tho Peri afloat on her shell-skiff over the calm waters of the dark blue sea; vain, worse than vain, the warning to guard the heart when intellect flashes from her bright eye, and the light of tho soul is breathed like music upon her face." A Miami countv ("Ohio") settler oh jeets to a proposed railroad in that ro- gion in these words: "lho peoplo is gone wild on this 'ere railroad qucs- chinc. Rosses t.'mt u now wurth $10 won't be wurth $3 a head. Wngnin makers will starve to deth. Oats won't be wurth nothin', and we have to quit rasin' 'era. Coon skins, won't be wurth a cent, and the belgering steam wag- gins will skeer all tho game out of the country, and if you don't stop this rail road, I'll sell my forty and git for Ar-kinsaw." DOMESTIC. Gold closed in New York last Satur day t 112". A large portion of New Orleans is inundated. There are now thirty-one Republican papers published regularly in Texas. It is rumored that President Scott, of -'.he Union Pacific Railroad,has ro-igucd. The incoming wheat erup of Cali fornia is estimated at one-third higher than two weeks since. Kpnrlv a thousand persons have already visited tLe Yo-Semite Valley this season. The exceriments at Washington thow that 802 pound-loaves of bread an be aiado from a barrel of flour. Connecticut last year raised G,500, O00 pounds of tobacco, or an average of l,i'0 pounds to me acre cuiuvuteu. Rumor says that the Agricultural Bureau reports the growing cotton crop nta million and a quarter bales less than tbe present crop. A New Brunswick boy has teamed all the family wood from the shed to wood box, with a span ot cats the past Year, worked in double harness. A couple at Dar.bury, Conn., having tarcfully considered the question foi twenty-five years, hav9 recently decided to get married. There are new four hundred profes- tne unitca there were POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kimc Having erected a largo and well arranged new Store House on the old lite, since tbe fire, and filled it from cellar to garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that oon be found in any market, are fully pre pared to receivethclr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising JFTOUWANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO THAYER & IIAGISRTY Main Street, P.idgway, T. . DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS AND OA PS, GLASS AND QU KENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WAKH, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tho BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. ONE HUNDRED TRINCE&CO. Mcfoucon & Tailor C ONE HUNDRED SINGER SEWING AtAClllXEH AND ONE HUNDRED EXCELSIOE MOWERS TO BE GIVEN AWAY tidg way, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS Ducks are said to do good service in exterminating the potato bug. A gen tleman of Pxiua, Ohio, put a pair of Muscovvs into his potato patch, which was literally swarming with the bugs. The ducks ate the bugs with such avid ity that the latter were soon extermin Ued, and the patch has not since been troubled with them. J he clucks did not appear to suffer any ill effects from eating the bugs, and were not very slow in "taking in all they could discover. DRY GOODS, GROCERIE3, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, W. S. SERVICE- GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc THE LARGEST STOCK POKE, FLOUR, SALT, OF TOE BEST SO OTIIER IN BTOC K Feed, Beans. Butt or $ TO f E S J DRIED APPLES, stnnal wood ensravors in States. Thirty rears . Dot twenty. They have at Welte, I-Ibnesotr, a cheese factory which is claimed to be the largest in tho United States, and is of "three thousand cow power." The wheat harvest, already bcg".n ic Southcra Illinois, is earlier than ever be'ore knorn, and the yield is abund ant. lit. Butbr is rrrcnging a big ten farm rear Geneva, Illinois, on which he rrnonta to keen 19.000 hens of the choicast oreerls. The peoole o! Now Orleans hold iDRtinee at tha St. CWcs hotel in that jhy, to gar. a vpor. the Moabitish inscrip tion left upon ?.ts .register by Horace Greeley. A snocial comrr.ttee lira beer, raised ja the' Connecticut Legislature for the purpose of canvassing the subject of ii vorce, with a view to a general revis ion cf the laws rehting thereto. A Toledo druggist had his name iaken off a petition for a street improve ment when ha learned that such would improve tho health of tin neighbor hood. Th -rtnrna ehow that nearly every 4nwn !n Massachusetts which voted on 4Vn nnectinn nf linens'lDS the 6ft'. 6 of feeer mi aja, voted "bo" J large nig. ins: but fail down on dilapidated side. walks and sue the city for breaking his nose, and when he gets bis money he straightens his nose up and sets it for another locality. Some say he is a fraud. Under tho net of the last session of Congress granting pensions to soldiers of the w.ir o! lSliJ, over one thousand applications have been received at tho PtnMou office, and the applicants are uearly all over eighty-Cve years of age. Among the latest applications are Jacob Swithcr, cf Pulatiue, Virginia, aged 107 year?, and William Ross of Smith field, Indiana, aged 112 years. A Roston ladv thinks she is going to cet to heaven on the strength of her well-known charity to the poor. She ! has frequently been known, without any display ot ostentation, to boil a larsro number of eggs, and when the poor people came to the door distribute to tho hungry callers the soup that was left after boiling the eggs. Such acts ot charity are unusual in Boston; but that's a little too thin to cet to heaven on without stirring in a little thickening, A San Francisco paper says Mrs. Laura D. Fair takes the greatest pains with her toilet in prison, often changing her dress three or four times a day. She passes much of the time before her mirror, and, while admiring herself, says: "The more I see of myself, the more I am convinced I can never be hanged. Such a face ana lorra ns mice were never created for the gal lows." She modestly asserts she was never so handsome as she is now. JOREIGN. Alexander 11. eets 88,200,000 an cually, or 8250,000 per day. The final treaty of peace between German and France was signed by the representatives of Bavaria, Wurtemberg and iSadcn, ?lay 10. The fifteenth anniversary ot tbe in dependence of Greece was celebrated with great ceremonieB at Atnens, way By the census taken in Austria, De censber 31, 1S69, the proportion of the sexes in that country was 1,000 males lJJ'J lemales. The receipts of the association for the completion of the famous cathedral of Cologne, Germany, during tbe first quarter ot tais year, amounted to $10, Olio in gold A library in the uuseusi at Cassel Germany, is made from 500 European trees, lho tack ot each volume is formed of the bark of a tree, the sides of the perfect wood, tbe top of youn wood and tbe bottom of old. Wbe opened the book it found to be a box containing the flower, seed, fruit and leaves of the tree, either dried ox jm prined iu wax. DR1KD PEACHES THAYER & HAGERTY. vln2. TAKES IN EXCHANGE JTOU FOR to tub scnpoRinEns or EVERYBODY Tho New Monthly Journal, DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, HUMOR, AND MANUFACTURES OS JOB WO 11 K AT TBE RID G WAX WAGON SHOP. Call aud examine my stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but Firtt Class JUe- lianu t; I use nothing but the best Refined Iron. I thiuk it will be to your interest to give mo your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons in course ot eostructioo, i win De aoic to furnish any party by the first of April All oi dors bv mail, also any orders left with W. S. Sxrvicb at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. JACKSON & WEAVER, tf NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE THE BEST TALENT IN THE COUNTRY is engaged, and no pains will be spared to make it the Best Illustrated Family Paper. . $1 50 Per Ainum, in advance. The 'Most Llbaral Offer ever male to Sutasribsrs. To secure a laree circulation, we offer the following unrivnlcd inJiicements: To the Five Hundredth Subscriber and each alternnto Five Hundredth utier, we will present ono of tho crlehratel Singer Sowinff Mnchinca. Talucd Ht Swi, or a l'rince & Co. Meloduon of name Talue. To the Thousandth Subscriber, mid each Thousandth ono after, we will present one of the well known Soiberlinn excelsior Mowers, valued at !?ltO, or u l'rince & ;0. Parlor Organ of sanio value. There is no deception in the above oiler. and wo refer, with confidence, to tho J. I. SEIBERI.ING CO., Akron. Ohio, or any ot their numerous agents who have been in structed by the Company to guarantee our offers, iud arc autbnmed to reccivo sub scriptions. Also to Messrs. CEO. A. PRINCE & CO., or The SAGE, RONS ; CO. Lithographing, Printing und Manu facturing Co., liullale, JN. . tfHP.MSl A. I'ASA. KdHor. She goitawMji ux A Nowppni-rl tbs Prnnnt Times Intrude 1 for Peoplo liQW ea Rank. tie1aCli((f rnin. Marhanlet. Mcrrluntt, Pro t,lloiml U:a, Wuikors. TuinkcM, Had ll l in ner ot Hir."i Foikn. aaj Cui V.lvo?, Bool, outl Uftahtm t of all inch. OHI.T UM noLT.AR A TEA II I OSE ECJBRtS COPIES FOR MO, Or leu thn On- Cent a Copy. I,t there b 950 Club it emr? Pnt Office. ' BSlWI.lTEBKIir tfVy, 83 A YEAR, r,f tlio ivi tins Mil Knornl elicrncler a T!tn WREKLT, but with a nmtet Torlety of mifcl'anconl rewlme, ar.d rnral!!ilug the ni"w to n dntnil!tor with vieaier fmtincm. heoaura It come twice a week Insteaa of once ontj-. TUB DAILY St:N, tO A lfKAR. A prelTlwitlr rm'l '.n'e rcrcr. itn tt. Hrjfn' ccniu'lon m the worul. ,rt,, Imts reniunt, :d l.rle;f la politic. A I tins new, from ;v tvvtIicm. Tr' cones a coi;y i tj taalL SO ce.'iti a month, or CO a jwr. TEEMS TO CLTJB3. THE WOI.LAU WEKHLY STJW. FlTe cftM, onp jeir, aeparately iffirf'H. I our llcillara. Ten rnpl,!, otm yflr, rrmrntelv ftMriwed (and aa o.tirac3py toihegouer up M 'lnri v Klght Dollnr. Twenty rontp,, nnn yen?, MpnTfltPlv artflrrHPeal (a:. J ail cxiraejpy nu lua nti' t np of rmbl. i?lfii'a Weliarn. fifty topl. one j,w, inon? S'ldrp-t inri tlie Scnil- Ucckiy opeieitr i.t Ktfr np uft liib), 1'hlny-turco Dollars. Fifiy rnnlc. r,n rr,-, -cpornly andriiOFod (and tac bfinl- IVeoKl) OLaycurrn .'eirrr ut. oi rnU.), T;(r:y.OTo OoIUt. Dr.e HindrM tT lct, nn e.ir, to rne d lrcn tins Dally for unii re.,r t)1"u. ttr.runof cl-.iS. FillF Dollar. nr linndrcl enp'n, one n-ar. ""ptratrly nd- upotclnbj, tixt Efollara. CHS SSSTI-WEEttliT SI7N. riye eoplei, ope year, Bf paratlv iflTru, Mert Dotlnm. Tea eonle, nne rcrr. rerirVrlv a'turcMed (aul uu uxtiaco?- to f,etter up of ri ii). Hxtpea Dollars. M OUll ttonsT C.Z?,JTrt nr,'f-,,''k, T drnft, on Kew of . whwi er f - nven.rr t. If .:, tnen resiuar in wuere caatiluLii! .uoney. AuUrof I. TV. ESnT,An, PnMlftie.. ban oClco. cw Tork City. RAILHOADS. UOUSE FUllXISniNG GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PHICES YILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! (II (DIM (1 fTSLlie Canned Goods, In short everything wanted in the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonio Hall Building, llidgway, Pa. established in 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery, BEST, they will prove the Bend for price List and EVERYBODY Also full ttock of MANILLA ROPE nf the best manufacture, of uitable eues for rafting and running purposes. Cfjj-Get tbe cheapest. Prices reduced, Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich. lnl2l38. Bidgwiy, r., March ii 1371, The manner of Csn J-wtir-s Till bo as follows; Each letter containing subscriptions wili be numbered immediately upon opening, nud the names of tho subscribers will fci registered in a book in precisely tho sunn order r.s opened, mid when n letter con tnios more than one name, they will be registered in the same order as in the let tcr. ond each name standing opposite fsO-t. 1,000, 2,01)0, Sc., will be cnlitled to v. SEWING MACIUSE. or MELOUKUN, a. above mentioned. Ench namo B'nndins opposite 1,000, 2,000, 3.0)0, &c, will b; entitled to Hn EXCELSIOR MOWEU, oi rAKLOK OI1GAN. N. B. Immediate notice wil' be sent to each fortunate subscriber, nnl the True? shipped from the manufactory where made. (except Hie sewing .Maoiiines, which wn; be sent from the wnrcrooms of Mr. J. S Dawley, fuo General Agont in this city,) b- soon as possible after answer is received naming selection and giving dircctiou9'how to ship. Arrangements are also uiaue which more cxpeusive Machines or Instru ments may tie soieotcu cy paying mo uiu ereuce in price. A due aeknowicilgi'men' will be expeated in all cases, with permis sion to publish iu our next issue afier. Agents Wnuted Everywhere. Direct all Communications Bud Subscrip tions to KEN MY II. SAGE, Publisher, M Allert St., Eull'ulo, K. Y. We have made srraiigements by whicl; wear? enabled lo furnish "For Everybody in cqnnection with lho Advocate, at rer annum, lor ooin r.unncuiious. j nobe Contains no LAC SuLPHUb-No CP LEAD-Uo Lira AECffi-Ko NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Ilsalth-dSStrOyinS who have already paid their subscriptions. 3! ii tt.! T.. nan obtain it one vear bv rcmittine to us N. B All subscriptions will be entitled to noriicioate in llio l'mcs oUereu ny tue rublUlitr or "t or jivtryuouy. STEREOSCOPES. VIEWS) ALBUMS, CIIltOMOS, FRAMES. E.&H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 691 BROADWAY, NEW YOllK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortmentof the above goods, of their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANT.ERN SLIDES and GRAPflOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. & n. T. ANTHONY & CO.. C91 Broadway, Now York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, PEIXAEELrEIA it, ERIE EAILH0AD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON nnd after MONDAY, JUNE 5th, 1871, ti e grains on t lie l'hibidelpliia k4t Erie Kuilrjiid will run as follons: WEni n Aim. Vlail Train leaves I'liila lelpliia 7.10 p.m. " ltidijwr.y -10.03 a. m. " " arrive nt Erie ii.'-iO p. ni. Erie Elf leaves Philadelphia. .A i 3 ) p. m ' " " llidgway ,2 'JO a. m. " " arrive at Erie 7.40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves lleiiova,...7.1 5 a. m. " " Hi lgway,..'.4'.) p. m. arr at Knue 8.00 p. m. KASTWAKU. VI&ll Train leaves Erie 11.0 J a. m. " " " liidgway 4.i2 p. m. " " arrive at l'jiilid'a... 7,'iO a. m. lirie Ejpress leaves line 0.00 p. m. " " ridgway... ,20 a. m. " " or.it l'liiladelphia.. u 50 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane A.lO n. in. " " llidgway... 7.'2") a. m. " arr at St. Marys 8.S0 am. " leaves St. Marys 10.30 a m. " urr nt I'.enovo li.40p. in.- Mail East counocts cast and wctt nt Erio ffitli liHii M S 11 W und at Corry and irvineton vith Oil Crte't aud Allegheny K :l w. Mail West with west bound trains on L 5 & M S K W and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek nud Allegheny 11 U W. Warren Accommodation east und west with trains on L S and M S 11 cast and west uud at Corry with 0 C and A K R VV. Erie Acconnnodation Eat at Corry aud irvinetou with O C and A K R W. Elmira Mail nnd lliitl'ulo Express moke close connection at. Williumsport with N C it W lrnii.8 north and south. Catawissa passenger trains will be run east from Wiiliawsnnrt on Uimir.i Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen 1 Sup t. tions. Transparent- nnd clear as orystal, it will not. soil Die lmest lulnc, peneotiy saie, ean and etiicicnt, desideratums long suiiunt lor mid louud at lusi; . ... r - It restores and prcveut in air irom econiing Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap earutiee. removes Dandruff, is oool and efrehiiig to tho head, chocks the II air oui falling ou, and restores it vo a great xteut. when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, nnd unnatural neat. As dicssinc lor Hie uuir it is tne nest article the market. - Dr. 0. Smith, Vaten(e, Ayer, Mass, Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass Jhe genuine is put up n a panel bottle, made expressly lor it, with the name of tho article blown in the class. Ask your Druegist for Nature's Uuir Restorative, and take no oilier. ISiiVSciid two three cent stamps to rroclcr Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information tt con uius is worth $500,03 to any person. FOR SALE BY G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Main Street, Ridgway, Penn'a. Tlnllyl. 6UO VOLUMES IN ONE. .fGrrjs ni.rTED. roa TTia Library of Pootry and Song. Being Choice Selections from the Best rocis. Englibh, Scotch, Irish and American. With an Inttoduction By WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Under whose critical supervibion the vol ume was compiled. The handsomest and cheapest subscrip. tion book extant. Over eUO pages, beauti fully printed, choicely illustrated, hand somely bound. A unrary or over ouu volumes in one book, whose contents, of no ephemeral nature or interest, will never grow old or stale. It cau be, and will be, read and re-read witn pleasure ty oiu ana voune. as Ions as its leaves bold together. "A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything at all a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, is neglected. It is a book for every household." fN. Y. Mail. "We know of no similar collection in the English language which, in copiousness and felioity of selection and arrangement, can at all compare with it." N. Y. Times. Terms liberal. Selling very rapidly. Send for Circular and Terms to J. Ii. KQRD & CO., 27 PAKE. PLACE, V. Y. Importers and Manufacturers of PHOTOCRArillC MATERIALS. Yln2yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing June oth. Ic71. ALLEGHENY VALLEY 11. 11. THE BE3T ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND l'OIN I'd ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE It. R. OOINO 80OT1I. Day Express leaves Oil City ut 2 10am Arrives at Pittsburgh 7 55 p nt Sight Express leaves Oil City 0 45 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh ti 40 a m Mail leaves Oil Ciiy IHoim Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 00 p ui GOINU NORTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 3" a m Arrives at Oil City at 3 05 p in Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 pm Arrives at Oil City 6 55 am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 30 p m, Anrrives nt Oil City 7 46 p m Close Connections made at Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and West ou P. & K. K. R- Pullmau Pallace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. TR. G. WHIPPLE, I I Dental Surgeon. Otlico in Walker's liuildiug. All kinds of dentistry done in the best style, nnd all work warranted, lie will visit Kane on the 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wilcox on the 10th, 11th, nnd 12th; St. Mary's on tho 21st, 2-d, uud 23d of each mouth. At all other times he can be found at his ollico in Ridgway. Pa. vln2yl. G 99 -WJ VJ JT1 DAN 8CR113NER WISHES TO IN- form the Citizens of Ridgway, nd the publio generally, that be has started Lit- ery Stable anil will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms. Bg-II will Uo do job teaming. Ktahla In ttiA Tirooks Barn, near the PostOffioa, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Offictt will meet prompt alten tloa. Au 20187 UV J n. WILDER, NEWS DEPOT- Main St. (Holes' New Building), Itidg. Pa. Latest Periodicals and Newspapers kept constantly on baud. Also dealer in Fresh Fish, Oysters, Tobacco, and Confectionary. lnllf. CONRAD MEYER. " Inveutor aud Manufacturer of the CELEBRATES 125N FRAVI3 PIANOS, WABE2001!S, ITo. 723 Arch St., Phil, lias received the Prie Medal of th World's Great Exhibition, London, Eng. The highest Priief awarded when and wherever xiibited, 7-HfiT ABLISHJiD 182W ?1b63j.