IIknrv A. Parsons, Jr., . EJitor. THURSDAY, JUNE 8,1871. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET, Auditor General: DAVID STANTON, of IJcavcrCo. Surveyor Gcncrai: JlORERT B. BF.ATII, of Schuylkill. The Democrntio Senate received tho Annual appropriation bill on the 3d day of Maroh, 1871, as finally passed in tlie House of Representatives, but did not consider this most important bill lof tlio session until tho first week in May, liolding it over for two long months, without taking any action on it what ever. 6uppoee the two houses had teen Democratic it would have taken oil summer to consider it, and the Leg islature would have been in session now, tit $12 per day and extras. Let the pcoplo remember this at tho next elec tion. Ilarrisburs; Telegraph. - m i m Unpatented Lands, Says the JState Journal: Among tho general laws passed by tho last Legislature and upprovedby tho Governor, is the fol lowing, which is o( importance to all owners of unpatented lands. Wo understand that efforts were made to modify its provisions, but witbont uceess, from which it is evident that it Is the policy of tho Stoto to havo this lnnrr unsettled business closed up as ' D speedily as possible, and this is om mcndablo since not only tho interests of .the State, but tho security of purclias rs of real estate, whoso titks may bo affected thereby, required: lie it cnnrtciL f"c, That tho board of nropertv shall have lull and discretion airy power as to the tiiue of cntcrinc; -anits. and the number thereof, to bo brought for tho collection of liens -.against unpatented lands, and tho At torney General shall proneed under the .seventh section ot the said act, to winch this is a further supplement, when an thorized to do so by tlu said board: J'l-ovidcd. That no interest shall be .charged on patent or other Iocs. NEWS. DOMESTIC. Gold closed in New York, Monday jxt U2i. Boston lately received 5i,000 dozen rss in one day. At Eastport, Maine, pood beefsteak sells for teu cents a pound. Iowa farmers are oing estensively into hemp raising. Now York belles arry parasols with f crfumo bottles inserted in tho handles "Departuri.sts" it the name rf the ! aew J)oiuocraey. Work on tho California I'.tcifio eston .sion from Duncsvil'c towards Salt Luke, will commence the lant of June. In many sections of Ninth Carolina and Virginia the unplo trees this year have failed to blossom. An Illinois postmaster gires notice ns follows: After thirl date, everybody must lick their owu postage stumps, for iny tongue's given out. Tho Post-offioo Departuient hafl an increasa of revenue for the present year over $1,000,001), and boasts that it j will soon bo self-sustaining. Nearly thirty-four thousand fcnialo property owners in Massachusetts pay a3 on 8131,084,303 worth ot prop erty. A Virginia editor has received a communication from Miss Anna Mitilda Sophia Elcctra Doll Ann Potter Dell. It' a treatise on what she knows about baptism. The actual extent of tho cutiro sys tem of telegraphio lines in tho United ..States Jan. 1, 1871, was as .follows: Miles of line, 73,271; miles of wire, 130,843; number of offices, 5,014. Tho Cincinnati Time has a composi tor, Wm. McDiarmid by name, who is 1(0 years of age, and used to set up Walter Scott's poems from tho original manuscript. Central New York has a starch fac tory with twelvo acres of floor, (iOO largo cisterns and twenty miles of (.team pipes, making twenty-six tons of starch .daily. The examination of candidates for .cadctships at West Point is progressing. Of the ninety-eight recently appointed -candidates, forty-nino were examined by tho surgeon, and but six rejected. A Californian has offered premiums to tho amount of twenty dollars, to be .divided to the five girls, under fifteen years of ago, who can cut and make the five best calico dresses to bo exhibited jit the next State Fair. Two bottles were recently washed Lahore one on the coast of Nova Scotia, aud the other on that of New Brunswick iu each of which were iound what purported to be messages written by passengers on board the City -of Boston. Though tho genuineness of these messages wan at first universally scouted, it is now rumored that in each instance the handwritirg has been re cognized as that of the person Uh same the message was signed. A man recently died in Indiana from wound received at the battlo of Qnccnstown, Canada, in 1812. An onnce musket ball which had remained mbcddtd in tho bones of his fiico over fifty eiuht years, ulcerated its way into ., i .... u u:. nis uioutn ana was spit out, xruiu una cause influniHtion arose, wbioli extend ing, terminated fatally, t The seventonn-ycar locust has ap peared in Illinois, many millions of this muah dreaded insect having appeared n tho neighborhood of Morris, Grundy eunnty, and it is thought probable that they will be found in greater or less numbers all over tho northern part of ho State. Tho locust is reported to have last appeared in that suction in 18o4, sothatit is duo in 1871. Ihe present year promises to be one of unu sual activity in tho ioscct world. Tho locust in the North, the Hessian 11 y m Southern wheat fields, the chinch bng to the west of us, and the poisonous potato bug almost all over the country, will do immense damage Sau Francisco, Juno 3. On tho con clusion of the argument of Mrs. i'air s counsel on tho motion for a new trial, this evening, Judgo Dwincllo informed Campbell, counsel for the people, that it was unnecessary for him to reply, as an attempt to impeach tho jurors had failed, and ho would overrule exceptions taken during tho trial. lie then briefly alluded to the crime nnd the prolonged and impartial trials she nau, and sentenced the prisoner, Laura D. i'air, to bo hanged on the Ut'th ot July remarkable scene then ensued. Airs. Pair maintained almost her usual com posure, but 'strong-minded" women who had attended tho trial throughout manifested their sympathy in tho most ostentatious manner. .Mrs. iMinly lilts Stevens, leader of the party, embraced the prisoner's mother, and then going over to the reporters' desk, telling them she hoped they were sotislicil now, &c, kc Thcsu manifestations continued until the court-room was cleared. It is believed that Gov. Ilaight will not in terfere. FORE! (IX. Tha Hish Commissioners havo rived in England. A terrible earthquake has occurred in China, devastating over -U.UUli sqnare miles of country and destioyiug over 2,000 lives. Tho Paris barricades have been re moved and the streets havo been re opened. Arrnsts of suspected persons continues. Executions aro still taking place at Versailles. Business is reviv ing at Paris, and foreigners are arriving daily. A Bczen Hcasou V7hy the Democratic Tarty Hust to Eefcatei. 1st. Beeaufc the Bcpublican party, as a political organization, has been faithful to the country, defended its life against its enemies, and maintained its authority when it was denied by traitors. 2d. Because tho Democratic parly, as a political organization, was in open svmpathv with iho men who banded and armed to dirupt the Union, and A T in Harper's, who sav lie has a high opinion ol water nnd vegetables, hut has been known to lanmer with steaks and slake his thirst with elarct, and who no doubt relishes a good joke, has tho following personals: JJrydon s weakness was fcr bacon. Charles Lamb lot rosst pig. Byron dined four davs out of tho seven on h. Liston, tho comedian, drank onlv cold water, iimi nto littlo animal food. Sir Isaao Newton, when writing the "Principia," confined himolf to bread, water and vegetables, l'opo, who was nn epicure, melted at stewed lampreys. Ur. Johnson went in for a leg of mut ton. Dr. Parr was string on hot boiled lobsters. Froissartntn and drank every thing. Ditto Sheridan, Brougham. Scott, Fox, Burke, Pitt. POWELL & KIME. Lowell & Kime Flowebs may be arranged for bo- rtuots cither to the harmony or contrast of colors. Red harmonizes with orange, orange with yellow, violet with red, green with blue. Green is the contrast to red. sky-blue to orange, yellow to violet, blue to orange-red, indigo to orange-yellow, and violet to bluish-green. To find tho contrast to any flower, cut a small circular piece out of one of it petals; placo it upon white paper, look at its steadily with on eve for a few soconds, without lelUM the evelids close, then look from the colored circle to another part of the white paper, wheu a cirelo of another color will be apparent. This color is the true con tract or complementary color. Tastes differ as to whether tho effect of nr- DRY GOODS, ranging the flowers according to con trast or complementary color is more pleasing to tho eye than according to liartnoniee. The former, however, is the most favot. To carry it out, a blue should bo placed next to an orango flow er, a yellow near a violet, and a red or whito should havo plenty of foliage around it. Whito coutrasts with blue or orange, or still better with red or pink, but not yellow or violet. Pittsburgh claims to ship eighty mil lion bushels of coal every year. Having creeled a large and woll arranged new Storo House on the old site, sinco the fire, and filled it fron cellar to garret with the choicest good of all descriptions, that can he found In any market, are fully pre pared to reccivcthclr old onstomcrs, and supply their wants al bottom figures Y YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO THAYER & IIAGERTY Main Street, PJdgway, IV DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tho BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. ONE HUNDRED PRINCE & CO. ' Mefoucons & Parlor Onjans ONE HUNDRED SINGER SE IFA G MACHINES AND ONE HUNDRED EXCELSIOB, MOWERS TO BE GIVEN AWAY "WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Thoir assortment is now complete, com prising THAYER & IIAGERTY. vln3. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, TO TnK SUBSCRIBERS OP FOR HARDWARE, CLOTHING, W- S. SERVICE- GO AND SEE! IT WILL FAY! BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. THE LARGEST STOCK PORK, FLOUR, SALT, OF TUB BEST NO OTHER IN STOC K Feed, Beans, Butt ox $ T O IT 111 SI DRIED AVVLES Itidgway, March lsc,lB70 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR WAGONS OR JOB WORN AT THE R1DGWAY WAGON SHOP. Call and cxaniiao my stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the lent sclcotion of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY j I employ none but First Claw Me- rtrttttV ; I use uothinx but tho Lest Rrfinvd lion. I think it will bo to your interest to pivo mo your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in courso of eostruction, I will be able to furnish auy party by the first of April. All oidcr3 by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at tho Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. JACKSON .0 WEAVER, tf NATURE'S HAIR flESTOMTIVE EVERYBODY Tho New Monthly Journal, DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, ART, S'JIENCE. HUMOR, AND MANUFACTURES THE BEST TALENT IN THE COUNTRY" is engaged, and no pain!) will be spared to nmko it the Best niustratod ' Family Taper. 81 50 Per Annum, in advance. Ths Most liberal Offer ever mada to Subsiribcrs. To Rccure a largo circulation, wo offer tho following unrivnloil inducements: To tho Five Hundredth Subscriber and cnnli nltornnle Five Hundredth nflcr, we will present one of tho cclebrntn'l Singer Scwini Machines, valued nt $, or a l'rince & Co. Melodeon of same vnlue. To the Thousandth Subscriber, and ench Thousandth one after, wo will present one of Iho well known Seihei'linT Excelsior Mowers, valued at $110, or a l'rince & Co. l'arlor Organ of Bamo value There is no deception in the above offer, mid wo rcfur, with confidence, to the J. F. SliIDERLI.NO CO., Akron, Ohio, or any of their numerous ngcnls who have been in structed by the Company to guarantee our offers, ind aro authorized to receive sub scriptions. Also to Messrs. O10O. A. 1'IUNCE & CO., or The SAGE, SONS CO. Lithographing, l'rinting and Manu facturing Co., Ucllala, N. Y. Cn.vr.LEJ A. DATA. Editor. A N.-nspnprr ol tlio Iree?it Tlmm. Ia:ai:i-Jl lor People Now no Rank Inclnrtli.r: F.irmevs. Mrr!mte, Merchant, Pro fotaional Men, M'uikcra, Thin sera, nnd all Mnu iter or Ilimatt Foikr., au1 thu Wive, Sou, nod ba-j;.'litortf ot nlMnca. ONLY ONE D01iI.AH A YSAR I ONE HUNDRED COL'lEU FO 8.10, Or lars ttn tin" Cent Opy. Lot thore be 8 jO Club ui ovcry Tout Ottlot. BEJII-V.TXILliY BUN, S3 A YEAR rr tin fimo fi nii't pcncrnl elinruotcr m T1IS WKKKI.T, but will, a rcotor variety ol inlfollaneoiii rcn'lin;, n.ul tnrnl!ilnf the n- to Us (ntmn-lttnii wltU bic liyr trtWinaM, beetuna It conies uvti'o n week Insteua ol onva only. Tlla DAILY StIS, S3 A YEAR. A prcilmtrwtfly r3nbih!o wW!iptner. with tho InrireAi trcuintlua in tliu world, fron. imiq. linident, n':d Ir-nrloi In in:itic. A l inn news from I'V'-rvwlnnii. Tiv. emu n cony ; by umlt. 00 eisAU t. luuuili, or SO a ear. Til TERMS TO CLUBS. 3 DOLLAR WEEKLY KUV. Five coplei. one voir, teparaielr nf'drrvsd. Four Dollar. Ten roplc, onn voir, fiennrntolv nd'trmhed (aud a.i cxtrticup) to the getter up of rlttn). Klulit DnlHrn. rwentv mnlen. one veer. etnr.ttnt addmrnd (a ,l nn exirae jpy k tno nettr np or tmli). Vil'tCL'ti Dollurs. riny eopl". rno trie, to ono addrnn tnnd tho Bn- cek)y one je:,r i etier up .f -.il), Thiriy-ttireo Dcillnrn. Fifty copies, ore venr. cparatolv notlnmct (nnd tne beinl Wvckly one v:ir ro (reltcr nt nt :inh), Thir:y-five Dollur. Dno i'nnrtred eoi Irj, on ) vc.-.r. t'i ono d lrc t ind the JJaHy for ono yeur to ihn Ki ittr at ot ra" l'ilty Dollarit. ,i,ie hnndrod ponir. nni vi-nr. "inninly nd-dre-w urn,! ilio Dully lor ono vivir to ine i?Hler H'ofelnb), Blxiy Dollars. SE.Wr-WEEKLT PUN. Five roplcs, one year, lepaialclv n'Mtcsc.'. Eiplit ollnr. lencoMcp. one rerr.rpmraipiv niKlrctbuu (uud un exti copy to treiter up of c i ,,.). t"u ISixlcuu Dnltnrs. SENT YOUR JIOXEY w!rrrr,r0 or-'ei'.pfiPcks, or dinft. . i '.. r,'u:r r"nvo"ent. If not, tnen 'el.oro conl.iiniuil uio.iey. A,ldrss I en N'cw rcgUur w. E.v-nL.n, mwiiiip.. Bun rfJco. Now Vork City. who for six years warred, at the sacri fice of thousands of lives and millions uf dollars, to letroy the government. 4d. liecause if mere had not been a RenubliciHi partv. we would not now have a government. Tho strength and patridtitiW mf tho republicans of tho ' laud, aud the unwavering devotion of their leaders, alone saved the Union and perpetuated tlio government. dtli ccaue if there had not been a Democratic party, slavery would never have attempted rebellion. The cove nant into which tho Democracy were willing to enter with the slave-masters, encouraged them with the hopo that treason woul be successlul, as they be lieved the leniocratia party of the North would be strong enough to pre vent troops from coin; South to contend wiih rebel organizations. fth. Because tho material resources of the nation have always been protect ed by Republican policy. Tho labor which is now prosperous owes its vital ity to tho invigorating policy of Repub lican rule. Gth- Jccau?o tlio influenco which used tlavery to crush a lreo government is now willing to allow foreign pauper labor to destroy free labor, 7th. IJecausj the only reliance which tho creditors of tho country have for tho security of their investments, is in the Republican party bein. kept "in power. Repudiation is as sure to follow Republican defeat as rebellion was the direct result ol Je:nocratie tcachm? feth. Rccauio our system of ibtoroal improvement, uow so potent in Us in fliteneo for good, would, by Democratic victory, become the prey ot a corrupt lobby, every ready to uso the reprcsen tatives of tho retlo in furtherance of schemes to plunder private and public enterprise. 9th. Recauso tho Dcmocratio party, as the advocate ot direct taxation, would restore tho tax on real estate, repealed at tho instance of a Republicau Gov ernor, 10th. Recaufo tho Republican party has secured for tho American people foreign policy by which wo now wield moro power iu huropo than our govern nient ever posseted in tho old world, by reason ot which millious ot our bonds are held by European creditors, 11th. Recauso the Democratic party having been aud yet being ready to UKiko a merchandise of human flesh, would not hesitate to barter iu the honor of tho Government, once they get it in their possession 12th. Recause the Republican party can be trusted, having been tested and found faithful. Stato Journal. DRIED 1'KACIIES, IIOUSK FURNISHING GOODS IN j ENDLESS V AEIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! sell mmm It is Baid, if all that the dogs of this country eat wai fed to hogs, it would make S50.COO.000 worth of pork. Add to the value of the hheep destroyed, and something of an idea of the tmse of dogs can be obtained, RAILROADS. Canned Goods, In short everything waited in tho Couutry by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FltEE! FREE! F11EE! EVERYBODY! Contains no LAC SULPHUR No sugar or lead-no lith- ARGE-No NITRATE OP SIL VER, and is ontirelj froa from tho Poisonous and Ilealth-dsstroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent nnd clear as crystal, it will not soil l lie finest fabric porfeotl Hafo, clean and etiioieot, tlviiitlaratuuis long sought fur and foiiud at last! ll restore ami prevent I tie Hair lrom becoming Gray, imparts a soft, gloiwy, up pearance. remove Dandruff, ia cool nnd rcfrcn!iin$ to I he lieiul, checks tlio Hair from falling off, auJ restore it to a great extent when prematurely lost, picToins Headaches, cures ull humors, cutaneous eruptions, nnd unnatural lieat. As n diessiiig for tlio hair it is the best arliclo in tlio market. Dr. II. Smith, 1'alenteo, Ayer, Mass. Trepared only by rUOOl'Klt HKOTIIERS, Gloucester, Mass Tlio genuine is put up in n panel botllo, mmle expressly for it, with the namo of iho article blown in the glass. Ask your Pi-nudist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and tuku no other. CfjSend two three cent stamps to Proctor llrothcrg for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." Tho information tt con tains is worth $oUU,0D to any person. FOR SALE DY G. O. MESSKNGER, DRUGGIST, Main Strcot, Itulgwuy, l'enn'a. tlnllyl. Th9 manner of CosizrtfcgT7i'.lb3 k follsTr:: Each letter containing subscriptions will be numbered immediately upon opening, and the names of the subscribers will be reeistercO in a book in precisely the same order as opened, and when a letter cin taios more than ono name, they will bo registered in tho samo order ns in the let ter, nnd each name standing opposiic 50'), l.'iOO, 2..iOO, &c, will b entitled to n SEWING MACHINE, nr MULODF.ON, ns nbovo mentioned. Each namo s'an.lin ODDOsite 1.000. 12.000. 3.0 lf. &c, will be entitled to tin EXCELSIOR MOWER, or PARLOR ORGAN. N. li. Immediate notice wil' be sent to each fortunate subscriber, nnd the Prizes shipped from the manufactory whore made, (except tho Sewing Machines, which will bo sent from the warcrooms of Mr. J. S. Dawley, the Gcncrai Agent in this city ) ns noon as possible after answer is rjceived. Darning selection and giving direclions'how to ship. Arrangements aro alio made by which more expensive Machines or Instru ments may ho selected by paying tho diff erence in price. A due acknowledgement will be expected in all cases, with permis sion to publish in our next issue after. A cents Wanted Everywhere. Direct all Communications and Subscript ious to HENRY II. SAGE, Publisher. 20 Allen St., EuHulo, N. Y. We havo mndo arrangements by which we are enabled to furnish "For Everybody" in connection with tho Aiivucate, nt $3 tier annum, for both publications. Those . . . . i . . . . ho have already paid tlicir suusoripuons, can obtain it ono year by reuniting to us One Dollar. N. B All subscriptions will bo entitled to porticipate in the Prizes offered by luc lublislier or "for iivtryuony. PHILADELPHIA &, ERIE RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON nnd after MONDAY, MAY 1871, the trains on tlio Philadelphia & Li-ia Pmilroad will run us follows: WKSTWAltll. Mail Train leaves I'hila lelphin.. 7.10 p way 10.n.'i a. :dj " " arrive nt Kvie :' Erio Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..1'.: Ri.lgwny 2 " " arrive nt Erie 7 Accomodation, leaves I'enova. ' Rilgway " nrr at Kane... ' K.VSTWAllll. M;.ll Train leaves Erie " " Ridgway . nn iyg Rt Phil id'n.., Erie Express leaves Enc M.lgway... nrrat Philadelphia CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! vr. i No. 1 Masonic !. SERVICE, Hall Building, Ridgwny, 1'a. ESTA11LISIIED IN 183U. WELCH &, GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery. J-Get the BEST, they will prove the cheanest. Prices reduced. Send forprioe List and Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS. Boston, Maes., or Detroit, Mich. vlnl2t38. AIbo a full stock of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sixes for rafting and running purposes. RiJgway, Po., March 2J, 1371 500 VOLUMES IN ONE. .ICLYVrS WMJI'TJL'U. roa The Library of Poetry and Song, Doiiie Choice Selections front the Vest Poets. I English, Scotch, Irish anil American Willi an Intioduclion By WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Under whose critical supervision the vol ume was compiled. The handsomest and cheapest subscrip tion book extant. Over POO pages, beaun hilly printed, choicely illustrated, band iomoly bound, a Library ot over miu volumes in one book, whose content!, ot Iso ephemeral nature or interest, will never rtw old or etule. It can be, aud will be, read and re-read with pleasure by old and younir. as Ions as iu leaves hold together. "A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything I at all a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, is neglected. It is a book for every household." fN. Y. Mail. I ..... . " , ,, f we Know or no similar collection in the English language which, in copiousness I and lencity or selectiou and arraugement, can at all compare with it." N. Y. Times Terms liberal, celling very rapidly Se4 for Circular and Terms to J, B. FORD ) CO., Zi PARK PLACE, N. Y. STEltEOSCOPKS. VIEWS, ALRUMS, CLIROMOS, FRAMES. E. & H. T. ANTHONY &, CO . 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invito the attention of tho Trado to their xtennvo assortment of tho above goods, of their oicn publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPIIOSCOPES. NEW VIKWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. o'Jl Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers nnd Manufacturers of PHOTDGRAPII1C MATERIALS. vln.'yl. m. m. "o p. ill. ;i p. in 2 -0 a. in. ..".10 n. m. ...7.1" a. in. ..V P.) p. m. ...8.00 p. in. 11.20 a. m. 4.52 p. in. 0.-"!O n. m. . 11.00 p. m. 2.20 a. in. .. o.50 p. ni. Accomodation, leaves Kans 5.00 a. iu. " Ridgway... i.2n. in. nrr nt 3t. .Marys 8.:I0 am. leaves!. M.irys 10.40 A. ni. nrr nt Rcnovo O.lOn. m. Mail East connects cast and wett nt Erio with L.S SMS R W nnd at Corry nnd lrvincion witu Oil Creek aud Allegheny Jl 11 w. Mail West with west bound trains on I. S & M S R V and nt Corry and Irviuetou with Oil Creek and Allegncny R R V. Warren Accommodation e-ist and west with trains on L S and M 8 R oast nnd west and nt Coi ry with O C nnd A H R W. Eric Accommodation Last nl. Corry nud Irvinelon with O C and A R R W. E'.inira Mail and I'ullalo Express mnko close connection nt Williamsport with N C R V trains north and souih. Calawissa passenger trains will bo run east from WiUiaipmort on Elinira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't. NEW TIMK TA1JLK. Commencing May 22d. 1871. ALLKG IIENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITT3- BURUII AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. It. notsii SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City nt 2 0-1 a rr Arrives nt rutsburgli I J p ui Night Express leaves Oil City 11 00 p ni Arrives at Pittsburgh li 0 a nt Mail leaves Oil Cily 9 45 a ni Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 00 p ui no 1 Nil NOUTII. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 9 10 am. Arrives nt Oil City at 8 50 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 11 00 p m Arrives at Oil City ti 40 a n Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 30 p in. Anrnves at Oil City 7 4j p ni Close Connections inaao at Corry tor Pittsburgh with trains East and West oik P. & E. R. R. Pullman Pallnce Drawing F.oom Sleep. ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry nnd Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegucny valley u. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. yR. G. WHIPPLE, I Dental Surgeon. uilico in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry done in the best style, nnd all work warranted. He will visit Kane on i he 1st, 2d, nnd 8.1; Wilcox on the 10th, 11 ih, nnd 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st, id, and 23dof each month. At all other times he can be found at his ofhue in P.iJgwny. Pa. ln2yl. J II. W I LB Ell, N EWS DEPOT- Maiu St. (Iloles' New Building), Rulg- waj, l'a. Latest Periodicals and Newspaper kept NEW HVEltY STABLE IN w mm ,t DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN- form the Citizens of lUdgwny, and the public gocerally, that he has started Liv- I constantly on hand. Also dealer in Kresli ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon tho uiost reasona ble terms. BQUHe will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Tost Offion. on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Fish, Oysters, Tobacco, and Confectionary, V 1 U 1 1 1. CONRAD MEYER. Inventor nnd Manufacturer of tho CBLEL3ATS3 BC3 THAIS PIASQ3. VTABEIlOOaS, No. 722 Arch St., Phlla. Has received the Prize Medal of tho World's Great Exhibition, London. Eno Tho highest Prizes uwarde.l when and wherever exhibited. t'STABLlSUEli 1)J2j. vluti3tn.