The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 04, 1871, Image 3

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    Kate3 of Advertising.
One column, one year......
..$7 00
.. 40 00
.. 25 00
.. 15 00
Transient advertising per square of eight
linos or less 8 times or less 2 00
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year 5 00
Marriages and Death notices inserted
Elk Lodge, A. T. X.
Slated meetings of Elk Lodge i
held at their hall on ths second and
fuesdays of each month.
Q. L. McCRACKEN, Seo'r.
ill he
Temple of Honor and Temperance.
Elkton Temple, No. 8., m lets on Thurs
day of each week, at the Good Templars
Louse room, over C. V. Oillis' store.
Car Time at Illdgicay.
Erie Express East..
do do West..
do Mail East
do do West .
Local Freight East.
do do West..,
2:20 a. m.
:-'( a m.
3:00 p. m.
1:50 p. m.
10:411 a. m.
....... 6:01 p. m.
Yesterday was rainy.
Garden making is in order.
Eoas are selling here at 20 cents per
Lost! Strayed or Stolen Tha Edi
tor of the Gazette.
Grove the Messenger, sports a new
white hat. Prescriptions carefully com
pounded at all hours.
Weatherists predict that there
Vill be a flood about the 16th of this The tubers will.
, j,
and very much larger; also, in measures,
Good Taste. An exchange Bays it
is not good taste for gentlemen to stay
after 10 o'clock when visiting a young
lady. We never noticed any difference
in the taste alter 10 o'clock. Pshaw!
it's good anytime. Cameron Herald.
Another New Counterfeit.
Peterson's Detector, just out, says thore
is in circulation a new counterfeit
United States noto (greenback) of the
denomination of twenty dollars. This
bogus bill purports to be of tha issue of
March 10, 1862. It is remarkably well
executed, bearing so close a resemblance
to the genuine twenties as to have de
ceived good judges of paper money.
Court House, in Ridgway, Sunday April
30th, 1871, by Rev. J. Brenomnn, Mr.
Jacob Bitrocco to Miss Elizabeth Wunder
lich, both of Fox Township, Elk Co., Pa.
GARDNER FITCH. May 1st, 1871,
by Rev. C. M. Heard, Miss Ophelia M.
Fitch to James K. Gardner, both of Ridg
way, Pa,
Webster's Unabridged Illus
trated. "Viewed as a whole, we are
confident that no other living language
has a dictionary which, so fully and
faithfully sets forth its present condi
tion as this last edition of Webster does
that of our written and spoken English
tongue." Harper's Magazine.
How to Grow Laroe Potatoes.
To improve the size of potatoes, whether
planted with small or large, whole or
even cut tubers when the plants are
only a few inches high, let the shoots
be reduced by pulling them up to one,
two, or, at most, three of the strongest.
Encouraging Rowdyism Settling
for broken windows for less money than
it costs to replace them.
We had a good many showers of raia
nere last wecu, out not enough lor a
W. II. Osteruout has commenced
the erection of a dry house to be. when
completed, seven stories high.
We don't object to having the Erie
Dixpatch copy our locals, but think if
they are worth copying they are also
deserving of credit.
Peter and his men are praying for
raiu. The tannery men would like fair
weather. As we go to press Peter ap
pears to have the inside track.
nearly all fit for the table or market.
Slow Rate of Increase in Popu
lation. The census ot Arkansas is an
interesting exhibit. In 1860, the popu
lation of that State was 435,450; and in
1870, 483,189. or but little more than
that of St Louis and her two or three
adjoining counties. The increase dur
ing the last decade was about ten per
cent., and this in the face of the fact
that for ten years previous to the war
not a State in the Union increased in
pupulation more rapidly than Arkansas.
Ibe terrible calamities that the civil
conflict entailed upon the State aro the
only explanation necessary to account
for the slow rate of increase during the
past ten years.
Ifif.RB will be .Lutheran services at
the Court House, Ridgway, on the 14th
and 28th of May, 1S71. German
preaching in the morning and English
in the cvonlng.
We notice that Mr. Scliram
changed his ''baar room" into a
room," besides making other improve
monts in the Hyde House, and continues
to keep a first-elass hotel.
remaining in the Post Office at Ridgway,
up io may isi, lBi l:
Heefell James
Jiunford Frank
.ones J W 2
John Saml.
JCyelnnder A
Kursch Charley
J,ippincotl Carrie M
Terciiry Louycus
McColluro Harris
JTewville Albert II
Noblet John K
Jfrentiss J W
oss Wm
ltyberg Thomas
Shaffer J F
Sydenlmn Jane Miss
Sheuar Patrick
Ifoodward B
1 ndcrson Jacob
Wowcn CaBemer
Dowers Katy Miss
lii-own w ll
Brown Maggie
Bennett John
Comes William
Cole Wm. 2
Culhins Mary Miss
Colwell Williams
It iy Calvin
Evans II W
jfjnr Joseph
Furgenson John 2
Fury Ann Miss
Cordon Charles
Greely Jonathan
Gleon Patergoa
Ianry C A
New .Mail Route, A mail route
between this place and P.eynoldsville.
!hy way of Mr. Daniel North's, is about
to be -established. The mail will trrive
and depart twice every week. Punx
eutawney Plaindcaler.
If noot called for in thirty days thev
will be scut to the Doad Loiter Office.
Quarterly Meeting and Com
munion Services will bo held at the
Court House next Saturday and Sun-
day. Rev. J. Leslie, tho Presiding
Elder of this distriet, will be present to
conduct the services. Services on Sat
urday at 3 o'elnck, p. m.
."Laws of Business." This is the
title of a book issued by tbe National
Publishing Company, of Hartford,
Conn. It is a book which- no family
should be without, it is as essential as
a family toothbrush. Mr. Daniel Attle-
barger is the agent for Jones township,
this county, of whom a copy can be
procured. Read what tho Evening
Post, Hartford, Conn., says:
"The Laws of Business." is a book that
will meet a want long felt by business men.
At once simple, accurate, and full, it ex-
FlRE. On Saturdaymorning, 15th PlaiM our civil rights and duties, giving
J A n' I m:n,A .1 : i : 1 l r e
Ult., the barn of W :lliam Harrows, sit- every business transaction. Professor
uate on Laurel Run, Jay township, this Parsons, of the Cambridge Law School, has
uccu iur uiuuy yeans reurueu as uie most
successful writer of law books in the
country, and a standard authority every
where. His name as author is a sufficient
guarantee of the excellency, usefulness.
and accuracy of anr work. The author
states that in nothing he has yet published,
has he labored more strenuously to make
the work satisfy the wants of those to
whom it is offered. "Tbe Laws of Busi
ness contains all the principles of all the
branches of the law, which regulate the
common transaction of life, stated, with all
the accuracy that care and labor could
county, was entirely destroyed by fire
All the grain, hay, corn, etc., was burned
together with sit valuable horses. The
cause of the fire is not definitely known
Big! biggerH biggist!!! Mr. R. II.
Coats brought an egg into our sanctum,
last Tuesday, which measured 6Jx8J
-inches, and weighed four ounces. It
is the production of a little, common,
-one-horse, hen. It would seem that a
strife existed among the hens, in our
neighborhood, to do something big, to
get their names in the Advocate.
FtanT. Main street, in front of
Chas. Holes jewelry store, was the
eccno of a pugilistio encounter, on last
Liquor on Election Days. The
following bill, having past both Houses
and received the Governor's approval,
has become a law.
Sao. 1. Be it enacted &o.a That from
and after the passage of this act it shall
not be lawful for any person in this Com
monwealth, whether licensed to sell liquors,
i . v u .
- . . , i or uiiuuvuteu, tu uujr, ecu ur give away io
Monday, between two youug men who be used as a drink, any spirituous or mall
were evidently determined to cat each liquors, wine or cider or any other sub
,,n .i e -i stance containing alcohol, on any part of
other up, but the appearanee of Coosta- an, day set apart or to be set apart for any
lie Malona on the scene of action, general or special election by the citiiens
, i, r i , inor wunin any oi lun precincts, war us,
prevented them from so doing. During townships, counties or other election di-
tho "entertainment" two large panes of visions or districts in this Commonwealth.
lons ot the first seotion of this act shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall
be subject to imprisonment in tha proper
jail of the proper county for a term of not
less than 10 days nor more man iuu in the
discretion of the court, and shall also in
addition to the above, be subject to a fine
not less thun $20, and not mora than $500
in the discretion of the ourt.
Mr. Schnatterly moved to amend the
first section as follows: That tbe provis
Buffalo & Washington R. R. .
We have been vey careful to avoi
publishing any of tbe rumors that have
been floating around from time to time
in rcfcrcnco to this road, because we
did not desire to raise false hepes, an
causo people to enter into speculation
on the strength of anything we might
publish, and then blame us if the ru
mor should prove untrue, Uut within
the past week wo have received such
information, from private and reliable
sources, that we feci jus titled in saying
to our readers, that there is now but
very little, if any, doubt but- that th
road from Emnoiium to Buffalo will
soon be built. Ihe influences now
brought to bear are sufficiently powerfu
to effect their object, and are such that
Emporium will receive its full share of
the benefits arising from the building of
the road. We aro sorry to bo com
pclled to say that we cannot see but
very small prospects for the Pine Creek
road, and our belief is that it will never
be built; although we should like very
much to see it, as it would tend to de
velop and enrich our neighboring coun
ties to a wonderful extent. rCameron
Herald .
- . -
The Currant Worm. The Bos
ton Journal of Chemistry gives the
following; We are informed by Dr. E
Worcester, of Waltham, that the cur
rant worm, so destructive to a favorite
truit, may be lullv and almost imme
diately destroyed by the use of caibo-
late of lime. The doctor tried tho
powder in many instances during the
past summer, and found that while it
was fully as effective as hcllcborne, it
was less disagreeable, less costly aud
perfectly safe. The method of using
it is to sprinkle it over the vines as soon
as tho worm makes its appearance-
ringing it well in contact with the
leaves, and soon the insect is destroyed.
It will need but two or three applies
tions, and the work is done. In this
way, fur a few cents, large quantities of
currant bushes may be saved and the
fruit allowed to mature, and no danger
whatever incurred. Neither the foliage
nor the fruit is in any way injured by
the carbolate of lime. It will be well
for our readers to remember this when
the fiuit season returns.
glass were broken for Mr. Holes.
Godet's Lady's Book for May, is
on our table, and ia an excellent num
ber of this favorito lady's magazine.
The engraving illustrating "Rustio Gal
lantry" is good. Tbe fashion plates
are complete, and embrace all the
(spring styles with directions for making ions of this bill shall not be enforced after
un Iii1.1;1ipH hv T. fiodev Phila. tne 'wtion polls are closed in the evening,
up. i ublihhed by Li. A. uoacy, i mm- orU)o wU rf f hibhed ftfler tbt
unguis, .terms j per year. i ume. Agreed to
Tyrone is going to invest $3,000 in
hose and firo plugs.
The proposed railroad route from
Elmira to Tioga has been surveyed.
A terrier dog io Grcensburg, the
other day, killed one bushel of rats in
fifteen minutes.
The State Temperance society of
Pennsylvania will hold their annual
meetitig in Easton.
A thirty inch track is to be built be
tween Allentown and Harrisburg, to
test the value and feasibility of a narrow
The Philadelphia and Erie Company
have been supplying their cars with
the patent air brakes for some time, and
are now putting them on their engines.
That portion of Washington street,
Petroleum Centre, which was !burned
some time since, is being rapidly re
Boring for oil is extending into
Rome township. As fast as Venango
county dries up, Crawford will supply
tbe deficiency.
A convocation of Knight's Templar's
is announced to take place at llstris-
burg on the 13th of June next. Sev
eral thousand are expected to be in attendance.
The directors of the Corry driving
park associatson have decided to have a
spring meeting on their grounds in that
city on the 13th, 14th and 15th of
June next, at which time premiums to
the amount of 82,000 will be offered
for competition.
During the last winter, Joseph Mals-
berger, Sr., of Pottstown, trapped no
less than 143 muskrata. Tbe animals
were caught along tho banks of the
Schuylkill and Manatawny. Durin
the previous winter, Mr. Malsberger
caught 120 muskrats.
Both parties in the State have now
announced the time for holding their
conventions to nominate candidates for
Auditor and Surveyor General. The
Kcpublican convention assembles at
Harrisburg, May 17th: and the Demo
cratio convention, a week later, on the
Z4th inst.
It is estimated from the great suc
cess which has thus tar attended the
efforts ot fishermen at Columbia that
100,000 shad will be caught at that
point before tbe close of the seasou.
Oyer 20,000 have already been secured,
and fishing has scarcely commenced.
As high as J.oUU have been caught in
one day recently, the largest haul for
the same length of time in ten years.
Something over two years ago a vein
of coal at Yatesville, near Pittston. was
accidentally or designedly set on fire,
and has been burning ever since. Last
week the fire seemed to be increasing
in extend and intensity, the volume ot
smoke being extremely huge and heavy.
It presents a singular spectaole, and
must have great interest for the curious
in such matters. During the past win
ter snow has melted upon the spot as
rapidly as it fell, and a bare space of
about an acre in extent has offered a
strange contrast to the surrounding
mantle of white. At to what will be
the ultimate result of the subterranean
fires it it iuipc&ible to predict.
Rr.v. C. M. Heard,
A ccrtaiu woman was so adicted
crumbling that it was affirmed oi
she would be sure to oomplain even
alter she got to heaven, -if at nothing
else, that there was nothing left to find
fault with. While there may bo a
reasonable question entertained whether
the grace or giumbliog will still find a
place in celestial climes', certain is it
tbat grumblers find ample room and
culture here below.
There are niauy kinds of grumblers,
old and young
Are you conservative? Then Young
America lifts up its horn. You are be
hind the age. Everything and every
body is leaving you in the rear. Spirit
ual prosperity depends on being abreast
of the age, and your raft will be sure t?
be found stuck fast in the mud when
tho freshet is over!
Are you anxious to be astir and to
keep pace with the rapid march ot
thought and of events? Somebody at
your elbow takes off his spectacles and
wiping them, wilh a sigh deplores the
departure of the "good old times,"
mourns that these new-fangled notions
and ways are at such a fearful rate dis
placing "primitive simplicity" (let a
church run in one rut for fifty years, and
at once tne sacred bole is primitive), and
aeciarea tnat you are altogether "too
Does the pastor refuse to become
common gad and attend first to theTFork
of his study and spend only what time
is iett in visitation, and at once some
body is afraid that the church will co to
the dogs, because, forsooth, the pastor
aoes not take enough pains to learn the
hearts and ways of his people. Visita
tion is the grand thing in a pastor. It
doesn t matter how he preaches, but wo
ao want a good pastor.
Is he a man ot socinl gifts, and does
he take pains to leave no room for cen
sure here? There are sure to be a set of
spiritual dyspeptics, dissatisfied with the
nature ot their spiritual meat. They
don't get fed. Their moral stomachs
are in a fearful condition, and it's all
tbe fault of tbe pastor, who fails to
study enough.
Are you a Superintendent? You
blackboard it too much, or too little,
your voice is too loud or too weak. You
are not familiar enough with tbe chil
dren, or you don't kiss the infant schol
ars. You sing too much or don't sing
Oh, those gnats! how they worry and
sting every builder that lays a stone or
that fastens a brace in the house! Never
mind! build on. The stinging gnats
will die one of these days and vour
building will stand. Baptist Teacher.
Destroy the Seei
Tho recent attention drawn to the
vice of gambling, and tbe "raids" which
have been made by the police will prove
iniost useless, it not iollowea up by a
vigorous, persevering attempt to elevate
public sentiment. Many who do not
gamble themselves look with leniency
pon the "tools) who do, and many who
would not touch a card or buy a "chip,"
invest money in lottery schemes, in bet
ting, in church raffles, or in some kind
f illegitimate business. This shows a
ux public sentiment, aud so long as this
exists it will be easy for profesfional
gamblers to defy the law, and lay traps
ior tne unwary and the covetous.
Kight-thioking on this subject can
not, however, be created by spasmodic
denunciation ot tho vice in general
mi i . .. .
i.uey wno aoei an evu Know wen now
to bide their heads until such a storm
is past, and they are even ready to join
in indiscriminate abuse. Consistent and
persistent opposition to every form of
making money without earning it is
the only means of giving lorce to law,
d reducing tbe number ot those who
violato it.
The seed of gambling is covetousness,
and it is the bounden duty of Christian
citizens to destroy the germ from which
grows one of tho most disastrous of
civil crimes.
Y'oung women should always set good
examples, for the young men aro always
following them.
Is there a word in tho English lan
guage which contains all the vowels?
There is, nqncti'onbly.
A Providence paper speaks of the
ladies appearing on tho streets '"like
animated fragrneuts of shattered rain
bows." A California young man shot at a
dog aud killed a preacher. That was
"making gamo of tho gospel."
Any one having a large stock of In
dian scalps on hand can realize an im
mense lortuno by disposin? of them io
Mexico, where the government buys
them for 8200 a piece.
A few iron nails, placed in a vase
with flowers, will keep the water sweet
and the flowers fresh This arises from
the sulphur climated from jhe plunts,
combined with the iron.
Greeley wrote something about
"Suburban Journalism Advancing."
The compositor thought it was one of his
agricultural articles and launched out
wildly on "Supurb Jcruralem Arti
chokes." Heie "is an item for those who op
pose coffee drinking: Experiments re
cently carried on in India have proved
that coffee pjlp will yield, upon distilla
tion, nine per cent, ot its own
in spirit, equal in strength to
The editor of an eastern exchange
says that a farmer laid an egg on his
table which measured 0x8 inches. We
always gave the Yankees credit for be
ing smart, but never supposed that thry
would get so far advanced as to lay
eggs. Altoona bun.
A writer classifies blondes as follows:
The Gothic-Irish, tho Saxon English
the ridiculous blonde, the cephalic gold
blonde, nnd the lymphatic blonde. Of
these the cephalio gold individuals aro
the most dangerous to masculine peace
ot mind.
Character is like stock in trade: th
more of it a man possesses, the greater
bis lacultics lor adding to it. Cbar
acter is influence: it makes friends
creates funds, draws patronage and sup
port, and opens a )suro and easy way to
wcaitn, honor, and happiness
Newspaper compositors sometimes
make funny mistakes, either from their
carelessness or their inability to decipher
bad manuscripts. A proot reader
the Cleveland Leader was forcibly re
mindea of this tho other day while
reading tho proof of a text to a sermon
and fulling upon the words "Be ye there
tor breakfast, sprung to the cony
was found to read "Bo yo therefore
Helping ths Minister.
"There was one thing that helped me
very much whilst 1 was preaching to
day, said a clergyman.
"What was that?" asked a friend.
"It was the attention of a little girl,
who kept her eyes fixed on me, and
seemed to understand every word I
said; she was a great help to me."
"What! can a little child be a great
help to a minister? Xes! How?"
. By paying attention. Think of that,
my little ones, and when you co to
church, fix your eyes on the minister,
and try to understand what he says, for
he is speaking to you as well as the
grown-up people.
Test of Friendship. It is one of
the severest tests of friendship to tell
your friend of his faults. If you are
angry with a man, or hate him, it is not
hard to go to him with words: but so
love a man that you cannot bear to 6ee
the stain of sin upon him, and to speak
painful truths through painful words
that is friendship. But few have such
friends. Our enemies usual teach us
what we are at the point ot the sword.
"Faithful are the wounds ot a friend,
but tbe kisses ot an enemy are deceitful."
Without a Seam. Tbe character
of Jesus is like his coat, without a seam.
Some take their ragged garments and
sew them together, and then piece them
out with Christ's righteousness, hoping
thus to have a garment with which to
cover the nakeduess of their sins.
Ir we attend carefully to our duty.
and keep both beams and motes out of
our own eye, those of others will not
seriously trouble us.
Earn What You Spsnd.
Three-fourths of the difficulties and
miseries of men come from the fact that
most waut wealth without earning it
fame without deserving it. popularity
without temperance, respect without
virtue, and happiness without holiness,
Ihe man who wants the best things
and is willing to pay iust what thev aro
worth by honest effort and hard self-
denial, will have no difficulty in getting
wnat ne wants at last. It is the men
who want goods ou credit that are
snubbed and disappointed and over
whelmed in the end.
Ilar-piocss cannot be bought bv the
bottle, nor caught up with the excur
sion train, nor put on with any robe or
jewels, nor eaten at any feast. It docs
not exist io acy exhilaration, excitement
or ownership, but comes from the use
of tho faculties of tbe body and mind,
To live truly is to have happiness where
ever you are.
In Phoemxville a little child fell
into a well. A man went down the
rope, took the child's hair between his
teeth and clambered out. It was a
"hair breath escape."
BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, is
sued out of the Court of Common l'leas
of Elk county, and to me directed, I will
expose to salo by publio vendue or outcry,
at the Court House, in Ridgway.
ON MONDAY, MAY 8, 1871,
at one o'clock, P. M. Ihe equal undivided
half part of two certain tracts or parcels
or lanu, situate in the xownsnip of Fox.
County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania,
and bounded and described as follows:
THE FIRST beginning at a thorn tree
on the hank of the Little Toby Creek,
thence South' 45 East, one hnndred
and one (101) rods to a post, thence North
45 East, sixty-four rods to a post, thence
North 45 West ninety-four rods to a hem
lock on the bank of said creek, and thence
down said ci eck, its several courses and
distances to the place of beginning. Con
taining thirty-six acres, and one hundred
and thirty-four rods, and allowance, said
tract being known as the llcllen Mills
Property, and being one of the tracts of
lan Isold and conveyed to Joseph E, Oay
by P. W. Hays, Sheriff of Elk County, by
virtue of writs of execution to him directed
as will appear by the records of the Court
of Common l'leas of Elk County, and by
said Hays deeded to Baid Joseph E. Oay,
recorded in the Recorder's Oriioe of Elk
County, in Deed Book "L."
THE SECOND being an other of the
tracts of land, conveyed to Joseph E. Gay
by P, W. lUys Sheriff as aforesaid: Be.
ginning at a post at the south-west corner
of land conveyed to Uriah Rogers by Nor
ris et al., thence West ninety-two rods to
a beech, thence North one huudred and
thirty-eight rods to a Laid tree, thence
East ninety-two rods to a beech, thence
South one hundred and thirty-eight rods to
the place of beginning. Containing
seventy-nine acres and fifty-six rods, and
being pans of tracts No8. 4241 and 4215,
together with the buildings ard improve
ments thereon erected.
Seized and tnkeu in cxeoution as the
property of William Reed, at the duit of
Eaton N. Irisbeo, now fur use of Chemunir
Canal Bank of Elmira. and to be sold by
Sheriff's Office. 1
Ridgway, April 17, 1871. vlu8ts.
KANSAS, AND THE B. & M. R. 11.
The "Burlington llonto," so called,
lies right in tho path of the Star of Em
pire. It runs almost immediately in the
centre of tho great westward movement
of emigration. Crossing Illinois and
Iowa, it strikes the Missouri river nt
threo points.
These three points are the gateways
into three great sections of the trans-
Missouri region.
The Northern gate ia Omaha, where
tho great PaciQo road will taka you to
the land of gold and grapes, sunny
mountains, and perpetual summer.
Tho middle gate is Plattsmouth, which
opens upon the south half of Nebraska,
south of tho Platto river, a region un
surpassed on the continent for agricul
ture and grazing. Just here are tho B
& M. Railroad lands, concerning which
Geo. S, Harris, tho land ofliojr at Bur
lington, Iowa, can give you all informa
tion, nnd in tho heart of them is Lin
coln, the State Capital and present ter
tniuus of the road.
The Southern gate loads to Kansas,
by connection with the St. Joe Road at
Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and
Kansas City.
The trains ot the Burlington run
smoothly and safely, and mako all con
ncctions. It runs tho best of coaches
Pullman Palace and Pullman dinin
cars, and tlioulJ you take the journey
for the journey s sake alono, you will b
repaid; or take it to find a homo or
farm, and you cannot find either better
than among the B. & M. lands, where
you can buy on ten years' credit, aud at
a low price. vln2yl
HENRY SOUTHER, AUorney-at8),
Ridgway, Pa. (febHtl'G.
Ridgwny Pa.
2 2tf.
JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg.
way, Elk county Ta. mnr-22'GUl
S. HILL. Physician and Sure-eon.
versey, Elk Co. Pa.
, Denier in Boots, Shoes and Leather.
Main Street, Ridgway, Pa.
vcyor, St.
WALMSLEY, County Stir-
Marys, Pa., holds himself
m rcadineBS at all times, to perform jobs
in his lino. 2 8
17 X. 80
; . Railr
)RG, Saloon-keeper, corner of
lroad and Michael streets, St.
Pa. Native Wines, eood Laser
Beer, etc., constantly on hand. 2 8
WILLIAM GEIS, t Restanrant,' Mi
chael street, St. Marys, Pa-.koeptt
the best of Lager Beer and Native wines
constantly on hand. 2 8
C II. VOLK, 'Manufacturer and Dealer
in Lngtr Beer, opposite the Kaih-oail
Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa.
II. S. BELNAP, PaoniiETOR . '
It will lead to tho store of
n ho keeps constantly on hand tho largest
ami uesi sciccieu sioo&ot
Hats,, Caps, Boots & Shoes
Ever offered In town, which ho offers to the
publio at lower prices than any othor store
this side of Philadelphia.
and examine for yourselves.
Received from the East 1200 pieoes Wall
Paper, choice patterns, also beautiful Win
dow Shades. For sale at Eastern prices at
InSSt. St. Mary's, Pa.
NOTICE All persons are hereby oau
tioned against trusting my wife
Amelia, as she has left my bed aud board
without just cause or provocation. On
and after this date, Apiil 7th, 1871, I will
pay no debts of her contraction.
Bt. Ma-y's, Apiil 7th, 1871. vlu8t3.
8. Bordw,-U, M. D. E cWio riiysiau,
Ollioe au-.l resi leuco nnvosit dm
Jail, on Ccuire St., t'u.lw.iy, IV prorjv,
attention will be nivvn io nil calls, oni.'-p
hours: 7 to 8 A. ;U- ; 12 to 2 P. M. : i-hd.
0 to 7 P. M. M ir. 2-2, GU-tr.
R-iuqwav, Pa.
Residence and offico opposito tho Thayer
J. M.
Plivsininn nml iirtnn
Ridgwny. Ta. Office in WkIWm n,in,
Special attention given Jto Surgery. Ollioe
hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residcnoo
Heard's, Centre Street. All calls
promptly attended to.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
West End of llydo House, Ridgway, Pa.
Agent for the Howo Sewing Machine, and.
Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches,
etc., dono with tho same accuracy as herei
tofore. Satisfaction guaranteed, vlnly.
Druggist and Parmaceutist, corner
Main nnd Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
nig'- vln3y.
esy goods, caocEsiEs. raovisious.
' r
vlnStf. West End. Ridcrwav. Pa.
' o j r
RrnrfwAT, Elk Co.. Pa.
W. II. SCIIllAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage hrrotnf,.
so liberally bestowed upon him, the now
proprietor, hopes, by Daviuor strict t-
tention to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to niorit a continuance o the
Oct SO 1869.
M. V. Moore, (lute of the Jlde House)
i.s$on ray'ai Night-
, fbanklin, Pa., Give speoial atten
tio to Chronio diseases, aud those pecu
liar to women mid children.
Dr. Borland, diagnoses discses bv an v.
animation of tho urine, and by this Old
uerman method has successfully treated
thousands of cases without seeing ihem.
TOWARD McBRIDE, Watchmaker and
JLli Jeweler, Railroad street, St. Mirys,
Pa. Engraving and repairing done on
short notice, and in a workmanlike man
ner. Watche3. and everything in
elry line, constantly on hand. 2 3
Manufacturer and Dealer ia Boots
Mum St., opposito Hotel,
Wii.c--:,-, Pa,
. Centukvilib, Elk Co.. Va.
Jons Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the nalronava horn
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
pro prietor, hopes, by pavina striot at
tention to the comfort
of guests, to merit a ooutinuanoe of the
The most Com Die to TtiiUnya
College iatlie Lulled State.
Affording facilities for aoquireing a.
thorough praotical business educaiion
possessed by no othei School in the country
Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly
SixteenThousand Students, representatives
from every State in the Union, have
atlonded here.
No vacations. Students enter nt .
time, and receive private instructions
throughout the entire course.
N. B. Circulars with fullDartinnl... j
All necessary information, on addressing
SMITH Al f!(lW I l'V