IIknhy A. 1'arsons, Jii., - - Editor. THURSDAY, APK1L 0, 1871. The contest lor Governor of Con necticut will bo definitely settled on Saturday Host, when the vote is to lo counted. Wo have no doubt tlio result will establish tho election or the Re publican enndidate, notwithstanding tho fearful odds against which our friends there were (breed to contend. Stato Journal. NEWS. Massachusetts has -11,030 horses. .Runner has salted down $3,000,000. (Sold, in New Yorlc, last Saturday, 1101, 1101, 110. Tho weekly cxpnnsos of tho New York TrtLmw arc 820,000. Olivo Logan says she is thirty-two years old. General Sheridan is expected home ubout the last of April. A iMichigandor extirpates snakes by biting their heads off. Strawberries ore selling nt 75 ccnt9 a juart in New York. Tho Mississippi River is now open to navigation. Prince Alexander, of Prussia, is cx jicctcd to arrive in this country next June. New Orleans has contributed ?0!), O00 for tho benefit of the French suff erers. The Methodists of Canada are divid ed into iivo separate ecclesiastical bodies. Southern peas are now coming north, jind arc sold for sevcuty-five cents a jieck. A lanjo cool mine has been discover ed in Colorada, on the Kansas PajiSc railroad. Kvcry tirjo tho yeas and nays arc icalled in Congress, it cunts tho nation 1,000. While gold is worth 817 per ounce, fine blonde hair readily commands 3-5. Kansas expects an addition of 100, iO00 to her population by immigration this year. A woollen manufacturer in Maine runs his mill with ten hands, all of litem his own children. Out West, when a notoriously lazy man is caught at work, they i-ay ho is noddling with industry. Brighatu Young has ordered daily prayers by the Utah clergy against the jrssshoppcr this summer. Tho idea of taxing cats as a means of facilitating the payment ol tho natioual debt originated iu Ronton. A Texas post office has sent f.irward A letter addressi-d ''.Mis I.oucaccr Grebe, Kansas Citty, Misery." The immigration to Kansas iaunpio edently largo this ver, especially to Southern Kansas and tho Osage lands. James Gordon Uennctt of the New York IliraU, is said to have a fortune $10,000,01111. An Anti-Incoino Tax Association bus 'becu formed in Huston to tost the con stitutionality of the law. 'Whilo sinking a shaft on King Ree Mine, near Ogdcn, Utah, lately, some luiucrs discovered an extensive cave. A new counterfeit 50 cent postal cur reucy is in circulation, which h said to jbe the best imitatiou yet produced. Silas Brainard, the well-known musi composer and publisher, of Cleve land, died on Saturday last. A Wisconsin editor was called out of bed one night to receive a subscription. After that he sat up nights for over a week, but the oflcuso was not repeated. A correspondent cf a Boston paper urges tho formation of female emigra tion societies, to supply wives to the young men of tho far West. In Chicago some of the ladies are said to wear all tho hair styles at oneo on their heads, and fifty hair-pins are re quired to support the structure. Tho widow of John Brown lives wkh part of her largo family in Humboldt county, Cal. Her o'.her children are .dispersed throughout the United States. Maples large enough to make three ten-feet rails each, with 4,00C trees to the acre, have been raised from the seed in seven years in Monroe county, Iowa. The surveyors on the proposed line of the Northern Pacific Railroad report that the enow was 17 feet deep at .Guoquelraie Pass on Maroh 1, The Mississippi River at New Orleans is only two inches below the high-water mark of 1802, and uneasiness is felt rc . yarding the security of the levees. ' - President Grant is making arrange ments to start on his Paoitio trip iq about 10 days. Ho proposes being L.-'ant & month or so. ' T Buchanan Read, the poet painter, intends to quit Kome next June tor a visit to this oountry. lie expects to return to Italy during the autumn. A deposit of genuine black diamonds, r . J JMI! I. 1 ncn as are usea m urnuug ruuas, uu been disoovered in Moun! Hope Town ship, Orange County, N. Y, ; " - 1 A Western writer gives it as his bo ; lief that if as much attention were paid to improving corn as is given to grapes, ' 0 hundred , aullion bushels might ( te . 44ei to the annual prop. . V , r', . i; . Tho president of Harvard University is on a strike, bceauso he has found but that a cook at a Boston hotel gpts a sal ary of 94,000 h year, while ho only gets $!i,200. , . , , i 4 ! Mtti'k Twain linving sold his interest in tho Buffalo tirprtm, has gone to Klmiia to live, threatening to abandon pen,aud-ink labor for tho remainder of liis h!o. Memphis Tenn., April 12. Tho Memphis and Littlo Rock railroad was completed yesterday, A largo number of citizens and railroad men witnessed the driving of the last spike at Duvall's Bluff. Trains arc running through to day. Over 1,000,000 cords of bark have been peeled in the hemlock regions of Ulster County, N. Y., tho past season. This has compelled the felling of 1,000, 000,000 feet of lumber, three-quarters ot which will bo left to rot upon the ground. New Orleans, La., April 14. The White Stockings of Chicago beat tho picked uiuo to-day, by a score of 23 to I). Six of tho Whito Stockings will play a game with tho Lone Stars on Suuday. A close gamo is exported. A terrific hail-storm passed over Mississippi on Friday. Many stones measuring six inches in cireumfcrenco were found. Several thousand window- lights wcro broken. The gardens. fields, crops, and fiuit aro seriously 'Januged; trees have been stwppeu ot tlioir lolia ;c, and hundreus of birds killed. Sir Walter Scott was born at Edin- burg, August 15, 1771, and tho centen nial anuivcrsary of his birth, therefore, is near at band. It is proposed to cele brate it throughout tho civilized world, as tho centennial birthday of Burns and Schiller wore celebrated, more or less extensively, 12 years ago. The occasion is certainly oue fit. to be commemorated. Scott was not only. one of tho greatest, but ouo ot the purest of authors. Tho Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railroad Company are laying track in tho Indian Territory at a rato of two miles per day. They will reach the Arkansas River in June, and by early Fall they will bo near enough to the Texas liuo to control the cattle trade, which, it. is expected, will reach half a million head. There were about 300, 000 steers driven to Kansas last season. A man in Pcabody, Mass., had been treated for more than a year for paralysis of the throat, and was for some time uuablc to take any other than liquid food. At last, to the great astonish, ment of himself and friends, the cause of the trouble was revealed by hi coughing up an upper set of false teeth,1 which he had swallowed in his sleep 15 months before. The teeth were missed at the time, hunted for, but never found, and nobody had suspected the place of their conccalmeut. San Francisco, Cal., April 12. The steamer Ajttx, with Australian mails, is now three Java over due. Eleven Japanese merchants have ar livud hero with 135,000 cords silk worm egiis for sale. They were ordered iiy tho French houses at $5 per cord, but cancelled iu cousequenco of war. William II. Seward, jr., and party, are resting here, preparatory to a tour of California and Oregon. Galvcstoa, Texas, April 12, An Austin special to the Gulveston News says Keard and Miller's train, loaded with bacon for Fort Bacon, near Chia huhua, close to the boundary, was at tacked by a lurcre band of Indians. Kcard's wise and five other Americans were killed. Tho Chiabuhua frontier Mexican troops pursued the murdcious baud across the boundary, into the United States, and killed and captured bO Indians. 1 he united States tioops at Fort Goodwin went to protect the Indians, and collided with tho Mexi cans, when a fight ensued, in which the uuiuuiiiuuiu tiutcer ui u utb uouuwiu and 40 American soldiers were killed. j: ,.11: -c i?. n - .1 I Tho Mexicans numbered 200. FOREIGN. Accounts from Franco state that there has been a great waste of tho pro visions sent there us contributions from the United States and England. Tho London Athenaeum announces that American Biblical scholars have been invited to co-operate in tho New Testament revision now in progress in England. They talk of placing the Queen of Denmark, the most economical of fe male sovereigns, on the throne of fash ion, in place of tho Empress Eugenie, tho most extravagant one. The Princess Frederick Charles of Prussia is selling tickets for all her own paintings, which are to bo disposed of in a lottery tor the benefit of the in valid fund. The drawing will take place on tho 1st of June. Versailles, April 14, Schoelscher, one of the deputies iu the Assembly, has been empowered by that body to offer concilatory measures to the Com mune. The oapitulatian of tho insur gents u stipulated as the basis on whiob. the negotiations are to proceed. The preservation of the republio is guaran. teed, and also the pardon ot tho insur gents, if the conditions are fully com plied with. The Nationals are to be temporarily subsidized These terms have been communicated by M. Sohoelsoher to the Communal Council, but that body has refused to accept theui. ' .. . i : London, April 14. Advices from Paris have been received, stating that General Donibrowtki has reported to the Insurgent Committee that his tioops have obtained and now hold complete possession of the town cf Neuilly. Ha also reports lis troops in excellent con- ' ditlou tor service, and much animation prevails in jonsee-uence cf their recent .fcucccttcs, . . : ,: i; ;, . vt - t'.n. :-..-!) .: . , . :t ,":,( .1,1 .1 ' 1 I Versailles, April 14. A violent can nonado ja.icpt up at Asrieies, but with out important effect. .. .... At Clauiart tho insurgents continue to fire on our work, but their guns are harmless. ' The report that tho insur. gonts have recaptured Neuilly is false. Paris, April 13, Thursday night. Tho artillery firing south and west of Pari ceased to-night. Several battal ions of the National Guard were dis armed for hostility to tho Commur,e and their places immediately filled. It has been ordered by the Commune that tho red flag only shall be carried by the Nationals and hoisted over all places occupied by them. All othor colors are suppressed. - Ieey and VenoureS have beon sup plies with American mitrailleuses. The Paris and Lyons railway has been cut. . London, April 14 4 p. m. The Versailles forces have been repulsed everywhere around Paris. Counterfeit Bank Notes. The Treasury Department publishes a long list of counterfeit plates for bank notes which have been captured and destroy ed, and also tho following list of all the counterfeits known at the Treasury to be in circulation, the plates of which have not been captured: Tens on the Flour City National bank of Rochester, N. Y.; Saratoga County National bank of Watcrford, N. Y.j Albany City, N. Y., National bank; First National of Red Hook, N. Y.; Auburn City.N. Y., National bank; Mutual Natioual bank of Troy, N. Y.; American National bank of New York; First National baDk of Lock port, N. Y.: National bank of Commerce, N. Y and First National bank of Poughkeopsie, N. Y.; twos on Marino National bank ot JNew iork; Market National bank of New York; St. Nicholas National bank of Now York; National bank of Lindenpark, N. Y.; National bank of Rhode Island, Newport, R. I. Ten of tho eleven 810 counterfeits and four of the five 62 counterfeits are printed from the same plato, with only the name of tho bank changed. W. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY1 THE LARGEST STOCK OF TflE BEST NO OTHER IN STOC K S'TO T E nOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLES3 VARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! :SELL CHEAP! STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FItEEl FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! , A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOOD3! !. , W. s. service,.;. No. 1 Musuuio JIull Building. . , , Itidgwuy, l'a. , I ii . . I I K 'I ;, r 1 HI ME. 1 Powell & Kimc Having creeled a largo and well arranged new Store Hnuso on the old site, since tho fire, and filled it front cellar to parrot with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to reoeivothelr old customers, and supply tliulr wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OH EETAIL. Their assortment ia now complete, som- prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTIILXG, BOOIS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK, FL0UH, SALT, Feod, Deans. Butt or DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In Bhort everything wanted In the Country LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME- CIIANICS, MINERS, TAN. NERS, LABORING. MEN, EVERYBODY ! Also a full tock of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sizes for rafting and runnisj purposes. n AIX MMM m Eidgway, Ta., SIara 2d, 171. ', ! iii-.;.... .. ....... ... vJ; r POWELL & TF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO THAYER &, HAGERTY Main Street, EJdgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tho BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap las tho CHEAPEST THAYER & II AG ERTY. vln2 llidgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCUAROE FQ OR JOIi WORK AT THE R1DGWA1 WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock befeco buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best sclcotion of Michigan WHITE OAK AND UICKORY; I employ nono but First Ciau Me Ichanict; I use nothing but the best Refined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to givo me your order. Having twonty-fivo lumber wagons in course of costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All otdcra by mail, also any ordess left with. W. S. Sehvicb at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. JACKSON & WEAVER, tf STEREOSGOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO . 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invito the attention f the Trade to tiir vxtenr-ive assortment of tho aliovogooiv of their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPnOSCOPBS. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E, & II. T. ANTITONY & CO.. 091 Broadway, Now York, Opposite Metropolitan Ii-iteT, Importers and Mauufacturcn of rnoTDGRArmc materials. vln2yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDBIVAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN- form the Cittzens of llidgway, and the public gocorally, that he bos Btarteda Liv ers' Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES i tad Buggies, to let upon the most roasooa I Lie terms C3.Ho will also do job teaiting. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near tfie Post Office, oa Mil' street. All orders left, at the Tost Office will meet prompt atiau- Ition. Aug 20 1870. tf. , ... , (' " "TTTenry harper, JkTo. 122 CIIESTJTVT Stmt. 1 (Formerly 620 Arch Street,) Opfotilt "Old Maionie JJalF' PHILM. j Ils a large Block of AMERICAN ao SWISS GOLD AND SIL VER WATCHES. OPERA, LLKO TIEN AMD VEST CHAINS, FRENCH CLOCKS, ' OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOOI. Fancy and plain solid silverware, and Rogers' ovlebrated spoooSf forks, tea vets ice pitehers, castors, &o.. .all of vhich are 1 selling at reasonablo prices. . , r vlnSy, I, CONRAD MEYER. , - Inventor and Manufacturer of the CELEERAT2D ISDN FBAHE FIAKCS, VTA1EE00KS, So. 723 Arch St, Phila, Has received the 1'rue Meditl of tbe I World's Great, Exhibition,' London, Eng. The highest Frizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. "' ESTABLISHED 1 18J3. - ' ' TlnC3m. . . j l :, i-i ;. t. . .- ti .u , ; . II. ecu ';) j 'i. in ifih J; J:iv "I'- i:n-ir Ij" I jt..ll v) J-i:l'..,.j I THE E1K GO ADVOCATE; grolttf ta tne of the wpte ot (Sift Counfg. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE, Itidgioay, Pa. TEEliS:--$2 00 ?E? TEAT THE ONLY REPUBLICAN PA PER PUBLISHED IN ELK COUNTY! EVERY REPUBLICAN SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! DEMOCRATS WANT IT! ADVERTISERS WILL FIND IT TiKVATIf n Tf TTT VTT? TVTm VST' -;o:- I 1, i ( The ADVOCATE does NOT plaim , ....... to bavQ a large circulation man any they, paper i , Elk county, . 'Adver tisers will tilease make" a note 'of tbis.; , . . . t. . -i Address all communications to .v.,;. "THE APV0CATE" J ill ,',! .(I J i.i ii.i t.U ' 1 ' Ridgway' Pa. ; U IllOit 1 -''it : -IJl-r..i.! I ,.,,111. 1 J.WII I " - I- ". II I t tURLE A. D.VXA, Editor. She goto iVrhlji Sua. A Nrw.iiinprr ol tlio l'rmcnt Tlnc. iHicniloit for Pcnplo Now on F.nrtli. InolnC.i.g F.trm -9, 'rclinr.le, Morchsnta, Pro lci.;oiml Men, AVoilcora, Tnlnkors, nnd n:l Man. l.or of lionet Folk, tud tlio YVlvui, Bon, and D&uulitcrsoC all such. ONtY OXH DOLI.AIl A VEAIt t ' OX B H I! N D RED C(M1 E FOR 39, Or loss ton One Coot a Copy. Lot there be a 50 Clab at ovory Tost OiBco. BEMI-'WEEKl.Y BUS, $i A YEAlt, of tho flume lza ftDd goncrnl ciuirncter an TUB WEEEI.r. but with uroatoi-rarloty ot inUcclinticons l-cadinc, and tunUUinjt tho nrw to Its snoctlbonwlth grqalur fruslmoM. Dtosufu tt comoa twice a wooit lustcad of once only. THE DAILY 8l!N, 60 A YEAlt. A pre3nnncnflv ronl-iihle npwanR4icr, Tttti tho InrirRst ciruulali.n in tljo worul. l-"r-e. iit'li po'ldent. and tejwiG'B III polltiCT. A' I tl.l ncwi from irvi-rywherij. Tw.t eenii n copy j by luuil. SO ca its a uontli, or $(i a j ar, TERM3 TO CLTTB3. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUX. Flvo copies, one yonr, sparateiv nr,rtrn-(t. i?oar Ooliarn. Ten topte., ono vpar, ortrntlv n1-7rc.sea (mid uu cxii-aoup 10 tuc guitar, up ot ciuo ) . Eiuht i)ollnrn. rwcntv ponies, ono your, ornratolv aildresiiud lu ia an extra copy Vj tuo isortor np of cmb). Flftei-n Dolinn.. Flftv copl. one yenr, toon .Mrew tnnd tin bjiu- . w.jr uu. j v:ir I,', KUlLr 11 p ttl C1I. 0). iuirty-ll rui) Uollnrm. Fifty eoplos, one venr, epnratclv nndrcsycrt (unci i'uiriy-iivo U!lnr. hnndreil rn.i1i.. nn tn.. n ... ,.,inn (;.n-l tlio i.a!!y for onu vdur to fhn tf. iti.r ill nf ClO-V. FitT Ilnliar.. Dnc Imndrrrt -ol'!, one yrnr. nirati-lv nrt- up of club). Sixty Dollars. TnE rSEMf-WEEKLLY tSUX. Flvo copies, ouo ycer, separately nOili e" c '. KiE'lit Uoltam. Ten conic, one vcir. reparateiv wlrlrenod (and .u i.itn w teLtcr up or -inhi, sixteen Dollars. Ycra koxey n Post flTlfA nrrlrtf nhhAlm .1 . - v . to lutiei-j contain ni monnf. A,irir,.: fc dup ouicu. iew Vorlc Cfty. RAILROADS- PHILAD LPEIA &, 1MB EAIL20AD. VT1NTER TIME TABLE. ON nnd after MONDAY, DEC. 5th, 1870, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Jlailrood will run follows: VfKHTWARl. Mail Train leaves Philnd clpliia.. 9.40 p. m. " " K!ilpwny... l.fjlj p. ni. " arrive at trio 7.40 p. in. Erio Exp loaves Phit.-idolpliia...l2.20 p. m ' " r.i.igwny 2 'JO a. in. " arrive nt Erio ..7.40 n. in. Accomodation, leaves Rcnova,...i.fi a. ni. ' " uiugway,..() 01 p. ui. " nrr at Kuuc 8.00p.m. KASTWAllD. Mall Train leaves Erie 0.00 a. ni. " " Ridgyny 3.00 p. in. " arrive nt thilad'a... 6.50 n. ni. Erie Express loaves Erie 9.00 p. ni. " " Fiugway... ",S a. in. " or-r.t rUiludclphU- o.SO p. ni. Accomodation, leaves Katie 7,80 b. iu. " ' llidgway. ..10.4'J a. m. " nrr at St. Marys 12.00 in. " leaves St. Marys 7.15 a: ni. " " Emporium O.S'i a m. ' nrr at llcnovo 3.00p.m. Express, Mail and Accommodation, east. and west, connect nt Corry and nil west bound ti (kins and Mail acuommodaliou cast nt Irvinton with the Oil Creek uud Alle- ;heny Uivcr Rail Hond. , Wfil. A. JiALUWlN. Gcn'l Sup't. NEW TIME TABLIi. Commencing Dccembor 5th. 1870. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R.R. NEW LINE TO BUFFALO THROUGH THE OIL REGIONS. r.oiNo south. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 30 p m Arrives at rutshirrga " im p m Night Express leaves Oil City 0 10pm Arrives at Pittsburgh o -o a m Mail leaves Oil City 9 05 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 5 50 p iu OOI.NU NOUTII. Day Express leaves. PLtsburg at 7 20 a m Arrives at Oil fily at - no p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 40 p m Arrives at Oil City 6 15 am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh a 3o a m Aarrives at Oil City li 35 p ni Pasecnsrers travelling by this Route will find better accommodations and make belter time than by any othor road from the Oil ltegions to Pittsburgh. Pullman rullace Drawing Koom Sleep. ing Cai-B on Night Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Corry. Through Coaches nttuched to Day Express Tming between Pittsburgh and Brockton without change. Baggago checked and tickets sold to uu important points. J. J. JjaWllKM'JS. ica. Sunt. Jas. II. Beay, Ticket Agent. , WHIPPLE, Dental Surgeon. I Otlice in Walker's Building. All kinds of I dentistry done in the best stylo, and all work warranted. He will visit Kane on the 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wiloox on tho 10th, 11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the !21st, li'Jd, and .'3d of each month. - At all other times ' be oan be iound at his ott.eo m Kidgway, Pa. tln'yl. . 1 L J II. W1LBER, Msiia SL (IIoIgs' New Building), Ridg- . Latest PeriodioaU and Newspapers kept ooostttutly on hand. Also dealer iu Fresh Piali, Oysters, Tobacco, and Confectionary, . ... v 1 :i . B OARDINQ HOUSE, l.j .! I Fear the Depot, "Wilcox., Pa. The understgned has opened a Iwgeboard irghouse at the above place, where he is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those wiio may avorhim with their custom.' 3IAUTIN SOWERS, Proprietor I1J ii Vl 1-1 ST. MARY'S." vU ''! ' 1 '. t '-'.-J.i , .i ! .' 1 ... . -J .ill! l'.l i -rj i,i ,. J 1uj 1 I l . . t t i . . . I J . . ; h