6lk ctymnfj guttafc. Hknry A- Pajisonb, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1871. FRANCE' London, March 81, 1871. The Daily Kewt't special dispatch from Versailles says the Government atop all horsea ami cattle from enter ing Paris. The mails to and from Paris era greatly delayed, and will, it is ex pected, be stopped entirely. The troops froaa the South and Wist of France are ordered to concentrate at Angonleroe. The marine infantry are et Versailles, and expect to be reviewed on Sunday in the Champ de Mars, Paris. The Indeptndance Beige states that Ulrip Fonvielle ia organizing a force of 800,000 National Guards at St. Ger ttiaine for the support of law and order. The insurrection in Marseilles is dy ing out. Lyons is quiet. The state of jsiege in the districts of France occu pied by the First, Second, Eighth, Tenth, and Eleventh Corps has been raised from March 27. Prisoners will, however, still be subjeot to trial by (Court-martial. NEWS. FOREIGN. It la reported from Rome that Cardi nal Antonelli has resigned the office of Secretary of Bute in the Papal Cabi net. Count At? Bylandt, who has repre sented the Dutch Government at He lm since 1865, has been transferred to he London mission. Advices from Shanghai of Feb. 15 (state that serious disturbances are ex pected in Japan. One of the Mika do's Councilors has been assassinated, and the act was known to have been ot ,a purely political nature. An order has been sent to the Captain-General ot Porto Rico to hold the elections in that island in July. The Cuban elections will be ordered as soon ns the announcement is received frutu Oount Yalmaseda that the necessary preliminaries have been completed. The Czar has conferred upon Prince 3ortschakoff and his heirs the Cross of the Legion of Honor, ss a mark of satisfaction at tho settlement by the Prince ot tho Euxine question with honor to Russia, Prince Gortschakott ;has also received the title of "Serene llighness;" Baron Von Brusow, Min ister to Uojjlaod, tho rank of Count, innd Gen, IgnaticfT, Minister to Turkey, (the Order of "St. Alexander-Newsky." DOMESTIC. Detroit, April 2. Ex-Senator Jacob "M, Howard died of apoplexy at 7 o' clock this morning. The White Stockinsrs bent .Southern Club at New Orleans on jirday, 89 to 10. Harry Choate of Springfia'd, the Sat- nnd .Anthony llaning of Cincinnati, played .on Friday eveniosr for the billiard championship of Ohio, the golden cue, ,und 9200. llunning won on the 28th inning. New York, April 1. Burglars rob 'bed James W. Bell's tailor store, on .fth aveuue, of 310,700 worth of goods early yesterday uioroin?, carrying off in a cart all the plunder without discovery ty tho police. Mt. Carmel, Pa., March 31. At a district meeting, held last night, of the workmen employed by the jStuartville coal ridge collieries, they resolved to suspend. Coal averaged for this .month two dollars and sixty fthree cents, making a deduction on the basis necessary. Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1. The boiler in McCall & Co'a. distillery, at McCall's landing, in Brown county, Ohio, exploded yesterday, greatly dam. ging the building, killing six persons, pud mangling nine others, two of whom have since died. The loss on the building ii 15,000. The cause of the disaster is not ascertained. Among the rumors is one that a number of the bands bad been in a drunken state for two days. The distillery had been run ning day and night, Sundays excepted. Arkansas Grammar. An Arkan isas applicant for a teacher's certificate, thus conjugates the verb "to do: Imperfect I have done it, thou honest it, he done it. Plural Wouns done it, youuns done it, theyuns done it. 1'ertect i gone done it, you gone done it, be cone done it. . Plural Veun8 gone done it, youuns "one done it, tbeyuns gone done it. Future I gwine done it, you gwine done it, be gwine done it. Plural Weuns gwine done it, youuns gwine done it, theyuns gwine idone it. Future-perfect I done gwine done it, you done gwine done it, he done gwine done it. Plural Weuns done gwine done it, youuns dene gwine done it, theyuns done gwine done it. Too True. The Mt. Pleasant Jour tial truthfully uavs: 'The devil has cot s pretty firm crip on the seat of man's trowsers who will take his county paper for one or two years auii then re- tvtto pay for it." Published by request. Tsapsrancs. a sian-noAits. I will paint you sign, rum-seller, And hnng it above your door: A truer and better sign-board Than ever you had before. I will paint with the skill of a master, And many shall pause to see This wondorful piece of painting, So like the reality. I will paint yourself, rtinvsoller, As you wait lor that fair vounir bov. Just in the morn of manhood, A mother s prido and Joy. He has no thought of stopping. But you creel bim with a smile. And you seem so blithe and friendly mat oe pauses to cnat awime. I will paint you again, rum-seller, I will paint you as you stand, With a foaming glass of liquor Holding in either hand. He wavers but you urge him: "Prink; pledge me; just this onco!" And he lifts the glass and drains it, And (lie hellish work is done. And next I will paint you a drunkard; Only a year has flown. But into this loathsome creature The fair young boy has grown. The work was quick and rapid; I will paint him as he lies. In a torpid, drunkeu slumber, Under the winter skies. I will paint the form of a mother, as sne kneels at ner 'jarling's side; Her beautiful boy, that was dearer Than all the worlj beside. I will paint the sliape of a coffin, Labelled r.ith one word, "Lost!" I will pain, all this rum-seller, Ana pr mt it free of cost. The si'a, and the shame and sorrow, Tb'j crime, and pain, and woe, Thi t is born there in your rum-shop, JNo nana can paint, you know. But I'll paint you a Bign, rum-seller, And many shall pause to view This wonderful swinging sign board, So terribly, fearfully true. Eliza Wheeler, in Temp. Advocate. TZI3 GRAND ARMY DIRECTORY Copyright secured. The above work now being complete, is being rapidly put in type; and will make its appearance in a few weeks. The vol ume will consist of between two and three hundred neatly printed and handsomely bound pages, embracing a complete list of tho Departments and Posts of the GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, with their name, number, location, roster and other interesting statistics, presenting, as it were, a complete mirror of the Urganiza. tion. tfe-It is the only work on the subject. wrry"The Departments endorse it. ruSTEvery Comrade should possess a copy. fej-lt. gives the address of over 6,000 comrades of the G. A. B. BSJIt costs but one Dollar! Send by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. Address all orders to JOEL G. FLOYD. P. O. Box 741, Washington, D. C. EST4BLIHEDIN 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws I Saws I Saws I SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery. 8fe5y-Get the Best, they will prove the cheap est. Prices reduced, fend for price List and Circulars. WELCII & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Uass., or Detroit Mich, oly. RAILROADS- pHix ad LFHIA &. ERIE RAIIBOAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. "VN and after MONDAY, DEC. 5lh, 1870, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. 9.40 p.m. ' " " Ridgway...... 1.56 p. m. " arrive at Erie 7.40 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12. 20 p. m " " Ridgway 2.20 a. m. " arrive at Erie...- 7.40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Renova, ...0.53 a. m. " ' Riugway.-o.Ol p. m. " arr at Kane 8.00 p.m. EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Erie 9.00 a. m. ' " " Ridgway....- 3.00 p. m. ' arrive at Philad'a... 6.50 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie - 9.00 p. m. ' " Kidgway... 52,20 a. m. ' " arat Philadelphia. 5.30 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7,80 a. m. " Ridgway...l0.4 a. m. " arr at St. Marys 12.00 m. " leaves St. Marys 7.15 a: m. " " Emporium 9.85 a m. " arr at Renovo 8.00 p.m. Express, Mail and Accommodation, east and west, connect at Corry and all west bound trains and Mail accommodation east at Irvinton with the Oil Creek and Alle gheny River Rail Road. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing December 5th. 1870. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. NEW LINE TO BUFFALO THROUGH THE OIL REGIONS. QOIKO SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 SO p m Arrives at 1'ittaburgh . 00 p m Night Express leaves Oil City 6 10pm Arrives at mtsbiirgQ o zt a m Mail leaves Oil City 9 05 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 50 p m ooiao SOBTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 20 a m Arrives at Oil City at 2 05 p m Night Eipress leaves Pittsburgh 8 40 p m Arrives at Oil City 6 15am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 9 85 a m Aurrives at Oil City 6 35 p m Passengers travelling by this Route will find better accommodations and make better time than by any other road from the Oil Regions to Pittsburgh. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleet). ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Corry. .through Coaches attached to Day Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Brockton without change. Baggage checked and tickets sold to all important points. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gqu. Eupt, Jas. H. Bsat, Ticket Agent. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. 0. WHIPPLE, Dental burgeon. Ottlc In Walker's Iluilding. All kinds of dentUtry done in the best style, and all work warranted. He will viBit Kane on the 1st, 2d, and 8dj Wilcox on the 10th, llthand 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st, 22d. and 23d of each month. At all other times he can be found at Lis offioe in Ridgway. Fa. vln2yl. J II. WILDER, NEWS DEPOT. Main St. (Holes' Now Building), Eidg way, Pa. Latest Periodicals and Newspapers Vent. constantly on band. Also dealer in Fresh Fish, Oysters, Tobaooo, and Confectionary, . vlnltf. B OARDINO HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. The undersigned has opened a large board irghouse at the above place, where he is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those wno may avorhim with t heir custom. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor IT ALL & BRO. Attorneys - at - Lawi ST. MARY'S, ELK COUCTT PKNSYLYAH1A. JOlINO. HALL JAS. K. V. HALL W. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK S T O rJBSl HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN EMDLESS VARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT I GOODS WILL PLEASE! I Slii CHEAP! STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. 8. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonio Hall Building. Ridgway, Pa. The most Complete IJusIfien College In the L'ulled States. Affording facilities for acquireing thorough practical business education possessed by no other School in the country Sinoe its incorporation ia 1855, nearly SixteenThousand Students, representatives from every Slate in the Union, have attonded here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars an All necessary information, on addressing SMITH S COWLEY, l'rinoipals, riITBV0H4 r. POWELL & EI ME. Powell & Kimc Having erected a large and well arranged new Store Home on the old site, since the v.. 7'- fire, and filled it from cellar to garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to receivelhclr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOIS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Beans, Butter DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everything wanted in the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME- CHANICS, MINERS, TAN- NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Also a full slock of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable aiaes for rafting and running; purposes. m Eldgway, Pr., Marched, 1871. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER & IIAGERTY Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUKENS . WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WAKE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. Til A.YER & HAGERTY. vln2. Ridgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOB OR JOB WORK AT THE RIDGWAY WAGON SHOP. Call aud examine my stock before buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best sclcotion of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but First Clan ile- chaiucs ; I use nothing but the left Refuted Iron. I thiuk it will be to your interest to give me your order. flaying twenty-five lumber wagons ia coarse of costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All oider3 by mail, also any orders fea with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. S. JACKSON tf & WEAVER. NOTICE. The following named per Mns hve filed their Petitions for LICENSES to be presented to the Court ot Quarter Sessions the second Monday (being the 10th day) of April, A.D. 1871: TAVERN. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. Auman, 'Wolfgang Fox township. Turley, Armel Jay toweship. Burke, P. 11. Jay township. Etter, Daniel St. Mary's Boro. Reichard, Jacob St. Mary's Boro. Welleudorf, Mathias St. Mary's Borouah. 7. Footc, Joseph A. St. Mary's iiorousa. EATING HOUSE. Brunner, Joseph Benzinger Tp. Gill, Francis, Fox Township. Bauer, Georjre St. Mary's Boro. Clausnian, Charles St. Mary's .Uorough. 5. Heindel, J. B. St. Mary's Boro. 6. Wachtel, John St. Mary's Boro. STORE. 1. Russ, E. J. St. Mary's Boro. FBED SCIIOENING, Clerk Quarter Sessions. SHERIFF'S SALE. TT virtue of a writ of Ven Exponas, I J issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will expose to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at the Court House in Ridgway OS MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1871. At one o clock, p. m. All that certain tract of unimproved land situate in Jay Township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, known as warrant No. 4192. Containing uuo acres more or les, bounded ou north by warrants Nos. 4198 and 4189, on the east by No. 4898, on the south bv No. 4191, and on the west by No. 4189. ALSO one other traot of unimproved land, situate in Fox Township, Elkonuuty, l'ennsylvama, known as warrant No. 4270. Containing 689 aores more or loss. Bound ed on the north by warradta 4273 and 4340. on the east by No. 4274, on the south by nos. mi anu iioi, anu on me west by No. 4340. ALSO one other tract of unimproved land, situate in Fox township, county and state aforesaid, known as warrant No. 4273. Containing 900 acres more or less. Bounded on the north by warrant No. 4093, on the east by Nos. 4187, and 4274, on the south by No. 4270, and on ths west by No. 4213. ALSO all the ooal, iron ore, lime stone, and all other minerals of any nature and kind whatsoever, in and upon and under the following tract, piece, or parcel of land, situate on me north St. Mary's road. Be ginning at a post on said road, thenoe west one hundred thirty-three and one-third (133) perches to Joseph Belekss land thence north thirty (30) perches, thenoe east one hundred thirty-three and one third (133 J) perches more or less to the road line, thence south by said road line imriy (ouj perouea mora or less, contain ing twenty-fiTe (25) aores, and being in lot No. 10 on the north St. Mary's road, according to the map or plan of the town or settlement of Bt. Mary's. ALSO all the ooal. iron ore. lime stone. and all other minerals of any nature and kind, whatsoever, in under and upon the following desoribed tract, pieoe or parcel of land. Beginning at a post on the north ou wary iroai, menco wwt cue liundrc thirty threa and one-third (133J) perches moro or less, thence east one hundred thlrty.three and one-third (133J) perches more or less to said rond, thenee following the line of said road southerly thirty (30) perches more or less to theplaoe of begin ning, being lot No. 20 on north 8t. Mary's road, and containing twenty. fire acres more or less. 8eited and takon in execution and to be sold as the property of George Wels. JACOB MoUAULEV, ShcrifT. SnitKirr's Omen. Ridgway, March 10, 1871. vln3to. . SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, is sued out of the Court of Common l'lcns of Elk county, and to me directed, I will expose to sale by pnbllo vendue or outory, at the Court House, in Ridgway. ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1871, at one o'clock, p. nr., the following de scribed proporty, to witi A lot or pieoe of ground situate In the town of Ridgway, county Of Elk. and State of Pcnsylyania, described as follows: being lot No. one hundred and sixteen (110) according to the plan ot said town, as made by John J. Kidgway and reoorded in the Recorders office of said county, be ginning at the corner of Centre street, and East street, being tho north-east corner of said lot. thence along Centre street sixtr five feet, thenoo south 23 25' ca?t along lot No. 115 one hundred and sixty ('.GO) feet to an alley, thence north G0 85' east, along said alley to East street, thence north 23 -o west along East street to the place of beginning. Erected thereon is a two story frnme Oothio dwelling house about sixteen feet front by thirty-two feet in depth, and a wing on tho east and wett sides, each fourteen feet by fourteen feet, or thereabouts. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry II. Thomas, and to be sold by JAOOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. StiFRirr's Omen, 1 Ridgway, March, 13, 1871. vln3to. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, I will expose to sale by publio vendue or butcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1871, at one o'clock, p. m., all the following de scribed five tracts, pieces or parcels of land, situate ia Fox township. Elk county, Pennsylvania, described as follows: FIRST, commencing at a beech stump at the north-west corner of land of Clark Eglcston, thenoe east sixty (60) rods to a beech, thence south sixty-three and three tenths (63.3) rods to a post, thence east sixty (60; rods to a post, thence north Bixty-three and three-tenths 63.3 rods to the place of beginning. Contniniuz twenty.three and seven-tenths 23.7 acres of land, more or less. SECOND Commencing at a post at the oath-cast corner of land conveyed to Robert Mcintosh, by David R. Griggs and otliere, trustees or the United Slates Land Company, thence north forty 40 rods to a post, thence east twenty-nine 29 rods o a post, tlwnce south lzju east forty-one 41 rods to a stone in the rrcek, thence west thirty-seven 37 rods to the plaoe ot beginning. Containing eight and one- fourth acres of land, more or less. THIRD Commencing at a hemlock tree. at the south-west corner of a lot of land oonveyed to Robert Mcintosh, by the trus tees of the U. a. Laud Company, thence east fourteen 14 rods to a beoch tree, . I .1. , . I . I urnce huuiu &i&iy-iureo anu inree-ienius 63.3 rods to a post, thence south one hundred 100 rods to a post, thence south sixty-six and seven-tenths 66.7 rods to a post, tnenco wcBt tweniy-hve ' rods to a beech tree, thence north eleven 11 J rods to a ooecn tree, tnence west sixty-six ubj rods to, a beech tree, thence north one huu- dredand eleven 111 rods to a post, thence east one hundred and seventy-seven f 1 771 rods to a post, thenoe north eight 8 rods to the place of beginning. Containing one hundred and two and six-tenths (102.6) acres more or less. FOURTH Beginning at an iron-wood tree on the bank of the creek, thenoo north forty-two degrees west (42w), fifty-eight (Ob) rods to astono, thence west n'ly-four (54) rods to a post, thenoe south sixty-three and three-tenths (03.U) rods to a post thenoe north seventy-three nnd one-fourth degrees east twenty-four (24) rods to post, thence north one-fourth of a rod to a post, thence north 78 east sixty-nine 69 rods to the place of beginning. Containing twenty-two -22- acres and and allowance of six per cent of land. ilH H Commencing at a post on the north lino of land of said Dennis Egleston, thence west forty -40- rods to a hemlock, thenoe north sixty-eight degrees east, forty-three -43- rods to a post, thenee south sixteen -16- rods to the place of be ginning. Containing two -2- acres of land, more or less. Seized and taken in execution, o& the property of William Reed, aai to be sold by JACOB McCAULEY, Bhoriff, Sheeiff's Orrics, 1 Ridgway, March, 16, 1871. J vln3tc. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, issued out ot the Court ot Common PlpAfl nf Vllr f-nnntv. nnil tn TtwirlirAfvtAil I will expose to safe by publio vendue or outcry, at the Court House, 10 ludg way OX MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1871, at one o clock, p. m. AH that certain tract or piece of lan J, situate in th township of liensmger, eoouty ot if lk and State of Pennsylvania. Beginning at a post the south-west corner of war rant four thousand fight hundred and eighty-four (.4884), thence oth four Hundred percbes to the nortbrwest cor ner ot said warrant 4884, taenco east two hundred perches, theoc south tour hundred perches, thence west two hun dred perches to the place of beginning, containing nve bundred aores, and be ing the western part of waarant lour thousand eight hundred and eizhtv- four (4884), being the same premises whioh Francis Van Marsevilie, by deed aatea the eighth day of February, A V. 1865, and granted and conveyed to Lewis Mitchell and Mitchell A. Mitchell in fee. Seiied and taken in execution, as th property of Lewis Mitchell an Mitohell A. Mitchell, and to b sold by JACOB MeUAULlil, Sheriff. Siiehifi-'s Office, J Ridgway, March, 16th, 1571- f Un3to, cui.::LEi a. ' ,i.i,. A Ncirgpnperof the Present Ttrnm. Intended for l'ooplo Now oil Earth. Inelndlnft Fanners. Mechanics. Morrh.ints, Pro regional Ilea, Wurkoit. Thinkers, anil all Man ner of Honest Folkt, and the Wires. Sous, aud Itauglitorn of all such. GNLT OE DOLLAR A VEAIt t OSE UUXDrtED COPIES Fait MO. Or lf i fun One Cont a Cony. Lit there be a u uiuo at ovjrr Tost Office. BEMI.WEEKtY BDS, 83 A TEAR, of tho Sumo i!io n1 general character a Tns WEEKLI". bnt with a miter orloty of mUeollaneons readme:, and rirnlsMnj? tho nm to Its snrcributi with Rroatur rrwtincM. beoaut It comes twice wot lasledj orouco onlj-. THE DAILT Sl'N.SO A YEAH. A pref mlnontlr re,l;iMo newspnjicr, wun th lnrire' clronlaii.m in tlio wnrid. rre. In.ie. Pendent, and li-arlii In politico A'l th4 nrws nni cvi-ry-hero. Tt,i ctiic it oopj i by malL 60 ce-jta a muuth. or G a ;cur. w TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY BTJN. Fire coplee. one year, sjpariuiTa,i1re.M. Four lollnin. Ten roptw, one year. ictrnfplv ad(1rf.ca (and auoxiruconj to the goiter up of r!u i lUKbt Dollnrn. Twenty copies, one year, eepnrated- addressed (u.id ou exira ejjiy w tUe iiotlnr up of club). Jk'iltetn Dollar. Fifty cmd-yme yean, to-one- eddrem cand tuet bcnji-n eokiy one year to greitei- n p of club), Thlrtjr-tbjco Dalian. nrty rntf . one year. ennrotl t alrfr .overt (md tuu Scii-Weoklyoneyearto newer m ol cinh) , , Tbltty-nvo Dalian. 3no lmidred conies, one ywtr, tn one 0d Iress (ind tho Ually for one ye;,r to thee, iter n-vor ! Fllty Dollar. i!C hundred cootea, one year. nnrat-lT ad drei led taud Um Oully lur Jjo year to i no uglier uporluu. Wxty DoJiure. TOE (SE.WI-WEE1CLT SCTX. Ftro copies, one year, separately adduced Eiffht Dollar. Ten cor ten, one yer. renaraidv ad.ircd (and uu extra- uupy to guicr up nr clnio, trtetcen Dollars. SEND TOUR MONET n tVikt Offlre order, check-, or di nft on Krsr .? , .. oruver eonveoicD. i not men reglswr o lotum contalulne money- Address I. W. E-VGLA NT). Pnh!lrte-, 8ua office. New York city. NEW LIVERY STABLE. IN ramntai nil DAN SCR113NER WISHES TO IN- form the Cittzcns of llidgway, and trie public generally, that lie Las start eda Liv ery Stable and will keep OOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggie3, to let upon the most reasona ble terms BSaw'le will also do job teanirtg. Stnblo in the llrooks Earn, near tho- PostOlfice, on Mil street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. TBS imCHMTTOTOMlT AN1 nkw tobk & ruiiADELrniA raicc ctikrknt. EVERY WEDNESDAY at $2 per annum. The Journal is the chenoest Commercial puper published- It gives the latest com mercial anil financial reports and latest nevrs, business items nnd article or inter. est and value to the Merchant, Fanner and family. It givo full and reliable price list., which every merchant ghoul 1 have. uiiscription agents wanted. A liberal com mission paid Address WATSON CO., ruMishers, 1G S. 7tl Street Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED FOR, Physical Life of Man ana woman,. OR ADVICE TO liOTII SEXES. A moral, chaste, and thoroughly sc'ienti"': work ou I lie lutlowing I'lghly !n.),ciiuiit feuhjectsr Change of Life, l.i'.ve, Courtship, Qualifi cations for a happy Marriage, Physiology of Marriage, Early Kelat'.ous of Husband aud Wife, Duties and Experiences of Wifo and Mother, Caro of Mother and Childi Mysteries of Reproduction, Moral and. l'nysicial Transmission, and kindred top ics, from tho highest authorities in Europe. Price $U 00. Sales immense. 1 rcignt . paid on bcuks and canvassing books tree. rov circulars and Testimonials address, PARMELEE & CO., 181 Raco street, Cincinnati, 0. nltS. STEREOSCOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CUllOMOS, FRAMES E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 6!1 BJtOADWAT, NEW YORK, Invite 'Ai attention ef the Trade to their exteativa assortment of the above gooia, of (Att'r ovn publication, and tuiportatten. Also, PHOTO. LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPI10SCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E, &IL T. ANTHONY & CO.. Ml Ujoadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan liotol Import ors and Mauufucturersof PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. vln2yl. HENRY HARPER, 'o. 73 CUESTjrwr &lreet (Formerly 520 Arch Street,) OppotiU "Old iltuozie Hall" PHIL'A. lias a large Stock of AMERICAN as SWIS GOLD AND RIL VEtt WATCHES. OPERA. LINO TIEN AMD VEST CHAINS. FRENCH CLOCKS, OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS, Fancy and plain solid silverware, and Rogers' celebrated spoons, forks, tea, nets ioe pitchers, castors, &c, nil of rhioU are. telling at reasonable, fricw, lo