IIknry A. Parson, Jr., .Editor. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1871. On the Sumner removal the Phila delphia Pre, the loading, find one of the s.blest political papers in this State, snys: There is wonderful unanimity in the way in which the country receives the news ot Senator Sumner's removal from the chairmanship of the Committee on Foreign Relations. Almost without ex ception the Republican papers coudemn the act as ill-advised, and deprecate it ns injudicious; but one and all carefully distinguish between personal acts of the Administration and the great trust it carries for the country, whilo condemn ing the judgement of the President, they do not doubt the honesty of his intentions or swerve in their allegiance t,i the great Republican party. This dispassionate and judicial treat ment of so exciting a question, sponta neous as it is and universal, is as credi table to the general intelligence of the Republican press and people as it is en couraging for the future of the organi zation. As the Republican army was a mass of thinking bayonets, so the Republi can party is a mass of thinking voters, find it is too great, too historical, and too sacred a think to be endangered by nny personal conflicts or issues inside its ranks. We cairy tlio flag that makes us free, and is is borne with the name devotion, the same intelligence, and the same spirit of self-sacrifice as Avhen it floated at the head of our armed and uniformed columns. it Lit. ti It tJS C I. Ret. C. M. Hkard, Editor. VARIETIES. Some fat men do not seek greatness; it is thrust upon them. Man is like a potato, never suro when lie will "get into hot water." iTT!a Inrolinn.l f-Ttpndpd tn the frabe.1 end of his neck," means he was bald lieaded. The inhabitants of Alaska don't think much of ornamenting their walls, tut they're very proud of their scaling. George NVishop, for more than ecventy years an employe of '.he Rank of England, died recently in London. A bond has been prcseuted to the City Council ot Detroit for payment in i,'old, which was issued fifty years ago. and has just conn due. A young man in Ohio recently opened a clothing store, and was sent to jail for it. Cause the clothiug store belonged to another man. Over 40,000 canary birds are brouyh to this country every year, and prnbnbl 10,000 more are raised in this country :i'or the purpose of sale. A young man who was caught strsin ing his sweetheart to his busoin the jther night, justified himself on the ground that he has a right to drain his own honey! The stranacst case of absence ol A Gooi Test, A few yours ago, as Rev. Professor Finney was holding a series of meetings in the city of Edinburg, many persons called upon him for personal conversa tion and prayer. One day a gentleman appeared in great distress of mind. He has listen ed to Mr. Finney's sermon on the pre vious evening, and it had torn away his 'refuge of lies." Mr. Finney was plain and faithful with him, pointing out to him the way of life clearly, and his only hope of salvation. The weep ing man assured him that he was will ing to give up all for Jesus and he knew of nothing he would reserveall for Jesus. Then let us go upon our knees and tell Clod of that," said Mr. Finuey. So both knelt at the altar, and Mr. Finney prayed: "O Lord! this man declares that he is prepared to take thee as bis Uod, and to cast himself upon thy care, now and forever." The man responded "Amen!" hcarti- Mr. Finney continued: "O Lord! this man vows that he is ready to give his wife, family, and all their interests up to the." Another hearty "Amen!" from the man. He went on: "O Lord! he says that he is also willing to give thee his busi ness, whatever it may be, and conduct it for thy glory." The man was silent no response. Mr. Finney was surprised at his silence, and asked: "Why do you not say 'Ameu' to this." "Reciusa '.he Lord will not take my business, sir: I am in the spirit trade," he answered. The traffic could not withstand such a test us that. "The Lord will not take" such a business under His care, tie demands its destruction a one of the mightiest obstacles to the progress of His kingdom in the earth, Ameri can Messeutrer. YYJiM iNiiK.i. . TUB SAW DOMINUO COMMISSION, Kingston, Jamaica, March 1C The Tennessee will reach Key West on Monday.- Commissioner Wade's report is finished, ant he will go to Washing ton by the most direct route. The other commissioners will stop at Char leston to write elaborate reports. All have expressed themselves decidedly in fnvor of annexation. A cordial re ception was given the commissioners here, and they are ol opinion that there is a strong sentiment in Jamaica in fa vor of annexation to the United States PuWELL& KIME. Lowell & Kime A Touno man, whose moustache is visible by the aid of a microscope, was the victim of misplaced confidence a short time ago. He had been particu larly sweet on a very young lady, and had previously paid her several visits. Tho girl's parents thinking both too young to begin kecpiug company with each other, gave them a gentle hint to that effect first, by calling the girl out of the room and sending her to bed; and second, by tho lady of tho house bringing into the room a huge slice of bread and butter, with molasses attach ment, and saying to the youth in her kindest manner, "There, Rubby, take this and go home; it is a long way, and your mother will be anxious." Having erected a Urge and well arranged new Store House on the old site, since the fire, and filled it from cellar to gftrret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to rooeivethelr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figure WHOLESALE OH RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com- JF YOU WANT TO RUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO THAYER & HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stook of Groceries and Provisions. The REST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & HAGERTY. vln2. jniud was that of a monkey out in IV rflucah, which u-ed to sit out on the fence, in a reverie, and try to pick its lecth with the end of its tail. The farmers of the United States annually expend 520,000,000 in reap ing and moving machines. The annual -production is now estimated at about 125,000 machines. A Norridgewock (Maine) deacon re cently coughed up a head of herds grass, which has Iain on hia lungs lor over thirty-six years. It still retained is original shape, but had grown us hard as a stooe. They have begun in Canada to cul tivate rabbits as an article' of food, and in European countries, hundreds of miles of coast lands are used as rabbit warrens, and their product furnishes a cheap and nutritious food for millions, while the iurs bavo considerable value in them. The Germans expslled from Fr.mce lurioz the recent war, it is estimated, amounted in number to 120,000. Tho average indemnity for direct losses suff red by this expulsion is placed at 500 a head, so that the entire damages aris ing from this harsh war measure amounts to beventy-two millions of dol lars. Two citizens of Mcdora, Jackson county, Ind., went to law about five years ago over a rail fence, the value of which was probably $25. The case is uow before the Supreme Court for final adjustment, and, up to the present time, tho costs amounts to $3,000. At a recent meeting at Danbury, Cone, where a contribution was taken up, a wealthy member of the congrega tion dropped twenty-five cents in the contribution box. The amount realized Icing a little more than that required, the wealthy member quietly suggested to the deacon who passed the box, that his little amount might be returned And it was. Lady Wllmot Ilorton died in Deiby ehire, England, on the 10th ult., in her t'iehtv-third year. It waa she wno in epired Lord Byron with the first oong of the Hebrew Melodies, beginning: ghe walks in beauty: like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; nd all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect sal her eyes. A Chinoss Ssraon. The following discourse by a con verted Chinese tailor, with reference to the merits of Coufucianism, Buddhism, and Christianity, is worth preserves: 'A man had fallen inio a deep, dark pit, and lay in its miry bottom groaning', uud utterly unable to move. Confucius walked by, approaching the edge of the pit, and said: 'Poor lellow! I aia very sorry lor you. hy were you such a fool ns to get in there: Let mo give you a piece of advice: If you get out, Jon t get in again. A liuduist priest next cme by, and said: 'Poor fellow! urn very much pained to see you there. I think if you could scramble up two thirds of the way, or even half, 1 could reach you and lilt you up ihe lest. Uut the man m the pit was en tirely helpless, and unable to rise. Next, the Saviour came by, and, hear ing the cries, went to the very brink of the pit, stretched down and laid hold of the poor man, brought mm up, aud said: 'uo, uuu sin no more. Pleasure &nl Piety. There is no single pleasure that a manly man ought io love the flavor of, which is not permissible to a Christian. There is not a thing which a Christian may uot have which every young man otiuhl not to be ashamed to take. Piety does not shut up the avenues of enjoy meut. True virtue makes every enjoy ing faculty more sensitive to joy. 1 repudiate and repel with scorn tho im nutation that when a man is a child of God. aud is at peace with all God's laws in material things, social things and moral thiugs, he is shut up. He is enfranchised rather. He is enlarged, lie is ennobled. 1 here is more uiusio in him, in every single chord and fac ulty, than there can be in any other. There is no man so free, there is no man who has a range so boundless, as the mac who is at peace with God. And yet there are multitudes of per sous who suppose that there are peculiar pleasures which cannot be reaped ex cept by a reprobate course. There never was any greater mistake than that. Bcccher. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GRAND AEMI DIRECTORY. ECopy right secured. The above work now being complete, is being rapidly put in type; and will make its nppeaianco in a few weeks. Tho vol time will consist of between two and three hundred neatly printed and handsomely bound pages, embracing a complete lis) of the DepartuiPMs and Pos's of the GRAND ARMVOF THE REPUBLIC, wilh their name, number, locution, rosier and other interesting statistics, presenting, ns it were, a Complete mirror of the Organiza tion. Jggylt is the only work on the subject. (Kj?Tho Departments endorse it. BtT'Every Cvmrade should possess a copy. firrjflt gives the address of over 6.000 Comrades of the O. A. It. BfegfMt costs but one Dollar! Send by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. Address all orders to JOEL G. FLOYD, T. O. Box V41, Washington, D. C. prising DRY GOODS, Kidgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENRACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR WAGONS GROCERIES, CROCKERY, OR thirty Hires and one-third (133J) perches nioro or less, thenco east one hundred thirty.three and one-third (133J) perches more or less to said road, thence following the line of said road southerly thirty (30) perches more or less to tlio place of begin ning, being lot No. 'JO on north St. Mary's road, nr.d containing twenty. five acres more or less. Seized and taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Ocorgo Weis. JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. Sncatrr's Orrica. 1 Ridgway, March 10, 1871. f vlnSto. JOB HARDWARE, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Orphan's Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Klk County, I he undersigned. Ad ministrator of L. V. Zimmerman, lute of said county, deceased, will expose to sale by Public enduo, on Saturday, April 1st, 1871, on the premises, nil the interest of the do. cedent iu and to lots Nos. 42 and 43 in the Village of Ccntreville, with the buildings thereon eroded. Terms CASH on confirmation of sale. JOHN G HE F.N, vlnltc. Adiuiuislrutor, NOTIONS, etc., etc. POEK, FLOUR, SALT, ESTnLiiir.nis 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws I Saws ! Saws I SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery. BSfGet the Eesti they will prove the cheap est. Prices reduced. Send for price List and Circulars, WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Has3., or SstroitMioh. Gly. RAILROAD Feed, Beans, Butter WORK A T THE RID G WA P ! "old by WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasute Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY ; I employ none but First Clust Me- t . t .1 1 . a1 T cnamct ; i use nommr nut ms ucsc Refined Iron. I think it will bo to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in course of coatruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All oiden by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Focins, Is- , sued out of the Court of Common Tlcns of Elk county, and to me directed, I will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway. ' ON MONDAY", APRIL 10, 1871, at one o'clock, p. m., the following do scribed property, to wit: A lot or piece of ground situate in the town of Ridgway, county of Elk. and State of Pcnsylvanin, described ns follows: being. lot No. one hundred nnd sixteen (11G) according to the plnn ot said town, ns made bv John J. Ridgway and recorded in the Rocordot's ofhco of said county, be ginning at the corner of Centra slrect, nnd Inst street, being ihe north-cast corner of said lot., thenco along Centro street sixlr five feet, thence south '2" 25' east along lot No. 115 one hundred nnd sixty feet to an alley, thence north 00 35' east along said alley to East street, thence north 23 25 west along East street to tho place of beginning. Erected thereon is a two slory frame Gothic dwelling house nbout sixteen feet froit by thirty-two feot in depth, nnd ft wing on the east nnd we-t sides, each fourteen feet by fourteen feet, or thcronbouts. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry H. Thomas, nnd to bo CTl . JAOOB McCAULEY. Sheriff. Siikbiff's OrrtcB, Ridgwny, March, 13, 1871. J vln3to. DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Tiie Rible is the only real polyglott. Here and there in the catalogues of literature we may find a book that is given to the world in several languages. liut nothing can be found to compare with the Rible in this respect. It has been translated into 200 languages; 63 in Europe; 71 in Asia; 28 in Polynesia and tho Archipelago; 25 in Africa; and 22 in America. More than one hun dred millions of copies, in whole or in part, have been put in circulation with- n the present ccnturv. Uod is unlet' terinir His word and sending it to the nations. 'Go, holy book, thou word divine, Of him who spake as man ne'er spake, Go, for omnipotance is thine, Aud to thy truths the nations wake." PHIL AD IFHIA & ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. VN and aft' MONDAY, DEC. 5th, 1870, J tlv trains on t o Philadelphia it Lri? Railroad will run as follows: WBSTWAlin. Mail Train lcavi j Pliilaulpdlua- 9.-10 p. " " Ridtrway...- l.oti p. " " arrivo at Erie 7.10 p. ErioExpUavcs Philadvlphi 12.40 p. " ' Kidtrwny.. 2.uu a. " arrive at Erie -n.7.40 a. Accomodation, ltavos Rcnova,...7.15 a. Knlgway,..o.ll p. m. arr at Kane 8.00 p.m. EASTWAHU. Mall Train leaves Erie "J.OO a. Ridgwny d.UO p. arrive at l'hilad'a... U.50 a. Erie Express leaves Erie 'J.OO p. " tfiueway... .-' a. " nrat Philadelphia.. 5.30 p. Accomodation, loaves Kane 7,30 a. in. " " Ridgway... 10. l'l a. m. arr at St. Maryu 12-00 in. leaves St. Marys 7.15 a: m. " " Emporium 51.35 a iu. arr at Ranovo 3.00p.ro. Expret?, Mail and Accommodation, east and .ost, lounci t at Corry and all west bound trains nnd Mail accommodation eiiHt at Irvinton with the Oil Creek uud Alle gheny River Rail Road. iu. A. XtALDVi IN. Gen'l 8up't. Canned Goods, . m. m. ni. m ni. m. m. m. in. in. m. in. ni. In Bhort everything wanted in the Country LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LARORING MEN, S. JACKSONtfc WEAVER tf NOTICE. The following named per sons have filed their Petitions for LICENSES to be presented to the Court ot Quarter Sessions the second Monday (being tho 10th day) of April, A. D. 1871: T AVERS. Autnan, Wolfgang Fox township. Turley, Armel Jay township. Hurke, P. 11. Jay township. Etter, Daniel St. Mary's Rom. Reichard, Jacob St. Mary a Roro. Wellendorf, Mathias St. Mary's Rorough. 7. Foote, Joseph A. St. Mary s Rorough. EATING HOUSE. Rrunner, Joseph Renzinger Tp. Gill, Francis, Fox Township. Bauer, George St. Mary's Roro. Clausman, Charles St. Mary's Roroftgh. 5. Heindel, J. B. St. Mary's Boro. C. Wachtel, John St. Mary's Boro. STORE. 1. Russ, E. J St. Mary's Boro. FRED SCHOENING, Clerk Quarter Sessions. SHERIFF'S SALE. 1. Q 3. 4. 5. G. 1. 2. 3. 4. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing December 5th. 1870. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R.R. NEW LINE TO BUFFALO THROUGH THE OIL REGIONS. EVERYBODY ! The Motive. i. ou cannot serve two masters you must serve one or other. If your work is first with you, and your fee second, work is your master, aud the Lord ot work, who is Uod. Rut if your fee is first with you, and your work second, lee is your master, and the lord ot the lee, who is the devil, and not only the devil but the lowest of devila '"the least erected fiend that fell." So there you have it in brief terms work first, you are God's servants; tee first, you are the fiend s. And it makes a difference, now and ever, believe me, whether you serve him who has on his vesture and thigh written, "King of kings," and whose service is perfect freedom; or him on whose vesture and thigh the name is written, "Slave of slaves," and whose eervice is fcrket flamy. Ruskiu. OOISO SOUTU. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 30 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 00 pm Night Express leaves Oil City 9 10pm Arrives at Pittsuurgu o -) a m Mail leaves Oil Oily 9 05 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 5 60 p m GOING NOBTIf. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 20 a ra Arrives at Oil City at 2 05 p m Night Express leavvs Pittsburgh 8 40 p m Arrives at Oil City" bio am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 9 35 a ra Aarrives at Oil City 0 85 p m Passeugcrs travelling by this Route will find better accommodations and make better time than by any other road from the Oil Uec-ious to Pittsburgh. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room bleep. irg Cars on Night Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Corry. inrongu coacues attached to Day Expross Trains between Pittsburgh and Brockton without chnngo. Baggage checked aud ticket i b jld to all important points. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sutt. 3t. 11. Bev, Ticket Agent. Also a full stook of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sixes for rafting and running purposes. Ridgway, Ps., March 2d, 1871. virtue of a writ of Ven Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, nnd to me directed, I will expose to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at the Court House in Ridgway ON MONDAY, APRIblO. 1871. At one o'clock, p. m. All that certain tract of unimproved land Bituate in .lay Township, Elk county. Pennsylvania, known as warrant No. 4192. Containing 9b0 aces more or les. bounded on north by warrants Nos. 419S and 4189, on the east by No. 4898, on the south by No. 4191, and on the west by No. 4189. ALSO one other tract of unimproved land, situate in Fox Township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, known as warrant No. 4270. Containing ty acres mote or less. Hound ed cn the north by warradis 4273 and 4310, on tho east by No. 4274, on the south by Mob. 41 and 1181, and on the west by Ho. 4340. ALSO one other tract of unimproved land, situate in Fox township, county and Slate aforesaid, known as warrant No. 4273. Containing 900 acres more or less. Bounded on the north by warrant No. 4093, on the east by Nos. 4187, and 4274, on tue soutn by rto. 420, and on ins west by No. 4243. ALSO all the coal, iron ore, lime stone, and all other minerals of any nature and kind whatsoever, in and upon and under the following trict, piece, or paroel of land, situate on the noith St. Mary's road. Be ginning at a pest on said road, thenoe west one hundred thirty-three and one-third (1331) perches to Joseph Belekes land, thenco north thirty (30) perches, thence east one hundred thirty-three and one third (I33J) perches more or less to the rad line, thence south by said road line thirty (80) perches more or less, contain ing twenty-five (25) acres, and being in lot No. 10 on the north St. Mary's road, according to the map or plan of the town or settlement of St. Mary's. ALSO all the coal, iron ore, lima atone, and all other minerals of any nature 'and kind, whatsoever, in under and upon the following described tract, piece or parcel of land. Beginning at a post on the north St, Mary's road, thence west one hundred SIIEEIFF'S SALS. BY virtu? of a writ of Levari Fncins, issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed. I will expoRe to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1871, at one o'clock, p. m., all the following de scribed five tracts, pieces or parcels of land, situate in Fox township. Elk ctunty, Pennsylvania, described ns follows: FIRST, commencing at a beech slump at the north west corner of land of Clark Egleslon, thence east sixty ((10) roils to a beech, thence south sixty-three and three tonths (03.3) rods to a post, thence ent sixtv (GOi rods to a post, ihence north Bixty-three and thrce-lenlhs fi3.3 rods to the place of beginning. Conlniniug twenty-three and seven-tenihs 23.7 acres of land, more or less. SECOSD Commencing at a post at (lie smith-past forner of land conveved to Robert Mcintosh, by David R. Griggs nnd others, trustees of the United Slates Laud Company, thence north forty 40 rods to a post, thence east twenty-nine 291 rods to a post, thence south 12J east forty-one r411 rods to a stone in the rreek, thence west ihirty-seven 37 rods to the place ot becinninz. Containing eight nnd one- fourth ncrcs of land, more or less. THIRD Commencineat a hemlock tree, at tho south-west corner of a lot of land conveved to Robert Mcintosh, by the trus tee's of the U. S. Land Company, thence east fourteen 1141 rods to a beech tree, thence south sixty-three and three-tenths 1 03.8 rods to a poet, thence south one hundred flOOT rods to a post, thence south sixty-six and sevcn-tenlhs 00.7 rods tn a post, I hence west twenty-five 25 rods to a beech tree, thence norm eleven III rrvi to a beech tree, thence west Bixty-six TOO rods to a beech tree, thence north one huu dred and eleven fllll rods to apost, thene east one hundred and seventy-seven fl" rods to apost, thenco corth eight 8 rod to the place of beginning. Containin one hundred and two and six-tenths (102. 0) acres mors or less. FOURTH Beginning ot an iron-wood tree on the bank of tho crcok, thenco nort forty-two degrees west (42w), fifty-cigli (58) rods to a si one, thence west fifty-four (54) rods to a post, thence south sixty-three and three-tenths (ij;..;s) roils to a post thence north seventy-three and one-four I degrees east twenty-four (24) rods to post, thenco north one-fourth of a rod to post, thence north 78 east sixty mine 09 rods to the plnee of beginning. Containin twenty-two -22- acres and and allowance of six percent of land. FIFTH Commencing nt a post on th north line of land of said Dennis Egleston, thenoe west forty -40- rods to a hemlock, thence north sixty-eight degrees east, forty-three -43- rods to a post, thence south sixteen -16- rods to the place of be ginning. Containing two -2- acres of land, more or less. Seized and taken in execution, as the properly of William Reed, and to be sold by JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff, Sheriff's OrrioR, Ridgway, March, 10, 1871. vln3to. NEW HVEllY STABLE IN CflAtlLEJ A. DASA. Editor. She goltavWttbtg $nu. A NcvrspnpcT ol tbe Present Time. Intended for Fonplu Konr oa tinrth. iTiclnilii.g Farmers. JIwhrilc, Merrhants, Pro fcsaiouul Men, Wc.tKera. Thinker, nnd a:i II in ner of Honest Foikf. sad tUo Wive, 6out, ind DoaliWr, ol all uo!l. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAH t ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOU 930. Or losi tiin On Cont a Copy. Let there Im k 8SO Club ui ovorr Post Office. 8I1IMVEEKLY SON, MATEAR, or tin mo nlzo oat generul character THE WEKKLV, but with a proator variety ol In1rol!aneort3 reailnir, and fnrntehln; tho nws to Itnutwcrlbon with jrroalur froalmetw. heo.iu It comes twice wook iDsto&d of onco only. THE DAILY St'N, 80 A YEAR. A preeminently rcivl.itilo newspaper, with tio Ifirireiu circular!.,)! in tlm world. I'ren, m.i--pe-idint. nnd tsarle t. In politics. A'l tli news f.-oin ovrrywiium. Tw., cunts a copj i by mull, 60 ceuu u uiowtli. or 90 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. Tni! DOLLAR WEEKLY UtTX. Tlrs copies, one year, separately nrirlres,n Four Dollar. Ten copies ono veir. seriiratoiv arMi-ossed (ami a.i cvirucjp) to lue getter up of cluu). F.lubt Dollars. TwontT conies, onu yenr, tepnratotv addressed (aud an cxt.ru opy to the aettir up or cmbi. Fifteen Dollar. Fifty cnpl". r.no rear, to ono aOdress innrl tha S'.mu-eck'.y ono yeir t - tzeticr np tit club), Thirty-turuo Dollars. Fifty rnplps. ono yenr. .epsrAielv aniTrcii.cn (nnd tan bcuil-WeeklyoucyearTn u-eiter ui oii-iur-). Thirty-live- Dol!ar. Dno bnn'lrc'l eot les, op rcur. to rpn ad lre't (;ioi thu lully for ono year to the pri-iter u-i or c:ua. Fitly Dollars. Dne linndrei copies, ono Ti-nr. K'Miuruulr ail- ureC't ouit! tuuluilyloroao ye;tr to i ne ir.-tier upofclnb), feixty Dollnr. THE SE.Ttr-WEEKLY BUN. Five copies, ono ycnr.neparntclv n'ldte'.e-', Eight Dnllaro. Ten corlos, ono venr. feparn'elv nnnretseil (ana ua extra copy to tetter up of el no, Sixteen Dollars. SEND YOUR MONEY ti Post OTlre order., chr-cks, or rtrnrts on New ork, wherever e.inveuient. if not, tnen nurltu-r Jp leuo.-a couuiiiim: uiouey. Adilros. I. Tf. EKOLAWI. mii-l.tie-. Sua oBee. Mow York City. DAX SCKUJNKll WISHES TO IN- fonn the Citizens of Ridgway, snd the public gci.erally, that ho has starlcda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES aud Buggies, to let upon Vie most reasona ble lerms 85u!le "ill also do job leaning. Stable in the Rrooks Barn, near the Post Office, on Mil' street. All orders left at tho Tosit Otlico will meet, prompt attention. Aug 20 1870. tf. THE MEECHANTJTmiAir NKW YOBK & rniLAllKM'HtA FfilCK CVBBENT. EVERY WEDNESDAY at $2 per annum. The Jonrn tl is the cheapest Commercial paper published- It gives the latest com mercial and financial reports uuu laicsv news, business items and articles of inter est and value to tho Mercha- t. Farmer and family. It give n. full and reliable price list, whirdi every merchant suoul 1 nave. subscription agenis wanted. A liberal com mission paid Address WATSON & CO., rurusncrs, 10 s. qi , Street Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED FOH Physical Life of Man and Woman, OR ADVICE TO BOTH SEXES. A moral, chaslo, and thoroughly scientific work on the following Mghly in.portant subjects: Change of Lifts Love, Courtship. IJualift. cations for a happy Marri.igc. l'hysiology of Marriage, Early Relations if liusbaud and Wife, Duties and Kxporionces of Wtfo and Mother, Care of Muttier ard Child, Mysteries of Reproduction, Moral uud riiysioial Tivinsiiii-.diuii. nnd kindred top ics, from thu highest authorities in Europe. I'l iee $2 1;0. Sales immense. Freight, naid on bcoks and canvassing books lice. or circulars and lesiuimm us aunres, l'AKMKLEE .V CO., 181 I'acu street., Cincinnati, O. nit"). SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, issued out ot the Court oi Common Pleas of Klk county, and to ruedirected, I will expose, to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Uidg way ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1371, at one o clock, p. ni. All that certain tract or piece of lani, situate in the township of Uenzioprer, county of Klk and btate ot reoDsylvania. UeiQQing at a post the south-west comer of war rant four thousand right hundred and eighty-four (4S84), thence north four hundred perches to the north-west cor ner of said warrunt 483-1, thenco east two hundred perches, the rue south tour hundred perches, thenco west two hun dred perches to the place of beginning. Containin;' five hundred acres, and be ing the western part of warrant tour thousand eight hundred and eighty- four (4584). bein? the same premises which Francis Vao Marseville, by deed dated the eighth day of rebrnary, A D. 1865, and granted and oonveyed to Lewis Mitchell and Mitchell A, Mitchell in fee. Seized and taken in execution, as the rtrouertv of Lewis Mitchell and Mhchefl A. Mitchell, and to bo sold by JACUU aWJAULKY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offick, ) Ridgway, March. ICtb. 1871- J Tluoto ST121lEOSC01Ji:S. VIEWS, ALUUMS, cnnoMos, FRAMES. E. SoH.T. ANTHONY &, CO. 691 BROADWAY, NEW YOKK, Invite tho attention of the Trade to their exteutive ussorlmcntof the above goods, of their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTE11N SLIDES and GRAPIIOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY d CO.. 6'Jl Broadway, Netf York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers aud Manufacturers of PHOTDGFvAPIIIC MATERIALS. vloyl. HENRY HARPER, Vo. T24 CUEHTJTVT Street. (Formerly 520 Arch Street,) Oppoiitt "Old ilatotiit Uall" PHIL A. Has a large Stock of AMERICAN aud SWIS3 COLD AND SIL VER WATCHES. OPERA. LINO TIEN AMD VEST CHAINS, FRENCH CLOCKS, OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS, Fancy and plain solid silverware, and Roger! ' celebrated spoons, forks, tea veta ice pitchers, castors, &c, all of which art selling at reasonable prices. U3y.