40 00 I" ' 2S 00 is oo Tratis'entadvertMiiB: Prq'lve nf eight. Hne or less 8 times or 1m 2 00 Business. eard, tn line er ! rief yeer ...... 6 00 Marriages asd Death eoilcva Inserted gratis. Zlk lodge, A. T H Staled meetine of Elk Lodge will he hell at their hall on tin second and fourth Tuesdays of flh month. o. l. Mccracken, see'v. Twin' of Honor and Temoeragee. Elktntt Temnlo, No. ft., m iet on Thnra C of rvjli wm'c. at V (lni Templars Lldgeroom, overC. V. Gi'l'' H. a. p iasoss. ". R. Saylw Jackson rspidly complet ing his new house, on Dnpot street. Yesterday was a regnlar-built 8prisg day. f Mud is nil over town and Vnt four foot deep in the road. Crossings! whew? i Hev. C. M. HearpI will preach in the Court House, ext Sunday, morn- iug and evening. Last Chance to sec what five dollars will do, can be earn, I be ee n, b r it in Moth ?r N is called I reference to an advertise men column. Attention is called to the card of Dr. G. Whipple, Dcntht Surgeon, office in Walker's Building.iJIaia street. Ho also visits Kane, Wilcox, and St. Mary's. J. V. Iloucit, we understand, intends putting up a number of dwelling honsesi soon aa Spring cp-stis, on Main street, West End. Tnc Sacrament ot' the Lord's Supper will be celebrated at the Court House next Sunday at 11 a. tn., by Rev. C M. Heard. In another column will be found the ard of T. S. Hartley. M. D .Physician and Surgeon. His offico is in Walker's Building, Maiu street. Thr Krio G att ft comes to hand this week with a change in Its editorial toaoaement. Thos. ' Oliddon, the frrmer publisher, hsvici; abdicated in faroT of R. Lyle White. W with tho Gaxttte and its present publisher, the uccess that has always attended the former. territory. Population in 1830, 5,915; in 1870, 8,4$$. Pennsylvania is situate between 9 deg. 43 min. and 42 deg. north lati tude, and 2 deg' 17 niio. east, and 3 dig. SI min. west longitude, from Washington. Its mean louuth is 280.- 89 miles, wan breadth, 15S.05 miles; ct length is 802 13-40 miles. ib. 175 miles and 192 sisbks ilon which we r and assure them tnat a .n limir more Dleaaantly t ,.-niff its session. The number members in the class, at present, is about fifty. In connection with the-class u a library of interesting books, lor the btieitof its roembera. Fatal Accident Last Monday Jith inst.. John L,o:ver, u .JlTC. R. . while was aec- thie over oiju. a L . A 'Squire Mead, who fe accordance with the above log 09 blame to engineer, u! employees of taid road. Eu retnaN were taken to St. Mary's for interment. Thi following comparative statement shows the internal revenue reeeipta for the first eight months of the years 1870 and 1871: The receipts from July 1st, 1870, to February 28, 1871, 1101,286,. 182 79. Decrease for eight months, S978,879.718. Reeeipta (or February, 1870, 112,115,74148; raceipta tor February, 1871, S8.663.8S1 12. JJe for tl, 8376 7& i.. ... ' v - it. fools flay comes on Saturday. March commenced on Embor day. t i Coonte6FEIT $10 notes on the First National bank of roughkeep?ie are in circulation. .' ' Tnt longest railroad io the world is the Paoifio, which is over three thous and miles in length. ALL United States special taxes, (li censes,) except on liquor and tobacco, will cease alter the 1st of May next. It is said that timber cut in February will last three times longer than that cut in the summer months. The Hepublioan S:ate Central Com mittee have postponed the meeting of the Statb Convention until Miy 17. LAST Saturday and Sunday there was a good raiting stage in Elk creek and the Clarion. We noticed a num ber of raits going down the river. Buttermilk is said to be a) remedy (or dyspepsia. It should be drank at meals in lieu of coffee and tea. The acidity of buttermilk is due to the presence of lactic acid, and as this acid assists the digestion of any food taken with it, it is hence recommended to those who are troubled with indigestion. TnE total product ot anthracite pig iron in the United States has grown from 519,211 tons in 1860 to 971,150 tons 18G9. Tie products ot bitumin ous coal-furnaces have increased with equal rapidity. It amounted to 553, S41 tons in 18G9, which was an increase of 74 per cent, over the product of 1808. Scdutlkill county has been allowed an additional Law Judge, acd Hon. Henry Souther ot Elk county has been appointed by Governor Geary till the next election. The appointment iB one eminently fit to be mad. Judge Souther is a good lawyer, a sound Re publican and an exemplary citizen, who will do honor to tho place and hang a man so pleasantly that be will feel no pain after the first fifteen minutes. Venango Citizen. in TliK ninth census has been completed by the bureau at Washington, and gives a total population by the enumeration of 1370 of 33,533,180, an increase in ten years of 7,074,789, or about 20 per cent. Maine and New Hampshire show a decrease, while all the other States hive increased. Ihe Western States gained largely; the M:ddle and Southern States moderately, while the Eastern States are almost at a aland still. Disinfectants. The best and most simple disinfecting agent known is chloride of zioo. It is easily made by disclving zioo in muriatic acid, and can be applied in a diluted state to cess, pools, foul and offensive drains, etc. Sulphate of ziao is also an excellent disinfectant, and ean be purchased at almost any drug store in the form of salt. A half pound dissolved in a pail of warm water and thrown into a cess pool not remarkably offensive will deo dorize it at once. Standard Weight. The Legisla- ture of Pennsylvania recently fixed the 'allowing figures as the Btandard weight this State for the following named ioles: rVheat, 60 pounds; rye, 50; shelled , So; cob corn, 70; corn meal, 40; a salt, 70; ground salt, 62; fine 47; barlev, 47; oats, 82; buck- , OU; clover seed, 51; timothy 45; turnips, 55; onions', 43; peas, It, 61; unslacked limo, 80; b tu- pal; 7b; coke, 40; potatoes, oo; iJpes, 54; flax seed, 56; bran, .dried apples, 2d; peaches, lows grab-bags7riu vices are recoguued io laws as indicta ble oBcnscj, and that the proper officers fail to d' their duty if tbey suffer them . ulinnAtinarl WTa (llnnAaa W iff this good lw iu New Hampshire, it is ood law here, or in any other State iich baa statutes against lotteries. A Danoerocs Cocntirmit. To ft any of our citizens from being d by $10 bills on the Farmers' tacturers Rational bank, of 'rod nnmbor ni hih we give toe following facta; 'w J"l executed, sod may be easily aeicuicux It ia printed on heavy paper, and oo i the tace the shaded lines are very ooarisely cut. The back was a centre piece of DeSoto dis covering the Mississippi aftd oo the left of the arms of New York State. On the right aide of the centre piece is an eagle and shield. A single glsnoe at this latter will undeceive aoy one upon boo It iModeatored to pert the bogQf SUSSEX. ta silence many things ars wrongh'j SiUnily builded, though on thought. Truth's temple greets the sly, Aad like a citadel with towers, The soul, with her snbervisat powers, . Is strengthened silently. Soundless as chariots ea the snotf, The saplins of the forest grow To trees of mighty girth; Each mighty star in silence burns, And every day in silence turns The aalosof the earth. The silent frost, with mighty hand, Fetters the rivers of the land With universal chain; And smitten by the silent sun, Tho chain is loosed, the rivers run, , u The lands are free again. - - Toe evening star Jupiter is now very bright, and may be seen io tho western heavens any pleasant evcu:og, shortly alter sunset. 1 Accidents to. Railroad Cars It is cjtiimonly believed that irou and steel becouio brittle by exposure to Irost. and accidents on rsilrouds in cold Weather ara often attributed to this cause. ' Recent experiments iti Englaud go to show that the idt-a is not wel' i founded, and that there beany diff erence in elasticity in metals at high and at low temperatures, it is iu favor ot the latter. One investigator, Mr. Spence, subjected somo cast-iron bars to a trial of strength at 60 degrees and at zero, and found that the reduction of temperature, other things being equal, increased their power of resistance. It is urged, too, that quite as many break ings of axles and rails occur in summer a in winter, and that the true cause of them is bad workmanship or methods of manufacture. Tub report of the Pfiilu., Si Erie R. R. for 1870 shows that tho earnings duriog the year were 83,144,014, aud the eipenses $2,577,723, leaving as the net proceeds S53G.3 16. The earnings ia 1SG9 were 53,18(5,697, showing a de crease in 1370 of 812.052, which is ai tributcd to the low rates compelled by the competition of tho Erie road. The total tonnage iu 1870 was 012,156 more than in 1369, and the total number of passengers shows an excess over the previous year of 15,119. Taking ihe interest of the funded debt, $1,060,436, and the sum duo ou construction ac count, $340,731, tho roal bas fallen short by $268,833 of paying expense?. Arrangements have been made which are expected to vastly increase the busi ness of the road, and it is not to be doubted that in a few years it will yield a fair profit. TnE following has been handed us for publication, by Rev. J. Rrcneman: Beginnings or tub Lutheran Cnuucu in America. The first Lutheran settlers in America were Hol landers, who came to this country in 1621. The first Lutheran minister was Rev. Beorus Torkil, who arrived with the Swedish Lutheran Colonists, on the banks of the Delaware in 1643. The first German Lnthcraa settlers in Ameri ca arrived in 1710, four thousand of whom took up their abode in tho prov inces of New York aud Pennsylvania. A colony of Lutherans, from Sultzburg, settled in Georgia in 1734. A settle ment was also effected in Virginia in 1735. The first Lutheran church in America was built by the Swedes, oo the banks ot the Delaware about 1639. The second on this side of the Atlantic, and the first in what is now the State of Pennsylvania, was that at Tinicum and consecrated on the 4th of September, 1640. Publio worship, ia the Dutch, Ger man, French, and Swedish languages, was eonductod io the City of New York, - T.ntltairan nfiatnra In 1719 T.litn. "sn to form in Scho Lanoaster in America, waaTT urn oyaoa oi iiuinern ministers, iu America, was held in St Nicholas' church, Philadelphia, io the month of August, 1748. From these beginnings arose the Lutheran ohoich in America, whioh now embrace about 2,100 ministers, and about 600,000 communicants. TO KIBRA6KA. CALIFORNIA, AND KANSAS, AND JBB B. M. B. R, LAjtSS. Tie "Burlington Roote," eo ealled, lies right fo the path of the Star of Em pire. It root almost immediately in the centre of the great westward movement of emigration. Crowing Illinoia and Iowa, it atrikee the Missouri river at three point. These threw point are the gate way e into three great lectioui of the trtoj. Missouri region. The Northern gate i Omaha,. -where the great PaoiBo road' will tako you to tho land of goll and grapes, sunny mountains, and perpetual summer. The middle gate is Plattsmouth, whioh opens upon the south half of Nebraska,' south of the Platte river, a region un surpassed on the oontinent for agricul ture and grazing Just here are the n. & M. Riilroad lands, concerning whioh Geo. S. Harris, the land offioor iiC Bur lington, Iowa, cn give you all informa tion, and in tho heart of them is Lin. solo, tho State Capital and present ter tdiuus of the road. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by connection with the St. Joe Road at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and Kansas City. The trains ot the Burlington run smoothly and safely, and make a!l con nections. It runs the best of conches Pullnmn Palace and Pullman dining cars, and thnuld you take the journey for the journey's sake alone, you will be repaid; or take it to find a home or a farm, and you cannot find either better than among the I). & M. lands, where you can buy on ten years' credit, and at a low price. vln2yl. m m m Foliowino is a list of the P ost Offices in Elk county: Arroyo, Spring Creek tp. Henezetti?. litmezeMe tp. Ernndy Camp, Hortoo tp. Caledonia, Jay tp. Dents Kun, UentKtte tp. rley, Kox tp. Hetlen. Horton tp. KcrBy, Fox tp. Kidgway, Kidgway tp. 8t. .Mary's St. Mary's Bore. WillUmsville. Jones tp. Wilmimta, Kidgway tp. Wiieox, Jones tp. Mrs Lydia Studley, who, at the age o! 70 years, was convictel ol the mur der by poiscn of her husband, has been pardoued out ot the Rhode Island State Prison, ot which sho has beeo . au in mate for about twelve years. Mr. Stud ley was not the only husband of' whom the old iady has disposed of, for one Jones, who inarried her years ago, died from the effects of arsenic by her ad ministered. There has been strong op position to her receiving a pardon, but it hat been oveiborne, as there is little probability that the old lady will marry again. rp S. II ART LET. M. D., I Physician and Surgeon, I'.idpway, Ta. Oflico in Walker's Build-ng. Special attention given toSurgory. Office hours from 8 ft. tu. to 10 p. m. Residence at J. M. Kenrd's, Centre Street. ' All culls promptly attended to. vlo2yl. TR. Q. WHIPPLE, II Dentfcl Surgeon. uuice in uaiaere iiuiiuiog. au iihub qi dentistry done in the best style, and nil work warranted, lie will visit Kane on the 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wiloox on the 10th, 11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st, 22d and 23d of each month. At all other times he can be found at his office in Ridgway, Pa. vln2yi. I F YOtJ WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP CO TO THAYER & IIAGERTY , Main Street, Eidgway, Pa. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, ROOTS, SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS W ARE. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE,' TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries' and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly oo hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & HAGERTY. vU2. STEREOSCOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CDROMOS, FRAMES :&.co. thtir ewn. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDEa end ORAPnOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. I. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Mauufaeturers of FHOTDQRAPniC MATERIALS. T"VRS. BORLANw k St. CLAIR, 19 TBAsanw, P., Give speeial atten tion to Cbronle diseases, and those pecu liar to women aad children. Dr. Berlaad. diagnoses diseses by an ex amiaatioa of the uriaa, aad br this Old Otrmi wutM has successfully treated th. easanes ef eases witaeut seeing ifeem. A. PARSONS, Dealer ia Doo 11 , Dealer In Boots, Shoes and Leather. Main Street, Ridgway, fa. Vlaltf. T H. WILDER, NEWS DEPOT' Main St. (Holes' New Building), Ridg way, Pa. Latest Periodicals and Newspapers kept constantly on hand. Alo dealer in Freeh Fish, Oysters, Tobaooo, and Confectionary. vlnltf. 1 Orphan's Court Sale. fly virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Elk Count v, the undersigned. Ad minis'ra'or of U. Zimmerman, lata of said county, deceased, will expose to sale by Publio Vendue, on S&turiay, April 1st, 1871, on the premises, all ihe interest of ths de cedent, in and tolots Nos 42 and 43 In the Village o Ccntreville, with the buildings thereon ceded. Ternin CASH on confirmation of sale. JOHN GREEN, vlnlto. Administrator. TSS MSSCHANT'S JOUSNAL AKI KIW YORK & PnilAOEtPntA PBICS CCBEHT. EVERY WEDNESDAY at $2 per annum. The Journal is the cheapest Commercial paper publiliedi It givexlhe latest com mercial and financial reports and lateBt news. buflineR items and articles of inter e;t nnd volue to the Mercha1 1, Farmer and fnmily. It give a full and reliable price list, which every merchant shouli hvre. mhseript ion agents wanted. A liberal com mission paid Addrens WATSON k CO., Publishers, 16 8. mi Street Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED FOR Physical Life of Man and Woman, OR ADVICE TO UOTH SEXES. A moral, chaste, and thoroughly scientifio work on the following highly important subjects: Change of Life, Love, Courtship, Qualifi cations for a happy Marriage. Physiology of Marriage, Early Relatious of Husband aud Wife, Duties and Experiences of Wife and Mother, Care of Mother and Child, Mysteries of Reproduction. Moral and Pliysicial Transmission, and kindred top ics, from the highest authorities in Europe. Price $2 00 Snles immense. Freight paid on bcoks and canvassing books free. For circulars and Testimonials address, PARMKLEE it CO., 181 Race street., Cincinnati, O. nlto. Heccomsndect and Endorsed by over Seven Hundred Doctors 1 nil, LAWRENCE'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF KOSKOO! THE QitEAT HEALTH RESTORER ! Not a Secret Quack Medicine- Formula Around the Bottle. PREPARED SOLELY BY Dr. J. J. Lawrence, Original Chemiet KOSKOO STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEAS2 8T PURIFYING THE BLOOD, RISTOHVO THE LITER AND KIDNEYS TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND IN VIGORATING Tilt. NER VOUS SYSTEM. Tbia.is the Secret of its Wonderful Success ia Curing Consumption in its early stages, Serof ula. Syphilis, Dyspepsia. Liiver Complaint, chruoio Rheu Matism. Neuralgia, Ner vous Affuotioo, Eruptions of the Skin, Humors, Lose oi Vior, Diseases of Kid sey and Bladder. AND ALL DISEASES CAUSED RY A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of Humour and Bad Taint, and restores the entire system to healthy condition It ia bepond questioo the FINEST iIN THE WORLD. hanged by the 'k, sickly. by, and byfjy Invalids cannot testate to gTvT" trial. No Medicine has ohtaioevl such a great reputation as this justly celebarted compound. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Editors, Druggists, Merchsnts, &o., see KOSKOO ALMANAC for this year. PRICE ONI DOLLAR FIB BOTTLE YOK BALI BY Tht Prtnctpal Drugiett in the VheUd State and British America. IT W. S. SERVICE 200,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masonie Hall Building. STOVES at prUss that will please ef all desirable kind. TIN-WARS ef every kind ea hand at alliaes. Sptoiat attention glvtn to Wholesale or ders. Pries list furnished to dealers on applicatioa. SUEET-Tm AND COPPER WARE Rouse furniihing goods a great variety.- STEAM AND WATER PIPEINO, PCMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS SETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, ks. e. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CAGES A NICE VARIETY ROOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS, of Tin, Galvanised Iron and Copper anl every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted. AGENCY of Henry Diiatons celebrated ws. Orders for saws at factory prices solicited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, PEW TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEK BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, U. 8. BONDS &e. taken in exchange for Goad or Vorlc v1n20t W a 8KRVICR Kidgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMINT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR AOONS OR JOB WORK A T THE RIDG WAT WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasute Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none bat Firtt Clau il chanict j I use nothing bnt the lett Refined Iron. I think" it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in coarse ol eostruction. I will be able to furnish sny party by the first of April All oiders by mail, also any orders with W. 8. Sbrvioi at the Tin Shop, wid receive prompt attention. 8. JACKSON WEAVER tf IST4SLIB.ES1X 1880. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws ! Saws 1 Saws I SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery. Jtj-Qet the Best, they will proveths cheap est. Prices redused. 8 end for price List and vircuiare, WELCH St GRIFFITHS,- Boston, Hm, er BetroitUioh. oly. TO THE . NERVOUS! DEBILITATED i WH03K SUFFERING HAVK BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSBtl, AND WHOSE CASES REQTJIRS rnojurr TnETJiiEjrr TO RENDER EXISTENCE 'DESIBASLV If yoa are suffering or have suf fered, from involuntary discharges, what efieot does it rrjduoe upon your iencrul health f Do you feel weak, de bilitated, essily tired f Docs a little extra exertion produce palpation of th heart 7 Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order 7 Is your urine some imes thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling T Or does n thick skutn risftto the top? Or is a sediment at the broom after it bas stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels con stipated ? Do you bare spoils of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory impaired ? Is your mind constantly dwelling oo the subjec? De you feci dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life ? Do you wish to be alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing make you start ot jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre ot your eye as brilliant? The bloom of your check as bright ? Do you eujoy yourself in so ciety as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you, feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melencholy ? If so, de not lay it to your liver or dispepsia. Have you restless nights ? Tour back weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, Teneral disease badly cured, and sexual exoessee are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of the generation, when in perfect health. mate the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering business-men are always those whose generative organsaro in perfect health ? You never hear such men complain of being melen choly, ot nervousness, of palpataticn et the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't become sad and discouraged ; they are ,lways polite and pleasant in company of ladies, aod look vou aud thorn rich I the face none of your downoasfc looks Or aoy other meanness about them. I do .not mean those who keep the orgrns inflated by running to excess. These will not only ruin their consti tutions, but also those they do business with or lor. Row maney men, from badlr eared dis eases, from the effeots of self-abuie and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness In those organs that ha reduceda the general system so much as to iuduee almost every other diieaso idiooy, pur. alysis, spinal affections, saioide, and almost every other form of disease whioh hu raantty is heir Io aad the real cause of the trouble soaroely ever suspeoted, and have doctorsd for all but the right one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGANS REQCIRI THE USE OF A DIURETIC. SEIIVIBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT e BUCHU ISTHIQsWC DITJRZTI, AND 19 ACEHTAtW CUIll fOR DISEASE O? THE BLADDERKIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPST, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILTTY. Andall other diseiees of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing ia M tic or Fsx 4is, from whatever eau-e originating, and aa matter bow loog standing If no treatment is submitted to. sumption or insanity may ensue. Uar and flesh blood are supported frona thdM souroes, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use or a reliant remalv. HEMBOLD'8 EXrHACl' BCCIIU. eatablU shed upward of 19 years, prepared by 1. T. IIIilMBOL.L . DRUGGIST, 694 Bboadway, New Yhr ana 104 South 10th Street, PhiladeTphl Pa. V PRICE $1,25 per bottle, or 6 battle for8,6t), delivered i any address. SotO BY ALL PaUOOISTS SVIRTWJtKlt. , NON ARK GESUINS C,'LB33DONR TJ? is srtab aaoaavsD wupm. wrra rto-stmLia or nr CilEMiCAL WAAJU HOUSE, aib szaitas, H. T. HELMSOLB.