filh (fonnlg gtocatc. jrc,""LUTH B Xt7Ed UoF XlllRSHAV. t: I KMI'.KR To. 1H70 The Message. Tie State Journal, one of our ablen Melanges, and a warm snppoi ter of idc ixduiiuistration, ("peaks thus of the inffsafip- l'8 iexvs coincide with our own.0"1' is probably letter than we could write thctu should wo try: The message, with marked frankncpsi. tkGnes the position on several impor tant questions. Tho purchase ofono of the Wcit India Islands, and the estab lishment of a great tinval station in ircnt of the wain coast lino ;s urged with print force. Tho President declare that l' 0 inhabitants of Sun Domingo earnestly desire annexation to the United Stutes. The clamor for the consumation of this project will, in nil probability, be so great that Congress ni'.l be constaincd to pass ao annexation fc. The arguments brought Jurth in llic tncssago on this poiut arc ingeni ous. The rights of fishermen in the waters cK the const of Canada, tho President insist?, shall be protected ; and. unless our troublesome and crotchety neighbors of the "New Dominion" net with less rahties and mon . justice, an act of Congress and a fleet of gunboats will profosea speedy settlement of tho fish cry question." Ou the Alebnma claims the public is left in the dark ns to what has been and what is to be done. "Hold still uud ao nothieg" is itrpractable. The position on the E jropeon wir, U eminently wise. Tin President assumr the full responsibility for the conduct ol "Waiiburne in recognizing the French ippvliic, and in giving protecion to the citi?.cns of neutral power? in Kuroe. The refusal toenzagc in iou'ign entang lements will receive universal commen dation io this . country. Revenue re rcfurm is heartily cudoreJ ; but the at tempts under that name to destroy nui revenues. ! y the overthrow of protection is fljtly rebuked. The civil service is fully endorsed in every application. Altogether, the messa preseuts tl affairs of the na;h n n a ver; sutisf. coy view, and the President, in great e.n.i tlewe, appeals to tho American for mi jDrt and lo-opoiution, in perpeiuatin thegol attained, and in i Sorts ie achieve that which is btill higher ai t iiicre noble. Nome ! That is what womei makes it Man may be aoi ivo or hide lent, sullen or social, jrood, bad ot in different, the l.ciue will be pervad-J ru'.ed, dominated by the spirit of tl wi:i. Children will love it or hale it g'adly remain at or ttturu to it, or fix I'.-oni it ou nil possible occasions ju-l a it is enlivened by sympathy or tendon gloomy by care or i.'.r.roseness. Tlo most tickle and thoughtless man often an! the j lided, over-br.rdcued, jet kind y man always turn's wilh irreprcssibh ycarr.irg to the seclusion, the tin freo intercourse cf home. There, if anywhere, he finds innocent and iub stan'.ial enjoyment ; there if at all, re pose which is yet happiness. Womau's liii.gdom, if it be a circumscribed one, may lv. made equally despotic and al luiing, govrti td at ( nee with an abso lute bway; and an irresistible attraction. If mother live was all-potent for evil, her daughters oro equally powerful for good. It is the feminine influcce which preserves the world from prossness and C rruptirn, in to far as it is saved there from, and it is the daily example and exhortation of good and dbcreet women whleh prextnt the fcubsidencc of the ti-ajority cf mankiud iuto sensuality.seli ishncss aod vice. If woniankiud some times mistake the when and the bow, that is simply saying that even tho best and lovliesi sex is not yet, aud as a wide perfect. WRZSTLia Match. A wrestling match between J. II. McLaughlin, ot Titusvillc, and J J. Benjaniin.of Wash- inoton, for five thooyaud dollars a side tcck place in TitusTille, Tuesday uight at Ccriuthiaa Hall. The firat set-to waa a fall for McLaughlin, he getting a "grapevine lock" oe his opponent. The Sccorid tct-to was a fall for Benjamin by an "inside twist" on his opponent. At this point thero was great enthusi asm araoDg the friends of both parties, and betting was high, McLaughlin being the favorite. Tho third set-to was a fa'.l for McLaughlin by Mie "cross futtock," which decided the match in favor of McLaughlin. Time; forty-eiuht minutes from their first appearance ou the stage. ' Many of the celebraties in the r.rofeision of this country were fioU Erie Et-pvllica. EELIGIOUS LE?AHEE2II. E7. C. H.S2JSID. 52:503. The II ily dm luuiiinn ul the L.nd'i Supper will be celebrated at the fourt House next Sunday morning. The cervices will be conducted bv llev. (J. M. Heard, and all who love our Lind Jesus Christ will be invited to to the communion. ThsTultoa Street rraror llaodas A youoij nihn, of cultivated manners Mid aipearancf, arose in the meetinii and nt-ked prayer f.jr hiinlf that he might be converted, lie felt tint he was a lost sinner, and thould forever perit-h unless (Jod,iu his Sovereign tuer- ey. would interpose to save him. lie seid but a few worJs, and in on instant a good lit other sitting rear him arose, and engaged in a iuut earnest prayer that this young man might at once believe ou the Lord Jesus Christ s able and willing to save him nuw. The young in in was found to be n clcijt one of our liroadway dry goods store, and, on being spoken with, ex pressed great anxiety to be a chits'ian, nd to Cod the way to Christ. Another ouug man came into one ol the meetings and stood in the ait!, lean ing against cue of the columns. As the meeting proceeded, he seemed absorbed in the deepest attention, lie came farther up the aisle, and leaned against another couuu. Uc stood Mm through the irst hill-hour, then he took a scat' Your repot ter made his way to bini when the services weie concluded, to muke tome inquiries, lie was a fine looking, intelligent yountr man, in ro bust health. He said ho was from Maiuc, was the mid of pious parent ; had no previous Knowledge of this, but us he was pacing the old chaich, no s;w the sign out "Eultun Street Prayer Meeting" aud teeing, some persons enteiii.g, lie, came iu also, lie i .iuid lie hud never been in such a ptaycr meeting as he found this to be. '"I will be here lo-nmrrw, said," he. 'I am interested to know mote of this iiteting." 'J he nixt day. eure enough, -he was :n akin. oceujiug a se:it in the back part ot the church, ilis fine, intclli ge it face w:is all aglow w'uh emotion We inaje our wy to him as soon as the hene'lh.tion pronouueed, and ex tr.sscd snislacjlou at seeing him prcs- 'ut again. "Arc xou anxious to become a chris- ian ' ' we i nquind. I am. My lather and mother cre "hri.-tiani," he tinsxvcud, ,-a:id xh l.ruld I not be anxious ti be a Chris" 1:111? Why iiui?" he added, 'Why not?" xve iiquiitd. Why ot now ? Why not here? trom thi oi d hour he u believer on the Lord esus Christ ? ' "I mean to try." "Oh, mil" xve said ''don't try. Try ig is not bclicv'iUir. Take Christ at nis word, beleiving that he means whai .ie says, as he six., as he says ow to wiu end to evry si'.ner 'llirn thai .ometh unto me, I will in no east mf.' 'fliese arc the worls of ouo who cannot speak anything but the truth, and would not promise what he would not perform." We trut th:n he, like hundreds of others who have just stepped into the meeting, will find it none oilier than the House of tiod and the Gate of Heaven to bis soul. We shall sec. H:w to Pick cut Sunday School Ecys A Christian man xvho had jimrneyed much in the far west, said he could al most always pick out unerringly the Sunday school trained boys and young men. They were uniformly more civil and obliging io the traveller, giving full half the mad on passing and turning nut for the faster teams to pass them. when goinu the same way. This was often a' difficult mailer when the deep suows were drifted high aud ouly one track broken through them. Iudeed it would bo hardly posi.ibo in many places without the concurrence of the team iu advance. The same gentleman said he had been obliged to rido three miles behind an ox team driven by boys, xvho refused to permit the carriage to pass. They were not Sunday School bo vs. A man boasted and laughed loudly over the boast, that he had trav elled threo hundred miles and made everything turn out for him. lie was not a Sunday school-worker, you may be assured. There is a power in a good Sunday school aud io the precious Hible truth taught there, to refine the manner, and to muke U members courteous towards all. Aud this in not one of the smallest benefits that flow from it. IIoxv muoh is the happiness of society affected by it. Tho temporal blessings of the Sunday school would be quite sufficient return for all iti out-lay, if there was no o-l,tr'jk-ia.ii ii. ,Si,d one ot i. Ji n d y xihonl estahlhu.i nt in a wrctthid tcighbnrhond, -It nally seems ns il its n.eiiibeis had nunc to eat and wtar. iIimii they did In f re it ws established ;' and I d'j not d uhl lut ibis was the etise. Thrift and lliblo wisdom go hand in hand. Teere is no agent like for doing goud both to the souls aud hoilic of men KalLllOADS. PRTL.D L) BIA & ESIE EAILBOAB. WKSTEIl TIME TABLE. 0 X and after MON DA V. PEP. 5th, 1870, Hie ti'ititiH un the 1'liilmlulpluit & Lria l!ailrouJ wilt i nn as l'ulluws: WEMTWAUI). Mail Train leaves I'hilnelpilliia.. 0.10 p. tn. " " " lii.ltfwuy I.oij j.. in. a 4 miivp at line 7 1-1 (. in. Erie Kxp leaves l'liihirleinlii 1J.40 p. rn. Hi'lgwny -J M a. in. " " arrive nt Kne 1.7 -10 n. in. A30DioUtion, leaven I emirii... 7. 15 n. in. ' ' Hiilgny,..5 01 p. in. " arr at Kmie fc.OUn. in. KASTWAlil). Mail Train leaves Erie !).(NI n. in. " " " UMwuy o.ou p. i. " " arrive at 1 liiliiJ u... .' it. in. Erie Express loaves Due tMHI p. in. " ' ' liiuwiir... a. in. ' " ni-nt riiiladelpiii.i.. i"i Sit p. in. Aceomouilien, leaven Kune 7,;;ti h. in. " " Kiilgwny ... I U.-lII a. Hi. ' arr at Miii'ja Il'.OU in. " leteM. M.uys 7.15 a: ni. " ' Em piiriu in 'J.iii b in. " ivr at lleiiiito ij.Oiji. in. Express, M iil ami Aceuiumooatiuii, ent and we.-l. ripiiiieel nl Cnvrjr mi l nil west bimti'l ti iiin nml I;iil ai.ooiiiiikkI.iI ioit e:o.t in Irviiiteti witii t lie Oil Creek mid Alle gheny iiiver Kail Kim:!. WM. A. UAI.DW1V Cien'l Siip't. ALLKti IIENY-VALLKY K 11. CHEAT ti: note II r.otTE XKOM Till OIL llliGIONS TO riTTSllUr.GH! tki: tliST St THE WEST. S'-ECmi) CAltS ON" nil n!:lit tr.ilns. rn.-etigers and li:isr2:i!c 1 1 inmlei ie l at O.l oil Ciiy, I' i'ec ut' lotrjie! 1 'rains unite iliieet ennnee inn with all lliuuls ceuteii..g al Oil Ci'y, nml leave as I'eU'.w s: l.'ay Express leaves Oil City at 10 ?() a r.i Arrives nl I'il t lm gli 5 :M p in Ni;;'it Kxpres leaves Oil City ' '-'M p in Arrives at l'i:tImrh 7 (HI a la KilliuiMirig Aec'ti. leave Etnl'ton Ii 1" p tit an ive IviltiitiuiiiJ !HKI p 111 I Mixed ttav lei.vta Oil City 7 00 p in An ivuat nest rviiu Jiiiiutmn t p in l)ay Lxpress leaves I'i tsbarg at 7 15 a in Arrives nt Oil t'ity nt 1 55 p in Nielli Expiess leaves l'ittsburg X I'll p lit Ar. ives m Oil City li n in I'm ker Aee'n l-uvos Kitt'n'g "-t 7 -0 a in " Arrives nl I'nrkur at '. 55 a in .liixe.l V:.y iaven West l'a. Jane 7 00 a m Arrives at Oil t'ity "t 0 00 p in l'li'seiigors tr;ivel!:njt ty Itiis r.onte will find betlei' neceiiiiaodalioiis imd inako belter time tlinii hy any other road lrom the 0.1 l;M'iins to Pit iSirj! . J.' J. Li Wl'.E.NCfc, Con. Sui t. rlOL'UT IMiOCT-AM TION Whercns, j t lie J 1 on. L. K Wr.TM(iiK, rvtstlviii l.-ilsre, iitnl llntis. 1'. C .'elmlun unil Jexse h' ier, Ai-MiiMites. Juiles t' tlie t'liintot' tiuimer .'is-inns. Iliiuui' Court, liver it 1 niniiur. nml lie le'nl Juil Heliv.-rv. I'll- II, e iil e iiinl oilier ull'eiixes in the Ciiiintv et tlieir precej'ts lo me diieettil. Imve unlered the tiluiKMiiil me med I'liuns in he Imlileti ut Kiiltiy, in mi I fur the Coin. IV ol Kii., on llie eenlnl .Moini.iv nl Jiiiiinirv. lTl, it heina llie lb 11 ! il.iy ol ihu iiiuiilJi. ami In eotiiiiiiie uiiu week .Ni:ite is lieieliy (;ieii tu llie l.'uvoiirr, , iiir.iee" ul ihi I'e.ico, ntui C'uiislnii'es. ol' ...i .. 1 H.H l.u-l 1, ,11, Jf III K l -t . inti' euiii'iimi le'l tu Ije .lieu mi l mere, in tlnir nu.icr (lei suioi. lit ten u eluei- , A. M.. of said liny, with their lolls. le'iidH mi l ili lli llinns. mid nt her reiuelulir lii'es, to du llioe Ihiups whieli llieir ol'.iees i.jjier- -Li ti lu lie dune, end liml till .lutees ul said County, muke letiirtij ol' nil recount Inuui'H tniereil i:ito IjcIoic lliein. In llie Clerk of tiie Court, lis Act of Asseiu 1.1 .- of Mm eh -Itli, !!:. ,Mnl t!ios! wii.i are liuiiudto j.iosecuie the jjrisoi.eis I'nit I are or flmll lie in I lie Jar. ol llie Cuiimy of Klk, mid to be then iitnl there to nro-e cute iigiiui-l lliem as shnll be just- JACUli McCAl.LtV, ilierilT. Itidgway, Lec. 10, 1670. CHARLES 110LE3, rnACTiCAi WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER JIWSl- ER. Veat end of Hyde House, Ridsway, fa. Sells ai Cheip as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER W'ATY!AE3, Clocks, Jexvelry, .SilvervTiire, XX YIOI.IX AND GUITAR STi: Enectaulea, l'eua and PcueiU, Exclusive .4 3nt for the sulo of VLEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairiag Watchea, etc, d Ji.e wilh tlie saraa accuracy aa aeretofor. liov.'O.'OOif GO All COALl! The subscriber hax 'rif o- dered CHO tons bituminous and ai. krioite coal i now nrepured to furtiihii i tie in-onle of Kidgway with hard oi soft coal, nut or Ktove sizes, lump run ut mines and mucksmithing coal, io quantities to suit purchasers. 40 tf M. T. FRENCH. Jul 23. 1870. Al unio y -at Lun I It-b'J ,), Attoran-t-Lw 2 -JL 1 1 . Attorneys - a t Law. bT. MAliY ti, JS. LiinUeU, 1). I.eleeliu l'liyvmn s OnieO and lesideiiee iippustlo llm Jan. on Centre M., V lujvmy, 1'u. lrnni t uiletiliuli will tie given iu uil eiuls. Iiuinslilu b A. .M' ; 1 lo- 1". .M. i und o iu 7 i'. m. .Mm-. Oil tl. Dll. A. FJSNEIt. Siirgenn lie' list, nl iVaiiea, l'n., w.H Iu in oi. .xlirys I lie i,.ulini.l week in cicli iihiiiiIi. I'lliue ia Jr. Iluss' I ii. i ding, Centre Mieei, t-t via y's, and at tlntitiiy every euuil meek, tlliuu ai the ilylj iiume. JQii C. 11. iLLLLli, BOTANIC i'HYSIClAN', l.niiivt.w, T. ISesidenca and office oppusna il.o Imyer Hulls. il1 IHlL'.vK, llllHJlV.W, Ul.K Co., 1A. W. II. SCHllA.Xi, TliLulitul io r t nt: p.-uroii ie iiuieiut'iii'e liberally besiuwed uj'oa lulu, Ino iie.iv pii prietur, liupes, ly siiict ni- leiitiun Id llie eoiniiiri na.l euiiveuiL-noe (.1 ue."ls, tu ineru u cuiuiiiuauve ul lue buine. O.t Cil lli'.l. t Li hoc Mi, li 100 WAV, l'A. 1)V1U TUAVEi;, I'loiiriuinr. Tho iiiiUel sikiici liin.iij lined up u large anil cuiniuuilit. us liulei imi MKllillel eei hei nl Ctiiue and iu;itioi&, wan iihoJ 1 nml eo.i.ei.iem . wuUny u.l,..:..oa. loet-l j tuily tieiieits IJie pinK.iiiie ol li.o u.U Iriendsitii J I lie p'll. lio jieiii.i'..iiy . dec I U Ou li lu i HAVE it. f7i; a :n lwiiN iiou&l, JjJ ci. .u.,U i ;, l ... LAlltikiV i. AlAl.ll.'ii;, i;u.las. llie pi eprieura respefi iiiiiy as., i.ic.iiteu llun el IliCii ll'Jeii'ii ninl llie pnimc Hi yenei'iil li tiiij.r nire nuJ e iinniu tii.u.'. li.ilel. ivery titlv:llloil p.tiU Iu tuu nuiiltf ti.enee ul utsis. II. EAMJliY, Ji.iyoll lcO ly J. A.;. II r. iMJi-US it i.utcli, li. S. bkN.tl1, 1'Kuraiaiua . K iiliatV UOLSE, i.kiii.i.iL.i, x.lm. c.. Pa. Juiis Collins, 1'niprii.tur. uminum i..r i.,e ..r.nm-e uerom... . , -tu I'llLiwr. In I 'J l',yiuo el tier al M EUIK, I' A- i'ltijj tllor. Open l;y tvucl Niht- lluU. . i 11. VOLK., '.Mauuiii.iturvr uu.t lien. a V' ia Laer lite, nooi'&iie tii itii..i .j,u. di. .uury a, iaci.uiiiy i'n. N Vt Lol' LIS, I.Alit'LS a rAoa nig i" iiiieu ui me .vutuc.ilu urucu. 1 tf r.'ilaUAd, .'ljuui'ac.turer and IVaUr in Boota k ttiuCo, Klitia St., ,ojuaii llotal, uofllT TV' ljuz. Pa. ()AltLl0 HOL'fcl, tr liie Ue;:t, Tvileux, Va. The undersigned hm ni'iie.l a large b(.arl il giioue at lue Vr .lai -', vvuere he ia alui'iy prejjui'tii lu ra isly llie wmiie ul luuar who imiy itv'uriinii w.iii nica- eu-i jin. .MAUI IN sO llii.-, i'li.i.nttor "I AO 111 YdL'NG t CO , Buck ll.mkra J Aud Liiaui, uiiu'. Muiiulaetiiieia, Currj, I'll, Luna t-u La .Ma le to Oi-ler. M.VSLl.N Kelt ., liKina Ke.tks, l' .vmii Smiee .-'lilts t'leliell 'i'llted tauea tan--. 1-r.iiil e.-it-s Hie tieaiel uiiu liei, ut V. S.:-lCilV ICK i, HiiiuHaie time, 1'idjjway, la. tl S. lUHi. l'iijrsieian and Surgtoo, J , Kersey, Elk c' l'a. I!)XV.i:i McnU'.lli:. W-.;e!iTal.-r mil j .l-.-welei, Hailr.i-iJiiire-l. . Marys l'a. Ensr ixtiiT mid re. inn i: :ntie nil iilidit liu! ii-':. nml in a i.-.e ' in n' :'k'.' nmi ner. a'e!ie.. aid ex i-r; I ! 'i.;r in '.lie .lew clry line, eoini tanily uu ini-.el. - H ("irill'.GK WAI.VSI.EY, foumy r-u -H vevur. St. Miiryn l'a,.. Ii-ihU liiniM-lf in reh'liiiesd, at all lim.-s, tj jiur form jn b in his 'me. Z 8 W 11.1. 1 M I'vit.nirmit. Mi eliuel Hi I. Si Minxs, I'.i . keeps (lie besl of Layer ll -er uiul Xat'.ve xviims Coll t tl 11 1 IV oil Ii Hid. 8 "ITxDWAlU) l'.l INZI.i n. lliii'ioml lreel. f 2j next lo llie Alpine IIi.iim-. M M.iryii. , receive." ilndx I'levli I'.-iliiiimre ' let's, whicli lio foils nl llie lnwc.-l Vrlcf vaxv. viewi'd. ov by the can. Fresh 1 "ir r always un bund. 2 H X. SOItO. Siiliiim-keeper. corner of ni'ruiiil and Miel.ael slreets. M. Minys, l'a. Native Wines, good Larger H. MIY MJblllt.ll, liiiigtiiiy, l a. GA. UATIIBUN, . .iuljtwuy Deer. etc. cunsi:i tly ou h mil. - U TOIIN C. HALL. Altoraet al law, Ulr. fl way. F.Ik cxiunly l'a. miir-tU'iii;! JU.IXO. BAl.L.... .... .JA. K t. HtLL LANK3 of all kiadi for ' at fie. Powell & kime. QOOUa i'Olt Xlili .MILLION. P O W E LL & KIME At their capacious store ia RIDGWAY Have ou hr.nd,a splendid agsortnicnt of ail seasonable Goods adapted to the wants ol tuu pcoj !o of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are soiling at prices that dely competition. They wiuid .simplvstato here, that being very hi.o dealers, their facilities for purchasing are unequalled by any . . i- . .i ial.M.mcbt 111 1.1b county They buy dircct'y JVom uaDulacturer and on t ii a -Cr-mzEul Floor. Amiiher adrsntaffe. Tou caa al t fit t,dr at()re nee nu s"tu tnue by "oinz direct.y to theai and 1 iJIK 1? MONEY. We huTC no space here tu cnuincr.itc all the adraniairei ou will have in patrnniz'.nu; their establishment. Dut c'ill and see, and reap the ad- T,'.nt;i-es tor TO-Ji?eivrs. Atcou;; their Goods juu ii'.l find Dl'.Y GC0D3 in endless trarieLtcs, G110GEU1E3 choice aud ii-eau ( .OT li.Mi of bi.5t material au- perioi cu. and finish. I'OOTS L SHOES of the boi t-toci and make, C110CKKUY for nexv'y utar- , doj i.'.idule nged and cldeily. f I 1 1-1 5f 11 XT IT : ' 10IIK, 1IAM3, LAUD, FLOUK. COl'N MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kinds oouatry pro dtita takea at the Market Tlo. Vll this r.occomendcd and Endorsed by over Ssvsn Hondred JJocwrs I LAWRENCE'S COMPOUND 1LU1U kXlRACT ( f KO SKOOI H EA LTH RESTO RER ! Not a Secret Quack Medicine Fui niu'a Aruund the Bottle. rniPAHKD bULILT BT Dr. J. J. LAWUi.Nca, Original Chemiot KOSKOO STRIKES AT THE KOOT OF DISEASE ST PURIFYING THE BLOOD UBSTOlt.NCI TUB LI VIIU AUD K1DJY TO A U1ALTI1T ACT105, AMI I- viuuUAri.Na th nil VOVH 8rIM. Ttia it tho Seoret of it Wonderful Success ia L'unug Coii3uniptioa io iis early stages, Scrof uia, Syphilis, Dyspepsia, Lier Coin plaint, eiiruuio lUieu Matisai, 2x'euulyiii, Set uua Aflcuiiuu, Eruptions ol lha i-kio, tiuvior Lost ol Vior, Diseases ot Ivid aey and iiiaddvr. AND ALL ' DISEASE3 CAUSED SY A BAD STAl'E Oi' THE BLOOD. It thoroughly eradicates every kind ul' Humour and Bad Taint, aud rcwioie the sum t jsit iu tu tieailby suuaaiu It is bepondquestion the FlNitiJl IONIC I.N THE AOBLD. Thousands hT boen ahangad by the I iias ut this iWicmo liuui weak, sickly, .-nttunuo; ereatures, to atioog, Laitliy, aud py men and wuuicu. 1qt1io eauuot hesitate to ait it a inal. 'o Medicine has obtained teas r.po.etien as ILuiuitlf telebarted at. rjuii CJUlliuKult. 10 a TliSTIM ONI ALi rora Physicians, Eminent lirinoa). tiditors, Draiots, Meiebauu, iu., ae ivOikOO Aii.MA.NAc! t-r ttw tear. ua 3ALI BT The ii$ljt2l DrujLtt in the Unctft. k-ia if und liniUh Arntiicu. i)H. Lakioi j U i)MA' BiiiaMU Ourea ail JJitUKt peeunui' lo icuia.eo jVETELL-iONa MAGAZlNai rrj:pe;tuj h: 1371. TU CUKAl'JSvr A.xU BEST. "SkW Tiry jorjoa gt'.'s u? a Clul) cflour, "WAlllMiiu.. Al' 'iUL,l;.VTTLUOF i i.L.NiU.S. ' ffhiia 10 those gelling uu Clubs of eiu'iil. al l,-iO eueli, kU eiu.i euiy ul .la.uiii.u l.r led, in ailditiuu miii tie sent, liee. I'ElESLlX'ti .MAG.iZl.SK bin tlio b et Oi'igmal iurie ul any ul llieiudy a books. Ibe ueal Cuiui eii l a.-liiuli riu.s, llio bet ,5ieel LiigiuTi:i, i.e.. ae., i.veiy fuiiiy ulirlit lo lal.o il. il g:VLi mule fo( lliu money '.bun uiiy iu tli j ivurid. li will cu- u.u, uexi y eui, iu i ,s twelve utftiibe.s One Thou?ar j paes! To'inci j yplendcd Steel riatcs ! I welve colored Eeiiiu I'm teres! Twivo Mammoth L'ulured l''u,ihiotis ! Nine llniidied wood Cuts ' TxTeuty-tour pages of Music ! Itwillalso give five Dili;. mil Coiiyriei.t Nuveleltii by .Xlr. Aun S. tiiejiUuu., I.uii- iB'l suoiier aiui'is, ail oriu.m, lis iu- I erb MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION PLATES ' arcaiiead ufall others. These pluica on bieel, iwicu ibo iuum auu. TSSM2-Alwa73 ia tj.y , ioi- oou y car t 2 00 4 C'l'ies 0 uu ' 110 PREMIUMS. Frry person gelling up a Club of four. a- $Jl,ao eueli, sbull reeeive, Jttt, a copy ol Wflnngiou; auu a copy utllie Magiuiue lr lSTll! addiebs, pHARSI.EStS J. PETERSOM. A-l.-.. . lil'l. l-l.!. I u vum ui jreei, run auvipia, i m. TE3 MSSSHAUT'S JOUNSAL HBW YORK & PHIMOHLPllU PKICI CCStSKT. EVE11T WF.DN SDAYut $J per annum The Journtil it the cheapest Commercial paper publiflie ! U gives the lnteM eom- uiercinl and Unanciul reports and lattat utwt, buniness iten.t anil articles of inter tst and value to the Mercha t. Farmer and family . It give a fu'l an I reliable price list, which every merchant sbouli hue. I tubseriptioii ageols wanted. A liberal I mission paid Addrett j WATaON t CO., PuVUiterf, l a w rwniipti 1'Il.vrU.El A. DASA. Lditor. A Newspaper ot l!e r rcnent Tlmon. li-.-.' lur fuoito How on Kurtb. Iic'.iiiii'll Fritie -a, Mn-h-ilci, Mcrrbanti, Pro Men, XVi.i!ier Taln!;er, mil a 1 tun. ber of Honest Folks, aud lb tflvt. &oua, aai Daahturti( all us'J. OLr OE DOLLAR A YEAR I OM2 HUMDBES COPIES FOR t30. Or le i tiian On Cent a Cory. Let thera ba a C;o J nl crry i'uot 01flc. 8E-at.WF.EKLT t?CS, S3 A YKAR, of tin a.m !ai an t ircuer'.t C'irircr Trt:'. xvRKSI.r. b it with a tcreMct rai ietf r miaseraieonii tealiae, n ut t 'nU'ilait tlio n-wa lo in'itcribe,witn i:io.i,i:r frjjuiim. ue.iua It comes twice a wue!; lustou l ut oaca no!) THiS BA1LT SI N, 53 A VSAR. A r?l tea nTn-!.i T. -r tn tie liiwH c ,ti n ia wo..,., ir,. m.i iwi'li'ilt. il I arts r III io i;.f.. j t..a nrvrs r- vn ry ,. i. !' (tenia &n.i ; liy iumL TEF.M3 TO CLUI5S. THE rOLLAR WEEKLY r?J. FIto cojuci, one yan, aj;.ari'.'iv nr:rfv.,..'i. li'nai bititlnra Ten eonio-, ne t.t. arn-iritco- a t lri ica di' J u.i eir.. e n ) toleiclu'r uj i Im:,i ti't Li!lTrr.. Twenty r.inif. onfi Tftir, nir.irlv- teiil nntd (j U ua tx.lii c i;i ki l:. n-r v, (if c nl), Fifleeii 1.1'jI.uts. F'fty cnrl". ru loir, 'octip ivlr!rei- inr-1 tne Svml- V ten f one vi-1- fri-r n i f elnul, Vhierr-ilireo iiullcra. Fy rrv:.. rvnn tpsi. 'c!ip'".le v n ,.il,,e:,"--c'i fid t.,a Salili-V7ie.lyiti.dy:iiM'clli-r ii o elii'V. Yliiriy.tivo tnllui4. rn l oner-.,' ct I in" vear. t n" ad ire ( io I tuj J'u.Iy for ciw yjr tn 'V.'-1 'ic 'r of c'u',' Mliy ;.,l!.ir. n.r l)ii i trit f.rv, nn l. n' iiil.iil It i. !'.' -" u y if to mr .!' upuleluo), tiiy UkIUt: ini HXMI-Vr V.2JS.LY 'SV:i. Tiro fopit, one jel, ?f (i.irati'l" r-"li't Libt Dullrtre. Tea C " Iw, ono tut rie-nT'v a luivtt.i t (una m tia4 cc; i tj jjuiicr u,i c' c 1 . i NSxseeu Doliare. hZ3 TOUll HOET r, r-ft f fflce nr.r. r.-cia, rr ctmrt m Vm or(, wlivreter r.,i'vonlnt ir !!.. tn. a rtuiiur I;1 letioia ciHitaliiiiic .ui.ic.. Al.lrusi I. Tr..E::rT,xv, r-ii. i r-. Sua (Tee. .iw Vork Cfty. I Office, 720 Chez t Street, EWIBB MACHINE (PhiladelpliicL. " T pix'e my honrly preference to the Willcox ii GiUbs Silei.t Sewing ainchine." "Th.e weight of rellr.Mo hcirijt, ovcrwhtlniiii" for that of the Willcox &Gibbi Silent t-exving Machine, 1 deeiiled iii'.n it, procured it, cici aw umre tlntn miliniifd '." UltACG tiatESWOOD. " I have the YVheeler .W'ib-en. tho Orover "i Laker, and the Willcox & (Jibbs f-V-wini? M'fiSS' illJDiylfaV.lY.i.v V8.lfefi.SvUli,S5 Buoerior to either nl the othira." Mas. Huxkv Vi'akd BEEcnEB. " My wife wonld r.ot accent a Sewirr; Machine of tiny ether jinlent u oift, if she inut receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox ittKhbs." r.E,,0LIV.R(:i:ANV " The Yt'illcox & fiihhs is the or.l-i Sew in.? Tir.ichiiic whose workins ii" so sure find firnple that 1 could venture to ii;tnxluco it into Syria." Kkx-. A. T. Pbatt, Illbluiiii'y Aiiievitua iioara, ""We hax-e iwd various iewint; Machine within our family, but it U the )iniwi:j opinion of the household, tho Willcox & Gibus is tho beat of thru all." I'.la'. J. TToimk. "For simplicity and nseehanical accuracy of construction, 'I have seen no Sewing Machine equal to the Willcox & tiibbs." Kxnea Lewis, Ot tho reansylvaaia Ceairal B. H. A corrcajwultHre on the nuhjeri of Sctfhuj MuchiHcs is rtfpevtful" ly solicited. 720 Chestnut Street, PhiladElpMa. S OMJTHiSG MVT IS E1DCWAY UOOTA SHOE ESTABLISHMENT! The subfcriher ttiVcs thin mztlnnl of in fornii g ihe c.iiiens of Ublgwny and vicinity thai he has epineil u BOOT A SHOE STORE. In ihe room lately occupied Vijr Htnry 8 1 liayei' iu the west eiul oi llie llyila llou where may bo luuud jjcuernl iortujnl e l.aJi ShoM, Osallcinans BnsK and shoes, Uoyt'UooH aal CUildrcn'i ihosr l..0, Cnnnected with the ab'ive e.tuli:irint I lisvc n IJoot ami Slme M.iu.i it .-.ct urini; t'.s iiihlUliuieiil where xvoili Will b ir.adt- I'der. Ite'.tiiiriiiir ilnuo uu short edict sad ou rea m mi lile lei nig. ilia pup'iu me lo jiro is call. Ul 11 C-tUU'll XT A I K K (I . NEW LIVERY STABLE. HJDGWAf. DAM SCIl 1 UN E A WISHES TO IN- lorm the Citiions of Ridway, and the public gcLcrally, that he has started Liv ery Stable ami wiljkeep GOOD STOCK, UOOD UARHIAGGS and Buggies, to let upon Utmost reasoet- ble termt (TttlU will ' & job teaciag. Stable in the lireoks Barn, naar the Post Office, on MiU street. All orders left at the Post Ode will (atek prgmjtaUsa,. tion. Awf 30 t7ft. t. com -