DR. J. S. EOEDWELL'S M edict lFtsa 'Hill i'" " " . , . i ' -r Advice it oflice,'cdmtiioD Cases, 8100 Call in towu . ( , . . 1 0? l.'all id town at night . . 2 (10 Travel by Railroad 8 miles 5 00 " " " 14 " 50 per mile - : T ., .. v :' , -J, 7. 00 ' Over 14 niilns from 25 to f)0 cents per mile. Traveling with owu convey ance one mile , 2 00 Ten to twelve milts 10 00 Obstetrical Calls within ten miles 10 00 ' . " by rail 15 miles, 10 00 unices detained beyond the usual time. For cureing .Catarrh, from five to fifteen "dollars. For eurcing Scrofula Swell'ngs kt Kings Evil, Irom tweuty five toono hun dred dollars Tooth Extraction, i 50 Vaccinal ion 50 Lancing Felon, 1 00 Unmcutioncd and Surgical operations will be charged according o circumstances. To those living several miles from a Drug Store I furnish such medicine as I carry. I give this fee list to stop the constant magnifying of my charges by interested parties. The above arc about my usual charges and have been for several years. A1 SPLENDID riUZE FOR TI1E LADIES. The finest, most pleas'ne, and cosily enerav- ing ever published in America, to be presumed as a premium to each subscriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY, a magazine of practical utility in the bouse, a mirror of the fashions, and a literary conser vator of em passing interest and artistio exec! fiicc, acknowledged to be the modern parlor magazine of America The engraving, 8x32 inches, is from the or iginal pniuiing, emitted, 'The Pic-Nio on the Fourth of July.' The painting took a whole year, and is con sidered the finest of tho entire list of numerous popular productions by LilliiM. Speucer. The engraving wns tbo labor of four years, by three eminent artists John Roilgors, Samuel ttalpin, nnd Samuel llollyer; The last named having been induced to come from Europe to finish it. The engravers huve ab'y seconded the successful labors of the na'nter. None but artists can fully appreciate the skill and labor lavished on this eugrnviug . The general ef tect is very fine and impressive, aid the dcli rate finish to the heads will bear the most mi nute inspection. The union of line and giipple is executed with unusual ability, and tlie:r skilful combination has greatly contributed to the success of the engravers in this unsurpass ed proof of their genius. Thciwork. on the engraving alone cost over seven tlioutand dollars, besides the cost of the copyright, and is acknowledged by competent ,iudges the most e'.aborate'y finished large work of art evor engraved in America. fine copies of this magnificent picture, on heavy plate paper, worth $10 each, are to be ,ivcn as a premium to each subscriber to PEJIOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE. Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, and leu cents (which is to be scut with the sub scription), for the postage on . tUe engravings .'which, will be muilod securely done up on a roller. . This is certainly the largest, most liberal and splendid premium ever ottered to single subscribers by my pubbsher, and affords an easy and economical way for any one to secure nn e'esrunt work of art, a Parlor Picture thiu is only next to a piano in the way of ornamen tation, ami a perpetual reminder of a day which ouebt to to be cherished and held in re membrance by every true American. The reception of this magnificent picture will lake every ono by surprise and we do not veuture anything iu saying that $10 will not procure mini her that combines so much of in terest and beauty. Specimens of the Magazine, with circulars, giving full particulars, will be seul to any giv. eu nddress, post free ou receipt of 15 cents. Address " DEMOREST' MONTHLY. nov20tf 838 Broadway, N. Y. I HE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS ! The Lady's Friend announces the following novelets tor ibiu: lmu tie forget tier j oy Lou'se Chandler Mou'ton ; The Casconnon's Aunt,' by Elizabeth I'rescoit, author of Be tween Two.' 4.C. ; ' Solid Silver ; or, Chrisie Deaue's Bridal Gifts,' by Amaada M. Douglas, author of the Debarry Fortune," with nu merous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy of lady writers. A.finely executed steel engraving, a hand seme double page, finely colored fashion plate, and a large assortment of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fashions, fancy work, etc., are given in every number. It will give a popular piece of Music in ev ery number. " ' PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contain portraits (engraved on steel) of Mrs, Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton. Elizabeth Prescolt, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs., Margaret llosmcr and August Doll, NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who send in tbeir uamea before the first of No vember, shall receiue the November and De cember numbers of this year in addition, murk ing fourteen months in all ! And newsubseri. bers sending in their names by the first of December shall receive the magnificent Decem ber holiday number, making thirteen inoutbs in all! TERMS i i2 60 a year ; two copies, $4 ; four copies, $0; poieshle, (andone gratis) $8. One copy of e Lady's Friend and one of the Post, $1 ct A copy of the lorge and beautiful Premium Weel engraving Taking tb Measure of the eedding Ring ' engraved in England at a ost of $OH0 will be- sent to every person ending a club. This engraving is a gem of art. Address DEACON PETERSON, - 819 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent for ten eents. ill The suttscriber bavins ordered 600 tons bi tuminous and anthricite coal is now prepared to ' furnish, ... the.. people - of Ridgway with bard oi soft coal, out or stove sizes, lump run of mines and Blacksmithing coal, in quantities to suit puichaaera. 40 tf . M. T. FRENCH July 23.1870. .. . . JOB WORK done with disoatch at this Office. - W S. SERVICE 000,0(10 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masuuio Hall Building. STOVES at prices that will please of al de sirable kinds. . TIN-WARE of every kind on hand at al times Special attention given to Wholesale orders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SI1EET-TW AND COPPER WARE House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER PIPEING, PUMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, TOWDER, &c. j-c. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CAGES A NICE VARIETY. ROOFING, GUTTERS, Sl'OUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper nnl every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted, AGENCY of Henry Disstons eelebrated saws. Orders for saws at factory prices so licited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, FEW- TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX," HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON ' SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN ! v . . ! BACKS, NATIONAL BANK ' NOTES, rj. I. i BONDS &, j If ken in txchang for Good or Tf'orlc U20tt .t w. 5. siryicb.. t THE ELK CO. AflVlDCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER INTHE COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY ! gvotti tatht interest. oflhcopU of (County. TESMS:-$2 00 PES YEAK. BRING ALONG YOUR ADTERTISE- MENTS AND GET THEM IN SERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES If you want to sell anything, let the people know it through the Advocate the great advertising medium. Job Printing Office, In Court House, Ridgway, Pa. The best work of done, and at the very lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on band this office. JaDd bills printed at tho shortest notice Call in and get our price for advertising and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted. Or ders by mail promptly attended to. ' Address J. S. BORDWELL, t Ridowai, Pa." POWELL & KIME- QOODS FOR THE MILLION. P O WELL. & KIME At their capaeipus store in RIDGWAY Have on hand, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants oi tne people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very larte dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un equalled by any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facturer and on the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. You can always got what you want at their store, hence you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY. We have no space here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing their establishment. But call and see, and reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GCODS in eniless; varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cut and finish, BOOTS & SHOES of the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, uiddlo aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, nAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kinds of country produoe taken at the market value rlnllf. Itidgway, March 1st, 1870. . SPECIE PAYMENT ! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR OR JOB WORK A T TEE RID GWAY WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY j I employ none but First Class Atcchan- i'c;Iuse nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons in courseof costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All oiden by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON. QHARLES HOLES, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER k JEWELER, West end of Ilyilo House, Ridgway, Pa. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATCAES, Cocks, Jewelry, Silverware, ' XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Pens and Pencils, Exclusive .42cnt for tlie sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairing Watclies. etc.. doae with the fame accuracy as hcuiofore. nov20,"CU;f GOLD! GOLD! GOLD:: HARNESS 1 HARNESS ! HAUNKSS! COLLARS! COLLARS! COLLARS! TCS. M. has removed Ira Ilnrnc-s hiion ovev I'owcll & K:.iio'h S.nrn an, I Ima ou haud . lie h-gesi assorrmam of harness for for lumoc "in and treasure iuinr,i in ilv , . , , . or a.ljo ii'iig couu cs. aud aU other articles De:ou m io r tie trade. TRUNKS, SADDLES, VALISES, WHIPS, BLANKETS, COL LARS &e. Would invite the attention of all owners of horses to my new PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLAR, which proves to be the beat Collar in ess ence for these reasons : Being verv Elas tio they do not chafe or gall and the cork bei ng a nou-couductor, theyjprevent injury from heat. Call and see them. All work warranted. Repariog, Triming and.Upholstering done withe neatness and dispatch. n29tt JOSEPH M. HEARD LORILLAHD'S EUREKA Smoking Tobacco is granu'atcd Virginia. an excellont article of Wherever introduced mired. it is universally ad- It is put np in handsome muslin bags, in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes aro daily LORILtAAD'S "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being deni col iii i zed, U cannon injure neveless coustitu lions, or people of eedeutarv habits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, ana prepared by a patented and original uiauuer. It is very aromatic mild, and licrhl weight ueuce ii win last mucn longer than others : nor does it burn or sling the tongue, or leave i disagreeable after-taste. Orders for genuine, elegantly cirved Meerschaum Pipes, ailver mounted, and pack' ed in neat leather pocket oases, are cla e idn iuo auuiviuD orana aatiy. LORILLARD'S CENTURY Chewinir Tobannn. This braud of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco una uu nuperior anywnere. It is, without doubt, the best chewing to bacco in the country. T .f 1HTT .T . A 1TV SaXTTTTT'CS Have been in treueml ush in IIia Ili.iio.l over 1 10 years, and still acknowledged "the ucsb wuurever used. If your storekeepers does not have these riiue tur B4, usil mm iu get inem. They are sold by respectable jobbers al tuusi eTerjrwuere. Csrculars mailed on annlinntlnn P.LOMIILL.1D in o.,Jeu York nARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, uiuuuiiii, as., uoueia a neat manner anu at tne lowsst pbice, FOR CASH, he Elk Advocate Printing Office. at TRY MORE CO S OVAL STEEL ENGRA V1NUS, 111 Nassau St., N. Y. Anybodv sua nu inem. uneap. oeil fast. Fay ban somely. Send for new ciroular. 29 iw niNKLEY KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY USE $impU, thtcp, rtHM,, KsiTg gviRTTHtso. AGENTS WANTED Circularand sample stocking FREE. Address niN&ur.l K.HUTiiiu MACHINE CO., Bath MS. . i Tlie most rompleto Itiinlncfia Col lege Inline lulled Slales. Affording facilities for aoquireing a thorough practical business eduoalion, pojsessed by no other School in the country. Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly Six teen Thousand Students, representatives from every State in the Union, have attonded here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars and aU necesnnry Information, on addressing SMITH & COWLEV, Principals. PlTTSBVBO, Pa. s OMETHINQ NEW IN RIDGWAY ! BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT ! The subscriber takes thiamzthod of inform ing the ciliiens of Bldgway and vicinity that he has opened a BOOT & SHOE STORE, in the room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay er in the west end of the Hyde House, where may be found a general assortment of Ladies Shoes, Qeutiemcns' Boots and Shoes, Boys' Boots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment I have a Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Establishment where work will be made to order. Kcpaiviug done on short notice and on reasonable terms. The public are invited to give me a call. oc23,'C9y GEORGE WALKER. riHlS lniftllib e Remedy does not, like thu j poisonous irritation "milts and stroni caustic solutions with which the people have Ions been hnmbuetred. :mnl mtiiima er . Itort time, or drive thedigt-nsn tn ih lnnT here is danger of doing tn the use of such no.' rums, but iinroducffi net-fort nm! iurmm.,ii cures of the wsist cases of Chronic Catarrh, as ousamis can testify. Cold in the head is cure I with a few applications. Catarrhal Head the is relieved and cured as if by ningio. It imoves offrnsive breath, loss orimpa iment of ie sf use of taste, smelling or hearing, water g or weak eves, nnd inmnirpd mnmnrv i ii,. caused by the violenoe of Cmarah. as they fre- iciiiijr ,-. , oncr in good luiUi a standing ward of $o00 for a case of Catarrh that I cannot cure. For sale by most druggist everywhere Price only 50 cents. ask your druggist for the remedy : but if I has no; vet sot it nn pain. i!nn' mil it h k accepting iiry uii:ernl)ie wprso than worthless iosuiuip, r,ui. enc.ose sixty cents to iue, and e remedy will he sent, von notrv.U W.,,, packages $2. or one dozen fnrfe ' Kon.l . cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. auui caa iub proprietor. R. V. PIERCE, M. D. nov2"'C0y Bulialo, N. V. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, a new edi tion ot Dr. .CKLVEK'nrr.'s) Ce'cbrated Fssay on ihe radical cure (wi.Wa mo(tictue) IT Epe:ma:ono?a, or Sem'nal Weakness, involuntary Seminal Lo??es, hnpo. tency, Men sl and Physical Iuctipaciiy Imptd- mien s to Ur-ge, eto; also, Conitinipaou. Epilepsv, aud Fiis. Induced by setf-iadulseuci) . or sexual exiravng.iuce. Pi-tce, iu asea'cd envelope, only 0 cents. The celebrated au.bor, in this adi;mb!e es- ay. e'early demonstrates from ath'r.y yn s' successful prac. ice, that the alarin'ug cousi quences ot seT-aouse may be rauicv-y cu.eil without the dangerous nse of internal racdic'ua or the application of the knife; po'iit'iij a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and ct'- .ectuul, by means of which every sufferer, no in :uter what h'.s condition may be, may cure h:u-.self ohnap'y, privately, and radica'ly. tttjrTbis Leoture should be in the bands of evey youth and every man in the 1 uid. Sent, undersea!, in a plain enve'.ope to any address, on receipt of six eents, or two. biamns. Alto. Dr. Culvarwell's 'Marriage Guide. pr ce -o cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLIVE t CO.. 127 Bowery, Pew i'ork, PoEt Office Box 4,585. TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now pre pared to furnish all classes with cons ant employment at home, the whole of the time or lor the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable- Persens of either sex easily earn from 6Qp. to $5 per evening, and a prop, portsonal sum by devoting their whole time i . ine ousineis. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this nouce may send their address, and test Ihe business, wo uiuo iuio uuparaiieied oner : To such as are not well satistiied, we will send $ to pay for the trouble of wr'ting. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do tomroeneo worn on, and a copy or The People' t Library Companion-onof the largest family new. pa. pers published aU sent free by maii. Read er, if you want pennaueul, profitab'e work, nddress E. C. ALLEN &CO., Aict'stT Maimm. Feb. l'J Sui. t . DON'T DO IT! Friends, Countrymen and Loyeus : Do not for get that I, 8. 8. Woop, do here'oy defil&l'A. IM1 thA Allllinpiltr a tan.m k& submitted, that more money's worth is givei; u jjiciinuns lor new viiosorioers le WOOD S HOUSEHOLD MAftAZIF. ih.n tr.. ... publication in the World. Also, that I acre .w .v. -.v k.tv uMuici4 xuiiurs to any tJub libber who ahull succneri in .u- : . . . - -. , , t f.wiu iu? couira- ry to this deolai ation, provided thai such Pub- u,. , mientention to inves tigate before proceeding to do sc ; aUo, (hat in case he fail, he, he shall forfeit to me the same amount, and announce the r.iult io reiu Usrue'Pe 0rUl eolumn of We next 8, S. WOOD, Publisher and Proprietor Woods Houskhlob Moi," Niwuoksi Marok 12. 1870 0Ure,J leatne.a aud Cw.rru uy simjl. remedy and will send lb. receipt free. MRS. M. O. LHGOETr. Hobok.n, N. i )tf