6!h .auntij gldiocnte, - - - J. ,?. D OK 1 W ET.L, F.iltor. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1870. I imii wmwi mw m i m i wiw win mwi 11 run cof.'GHts. HON.. G-LEI7ITI W. SCOPISLD'. FI.R-ASEFV tll.Y. WILLIAH 3. LATEST ' FOB l'RESIiF.ST Jl'IHiK. L. D. 7?STK0KB REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICSST. or' Count; ('ftnmia.-iimcr, A. W. OKAY, of 3ny tow ushi. CHAKI.ES'MK.AD, of Rrfgwiiy. 'o- Utnni't Sure, ior, J. L. BROWN, of'Jniipg township. 7 V County Auditor, f HAKLI-'.S M'VKAN, ol Si. M , Ths Juioial Gnsctioa. There nro ill n:o cnnJllntus now in the f eld for the office ofTresduiit J urfgu in this J udk-inl district, I,. 1. Wctmoro, Esq., of Warren, the liutnnito of the Republican Convention, lion. II. Brown, the nominee of the Democratic Convention, al.-o (if Wai iv n, and a wan in (I hard, lvio County, styling himself Samuel 15. Woodruff who l.tm numiuated himself, but is not running to elect himself, 'but if possible to ficVr-t Mr. 'Wetmore, the llrpuhliean nominee The eltijtiou of Woodruff is cut of the f'H:stiiu nml he knows it, and he knows that the flection must retult in tlie selection of a better man than hi .iit'll' in cvtry way and ll;inc, whether it is Mr. We'.imirn rr.ludo Uruwti, and yetjie has had tin' impud'-neo to try and force hiwself upon the K-.publi-citn party of the Iistriet as the Tir.iuiiiee of the parly, for the l.ihi-st, t:d what tshi-uld lie tho purest ofiiee within the -ilt of the pcoplo of ihU or any other District. It is too late lit this time to give another histtny of the schemce, arts and appliances' Mr Woodruff has mad..' n.c of to p'aee his per son upou the i:ny!i iu the 1 Lhrst jucilciJ (iffieer of tlie per-iT'lo. Tl;o:-e who have become acrpiriiotod with him and hit back ers best in the puniest, despise him the most, lf he had -have been a "Shyster" practising in the New Yoik I'uHce Ccuris he could not have resorted to a meaner strategy to save his victim, than that he has to force b'.mwlf upon ths Bench, niitt;o can didate for the idlico of township constable ' ever resorted to lower moans to obtain the position, thau this man has to become the lngh judical officer of the people. We 'id not tliiuk he would have the u-wirai.cc to nk one person in this county to vote for Mm, after tliu nay this cenntj, its dciejiates rud its candidate!), had been treated and traduced by vVWl. uG'aud his ciiaue. and wc accused of all the triokcrv'corrm.tio..-. I i nean".s and villiauv which their vile and conupt 'ongues cmld give utterance to, nnd the several uewspapers in Erie County which are supporting him can fiad language to express. They cmimcticcd attholrvin ton Convention, by calling this "a beggar ly county with its live hundred republi can votes ;" this is tho language Wood villi's orator, bedfellow, inn) carpet bag carrier npplied to us, and now he has the : - i . . . - . - i i i t . jinpuuxnce to bsk tor a lew ot our "beggar ly'.' votes, and this language was used in a public convention, and went into public print, sanetioued aud approved by this (iirard candidate, and solicitor for our votes. Was ever br..zcuess so utiV .unJed ? Can one voter in this comity be so lost to shame as to vote for such deformity ? Wo would uot Lavo supposed such a thing would have been thought of or Muted, ut, was it not for tho fact that about' ones in a week there has been sent to some ot rur promi nent Republicans of this county, .copies of the 'Eria Gazette' and a villiago paper iu Corry called the 'Corry Kqmbliun' (we bhould think from the softuess of the last ineutioncd Bh:ot the brains for it were mado yesterday) telling them what low lived t-etuuurels we are, and how beggarly wo arc, and how great mighty aud good S. E. Woodruff, of Uirard, is and what an holi est set of men bis supporters are, and al ways have been, and stuck into each one, is an extra sheet called '-opinions of . tho press," and each article is re-hash of tho same namby patnby e tuff and each shiniug with glittering diamonds of composition, which would be discreditable to any mid dle aged man's grand mother. We say to the scuders of such stuff, don't take the people of this couuty to be fools, be a little aierciful ia your opinion of us, give ua the credit ol having in the Republican party in this county, whera we don't belong to the party for loaves and fishes and stamps where no Republican, can hold an office, and does not outside of a Post Office, either County, State or National of having as much common sense as could be detected without the aid of a Spectroscope, A' merci ful man is merciful to his beast." "Is thy Bcrva.nt a dog ?". The last arrival of tlialtud of fungus caai9 in the Erie Ga zctfe nud with t n piich p;iper, a few tick ets printed upon paper the color of the flnnic which brimstone emits when ignited, nr.d printed thereon "Judiciary. For Pres ident Judj-e, Samuel K Woodruff." We have only to fay to the Republicans of Klk County, do not vote that blue coloied brim stone ticket. But bo an.ro and- vote foi President Judge Lansing I). Wotmore, the ticket printed in this county, and sent out by the Republican County Committee. Mr. Wctmoro is the nominee of the lie publican parly of the llhtrict; he is in ev ery way qualified lor the position, and i entitled to the suppoi t ot every llppublictm in the district, and in this county in partic ular. thb"south7 , Ri'-itMOM), October I -The river hero rose twediy live feet last ni'ht, ami this .nomine it is within o foot of the Danville Railroad Dr'nlo, nnd. Ma;;o stteet passenger bridge. The streets for four or 3vc plucks in the vicinity of the oil market, the lower point or the city nra submerged four feet of water. Ihousatuls of 'persons arc now ou the river banks waiting to see th bridges go. Tho lowei portion of Libby Prison took lire this morning from a quantity of lime being wet by the flood. The fire was stop ped before much nnuingc was done. Nashville, October 1 A few nights ago masked marauders in Henry County, took a number of negroes from their cabins md whipped them assigning as a reason ihat they had been voting wrong. They were industrious, peaceable men, but had voted the Democratic ticket. The water is still rising at 1:30 p. m. Between three and four hundred stores wore in seven feet of water. Between Fif teeuib aud Eighteenth streets the street cars plied until noon, wheu the water com-' ingiu at the window, the cars were stop ped aud a ferry is now run ou all the main itrec's from Fifteenth to Eighteenth. At noon the Manchester end of May's street bridge gave way and half of the bridge fl littod down stream. AH the vvhareei are deep udder water and the York liiver F.aiii'uaJ depot is completely sb i:crged. Seveiol small manufacturing establish ments along the river bauk have becu swept away. All day the river has been doted with tual! hi u. es and wrecks of houses, fi nciug, dead cattle Sc, drifting down the stream. The gas works are submerged. Fortress Mgxuoe, October. 2. A se vere uoi thtast sturm set in last evening and still continues blowing a gale. The roads 's fill of shipping. W.vsnrNCTO.v, October 3. Among the cases which w ill conic up for arbitration be- ,bvo "1C Comuiisjioti which the SjatiMi gov- rr"au:ut h,s final,y bccn i,1,luct'd t0 8reo to, as a means of setting the cluini3 of American citizens growing out of the Cuban rebellion, are tho.se of eight embargoed es tates, three or four illegal vessel seizures, and numerous claims for indemnity for pri vate individuals, who have suffered loss through arrest, imprisonment, &c. The cue of tho. steamer Lloyd Aspiwall, which was submitted to the Commission in New York in June last, is now in the hands of the reftree for Coal judgment. The President, to-day made tho following appointments of Consuls : Charles Mattoon o! Ohio, at Ilonoluja ; A. N. Young of Ken tucky, at St. Jago De Cuba ; Wm. T.Wright Prc-bidcut at Santos, Brazil; Alfred C. Col quitt, Marshal of the Consular Court of the Uulted States at Chiu Kiung. Attorney General Akcrman will return to Washington from the North iu about a week bis health is better. T! e Pic.-ident;e?e'vjd few visitors to-dny. During the morning he had a long interview with Boutwell at the Treasury Department. Colectors will bo furnished by the Inter nal Revenue Office in a few days with de mand notices, to serve upon distillers fur reimbursement of storekeepers salaries. The Alexandria Gazette to-day has the following intelligence from Fort Royal, Saturday noon : The freshet is gradually ubsidiug. 51 r. Blakemore, bis wife and three childreu and Mrs, Ridgway, were at the tablo breakfasting when the flood came, and all were drowned. Mr. Kaupnian eavt ed himself by seizing the limbs ot a tree as he was carried swiftly down the Btream. Messrs. Ray, Bagley & Ridgway, suoght re luge in the top of a tree aud remained there nil night. Tho river rose twenty-five fee- in four hours. All the mills in the Shen andoah valley for thirty miles, except two, were destroyed. The water in the Potomao is subsiding rapidly and the current nearly exhausted. Navigation for sailing vessels been resumed. Charles M. Walker, late fifth Auditor, has been appoiuted Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Fifth Missouri District, vice Leaning suspended. Clement Hugh Hill of Massachusetts, bas been appointed Assistant Attorney General - 1 of tbc United States. The I'resident received a tew visitors to day, including Secretary Fish and the heads of departments. The Cabinet holds a regu lar meeting to-morrow. A Kan Killed by an Elk. The Park of Judge Packer, at Packer ton, was the scene ot a terrible casuality ou .Monday morning last, which the park-keeper, Adum lleintlinger, a German by birth was literally cut to pieces by tho horns .and hoofs of nu enraged elk, the 'monarch of the herd.' For sDu:e time past the elk; of which there are three in the park, besides deer and antelopes, have exhibited refrac tory symptoms and it has not been consid ered sale for any person beside the keeper to go near them. The keeper himself is a olio armed man, nnd incapable of ninking a Very vigorous defence against au assault from such a fnrmidabable monster as a full grown elk, did not seem nt all unruly, and every day fed him inside the inclosure. L'Vir some time past he has beeD in the hab it of driving cows through a portion of the park to a pasture beyond and usually took with him a bucket of oats for the elk. It is supposed that the unfortinate man on this occasion had fed the elk on his way to the cow pasture and upon returning, and the vicious brutes, finding he had no more provender for them, they attacked him Whether the poor fellow did not see his as sailants, uotill attacked, or, whether he re sisted untill crushed iusinsiblc beneath the horns nnd hoof9 of the elk will nevci be known. Tho discovery of the tcrriblo. af fair was made by La Eaycttc Lcntz, of this place, who, drivimg by discovered the body of the keeper lying near the water trough, ann thinking every thing not right stopped, and upon examination, found his worst fears realized. He at once communicated the news of the sad occurrence to the neighbors and a number of men at once repaired to the spot. But one elk was visible at this time, but before the body was remoed the other two made their appearance, coming out of the woods, one of them having upon his blood-iineared horns, tho vest of . the butchered keeper. The bc ly of the unfor tunate man was frightfully mangled, a prong of the elk's horn having passed directly through his heart and another entering his neck and passing up into the head. His face was trampled to a jelly and his body was much bruised aud lacerated. The de ceased was unmarried and had no friends or relatives in this locality. A coronor's in quest was held on Mor.day forenoon by Esq- Kemerer, nnd a verdict embodying the facts as we have stated them was returned by the jury. Muiuh Chunk Times. Smart Folks. There is a great deal said about certain persons being smart, but I do not believe two individuals can be found who would give the same definition of the term. If a baby has teeth a little sooner, or prattles 'Ba, br.,' & little younger than some other motherVbabs did, why it's a 'smart baby.' If a child is blight and childlike it is called 'smart if it is shy and sober, that is a sure sign it is 'smart;' but if it is bold and impudent, it is 'very smart' in the eyes ot some people. If boys or girls are studious, they are styled 'smart r' if they work well, they are 'smart :' but if they aro full of the' very spirit of mischief, 'they are 'smart' alsoi If a young lady is dressy, smiles bewith ingly, and prattles funny littlo nothings, 3ho is smart ;' but if she is staid and grave, or talks fluently of nebulas, Crustacea, and cotyledons, she is 'smart' too. If she plays the pianoforte, she is sup posed to be 'smart;' but if, without knoiV ing a fl.it from a sharp, she weilJs the rolling-pin and broom, of course she is 'smart.1 If a man is learned and wise, he is 'smart ;' but if he is witty and funny, even though he don't know a verb from a frac fion, he is 'smait also. If he makes speeches, of course he is 'smart ;' but if he does not, you, will surely be told that he is 'too smart to tell all he knows.' If he employs bis superabundant brains on other people's affairs, he is 'very smart but if he has scusa enough to mind his own business, he is 'uncommonly smart.' If a boy supports bis widowed mother he is a 'good, smart, clever lad ;' but if he bullies his little sisters, runs in dept, and breaks his mother's heart, he may still 'be spoken ot as a 'smart youug rascal, after all." Sat. Eve. Post. A Scene in Beecher's CnuRcn. A few Sundays ago, as Mr. Beecher was about commencing his sermon, a stout, tatherly- lookiB uiau whs endeavoring to make bis way through the crowd, to get within a bet ter hearing distance ot the distinguished orator. At that moment Mr. Beecher' voice rang out the words of the'tezt : Vho art thou '(' 'Who art thou?' again cried out the dramatic preacher. The stout party, thinking hiinsnlfin the wroug, perhaps, by pressing forward and be lieving: bimselt to be personally addressed, startled the brethren and nonplussed their reverend chieftaiD by sedately replying : 'I'm a pig merchant from Chicago, sir. I hope you ain't mad. There ain't nary chair or else I'd set down.' Plymouth Church didn't recover its le r jnity for teo uiiuutes. Exi COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Iln. S. V. Johnson, Preci.lont Judge and Hons. E. C. Schultie and Jesse Kyler, Asso-, cintos, Judges of the Court if Quarter Sessions Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, nnd Gen eral Jail delivery, forthettinl of capital and other offenses In the county of Elk, by their proeipts to me directed, have ordered the aforesaid named Courts to be holdcn at Ridg way, In and for the county of Elk, on the first Monday ofNivember it being the 7t day of the nionili, and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of t he Peace, and Cons' nbles of the said county, that they are by these presents commanded to be then nnd there in their proper persons at ten o'clock, A. M.,. of said day, with their rolls, records nnd inquisitions, and other re memlirnnoes, to do those things which their offices appertain to be done, and that nil Justices of said county make returns of nil recognizances entered into before them, lo the Clerk of the Court, as per net of Assembly of March 4th 181)4. And those who are bound to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the. jail of the county of Elk, nud to be (hen nnd there to prosecute against them as shall be just. JACOB McCAULEV, Sheriff Ridgway, Dccmbcr 25, nllto ADiHNISTIlATOS'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters ot Administration on the Estate of John Nolf, late of Ilortoa Towuship, Elk County, de ceased, have been granted to the under signed. All persons indeptcd to said Es tate are requested to call and settle, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. PETER THOMPSON, JAMES R. GREEN, 45 Gt Administrtors. AGENTS WANTED '$225 A MONTH) bv tho AMERICAN KNITTING MA. CHINE CO., BOSTON, MASS, or ST. LOUIS, MO. 49 8iu AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CHAMSEHLIN'S Law Hook for Business Men THE BEST SUBSCniPTlON BOOK OUT, Ad dress 0. D. CASE & CO., Hartford Conn. 4'J 4w WANTED AGENTS. ($20 per day) to sell the celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEW ING MACHINE. Has the under-fef it, mnkes tho "lock alitch" (alike on both sides.) nud is lully licensed. 1 he best nnil cheapest family Sewing Machine in the market. Address, JOHNSON, CLARK & CO.. Bostoi, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, I'll., or St. Louis, Mo. 49.3m S3 ,WlV M M' ILD Certain, Safe Efficient. It is for ihe best Ciithnriio remedy yet discovered, and at once relieves and inuigonvles all the vital functions, without causing injury to any of thrm. The must complete success bas long at tended its use in many localities, and it is now offered to the general public with the convic tion that it cnu never fail to accomplish nil that is claimed fur it. It produces little or no pain ; leaves the organ free from irritation, and uever over taxes or excites the nervous system. In all dienses of the skin, blood, (tomacli bowels, liver, kidneys of children, and in many dif ficulties pecultiar to women, It brings prompt relief and certain cure. Tlie best physicians recommend rnd prescribe it ; nnd no person who once uses this will voluntarily return to the use of any other cnthartic. sent by man on receipt ot price ana postage. .1 box, $0 25..... Postage 0 cents, 5 boxes, 1 00 " 18 12 " 2 25.' " SI " It is sold by nil dealers in drngs and medicines TURNER d- CO., Proprietors 120 Tremont Street, Boston Mass. 49 3meow toffced to live rUIi U 1 VjiT) men. Rare Chance. Send stamp. Diamond K. Co., Wil 48 3m niington, Del, - O A vr 'ur nnd expenses gunrnn j M w eed la nil ninbiiious' men and w onun sell'Ug our weld renowned putcnl pt. ent giu-rr Monti Wire Clothe List. For full particulars nd dress i'ue GiBftu Wire Mills rult-A., i n. 43 1W. . I will send the re ceipt by which I was cured of catarrh and Deafness free, Ad- uieoa Mk. ii o j.:&eu, ioboken, N. J. 4w. I CHINA it. UNITED STATES. TO SILIi Ol'S POPCLAH WOkKHI i INFORMATION for tha PennM , Dsrareino PUUTLICIfTS, :o. ' i uur kulcho ana our rights. i vnenpect a. Beat Family BlblaO rusuu eg., ruiuieipiiit, p.. CETTING UP CLUBS. Great Saving to Consumers. Parties enauire how to eel up clubs. Our answer is send for Price List, and a Club form will accompany it with full directions, mak- ing a large saving to consumers and renurnera. tive to Club organizers. TIIE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO. 31 l( 33 I'CSEI' STREET, P. O. Box 6ti43. NEW YOBK. 4w (ft 1 f A DAY' Business entirely new and tjpX vhonorable. Liberal inducements. - Descriptive circulars free. Address J C RAND & CO., Uldeford, Me. 89 8m. J m Ad unfailing remedy for all Bronclial Dif ficulties, Sore Throat and eolds. DR. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS also purify the blood, assists circulation and arrest decay, acting directly on the Mucous Membrane they should be promptly taken in all exposure or violent cdange of weather, as theywill keep up the circulation of the blood and thus ward off all tendency to cold and Lung difficulties. EOR WORMS IN CHILDREN Wis' Cartolio Tablets are a never tailing remedy. TRY THEM. . SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. 61 4w $f A A WEEK paid agents, male or female, in a new manufacturings business at . die. N capital, Address Novcltt Co., Baco, Me. - 61 4w "VTTTegarmade from Cider, &o. in 10 Y JLJLl hours without Drugs. Send 10 cents for Circular to 7. SAGE. 61 4w Comwcll, Conn. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS We will send.a handsome Prospectus of our Neio Illuttrated Family Mblelo any Book A gent, free of charge. AddreBS, National Publishing Co., Phils., 1'n. 61 iw $10 MADE FROM 50 CtsI Something urgently needed by every boy. Call and examine, or samples sent (postage pnid) for OOcts that retail easily for $10. R. I.. Wol cott, 181 Chatham So,., N, V. CI in AGENTS WANTED FOU Hon.Wm. H. SEWARD'S OB AND TOUR MEXICO. Adventure and Sight. seeing in "Our Sister Republic." Is a work of rare merit, profusely illustrated. Send lor circulars to Columbian Book Company Hartford, Ct. 61 4w. THEA-NECTAR. 61 4w FARMER'S HELPER . Shows how to double the protits of the FAllM, and how farmers and thjir sons cnu each make S100 PER MONTH In Winter. 10,000 Copies will be mailed free to Farmers. Send name nnd addt ess to Z1EGLEK & McCURDY, Philadelphia, Pa. 61 4w AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIGHT 0 7 THE WORLD. Containing Fleetwood's 'Life of Christ,' and "Lives of the apposttcs. Evangelists and Mar tyrs," DoddridgeB "Evidences of Christianity;" 'History of the Jews,' by Josephus; 'History of nil religious Denominations,' with trentise and tables relating to events connected w.tii Bi ble History, containing many line engravings The whole forming a complete Treasury of Christian Knowledge. W. FLINT, 20 S. SEVENTH ST., Philadelphia. 61 4w AGENTS WANTED FOR FREE LOVE. AMD ITS VOTARIES. by Dr. Ellis. Stupendous revelutiou and startling difclosun s. The whole subject laid bare and its bideousuess exposed to u iiversal execration. Writen in the inter ests of Civilixition. Christianity and Pub lic Morality. Send for circulars and terms U, S. Publishing Co , N. Y., Cineiunati, l'hioai;o and St. Louis. 51 4w ASE1TTS Vati for Twelve Tears azg WM Indians & Plains. The wild adventures and marvelous expert ences of Geo. P. B-hlen. known as ti e Hi'n Warrlnv ' lirrat. Ifuntpf .' nrA famous 1 nhite Vhiff, of 100 lodges, irom 1SOS to l-70. A book of T rilluuj interest Truth "it i - - ful Terse, Frenh, Spiriied, Fwinatiug. f acts nut Iictwn. llichly illustrated, tint ed paper, elegant bindin". Vt ill charm everybody and sell to exceed any book out. Live, tcide awake agents fend early for il lustrated poster, ?ample pages and terms Agents reporting; 850 to $ 100 per weelf. A. II. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 Cbes- nut St. Phila. 51 4w Ridgway, March 1st, 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR OR JOB WORK AT THE' RIDGWAY WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasuie Wagon. I use the best selection of Micbigau WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but Firtt Clas Mechan ic ; I use nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give ne your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons in course of costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the .first of April. All orders by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON. DON'T DO IT ! Friends, Countrymen and Lovers : Do not for get that I, S. S. Wood, do hereby declare, on the authority of facta herewith submitted, that more money's worth is given in premiums for new subsoribers to WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZIElban for an other publication in the World. Also, that! agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dollars to any Pub' lisber who shall succeed in proving the contra ry to this declatation, provided that such Pub lisher shall declare bis intententioa to inves tigate before proceeding to do sc ; also, that iu case he fails he, he shall forfeit to me the same amount, aud announce the result in regu lar type inthe Edit oiial columns of his next issue. 8, 8. WOOD, Publisher and Proprietor . WOODS HOCSCBLOB MlQIIIXI," NtWiiUKI . Y. March 12, 1870 THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERT Pit. AVALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. 2 g S HOSE THAN 50:,000 PERSONS 5' 3' h ? s "p Bear testimony to the wonder- 3 w W o . fill Curntive Effects. 5" 5-M B z 9 ? fc WHAT ARE THEY 1 a jj 3 o u -a a .5 e ta w C J 3 a a 2 tn t - THEt ARE NOT A VII. E e5 ? m GO ihFANCY DRINK. .aao ot roor Hum, Whiskey, I'roof Spirits, and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste; called "Tonics," Apiutizers," "Restorers, " &c. that lead the tippler on to drunkeness nnd ruin, but ar a true medicine, nuule from the native Root aud Herbs of Cslifornin, free from all Aleohol io Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Puri. fler nnd LifeGiviug Principle, perfect Rcen ovator and Invigorntor of the System, carry ing off all poisonous matter, and restoring ths blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell. $103 will be given for an incurable case, pro vided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and the vital organs wnsted heyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Rheumatism, nnd Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, liilious, Kemittent, and Intermittent Fevers, Disoasea of the Dlood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most succssful. Much Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores : cleanse it when it is foul, nnu your feelings will tell you wheu. Keep tlie blood pure and tho health of the system will folio. . I'l l, Tape, nnd other Worms, lurking in th system of o many thousauus, are ctteutunlly destroyed und removed. lull lioitf. Rem it 1 1 HI. and Intermittent Fe vers, these Bitters have no eminr ror full directions read curvf itlly the circu'ar around each boille. printed in four lungu. g is Kng- lisb, Uuriiian, Crunch nnu Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. 32 Commsrce St., n. y. it. h. Mcdonald & co., Driigiiists, nnd general Agente, San Francisco and Sacramento, California, and 82 & 31 Com merce St.. N. V. fWTSOLD hi ALL DRUGOISTS & DEAL ERS. 2tt 8m 'nns IS NO HUMBUG 1 1. ay sending no tt.iis, with age height, color of eyes and hair, jou will receive, by return mail, picture of your future husband or wife with name and data of marriage. Address W. EOX, P. O. Drawer V'n. 21, Kultouville, N. Y. AGENTS W.4NTED f$lQ PER DAY) by the AMEKICN KNITTING MAC1NE CO-, Boston Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 30 3m I f ANTED AGENTS To sell the HOME VT SHUTTLE SEWIFO M.4CA1NE. . Price $25. It mnkes the 'Lock stiich,' alike on both sides nnl Is the only licensed under-feed shuttle Machine sold for less than $t0. Li censed by Wheeler Wilson, Grpver & Baker nnd Singer and Co. All other nnier-feed shuttle Machines sold for less than $00 are in fringements, nnd the seller nud user liable tc prosecution. Address JOHNSON, CLAKK& CO., Boston, Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, III., or st. Louis, Mo, 3'Jom. Well's Carbolic Tablets After much study nnd scientific indestigation as to the remedial qualities of Cabiiolic Acid, Dr. Wells has discovered by proper combina tion with other articles in tu form of a Tablet a specific for all pulmonnry diseases. THESH TABLETS area SUKE CURE for all diseases of the 11ESP1KATORY ORGANS, SORB THROAT, COLD, CROUP, Dll'THERIA, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSENESS: also a successful remedy for Kidney difficul ties Price 2o cents fkb Box. sent by Mail upon leoeipl of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 22 Cliff St., New York, Sole Agent for the United States. 20 8w 1 HESATURDAYjJVENING POST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS I This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to new . subscribers. In the first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called " a Family Failing," by Elizabeth Prescott. It also is now running a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by .Mrs. lleury wood, the lamous author of " r-iist Lynne, &o. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed eaoh other. Among those already on band or in progress, are "Under a Ban," by Amanda M. Douglas; " Lcouie's Secret," by Frank Lee Benediot ; Novelet, by Miss Hosmer, tc. The post also gives the gems of the English, magazines. ' NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will haue their subscriptions dated back to the paper of October 2d, until tha large extra edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirteeen papers in additien to tha regulnr weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen months in nil ! When our extra edition is ex. hausted, the names of all new subsciibert for 1870 will be entered on our list the very week they are received. TERMS : $2 60 a year. Two copies, $4. Four eoplea. b. f ive copies (ana one gratis) $8. On copy of the Post and one of the Lady's Friend. $4. A copy of the large ana beautiful Premium X - Ufil m fcr -ye -w s i Steel Fugraving, Taking the Measure of the Wedding King " engravej in England at cost of $2000 will be sent to every full ($2 C0 subscriber, and to every person sending a cluh. This is truly a beautitul engraving I Anaress H. PETEESON & CO , 819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. 5peoimen copies sent free for five cents. WANTED AGENTS To sell the OCTA. GON SEWING AfACHlNE. his lioensed makes the 'Elaslio Lock St it oh' and is wavran. ted for 6 years. Prioe$15. AU other machine with au under-feed sold for $15 or less are in fringements. . Address OCTAGON SEWIN MACHINE CO,, St. Louis, Mo., Chioago, 111, Pitrsbargh, P., or Boston. Mass, 4j &ox