DR. J. S.B3RD WALL'S Medical Too J Jill: SI 1 00 0 (M) (10 7 t0 (id 00 Oil 0(1 Advice nt office, cuuimou caiics, Cnll in town Call in town nt niM Travel by Railroad H miles "II " 50 jer Over 14 niilas IVo:u ".") to ijii cent perr.iilo. Traveling with ow n convey ance ono mile -Tcti to twelve miles Id Obstetrical Calls within tcu miles 10 " by ruil 1.")' miles, 10 unless detained beyond the usual time. Tor cureini Catarrh, from fivo to fifteen dollars. For curciiig Scrofula Swell'itsb or Kinjrs Kvil, from Uvciiiy-live to one huu lled doUals Tooth Extraction, f0 Vaccination Lancing Felon, ' 1 00 . Unuientioned find Surgical operations wiil be clrirgcJ uci oniuig n ciieuiiislaiiccs. To those living several miles from a Drug .Stole I luni'sli such medicine a 1 carry. I give this fee list to sl )j) the constant mnguifvi'ij of my charges ly interested parties. The above nre about my usual and have been for several years. Powell & kime. QOODS FOIl THE MILLION. P O W E I I, & K I M E, At their capacious store in V. S. SERVICE char; RIDGWAY, 6)00,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masonio Hall Building. srLKNURi i-iii.n F'ji; Tin: ladies. The finest, most v1,--'s,1g- ""1 costly engrav ing ever published in America, t.i Of prcscnieu as a premium lo each subsciiber lo deforests monthly, a magazine of practical utility in tlie house, a mirror of 1 he I Moons, anil u Ptvrary conser vator of surpassing iuicvo.-l ami arti-jio cxcel er.ee. ackiiow'ciij.-ed ;o be the modem parlor inamuinc of Aukt ea The rosm i:-:.:i2 inrlic;, is from the or iginal ni n ;. cat. Ceil, 'the Pie-Nic on the loinih o!" .In y.' The pri miajt took n whole year. n". l is con- nidored the finest of tho curve lisi ol : .evotis ,..,w,l,,i- 1,1 ,nli'.i-i'.t as !;v L " : M. fnel.cor. The I'a-riav.up vns ' e .i. titter eanin 'it an '- Iri'iiii. ami Sum l!i i l-w-v.-i bei a iini. finish it. The IM.-'mr, - a-.-:;-i cmi ti,Hv : of !our years, hy I elm i' miners. Samuel .', or ; 1 lie iasi naineil in eiiiae IV 'oi linn pe to . huve iili'y sr-cmi'led i ti e ( a;ni i . one hut M e il.e "i.i'.l ami la'ior i-. i ' i . - 1 e! tV elevrvv . t. I ;?e izeiie'-ill 01 tect .-ry li;n- ainl iin;.vo-sivc. -nut llie deli rnic luti.-h'to the lies. is v.-ill bt-a" the most nti- i, mo inspection. The uu'uu of line ami stipple is oNf cme l with unusual nbil.ty, and their killol roiitl innt'ini has ere-nly contributed to lite mki'i -s o: the eii :i:ner in this unsurj'abS' I'd lMVi.f l l' ihe'.v L'l 'l 's. Then.--e.-li on the iifiiviiu alone cost over seven ti;i.-;-.:-.rel .l-iliii .-. liesides llie cost of llie ei.r.vi iniii. i.:ol is on v!el;:ed by coinpelent Iiavc Ob baud, a upleudid assortaicnt ol 11 seasonable Goods adapted to the wants the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they arc selling at prices that defy competition. They wonld supply utatc here, that being very large dealers, their facilities tor purchasing are un- Hod bv anv establishment in tbo J J . .1 P. .. count v. They buy uirecuy iroru niuu icturcM and on tho lnd"os i he r.m-t eia! ev.ilelv tuiii-ned i.-liec work of art (!iir ener.ive1! :u Aio-viea. Kino cotie of mis ii.ajrmtceiit pieiure, on h-avv rlsiie l-aver. vi. i-:h till each, are to be irivcu as ti vieuuni.i to cueli suWcriber to M-::.ioiii:crc! .mo.n-tiily magzine; Yemlv fu.- eviTni.ius f -nl v Thren dollars, and ti-ii conn (v. J'c'i is lo he sent itli the sub r.et-'ii 'ion ). tor t.-ie po;:ie on the engraving ( v. Inc h will be limited tecurely done itj) ou a roller. This is ei-rlainlv the larcest. most liberal and lijileiidtd preeii.uu ever oil'eied to single Mih.-ri. -':ets by my rub isaer, aud afl'oids au eay nml eeeiiomie.-il way t.iv any one to secure tin el-- -am ui-ii o'. a' t a i'a-:o;- rictuie ina is ou!v next lo a i:;tuo in itio wav of oi nainen lalioti, mid a perriina' rciaiiider of a day which on-lit lotole clui islied un J held iu re- meiiiiiianee hy every i rue American. The i-eeeiii ic.ii of this magnificent picture will mke ove-y one by surprise and we do no venture anythi'iu: in saying that $10 will no M-oeiire niioilicr ilict combines, so much of ill ton ft M'.d beat i v. .s-r-ei. ioiens of ::ie Magazine, with circulars, civ iii? full puiiiciiUfb, will te scut to any giv :i addvess, io:-:t free on receipt ol lo cents. 'U"1"1 DEMOI5EST MONTHLY, iiovi'lif 38 Broadway, . Y. H, 11 LADY'S iTdEXD. TWO j:ii:Tl!3 GRATIS announces the followin Hid He Fovpet Her ! ' by STOVES at prioes that will please of all de sirable kinds. TIN-WAUE of every kind on hand at al es.im Special attention given to Wholesale orders. rice list furnishod to dealers on application. THE ELK GO. ADVOCATE. Ridgway, March 1st, 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR ROUND FLOOR. Auothcr advantage. get what you want at you will save time Dy them and TIME 18 You can always their store, hence coing directly to MONEY. "Ve have no space here to enumerate all the ad vantages vou will have in patronizing then establishment. But call and see, and .. . . i reap the advantages ior yourselves mong their Goods you will find 1 he Lady's Frierjd liove'eis for lb?tl : Lou c Chandler Moulmn ; The Cascannon Ainu,' bv Elizabeth l'rcscott. author of 'He tweeu Two." ice. : 'Solid Silver; or, Chrisie Ucane's Uridal Giiis,' by Araaadii M. Douglai author of the ' Deharry Fortune, with nu lnerous shorter stories ly a brill aut galaxy of hidv writerii. A iinelv executed steel enerr.vinpt. a hand eeme double page, iinely colored fashion plate, nnd a larce nssortinent of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fashions, fancy work, ele., are given iu every number. ltwill irive a vopumr piece of Music in er cry number. 10HT11AITS Oli" DISTINGUISHED . AUTHORS. The January number will contain portrait? (engraved on steel) of Mrs Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton. Klinabeih Trc'scott, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs., Margaret llosmer and August Cell, ' NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who scud in their names before the first of No vember, shall reeeiuo the November uud De cember numbers of this year in addition, mark ing fourteen months in all ! And new subscri. bers sending in their names by the first of December shall receive llie magnificent Decem ber holiday number, making thirteen mouths in all ! TERMS: $2 50 a year; two copies, $i ; four copies, $G; epoieslito, (andono gi-atis) $8. One copy of e Lady's Friend and one of the Post, $4 s A copy of the lorge and beautiful Premium "W'eel engraving Taking the Measure of the - cedding King 1 engraved in England at a eost of 20i U will be sent to every person eudiug a club. This engraving is a gem of art. Address DEACON t PETERSON, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent for ten eents. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY, LTAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULA HON, IT IS THEREFORE TLIE ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY ! SHEET-TIN AND COPPER WARE. Hoime furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER PIPEINQ, PUMPS, FISHING! AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as KODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &c. 4-c. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. Iron. gt'Otftt to the ittr.6tsi of the gcople of rlh (Counts.. TERMS :-$2 00 PEB YEAR. OR JOB WORK A T THE RID G WA Y WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock before buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY ; I employ none but First Clas$ JWeilrc- ics : 1 use nothing but the vest itejinea 1 think it will bo to your interest to give me your order. HaviDg twenty five lumber wagons in course ol eostrnctioo. I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All oidcra by mail, also any orders led with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON. Q1IARLES HOLES, PRACTICAL- WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER 4 JEWELER, West end of Hyde House, Ridgway, Pa. The most Couiplefe Riulnemi Cui. lege In llie United Sta Ub. Affording facilities for acquireing a thorough, practical bufins education, possessed by no other School in the country. Since its Incorporation in jw.'io, nearly Six teen Thousand Sludenls, representatives from every State in the Union, linvv atlonded here. No vacations. Biuuents cDcr ai any time. and receive private instruction throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars witli full particulars and all neccEsarv information, on addreiing SMITH & COWLF.Y. Principals. riTTDM.H, Pa. s OMETHINGt NEW IN RIDGWAY ! BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT I The subscriber take thin mxthod of inform ing the oitiiens of Ridgway and vicinity thai he has opened a BOOT & SHOE STORE, in the room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay er in iKe west end of the Hyde House, where may be found a general assortment of Ladies Shoes. Geutieinens' Boots nnd Shoes, Boys' Boots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the nhoTees-trnWisam-ent I have a Boot and Shoe Manufacture; Estahli-sbnient where work will be made to tier. , Kcpuritig done on snort notice and on rjniSle terms. The public are invited to give we jH ocl!3,'tiDy GKOKGJS WALXOL BRING ALONG YOUR ADTERTISE- MENTS AND GET THEM IN SERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATOAES, Clocks, Jewelry. Silverware, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Pens and Pencil, Exclusive Jgeut lor the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. BIRD CAGES A NICE VARIETY. Repairing Watches, etc., done with the same accuracy n herero!bre. nov!!0, bint ROOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS. If you want to sell anything, let the people know it through the Advocate the great advertising medium. GOLD! HARNESS! COLLARS ! GOLD! GOLD:! HARNESS! IIARXESS ! COLLARS! COLLARS JOS. 1. HZASD has removed his Harness Sliop over Powell & K me s Store and has on hand the largest assortment of harness for for lumbering and pleasure pitposes, in this or adjoining couu.ies. and ail oilier articles belong1 u to the irndc. TRUNKS, SADDLES, VALISES, WHIPS, BLANKETS, COL LARS &c of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Cupper an 1 every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WORK Job DRY GOODS in cnllcss; varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cm aud finish, BOOTS & SHOES of the best ttoek and make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged aud elderly, done on short notice and warranted, N EW STORE. Tbo subscriber begs leave to iuform theeiti tens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where may be found PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. ' ; STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY", OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, ia season. n!2 vllf J. R. BAIRD, DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly 'nil, kinds of country t-rodud taken at the market value' vlnltf. Printii) Office, r lino iiiiikiuoie m-iueuy does not, lilie the) I poisonous irritating nutfs and stroinr caustic solutions with which llie pcoplo have long been humbugged, simply pallinie for a hort nine, or drive the disease to the limes as there is danger of doinit in the use of such nos trums, but ii produces perfect and permanent cures of llie wsisl cases or Chronic Uatan h. as thousands can temify. Cold in the head is cure d Willi a lew ai.plicalions. Catarrhal Head ache is relieved tnd cured as if bv magic. Is removes otfensivebreath. lo.ss or imnauinent of the sense of tnsle. smelling or hearing, water ing or weak eyes, and impaired memory, when caused by the violence ofCatarah, as they frc- ueniiy are. i oner in giunt fttitli a standing reward of $300 for a ca of Caianh that I cannot cure. For sale hy mcst druggists everywhere Price only 50 eents. Ask your druggist for the remedy : but if he has not yet col it on s)e, don't put it off by accepting any miserable worse than worthless, subsuti le. but enclose sixty cents to me, and the : emcily will be sent vou nomnnhl. Four packages If 2, or one iloiien for !-2. S-rnd a Iwu cent stamp for Dr. Page's pamphlet on Catarrh. .vuurcss tue propr:etor, R. V. PIERCE. M. D. novUTXOy linfi'alo, N. Y. In Court House, Ridgway, Pa. AGENCY ef Honry Disstons eelebroled aws. Orders for saws at faotory prices so licited, also for repairing. Informatioa and rice lint furnished on application. The best work of done, and at the very lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on band at this office. Hand-bills printed at tho shortest notice. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, PEW- I TER, LEAD, IRON, j BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAtON SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, U. . BONDS te. taken in txchang for Goods or Tln20tf. W. 8. BBRTICS. Would invite the attention of all owners of horses to my new PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLAR, which proves to be the best Collav in exis- euee tor these reasons : liein very hilus- tio they do not chafe or gall ana the oork being a nou-couductor, theyjpieveut injury iroru heat. Call and see them. All work warranted Reparing, Triming andj.l'pholstering done withe neatness and dispatch. n29tt JOSEPH M. HEARD. LOHILiLAIiD'S EUliEKA Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of granulated Virg'nia. wherever introduced it is universally ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin bae. in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. LORILLAAD S "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being deni cotinired, it cannot injure neveless constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. It Is produced from selections of the finest stock, anu prepared by a patented and original manner. It is very aromatic mild, and liirhl weight hence it will last much longer than others : nor does it burn or sting tbre tongue, or leave a disagreeable after-taste. Orders for genuine, eleeantlv carved Meerschaum Pipes, silver mounted, and pack ed in neat leather pocket cases, are pla e i dn the Qacht Club brand daily. LORILLARD'S CENTURY Chewing Tobacco. This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no superior anywhere. It is, without doubt, the best chewing to bacco in the country. l.iOUIT.T.AHrVS SMTTTT'TT-'e Have been in general use in the United States over 110 years, and still acknowledged '-the best" wherever used. If your siorekecpers does not have these articles for sa'e, ask him to set them. lb.ey are sold by respectable robbers al- most every wnere. Csroulars mailed on application. P.LOlULLvlD If t o .Jt eto York MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. T,., L1..I...I . -St . puniisueu, a new cni- lion Of m. t It.VKP.WKLL Celebrated Fss9y on Ihe r.iii'cil cure (without med cine) cf fci-e mi.-u ru'ii. or Seminal caktiess. invo?"u.:ti-y ISemiiml Losses, lnipo. icucy, ,Mcn:il and 1'liyt.cal Incapnpiiy . Imped imenis to M.tr'-iage, e:o: a'.so. Consumption, Epi'epsy. ami Kiis. induced by se f-induigeuce or sexual cxit avas ince. P"ice. in aseaitd envelope, only fi cents. The oe'ebrated tin. nor, iu this adminiblcea. say, clcariy .detuon;raies from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may bo radically cured without the uanjerens use of internal medicino or the application of the knife; poiniiug a mode of cure at onee s'uiple, cer.ain. nnd ef fectual, by means of which evBi-y sufferer, no maner what n s condition may be. may cure h'mseii ciiennly, privately, nnd radically. SbyTbi Lecture should be in the hands of every you. hand every man in tho land. tent, under seal, in n plain envelope to r.ny address, ou receipt of six tenis, or two Stamps. A tso. Dr. Culvarwell's 'Marriage Guide, pr'ee "5 cents. Address the Publishers. CI1AS. J. C. KLIMB tJCO.. 127 Bowery, New Kork, Post Oflice Box 4,383. 87 oiu TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now pre pared to furnish all classes with oons aut employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable- Persens of either sex easily earn from ouo. to -& per evening, and prop portsonal sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business. we make this unparalleled otter : To such as are net well eatisfiied, we will send $1 to pay ror the trouble or writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to cimmenco work on, and a copy of Th Ptoylt's Literary companion-onai the largest family newspa pers published all sent free by rnniL Read er, if you want permanent, profitable work, eddreas E. C. ALLEN & CO., Acorsiv Maim. Feb. 19 8m, Call in and get our price for advertising and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted. Or den by mail promptly attended to. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &o., done in a neat manner. aud at the lowest paica, FOR CASH, at l . VII. 1 1 T .. ' no x.iK Advocate mating umce. TRY MORE CO'8 OVAL STEEL ENGR. - V1NGS, 111 Nassau St., N. Y. Anybody can sen mem. uneap. tsetl fast. Pay hand somely. bend for new oiroular. 2U im Mori Address J. S. B0RDWELL, Ridowat, Pa. IIINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY TJSE simple, tktap, reliable. nnui : svEKXTumit. aulii l o WAIlTKIl Ciroularand sample stocking FREE. 'Address HKlJxUCr 1UUIT13U AlACUINU CO.. Butt, 'Me. ; DON'T DO IT ! Friends, Countrymen and Lovers : Do not for get that I, S. S. Wood, do hereby declare, on the authority of fuels herewith submitted, that more mouey's worth is given in premiums for new subsaribers to WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAUAZ.IE than for any other publication in the World. Also, that I agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dollars to any Pub ' Usher who shall succeed in proving the contra ry m in is uecmiuuon, proviuea ti.al such Pub lisher shall declare his intentention lo inves tigate before proceeding to do hi also, that in case he fails he, he shall forfeit to me the same amount, and announce the result in regu lar type inthe Editorial columns of his next issue. 8, 8. WOOD, Publisher aud Proprietor Woods Hovskuiob Muitma," Ncwbvbb Ne . March 12, 1870 I waa eured of Deafness and Catarrh by simple remedy and will send the receipt free. MRS. M. C. LEGGETT, Hoboken, N. iu