Mlnri'jj..iiJ,iii'nnil wiAiwjw.j.iMytM.ntfmra J. S. B 0 R It W E h L,- Editor: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1870. FOR CONC.RKK8. II01T. GLE172TI W. SCCFIELD.. FOR ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM E. LATHE?; ' FOR PRESIDENT JL'DOE. L. D. TOJIOEE. on tlio principal of the dopt within sixteen months, so that the Ina of tlio future is mmlo lighter and tho. present weight of iu tcrstis diminished. The pcnplcsee those acls, and recognizo tr1(1 government in them. They know it if. where theso groat thiug are being dor 1 hey perceive its htind in all. Ardif, niter perlorming his im portant p,i". in tlio work President Grunt chooses ' o got out of Washington for . a lit llo Test, nt Long !runch, Ihey heartily 0"tii .fiend the u'ocd fonse he thus displays.' 172W8 IN IHIL?. Corduroy mid plush costumes will bo Tory fasliioiiahlo this winter. f The hotels nt Cape May would Tike just a few hioro guests to crowd the mosquitoes out. There is wealth enough in Poston to give, on an ctiinl division, every man, woman and child p:,000 each. A graveyard inscription in Kenncbunk, t.i.fijMyinu'i'i ii.iieliP.'Ji.''..;rv.1 M'wrvw.inn; ffni'in:MiL'tij tut viwnwnr..Ji..Mmii ivwmix. v KEY? A I) TEE TISEM EXTS EEPUELICA1T COUNTY TICSET. For County Cuinmirsi'mt-r, A. W. GRAY, of Jay tonr.shitu For Jury Comv isitovrr, HORACE LITTJ-T., of Ridgway. for ('ouuty Surnior, J.L. BLOWN, of Jones township. Fur Comity AmHlor. CHARLES M'VEAN, ot F. Miry. The Judicial Nomination. There seems to be an indication iu the Erie papers, that some of the delegatus to the late Judicial Convention at Irvinton, from Erie connty aro not satisfied with the nomination of Mr. Wet mure. Why this is we arc unable to say ; certain it is that niter a session of six clays, the delegates comprising the convention ought to have been able to have made a proper notrinn tioti. The action of the Erio County Dc publican Committee puts the whole ques tion at sea again, and we are now in the district, upon this fjiies-tion. just where vo Marled, provided Warren and Elk v'u.w the matter as the Erie County committed does, when it pays: "AWm', That neither of the nominations made is considered, 'rnjn nr." There is no use now to go the. for mer -rrouud of complaint over again ; neith er do wn propose to do so, but we do wish, tor tlio sake of that harmony in the party so much desired by the Eric County Com uittec, that it had dealt more in details and less in generalities, in reeometiding this call tor a new convention, and have said what it real!y wintcd, and what basis of represen tation would be acceptable to Eric County, not to its candidate for Judge, but to Erie. 'County. The committee received u ' prep osition" from Mr. WoodrufI which was adopted, as to what the new convention houlddi, when thu Lliotvi-ig look pluct i reported in the Erie (Jour tic : "Mr. Craig said Mr. Woodruff was not particular what number ot conferees were nrriniuted bv the Chair. He moved the proposition be accepted and the new con ferees appointed. After some other re marks and suggestions, t tic number of five onlerees was fixed upon, and tiie proposi tion was agreed upon by a unanimous vote." We presume therefore that each county will be entitled to be represented by fiva delegates, and that, under the "proposition." the convention will fix the representation for the "iuture conventions" occurring ten, twenty, thirty. Sie.f &.e , years hence, unlets the constitution of the state is changed, in which case it limy bo necessary to modify the manner of holding Judicial Conventions in this Judical Pi.-trict. The Warien Jlm'lin n short end well written article up on the subject, indicates an endorsement of the aetioo ot the Republican Committee of Erie county. We see no way unfler the circumstances but to have a uew conven tion; it is invoked in the interest of peace and harmony for the Republican party, and in such a spirit it ought to be accepted by the balance of the District after Erie coun ty lias led off. We understand a commu nication has been received by the Chair man of the Republican Committee of this countv from Gen. M'Creary, Chairman of j the Repjblican County Comtuittc of Erie county, giving notice of the action ol the Erie Committee and asking eo-operation jn the matter ol calling the new convention. Let the call bo responded to : in the spirit it is made. Let the interest of the party be consulted rather than the in terest of the candidates, and care be taken that the nominee shall bo a person who will leave his politics aud prejudices at the threshold of the Court House when enters ta perforin the high aud important duties ertaiuing to the position of the Judical officer. That's YThero it is. Th Albany Argus abuses the Presideut for going to Long Branch and asks 'Where is the Government if' The Albany Journal v informs it thus; ' "The Government is where tho revenue is being more honestly collected, so that the receipts have increased $51,000,090 since President Grant's inauguration. It jg where the expenditures have been di ' imuisbed so that the estimates are decreased " $31,000,000 for the coming year. It is ' 'Where the taxes are being reduoed, so ' ' thet 576,000,000 are taken from the bur " -dens of the people by a single act. It is . Where $158,000,000, in the aggregate are thus saved to the people in honest collee ! tions. retrenced expenitures aud redued Karat Jlalstead's Ecccriptioa of tlio a U.. tftjl And speaking of tho war, soldiers ore more numerous in the streets than at Metz. They are gathered here from Algiers as well us at 1'aris, and they tho mure in teresting, for hero are the North Africans, known us the Tnreos, a corps made famous for their exploits in the Italian war. There arc over twenty thousand of them in the French army, ond.hcro they arc swarming on the banks of the Rhine, ready to advance i into Germaov. It has been said in our coun try that these Turcos are not negroes, but Arabs, Moors, Algerines. There has been a ! notion of depriving black men of the credit of their desperate exploits. The truth is that the majority of them are not uegroes, but that many of them with those etranzely marked negro features of which it is now necessary for politicians in Ameiica to speak with such profound re spect. Some of them tiro a shade blacker than the blackest black man I have seen in our happy country. A tarred stick would make a while murk on some of thctn. There are Arabs too, and Frenchmen ; and the shades of color are so hne ana so various that it is puzzling some times to tell the ALieanized frenchmen from the French! lied African. All wear tho Zouave-dress, in cluding tho red cap and tassel, and the sun when it has fair play has a powerful influ ence in harmoniziug complexions. Croat confidence is expressed in the Turcos as lighters. In stature and strength they are a good deal above the average of tho French array. 'The colored troops fought nobly,' it will be recollected, was often offi cially certified in the American war, aud it will bo worth remembering when the deeds of valor of tho Turcos are recorded that a full share of them must be attributed to full blooded black men. The II:.- 2:hisd tho Throne. The ui.-pat'-lies from Kinz William and the general tenor of the Rerlin press make it apparent that whatever glory is gained by the Prussian arms in the present struggle is destined to be pretty generally absorbed bv the Ilohcnzol'.erus. 'I commanded,' snys King William, at GravJotte, and 'our Me., reads thus: 'Poor .Too 1 his head is level now, if it never waf befo?e.' A Chiflagoan has received the fullest le gal penalty for stealing Tupper's 'Proverbial Philosophy.' The court dccidedjtliat forsuch a theft there could bo no extenuating cir cumstances. ' The 1'eloit Rrglstrr asks : 'Why is a Re loit nun's trade mark like a certain leading Prussian ? Recause it is his 'biz mark. The author of the t.bove leaves a wife and twelve small children.' 'Long John' Wentworth and Horace White of tho Tribune contest the renomin ation of Representative .NT. 15. Judd in the Chicago district. J Glancv Jones, formerly of Pennsylvan ia, now living in Delaware, is said to be ex- neetinsr an election to the United elates ben- ate if the Democrats carry Delaware. Senator Fenton has secured his election as a delegate to the State Convention to be held at Saratoga, and ho will seek to be made perumneut chairman of that body. The first, of the fall elections occurs on the 6th of September, in 'Vermont. The State is so overwhelmingly Republican that there has been no canvass niado by either party. Samuel D. Clark and Alex Monro have received the Republican nomination for As sembly in Lawrence county, defeating David Craigand George W. McCracken, who were members of the last house. Ignatius Donnelly, ot whom the country thought itself well rid, after his overwhelming defeat in 18GS, ajjain aspi'es to congressional honors, and has entered the field for the republican nomination in the ?t. Paul (Minn.) district. Tho nomination of Fred. Douglas for Congress, to fill tho vacancy occasioned by Uie retirement of Hon. Xonh Davis, is being discussed in Monroe and Orleans counties. New York. In point of intellectual ability the district could not do better. Ex-Gov. Rigler of this state has forsaken politics for religion. A few days ago, at the Preshvterian Svuod at 1'elleionte, he an nounced that bo had retired from public and political life, mid bore strong testimony to the value of religion as compared with the uncertainties and excitements of pol itics. In Erie District. New York, there arc four prominent a-pirants for the Republican nomination to Congress: Hon. P. S. lien nett, the present incumbent; Hon. L L Lewis, the present State Senator ; Lymay K Mass, the present Distiict-Attorney, and I. Mnntford, Iloucian, Rretigno and Lou- truiuc. Rerlin, August 81. Assistance fnm the arsenal in this city was sent to tho Prussians in putting heavy guns into position before tho walle of Metz. The Prussian government has engaged tho services of Wells, the Fcuteh aeronaut, to conduct aerial observations of the French naval movement upon the Prussian coast. He yesterday cruised over Osiend, Belgium in his balloon. A5E2T73 Kntel fct mmmm THE G3EAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY : ' Dtt. WALKl'MJ-M CAL1 FOB XI A VINEGAR BITTERS. s 'a l'ear tvt t.ofv . ' wotiUer- .. 3 o 4i - fill (Y.rii Vn-'s. n S " ,- - ft WH AT A FIE TH EY ? - i 3 11 -JJV " ,1 - f t v - His- (i - if a s i e 't, g .tj I x - ' . I c ? , : Z '-v7 c a i ' I .13 TwelTS Years v Wild Indians 5,0 Plains. THE I'.VV. OFGfO, r. BF.LDEV. who from a 'ove ofw. u nti .-ciitr nn'l a i)irt of kol- P.lrn of '!.e I : 1"" w CUSXCIS, SfCrtS. VTi::, 0:-f.t tiiZa Zzziz icti a i.ome of no. in t'H'u. joiieil tae ludinn. aTnpte:l Mm' y muiie of !'."inat.-tcd the liemtHfnl Wasll- '". Uvimn (J rent. i'xr.-i"r, Itnnler nml : of It'll I.O'Ves. was 11 .'"'"i'llefl Lietitennnt V. S It .pr',il:n- A iv), 'or mrroous ser with his hrtvv rn.nsf lnl-,e indin -s. A I'.iink of lis most (hi illin r olio -esi. reali. tv we:: no hen;;.i:ed. Tre !i is si: inger Hinn ii fi.'tioii. Suiierhly i.'nslnitcil. 70 eu ...... i .. fn cr i . !ir. Whir. Tyorirn.i 01 ..lenionur, .-u hm ri: .er it .1:110. Triec 'or. rhonM orlse'l any boult er.j.;i . Sen J nt ouce for lllastra cd x-. i'i-.:a-.-. taii.e o: cuuients, simple pajres an.: A. If. II t't T.A RD, ruMislier, 400 Clicslniit St.. l".i isxleii .i s. aictu aflwrlirjcmc?.l5. AO EFTS HAILS' '200 A MONTH Selljnf.Ton S. C. Ablmti's U-t pval work, the LIVES OF ALL TEE P2ESIDEKTS. Over 6UO pngcJ, nearly ftlty steel Mid wood Mig aTingi. Pells n'. gijjlit. More 8enl9 whiiIciI. Sen! for (lscrintifn anil Terms. Franklin Publishing Co,, 1ZI Mftrket nt. Plill- mlclfilna, ! . $10.500.S WOlfVlI ROU) BV ONU nt in -1 mNth. Aisot warned for MEN OF PBOGRHS3 by Jns. Piirtnn Orccly nnd other prominent writer. It i the most, completo and compen dious liicrry nml nrtictie nol( eTerpuMislieil. It contains ssotclies of Ch iritis Oiekens, Bur- lingime ittid .VI oilier prominont Amaricnns. ljiww. r.w ipiih asu n.Miiruu rm LISIUNG COMPANY, to2t3 East 12th t. N. Y, 4t4w A SfiFE, CERTAIN AND Spocdy Cura Fritz,' or Fiederiek Charles is the central .'lire in nearly every dispatch that readies j liams, rt Uuffalo. Berlin from the army. All this jhi!e Aon Moltke, the master mind cf the Prussian iiiniy, the man who diaects and plans each 'onibination, i seareelv beard of. His name has only been mei tioned onse in the official telegram since tho fighting began. There is in this, c! course, no reflection upon the M. Schcrmerhor!, formerly o!' IJul'u'o. The Democrats of Erie have substantially agreed I upon the nomination ot lion. William Wil- 'J. t' TIIF.Y Aft?. NOT A VIT.P B(? SliFANCY DRINK, M Maileefronr Tiir i. AVlfiO. ov. Tronf Snivitf ami Ketose Liijii'.". .lncroreil. s.T'ecil, nn.l st'cetet.e.l to j-ionse .l!e Oiv.!': eae.i "'IVin c'." Appetiser.'' Bps ioovs " Sc., that lead the tippler on to drouUeitM mid u ii. Imt nr a t'ue mi' tic in1, lein'e In u 1 1 1 o unlive I'onis anil lli'rbi i,C'''iir.l'i 'it n'l A'pnhol ic Stiii'ir vi . They me .lie Ui .lu I ood l nvi. tier ami I. ' Uiv'i.j l'r ai: o'a ii per u:i 1'een ovilor nul I-ivlgoraior 'i' ihe .Syicm. c-irry.-ing off a i poisonoi:" inn -, a'.tt fesioving the tilooil to a healthy i-nnl:iiiin. .l person' can talce c-e B! tiers neeoril'.ns to I: -vet ous, an I remain i.mj: u awe 1. $'i3w'' 'p pivfn "or pi 'H'lirr.': oae. pro vidfil ti.'p hones are ''" tie- iv.' o mineral poif .ins .iv oi'.'P" no1 1 i". Mid ihfl vial organs! was. el beynuil Uu- i");"i "opn'r. j For latin ! a .-y and " " ".o ItlieuraaM'ai. I and Oont. ip J '! spiion. B.' on.. 1 fteir'iiem. sail '. i'n. tevvr". I1 vav j ct" too B'oo.l. L v. ' IC'. ' ' mil B ail.lf1, these B:.iers h .ve ..pi-i m.". smv.-W. r iieh j Diseases are e u.S'1 1 . y Vu aie.i Biood, viiica is (.enei'i 'y pvoilectl l.y de-aojje neiil of the Die-iive I t'.";;an . CleaTMP the Yira e l Blood whenev.T yau find i;.1- rn'i,l.,ii ;io.. iltvo.r a .e ? viu in V -.nplei. i.iiii.l ens o" t?o,-f: r'tinni n wbeu ii ; ; "or', nnd oov " e'!ngs wit' tr i yea whc.1. K "'e ih 'i 'i".l i'. ire and die liealih of I he sy l i"n w' ' ' ',"' l'. i. J :. T'f. nti.i i ev Wir. as. ln-Uio!; in the s.!' n n so iirut : ": saau-1, r.'.o etifc. ua;iy tits1 .. . ni'd ti'i invod. In I. ni". I:, .rent, an.! Ititevmitient Fo vol'.. I! . Iiavi-' n.) cqiini- 1'or lull dii'Pt" mii-ad .av : '.y die e ealiv nroiiud cueli hot1'". r.'"n:t.ii i. i"i " .au'-'iaj.-'s t:!i, lii'i'in i'i r !'.!(. i a'l'1. i -a. J. WALt. UI", 1' -op .'in' ' ".ii v roe Kt., X. Y. ii. i'.. .Nici oN.U.i' V t.'u . 1.1; iij.' s' s n" i " !.! ii Agi'ire. . ;a Y. 'n- -ro a';d ' i i ' . 1. a-. ! li "ira, and -i J .'ii t.'.i.n . .V Y iv-.S JLJ lii i'Ul'GOISTS & Dl' AL DUS, -d The T'nlioute Journal in eannection with the Senatorial fjuetion in this D:-trict, re calls the interestiivr fact, that at the ratiCvi tion of the Fifteenth Amendment by th.T Legislature of our State, a gent'emau well known ir. connection with John n wu's kmrsnek, exclain ed in tho exuberance of raitb is .JL tviih n.ze help lit, c wi". ri.'reive. tiv r.-fiiir-e 1 ' : 1 in i - . ii N.i. Z j u c .d i ; : i. v sced'.r: r of i'v. i nr .-, v.' 'Mi, 1' ; r,r, cf'STS. 1 ha'1', j i a . 'e of vuer :;.! ,te of j I). l)iuv i.r j e .11 a:id all KERYOUS DISEASES. lis Eifocts an Magical. It is nr ni-oi.Hii nsvr.nv in nil caes of Xemiil'-'ii Fiali. i''e" effect " peiftel cure in less titan iw-'iry.-'nui-hoi'.L Ivom the u.e of no ni')-. ' I linn . tveon Tim r: R r ' r.. N'o other ioi.i of Neuralgia o Ni ' vons Pi' has failed to jield to l his wonder. al re nte Jin. agent. Kven in ilie .'evere'.r Pise? of do op " C;a ae 1 pe.ieni' ih"voii- dern'iLi i.' i J. 1 iiiimv y. ii .-.'iu-n'.ieiMiu- me en: ' .' ipiii. I' 'Hi'.l i' fl iy- o: a :iw' wri'i.s the Kfin..-f t'1 ay- nf v the lues: a- oe. ... :t" ae'.ie;'. a.: vvy .'iir,;y ads lo p-jd ice n Co to '!.- " nni .m'V.h:. 'in . '"' ,. 4 m 'I ,...'s .f n aiT ni i 'r'a's :n tK' ii:1!! e:-' d.-i'i1' 'ii ninn, vi i i .l.e aio-' dr ' a n -.viern and cm always he ii.-ed,w. i pi" n'i -a . I !;:. ..i.i' .ifi':: eorflan use! bv li'.r." of on; ho- cii '.ei.i l: sie'-nii". ) I. i; ilifr m i Tunis and u'.'i;'"i .. i' !t "T.p ii.-.. I'iir '.'.rliiw.ttit. il'HO'K "''I' ' i'l-' ?! -i es ' i 1 1 . 11 - won."1 : Ilavi'ie ' D-. i i:r . e-l'ii" oi-'eiit utuversa ''' 1 ' - " ' mr.oerintis ms.:.-i- s '' 1 !' t plus -inc: tv IH'" ' 1 : -; ' ,: l ;. wil-.... in f - -. . i ; . .i . , ,,u.i..i; i a . pv.tuj.s .iavo lann".l. J. '1. I.I.lA'lIT' AM. l-.V.;st. Iviet. "fr. Fe.i. IS. ii I SJ i". 1 ,. 1 VI I1 S...I-V. v.. h mi e. II- C'H',1" :- W ill's Pity, and fov i!:e? y.-u.s i-:v-l::p i tie win ' ho lio-,1 i i'epa.- .a. uiidet the t! .'. fie.vcniment. i!n' it . I i' .v .nut n lie. I'-.i . noi r. lie-ll.i -.iou-fliix nr (.'irve-sa Venvai'.a i': 1 for iwen y ,v n s. hnve snid '. and n-.-il .: M'ls.oia'iy. and 1 have never fe'inwa '' a eai) where it did li"t rve it io". C'uiioii1'' aaw :old oiPtliey v.'on'd not he tviianii' it i !:!:' pil ' Sid 1 ilrnk it the most rel'nl'ie rinni tiy '.: neuralgia nnd nerv.ais. d sa ps iu tho world. icr-". s 1 n 1 n"r t o. : Kiir n '..nor i inn1 n moiii'iet of niy family ha" siili'cu'd si'VP'.-ely wiir Jv'.irilsin. Tlia pain was iimi"t ntiHii .'a-ali'e. We ted various lue 'i i(vi.c4 w i i ti iic 'in-eexs. A few tuoni h sinee, we I'l'iran tho n-i ofyoer P .II. It has f.toved per .c.'''!v s 1 1 ; . : -: 1 1 , and no inters of dio disea-'e i .'iioan. I pan s adly : eeom n. n I yoi.v remedy to ail s; :.":'.'! ' . in Xv.irl.'g a i;,"r..c: a.yy.'urs I'.' V.'. Vf.!.Tl)NT. i'.i.i.'.a. Match i. JS'''7. Ootnxr.'ior m .'tit h y inn; on .'n rt. o! )r -e and juiitase. i'i-. p.i-'i'iL'o - I? l.t O - - l'oi'iif e. II ecii.s. S..-: ! .-.yhasres - f. M - - " ' -7 " WELL'S &ARBOUC TA2LETS. Ttie rcol JScaliug fSstlsomic llemedtf for Coitghx, Coiist ,S'okt Throat, .isSfittitt, JSc, Set. Jh'or Wormy Children they are invnluuhln : for Kid ney DMlieullyn speettfip. TUY TIIF.M. l'rioe, lio tents pef Box, t'mt hy ninil on receipt of price, by-' M- KEBLOGU 81 Piatt St., X . Y. Solo A gen t for the If. S. SOLD ii Y DP. J G GISTS 4G 4v? ANl'i:i A (ii: NTS To sell the OCTA tiON SLCWIXU JACH1XE. It 3 lieciueJ. makes 'h -Blnslic Lock Milea nttd U witrran . ted for 5 year.. Prico S1.". All oilier amohitie with nil iindev-fted sold for 81 ) or leis nre in frlnpemenm. Address OCTAGON .S1JW1XU MAClIlXKt'O., St. BouiH, Mo., Cliicngo, 111., PittM1. ui jih. Pa., or Bnitnn Mw. H rglilE MAfHC COMB Will chan.pp nny J eol'ired hair or heafl to n pot iitivnait hl.itk or lit own. It c.nitaiii:! No enisoi. toy one tun use it. One rpnt Viy mnil for ?1. Atl-Jrcn.- MACIC COMB CO., 1 13 3m Hpi ingfisUI. Mas?. EIGHT PEE -CEKT. GOLD pr. 12 W.n riRST MORTGAGE (i? 1'IIK l:-SVr'. HI'' $ 1, 500, 000'. BY THE St. Joseph and Denver City HAIL30AD COMPANY. In .K'linntitiatiotiK of ? 1.001' and i-VJi). eotipon .r rrgistered. with iniProM at liiht per cent . per nimi.ia. pata'de l'!h V'e' rn iry nod Au Cioe, in COLD tire i.f C nilrd State1! tnxeti, ill Xew Ynrii or lairope. Tlio honds hnvi) thirty years to run, payildr in Xew York iu ( Trii'tef.'". firuiets' Loin nnd Trust Company of New York. The inertgag! whitdi sjtui e i lion; honds is at the rate of SBI.iiK) por mile; eovers n caaipleto mad for every hoiid is a fust and ONLY liio'.tgane. This lino, eoniieciiiij! St. .If-epti with Fort. Kcrney, will make a siierl and ihioiigh route loCiilifar- . N' 1 . his jny. in a speech to a vast nsemblaje ol ,.1,.,,,,1 vi,-.i-.l.t u'li.i imtiiniv'il to eidi'biate braveiy of either tho Pnr.oes or of King j . evcnt'. William. Doth the loitncr have played theii part admirably, tu 1 lung William, though every inch a soldier, knows that Yon Molike is bis superior in tactics, and very wisely allows him to control entirely the movements of the anny. Still, for the justice of the thing the rest of the world hardly likes to ?ee the first living General in Europe so wholly overshadowed. It is easy enough to see that the war if success ful is to strengthen the ruling regime of Prusia, to glorify aud establish the P.nhen- zollerns n the permanent and unquestioned rulers of United Germany. From what we know of Gen. Moltke it is not probable that tho want of prominence given to his name gives htm any great anxiety. uoui st and retiring in on unusual degree, ho euo well afford to wait Kr the justice which history will furely secure lo him. The man who planned tho couipaigns of Sadowa and Metst can safely rest his case with posterity. Clevclaud Leader. "All hail the pownr of Jesus' name, Let angola prostrate fall." V '" !)i'Si'":; 'v.' KAN I1 .v ( : N : i '. .-.v. y Lo.' -. Mo. J. i . : ii ac: i i .' '; i :. : - .1.. ii-s at 1 h; 10 fjtEi r' ' :. ..'. . in lit' "tc :.":' ;i .'. ro . s ttXT sr. BO TO z nr ,.,' I':.. , ?I AS a IV. - '.lli: l'-l-rx-&,.. i.. I -pp. I. v lir.lN'i's Al.TNT-s To - " the FOMK Miiji i '-i ''c .u.tcAi:;::. ii r :,-'.v ew i yitK Ji ..; ess J. C. '..'ViV """:!;- tXO t$ ' gt' Tnt P.ei:el's Hope. A few days ago, we met a rebel Colonel who i now editing a Democratic paper in New Jersey, lie said be came from New Oilcans as a niis sonary to inform the pcoplo what the south (rebels) wanted, lie said that he was satis-' Gcd that the only hope of the conquered reb els was in tho Democratic party of the north and he prided himself on being the only cd itor in the north who could tell the truth and blackguard as n.uch aj Drick Pomeroy. We never saw his paper, but from tho little con vernation wo had with hiin it is evident that lie will tako rank us a first class Democrat, for his service in robbing farmers in the southern Pennsylvania during Lee'a con ventiou in our State, (which he confessed) entitle him to the earnest support of tho men who sympathized with hi:u during that very Domocratio expedition. We congratU' late our Democracy on bo faithful a represent ative to enlighten the peoplo of New Jer sey. Yti'tliar.isport Gazette Bulletin. The DritUh policy iu India Protection taxes'. It is where 1146,000,000 .re paid to native llindoostry. WAS- Ucrlin, Aug. 31. Dispatches have been received lrom this city stating that yesterday at noon the Prussious attacked the French who were marching between Carigtian aud Mouzon. The engagement is now in progress, aecor didg to the last ticcouut,s. Arloog, Delgium, Aug. 31. After two days battle between Carignan aud Mouzon, Gen. McMahon was defeat ed. The gerraan forces engaged were tho fourth army corpse aud a partot the Crown Priuce's Army. After the battle, and tho overthrow of McMahon'8 force, which had opposed the Crown Prince's army, the Prussians victor otisly entered Carignan, driving the French before them towards the frontier of Delgium. The Prussians attacked and pursued the French. The loses on both sides were very trreat. The Prussians captured a nnmber of pieces of French artillery, including four miltralletirs. The fighting was at Armigny, between Sedan and Montinet.dy. DbzaNCV, Aug. 31. The French army under the command ot" Marshal McMahon, was attacked by our troops to-day in the neighborhood of Dcaumont, and was driven back towards the Belgian frontier. The Freuch encampment was captured. The j French army was pursued fur miles and the pursuit only ceased through night coming; on. The number ot guns und prisoners ta ken by us has not yet been estimated on ac count of the great extent of the battle f.cld. London, Aug. 31. Dispatches from the interior of France announce thai a strange agitation has com menced in the various districts in the north west of France against the nub'es, gentry and clergy. Tie agitatorj accuso them of sympathyzing with Prussia. They have suc ceeded in producing an impression upon the mindi of the peasantry. Disturbances frum ' this cause bad occurred at llliur, , Yiliaue, I;. n::;ke.s both si Ii'- nn.l ' shuttle M-i' luiic ceased by Vt htev and .V -ii'1 a I l.oi'k pt!ti;.i. I iko o .he on ' 7 ' : censed in;-' r- .'c 1 I'd !'.r 'km than a '.). f.i l W;'vin l.ii ir. ei'tv o ik'1. ( '.i. A. ' . o'lou na U1"- 'cd r?.J :.f3;i?r.t Mor i t ae tii i' n'1 lao vi' 1 ; a.p. or si ia'ny shuttle Maeh;'i"fii" u : It-" than Mi'1 me :- Villi'1'!!! '-ill , and I lie sp'.'.v i.i"' i -1 ha.' e to . 1 1 lull.' ,M. .'III'...'. jiroi-pciii mil. j'.'O .' . . t ii iv iv ;()., linston. At irs . fitiatjaign, in., i-.tieajii, HI., or st. Louis, Mo. ;..i dm. V.'1L Tc'lilr., ?."e It at one.' reKevc i '.d tal' io'is. w' '.nni ei'.' under any c . i C . .1.: : to any f lie n- no c iMp'-e nn i tin' "or .n sopcpfs hai f,.r : . -vp er ! t ' s use I Fl nc, I'.'id in s..a!P ii i-oi' ol:ti "d S. ..i ' : and :.' M now ol'.'. .-a i a'.so'n i.oii t'titii'' .'a a' The Company have a Capital Stock of And a (.'rant of Bind front Cmi gre's. of I.iill.l.lHKl Ai't e-i, v li ned, nt llio lowest es'iinaio, nt . .- . .... 1' Mcrigajre lads, - - Total, - - d.ono.of.o- 1,."IM).()U',I i"i,f)t)(i,iioi i 'o t;i- puii'ie. i:h i -ic most on .li.i :i i-tn never lull lo ao 'i it is e' .:'ii'd !ov it. T!nl lonlli of ''oa !. 7I:niie: dit. inclnde l in t his Mortgage, 1 1 1 miles: n iee, '.'7 and nc earrd iiiN'-tia, IN L'UI! II KNC Y. Ciui ho oh. laiued from the imih'i'-d.anpd. Also, p.tnipli lels, in iji.s add iiiforiirii :"a reining thereto. TheiM bond'. l"iri;5 so w ill .se.mred nnd yeild n largo income tiro ilesiral.lt1 to parties foek ing snt'o and iiivos.ttioMits. Were commend t hem with eiiiire oontideiiee. W. P. CONVERSE A CO., C( 1 M M 1. 110 1 A 1. All liXTS. Mo. 61 l'iiie Sreet, Xew York. TANXKP. ft- CO., PlHtlAl. AGKNTj?, TTo 4'.l Wall Street; Xew York. June 1 di i. Well's Caibolio Tnlilct.-- After iiiueh study nnd t-uitntifio indest ijiat em us to the reinedial qualities of' Arm, Dr. Wells has d -sL-overeil 'v raoper eoini.ina- tioii with olhe- artiolei in tho form of a I ah'ei a spei'itie lurnil po' nonary tiisentes. TUliSK TAlJhr.TS ii-e n Mill. I1KI5 turn:; uisphsps of ihn UESPIi'ATOitY Olt-JANS. SOItB Til BOAT, CliLI'. (lit 111'. Ull'ilir.'.SlA. ASTHMA, CA't'Al'.IUI. or IIUAIIS -iS I'.SS : also n succest lul re nedy for Kidney d'ilienl ties Piiice -ii ceNTs rr.B liox. bent, by Mail upon lectdpt of price, by JOHN Q. KF.I.l.OliO, 22 Cliff St., New York, isole Agent for do United S.ales. - J " ri-iiip, nt n'l times : mi 1 is unequal ed to '.be world wiie; c i 57" ou tii:: MYSTEUTKS OF MORMONISM By .Ml BEADI.K, fcditor of tho Salt Lake P.ep'orter. lieing in. expose of Their Secret Uiies, Cereinonies nnd Cr.tnes. With n full nnd authentic history of Polfamy and the Mormon fcect, from tho original e tho present l ino. Agents are meeting with rnprecedented suo cess. One reports 71 suhscrihets in two rys one 20 the first day. Send lor circulars. Add rest NATIONAL Pl'BUSLlNG Co.. Philade'phin. Pa. oil 4w NEW IjIVEHY is STABLE B1DGWAY. DAN SCIUDNEll WISHES TO ' form the Cittzeos of Rid? way, and the public generally, thnt he has started a Livery Sluble aud will Keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES & Euggiea, to let upon the most reasonable terms BfC Ila villalso do iob teaiiine. Stable in the Brooks Barn, neur the Post Ottioe. oa Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Office wiH meet prompt attention. Aug 20. 1870. tf. (J Ii WORK done with Uispatpli at this 0fJ5ce. f i in: SATURDAY iSYEXIXa POST. 1- i :.v i- ! il o tld in .-re' ' n ' I' ay i.n rein1 Iv V'-I I no b pir :a' 'va s Lea ed. It pi mlai'P' '.hi Iu o no pa!n in its operat'nn ; enxes the o f ins entirely t'.ee I oin irr iiu'on, hod r.ever. in i'.ic t'i' .e-l t'.":ee, o.-i'ia:. or esriles the nervous Fysteai. In Bil ous l.ti.-e ises, Ind gestioD r.nd Dyspep sia, it i. ltiva'iiai.'p. It is thegraiid fa-if'T of the Bbod. nnd hence cannot fai' to erajicaie from the pvstcm Scro- luhi. Ervsinelas, Sa'.t lliieuni, Canker and Cutaneous Eitiprons'y. Irregular, or want et Arnei ;e. Colds, (.oii'Mis, .lsilimn ironeliitis, Catnrrh, tone l'aiiis, Uiarrluea. Watt:r-b.i.Kh, Sour nnd Bitter Stoaiach, mid l'ouiiiesg in 1 taiiiiness of tho tame; luipma reath. diz.inss, syiiirilitliulio. nervous, or isick llendacho itheiiaiatisui, uout aud lotlamina ti'ns in ali forms, those and nil kindred dis. eases eau always bo wholly cured cr greatly ro' heved bv this iiuld v.1! puertiil reniecjy. (jeueral Debility Willi its inseparable iiecomi- pnniinents, mhnial nnd physical, such as geen-sickiii'is, lassitude of nond nnd body, drowsiness, in-Jposition to exercise, weakness of the limbs, feeliusrs of discouragement, des. pondency nnd distrust, all disappear untier is niiigio mttueiiee. H reeiir.ates ami lnviirorntes tiie noweis ; is a sure untidote for obtiunle oostivenesa nd nilc s: vicor to the etomneli ; evokes the notion of ihe liver ; dissipates the yellow dye of jaun- uic3 nnd eradicates from the skin, uilious spots or mould-moth nnd frerles. It excites the Kieneys to renewed, vigorous nnd healthy action ; and is certain to bring prompt relief iu all cases of Biarrl.a'a and Dysentery, U is cuiinenty eheotunl in t lie cure cr all uis. eases of children, however infantile, especially for colic, worms, andirritation and tretfvllness while toothing. As a dinner Pill or Digester, It is secona to noue other, taken with the food. It op irates as a general altei alive, wheseby the intire impar ted organism is stimulated to renewed energy, and to a bealthv vieor and vitality It is eie tensivaly used by the Faculty as a convenient and thorough cathartic, liuviuz no notion other than the one inteuded. i&ySent by mail ou receipt of prise and postage, vis t 1 Box, 0,25 . Postage, 0 oents 6 Boxes. 1,00 - - " 18 " It is sold bv all dealers In drugs and medicines, and by TC.MXEB & CO.. Solo Proprietory 120 TREMONT St. BOSTON, Mats. 43 4w T1IKEK MONTHS GRATIS! This chenpest r.nd best of the Literary Week ling is offering unequalled inducements to new siibserihors. Iu the first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called ' n Family Failii.g," by Eluabeih Preseotl. It also is now running a Horial, called " jeor;xo Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, the famous author of " East I.ynne," ic. XEW XOYELETS will continually suoocod each other. Among those already on hand or in progress, ai " Under a Ban," by Amanda JiJ. Douglas ; " Leonie's Secret," by Frank Lee Benedict j a Xovlet. by Miss Hosmer, Ac. The post also gives the gems of the English magazines. NEW SUBSCRIBERS N For 1870 will Iiaue 'their subscriptions dated back to the paper of October lid, until tha large extra edition of Hint dale is exhausted. This will bo tlnrteeen papers in addition to tha regular weekly numbers for lB70-or fifteen mouths in all ! YV'heu our extra edition is ex hausted, the names of nil Dew subsoribers for 1870 will be entered on our list the very wek tliey are receivca. TERMS t $2 10 a year. Two copies, $4, Four copies, $6. Five copies (and one gratis) $8. One copy of the Post aud one of the Lady's Friend, A copy of the large apd beautiful Premium Steel Fngruving. Inking the Measure of tha Wedding Ring ftngravel in England at a cost of $2010 will be sent to every full ($2 60) subscriber, ana to every person sending a club. This is truly a besutiiul engraviug 1 Andreas H.PETEESON&CO., 319 Walnut. Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies seat free for five eeuts. I was cured of Deafness acd Catarrh, Vjr simpls remedy and will sena the reoeiRt lre. MRS. M. 0. LEGGETT, tfodjoken,, N. i , 24 Sw