The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 22, 1870, Image 2

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    051h founts dcoqatc.
5. JiORUWShL, Editor.
Paris, Jan. 11, 1870.
The c!fj Is grr atly excited over the trag
edy which occurred yesterday nfteiDoon.
Priuce Bonaparte's version of tho unfortu.
tiate affair was furnished to the journal." ol by M. 1'aul Cassaignao. lie says
the Prince made the following statement
to him on his honor: "M. Fouville and
M. Victor Noir came to my residence with
a menacing air, with their hands in their
pockets, and presented a latter from M.
Paoal Groussett. I said, "It is Kochefort.
and not his creatures, that I seek." Read
that letter," replied Noir. I had my
hand on my pistol in my pocket. ''Are you
responsible lor it?" 1 usked. At this I
received a slap in the f.ioe from Noir, when
I drew my revolver and fired at him. Fon.
ville orouched behind a chair, and, from
the protection that afforded, aimed his re
volver at me, but he could not get it to go
off. I fired at him while he was in that
position, when he rau out of the room. He
stopped in the next room and again turned
his pUtoI towards rac. I fired at him cgaiu,
when he fired."
The office of tho Marvliaise, Henry
Itochofort's newspaper, has beeu seized by
order of the government.
The Journal Ojlieal of this morning
contains a decree convoking tho chamber
for bringing action before the High Court
of Justice to decide upon the charge of
homioide against Prince Fonttparte. The
Prince belonging to the Emperor's family,
the ezamiuatiou must be held before thut
court of juries.
The Journal, in its account of tho trans
action, says that the Minister of Justice, as
Boon as he heard of the affair, ordered the
arrest of the Prince, but hours befoie
the issuance of the order he had
surrence ed himtell into the cu tody of tl e
Commissioner of Police of Au'enil, aud
been taken to tho Coriciergeric.
Paris Jan. 120,15 A. M.
The Mttrcl!air appears in mourning to
day. It asserts th it Prince Pierre l'ona
parte shot Victor Noir without, provocation.
It says : 'The Prince asked if the seconds
took the responsibility of Roohefi.n's, act ?"
Noir replied : We are responsible for our
friends.' The Prince then struck Noir
with his left hand and discharged his re
volver. Noir full, oud tho I'rinoo JuolioJl
at Mr. Fouville, who drew a prs'.ol to de
fend himself. Tho I'riuce (hen retired bo
hind a door and again fired at Fouville,
the shot going through his paletot. All
France is excited.
A Scene of death and Destitution
A St. Louis police officr sent the follow
ing to his chief on Sunday last: "I have
the honor to report that between 1 aud 2
o'clock this morning Serjeant Sheridan met
a little girl of the most miserable and poverty-stricken
appearance on second street,
near Cherry. She was crying bitterly.
Upon being questioned by the Sergeant,
she stated that her mother was dead and
father was druuk. The Sergeant went to
a place in the rear of No 1,001 Forty Sec.
ond street, where he beheld a most horrible
sight. On aboard, covered with an old
blanket, lay the lifeless body of the child's
mother. Besides the corp33 were two hot
ties of whiskey and two glasses, the bus
band and father sitting close by in a stale
of drunken idiocy. There was not a par.
tiole of furniture in the room but the stool
upon wich the drunkard was sitting. As
the officer entered ho was invited by tho
inebriate to take a drink. The scene, how
ever, was too solemn for the Sergeant to
"Emile." The room without a particle of
furniture the dead mother under the dir.
ty blanket the whiskey bottles aud the
drunken father the half naked, poverty
pinched child, its poor little heart breaking
with woe at the midnight hour formed a
picture of misery, degradation and death
not soon to be forgotten. The woman's
name was Bridget Ilucn. The little girl is
thirteen years of age."
Gas Wells. The people of Erio have
at last awakened to the of the
gas existing beneath the city, and several
parties are intending to bore wells and ob
tain it for fuel and light' The people on
East 8th street seriously contemplate put
ting a well at the creek on eighth street
crossing, to supply that neighborhood. Sev
eral manufacturing establishments are await
ing developments at the water works gas
well, intending to be governed by the result
there. 'Otters propose sinking wells soon
without being governed by the result of
this one. The present indications are that
within one year there will be at least adoz
en wella in addition to those now in use.
Wettern Pennryhanian.
General Hislev.a pioneer in the garden
eed business, at Fredonia, New York, died
few days ago, aged
J he iditor of the St. Mary's Gazelle hi s
issued tho following circular to hissulscii
bri: St. Mary's Pa., likh Jan. 1870.
It is due
to our readers, us well as to ourpcll', that a
f umiiitiry of the reasons lor thu mm issue of
the Uazkttk this wet k should bo made
public. n uur lust issue wo announce. i
that our next would bu tin usual; wo have
been disuppoiutod, and our readers must
bear with us. As is well kr.owu. the Ga
zette ollieo had been levied on ns thn pro
peity ol its former Kditor, Mr. E. F. llodg.
es, ut the suited Jacob Keiebari. Not bu
ing willing, however, to believe that the
pluiti'.ifV could be so blind as to subject him
self to an action of trespass, by selling the
property ol the Coinpuuy as the properly of
cne who. he MUST have kuown mecr owned
it, we had no hesitation in mukiug the an
nouncement: we were mistaken. On Sat
urday last the Sheriff sold ihc entire office;
Keichurd becoming the purchaser.
Uur plan to prevent the consummation
of this outrage, aud compel the purchaser
to a course which would raiso the question
of title having beeu fully determined, we
put it in force after tue sale; and us we so
well knew tho exact iuterx-iit of Mr llodg
cs, we felt perfectly justified: Lis entire in
terest being euuipiioed iu three shares ol
the capital stuck. After the parties left
our oilice, with the assistance of one of onr
employes, we left it securely locked, lu
a short time Mr. Keichard accosted us, de
manding the keys of our premises: this re
qrest we d?clinud(,us emphatically as cour
tesy permitted) to gtaut. The same eve
ning he effected an entrance, placing two
men in tho building to hold poscttron.
On learning this we proceeded to our of
fice and demanded cutrance and possession;
being refused, we ciuscd the arrest, as well
of lleichard, as the parties we found holding
the premises lor hi:u, ou a charge of forci
bla entry and detainer; daring the preseut
session cl Court the defendants were found
guilty of forcible detainer, aud sentenced
accordingly. The count charging forcible
entry was not proven; it appearing from the
testimony of one of tlia counsel lor defend,
ants, that Jie'iehat'J ctf.ctel al entrance to
our premises tbrccgd an unused door in
our garret; into v. bieh apartmctit he obtain,
cd access from a neighboring building. In
sentencing the Court said it would have beeu
more seveie but thut the dt.l'icduuts bad ac.
ted under advice of counrel. Immediately af
tcr sentence, counsel for the Gazette Com
pany filed a Fill in Equity praying the
Court to restrain Ileichard from removicg
or in any way :fering with the presses,
type etc. on our pr ini-e-; and aL;o a Bill
between ourself as les.-ee of the riglifs and
franchises ol the Company, aud Ileichard,
to restrain hirb from publishing The Elk
Count Rail Huiid and Mining Gazette:
both prayers were granted, and Ileichard
enjoined accordingly. The final hearing
will be had ai Warren next month; this
will settle tht abiiird claim ol Hodges' owu
ersbip, and put a cu ictus on a brazen cou
spiraey to wrest, on account of political
spleen, aud personal malice, from the Ga.
y.ETTE its property. In its deciee the Court
dirpptrd I ho itnei: Lo!4j
notice to hold a meeting aud thereat choose
u receiver to take charge ol liio paper un
til final hearing. The meefingwill he held
ou Monday, Jauuary 2-1 h 1870 ; after that
date we hope there will be no further inter
ruption. In conclusion, we as.k the atten
tion of subscribers and advertiser to the
fact that subscriptions mu.-( be paid in wl-
v nirc. and advertisements quart rig lu au-
rr i ,, - .1 -11 , 1
vaneo. J ins win tie an iniiexiuie ru.e, ana
we hope no one will subject himself to a
decided refusal by asking other terms. We
have given considerable time to tho inter
ests ol the Gazette, and thus far have re
ceived but small profit; the serious kss aris
ing from the euforced n-u issue of the paper
should also be borne in mind; it is impos
sible to publish a newspaper gratuitously
and wc do not propose to attempt the task.
AH, therefore', who with this circular,
receive a bill, will, we expect, perceive the
necessity of at once paying up. 1 hose who
do not receive a bill will understand that
their accounts arc settled in full.
Laurie J. Blakely,
Editor aud Publisher,
. Flk Co. 11. R. & M. G.
Anecdotes of Tiiad Stephens. At a
late interview with the house-keeper of
Thtiddeus Stephens sjujo interesting ancj
dotes were obtained :
He desired a simple tablet laid level over
bis grave, but said, "I suppose, like the
rest of the fools, we shall have to get some-
thing stvek vp in air ; let it be plaiu." He
wished flowers planted at once above his
remains and renewed often, and for this
purpose he left 1,000. For flowers he
bad a pabsion ho planted them always on
his mother's grave ; also for musio, though
he said: I'll be hangout if I know one
tune from another."
Another good anecdote is told of Ste
phens. During the war, a rebel, who hap.
pened to bring up at Laucaster, barefooted
and starving, sought work in vain, and
as a last resource, applied to Mr. Stephens'
housekeeper, who, with a fear that assas
sioatiou lurked beneath such appearances
asked : '-But, why come here V "Well,"
was the reply, 'I have sought in vain the
Lest men I could hear of. and now 1 come
to him who is called the worst." He was
sheltered tnd taken care of iu Mr. Stephens'
Did't See the "Money" In It. A
California womau, having a very Blight
acquaintance with paper money, was show
a twenty-five cent note of our postal cu:
rency. She turned it over with keen euri
osity. "It seems very strange to me that
it should be money" she said. "It dou't
look. like money." "What does it loo
like 7" "Well," (hesitatingly, and with
the utmost sincerity,) "it looks like
label for au oyster can.
A correspondent of the Medical Gazette,
who is a practicing physician, comes to the
tesoue of tho babies against what he denoun
ces as their dendly enemy, Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing SyTup, lie lays ho was called
to see au infant that was in a dying con
dition, apparently from tho effects of a nar
cotio poison, and he was assured that it had
taken no medicine but tho "soothing syrup.
The doctor took the bottle and had some
of the yrup analyzed by a skillful chemist,
and the analysis showed that each ounce
of the stuff contained nearly one grain of
morphine. A dose for an infant three
months old, as prescribed by Mrs. Wins
low's printed directions, contained an
amount of morphine equal to ten drops of
laudauum. This is ordered to be given to
the child every two hours, iu certain cases,
and double the quantity to a child of six
months old. As children are very sneep
tible to the influence of opium, of which
morphine is the active principle, four drops
of laudanum having been known to kill an
infant cf nine months, and as tho tnanufao
Hirers of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
sell annually about one hundred thousand
two-ounce bottles in the single State of
New York, the reader can form some idea
of the number of babies that are soothed
to perpetual sleep by this nostrum.
Mothers had better fall back , on catnip
QUJ1TED. Huntingdon, Pa , Jan. 17. The trial
of A. Howard Crewitt, indicted for the
killing of Miles Hampsoo, on tho twenty
fii'tli day of .October last, w(w clossd on
Saturday evening. It had been in pro
gress since the previous Tuesday, a period
of five days. The case was closely contest
ed and Ciowett. was ably defended by 11.
M. Spcer, P. M. Lytic and J. 11. Cremer.
fhe jury, after beitg out an hour and a
half, returned a verdict of "not guilty,"
which was received with cheers and ap
plause by the large crowd in the court
room. The defendant and hi3 brother An.
drew Crewitt fainted, and the most intense
excitement existed until they were resus.
citated aud removed to their homes.
It was discovered ou Saturday that
BoliDor and Van Bordenburg, the murder
ers of the Pciehtal fumily, were matins
preparations to escape. An old German,
who was subpraoacd from Altooua ns a wit,
noss, went to Wharton & Cuiro's hnrii.
c,cr onJ u.-kiil lor a file and saw to
cut iron with. This urouJ ttm siiepif
ions of the proprietors, and they sent in
formation of the fuel to the sheriff. The
prisoners were immediately searched, and
ou the person of caeh was found a knit'e of
about tea inches iu length, sharp ut the
dnt and on both edges, with a guard ut
the handle like a dagger. All the irovis
ions thut had been given them for several
days past were found carefully packed away
in a haversack, to be ued ou the journey
they expected to take They had written a
com muuicdtiou covering eight pages of pa.
per, which they evidently iuteuded to leave
behind them, stating that it was belter for
one man to die than for tw.i to be baDged,
aud that they intended killing the guard
that nigbt (Saturd ty) and escaping. They
threatened vengenca on Judge Taylor, tho
istiict attorney, tho Sheriff aud others.
The jury iu this case having been called
and sworn on Friday last, tho trial proceed.
Pv. M. Lytle, who with It. B. Petri-
kin, assists the district attorney. Miiton
4. Lytic, opened for the Commonwealth
More than thirty wituesses were exumined
to-day, tracing the murderero step by step,
from Altoona to the scene of the murder
and back to Altoona with their plunder.
The trial will close to-morrcw or Wednes
day, the length of time required to fiuish
the trial depending on the number of wit.
nesses there may be for the defendants.
They tent a supoena to Altoona to.daji,
tut it is not kuown except ty their counsel
and thcmselvs what they intended to prove.
Citv of Mexico, Jan. 10, via Havana,
fan. 17. The revolution in the State of
Sun Luis PotoiU is increasing. The Gov
ernment of the statu and the members of
the Legislature are still held prisoners, and
some Federal genorals have joined the in
surgents. The cfEcer commanding the Fed
eral troops in that State reports that bis
forces are not strong euough to operate
against the usurpers.
The Federal troops iu Durango under the
oommund of Gen. Herrera, have pronoun
ced against and refuse to recognize the Na
tional Government.
The inhabitants ot several districts of
the State of Morelos have also pronounced
against the national authority. A detach
ment of Federal troops sent against them
were defeated.
The rebels in the State of Tuella con
tinue to maintain a defiant a tti tude in tbe
Sierra. Their leaders bare issued a decree
pardoning all IuiperiaLti.
The Family ef Presideut Juraz will soon
sail on a trip to Europe. The Miraflores
the largest io Mexico have been destroyed
by fire. Oue thousand operatives are thrown
out of employment. The State of Agnat
Calientcs seized a conducta of $80,000 on
the way to Mexico, and appropriated tho
Matrimonial matters ate daily becom
ing more and more curious and strange ;
and one of the most curious recently trans
pired in a certain town in Ohio. A widow
lady, who was a Sritualisr, became con
vinced that her affiuity was the spirit of a
gentleman who had been dead two years
She sought counsel of a medium, who ad-1
vised her to be united to the deceased in
wedlock. So the lady made all due prep
arations, such as brides are wuut to make,
and at the appointod time appeared at the
bouse of tho medium in bridal attire. She
was there placed in "communication" with
tho spirit of the departed, tho ceremony was
performed, and the two pronounced "man
ami wife;" after which the bride ruturned
to her owu residence, where she received
the congratla'.icns of friends, aud a sumpt
uous repast served iu houor of the event!
Stae Tueasureh. Gen. W. W. Irwin,
Republican, of Beaver county, was on
Wednesday, last, elected State Treasurer
on the third ballot, in joint convettion of
both Houses. He received 70 votes to his
opponent's, (II. W. Mackey, Hep., and
present incumbent,) 61, This was the
most exciting enntest that has ever taken
place iu this Comuiccwoaith for the State
"Is that a u;:n V An English emi
grant family in our Western country were
a'ways grumbiing at the i-n ranee of the
American people. Oue day the little girl
said :
"O, mnnvna, is that a' en V
'No, my child that is a h'owl," said the
"No, my wife and daughter, that is
neither a 'en nor a h'owl but a h'eagln, the
h'einblem of this benighted country," said
the father.
eiciv Silmtisemeats.
A m int!) tnnilc bv ujents Rcllinir
V.lXfJfJ Ue-l'i. MMiA.VU work.
p ii . . - -
TUK pOJiNKtf. Tlienmst spiey, rapid selling
book out. ontercd tlic tint month.
Agents enn cecure fluid and a $2.00 outfit free,
bv cutting this out and addressing PAKMK
LEE CO., Publishers, PliilvJelf Ida, Pa.,
find Middletown. Conn. 1 15 Avi
A Gr;it;'!ul ritlier will se-ml Jo all WTO
nsii it, the directions by which lift) dinighler,
... i.:e : . p i. I. , -: . i .. - n 1 1 a-
liircl cf hv hi'r futh.T, wits restored from
health, without (lie ufp of medicine. 8cut
free. Address Mr. (1cm D. Fh4NKlin,
1 15 4w . j!"eev City, N J.
We wi'l sand a b ir.dsomo proppcotns of our
uiv Hook ajt.Tit, five of cl.iirge. Address NA
ribXAL TCLLIliillNU CO., Philadelphia.
Pa. 1 li -w
ITS ur Till. 1AHJ1, umisow farmers
mi J their sons cun eaeli maKO c-iuu ixit
MONTH in Winter. IO.OoO conies will be
mailed free to fnvnicrs. Scud iimne aud Jad
dress to ZKICiLlilt, McCUKDY & CO, Phila
delphia, Pa. 1 15 4w
A weekly ilhisttatcd journal of 1(5 pages, do
voted to machinerv. Agricultural Improve
ments, Chemical Science and ew Discoveries.
A Sulendid Journal. .
$ 1,600 CASH in Prizes will be paid for clubs
of subscribers, ou the ot february.
A handsome large steel plate ENGSAVISG
of 19 distinguished American Inventors, pre
sented lo subscribers.
Specimens of paper, prospectuses, and
blanks for names, sent free. Terms, 3 a year;
$1 5U f ir six mouths. Discount lo Clubs. A
book of importance to all about to apply for
patents sent free. Write for full particulars
concerning prizes and patents, to
Publishers and Patent Solioitors,
1 15 4w 37- Park Row, New York.
NEURALGIA Nervousness and Female
Weakness Cured. A Clergyman's Widow
suffered for years with the above diseases; will
send the means of her own cure free. Mrs.
Dixt, Jersey City, N. J. 1 15 4w
The best, cheapest, and most richly illustra-'
$1 CO a year in advance. Subscribe now, an d
get the last Number of 18f,, FKEE. .
Address. JOHN L. 8HOREY,
1 15 4w 13 Washington St., Boston.
milK MAUIC COMB Will change any
colored hair or beam to a permanent
black or brown. It contains no poison. Any
one can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Ad
1 IS 3m EpringWd, Mass
Struggles and Triumphs of
Written by himself. In one laree octavo vol
ume nearly 800 pages printed in English
annuel man. oj lull page engravings, item,
braces forty year recolleotiens of big busy life.
as a merchant, manager, banker,, leoturer and
showman. No book published bo acceptable to
an eiasses. livery one wants it. Agents aver
age Irom OO to 100 eubsoribers week. W
otter extra inducements. Illustrated catalogue
uu iirruvi u ugeius Bent tree.
J. B. liWlJl & CO., Publishers,
8w IUrtftr4, Conn,
HN-otffl to the &nttx0l$ t the gtoplt
of ?lb Countu.
mm (ox Hoh Wwk oUcttd aud
gromjstty gtttcuGcrt to.
Ridciaat, Pa.
Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of
granulated Virginin.
Wherever introduced it is universally ad
mired. - It is put up in Imndsome muslin hngs, in
which orders for .Meerschaum Pipes are daily
Smoking ToWco 1ms no upirior ; being df ni
cotinized, ic cannot injnre nereless constitu
tions, or people of sedentary liahils.
It is produced from selections of Hie finest
stock, and prepared by a patented and original
It is very aro'uatic, mild, and lightweight
hence it iriTl last nincli longer than others:
nor does it hum or sting the tongue, or leavo a
disagreeable after-taste
Orders for genuino, elegantly carved
Meerschaum Pipes, silver mounted, and pack
ed in neat leather pocket cases, are plaed in
the Qacht Club brand daily.
Chewing Tobacco
This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
has no superior anywhere.
It is, without doubt, the best chewing to
bacco in the country.
Hav been in general use in the United States
over HOycurs, and glill acknowledged "the
If jour storekeepers does not have these
at tides for sale, ask him to get them.
They are sold by respectable jobbers al
most everywhere.
Lsrculars mailed on annlication.
P. l.OHML, Ktt li is Cu ,J ev Vork.
AT lowest rnicis.
arc thu best in tlia world is proved by thf
almost unanimous opinion of professional
musicians, by the ward to tutra of sev.
other highest premiums, at principal in
du.iritkl competitions within a few years,
iiiciudio the .Medal at the runs exposi
tion, nud by usalo very much prcater than
that ol auy similar lustrumeuts. This Com
pany niuiiulactur on y rs'.rhms instru
ment, nud will not muke "cheap orgaus"
ht nny price, or suffer an inferior instru
mrnt to bear their name. Having greatly
increased their facilities for manufacture,
by the introduction of dow machinery and
othevwiso, they are dow making better
Organs than ver before, at increased ccon
omy in cost, which, in accordance with
their fixed policy of Kcllisg always at least
remunerative profit, they are now offerinc
at prices of inferior work. F ( U R O C.
T A E () R tl ANS, I'laif. Walnut
L'ouble need, stops ( win, Dtauinon, Me
lodia, Eiite, Tremulaut,) illiu Other
styles in proportion.
Circulars, with full particulars, fuclaeling
accurate drawings of different styles of or
gans, and much ititortnatiou . which will be
of service to every parchaser of an organ,
will be sent tree, aud postage paid, to any
one desiring them.
4w 151 Tretnont St. Boston; 596 Broad
way, rsuw lork.
CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical curt
(without medicine) of Spkmm ATORBiice a. or
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses,
Impot enct, Mental and l hiaical Iscapacity,
Impediments to Marriage, ela. also, Con
sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced bv
self indulgence or sexual extravagance.
Rgri'i'ice, in sealed envelope, only (S
The celebrated author, in this admirable
essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty
years' saceessful praotioe, that the alarming:
consequences oi sen aouse may De radically
cured without the dangerous use of internal
medieiae or the application of tbe knife ;
pointing out a mode of cure at onoe simple,
certain, and effectual, by means of which
very aunerer, no matte what his condition
tnav De, may cure himself cheaply, privately,
and radically.
Ifc-This Lecture should be in the hands of
very joum ana every man in tbe land.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any
addrese, potlpaid, on receipt of six cents, or
two post stamps. Also, Dr. CulverweU'i
" Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address
the rublishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE t, Co..
127 Bowery, New York, Poet-Office Box
,ooo. vlnHSyl,
TOB WORK of all kinds and descri-
done at this office.
d at this otto.
Near the Depot, Wilcox, Ta.
MARTIN SOWERS,' Proprietor.
The undersigned hns opened a large bonrdii g
house at the above place, where ho is amply
prepared to sotisfy the wants of those who may
avor him with their custom. nov'ctO,
West end of Hyde House, Ridgwny, Pa.
Sells as Chcni as Ever,
Cloeks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Spectacles, Tens and Pencils,
Exclusive .-(gent for the pule of
Repairing Waiuhes. etc., dono with the sumo
accuracy as heioiofuie. novJO.'iit'if
The subscriber (alios thin tuzthod of inform
ing the citizens of Ridgwny and vicinity that
be has opeued a
in the room lately occupied bv II.mivv S. Tinn ¬
er in the west end of ilie llydc House, who
may lo loumt a general assortment of
Ladies Shoes,
Gent leinens" Itools tnd Shoes.
Boys' Luois and Children's f?.oes.
Conneclcd Willi the above establishment 1 have
a Hoot and !?hoe Manufacturing t.-l nlilisliin -n t.
w Here work Will lie- mudr lo oi Jcr. i;,'ii:ivinj
dime on short notice and on l-casonnhle terika.
The public are invited lo civo nn; a call.
oc!,'o'.:.v Oi-IOIWK WALKEfl.
IS nn article ilrspi d by none, anil wc are
now prepared lo show how nli limy
II in nbun, lance, by following few himplu in
structions which nill be given
of charge, exnppt the tri'Jiiij. tit, of twenty five
ceils, ns a gui t it in ec nfgnnil faith. The Inisi
noss is inexhaustible, nud ihujaiids m e tm.v
cug'iged in il ; while lo their friends ihe t:.i:-o
of theii great success remain a mystery. Any
party eugnpng will lveucntly receive , jle L
packages by express r mail. 1'iutlur liiau
this the busine. is ail to yourself.
toe article rn be earrUcl in the tpsI pi.-t, ex
cept when warned fur use. It iid.t your nt.
tcntion but ono or iwo days in the week, nr i
couplo of hours daily, which can be nfier other
business is over. No ndd'n rein, taxes, o
help- ol uy kiui. Ail engaging must b of rirst
Iono hnf gsvid smavt men trniilni, who tun
keep their tmsinefs t- themselves, net conn,
dei.lially with me, and uuil. e hum S" to '.0
for cei.v bum 's service.
Act promptly, ltegin now hmI a f' ltnne in
yours, luoloe Willi y.'iir nddi es.i Ll) c.eii,
and you will gel full ) ailieiunis by reluru
mail- Address,
e. v. i;au.i:t.
HOY20 -fw Pox ;:".() Tiiusnlle. Pa.
Tho finest, most pleaHinp, and co-lly eng-av-ing
ever published in America. i. be pre;tnteil
as premium to each subsoiiber to
a ningazino of practical utility in ti e lnmse, a
mirror of the lishions, and a liierury conser
vator of surpasbiug inlerent and ui-i ic exeel
ence, acknowledged lo be the m-.derii parlor
magazine of Auienea
The engraving, l!HxK2-inches, is from (he or
iginal painting, entitled, 'lhe' I'io-Nic ou tho
Fourth of July.'
The puinting look a whole year, ami is con
sidered the finest of the entire list of n mmious
populor product ii lis by Lilli.M. Spe:icer. Tho
engraving was the labor of four years, by
three eminent artists John Rodgers, Samuel
llalpia, and Samuel Ilollyer ; The last named
having been induced lo come from Europe to
finish il. The engravers have ably seconded
tnc siK-eesstui laDors ot the painter. Iouebit
artists can fully appreciate the skill and labor
lavished on this engraving The general et
tect is very fine aud impressive, "ud the deli
rate finish to the heads will bear the most mi
nute inspection. The union of lino and Btipple
is executed wilh unusual ability, and their
skilful combination has greatly contributed to
the success of the engravers in this unsurpass
ed proof of their genius.
ThoWork ou the engraving alone cost over
seven thousand dollars, besides the cost of the
copyright, and is acknowledged by competent
judges the most elaborately finished large work
of art evor engraved in America.
Fine copies of this magnificent picture, on
heavy plate paper, worth 10 each, are to be
given as a premium lo each subscriber to
Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, and
ten oents (which is to be sent with the sub
Bcriptiou), for the postage on ttie eugraviug
(which will be mailed securely done up ou a
This is certainly the largest, most liberal
and splendid pteuiium ever offered to single
subscribers by ruy publisher, and ufforda an
easy and economical way tor any one to secure
an eleeant work of art, a Parlor Pictiite that
is only next to a piano in the way of ornamen
tation, and a perpetual reminder of a day
whioh ought to to be cherished and held in re
membrance by every true American.
The reception of this magnificent picture
will take every one by surprise and we do not
venture anythiug in saying that $10 will not
procure another that combines so much of in
terest aud beauty.
Specimens of the Magazine, with circulars.
giving full particulars, will be sent to any giv.
en address, post free on receipt of 15 cents.
aov20t boa Broadway, N. T.