17th. to Albert Willi.? fur 200 acic Each bitch road, Benzinger tp. lHth. to Jofcj.1i U'ilbclm, for 20 acres St. Marys road Beojtingp.r tp 19tb. to George Weis, (or 18 aeros, avon ue B. warrant uutuber 1101, Bcnzi'iger tp. 20th. to Albert Willis, for warrant number 4976, Bellinger tp , 2U0 acres. :'lat. to Albert Willis, for warrant number 4ln7, Beniinger tp., 8!S acres. 22d. to'.L'. 11. Eieholtz, for warrants uum bors 4409, and 4U8, I'eustingcr towuship 220 acres. 23d. to Albert tfillis for 50 acros on Brucella roud in Bctizingcr tp. 24th. toL. II. Kioholtz, for 30 acres on Rosely road in Benzinger tp. ' 25th to George Weis, tor warrant number 4408, Beoiiuger tp., 34 aercn. 26th. to George Weis lor warrcut number 4407, Bonzingcr tp., 107 acres. 27th. to George Weis, for warraut numboi 4409, Benzinger tp., 29 acres. 28th. to L. II. Eieholtz for warrant num ber 4374 Fox tp.,20GJ acres. 20th. to L. II. EicholtZ for warrant nuai ber 4077 Fox tp., 290 acres. 30th. toL. II. Eieholtz for warrant num ber 4078 Fox tp., 246 acres. Slut to L. II. Eieholtz for warrant num ber 4081 Fox tp., 105 acres. 32d. to L 11 Eieholtz for warrant number 4082 Fox tp., 307 acres. 34d, toL 11 Eieholtz for warrant number 4087 Fox tp., 159 acres. J4th. to Jj 11 Eieholtz for warrant num. bcr 4088 Fox tp., 57 acres. 35th. L 11 Eieholtz for warrant number 4096 For tp., 2S acres. 3(3th. to L II Eieholtz for warrant number 4097 Fox tp , 7G8 ucros. 37th. to L II Eieholtz for warraut number 4098 Fux tp., 429 acres ?9th. to Albert Willis for warrant num bcr 4375 Ridgway tp , 973 acres. 40tb. to Albert Willis for warrant number 4376 Ridewny tp., 1020 acres. 41st. to Albert Willis for warrant number 5377 Ridgway tn., 1020 acres. 42d. to Albert Willis for warraut number 43d. to Albert Willis for warranf number 4390 Ridgway tp., 127 acres. Seized and taken io execution, and to be tola as the property of Uhas. W. llnntin ton. JACOB M'CAULY, Sheriff of Elk county. Sheriff,s OrricE, ) Ridgway, I'a. Dec. 25. 1S0S. ) SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of rendition i Ex ponas, issued out ot the Court or Cora mon Pleas of Elk County, Pennsylva nia, and to,me directed, I will expose lo PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House, in Ridgway, on JIoiiiuf,".Tii:;u.iry 10, 1S70, At 1 o'clock P. M., all the following described property, to wit : Beginning at a post, being the nort west corner Of lot deeded to Laurette M'Cauley by Eddy llyatt and wife, thence in a wcf-teil.y direction along the Milesburg and Sinethport Turnpike about six aud a half rods to a post, thence southerly direction about eleven and a half rods to a post, thence an easterly direction about six and a half rods to a post, being the southwest cor ner of Laurette M'Catiley's lot, thence a northerly direction along said lot about eleven and a half rods to the place of beginning, containing seventy two square rods of land, being part of the same hind, conveyed to Eddy llyatt by Jacob Wilson and wife, by deed bearing date the fast day of March, A. D. 1848. Seized ahd taken into execution' as the property of William Wood, at the suit of (J. M. Smith & Co., and to be sold by JACOB M'CAULEY, Simitirp's Offick, ) Sheriff. Ridgway, Dec. 25th, 'fi9. j dec26'C9-tc. ALSO, by virtue of a writ of Ven ditioni Exponas, isssued out of the Court of Common Pleas' of Elk County, Pennsylvania, aud to nie di rected, I will expose to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court Ilouse in Ridg way, on Monday, January 10, 1670, At one o'clock V. M.,"a!l the following described property, situate in the town of Ridgway, Elk County, Penn sylvania, known and described as follows : One lot of land known as'lot number one hundred aud sixteen, according to the plan of said town, as made by John J. Ridgway, and recorded in the Recorder's Oflice of eaid County. Beginning at the corner of Centre etreet and East street, being the north west corner of said lot, thence along Centre street sixty-four feet, thence south twenty-three degrees twenty-fir minutes east along lot number one hun dred and fifteen, one hundred and sixty feet to an alley, thence north sixty-six degrees and thirty-five minutes east along said alley to East 6treet, thenct north twentv-three de grees twenty-five minutes west along .East street io xne piace oi Deginnmg, bavine thereon erected a Tvo-6tory Frame Gothic Dwelling House, the main building being about sixteen feet front by thirty-two feet in depth, and a wins on the east and west sides each fourteen feet by fourteen feet, or there abouts : also, an outbuilding (used for a coal bouse, wash room, &c.,) about sixteen feet by eighteen leet. Also, one other lot of land adjoining the Harness Shop Lot, commencing'at a Dost on the Milesburg and Smeth- port Turnpike, thence easterly along the line of said Turnpike sixty feet to a post, thence back by a line at right angles with aid Turnpike sixty feet rjost. thence alone the Harness Shop Lot seventy feet to the place of be ginning, containing forty-two hundred square feet mere or less, having thereon rected a Two Story Frame Building with basement, said building being about twenty-four feet front by thirty two feet la depth, and being built and used a a furniture store. Seized and taken in execution as the properly of Hnirv II. Thomas, sur-- viving pHit tier, Aa, at the unit of Llcnry Souther and Edward Souther, surviving pnrlner, Ac, arid to be sold by JACOB M'CAULEY, Sheriff. SiiERiFr'e Officii. ) llkigway, I'n., Doc. 25, 'fi9. ( doc55-ct Ht'BXH! !VOTICi:. Notice is hereby civon that the fol lowing named persons hare filed their application for license, in my oflice, to January Sessions, 1870, according to law ; TAVERNS. Bencu-tte Township. 1. Boihl, Albert 2. Eutz, Martin 3. I.Ianscom, John Fox Township. 3. Koch, Jo. & Son 4. Leach, II. B. 5. Yanbrabaud, John Ilorlon Township. G. Oyster, D. C. Ridgway Township. 7. Cook, Leonard 8. Gower & Sleight. 9. llealy, John 10. Schram, "Win. H. 11. Thayer, David St. Marys Borough. 11. Bevcriilge, 'Walter 12. Foclrtnian, A. 13. Garrity, Thomas 14. Rogan. James 15. Yolk, U, II. lfi. W'tnfelder, Jos. 17. Zelt, Win. 18 Zimmctt, Thomas EATING HOUSBS. Benezette Township. Winslow, L. Jones Township. Devlin, G. P. til. Marys Borough. Blinzler, Ed. Clausmau Chas. Gies, Wni, Sorg, F. X. Wittman, Geo. STORES. Benezette Townshig. Wiuslow, L. B. 1. 1. Iiidgwaf Township. 2. Messenger, G. G. St. Marys Borough. 3. Bieberger, J. 4. Wilhclm, Jos. FRED. SCIICEXING, Prothonotary. List of Grand Jurors drawn for January Term, 1870 : Benezette town ship, Samuel Marsh, Benjamin Johnson, T . I . .. i- rt : -k" . . uouu iviug, .neuzinger, .mcnoins UC- wait; Fox, John Pierce, John Mohan, itobert jvj, lison, J. 11. Graybill, Eli. jah T. Meredith ; Horton, Jacob L, Taylor, John Brown, James Reillev ; Jay, William M. Webb, Jos. Cheatel ; Jones, Truman Garlick, Joel Beckwith; Ridgway, Jerome Powell, Plymptou Mead ; Spring Creek, Nicholas George, Hiram Carman; St. Marys, George Weigel, John Sosenheimer, Jacob So senheimer, Joseph Craft. List of Traverse Jurors for January Term, 1870 : Benezette, Luther Lucore, William English, II. K. Winslow, J. B Powers, Isaiah llollinsworth, Charles Sheldrake : Benzinger, Francis Kreiz, William Gross; Fox, James R. Green, Frank Showers, Aaron Harrington, P W. Hays, Charles R. Keltz, Jacob Mover, Coonrad Mover, Jr.; Horton, II. P. Goodrich, Jacob Hartman, Henry Wood, Chauncev Jsrockway, Jr., Put rick M'Crcady, Willis Taylor, Wilmer iirockwav ; Jay, A. . Gray, Elam Uuller, Reese Mayhood ; Jones, Jacob U. Meflert, John Weidert, G. O. Gar lick, M. Deveraux ; Ridgway, G. G Messenger, E. E. Crandall, C. V. Gil- lis, Loren C. Horton,- Jacob Dieble ; Spring Creek, 1 nomas Irwin, Edwin Pavne. JACOB M'CAULEY, December 25, 18C9. Sheriff. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, tb H on. S. P. Johnson. President Judge and Hons. K. C. Sclmltze and Jese Kyler, Asso-, ciates, Judges of the Court if Quarter Sessions Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and Gen- t J !!Very, 'v: "t capital ana other offcnes in the county of Elk, by their prceipts to me directed, have ordered the aforesaid named Courts lobe holden at Ilidg- (iv, in end for the county of Dlk, on the Seo-jnd Mon lay of January it being the lOih day of the month, and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Cons'ables of lheaid county, that they are by these presents commanded to be then and there in their proper poisons at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other re membrances, to do those things which their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices ot snid eoun'y make returns of all recoenir.ances entered into before them, to the Clerk of the Court, as per act of Assembly of March 4tn IP.s-l. And those who are hound to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in Ihe jail of the oounty of Elk, aud to be then and there te prosecute against tliom as shall be just. JACOB McCAULEY, SUsriff. BiJjjway, Decmber 25, nlllo I EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testnmen. j tary on the estate of William Wernwag, dcsased, having been granted to the under signed, persona indebted to the did estate will please make paymcot, and those having claims will p!ese present the same without delay to John U. Wernwag, at Wilcox, Pa., or to Theo dore Wo nwag, Wm. P. Wernwag, Executors, 242 244 Chestnut street, Philuddlpuia. November 13, lG9-6t. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice it hereby given that the follow ing accounts have beea filed ia my Office and ill bo presented at the next Term of the. Orphans' Court of Elk County for con. formation : Aeeouut of A. W. Gray, Ad ministrator of V. S. Rrockway, deeased, Firaf partial account of Ralph Johnson, Jr. exeoutor of the estate of Ralph Johnson, deceased. FRED. SCH0ENNO, Register, 10o4t 3. The undernigned respectfully nn nouncesto tho eitczc-ns of Elk, and adjoin, big counties, that he has recently establinhed a Gun Shop in Kidgway at the head of Mam and Depot Streets, in tho basemcutof the buildinir occupied bv W. S. Scrvico n a tin simp, where he will attend promptly iu nn uiuera lor worK in ins line. TAHGET AND HUNTING RIFLES, Single or Double, made to order, and war rnted. He also keeps on hand, and for tule a NEW AJii) SUPERIOR Breech Loading Iliflc, a good assertmentof Ammunition, Bevolvors, Hunting Tackle, and oth.r articles pertaining to the trade. nlU. tt IM.MIACK WAIINEU. IN ELK COUNTY COMMON PLEAS. No. 8 January Term, 1807. In the mat ter of tho Voluutory Assighmcnt oi Burke iV W onus. NOTICE is hereby given that the un designed, Auditor appointed by tho Court ol umiiuon 1 leas o! Elk County to diatrib. ute the funds in tho hands of the Assignee will attend to the duties of his apnoiutment at tho Prothonotary 's oflice, in Rhk'way.on Friday, December 31st A. D. 18G9, at 3 o'clock P. M.. when and whero all persons interested may attend if they ace proper. FUND. SCIKENING. Auditor. Ridgway. Pa., Dceembor 6. 18UD. 9n 3t T OWNER- OK UNTATENTKU LAMjS Pi nvrTon Gexkral'r OrnrE, 1 HnrrUburk, Pciina. Nov. 8ili, 18C0. In obedience to an Act of AfoeniWy njiprov fd the 8le ilsy of A pril, one tlimwiml eight lmndreu anil sixty nine, you are hereby noti fied that the 'County Land Lien Ilockc'.' con tainine the lint of unnotculeil lands for Elk county, prepared under t lie Act of Attsemhly of tue twentietu ot .May, one tliousumi eiitht liun dred and sixty four, and the Riinplciiient there to, has this day been forwnrdedto the Trothon otary of the county, at whose oflice it may be examined. The liens can only be liquidated by the payment of the purchase money, iuter. est and fees, and receiving patents through luis aep'irtmeni. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Nov. 18, 1869. Surveyor General. IF' RT WARD BEECH ER'S SEP.MONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH Are being read by people of every elms aud denomination all over this country and Europe. They are full of vital, beautiful religigous thought and feeling. Plymouth Pii.imt is published weekly and contains Mr. JJeeclier'a Sermons and prayers, in form suitable for preservation and binding. For sale by all newsdealers. Price 10 cents. Yearly nub soriptiona received by the publishers ($8i. civ ing two handsome volumes of over 400 pages each. Half yearly, $1 75. A new and superb steel portrait of Mr. licecher presented to all yearly subscribers. Extraordinary offer ! PLYMOUTH PULPI $3, and the CUIUS TIAN UNION $2 50, an unsectarian, Indepen dent weekly journal of Christianity with lco lure room talks and editorial articles by Mr, Beecher sent fo one address for 5'J weeks fur FOUR DOLLAHS. Special inducements to oanvassers and those gutting up cluus. Speci men copies, postage free, fot5 cents. J. 11. FOUD & CO., Publishers. 4w . 3rJ Park ltow. Yew York. N OW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE CHEAP Bargains in HARNESS, SADDLES, VALISES, TRUNKS, WHIPS, AC. J. M. nEARD, having just returned from Phil adelphia, where he has purchased a large as sortment of the above goods, along with nearly everything in his line, would respectfully in vite the attention of the public to them. He is at all times prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of harness, or anything else iu hia line. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, The best collar for lumbering purposes, are EIPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I CHALLENGE COMPETITION AS TO PRICE, STYLE OR QUA LI Y. KSguGiva me a call at try establishment, ABOVE THE CORNER OF MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, RIDGWAY, PA. nov8,'C91y J. M. HEARD. ATTEXTIO.N MILLOWNfRS ! 'I'HE EAGLE TURBINE WATER I WHEEL, patented July 30, 1807, is superior to any wheel iu use. The under signed have the agency for said wheel in Ihe State of Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as being the bust mnnulactureu. tor further particulars, and circulars, inquire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings aud steam eugiuea will be made to order af reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good bhare of public patronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, R. BELL Kersey, Elk Co., Pa.,janl8 1868pd. B OOK AGENTS WANTED FOR Struggles and Triumphs of P. I mmmm, Written by himself. In one large ootavo vol une nearly 800 pages printed in English snd German. 83 full page engravings. It em. braces forty year recollections of his busy life, as a merchant, manager, banker, lecturer and showman. No book published so acceptable to all classes. Every one wants it. Azeuts aver- lage from 60 to 100 subscribers a week. We offer extra inducements. Illustrated catalogue and terms te agents sent free. J. B. BURR CO., Pnbli.ktrs, iw Hartfer. Ceaa. P UNSMITIIIN TANNING & LUMBER C(J K EYSTONE STOKE WILCOX PA- ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING 1 The largest store In North Western Pa., lil- tcrally filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless f value. We are opening the spring campaign with the largest and most attractive stock vre offered in this market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Car DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a large and well selected slock of Cloths Cassimers & Cloaking, Blaok and Colored Silks. Suasenabis dress goods In great variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels Sic, white goods of every description, bleaohed aud brown sheetings all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL and WINDOW PAPER, E0OKS AND STATIONER!", CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS 4 SHOES DRUGS & MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS k DJK STUFFS, LEATHER, A SHOE FINDINGS. HARDWARE, STO YES -i TIN WARE, IRON it STL EL, NAILS A IWJLDERS ilARD WARE. NUTS A WASHERS, HORSE SHOES &, NAILS, WAGON SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES & BOXES, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED & MEAL, CORN aud OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, SASH & DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, BEDDINO, eU,- TOBACCO k CiaABS, . TRUNKS, VALISES k CARPET BAGS, HUJ3BEH BELTING. CLOCKS iu GREAT VARIETY. Ageuts for Heyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Belting. With our superior facilities fer obtaining heavy goods, in large quantities, from first bauds we defy competition ia Greoories & Provisions. We invite particular attention to our ehoic brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving to customers the profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entire satisfaction with, every barrel TANNINfl k LUMBER Co. Tlatltf. vTIUs-k Pa POWELL & KIME- QOODS FOR THfi MILLION. POWELL & K I M E, At (hoir capacious store in RIDGWAY, Have on hand, a splendid assortment ol all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the people of Elk and ftdioinini; counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are uo equalled by any establishment ia the county. They buy directly froai manu facturers and on the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. iou can alwnvs get what you want at you will save time by their store, h6no coiur direotly te them and TIME IS MUiiiiZ. VV have no space here to euumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing their establishment. But call and see, aud reap the advantages lor yourselves. Among their Goods you will Cud DRY GOODS in cnilws Tarietics, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cu; and finish, BOOTS k SHOES ef the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, usiddle aged and elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, IGGS, PORK, nAMS,' LARD, FLOUR, corn Meal. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all Linda of eeiatry produce taken at tke market value-vlel. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL 1 1 11 Just Received at BAIRD'S VARIETY HALL, a fine assortment of Toys for Holiday Pres ents consisting of PARI AX FIG UliES, J K WELL BOXES IK Endless Variety, Vases All Kinds, Toilet Setts, Toy Tea Sotts, For The Little Ones, Harmonicas, Accordoons, Dolls, Doll-Babies, Toy Speak ing Animals. Also tho Latest Novelty in Doll Heads of Parian Grtnito with Head Dress and KnrBings. Something new; drop in and see them. No trouble to show goods if you d not wish to buy; also a lull line of other Toys too umerioos to mention. y 1 n8 4i A THIEP- He has been tivalinj about humbugging druggists and crivato imrties. mixing up and selling a base compound which he culls V'Ol.COTT'S PAIN PAINT. All of Wo!c?tt's genuine remedies have a white out- sido wrapper (with signature large). Look out for ttnuntcrfoif s. Six Pints of WOI.COTT'S ANNIHILATOR for Catarrh and Colds in the head, or one ' Pint of Pain Paint, for U'cers or Paine, wnt frco of express charge, on receipt of the money at 1S1 Chiitbnm Square, N. Y. : or one Gallon of Pin Paint (double strength) for $-M. Small botllei sold tv nil ducn- 11. L. WtiLCOTl'. 4w 'LOIU1.LAR1VM EUlli:K,. Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. licrcver introduced it ia universallv ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin bans, in which orders for Meerschaum Pities are dilv packed. J.onil.LAAU S "YACHT CLU!" Smoliin? Tobacco has no superior : being deni col ini.ed, ii cannot injure tfvcless constitu tions, or people of sedentary habit". -It is produced from elections of the finest stock, nn.l prepared by a paiculcd and original manner. His very aromatic, mild, and litrlit weVht -hence it will last much buiper than others : nor does it burn or st ing thu toneue. or leavo a disagreeable nftcr-tasto Orders for genuine, elegantly carved ?eorschaiim Pipes silver mounted, ami rack ed inneat leather pocket casts, are plaed in the Quell t Club brand daily. L O II 1 L L A RU'S CENTURY . Chewing Tobacco This brand of Fine Cut CUewire Tobaeao has T.0 superior anywhere. li is, without doubt. Ihe best chewina: to bacco in the country. I A ) l 1 1 .1 . A 1 11 S HN !'1F F'N ilave lie.'ii in general usu in the l.'niicd Mlatea over i if) years, ami still aohn jwlodged '-the best'1 wherever use 1. If yuur storekeepers does not have these articles for sale, ask him to get them. lliey are sold by respectable jobbers al most everywhere. ('s)ciil u-s mailed on application. BEST CABINET ORGANS AT LOWEST riUCKS. That tho MASON & HAMLIN CABI NET and METROPOLITAN OKG-ANS arc tho best in the world is proved by the almost unatiimou opinion cf professional musicians, by the award to thcra of Htr. KNTY FIVE COM) and SILVER MT.DAI.S or other highest premiums, at principal iu- uustnai competitions within a lew years. iucludinjr the Medal at the Paris exposi tion, aud by a sale very much greater than that ot any similar instruments. This Com pany manufacture on y firs'. elass inslru- mot, aud will not make "cheap organs" ht any prioe, or sulTer an inferior instru ment to bear their name. Havinz errcatlv increased their facilities for manufacture, by the introduction of ucw machinery and otherwise, they are now nicking better Organs than evei befure, at increased econ omy in cost, which, in accordance with their fixed policy of selling always at least remunerative profit, they are now offcrine at prices of inferior work, FOUR 0 C. T A V E O R G A N S . l'la'o Walnut Case, 850. HVE OCTAVE ORGANS. Double Reed, stops ( Yiol'i, Diapason, Me- loim, Flute, Tiemulaut,) 81-5. Oiher styles iu proportion. Circulars, with full particulars, iueludint accurate drawings of different styles of or aus, and much information which will be of service to every purchaser of an orgaD, will he Kent tree, and posia" paid, to aer oue desiring thrui. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. Iw 154 Treiuont St. Boston: 546 Broad way, Now York. N EW STORE. The subscriber bees leave to inform tiieeiti- Itens of Kidgway and vioinity that he hat opened a store where may be found PPRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY. FINE CONFECTIONARY,- OTETERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. al2vltf 3. R. PAIRD. BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than Ike ekespest" at tke Bt. Mary s Hardware (aev2l7.) J