The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 23, 1869, Image 4

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I)r Wiphnrt'n Pino
tt. in the vital ppinji.le of tlic Tiiic Tree, oh.
tallied by a j.ectfinr prnrcs in llin il inti
of thv lur by which its liithid mct'iud pro
prieties nre retain'"!.
It is the only mieiruni-d nnd reliable remedy
which has ever bem pvt-jeiii-d trom tlic juice
of the Fine Tree It iti vijf ornfi the flip-stive
ciiftnnn nntl re-tnreMlie npietite. It St"i-njrt;i-eni
the dcbilmtcd system, tt purities and
i-nrirlies the blood, and e spells from I Ii '.vs
tern the corruption widen scrofula breeds on
tun lung.
Itahenlinc principle nets upon the minted
surface of the limps and throat. jienti-atiiii? to
ecli HiieHSfil part, relieving pain and suhdu
inc i flninatinn.
It iB th result of year "f 'ti !y nnd opp.
rimml. and it is offered to I he sHIicted, with
the positive assurance of it!" power t-- cure l!.e
following diseases if (lie patient lias iMt too
Innjt de'ayed resort to I ho means of cure, :
Consumption of tlic l.linpf. Cnttgh, Sore
Throat and Hrensl. Hmnetiitis. Liver Coin
plaint. Hlmd nnd H!i-rflinn Piles, Asthma,
V) lioupiliK Coiiih, lMjiilierin, Ac-
Wc nre often asked why art; tint otlipp rcmc.
dies in the market for Consumption, Coughs
Colds, and othrr Pulmonary a fleet i m equal to
Pr.b. Q. Wkht.rl' I'ine 'five Tar Cordial
We answer
Int. It Pure", nut by Flipping cough, and
by, loosening and assisting nature In tlmiw
off the ttnlipaltliy matter collei-ted about thr
tliront and bronchial tuhrf, causing irritation
and uough.
2d. MojtTbront and I.nng P,emcdie nrp
composed of anodynes, which all i v the rough
tor awhile, but by their eonsiriiiKinj; i-lb-ris
the fibers become nnrdoned, and the unhealthy
fluid consulate nnd are retained in the sys
tem causing disease beyond the control of our
most etninnnt physicians.
3d. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, with it? as
cistuntn, purfeelahle, because they remove the
came of irritation of the tmicnnn membrane
and bronchial tubes, assist the lung!" to act
nntl throw off the unhealthy see. ctinus, and
purify the blood, thug scientifically making
the ruvp perfect.
Dr. Wisharl nas on file at Ii If office hun
dreds, and Thousands of Certificate, from
men and women of unquestionable character
who were onco bojieleasly given up to die, but
through tho providence of (Snd were com
pletely restored tolieulh by the I'me Tree Tnr
Cordial. A physician in attendance who can
be consulted in person or by mail, free of
rharpc. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial .?
per hottle, and $11. Oil per Ai. Sent by Ex
ptess on receipt of price. Address L. Q.
YVlSHAItT, M. P., No. 282Nonlt Jd Street,
ThiPa. Pa.
May 21,'(i0m3vln27.
The gubscribcr begsleareto inform the citi
zens of Riilgway and vicinity that lie ha!'
opened a Btore where may be found
OYSTERit. ORANGES, LEMONS, in season .
nl2-ltf J. It. PAIRD.
WHEEL, patented July ii". lHtiT. iu
eupefior to any wheel in ue. The under'
Bigned have tiio apency for tsaid wheel in 'he
State ol Pennsylvania, and van reconitneiul
it as being the tiesf maimti; jred. for
furtlier parliculnM. and tirculai. iuiuire at.
our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery,
mill-penring. casjinps.ind i-te.a.,;j eiigiuen will be
made to order aHeuMUiable prices. Wo expect
by giving saiificti in i; our work to receive
a good share ol'ublu pal reunite
Kersey. Elk Co.. la.,jnnl ISilSpd.
Lessen of tho
Mines of the Kersey Coa
Mintrx avd Shtppm of,
Of Riipeiiur quality, for
Are prepared to receive Oi Jcts an4 make
con trade lor these well known coals.
Kersey, Pa., March 12, 18'IH. vluKtf.
CLOTIII.YC for the .Million
CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags,
Handbills, &c, done in a neat manner,
aud at the lowest prick, 1'OK CASH, at
the Elk Advocate Printing Office.
Job Printing of every description
promptly at this office, and in a style un
equalled in this auction uf the State. Entire
eatisfaction guaranteed.
pocket and table cutlery, of the best
quality and most approved patterns, very
cheap a't the Hardware Store on Uiberger's old
corner in .St. M-rv"i-
locks, bolls, and all kiuda ot builder's
D'aterlals in general can be had cheaper at
ti St, Mary'a Hardware Store than at
other plce in Elk oouurty. (nWtl")
AU oaders tor rUoves and Hardware
will b promptly attended t as soon
M raoaivtd, at tba
BYVlRTUKoffiwrrtof Lrnrnri Furiat
Wiled out of the Court of Cotniiuut
I lean ol hlk county, reniisyrvaina, nun to
tne directed, I will expose, to IT BMC
SALE, at tho Court House in Hil(,'vuy, on
Monday, November 1,
tho following described property, to wit:
All tin following ilcscrilicil (tacts, pmrps
or parcel of land situate in tlio cnutity of
Klk, in tlio Wale of ri'iin-ylvattia, and
known nnd (lci rilMl as foEows:
One tract of 1, mil known ns tmin'irr four
thousand one hundred mid twelve, situalei'i
.limes townsltip, i i said ciniiily ol' I'.IK-. Le
Uinninjj tit a lieeeli tree, being (lie northwest
eotner of said trad, ( hence south three hun
dred and twi-nty pcrcht'M to a maple, thence
east the hundred tuiil twelve mid Kcveti-
U'Utlis "icrclies to a, heorh, thenco north
three hundred and twenty pen hes In a
birch, thence west live hundred and twelve
and seven-tenths pcivhis Ut (he pl.t o of be
ginning, soi vcyed on warrant in tho name
of Samuel WalLvv, nnd containing one
thousand nnd twenty-live and l'our-tenlhs
acres more or less.
One other tract of land known as number
fi'mr thousand one hundred and thirteen,
it liar? in .loin s township, Klk count v,
Pennsylvania, beginning at a lurch tree, the
northwest, corner of said tract, thence south
three hundred and twenty perches to a
hemlock, thence cast five hundred and twelve
and seven-tenths perches to a beech, thence
north three hundred and twenty perches
to a beech, thence west iiv- hundred and
twelve iind scvrii-tetilhs perches to the be
ginning. Containing one. thousand and
twtulv-live ami I'oui-tcn'.hs acres inure or
less, surveyed in name of " Samuel Wal
liico." One other tract of land known ns mi-nlicr
four thousand one hundred and ten situate
in Benziner township in said county of
Klk. Htjginuing at a beech tree being the
north-west eocncrol' the tract (liinrtliousaud
one hundred and ten) thence south three
hundred and twenty perches to a l.eecli;
thence cast, live hundred and th'ntv-six :md
seveu-tcnl lis perdu s to a hemlock, thenci;
north three hundr.xl and twenty perches to
a chestnut, thence west, live hundred and
thirty-six and seven-tents perches to the lie
ginning, surveyed on warrant to ' Samuel
Wallace. " and containing ten hundred and
seventy-three and l'our-tenUis acres more or
One other tract of land known as numher
four thonsand one hundred and nine situate
in Benziugcr township in said county of
Klk. Beginning at a chestnut tree being
the north-west corner of said tract, thence
south three hundred and twenty perches to
a hemlock, thence east four hundred and
ninety-eight perches to a beech, them e north
three hundred and twenty perches to a
hemlock, 1 hence west four hundred and
ninety-eight perches to the beginning, sur
veyed on warrant to " Samuel Wallace "
aud containing nine hundred and ninety
six iiciv more or less.
One other tract of land known as number
fourthousand one hundred ami tifteeu situate
in Benziugcr township in said county of
Elk, Beginning at a beech tree being the
northwest corner of the tract, thence south
three hundred and twenty perches to a
beech, thenco east live hundred aud thirty
six and seven-tent lis perches to a post,
thence north three hundred and twenty per
clu"; to a hemlock, thence west live hundred
and thirty-six and seven-tenths perches to
the beginning .surveyed on warrant to
Sinnuel Wallace." Containing one thou
sand and seventy-three and four-tenths acres
more or less.
One other tract of land known ns ntnr.her
four thousand one hundred audi iirlit situate
in Benziugcr township in the said county of
Klk. Beginning at a hemlock tree being
the north wi st comer of said tract, thence
south three hundred and twenty perches to
a post, them e cast four hundred and ninety
eight perches to a maple, thence north three
hundred and twenty perches to a beech,
thence west four hundred and ninety-eight
perches to the b ginning, suncyed on war
rant to " Samuel Wallace." Containing
nine hundrud and niia;ty-six acres more or
One other tract of land known as r.umlur
fourthousand one hundred and sixteen sitiate
sn Benziugcr township in said county of
Klk. Beginning at a beech tree, being the
north west corner of said tract, thence south
three hundred and twenty perches to a ma
ple, thence cast live hundred and twenty
four and seven-tenths perches to a hemlock,
thence north three hundred and twenty per
ches to a hemlock, thence west live hundred
and twenty-four perches to the beginning,
surveyed on warrant to " Samuel Wallace.'
Containing one thousand and forty-nine and
four-tenths acres fie the same more or less.
One other tr.ict of land known as nuwUiv
four thousand one hundred and six sjti.vite
in Benziugcr township in said county of Kik.
Beginning tt a beech tree, the north west
corner of said tract, thence spilth live hun
dred and cighty-l'.'iir perches to a beech,
thenco east four hundred and thirty-four
perches to a birch, thence north live hundred
and eighty-four perches to a beech, thence
west Hur liundre.l and thirty-four perches
the beginning, surveyed on warrant to
"Samuel Wallace." Containtng one thou
sand live hundred and eighty-four and one
tenth acres more or less.
One other tract .vf land kjjown as number
four thousand hnc hi'.ndred and live situate
in Benziiieer tin.vnsj.ip in i-aid county of
Klk. Begitning a po-t being the north
west corneri-l' said tea t, thence south eighty
one perches to a post, thence west one hun
dred and forty-two perches, thence south
thirty perches, thence west
to a post, thence south sixt v-two tierches to
a post, thence east t wo hundi.od and sixteen
j-erehes to a post, thence sout.i liity-Mx jier
t lies to a j'ost, thence west one hundred end
seventy-nine jicrches t" a ost, thence south
sixty J ic relics to a jiost, 4'hencc cast isiic hun
dred and seventy-nine jwrches, theii south
t wo liuiiilr.l and nhu..y-!ive jierc.'ies to a
birch tree (being thupouth east corner of
said larger snrvay) tltetico west loin hundred
and thirty-eight, j ert lies to a birch tree,
thence north live hundred anil eighty-four
pcrt licft to a Im-ccIi, thence east four hundred
and thirty-fight jicrches to the jilace of be
ginnif.g being the unsold jiart of said hirger
survey in Ihe uaniH of "Samuel Wallace."
Containing one thousand four hundred and
twenty-ono acres aul allowannce iiim'o or
ALSO tho remaining or unsold part .! one
other tract of land known as number four
thousand one. hundriwl and four, situatfe in
Benziugcr towiuhiji in said county of Klk.
Beginning at a birch tree being tho .outh
west corner of said tract, thence north two
hundred and ninety-live perches to hind of
Joseph l'aulus, thence east one hundred and
twelve jhtcIh r to tieorge Dumanu's land,
thence south twelve degrees east two hun
dred and seven jicrches " to a jiost, thence
east , sixty-two perches to a )ost, thence north
twelve degrees west two bundled anil sixty
sevou jiecche.s to north St. Marys road, thence
easterly along the same about eighty-seven
jierches to the wiuth west corner of .lolui G.
Bugler's land, thence north two hundred
and six jierclies to a liost, thence east one
hundred and ninety-live and live tenths per
ches to a hemlock, liciug the north east cor
ner of the original survey, thence south one
hundred and niiu ty-iight perches to John
Kraikel's land, thence west one hundred
and twenty-seven jierches to north St. Mry
road, thence southerly along said road one
hundred mid six perches to tho south west
corner of Henry Stephen's laud, east
one hundred and twenty jierches to a poRt,
thence south one huudred nnd llfty-eight
perches to a post, thenco west eighty-eight
jicrches to north St. Marys road, thence
southerly along said road thirty perches to a
jiost , thence cast eighty-two porches to a
post, thence south sixty perches to John
Kriegl's land, thence west three hundred
and thirty-seven jieifhes to a jiost,- thence
south twenty-live perches to n Jiost, thence
west ninety-nine jicrches to the beginning,
surveved on warrant in the name of " Sum-
ucl Wallace." Containhignine hundred and
ninety-nine acres and allowance more or less.
One other ti.iet of land known as number
four thousand four hundred and one situate
in Benzii.irertowuship in saidcouniv of Klk.
i.cginintig at a peccn tne norm west, corner
of said tract, tin-nee south four hundred jier
ches to a beech, thence east lour hundred
jicrches to a beceb. thenco catt four hundred
and six jierclics, thence north one hundred
and sixty-live jicrches to a jmst. thence ease
twenty-enrht lu rches to a jiost, thence north
two hundred and sixty-live jicrches to a
birch, t! ence west four hundred and thirty
four jicrches to the beginning, being part of
said larger survey In the name of James
Wil-ion." Containing one thousand and
lifty six m-i-e s and allowance more or lef-s.
One other tract of land known as number
four thousand lour hundred and three situate
in Hi-nzingcrtownship in said county of Klk.
Beginning at a beech tree, being tin. north
west corner of said tract, thence south one
huudred and forth-live jicrchcstto a birch
tree, thence west one hundred and thirty
two J i-i-chi's to a hemlock-, thence south one
hundred -tnd ninety-live e;vheslo a beech,
thence east live hundred and thirty-eight
perches to a jiost, thence north three hun- j
died and loiy jierches toa jmst. thence west ,
four hundred and six jicrches to the begin- .
ning. Containing nine hundred and seventy-
nine and live t'-ntlis acres and allowance ;
more or less, and being so much of .aid lar-
gcr survey in the name of .lames Wilson." I
AKSO apart of one other tract of land !
known as number fourthousand four bun-!
dred and two in the name of " James Wil- J
son." Beginning at a birch trim the north
west corner corner of said Hurvey, thenco !
sonth three hundred and sixty-live
to John licreher'slalid. thence l ast two bun- !
died aud thirty-nine jicrches to St. Paul's j
road, thence south along said road to a jmst. I
thence east one hundred and seventy-eight
jierches to a jiost, thence, math two hundred
ar.d ninety-live jierches to a birch, being the
north east corner of the original survey,
thence west four hundred and thirty-eight
jierches to the jilace of beginning. Con
taining six hundred and cighty-tjiroe ami
live tenths acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO jiart of one other tract of land
warranted in the name of " James Wilson"
and known as number lour thousand and
cig!v-uinc. Beginning at a birch being the
north west corner of warrant as aforesaid,
thence south two hundred and riuety-live
pen-h-s to a post on I'ai-lne Klei'imeyer's
land, thence east seventy-three peri-hi s to
Oeorge Seecher's laud, thence north one
hundred jierches to the. north wc-t corner of
Henry (iroce's land, ther-iv east f.venty-six
perches to a post, being the south west cor
ner of Wolfgang Schiitteuho'icr's land,
thence north one hundred aud ti'-e-tive jier
ches to the warrant line, thence west ninety
nine jierches t-i the place o"' beginning. Con
taining one bundled and sixty-three and live
ten'hs acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO a part of other tract of land war
ranted iu the mi me of Sajam-1 Walhce,"
known a -number four thousand one hundred
and three situate iu Ben.i'iger tovi!.hi;i iu
sai.'county of K';k. Beginning at a hem
lock, l tiiig the northwest coiner of said
tract, thence south one hunt-red and niiii ty
eight jierches to a jiost on John Braikel's
land, thence cast one hundred ami twt i y-
four jicrches to a jiost, thence so".tt thirty
i rci.i s t.i a l.o.'-t. tin nee ca.- t thiee .-.i
toaiiost, thence south I. irtv-t:ve tierches ta
a jiost. being the souty east corner of land of
Henry Stejihen, thence west out: hundred
and forty-six jicrcht s perches to a jxist on
the west t'i o;igi:ial tract line, ihen -c. south
one hundred and fifty-eight ier- i:es to a
jiost. thence east one hundred a'ld ci;.,hly
twti jwrches to a j'ost, thence sou'h thirty
JM-rciies to a Jiost, thence West ore J.i;n;iii i!
and eighty-two j i-ii-hes t-i a po-t. theue
south sixty J en he's to a post, thence
one huntlied aud liiir-fy-s'-vi n jierches to
aveniie " B " thence south ah mt lit'lce- n
I't-rehes to the soiuhern original liu.i of the
tract, thence east one hundred and tiiir''.-
four jn-rehi s to a beech, being the
so. u!i
cast conn-i-ol the original survev. Clienet
north live hundred and eighty-four jierches
to a jmst being the north i-;i-t conic;- of the
original tract, thence west four hundred an-!
ti;irrv-four jierches to tlic. beginning con
tafnjtijf one. thousand four huu-irctl and tive
tettfiis acres anil allowance iimr oi'lesr..
A l.SO another Jiiece or jiarcie of la nil in
lienziiiger township Klk c-omtv. ji-o t of a
tract surveyed on warrant to Wiliie'm
Wiliink and olliers. Beginning at a jm.-l
on the Kschbaeh road and uu t lie wetjlern
warrant line of nuiuber four thousand nine
hundred a.nd ninety, thence tsoulh one hun
dred and sixty jhsi hes to the south east cor
ner of tract, number four thousand eight
hundred and eighty-seven, thence west two
hundred and iifty jierches to to a jiost. thence
north one hundred and sixty j erchi-s to a
jiost on Kschbaeh road, thence cast two
hundred and fifty jierches to the beginning.
Containingtwo hundred and lifty acres more
or !t?ss ii ud being nuiubi is thiiici ti, foiiricen.
tiftecn, sixteen and seventeen on
r -atl in the jdan of Sr. Marys.
ALSO a tract of land iu lienziiiger town
ship in sain county of Klk, situate on south
St. .Marys road. Jiegininng at a jmst on
said ouih St: Marys road, being the north
west coi ner of Marthias U'ellciidoi fs land,
thence east one hundred and eighteen jicr
ches t"u )ost fci (ierhard Scho;ning'.- lot,
thence north lilly-fourdegrees wes t onehei'.-
dretl and lifiy-foiir jicn lies to smith St.
Marys roatl. thence south along south St.
Marys road sixty jierches to the beginning.
Containing twenty-two aires more or less.
ALSO another jiiece or juirecl of laijd, in
Beiizinger townsiiip Klk county, siruate on
avenue ' B." Bcgiiing at a jmst on avenue
" B " being tJw north west corner of Jacob
Krieg',s lands, thence north dcgmi-s, cast
i;i;li jicrehes to a jiost on t!ie eastern line of
tract number 4101, thence north 4'i jierches
to a jic-t on avenue ' B," thence south sixty
jierclics to the beginning, and containing 4:i
acres, .mil being eight and nine on avenue
" B " iii the man of St. Marys settlement.
A,So, a tract of land in Bcnzinger towtj
shiji, Klk county, Pennsylvania, or a part of
a tr.ict lie-ginning at a majile on the south
west corner of tract numbo four thousand
nine hundred and 7ti, thenco east two hun
dred jierches to a Jiost, thence north three
huudred and twenty jierches to a jiort, on
the northern line of tract number four '.hou
santl nine hundred and seventy-six, thuce
west tifty-tivo perches to a post, the south
east conn r of the Koselay tract, thence west
one huntlied and forty-live jierches to a jiost
on the western lino of tr.ict number four
thousand- nine hundred and seventy-six,
thence south ninety-three perches :ho
place of beginning, containingtwo hui.Urcd
acres, ami being jiart of larger survey in the
Heme of William Wiliink, aud known as
nuiu'ier four thousand iiino huudrod aud
seventy fix.
( ;no other tract of land situate in Fenzin
ger township, Klk county, Pennsv'vania,
known as i'-iitr thousand one Luinbid and
s---vi-. beginning ft a horclo"k tret, tie
nortii west corner of suid tract, tJioricei south
three hundred perches to a beech, thtlice
east five hundred and twelve and seven
tenths jierches to a beech, thence north
three hundred and twenty perches to a
licoch, thence west flvo hundred and twelvo
nno seven tenths jierches to a beech, thenee
north three hundred nnd twenty perches to
a beech, tnenco west five hundred and twelvo
and seven tenths jierches to the jilace of be
ginning, and surveyed in the name of Samu
el Wallace, containing one thousand and
twenty five and four-tenths acres, more or
ALSO, one other tract, pioee or parcel of
laud situate in Benziugcr towituhip. Elk
county. Pennsylvania, adjoining the town of
St. Marys, being part of a tract of land sur
veyed on warront to William Wiliink and
hiiown as four thousand four ljundred and
seven. Beginning at a jwst on St. Paul's
road, being the north east cgrner of Florian
Schratzenstaller s land, thenco south three
nouth three hundred and sinty jjerches to a
jiost the northwert corner of (ieorgo llassel
barger's lot, thence east lifty-eight perches
to a jiost, the southwest corner of Henry
Steinberg's lot, thence north one huudred
and thirty-four jierches to the Jineoftho
Monster road, thenee east along said road
line sixty perches to a post, the southwest
comer of Michael Ballais' land, thence
north one hundred and thirty four perches
to tho northwest corner of Michael Ballais'
land, thence east, one hundred and twenty
perches to the line of Cross street, thence
north si-:ty six degrees west one hundred
and thirty jierches to the place of beginning,
containing tw o hundred and twenty acres,
more or less.
ALSO, oiip other jiiece or parcel of land
situate in Bcn.'.inger township. Elk county,
beginning at n maple, being
the southwest
corner of tract number four thousand nine
hundred and seventy six, thenee south one
hundred and sixty jierches to the line of
Kschbaeh road, thence west tweijly-five
perches to aj'ost. thenee north one hundred
and sixty j erches to the line ofBnji-elles
road, thenee east twenty-live jierches to tho
jdace of beginning, containing twenty-live
acres, and being the eastern half of number
thirty four on Brnxelles road in the plan of
tin settlement ot t,. .iiarys,
ALSO, one other jiieeo or parcel of land
situate in Benziugcr townshiji. Elk county,
IVnnsylania, on Bjuxelles road, beginning
at a Jiost on said road, tjienee south one
hundred and sixty perches to the line of
Kschbaeh road, thenee west twenty-five
jicrches to a post, thenee north one hundred
and sixty jierches to a jiost on Brnxelles
road, thence cast twenty five jierche to the
beginning, containing twenty live acres, and
being the western half of number " tiiirtv "
on Brnxelles roan in the jilau of the settle
ment ot St. .Marys.
A LSD, one other j iece or pa reel of land
situate in lit nzitigt r townshiji. county,
Pennsylvania Plaining thirty four acre's,
and being part of warrant number four
thousand lour hundred and eight.
A I .SO. one ol.i-r orjiarccl ofland in
!V:::'.':hger tc wuship, j;ik county, Pennsyl
vania, containing one hundred and seven
acres, aad being j-art, of warrant number
four thousand four hundred and seven.
ALSii. one other jiiece or parcel of land
situate in B-jnz;;ie-1 iv,nsliii. KUc county,
Pennsylvania, cu.itainiug twenty-nine acres,
and being jiart of warrant number four
thousand four hundred and seven.
ALSo, one other tract of land surveyed
on warrant in the nam of .Limes Wilson,
known as four thousand three hundred and
seventy l our. situate iu l'ox townshiji, Klk
county. Pennsylvania. Beginning at a
beech the n-irthwest. comer of warrant num
ber I'nnv thousand three hundred and seventy
four, th-uice south four j-crohes to Uidgway
road, thenee south easterly along the same
about one hundred and thirty eight jierches
to a jiost the northeast corner of Patrick
Suiiili's land, thence south two hundred and
til'! v i er he.s to a i.u.-.t on the southern origi
nal iia.'t line, thenee cast one hundred per
ches to a j ost on land of of William Brock
bank, thence u ntil two hundred and thirty
j erches to a j-i.-t on the Ktdgway road,
thenee north westerly along the same line
about sixty four jvi-elics to the western Hue
Michael Backer - rind, thenee north ninety
jierches to the or;;-i'i,d tract line inorllu'i'ii',
iheii'-e we.-t two hundred jierches to the
place of bt ginin-.jg. c'lutair.iitg two hundred
ami six and a half j erehes and allowance,
ALSO, a jiart of one other tract of laud
situate iu Fox t-Ai nsliiji, Kll: coiiny. Penn
sylvania, survey: on warrant in the name
oi' l Walktu-. and knowd as number
j fourthousand ami seventy seven, beginning
at a stig ar tree, oeingtiie soul li west corner
of the original .survey, thence north one
hitntired and ten j-erches to the Monster
Com jinny's lauds, t bonce east live hundred
a. id sixty live jierches to the eastern Hue of
the original survey, thence south ono hun
dred and ten jierches to a jio.'.t. ths south
east corner of the original sairvev, thence
l west one hundred and sixty perches to a
I beech oil this Kei-sev mil! tract, thence north
lil'iy-t'.ve j erehes to a jiost aud stones, being
the tioiiheast corner uf the Kersey mill
tract, thence west two hundred and sixty
iive J -erches to a pile of stones, thence south
tilt v live jierches to a hemlock on the south
ern Hue of the oiiginal survey, thence west
one Kundred and forty jierches to the begin
ning, containing two hundred and ninety
six i t-re.-; and allowance, more or less.
ALSO, a jiart of t'he other tract of and
in vox township in s.iiit county ot Klk. sur
veyti'.oii warrant in tho name of Samuel
Wallace, and know n as nttml - r four thous
and and seventy eight, and beginning at a
sugar tree the northwest corner ol said sur
vey, thence south one hundred ane twenty
perches to a beech, the northwest corner of
l.'.eoei s land, thence east ninety seven jier
thesa majile. thence south ninety eight
perches to the Bidgwav road, tlfenee south-
oostcrlv along the road forty live perches ro
a jiost on the western line of Daniel Hyatt's
land, thenee north two hundred and twenty
M-rclit s to a hemlock, thence west one hun
dred and forty perches to the idaec of be
ginning, containing one hundred ami eighty
six ami a ball am ami ollowance, more or
ALSO, one other piece of aforesaidt ract.
beginning at a jiost on the eastern line of
the original survey, about thirty perched
north of tho Uidgway road, thence north
one liundrnd and twenty fvur jicrches to a
hemlock, thence west sixty jierches to a
jiost. thence south thirty four Jierches to a
iost, thence west sixteen jicTches to a hem
lock, thence south ninety perches to a post,
thence cast seventy six perches to the begin
ning, containing gfty live acres and allow
ance. more or less.
ALSO, one other jiiece or parcel of land
in Kox townshij) in said county of Elk, being
part of tract surveyed on warrant to Samuel
allace, and know n as tour thousand and
eighty one, beginning at a Jiost on the north
east corner of sairt original survey, thenee
south about one hundred jierches to a Jiost,
thence east about one hundred and eight
perches to a hemlock, thenee south sixty
four j erches lo a hemlock, thence east nine
ty seven perches to a .lost, thence north one
hundred and sixty live jierches to the north
ern line of the original survey, thenee west
two hundred and live pew-he to the begin
ning, containing ouo hundred aud five acres,
more or less.
ALSO, a jiart of one otfacr tract of land
in Tox township in said county of Elk tur.
veyeu en warrant In the name ot eaninei
Wallace, and known as nmrler four thous
and at-d eighty two, beginning at a post be
ing ti e F,outl:wit-t corner of said large sur
vey, thence east two huudred and five per
du to a, thence north thirty live per-
rhes to a post, thence west ninety perches to
a beech, thence north seventy five perches to
a post on the line of the Munstcr lands,
thence west one hundred and fifteen perches
to a post, thenee south one hundred and tn
perches to tho beginning, containing ninety
eight aud eight tenths acres and allowance,
more or less.
ALSO, one other piece or parcel of the
same tract, beginning at a beech, being the
northeast comer of said original tract num
ber four thousand and eighty two, thence
south three hundred ana lorty eight perches
to a hemlock, thence west ninety eight per
ches to a beoeh, thence north eighty two
perches to a beeeh, thence east twenty-
three perches to a beech, thence north ono
hundred and ninety nine perches to a post,
thence west one hundred jierches to a jiost
on the line of the Minister comjwny's lands,
shence north sixty seven tierches to a post
on the northern line of the large survey.
thence east ono hundred and seventy five
perches to the beginning, containing two
hundred and thirty three and a half acres
and allowance, more or less.
ALSO, a part of one other tract of land in
the townshiji of Fox, In said county of Elk,
surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, anu
known as four thousand and eighty seven,
beginning at a beech the northwest comer
of said tract, thence east one hundred nnd
sixty perches to a jiost, thenco south sixty
porches to a post, thenco east sixty jereties
to a jiost, thence south two hundred nnd
thirty six and a half perches to the St, Ma
rys ana centrevillc roau, thenco northeast
wardly along said road about fifty perches
to a jiost the northwest corner of Jeremiah
Spillane s land, thence south fifty-two per
ches to the sout hern liao ol the oaiginal stir-
thence west ninety four perches, thenco
north fifty two perches to a beach the north
east comer of a tract of land belonging to
Oeorgo Wcis, thence west one hundred and
eighty eight porches to a hemlock on the
western line ot the original survey, nnd
thenee north three hundred and forty eight
jicrches to the place of beginning, contain
ing four hundred and sixty acres and allow
ance, more or less.
ALSO, a part of ono othor tract of land in
Fox township. Elk county, Pennsylvania,
surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace and
known as number fourthouasand and eighty
eight, beginning at a brick the southeast
corner of said tract, thence west eighty two
perches to a birch, thence north forty three
jierches ro a jiost, thence east fifty six jier
ches to a jiost, thence north forty seven per-
cluis to a hemlock, thence west hlty six
perches to a hemlock, thence north forty
jierches to a post, thence east eighty two
jierches to the eastern original line of the
survey, thence south one hundred aud thir
ty jierehcR to the beginning, containing fifty
acres and allowance, more or less.
ALSO, another jiiece or parcel of land in
Fox township. Elk county, Pennsylvania,
being jiart of a tract surveyed on warrant to
James Wilson, and known as number four
thousand and ninety six, beginning at a post
being the north east comer of the tract,
thence south about forty four jicrches to the
turnjiike road, thenee northwestwardly along
saitl road about two hundred' and fifteen
jierches to the southern line of tract number
four thousand and ninety seven, theui.e east
about two hundred and t wo perches to the
beginning, containing twenty eight acres,
and being that jiart of tract numher four
thousand and ninety six, lyintV north of the
Mileshurg and SiiiMtliport turnpike rn;ul.
ALSO, a jiart of one other tract of land in
Fox township. Elk f county, Pennsylvania,
surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace,
and known as number four thousand 41ml
ninety-seven. Beginning at a hemlock be
ing the north east corner of said tract, thence
south four hundred perches to a beech the
s mt beast corner of saitl tradt, thence west
four hundred and thirty four perches to a
beech, lueing the southwest corner of said
tract, thence north one hundred and thirty
perches t. a post on the southern lino of
1-r.mcts iCehuka s land, thence east fifty flvo
perches to the new road, thence northwardly
along .said road about two huudrd and eigh
ty three perches to the northern original line
of the tract, thence east for hundred and
ten jierches to the beginning. Containing
nine hundred and liftv-t-ix acres and allow-
mce more, or less.
,LSO: a part of one other tract of land
in Fox township in said county of Elk sur
veyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, and
known as numher fourthousand and ninetv-
eight. Beginning at a hemlock the south
east corner of said tract, thenco north two
hundred jierches to a post, thenco west four
hundred and thirty perches to a hemlock,
thence southwardly along the new roail about
two hundred anil twenty jierches to tho
southern line of the warrant, thence east to
the beginning, containing five hundred and
thirty acj;s and allowance, more or less.
D.N K otfier tract of land situate in P.idg-
way township. Elk county, Pennsylvania, I
and surveyed upon warrant to James Wil
son, and known, as number four thousand j
three hundred oup seventy five, lieginning
at a beech the north east corner of said tract,
thence west five hundred and twenty-four
jicrches to a beech, thence south three hun
dred and twejity jierches to tho beginning,
containing ono thousand and forty-eight
acres and allowance more or lcr-s.
One other tract of land in Iiidgway town
ship in said county of Elk, surveyed on
warrant to James ilson number four thous
and threo hundred and seventy-six. Begin
ning at a beech the north east corner of Mid
tract, tUsice west five hundred and ten jier
ches to a jiost, thence south three hundred
and twenty jierches to a beech, thence cast
live hundred and ten perches to a beech,
thence north three hundred and twenty per
ches to the beginning, containing one thous
and twenty acres anil allowance more or
)ne. other tract of law! in Ridgway town
ship Elk county, surveyed on warrant o
James Wilson number four thousand thret
hundred and scventy.-even. Beginning ;
a beech the fjorth east (Corner of saitl tract
thence west five hundred and ten percht 0
a hemlock, tfieuce south three hundred aul
twenty perches to a post, thence east five
hundred and ten to a beech, thence
north tiiree tiuntlretl aud twenty perches . j
the begjnnivg, containing one thousand aiA.
twenty acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO, apart of one other tract of land i n
Ridgvtay township in said connty of Elk,
surveyed on warrant to James Wilson, known
as nundier fourthousand three hundred and
eightyHjine. Beginning at a beech tree be
ing the north west corner of said largo sur
vey, tiieuce east along the Hue of said sur
vey tluve huudred and twents perches to a
post, whence south about twenty degrees
east by the Brookville road one hundred anil
seventy-live jierches mow or less to a post,
thence west about thirty perches to a cu
cumber corner, thence south one hundred
and fifty.six perches to the original line of
saitl survey, thence west along said line
threo hundred and sixty-three tierches to the
south west corner of said tract, thenco north
three hundred and tw.eiity perches to the
beginning, containing six hundred and eighty-four
and five tenths acres anil allowance
nioi-e or less.
One ftther tract of laud being part of tract
known as number four thousand three hun
dred and ninety, warranted in the name of
James Wilson and situato in Ridgway town
ship in said county of Klk. Beginuiug at a
bccohree the southwest corner of survey
on warraut four thousand three hundred anil
ninbty, theucu north one hundred and ton
perches to tho Munstcr land, -thence east
two huudred peaches to a post on Michael
Bakers land, thence south one hundred and
ten perches to a post on the southern line of
the Vvarrant nnd thence west two hundred
perches to the beginning, containing one
hundred and thirty-seven and five tenths
acres snd allowance more or loss.
It being intended to convey hereby only
being so much pf the land within the boun
daries above described as was sold June 11,
A. D. 18(11, by James Coyne Treasurer of
Elk counth to sundry persons for the unpaid
taxes of the years 1SC4 and 1805 and con
veyed to said pcesona by deeds as follows
viz :
1st to Albert Willis for warrant 4113-11135
pcrpgjnncs township. 2d to Albert Willis
for warrant No. 4113-1073 acres Jones
d to Albert Willis tor warrant nuiiiucr
4111-102,1 acres Bcnzinger township.
4th to Albert Willis for warrant nuinucr
400-(I(12 acres Bcnzinger township.
Mh to Albert Willis for warrant number
410!MinO acres, Bcnzinger township.
(itn to Albert Willis lor warrant numnor
4115, Bcnzinger townshij), CUliJ vrcs.
7th to Albert Willis for warrant number
4108, Bcnzinger townshiji, 00(1 actss.
8th to Albert Willis for warrant , number
411(1, Bcnzinger township, 1049 t nd one
tenth acres.
flth to Albert Willis for warrant number
410fi, Bcnzinger township, 1442 acres.
10th to Albert Willis for warrant number
410.;, Bcnzinger townshiji, tKIO acres.
11th to Albert Willis, lor warrant nmi.ber
4104, Bcnzinger township, 044 acres.
12th to L. II. Eicholtz, for warrant lum
ber 4401, Bcnzinger townshiji, 1050 acres.
Kith to Albert Willis for warrant number
440fl, Benzinger township, 080 acres.
14th to Albert Willis, for warrant number
4402. Bcnzinger townshiji, 540 acres.
15th to Oeorgo Bctgar for warrant num
ber 4080, Bcnzinger townshij), 112 acres.
10th to Albert Willis, for warrant nunibcr
410H, Bcnzinger townshiji, 317 acres. '
17th to Albert Willis for 200 acres EsJch
bach road. Bcnzinger township. I
isth to Joseph Wilhelm. for 20 acres.lSt.
Marys road, Benzincr township. I
lOtli to George Wcis. for 18 acres, aveliuo
B, warrant number 4101, Benziner twp.
20th to Albert. Willis, for warrant numtber
4070, Bcnzinger townshiji, 200 acres.
21st to Albert llhs, lor warrant numier
4107. Benzinger townshij). 8118 acres.
2"d to Ij. II. .bicholtz, lor warrants nn 111-
bers 4100 and 4408. Benzinger townshij) li20
1.111 ill .voit-ri. , iiiik 101 , i ;i, !:?, fill ill 11
sells road in Benzinger townshij).
-IT1 Ti, 1. 11 ii'iin T7 lor I'.lt H1-1-OH ftl
I'oselav road in Bcnzinger township.
. 25th to George Weis, for warrant number
4108. Benziugcr townshiji, S4 acres.
2lith to George Wcis for warrant number
4Uii. lienzinger low usinji, uii acres.
27th to George Weis for warrant number
44011. Benzinger townshiji. 20
28th to Ij. JI. Eieholtz for warrant num
ber 4:174, Fox townshiji, 20(1) acres.
20th to L. II. Eieholtz for warrant num
ber 4077, Fox townshiji, 20(i acres.
OOthtoL. II. Eieholtz. for warrant nuuii
licr 4078, Fox townshij), 24(1 acres.
31st to L. IL Eieholtz, for warrant nr.:n-
ber 4081, Fox townshiji, 101 acres.
!k!d to L. II. Eieholtz, for warrant nuuir
ber 4082, Fox townshij). H07 acres.
;i:id to L. L. II. Eieholtz for watrant num-r
ber 4087, Fox townt hij), 1.10 acres.
li'ltli to L. II. Eieholtz. for warrant num
ber 408'-, Fox townshij), 57 acres.
35th to T. II. Eieholtz, for warrant num,
ber 40011, Fox townshiji, 28 acres.
Hilth to L. II. Eieholtz, for warrant nuniT
ber -1007, Fox township, 708 acres.
27th to L. II. Eieholtz. for wai rant num
ber 4008, Fo towm-hiji, 420 acres.
30th to Albert Willis, for warrant number
437", Uidgway townshiji. 073 acres.
30th to Albeit Willis, For warrant number
4370, Bidgwav township, 1020 acres.
40lh to Allkcrt Willis, for win-rant numbi r
5377. Iiidgway townshiji, 1020 acres.
41st to Albert Willis for warrant nnmbcp
4380. Uidgway towiishiji, tii5 acres.
42d to Albeat Wjljis. for warrant number
4300, Iiidgway, township 127 acres.
Seized and taken in execution. n;:d to bo
sold as the property of ('has. W. Huntington,
Sheriff of Elk county.
Shf.hifv's Office, )
Uidgway, Pa., Oct. 0, 1800. foctO ic.
I'JI'ltT l'liOCLAMATION.- Whereas, tbu
on. ti. V. .liilitisui), I'ri-siib'iii .1 nli.'e iiinl
Hops. fc. it. rc!iiiit7.e imtl .(esse Kyler. As---nialai1,
Jvlgcs of the Court . f Oimrier Sosn'mis,
Oipliuns' Court, Oyer mid Terminer, nnd Gen
end J-il delivery, for the itinl of .capital and
titlit-r ofl'eti-es in f lie county of Klk, by their
preeeiptu to me directed, Imve crib-red the
nlo-esiiiil ninned Courts lobo liulili ji at Uidg
way, in nnd for the county of llilt, 011 tlio
First Monday of Noyoniber it being the T"t
Jay of the month, nnd to ;nnthme otic week.
Notice Is lieieny given to tlie rormier, .Insures
of the Peace, slid ("mis iibles ol'tlicsiiid county,
tlnif they tire by these presents commanded In
bo lljen and (here in 'heir jirnpcr Jiersons nt
ten o'clock, A. M., of ssid day, wi'h their
rolls, records aud inquisitions, and other re
membrances, to do those thing which their
ofticrs appertain to be done, ntnl lli.'U nil
Justices of s.iiJ coun'y make returns of nil
recognizances entered into belore them, 'o tho
Clerk of the Court, ns per net of Assembly of
March 4th 18H4. And those who nr bound ti)
prosecute the jirisoncrs lliiil are or shall lie hi
the jail nf the county of Elk, and to be then
and tberc to prosecute against tliein us klmll
be just.
JACOB McCAl'LUV, Slurifl'.
Ilidgwsy, October Hi, tnto.
1HE subset ihers bavins cnmnletcil ihoir
New Grist Mill in iliil-rwny are now
prepiircd lo furnish tjie people of the sur
rounding country with
Flour of the Best Quality
and of tlieir own uiavufucturc, at the lowe
market rates.
The attention of lumbermen snd otlurs
is cullod to our laciliiies lor fuiuishinir
them wijh
cheaper than it can be bought any other
pluce in tie county.
KCabu Paid fob fitiAix.-'Qa
November 7, 18o7tf
LOOK Utile,'.
JOHN WAI'LE ' desire to unike known
to the citizens of Cen.treville and the
mirroundini; country ,tba,t be bus taken the
j BUOP formerly occupied by 1!. J. Mulnney, on
McCauley's Coruci'. in Centreville, and
that he hopes by paying strict attention to
his business and the wants of his customers,
lo incrij their patronage in his line. He will
nc5p on bund a large aud well selected abjon
lni.ut of
Tin and Jhett-aron i'art.
of hi own manufacture, which he will warrant
to boot the best quality. His stock consuls
of evtrytling that is usiful iu tbe tinware hue
about a Ik use.
I sek a fair trial, and if ray work does
not give satisfaction, my customer s"will not bo
ibliged to take it. JOHN WAPLE,