I. drill (Jounfa gduotc. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10, 18(19. Tiif.rk lias been no paper issued from this office for Fcvcral weeks. C. H. Gould Esq., the former Editor nnd publisher, having been culled to nn other field of labor in Centre County, and having made no provision for continuing the paper alter he left, it was impossible to have the psper issued. It is the hopo of those intercsed in the paper to have it soon placed upon a firm basis, nnd punished weekly. Arrangmctits ate being made to bring a bout this result. , TrtR Election. Up to this time no official news has been received, to indicate who is elected Governor of the State. The election for Governor has been very close, nnd Iho indications nro thn.t Gov. Geary has been elected by a small nmj.nity. His most Eauguino friends only iliimed his olec tion by a small majority. The RopuWi can voto fell off heavily in the strong He publican counties The Legislature is He. publican and Williams the Republican candidate for Supreme Judge is elected wUhnnt doubt. The crcat issue of the State was upon the electiou of Represcn tative in this district. Elk, Clearfield, and Forest. John G. Hall Esq., of this place, 1m Dcmneratia Conventmu nominee is elected, but , is at least 1100 behind his State Ticket in the district. In many in stances the Republicans voted for him, and many did not vote either tor Hall, or Eavlcy his competitor. Although Mr. Hall is eleoted, yet he cannot exult over his victory. Such victories would soon fvliniiqt. nnv nnliticinn. If so disiMisod he j t can learn a good lesson from it, and both parties can be benifited by it. It is hard for a party to carry through, without great labor and exertion any one who is tlie canai- date of a faction of the party only. The nominee should always be the free will offerinL', and gift of the whole party, and then success will follow the party, and party organization can bo kept up. S hope that Mr. Hall will be successful in performing his duties to the satisfaction of all his constituents, and if possible tear away from some of his pretended friends who have led him into all the trouble he has had, in the contest through which he has just passed. As the district is at present organized we must be represented by a Democrat, and we believe that the interests of the district will be as safe in tho hands of Mr. Uall if left to act for himself, as in the hands.of any other man whom the Democracy would give us. Orsi'EUS, are now in season and J. R. Raird proposes to furnish us No. 1 Tub by the pint, quart or gallou at the lowest rates. He will also have them in the shell, and in quart and half gallon cans. HARDWARE- N EW HARDWARE STORE! The subscriber have just opened iu ST. MARY'S A new and Cgmplcte Stock of Heavy & Shelf 1 And will keep constantly on band variety of great COOK AND HEATING STOVES Bar Iron, Steel Anvils, Bellows, Nail.'s Horse. Shoes, Springs, Build ing Hardware, Sates and Fiks of Every Description, GCKS, HSTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cntlcry, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. AP kinds of Mechan ics' Tools! TINWARE Jjf)t every description, which will be sold at .1.. lAdlvoin iikiu nn,i.in They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BURNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES I t Which fc&ve .received Four First Class Pre. minsna at the New York State and oth er i'aira ; Alao, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of the Am ericap Institute, held in New York City, lfeuo. The are Perpetual .Burners, only one fire being required to be made auring the season. M. BEECHER, Ja. WM. U. CUJ'iiLAND. We.7 ly NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS OTRAYED OR STOLEN. From Iho subscriber, from the Kersey Loal Company's premise, on or about the 2ithof Ainv.'hist. A niulcy cow, six years oiu. nil while except lier checks ami cars, whioli are light red. Any pereon who will give informa tion or return said cow to iho Kersey Coal Company's office, or to this office will be reasonably rewarded. 0. F. CLAHK, Fox township, August- tun, im;. iidiuo. II OUKE FOR SALE. A splendid Draught ITorse weighing about 1300 lbs. Soun.l. kind and well Broke. Apply to W. 8. SERVICE. vlnHOtf. " R.dgwny, Pa. ASLIN Kettles. Brass Kettles, Porck-nn Ssnoo l'nns. French Tincd Sauce Pans, cant the cheapest, nnd best, at W. S. SERVICE'S, Hardware Store, ridgway, Pa. JrKSlTL'RK. The undersigned having purchased tho en tire stock of furniture, mnterialM Sc., of Noivilinn Thnnuis, lato for sale by II. H, Thomas, .is agent, as also Iho stock owned by (). T. Wheeler, also in charge n! II. II. Thomas lor sale upon commission, intends to carry on the furnituro business in the rooms lately occupied by II. II. Thomas A competent practical cabinet maker will superintend the business ami do the work, and il is the determination of the proprietor to make and sell furniture more substantially made and nt lower prices than has ever been offered to the people of III vicinity. The public arc invited to call and ex imini' his stock before purchasing elsewhere. .1NO. G. HAM.. Ridgway July .11 18U!. vln8tf. HOW LOST, HOW RE- Just published, a new edition of DR. CULVEHWELL S CELEBRATED EfSAl on tlic radical cure. (without, medicine) of SpRWM ATOHanrcA, or Seminal Weakness, lnvoluntar.v Seminal Losses, HirorENCT, Mental and Phisical lncnpacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Cos si'MfTioN, F.rn.srsY, and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravaeance. JSayFrice, in a scaled envelope, only' 0 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous uso of internal medicine or the application of the knife, pointing out a mode of cure at. onco simple, certain, nnd effectual, by meaiH of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radical!. SfcjyThis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any sd dress, vogivam. on receipt of six ccuts, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. CulvcrwcH's " Mnrrinec Guide." price 25 cent s. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KL1NB Co., 127 Bowery. New York, Post-Otlice Box 4,'i. vlu-ISyl. Special Notices rpo CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored to health iu ft few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, nnd (hat dread disease. Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers tho means of cure. To nil who desire it, lie will send a copy of the drcscriptiou used, free of charge, with tho directions for preparing uiyl using tno same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consunip ti -ii, Aslhma. Bronchitis, eto. Tha object of the advertiser- in sending tho Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which lie conceives to bo invaluable ; and he hepes every sufferer will fry his remedy, as it. will cost him nothing, and may prove a bless ing. . Parties wishing the prescription, will please diess. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. vln.2f.yl. HRORS OF YOUTH.' A Ocntletnan who suffered for years from Ncvvrmi Debility, Premature Decay, nnd all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to nil who need it. the receipt and directions for iking tho simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufforers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, enn do so by addressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OUDEV, vln2(iyl. No. 42 Cedar street. N. Y. VISITING CARDSNEATLY ed at this oKee. EXECUT- J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC PUW8ICI 1 JT. IThe word eclectic means to choese or se lect medicines from all the different schools ofmodicine ; using remedies that are safe, and discarding from practice all medi cines that have an injurious effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per. &o. I lay asido tho lance the old bloodlotter, relucer or doplotci", and equalize tha circuits tion and restore the system to its natural Btate by alteratives and tonics. I shall here after give particular attention to chronio dis eases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Neiralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary organs, and all diseases pecu liar to females, &o. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument or a late invention, which cures every case. TEETH extract od without pain. Office and residence South of the jail on Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. ; m 12 to 1 p. m ; (I to 7 p. m. Deo. Ti 157. -ly. J. S. jsuuuw fcLL. T OU1S II. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Can be found at. his Foundry at St, Mary's where he is ready to have all shop-work in his line done od short notioe. St. Mary's, Beniinger P. O , Elk co., Pa. myl'68'ly J 015 WO UK of all kinds aud desori done at this office. BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than the cheapest" at the St. Mary's Hardware Store (nov:8'(S7.) ORDS OF WISDOM. I'OR YOUNG J1KN, On the Ruling Passion in Youth and Eady Manhood, with SELF HELP for the Erring and unfortunate. Beut m sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Box P. Philadeldbia, Pa T EXECUTION.?, SUMMONS, EUBPCB. i pas, Warrants, ic, on band aud for rAMIO(U) 1VL STORED sale at this otboe. POWELL & KIME. QOODd FOtt THE MILLION. POWELL & KIME, At their capacious stores both in RIDGWAY AND CENTREVILLE. Have on hand, splendid assortments of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, wmcn tney arc selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very large dealers, their tuciiities lor purchasing are un equalled by any establishment in tht county. They buy directly from manu factures and on tho GROUND FLOOR, Another advantage. You can alwayij get whnt you want at their stores, btnee; you will save time by going directly tf them and TIME IS MONK IT. W have no space here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing thes establishments. But cill and see, an reap the advantages for yourselvesj Among their Goods you will find j DRY GOODS in eniless varieties, ; GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior i cut and finish, i BOOTS & SHOES of the bet i stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married,, middle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, 13 UTTER, EGGS, TORK, IIAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND . EVERYTHING ELSE Auo roost other kiBdB of country pro d'ice taken at the market value- . Tlnltf. TANNING & LUMBER CO. K EYSTONK STORE WILCOX PA- ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING! The largest store in North Western Pa., lit- terslly filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of value. We are opening the spring campaign with the largest and most attractive stock ever offered in this market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a large and well selected stock of Cloths Caasimers & Cloakings, Black and Colored Silks. Seasonable dress goods in great variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels Slo., white goods of every description, bleached and brown Bhectingg all widths. GLOVES & HOSIKRY TRIM MINGS lund NOTIONS CARPETS and OILCLOTHS WALL and WINDOW PAPER, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS it DYE STUFFS, , LEATHER, f- SHOE FINDINGS, HARDWARE, S7 0 VES .( TIN' WARE, IRON A STEEL, NAILS it BUILDERS HARDWARE: NUTS & WASHERS, HORSE SHOES & NAILS, WAGON SPRINGS. PATENT AXLES if: ROXES, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED & .MEAL, CORN and OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. SASH Si DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, REDDING, &c, TOBACCO & CIGARS, TRUNKS, VALISES t CARPET BAGS, RUBBER BELTING. CLOCKS GREAT VARIETY. Agents for Hoyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Belting. With our superior facilities for obtaining heavy goods, ia large quantities, from first hands we defy competition in Groceries & Provisions. We invite particular attention to our choici brands of extra and double extra floor, we get direct from mills at the west thus aaving to customers the profits usually pocketed y middlemen. Our flour ia always fresh ground and we guarantee entire satisfaction with vary barrel TANNING & LUMBER Co. vln21tf. Wilcox T RAILROADS- PHILADELPHIA WINTER to ERIE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. Thrrugh and ; Dirett Route between Philadelphia, . Baltimore Harris btifg,. William port, and the GREAT OIL i R- E G 1 0 N of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY. NOV. 2.',th, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows i WESTWABO. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia ..10.4,1 p. m. " Ridgway 2.0ft p. m. ' " firrive at Erie 9..50 p. m, Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia 1 1 . 60 a. m, " ' " Ridgway 8.32 a. m. " " arrive at Erie 10.00 a. m MASTWAKD. Mail Train leaves Erie 8.15 a. m. " " Ridgway 2.2.5 p. m. " " arrive at Philad'a - 6.10 a. m. Erie Express leaves Eric 8.20 p. m. " " " Fidgway 11.11) a. m. " " sr'at Philadelphia..., 1.20 p. m. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny Rirer Rail Hold. BAG OAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintendent. LLEOUENY VALLEi RAIL ROAD. The only direct route to Pittsburg WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS from Oil City. On and after Monday May 3d 1809, trains will run as follows i GJINO SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 10.10 a. m. Arriving at Pittsburg at. 0,15 p.m. Night Exprrss leaves Oil City at 8.80 p. m. Arriving at Pittsburg at 6.30 a. m. Mixed Way leaves Oil City at 7,20 a. m. Arriviug at Weet Penn Junction at 6,00 p. m. GOING NORTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at Arriving at Oil Citv at 8,00 a. m. 8,10 p. m. 7.30 x. m Night Express Waves Pittsburg at Arriviug at Oil City at 6,40 a m. Mixed Way leave Wort Penn June, at 6.4,") a. m. Arriving ut Oil City at 6,4-5 p. m. Connections at Corry and Irvine'on for Oil City and Pittsburg. At Franklin with .lumen town aud Franslin R. R. Connections with West Penn, R. R. at West Penn Junction for Blairsville and all points on the main lino of the Pennsylv niiia R. R. Sleeping Curs on Night Trains. J. .1. LAWRENCE. General Supt. Tuns. M. Kino, Asst. Supt. B CSINESS VA R D S. J OHN O. HALL, Attorney at law. Ridg way, Elk county Ph. mar-'JJ'tid ly s HENRY SOUTHER. Ridgway, Pa. Attorncv-nt-Law (feb29'o8), A Lm XI. "'a11 NK HOUSE, .St. Mary's Pa., Her man Kretz, Proprietor. piigO'lit) "Tlt. W. JAMES BL.VICELY Physician I and burgeon, St. Mary s, hlk s, r.lk county mar-22 Uti-l.V F 71RASK S. BARRETT, Aitorney-t-Litw UlcHiuuM, l'enn a. Will pmclico in Elk and Cameron courties. fsep!V08-y. I v. v. SHAW l'rsetices Medicine t and Surgery, Contreville, Elk Cuntreville, J.Ik county f niHr-22'tili ly. I k c. C. KllU.M.MK, M. D., 1 1 , Physiciiii and Surgeon. Eidgway Elk Co. l a Oiticc sibnve store id K. U. Uilii Oftice hoars from 8 to 10 A. M. and 6 to 8 1. M. vlnSlf. " II. YOLK, Manufacturer and Healer I), in I.ngtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary s, hlk county I'. Mar-22T.-1 . N 0. HAL I .IAS. K. V. 11 A II.. HALT. & liltO. Attorneys nt Lnw ST. M Mix's: BEXZINGER P. O. ELK. COUNTY. PA. September 20, 1815G. ly. J. 8. Bordwell, M. D. Eclcctie Physician Office: and residence opposite the ail. on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt nt- eution will be given to all culls. Olfice hours. : to 8 A. M- ; 12 to2 P. M. ; and 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, CO tf. T THAYER HOUStJ, RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undeTHignvd having fitted up n large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre aud Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of Lis old friends and the pit-Ho generally. decia oti Ij DAVID IliiM III. I7RANKLTN HOUSE, 1 - t. Mv'a, Pa. " LARGEY & MA LONE. Pana's. The proprietors respclfully ask the attention of their trienus and the public in general to their large and commodious hotel. Every attention paid to the convenience of guests. II. i.Alvur.1 . may80-1808.1 j- J, A. in A LON E. ERSEY HOUSE. Ckkthsvilie, Elk Co., Fa. II. I). Leach, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. the new pro. prietor, nones, by paying strict attention to the comfort act) eonvenienue of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. vln201y. M' ORTON HOUSE, ERIE. PA- 31. V. Moore, late of the Hyde Houe) topretor, - ' Open Day and Night- m30tf. . TALUABLE PINE LANDS FOR SALE. The valuable Pine Timber lands know as the HOWE, BLAKE, &C, lands, about 6000 terse, lying on Blysoa Run, and Mill Creek, in Clarion and Jefferson counties, and for sale will be sold in one lot, or in lots of reasonable size to suit purchasers. Terms Liberal- Apply to the ubsciiber at American House BrookviHe. Pa. ... . HARRISON BLA&E. ' Bruokville, July 10, 1SCJ. ntf juiii. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURB Of 1IIROAT AND LUNG DISEASES Dr- Wisliart's Pine Tree TAR CORDIAL. . It. is the vital principle of tho Tine Tree, oh. tained by a pecu'iar process In the distiloiion of tho tar by which its highest mei'ical pro prieties are retained. It is tho only safeguard nnd reliable remedy which lias ever been prepared from the juioo of the Pine Tree It invigorates the digestive orgnns nnd restores the appetite. It Strength ens the dcbiliated system. It purities and enriches the blood, and expolls from th sys tem the corruption which scrofula breeds On the lungs. Its healing principle nets upon the iritated surface of the lungs nnd throat, penetrating to each disenscd part, relieving pain and subdu ing Inflnmatinn. It is the reHult of years of study and cxpe. riment, and it is offered to the afflioted, with ho positive assurance of its power to cure tho following diseases, if the patient has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis. Liver Com plaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, hooping Cough, Dipthoria, 4o We ire often asked why are not other reme dies in fhe market for Consumption, Coughs Colds, and other Pulmonary atfectiin eciual to Dr.L. Q. Wishurt'a Pino Tree Tar Cordial. We answer 1st." It cures, not by stopping cough, and by, loosening and assisting nature to thrnw off the unhealthy matter collected about tho throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation nnd cough. d. Moat T'iront and Lung Remedies are composed of anodynes, which ll:iy the cough for awhile, but by their oonstringing effects, the hocrs become hardened, and the unhealthy Quids coagulate nnd are retained in the sys tem causing disenxe beyond the control of our most eminent physicians. 3d. Tl-e Pino Tree Tar Cordial, wi th its ns sistnnts. pcrfcctablo, becnuse they remove tho entire of irritntion of the mucitoits memhrnno nnd bronchial tubes, assist the lungs to net and throw off the unhealthy seo, etious, aud purify the blood, thus scientifically uiuking the cure perfect. Dr. W lshnrt nns on file at his office hun dreds, and Thousiiuds of Certificates, from men nnd women of unquestionable character who were once hopelessly given up to die, but through the providence ot Uou were com pletely restored to health by the P-no Tree Tur Cordial. A physician in attendance who enn be consulted in person or by mail, free of charge. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial $1,00 per bottle, nnd S-11,00 per doz. Sent by Ex ptess on receipt of price. Address L. Q. C. WISIIAKT, M. D.. No. 232 North 2d Street, l'hila. Pa. May 21,'0OmSvln27. N EW STORE.. The subscriber begs leave to inform the citi zens o; hiugway nnd vicinity Hint he has opened a store whero may be found PFRFCMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY. FINE CONI'KCTIONAR Y, OYSTERS, OR.VNGKS, LEMONS, in season. nI2 vltf J. R. 1-AII1D. A TTENTION MILL- O WNt ICS .' 'IMIE 1 WI EAGI.E TURBINE WATER HEEL, patented .inly fiil. ISO", is superior to nny wheel in use The under signed have the agency for said wheel in 'lie Stato ot Pennsylvania, and can rcciumneiid it as being the best manufactured. For further particulars, ami circulars, impure ut our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, eastings , mil steam engines will bo made to order ut reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of public patronage. .1. F. KOBEETSON, R. BELL Kersey, Elk Co.. Pa.,janHi 18ii8pd. jlOKE & CAMERON, Lcsses of the Minos of the Kersey Co.t Company. Miner aud Shipjirr ot. BITUMINOUS COALS I Ofsupeiior quality, for GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. Are prepared to receive Ordcts and make contracts lur these well. known coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO., PA. Kersey, Pa., March 12, 1808. vln!7tf. f YOU WANT TO BUY CLOTMMl.VG for the Million Go to A. DURLACHER, . DEALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS. TRAVELING BAGS. &o. ST. MARY'8, ELK COUNTY. PENN A- Jan218081ypd C1ARDS, Bill-Heads, Lettev-Hoads, Tags, I Handbills, &e., done in a neat manner. and at the lowest mien, FOR. CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Office. ' J on 1'kintiso of every description doje promptly at this office, and in a style un equalled in this aectiou ef the State. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. GUNS, PISTOLS. RIFLES, KNIVES pocket and table cutlery, of the beet quality and most approved patterns, yery cheap at the Hardware Store on Biberger'a old corner ia St. M-ry'a. NAILS, SPIKES, HINGES, locks, holts, and all kinds RIVETS, ot builder's materials in-general can be had cheaper at the-St.- Mary's Hardware 8tere than ac itherpbice in Elk oounrty. (n28'67) All orders will .be : orders for Stoves and Hardware; promptly attended to aa soon as received, at the 1- 07 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE.