The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 24, 1869, Image 2

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    FKJDAV. Kl'TlOMBKll Si;0.
HEl'rilLltAX STA IE T1VKE1'.
for 7h)vi:unoii.
gex.joux ir. or. Mir,
or I'r.vnur.i.ANP.
11 OX. 1lTyW1LL1AM8.
or ali.p.-iksv.
:oixrr ticket.
4 .
tilV AHffcMUI.r,
cf Klk County.
t'lfl -ot-slV rRi;Atrir.B,
o i r a ulf.s vo ve an-
ko: commissi in mi.
ins Ai urri ti,
-"V ( M'i'MT,
Since tl a In-t ii-.a? of uiir paper the lo
imI p-.iitii- of out county lmve ii.-isuiii cl n
1 .-finite -dmpe. We were 'earful thai the
;iint c inii)'i:ni) coins on in the runka of
the tuuei'rilii-d, uiwlit uuiiihilir.te tli entire
l'Otnoiiricy and -v. r niembeis. But now as
tlit: .-iuoi;eof he tittle 's Ncrinn'ng to rh--e,
tyiukiiiL' a c!' i.iberv;'l:on, wo cjd see
that the party i; i " t totally demolished, but
brokeu i i tw.i. IusieaJ of one solid, uni
ted, invincible 1 'i iiiocniric parly capable of
vit list ii ij' i i n ' the :i.r-;;Uit. of all
t'-i-i. a well sis pi oof against th.- lna-
rhiii iti'iiis of iot'.- ri'il f'ae'iuos. or eternal
(il'.iiv set ker., Wi? now Lib l I two sopi'rate
iiiij dis'llljt I t'liiocraite p:iitipit, desiiujiiz
oil. ilipir:teil find henrt-hrokr'ii. Thi
i iiiii.ui.' in ti.!.' a.-pvot of the I leuocrjey.
gives us three political parties, desigjutuu
as follov.s: We have the Republican forty,
composed oi' many of the best men in the
county- pentlciueii who have atlhered to
the orratiizatiou throughout tl e long ilark
night cf its almost hopeless minority, no
ill Tit t fouling a good (leal OS HLNllYCl.Ai
did. wheu he said he wmiil rather be right
tl.uu be President. They Celt that they
would rather be w'th the upriuht minority, with the corrupt or mistaken major
ity. They felt a devotion to principle, and
a proud consciousness that they were up
holding doctrines that were clearly calculut.
- ed to promote the bast interests of the coun
try, and tLat in the end must triumph as
f-urely as the princples of eternal justice
and tiuth always ultimately triumph. At
hist they are about to realize the results of
their long and untiriug efforts. From .his
time forth Elk County will h3 Republican,
if we are only true to ourselves, and as a
pnty remain true to (lie best interests o!
the country. '1 he proceedings of the
unty'ond District Conventions published
in this paper will show that we have placed
in nomination not only a ticket to be voted
for to till tha vuiious comity otlicrs of which
we will tpuakiiit length at another time, but
have nominated a candidate for Assembly
ut whom we desire to say a few words at
this time. Hie gentleman nominated both
by the County tind Assembly District is our
townsman -Horace Litti.e, Esq. It would
lie supciuVious to speak of his VjualiScations
were it uot that our District enibn.ces other
Counties than our own, as he is well known
1 y nearly every voter in this county,- and
hn.Avn to be every way qualified for the
position of As.-emhlyuian honest, compe
tent, and a thorough Republican. We can
ay to the honest voters of all parties in
tho other counties in, the District that they
will never regret casting their votes for
Hoi-ace Little, Esq., for Assembly; and
we thiuk the signs of the ii.:iis indicate
ti.j triumphant election,
2. Wejhuve the regular Democracy, pure
and simple, which couuts among its incur
tors many staunch and reliable men, reliable-
and responsible in every respect,
financially, socially, and politically. You
know exactly where to find them every
time. They are as sure to be wron politi
cally, as they are sure to bo right (for their
pockets) financially. You need never be
mistaken in thein. After all it is better
to kuow where to find a man even if wrong,
every time, than to find hira right occasion
ally, jufct often enough to begin to win your
coufideuee, and then deceivo you tit the
critical moment. You learn to guard
against the notoriously bad character, but
it is the man that you have learned to place
confidence in that deceives, betrays and de
stroys you. This wing of the democracy
have as their regular nominee for Assembly,
John G. Hall, Esq., of our town. Mr.
Hall is a promising young lawyer, who is a
gentleman as well, and has talent and In
dustry which rightly directed would secure
lim an enviable position in the world. He
was educated in- Wal!aoe'soffice at Clear.
Cold, and of course is reliably wrong politi
cally. However, eonsidering bis youth,
there U some hope that ho may still see
the error of Tiis waysj and on seeing, we
believe bin) honest tnniigli to repent, lie
will be defeated this time, but t soma fu
ture time, ami on the right track, better
luftk may bti in store for him.
3. Tho third and last of the politicnl
parties of tho county, is what we might
term tho irregular Democracy, although,
they chiiiu to be tho regular legitimate lager
(ii Democracy. This wing is lead by
Dit. Iuarlv, as their candidate for As
sembly. The Dr. is a wily politiuian, and
but seen the elephant, aud knows what is
what, and withal a very clever gentleman.
A'e judge he ingoing to make a strong run
lie lia-i hosts of persotml and political
,rinnds, both in this and the o'her counties
of the District. Hut like the i:andidt
of No 2. he must go down. It wi.l be m,
't race for him to fall before the popubiily
of the n ui'u.i) of the iuviueible lie
publican parly,
K Vud to rciasyivacia.
The inu feiieituto thcm.-clvrt unon
the votes tlii y wi'l gain in the ei mini; elec
tion in l'eni.sylviiiiia, fays the Miilailclphin
l'llK':s, tiiea,:.:o toe e.uiipaiii is tmt as ac
iive as dial i t last year, and to that end
will try to get out a foil vote lor their Slate
utid loeai tii Uts D. is well to be advised
of their hopes and pi ins. There is no
rea. ou why the Kepublican slie.ird not be
as iiotivo as the Deini.ciuis on and before
the day of the election. The only stimu
ia!tt ol (he DeiiMeiats is the de.-iie to o'o.
tain the spoils of office, while the stimu
lant of the li'qiuhiicans is to prevent the
riuiu; ii of men who have been thcairhnrs
of all out misioi tunes, and who, placed iu
eiM-inmid of tile linrcruuicnt, will be cviii
pe'led to undo ail that h is been gainst b
i he Union arms. The Republican cud
li.ittees should to it tint a full Hep-abli.
can vote is polled. There in plenty u!' ume
b: we, n now and the 12th of October, when
the flection takes place, to perfect the or
.atiiz-ition in tho Hi!T,!',."it di.'r'',t- T.i"t
tiie iicpuoiieaus be impressed with the fact
"hat a Deuioerarir victory in Pennsylvania
in lStiJ must vitalize all the heresies de
feated hy the defeat of the rebellion, and
they will feel it a duty to come out. The
work of reconstruction or restoration, the
payment of the national debt and the re.
duciion of taxation, can only be accom
plished by a continuance of Republican
rule. Lt tliut. be arrested, aud everv per
nicious doctrine and design of the Demo
erits will be at once eucourage l nud ad
vocated. Now moro than ever is it true
that a full vote is a RcpnVie.n victory.
TilS " Eik Democrat " starts out with a
good nppcararco and moderate language.
It it continues in its present gentlemanly
way to advocate the failinut fortuues of
the Democratic party, it will make many
friends and few enemies. It hai manv ob
stacles to contend with in its infancy, bat
is evidently conducted by meu of rueaus
and brains. We hopo it will not degene
rate into the llrick Pomeroy Rtyle as Demo
cratic papers arc apt to do. A g jod, seuud,
cariiild. loanable Democratic, nt.nor nn'.listi-
- i i r
ed in Ilidgway, is ju-t what Inn been want
ed t insure the Advocate a good circuit
tiou in and ouf cf the county. Peonle like
to hear both sides of a question, aud when
one side is heard they naturally turn to tho
other (i Competition is tho liie of trade."
W e now look for a crood circulation of the
Advocate, aud an iueieaaing llcpublhan
Thinking men of Pennsylvania will
find food for reflection in studying thu
votes of Asa Packer whi'e in Congress A
number of them v. ill be found to-dny, and
from time to time, in cur "State Pulin'cs'
column. They constitute a record which
fi w men would like to shoulder now. Head
in tho light of history, iMr. Packer's Con
gressional record is an extremely damaging
one. As his principles have not changed,
wo have fha right to infer that his Guber
uational policy will but carry out tho lite
of action indicated by these votes. Those
who would like to see Pennsylvania gov
erned on the platform of the reactionary,
Democracy have found their man.
As Asa Packer evades the qnsst.ion
whether he is in favor of the eight-hour
law, mechanics should remember that
President Grant directed that it should be
faithfully enforced in all the workshops of
the Geueral Government.
"IIavk you heard the uews from Maiuc?"
The election in Maine has resulted in the
complete triumph of the Republican parjy.
The Legislature is largely Republican,
whinh secures the election of a U. S. Seua
tor, in place of Fcssondou, deceased. .
Gov. Geary will speak at Parkers
Landing, Oct. 6th, at Titusvillo, Oct. 7th
aud at Mcadville Oet. 8th.
A YOUNG lady about to be married, in
siste'd on having a certain clergyman to per.
form the ceremony, saying: " He always
throws so much feeling into the thing, and
I wouldn't give a fig to bo married unless
it could be done in a style of gushing rhap.
Subscbibs for the Advocate.
T.,ooil and Miscellnnv.
We are indebted to our enterprising
neighbor of the Dkmooiiat, for the follow
ing report of the proceedings of tho Re
publican County Convention held in this
place on the tilh inst. The Secretary of ihe
Convention is absent from home and if he
prepared the proceedings wo urc unable to
find them. Wn understand tie l'EMo
cttAT'a report is subslanlnilly coirect.
The convention met on MomLy offer
noon the tilh inst. at .".J o'clock, in" ptnu
uncc of a culi by J. 11 Baiid, tin-inner oi
the liepiihiieaii Stiite Coiiiiiiiiiee, ;.i:d were
culled to order In that gentleman, who
nominated W . IS. Il notli ri f r permanent
preMifeiil. Mr. Ifm.ibleti declined. J. L.
:iiown Hum ii'iinlnat ' I Jci-omo Powell for
that po.-ition, who wii! duly rl. oted, and on
i-tkiug the chair, mad,- a neat Kpeeeh, i n -vi.king
hurmony ,J. Ii Itiiird an i .1. W.
I'.rown were e!nofrJ y,eici.irie -. The f ol -lowinit
deli'gaics prusenle;! hei-- cre'lentiids:
Jieiii zette T. I!. Wi.s!..w, J. W. Hi own.
l'os W S Hamblen, M. K. Grvsh.
llortou Joseph 'Jl.ainiieriain, Uriah
V.". i:,.g..,s.
lay A. Weed, l.croy Log-jet.
Joues J. L. Drown, K. ll.Sunt!i.
KiJj-.vay J M. D.iiid, Jeromu Powell
spring Crock Luther P. Powers, J. L'
I lice.
St. Aluiy's H. .T. R,s, S. Roy nlds.
Oil lo.-Uoll the roll ol the delegates was
called and u'iswi-i-ui io tts iib-ivc. Wetiziu.
gi.rainl Higliland wore n trscnted.
i L. Riown tiioved tiiat ti:ej' puieecd to
noi.iioale the best man in li e enmity lor
eoii. ncr, and iheu to ooniinnte still
tn-iier men :is they vent up tl.o li.-t ol Coun
ty i.iiieOii. JSeeonded and carried.
l r. iiiiss LiojiinaU'd Dr. n. ifojnol ls, of
St. Murs, lor Coroner. IV. A.
iiMiiinated 1 r. Rus.i, w in) u. eiined. The
nomioatioo of In. Reynolds lor Coroner
was then mane by acclamation.
.J. it. Rairil nominated J. L. Brown for
county Auditor. Mr. Drown thorn'tit this
'Hi) not iicooiiliiig to tiie rule adopted, and
o'ininated Jerumu Powell, Mr. Powell
(bought this a departure froin the rule.
.V. 11. Dead was hImj nomiinittd. Mr
Powell received a m ij.uity on the second
ballot, whereupou his Hum nation was made
1. A Weed nominiit-1.! Thomas Irwin
for coinmi-sioncr lor mo ye:,is T. R.
xVins!ow nominated Ralph Johnston. Mi.
lohnston received a nn-joi-ity on the first
oado', wuu Uio iua.iu-..j ja u.adc unaci
uious. ' V. Or ty Th .ma; Irwin were ;v
spective put in nomination for Comuiis
siuocr for three years. Mr. Irwin received
". majority on the first ballot, aud his uomi
nation was made unanimous.
J. K. Whitmore was nominated for couu
ty Treasurer by acclamation.
Chailes M'Veau, Horace Little. J. L.
Brown aud J. W. Brown were named for
proihouotary. Charles M'Vean received a
majority on the first ballot, and bis nomi
nation was made unanimous.
W. 8. ilambleu uomiuated Horace Lit
tle for assembly. Dr. II ass nominated J.
S. Bates Ou motion the nominations were J
closed. L. A. eed moved that the bal
lot be postponed indefinitely. Vote taken
aud ijuesiiuii loat Yci., j Nays, 11.
The b illot was taken, resulting in a tua
jnnty tor Horace Little, whoe nomiiiuiiou
was made unauimoiis.
On motion, the chair appointed W. P.
Hamblen, U. W. Rogeih, and Ji. K. (Iresh
a uumtuiuoe to wait upon Mr. Little aud in
fo) m him of hi.? iK'iii iiiut ion.
On inotieu, power was couferred on Mr
Li' lie to appoint his own conferees.
On motion, J. 11 Baird was made chair
nmu ot the county eom;nittee for the en
ruiiia year, and tiie president of thu
ven'ioii was authorized to upjKdnt the com
.nittou. The committee as uumed is as fol
lows: Ridgvay J. R. Ba'rd, ehsirman.
Benozeite J. W. Brown.
Reuzioger Joseph i'atton,
p.'X W. S. Hamblen.
High laud Levi Ellithorpe.
I Iortou Joseph Chamberlain.
Jay B. A.. Weed.
.Jones J L Brown.
Spring Cicok L. F. Powers,
St. Mai v'sj--Charles M'Vean.
At this etnge the committee retmned
with Mr. Little, who in a modest little
speech thanked the convention for Ihe honor
of his noiuinutiou, which he accepted, and
appointed as his oonieroes W. S. Hamblen,
L. P. Powers and J. R. Baird.
On motion, the chair appointed J. R.
Baird. W. S. Ilambliu and L, F. Powers
a committee on resolutions, to be published
with tho proceedings. Mr. Hamblen de
clined, wheu J. W. Brown was appointed
in bis stead.
The chairman then admonished the de
legates that the duty before theia was to
elect the ticket they had nominated, and
said that success was cettaiu if a proper ef
fort was made,
. The couveution then adjourned sine die.
The Post Office at Brandy Camp has
been reestablished, and Uriah W. Rogers
appointed Post Master.
D. C. Ouster's new Hotel at Ilelleu is
progressing finely, and is a first class struc
ture. The traveling publio will appreciate
the enterprise of thd proprietor of such a
house. No better stopping place can be
found on the road.
The coal business at Kersey is said to
look more promising. The fact is, the coal
mined at the " shaft " under the supervision
of Supt. Gresb is of such superior quality
that consumers cannot afford to use other
Editor Ei.k Aiivocatb: Some of your rea'd
ers tuny remember a correspondence which
passed through t'ae columns of the Advocatk
two or three years ago, between myself and
Mediums" respecting the "Invoontlon of
Saints," as taught and practiced in the church
of Home. Ii wan l.lien my duty to point, out
several errors I do not rny in the doclrine of
llint church, but in the argument of my corres
pondent errors of so grave a nature that they
must ho fninl to the claims of tho Koman
Church, if ao bo that tliy are evrors of the
Church nnd not of this particular writer.
Cut while the lel'ers of Medious" seemed
i:i doctrine and spirit so widely diJerent from
ihe Idlers of the Apostles, I am happy to be
lieve that there are some at least In that do.
nuniinniion who hold "ihc faith onoe delivered
to the Saints." Evidence of this 1ms recently
(nine lo hand, on J I should be glad io have
more of the samo sort. Indeed I wou'd be
?'n l to know ihnt "Mvdicus" was quite alono
in thorn wroiieims sentiments, and that all the
rest in Unit church held Ihe pure Christian
'ai Ii as laid down in ll.c New Tesicment.. It
was io this end that I wrote before, and now
vvriie (ooiin: wishing lo do nil in my power to
iriij; all to the truth of tho Gospel. A recent
'euci- from a friend, who is n member of Ro
man communion, (nud I lmve reson lo believe
a Ciiiily esteemed and intf.enl ial member,)
coniiiins a confession of faith which seems to
mo Iruly cran-r.'l'cal. !y f.iend confesses
ihnt he is "a sinner, sieved if avrd nt all, by
the abouu'in ' grace of Jesus Christ; that in
i he blood shed on Calvary for me is all my
hope: that, in that one tull perfect sacrifice
rtii accomplished my salvation so far thai I
have bat to believe and obey in order to attain
jtoinal life; linu no woik or word of mine, or
of any cicature in Leaven or on carih, can
avail iiiiliL to five me iruiii tho bondage of
diiiili nnd iieli, npart from that redeeming not
of Christ; so 1 dvj.end upon II im fully,
upon Him wholly, npon Him unly, as my Hope,
my I'tfite, my Savior."
Tht. evory lloimin fathuVe, as well as every
me c'se, limy be able from the heart to nu.lie
this cuuitsaio , is tho sincere desire of
District Con vk.s-.-ion Vursuar.t to a cull
for District Convent ion. lo meet at Uidgwny, on
Friday, Slop. lOih. lR,ili: ni M ti'l p. m. Confer
ees mei ami Forest and ClenHk-ld Counties not
lcpresenied. Klk Cunuiy l'elej;iil ion consist
ing of W. S. Hrimhliu, L. F. l'owers. J. K.
I! aird present, oiganiiud by making L. F. Tow-
i rs l'rcsidoiit and .1. 11. Uuii-d Secretary
Moved that Horace Little Ks.., be the nominee
for Assembly, from thin District, ihe nomina
tion Was uiude unaui.uous.
i.. F. Puwuns, PiiEsr.
J. U. Baiiiii, Skcv.
Spring Creek, Co. P.
September ill, 18G9.
J. Powkli. J?Sll.,
ChairiiMU County Convention.
On my return from several weeks absence
from the county, loin informed that I was nomi
ualsd by the hue Utpublican County Conven
tion as a candidal fur the olUue of County Com
missioner. Appreciating the honor confered by the con
voniion, in selecting me for that responsible
office, I am compelled to decline being a can.
didaio, on account of the sacrifice it would oc.
ension to my private interests as well as my
iuipuircd health- Yours Respectfully,
Thomas lawix.
To the Editor of the Elk Advocatk.
Sib: Having been frequently asked
within the lust few diiys'whethcr I was a can
didal o or not for member of Assembly, I de-
.ro to state tliroiiirh vour eriliiiiirru tlmt
previous to Ihc County Convention, I promised
io accept the nemiuition if tendered, and there-
love now teel bound lo si aud by my word, and
i ho action of the County and Disnict Couvcu.
lions. 1 did not seek the nouiinaliou, aud very
much ilinltto be a candidate in opposition to
the wishes of auy portion of tho Ilepublican
'arty; but tin ler the circumstances have no
right to withdraw my uaiuo.
Horace Little.
llidfw y, Sept. 2llh. lPii'J.
In Ridgway, ou Tuesday evening, Sopt.
-1st, inat. Mitu. RKntocA L. Mead, wife
if Hon. Churles Mead, of this place, aged
!) years, 2 mouths and 3 days.
The subject of this sketch deserves more
than a passing notice. She was.oue of
those wouien whose many christian virtues
had endeared her not only to her own im
mediate family and fricudsbut to this en
tire community in which she had spent
nearly her whole life. As a neighbor and
friend she was ever ready to extend a help
ing hand in time of need, regardless of per.
sonal' sacrifice. She tad beeu an active
member of a Christian Church for about
forty-five years, having connected herself
with the Baptist Church in the 14th year
of her ajze, and coutinucd her membership
in that church for about fourteen years, at
which time she became a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, and faithfully
adhered to the rites and doctrines of that
Church till the day of her death. During
her lingering and painful illness, she relied
confidently upon the alj-sustaining arm of
her Redeemer and fiually died in the full
triumphs of a Christian's faith.
A bereaved husband, six children, and
a large circle of relatives aud friends sus
tain in her death an irreparable loss.
The valuable Pine Timber lands know as
the HOWE, BLAKE, & Co., lands, about
5000 aores, lying on Blson Bun, and Mill
Creek, in Clarion and Jetterson counties, and
for sale will be sold in one lot, or in loUof
reasonable size to suit purchasers.
Terms labewil- Apply to the
subso.iber at Amerioau Tiouse Brookville, Pa.
Brookville, July 10, 18UU. n35ui3.
The largest store in North Western Pa., lit
terally filled to overflowing.
WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of
We are opening the spring campaign with
the largest and most altractivo stock ever
offered in this market.
We shall endeavor to keep every depart
ment well assorted the year round, Our
will always contain a large and well selected
stock of Cloths Cassiincrs & Cloakings, Black
and Colored Silks. Seasonable dross goods in
great variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels
&c, white goodsof every description, bleached
aud brown sheetings all widihs.
Agents for Uoyt Bros. Celebrated Leather
With our superior facilities for obtaining
heavy goods, in large quantities, from first
hands we defy competition In
Groceries & Provisions.
We invite particular attention to our choict
brands of extra and double extra flour, we get
direct from mills at the west thus saving to
customers the profits usually pocketed by
middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground
and we guarantee entire satisfaction with
every barrel
At their capacious stores: both in
Have on hand, splendid assortments of
all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants
of tho people of Elk and adjoining
counties, which they are selling at prices
that defy competition. They would s'tBiply
state here, that being very largo dealers,
their facilities for purchasing are un
equalled by any establishment in the
county. They buy directly from manu
factures and on tho
Another advantage. You can always
get whnt you want at thoir stores, htnee
you will save time by going directly to
them and TIME IS MONEY. We
have no space here to enumerate all the ad
vantages you will have in patronizing these
establishments! But call and see, and
reap the advantages for yourselves.
Among their Goods you will find
DRY GOODS in eniless varieties,
GROCERIES choice and fresh
CLOTHING of best material superior
cut and finish,
BOOTS & SHOES of the best
stock and make,
CROCKERY for newly married,
middle aged aud elderly.
Abo most other kinds of country pro
duoe taken at the market value