Local and Miscellany. Var Time at llidgtcay Erie Express East 12:4" a. m. do do West :84a. m. do Mail EnBt 6:15 p. m. do do Went 8:10 p. m. Local Freight East 9:40 a. m. do do West C;30 p. m. Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will he hell at. their hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHIT MO HE, Seo'y. . I. 0. G. T. The Regular meeting!) of Ridgwny Lodge, No. 2fiG, held every Wedncsdny evening at their Lodge Rooni. C. E. Brrmah, Secy. ACENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized ngents for tho Advocate to receive subscrip tion, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. At.dk ten-, J. L. Brown. Knne. Frank W. Mi;ecb. Johnsonsbttrg. Isao Haqan. Kt, Marys. Chas. McVkan. CeatreviUe. Homer B. LEAcn, Mnj. BunEB. Caledonia. W. P. f?inH, 15. A. Wkf.d. l'ennezetle. .Tonu C. Baud, J. W. Crows. Ehawnmi-. Jons Farhrb. f'pring Creek. A. W. Irvin. Highland. Levi ELLOTHonrr:. Horton. D. C. Oyateu, N. M. Brockway. From all quarters of tho county wo hoar condemnations of the Ridgway ring ' Sicli him, pup ! bear it dad, it will be the making of iho pap." What nmki-s your hair eo beautiful ? Mrs. S. A- Allen's Improved (neio efyle) hail Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle ) Trica One Dollar. Every Druggist soils it. Tub Domocratio District Convention, to bo composed of conferees from Clearfield, Elk and Forest counties, will meet in the borough of Tionesta on Tuesday Aug. 2;!d. MAfONic Convention. Grand Master, Richard Voux, will hold a Grand LoJgo of Ia.-itiuction at Ridgway to morrow, (Saturday, 7th) at 10 o'clock, A. JI., fr the benefit of District Doputy '.lely.ger's district. Organize. It i: time the Hepublicanp of LIU perfected a thorough organization for the campaign. There will bo a sharp contest in the Stata, and it is hoped Eik county will do her duty in tho Republican cause. M. L. Brksnan, Ji-fj., Chief Manner of the China Tua Co's. S.oie Philadelphia, eays of the " MacRmoose : " "It is the best blood purifier I hjvc ever knojvu ; it needs only to be tried to be appreciated." From the Clearfield Republican, a paper that Senator Wallace carries in bis pocket, we learn eoroe things that will bo new to the people of i.Mu county, among others that Iho delegates hi the Hall democratic convention , v.-cre a majority tf all tho delegates of the deiuoerncy and rcprcsf.r.lcd tho democratic tot; as, Cf eojivx 't. Marys, Ltntinger ind Viix being on.i.11 towns go. for nothing. Another exempli Moat ion of the old saying that oue liujI go away from ho.ae to hear the new A occ: at cry cvincs iron; Rotue. Iu prepare! ion for ilio 0-icunieuics.l Council the Dupe c.-dored from hi.) architect certain cm bcliif-haionts, the plati of whieli was brought for his inspection by that gentleman's little boy. Charniud by the plan, tho Dope opoued a drawer full of goid, and said to tho child " Take a litndful of coin, as a reward for the beauty of your father's work." " Holy Father " replied tho child, " take it out for me ; your haul is bigger than miuo." Fiua IX., could not hilp smiling, and obeyed the child, The Newspaper Eon rower. We clip the following opinion of newspaper bor rovjois fioin one cf our exchanges. That Editor has a poor opinion of " sich." iVe think he is a little toe hard j but h ere is what ho says : " The newspaper borrower is, as a general Jiuug, (Lie meanest person in the community, (always except those who subscribe for a ca per and nan't pay for it,) aud is entitled to none or the courtesies which honorable mon love to extend to each other- Tho newspaper borrower would borrow a tooth brush, if he wasuttoo mean to lose that portion of his dinner which remains between his teeth. TnE Itidgway faction of the democracy Lavo published a circular to to (he people of Elk County which of couiso tells the tru.h, whilo tho local press are entirely ignorant of the tacts. They eay that the Gazelle refused to publish their report unless paid. Eight, say we. We would have published it on the patuo terms. It was nothing but an advertisement for Mr. Hull, aud was of no value as news, political or other, of course the Gazelle could not ufTord to lumber up Its columns with such rubbish wilhout pay, since space is of some value and neither devil nor compositors work for nothing, Hit 'cm again. To Count d'Orsay. the noted dandy cf the last generation, 'a London publisher once offered a largo pile of guineas if he would write his memoirs and tell a part of what he knew of the high English society iu which he had lived. A glittering temptation it must have been to a spendthrift, always in want of money, and who was just then paiticularly " hard up." ' No." said the Count, after a moment's thought, "I will never betray the people with whom I have dined." Sai.-.te-Deuve, who tells the anecdote, lakes the occa sion to give the origin of the phrase ml roi With the ancients it was a principle, a religion, that whatever was said among table compan ions was to remain secret aud sacred ; what, ever was said under the rose, tub roiaiu al lusion to the ancient custom of tie guests being crowned with roses ut a festival Ihe Growth of Our Country. The New York Evening Port contains tho following inteicstins calculation of the f . . ... prouauio increase ot population ot tho United States. The United States have an are of 3.- 678,892 square miles, or 2,290,170,880 acres ; nearly on aore for every dollar of the nauonai debt, iho population in 18oW was 81,443.321. It was then conrmted by the Census Bureau that the annual in crease of population is 3 per cent, and that the United States would probably contain 1870 a populajion of 42,828,432 1880 a population of 66,450,241 18SK) a population or....- 77,8iB,HII DJOO a population of.... 100,853,802 Tho last number is greater than the present population of Great Britain, France-, Spain and Prussia together, and fur greater than any number of Civilized peo ple ever yet united in a nation. Xet with this populalion the United States would havo but twenty-eight inhabitants to every square mile -less than one third the present deusity ot the population ot JNew lork State which is nearly ninety-four to the square mile. There is perhaps no doubt iu any one's mind that the whole territory of the Uuitod States is, on the average, naturally capable of supporting a populat ion a? dense as that of Massachusetts. Yet that Stato has 1G3 inhabitants to every square mile, and the United States when equally peopled, will contain G19,n00,000 of inhabitants. It sceins a very long time to look forward to the end of this century, but the country now has nearly fourteen limei tho number of people for whom the Fedeial Con? tUution was first framed ; and the child born this year, if it attain the age ot three score and ten, will in all probability be a citizen of a nation of 325,500,000 people. A ITourtii of July orator over in Jer sey spoke of the United States as bounded on the cast by the rising sun, on the north by the aurora borealis, on the south by the proces sion, of the equinoxes, and on the west by tho day of judgment. 1on't Run Up Stairs. Often prac ticed it is ruinous to liealtV. An eminent phy sician once said to us that he wouldn't go up stairs faster than a walk if the house was on fire and he had valuable property to save ; and we believe he w ould not. Much walking up Btairs is especially injurious to women, and frequently running up stairs is a sure ticket to heart disease -so says a Springfield (0.) paper. A letter from Southern Illinois says the crop of strawberries and raspberries has been the largest known, thai blackberries ere now abundant, that apples, pears, peaches and quinces are promising well, that the wheat crop is larger than ever before, and that other farm and gurJea products are turning out well. A CITHPT.S of Philadelphia who used a weak solution of carbolic acid at a wash to neutralize the offensive odor arising from a cancer, discovered that tho latter was entirely removed by the application. "The solutiou con- siBittt oi one-lourtn ol an ounce ot acta uuu ted in a quart of water. The Game Laws. Below will be found an epitome of the game laws which wo pub lish for tije benefit of the publie : Deer cannot be killed or taken except from Ihe 1st of September until the 31st of Do- cer.iber. Grouse or Pheas-r.u! can be shot from the l."t of August to the 20th of December. Patridges can onlv bo killed from the 1st of Oclnbcr'to the 20lh of Deeomber. Wild turkeys can be hunted from the 1st of October to the 1st of January. Pquirrels mid r-ibbits may be shot from the 1st of August to tho 1st of January. Woodcock from the 4th of July to the 15th of November. Insectivorous birds, which include tho robin, aro prohibited to be shot at any time, and it is illegal to rob theceta ot wild birds of all kinds. Trout can bo fished for, wiih hook and line only, during the months of April, May, June and July. Sunday shooting or hunting is prohibited under a heavy penalty. Traps, blinds, snares, &o., are entirely pre hibited. Possession of fish or other game out of season, is sufficient to convict the party, even if they were purchased. The penalties vary front $5 to 50. One half the fine goes to the informer, and any one convicted and refusing to pay the fine goes to jail for ten days. LJCK AND Labor. Indolent nennle are the only disciples of luck, and luck alone is their god. They are always sure something is coiner to " turn n " for their benefit, aud therefore wait in idleness, with " folding of hands while the industrious. with stronir and sharn will, tro maufullv to work and " turn up " something from tho most unprotuibiog material. Luck sleeps ou the hope of a legacy to-morrow, breakfasts on disappointment, and sits out the day in oold and hunzer. still waiting for the fortune that labor achieves by sturdy' blows and welKdirected efforts. The ringing hammer and busy pen, are laying the foundation of compe tence, while iudokaee toaten miser and eiime. Luck is simolv the bantlinor of the most precarious chance, while labor is the all powciful god of success, that overleaps every obstacle, aud conauersthe world in detail. Luck whiues. Labor whistles. Luck relies on the turn of a card. Labor on sturdy blows and honesty of purpose. Luck slips downward to penury. Labor strides upward to independence. . Luck makes the outcast and the criminal. T,hnr the man of substance and the Christian gentleman. The rod of the Prophet brought forth sweet water from tho rock of floreb : afflictions sanotified by Peity, soften the heart the flow of the gentler affections. Lnpia Ladies and How Thet are Dressed. The ornaments worn by tho native women of India are something wonderful. Commencing at the toes and going up, or commencing at the head and ooming down it is a maze of mystery. The hair is handsomely diessed, and filled with all kinds of silver arrows and gold darts, and bound witb gems and precious stones. The cars are pierood for not only one set of earrings, but for several, the usual cuHtom being seven holes in tho right oar and six in the left, which in a full dressed bollearc died with rings.- The noso is usually pierced in the left side, and a ring with pendant jewels hnngs around the mouth dangling upon the chin. The neck is heavily laden with necklaces of metal precious stones, ooral or pearls. The bracelets on the arms are of silver or gold, according to the means of tho wearer, some of tho fair box wearing as many as twenty-five or thirty braoclcts on either arm. The fingers nre covered with rings in the same profusion, with tho addition of a seal ring on each thumb, which is gen erally the finest and most ornamental. The anklets of the higher classes are of bolid gold, set with prcoious stones, and are ex. trcmely beautiful. Little bells are at tached, so that in walking or dancing time s kept to tho motion. Tho toes aro. fre quently covered with rings, tho seal being worn on the top aa upon tho outaido of tho thumb. An India belle in full costume may wear several pounds of jewelcry and not be overdressed. The mysteries of the female toilet are beyond my comprehension. Some wear fine silk shawls as a neither garment, wound around in a most myste. rious way. and aro covered by another shawl of the samo material, which hangs over the shoulders, continually fluttering, as if trying to escapo from a silver or gold band which fastens it around the waist. Tho little chilcron wero dressed in admira ble taste, aud looked as frcbh aud sweet the flowers. as Hurry Her Up. Fanny Fern says : The coining woman shall be no cold, angu lar, flat chested, narrow shouldered, fikimply, sharp visaged Betsey ; but she shall be a bright.eyed, full chested, broad, shouldered, lare souled, intellectual baing, able to walk, able to eat, and able to fulfil her natural destiny. There aro tcu Indians to ono Uussia in Alaska. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS URNITURE. The undorsigned having purchased the en tire slock , of furniture, materials &o., of Scivilion Thomas, bite for sale by II. H. Thomas, as agent, as also the stock owned by G. T. Wheeler, also in charge of H, H. Thomas for sale upon commission, intends to carry on the furniture business in the rooms lately occupied by H. 11. Thomas A competent practical cabinet maker will superintend the business and do the work, and it is tho determination of tho proprietor to make and soli furniture more substantially mado and at lower pii-eos than has ever been offored to the people ef this vicinity. The public are invited to call ami examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. J -NO. G. HALL. UMatn-njr July SI (Mia vln3Htf. "ANMOODj STORED. HOW LOST, HOW RE- isX2a of Kit. CCLVKKWKLL'S CKLKHUATED ESSAY on Iho r dical cure (without medicine) of Si'MtMATonmiojA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntnr.v S minaj Losses. Ijii'orKscv, Mental and I'hislcal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, cto. ; also, Cos sl'mi'Tion, EriLEi-sv, and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravazance. fey" Trice, in a sealed envelope, ouly U cents. Tho celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of Belf abuse may be radically cured wilhout the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the kuife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, aud radically. flfcy-Tliis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and ivery man in the bind. Sent, under sot iu a plain envelope, to any address, poilpaid, on receipt of .six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwefl's " Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, OHAS. J. C. KLINE t Co., 127 Uowery, Now York, l'ost-Otfice Box 4,0(i. vln35yl. -y-ALUABLE PINE LANDS FOR SALE. The valuable Pine Timber lands know as Ihe HOWE, BLAKE, & Co , lauds, about 5(100 acres, lying on Blyson Run, and Mill Creek, in Clarion and Jefferson counties, and for sale will ba sold in one lot, or in lots of reasonable size to suit purchasers. Terms libei'al- Apply to the subsc.iber at American House Brookvillo, Pa. HARRISON BLAKE. Brookville, July 10, 1800. n35m3. Special Notices rpo CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored to health iu a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having Buffered several years with a severe luug affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow -sufferers the means of re. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the description used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the game, which they will hud a sure Cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, cto. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he ooneeives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it win cost liioi noiiiing, ana may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings County. N. Y. vln26yl. JRRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for year from Nervous Debility, Premature Deoav. and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, fend free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he wa cured. Sufferer wishing te profit bv the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, iu perfcot coufidenoe. JOHN B. OUDEN, vl ulitiy 1. No. 42 Cedar street, V. Y. RAILROADS- fHlLADELIEIA & EME RilLHOAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thrwjh and Direct Route Irtwcen I'hiliti?c?jhii, Baltimsre lTnrri. ht'rj, Willuimtport, and (he. GREAT. OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEJIl-'INa CABS On all Niglit Trains. ON' ami after MONDAY, NOV. 2"th, the trains on the Philadelphia- & trie Railroad v ill run as fullt.ws : WKH rWAHl). Mall Train leaves Philadelphia 10.-!-') p. ni. " " " Ridgway ..' .'!.21 p. in. " " arrivoat lOrio 0.60 p. in. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia ll.i'.t) n. in, " " " Ridpvay :3 :U ... m. " " arrive at Erie.. ...10.t0 ti. m HAsrwAiiu. Mail Train leaves Erie 10. M a. rn. " " " Iiid?wny 5.1 0 p. m. " arrive at t'liilad a -10 00 a. in. Erie Express lonvcs 15. iu !i.'J5 p. in. " " " Pid,;wav 12.4") a.m. " " ar-at -Philadelphia- 4.20 p. l-i. Mail and Express connect, with Oil Crnek and Alli'pliKiiv River Rail Hold. I3AO GAGE CHECKED ill HOUGH. ALI'RED L. TYLER. General Superintendent. LLECHENY VALLEi RAIL ROAD. Xho only direct route (6 Pittsburg vain OUT CHANCE OF from Oil Citv. CARS On and nf'er Monday M.iy will run us follows : U 18G:, trains GOING SOUTH. Day Express lciivrs Oil City at Arriving at riltsburg nt Nifeht E:prr. leavis Oil City at Arriving at riitsburg at Mixed Way leave Oil City at. Arriviug at West Pcnn Juuclkn at GOING NORTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at Arriving at Oil City at Night Express leaves TiHsburg at Arriving at Oil Citv nt 10,10 n, m. ". 1 5 p. ni . 15,30 p. m. ti.HO a. ni. 7,20 a. m. 0,00 p. m. 8,00 a. m. 8,10 p. in. 7,30 p. m. 5,40 a m. .tjf nave new i onn June. at. a. in. Arriving at Oil City at 5,15 p. m. Connections at Corry and Trviuo'on for Oil City and Pittsburg. At Franklin with James town and FranKlin R. R. Connections with West Penn, R. R. nt West Pcnn Juncliou for Blairsvillo and all points on the main lino of the Pennsylvania U. It. Sleeping Carson Night Trains. J.-.T. LAWRENCE, Genera! Sup' . Thos. M. Ki.Nfi, Asst. Supt. JJCSIXESS CARDS. TOIIN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg way, Elk county P:i. iiiar.22'lili ly H ENKY SOUTHER, Hidgwny, Pa. Attorney-at-Luw ifoUiy'oH), A LPINfi HOU.SE, St. Mary's Pa., Her man irel-., I ropnetor. ptig'J iu D Pa. it. W. JAMES PLAINLY Physi.-ian and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county ninr-22'ij(ily. 17MUNK S. BARRETT, Aitorney-at-Law, ; Clearfield, Pemi'a. Will practi?u iu Elk nnd Cuinurnn .com tin. eeptVGU-y. DR. W. V, SHAW lWiices Medicine and Surgery, Cenfrcviilc, Elk eounty war-i;2"C(j ly. HF. 0. K'lUMME, M. I)., Phyi ici in r.iid Surjrcuu, Fudgwny Elk Co. Pa Oiticc above store of It. G. YiillU Office ho.ii- IVciu & to 10 A. M. and ti to 8 P. M. vlu8tf. CH. VOLK, Manufacturer nnd Dealer ! Lag, r Boer, oppwiie tho Ruilr jait Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. llar-J'Ct;-! . JO.IK O. HAM i-i a r ,t . JAR. K. 1 1IAIL. Attoi'iioyH -at Law BENZ1NGER P. 0. Ei.K COUNTY, PA. September 20, 1SGG. ly. TS. Iloidwcll, M. D. Eclectio Physician . Ollico and residcuea opposite tho Jail, on Centre St., Ridt;way, Pa. 'prompt at tention willbe given to nil calls. Ollico hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. ; nud 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, CO tf. milAYER HOUSE, X RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a lurgo aud commodious hotel on tho southwest corner of Centre and Mill etroe's, with good and convenient stiibling attached, respect fully solicits the patrol. age of his old frieuds and the puV tic generally. declO'CO ly DAVID THAYER. 17 R A N K LI N II OUSK, 1 hr. Mahyk, Pa. LARGEY & MA LONE, Pnnra's. The proprietors rcspcul fully ntk the attention of their friends and tho public iu general to the'.r largo and con.iuodinus hotel. Every attention paid to the convenience of guests. II. LARGEY, may80-1863.1y J. A. wALOXE. KERSEY HOUSE,. CKUTr.RviLiE, Elk Co., Pa. LT. 1$. Leach, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed unou him. th naw T,.r,. priotor, hopes, by paying strict attention to me oomrori atu convenience ot guesls, to merit a continuuuee of the same. Tln201y. JORTON H0US3, Eli IE, PA- M. V. Moore, (lute of the Jjjile House) J'rop'ielor. Open Day nnd Niht- n30tf. NAILS, SPIKES, HINGES, RIVETS, locks, bolts, aud all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at the Sj. Marv's Hardware Stui-e than arc other place in Elk couru ty . - (u28'G7) All orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to aa soon as received, at the 12'07 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. Tea Advocate has the largest circulation in the county, uud is the best advertising medium. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT REMEDY FOR THE Ct;RE Op AND LUX 0 I 'MI 110 AT 'TSEASES WiFhnrt's Pino Trco TAlt CORDIAL. It is Iho vital principle of tho Pino Tree, nb. tnined by a pecu'inr process in tho flisitilniiou of th' t.ir by which its highest mec'i'jnl pro prii;tii.'fi are retained. It is theonly sntrgr.ard nnJ reliable remedy wImtIi has ever been prepared from the juice if i be- Pine Tito It invi-f.-rfiti-a the digi-slivo oi-pms and i stores Ihe appelitn. It Ftrc.igth ens the tlrbi'i.ited system. It purifies and mi ioheH t lie blood, and cxpolln fiom the syn tem the coiiuption which scrofula breeds on the luiij;-". lis healirxr pviiuiiple nets upon the iritat.ed Biirfi-.cc of l!i limgfl nn.l throut, penetrating to ench ili'iiiiised pari, lelitv'.ng paiu and su'uu:: iii i tliiihiilioii. It ii ilit reu'it. of yc-ir. of sluly nnJ expe. rimcnt, and it is offered to tho niiiicled, wilh i)io p oitivr au ranee of its power U euro the (V.'lowiug diiicc.sos if the patient, has not too long delayed a res-nrt to the tnetiiiH of cure : Consunipii.uj cf tho Limns, Cough, Sore Throat and M renal, lli-onchitii. Liver Com plaint, Blind and illi-ediug Piles, Asthma, Whoopini; Co.-.;'Ji, DipliieHa, &c- We me often nsked why ur.s not other r.-nic-d'es in ihe imu-ket fr Consumption, Coughs Colds, and other Pulmonary alVeetijn oqnnl to Dr. L. Q. Wislmrl's l ine Tree 'fur Cordial. Wc answer 1st. It cures, not by tl-ipping cough, but by, loosening und afsiting nature to throw oil the unhealthy matter tolluotcd about ihe throat and brcach-ul tabca, woisiisa ufiuiitn nnd cough. 2d. Mot Tbroet and I.nng Remedies are compoeil of anodynes, which r.ll iy the eolith fur awhile, but by their oouslring'ing eff'tcta, the rtl,er3 beconio h.-.r.loncd, -and the unhe'il'hy nuiiis oonguuire ant ore relnmed in the sys tem causing 'dUCuse beyond tho control of our mon eminent phj p'cif.ua. 3d. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, with its s sistnnts, perfectubbi, because they remove the cause of irritation of tho mucuo is meinbr.ine nud bronchial tubes, nssi;t the lungs to act and throw off the unhealthy secretions, and purify tho blood, thus scientifically making the cure perfect. Dr. ifihart uns on filo at his ofica hun dreds, and Thousands of Certificates, from men and women of unrnostionabIe chni-nster who wore onco hopelessly given up to die, but uuim;ii mo provitionco ot Uetl wi-ve com- I -pletely restored to health by the Pino Trco Tar . " Cordial. A t'hvfioian in nttendanee whn ran wtit, !,, p:-oi ni. n ho conpulicd in person or by mail, - - ------ il, fr-o of I rdiul 51.50 nl l. I uiini-ge. rrico ct Pine Tree Tar Cor per bottle, and til, 00 per doz. Sent, by Ex ptcss on receipt of price. . Address L. Q. 0 WIS1IART, M. D., No. 2:J2 North 2d Sircct, Pliil'a. IV.. May 21,'U9in3vln27. LiW STOKE. Tho subscriber begs leave to inform theciti- r.ena or Kulgwny and vicinity that ho has opened a storo where mny be found PFRFU.MERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in reason. nlSvltf J. R. TAIRD. LOOK RENE! WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. CtHAltLES HOLES, rraot'eal Watchmi- kcr, Jeweler and Enernver, llidrwav. Elk county, Pa. The subsci iber begs leave 'to nnnounco to tho citizens of Ui.i.;w.r and vi..-ini!y thut he is prep..i-od lo uo all work in his lino on vhort notice and at toi.;o-itibl rates in tho very best ummu-i-. Shop in if. . Tl.ay-'g Store, i'nccial attention paid to orrnviog. He has also on hand n largo assortment, of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silverw.ire v hic'u lie offers for sale on reasonable tonus. Give hima call. uo7 07if. -4 TTESTJOX MIL J,. O ll'XI-RS .' 'pilK EA.'iLE TURBINE WATER J WHEEL, patented July 30. 1 8'i7, is Rujetior to ,"..-iy -wheel in use. The under. ei?ncl Lave lim agency for said wheel in the Stale fa, l'ennsy'.v.iiii.i, and can rcconi.-i.en.l it as being tho be.-t ninnufi.'jtnred. For further partieiilyrs. nnd circulars, iuijiiiro nt oi.ir Foiimlry in Ucisey, where niaehitiei'v, mill-gcuriiiir, casings and steam engines will bo inado to order at i-ciihouable prices. Yt'o ex' eel by giving Kutisiaction in our work to rcc'.i-.-a a good share ot publie pntrimnn-e. J. F. UOBEUTiSON, It. BELL. Kersey, Elk Co., Vc, j inl'i lLf.3pd. r.UCKli & C'A.MEKOX, Lessoa of tho Miuc3 of tho Company. Kersey Coa JEutrs and Shijijn-s of. BITUMINOUS COALS ! Of Etipciior quality, fur GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OP IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. Aro prepared to receive Oi Joih and make contracts fur these woll.knowu c'ils. OFriCE, KERSEY, ELli CO., PA. Kersey, Pa., March 12. 1808. v1n17tf. F YOU WANT TO 15UY eL.0T2SXVG for the .fllUlon Go to A. DUULACJIER, DEALlia IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' rUitNlSIIING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, E0?TS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS.- &o. ST. MAKY'S, ELK. COUNTY, PENNA Jau21S(iSljpd rlARDS, Eill-Heals, Letter-Heads, Tags, HaudliilU. il.iiipin l n,..i ..,.... . . - -v I'inriucr, and at the lhwkt vuhb rail nAcn the Elk Advooate Printing Oflioe. Jon PinNTiN i of every description do.ie promptly at tliis oflice, nnd in a style un equalled iu this tcctiou cf tho Stale. Eut're satiafuctiou gu-rauttcj. IIARDvAIJE- JEW HARDWARE STORE ! The subscribers have just opened iu ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Slock of Heavy & Shelf IJMPIMBS ! And will keep constantly on hand a groat variety of COOK A ND TIE A TIKG S TO VES Ear Iron, Steel Anvils, Eilloirs, Nail.'s 1'vrac Shoes, Srhtgst Eulul wj IItvIicarct haws and Fifes of Every Description GCNS, PISTOL3 AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Yv'are and House Eurui ahing Goods. AO kinds of Mec'iau ics' Tools ! TINWARE- Of every description, which will be sold at the LOWEST ;.'ASH PRICES. They havo al?6 tho cxcluuivo agency in St SIary'3 for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BAiSEJHJKNLNG COAL STOVER AND PARLOR ITUKNACE3 I j'. ' S.-.I. -..j- .u,V.. ..W.b .r.l-lV. AUUI , no, lit). miuuiH nt tho Now oi k State nnd olh. w Fairs ; Also, the Croat Silver Medal at tho Fair of the Am erican Institu.e, held in New York City, They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required to bo inado auring tho season. M. BEECHER, Jn. ' WM. II. COPELAND. nov23'C7 ly PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. THE subsciibcrs having completed their New Grist Mill in Ridgway are now prepared to furnish tho people of the surr rounding country willi Flour of the Best Quality and of their own manufacture, at the lowes market rates. The aiUution of lumbermen and othfrs is called to our facilities fer i'uriuKhing tlieni with FEED OF ALL KIADS, cbefip.-r limn it enn be bought uv.y other place in Iho county. Lii Cash Paid fob Gbais.-j J.S. IU'DK, J. V. UOt.1 fC. .1. K. WHIiMORE. November 7, IP.f,7tf LOOK HERE! CENT RiVILLE Tli-SHOP. TOH.V VA 1'l.E desirej to make known to ihe citizens cf Contrevillo and tho surrounding country that lie has taken tho shop formerly occupied 1 y It. J. Mnloney, on 'Mct.'auley's Corner" in Cent rc-vi lie, and tiiat he hop.f-s bj paying strict attention to his buine.H6 mil the wants of his cu."ionicrs, to nioril their patronage in his line. He will Ke.in on bund a largo r.ud well celecLcd ussuii nunt of of hs own manuf.icture, v,h: h he will warrant to be of tho best quality. 1!U pluck couuists of eve'ryiuing tLat is useful in the tinware lino about a h.uec. I ask a fair trial, end if my work docs not give Satisfaction, my oustni.u rs will not bo obliged to take it. JOHN WAPLE. 6cpl0:tf. J. 8. EORDWEI.L, M. D. SICLEVT&V Si i'S I Vii Jt 'IV.ic Word Lclceifo Menus lo cIioso or sc lift iaei'.icine3 from all tho different sohcols of medieiue ; u.sinj re:nedies ihat are safe, and discarding from practice ail medi cines th;'t have an injurious i f.'ect ou the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, coo per. &0. . 1 lay aside the lance tho oil bloodletter, reJucti-or depleter, and equalize J(he circula tion and restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and tonics. I shall here after give particular attention to chrouio dis eases, such as Uhcuntuf.sm, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Cutavrh, Ne ualgia, diseases of tho threat, urinary organs, ind all Uiseascs pecu liar to females, &o. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of a late invention which ouns every case. TKETH extracted without puiu. Oflice and resideuco South of the jail on Centre Kt... Cilice hours from 7 to 8 a. ; iu 12 to 1 p. m ; G to 7 p. m. Dec. 2U'C7. -ly. r J. s. E0I1 DWELL. y PUIS 11. CAP.NER, mACTICAL 5 AC1IINTST. Can be lonud at his Foundry at St. Mary's where he is ready to have ull shop, work in his line done od short notioe. St. Mary's Ucuziuger P. O ,J Elk co., Pa. myl'CS'ly TOP WORK of all liuJs aad doscri-. J douo ot this ufUce. ULACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'8 AND joiner's tools for sale cheaper than the cheapest" at the St. Mary's Hardware b,ore (nov28'07.) ORD3 OF WISDOM. POtt YOUNQ MEN. On the Ruling Passion in Youlh and Early Mrtlllmn.i will. Ul.-I L iri'T n - . . J M'fei. k-.w, and unfortunate. Bent iu sealed letter ert velupes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD association. Rox p, i-UiUuicuLu, p