i. (Kilt 0fliMti giuwale. Local and Miscellany. Car Time at Itidgtcay. Erie Express East 12:4o a. m. do do West 8:34 a m. do Mail East 5:10 p. m. dp do West 3:21 p. tn. Loeal Freight East 9:40 a. m. do do West 7:30 p. ni. Elk Lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will he lield at tbeir hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE, Sec'y. I. 0. 0. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, No. 256, held every Wednesday evening at their Lodge Room. W. C. TmaLB, Secy. AGENTS FOR TEE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized agents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, Inke pny there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. ALDBion, J. L. Brown. Kano. Frakk W. Mkepk. Jobnsonsburg. Isaac IIao.'.x. Bt, Marys. Chas. McVkan. Ccntrcville. Homkr U. LuAcn, Maj. Bithke. Caledonia. W. Y. Smith, B. A. Werd. Bcnnczctlc. Jons C. Bard, J. . Brown. Ehawmut. John Famish. Spring Creek. A. W. Irvin. Highland. Lr.vi EnoTHonrR. llovton. D. C. Ovster, N. M. En.iCKWAV. r'jitumnn inimuJUiBawmaaBiwi Brv your furniture of II. II. THOMAS. Fon fovcr sores or white swellings take Macamoose " ; it is warranted to cure, or '.lie money will be refunded. Queen Victoria h.n changed the day fov '41io celebration of her birthday, t his year, from Saturday, May 2'.lth, to Wednesday. June lid Bi'CCKSiruL, because of superior merit. Sits. S. A. Allen s mirrored tnno t!vlc) Knir Restorer or Dressing, (in one io'ile.) Every Druggist sells it. Trice One Dollar. iien tnc ouor ot flowers is unusually per cept itnc, rain may De antictpatr't, as the air when dnnp, conveys the order more effectually than when dry. THE Empress Carotia's health has within the laso month changed notably for the worse And it is supposed she, cannot survive th (summer. Tim musio ot birds wus the fust song ot thanksgiving offered on earth before man wa farmed. All their sounds are different, but al harmonious, and ail together compose a choi which we cannot imilato. IsBKCTiVEROra Birds By an Act of th Legislature of Pennsylvania, approved March 31st 1808, a penalty of irenty-tive dollasr if imposed for the killing of any iuetiverous bird, one-half of which is paid to the i former Robing, blue birds, martins, swallows an wood-peckers, come under the head of in eectiveroiiR birds. Joan BiLLl.Nus has been discussing (he que? lion, " How fast does sound travel f " H thinks it depends u good deal upon the soun you are talking about. " The sound of a din nor horn, for instanoe, travels half a mile a second, while an iuvitashun to g(t up in th morning t have known to be 3 quarters of an bourgoing up 2 pair uv stairs, ami theu no' have strength enough to be heard. Tim Vlavkt object now rules Saiihn. This interesting as an evening star, rising Hoar the northeast point of the horizon, thirty-three minutes after eleven o'clock at the evening. It is now in the sign of th boorpion, about twelve degrees northeast the lunar Star Antares. Tho broadest expanse or the rings is nearly turned towards th earth. In this portion of the orbit it is affirmed that stars have been seen id the space which intervenes between the rings. 200 ELJSGAN'f MIRRORS just received at the Ware Rooms of H. II. THjMAS, Ridgway I a. Hanging in prico from 20 ots, to $ Also a great variety of B. W. Centre Tables, orlc Tables, Teapoy, and Card Tables Hang'ng & Stand Hat Racks, Towel Racks, Book Racks & Whatnots. Call and, see my stock. Remember the place wheu in town. II. II. TAOMA8' Ware Rooms above corner of Main' and Depot streets Ridgway, . Ik one of Dr. Ayer's lectures he statos that Chemistry confers more practical benefit on mankind, than any other science, yet from no other source could more be obtained. The arts and economics which chemistry would teach, if more thoroughly and generally studied, would speedily exercise a most bo nificcnt influence. He freely confesses that he is indebted to this science for the virtues of bis remedies, and advises that the practical ap plication of chemiotry to medioiue, the arts, manufactures, and agriculture be enjoined upon our colleges and schools. Wnghtsvillo, Ttt., Star. A Biao in toe Hand. A coloicd man to whom meat was a rare blessing, one day found iu his trap a fine rabbit, lie took him out alive, held him uuder Lid arm, patted him, and began to speculate oo hid qualities. " Oh ! how bcry fat ! De fattest I ever did see ! Let me see how me cook him. Me roast him. No ; he so bcry fat, he lose all de fat. Me fry him. Ah ! he is so bery fat, he fry himself ! Golly ! how fat he be ! Den me stew him." The thought of the savory stew made the negro forget himself, and in spreading the out feast to the imagination, his arm relaxed, when oft hopped the rabbit, and, squatting at a goodly distance eyed bis late owner with great composure. The negro knew there was aq end of the matter, bo, summoning, all his philosaphy, he thus addressed the rabbit I " You long eared, white-whixkered, red eyrd rat, you cot so I cry fat, trier all 1 " County Superintendent. According to previous notice, tlio School Di rectors of Elk County met in Convention a' the Court House In Ridgway, on Tuesday, May, h, 1802, at 1 o'clock P. M. The Convention organized byclooting. John C. MoCallister, Esq., of Horton, Tresi' dent. W. C. Schull., Esq., of St. Marys, Secretary. John Q. Hall, Esq , of Ridgway, Ass't Secretary. The different townships were called. Benezctte Not represented. Benzinger Joseph Showers, Prest., Joseph Garbner. Sec'y, Sebastian Oetz, Michael Hcg Icy, Martin Fritz, present. F. X. Sorg, absent. For James McCloBkey, President, - Teter Thompson, cc'y, Andrew How, Dennis oony, John Myers, present. R. M. Bennett, absent. Highland- Not Represented. Horton S. A. Olmstead, Tres., absent; C. MoCallister, See'y, 0. P. Kellz present ; E. Beman, C. A. Wilson, D. C. Oyster, abacnt. Jay Not represented. Jones J. 11. Iloughtailitig, Trcs , J. L. Brown, Sec'y, Joel Bcckwith, R. W. Brown, present Martin Sowers, John Pistner, absent. Ridgway G. D. Messenger, Pres't, absent ; II. A. Parsons, Eecy, N. Gardner, Jno. G. Hull, present ; B. F. Ely, Isaac Ilagan, absent. Spring Creek Not Represented. St. Marys L. Vollnier, Tres't, absent ; B. Eeklc, See'y, Francis Weis, W. C. Shultz, os. Windfolder, E. Speltcnberg, present. On Motion of 11. W. Brown, the Convention proceeded to nominate. H. A. Parsons, of Ridgway, nominated Rufus Lucore. Joseph Showers, of Bcnzingar, nominated George Walmsley. James McClotkcy, of Fox, nominated Rufus Lucore. 0. P. Kellz, of Horton. nominated Rev. Levi Li. tie. J. Iloiighlailing, of Jones, nominated J. L. Brown J. G. IJfi.ll, of Ridgway, nominated Dr. W. W. Shaw, Mr. 8. havirg requested him by let ter to do eo. B. Ekle, of St. Marys, nominated James Clakeiy. Francis Weis, of St. Marys, nominated George Walinslcy. The evidence of the qualifications of the members was then called for. Rev. Levi Little, diploma of Dartmouth Co.lrgo, B. A. Dr. W. W. Shaw, Professional certificate from Jessee Ejownell, Co. Supt. of Clearfield County March 4, 1801. Rufus Lucore, commission as Supt. of Elk County ; also professional certificate, Aug. 24,1800. James Blakcly, present Supt. of Elk County. George Walmsley, No. 1 cert.ficate for one year, from C. R. Earicy, Supt. of Elk County, dated Oct. 20, 1809. On motion balloting for the different eandi lutes was proceeded with, which resulted as follows : 1st 2d 3d 4th 5lh Rufus I.ucoro, 8 8 7 7 10 Ceo. Walinslcy, 6 7 10 12 13 lames Blakcly, 4 3 110 J. L. Brown," 3 3 3 8 0 W. W. Shaw, 0.0 0 0 t Levi Little, 3 3 8 2 0 George Waluislcy, having received a ma- jority of ail the votes cast on the 5th ballot, was declared duly elected. On motion the salary to be paid for the en suing three years was determined upon. W. C. Schultze proposed fBOO per year. II. A. Parsons proposed $1,000. Francis Weis proposed $1100. Jus. McCloskey proposed $800. R. W. Brown proposed $400. J. C. MoCallister proposed $500. Peter Thompson proposed il30. Vote on $1,000 -yeas, 1 ; nays 22. Vote on $800 yeas, 6 j nays, 18. ' Vote on $000 yeas, 12 j nays, 6. Six hundred dollars was then declared as the annual salary of the Co. Supt. for the ensuing term. On' motion of JohnO. Hall. Rnolved, That J. 0. Brown, John C McCalhster; HA. Parsons, W. C. Schultze, Thomas Irwin and James McCloskey, be Committee to select and report a series of Text Books for the use of the schools of this County, which report shall be published in the County papers, and a copy of the same furnished to each Board of Directors. Retolvtd That the due protection of life and properly under the charge of school direotora justify them in having the school house pro tected by efficient lightning rods. Kaoioea, xtiar school r.ouses should be in sured against fire. On motion the Convention adjourned tine ait. JOHN C. McCALLISTER, Pres't. Wm. C. Scudltze, See'y. Mad Doos. We can scarcely pickup an ex change in which we do not find a notice of persons being bitten by mai dogs or terrible deaths from hydrophobia. Many remedies ara given in different papers, all ot which pro fess to be certain cures. We think the best way to prevent occurrences of this kind is to kill all dogs, which are no't muzzled. Should a rabbid dog make his appearance where there are always so many children on the streets. the consequence would be fo terrible to antic! pate. Let our citizens act in the .matter be fore it is too late. Wht is Nkeded. We need for our dwell ings more ventilation and less heat ; we need more out door exercise, more sunlight, more manly, athelctio, and rude Bpoits; we need more amusements, more holidays, more froli and noisy, boistrous mirth. Our infants need better nourishment than colorless mothers nan tver furnisk ; our children need more romping and less study. Our old men more quiet, and ear'ier rel xation from the labors of life. All men, both young and old, neel less medicine aud more good counsel. Fcbscuibp, SUUSCMBH. MAliKIED- On May 9th 1809, by A. W. Gray, Esq., at his office in Jay tp. Mr. Ezikiet Hewitt and Miss Bertha Scoficld both of Clearfield County Pa. Also same day by the same. Mr. Jacob Rinlier of Kittanning and Miss Mary E Overturf of Beuezette IV LARGE ARRIVAL and great reduction in price of Mattresses. Only $5,75 for an ele gant Sea Grass Malrcss No. 1. Excelsior, Sea Grass, Hair Top and Spring Mattresses in large quantities. Also Sponge Mattresses j Sponge Pillows and Bolsters, Husk, with Sponge top Mattresses, and the best Spring Bed inlhe world, al the tVare Rooms of II. II. THOMAS, Ridgway, Ta. Ater's Americas Aijhanao, for 1809 has been received by Towell & Kimc, Agents, for delivery gratis, to all who call for it. This number contains proofs to show that some of the stars have exhistcd for sixty millions of years. Ve had not supposed such proot possi ble, but the Doctor gives it in a shape which seems indisputable. His witticisms have long made his book acceptable ; his medical advice makes it indispensable to families, and now he adds tho most startling problems of abstract science to his attractions. n23ml. " Mr tale is ended," ns the tadpole said when he turned into a bullfrog It is tolly to eat without an appetite, or continue to cat after it has been satisfied, merely to gratify the taste. Words should be seconded by actions ; it isn't enough for a housewife to say to a stocking with a hole iu it, " You be darned." He lives long who lives well ; and time mispent is uot lived but lost besides God is better than his promise if he takes from a man n long lease and gives hiui a freehold of a greater value. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Special Notices T AO CONSUMPTIVES. I i lie Advertiser, having been reBtored to calth m a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years wun a severe lung aftectiOn, and that dread isease, Consumption is Rnxious to make nown to his fellow-sufferers the means of use. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the di escrintion used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will hod a sure Cure for Cunsump- Astlima, Bronchitis, etc The ohieot of he advertiser in sending tho Prescription is o benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost him nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescrirjion, will please address. ELY. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kins County, N. Y. vln2Gvl. ERRORS OF TOCTII. A Gentleman who suffered for rears from Nervous Debility, Pormaturc Decay, and all he cltects of youthful indiscretion, will, for he sake of suflcrinir humanity, scud free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he wn cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in pertect conliaence. J'.'HN IS. UUUE i, vlnii'yl. No. 42 CcJar street, N. Y. KERSEY HOrSE, Centbetihf, Elk Co., Pa. II. 1 Leaoii, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hcretofor e so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro pnetor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort, aid convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. vln201y. CARD TO THE LADIES. Dr. Dunon- 2. co's GOLDEN FEK10DICAL PILLS tor females. Infallible in correcting irreg ulariilies, Removing Obstructions of th Mouthy Turn1, from whatever cause, and always successful as a preventive. One Pill is a dose, remalcs peculiarly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against using these Pills while in that condition, lest they Invito miscarriage, after, which ad monition tue Proprietor assumes no re- sponsibihty, although their 'mildness would prevent any mischief to health :. otherwise t lie Tills are recouiuien ded as a Most lnvalu able Remedy for tho alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever. as well ns prevent an increase of familv when, health will not permit it ; quieting tho nerves and bringing back the " rosy color of neattti" to the ctieek ot. the most delicate. run ana explicit directions accompany eacn dox. rrice i per box ; 6 boxes, tS. Sold in Ridgway, Pa., by G. G. Messenger, Druggist, sole agent for Ridgway. Ladies, by sending him $1 to tho Ridgway P. 0, can have the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail to any part or the country, jree or postage, Sold also by Swayno & Reynolds, St. Mary's and by one Druggist in every village iu the union. S. D. HOWE, my2 68-ly. Sole Proprietor, N. 7 A New Rk.mkdt in Cohsumptioh. A Physician who had Consumption for several years, witn frequent bleedings of the lungs, cured himself with medicine unknown to the profession, when his case appeared hope- 'ess. He is the only physician who has used it in ina own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; and he can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his medicine ; aud nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence in all others induced him to hazard the exper iment. To those suffering with any disease or me lungs he proffers a treatment be con fideutly believes will eradicate the disease Price $1.50 per bottle, or $8 a half doen sent by express. Send fer a circular or call on Da. E. Boylstom Jackson, No. 250, North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. may30.68-ly T F F.C. KRUMME. M. D.. 1 Physiciin and Surgeon, Ridgway Elk Lo. ra umce above store of R. (J. Uillig Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and 6 to 8 P. M. vln8tf. Job Print; nq of every description doae promptly at this offioe, and in a style un equalled in this section of the titate. satisfaction guaranteed. Entire VISITING CARDSNJ2ATLY ed at this olftoe. EXECUT PHILADELFHIA c ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Th.nigh and Di'rent Route Ictween Phifadeljiltia, Ballimire Harris lurg, Williamsport, and the GREAT OIL RE G ION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT "fiLEEPIXO CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 25thv the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 10.45 p. m. " " ' Ridgway 8.21 p. m. " arrive at Erie 0.60 p. m. Eric Exp lcavc3 Philadelphia 11.60 a. m. ' " " Ridgway 8.84 a. m. " " arrive at Erie ,.10.00 a. m HABTWAtlD. Mail Train leaves Eric 10.65 a. m. " " " Ridgway 6.10 p. m. " " arrive at Philad'a -10.00 a. m. Erie Express leaves Eric G.25 p. m. " " " Fidgway 12.45 a. m. " " at-at. Philadelphia 4.20 p. m. Mail and Express connect with Oil. Creek and Allegheny River Rail Roid. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintendent. TOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg- t) wnv Elk county Pa, mar.2T0u ly HENRY SOUTHER, Ridgway, Pa. Attorncy-at-Law (fcb29'08), ALPINE HOUSE, St. Mary's Pa., Her man Kretz, Proprietor. MigO'GG DS Pa. W. JAMES BLAKELY Thysician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county mar-2- bbly. F RANK 8. BARRETT, Attorncy-at-Law, Clearfield. Pcnn a. Will practico in Llk and Cameron cour.ties. fsep9,'08-y. E1 XEOUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUBPU3. nas. Warrants, &c, on hand and for sale at this office. II. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer J9 in Lngtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary s, lila county i'a. Mar-22'OB r. JO. IN O. HAM, IAS. K. V. HALL. TTAI.L. & BllO. Attorneys -at -Law S'il MAUI'S: BENZINGER P. O. ELK. COUNTY, PA. September 20, 18GG. ly. JS. Bordwell.'M. D. Eolcctio Physician- Offioe and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt at tention willbe given to all oalls. Offioe hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. j and 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, CO-tf. milAYER HOUSiJ, I RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID TITAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good .ml nnnvantunt ul.ilitinir nltnnhnrt rnbnuM. I I fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the purlio generally. o-i-.! i - mrtn toivch uctio uu i J . , , i lj .a. ft ii aj it. TT "YDE HOUSE, J RmawAY, Ei.k Co., Ta. M. V. JIoore, l'ropnetor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so iberally bestowed upon lijni, the new pro prietor, hfpes, by paying smut attention the comlort anl convenience ol guests, to merit a continuance of tho same. Oct 21 1800. T7RANKLIN HOUSE, Jj t-r. Mauv's. Pa. The proprietors respectfully ask the attention of their friends and the public in general to (heir large and commodious hotel. r.very attention paid to the convenience of guests. tniyM-18'iS.ly J. A. aiALOSE. I1XCIIANGE1IOTEL, RIDGWAY, TA. j.HALti l'ropnetor. This hotel is pleasantly situvfed on the banks of the Clarion Hiver and r.m Creek., at the lower end of the village, Mr. Healy will snare no pains for the oonvenie.ee of his guests. He invites one and all to give him a call and try his house. Kept, 17th'tS7-ly. SOMETHING NEW! IIousey Sign and Ornamental Painting. ri'IIE SUBSCRIBER WOULD R E- spectfully inform the ciiiiens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMININU DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THEreoat fashion able and improved manner and stvle. Orders left at this Office or at the Banking House Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly at tended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'CO-ly. NAILS, SPIKES, HINGES, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at the St, ' Mary's Hardware Store than any other place in Elk counrty. (n28'67). A 11 orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to as soon us received, at the 12'tS7 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. 11ARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, j Handbills, &o., done in neat manner, aud at the lowest prick, FOR CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Office. JF YOU WANT TO BUY for the Million Ge to A. DURLACIIER, DEALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOCTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS. &o. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENNA JaD21868lypd B LANK8 of all kinds for sale at this of- tic 3. W . S- SERVICE- gOO.OOO CUSTOMERS WANTED. At tho new Masonic ITall Building. STOVES at prices that will please of all de sirable kinds. TIN-WARE of every land on hand at all times. Special attention given to Wholosalo orders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SHEET- TIN AND COPPER WARE. House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER riTEING, TUMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &o. $s. BIRD CAGES A NICE VARIETY. ROOFING, GUTTERS, SfOUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper and every kind of HOUSE AND JCB WORK done on short notice and warranted. AGENCY of Henry Disstons celebrated saws. Orders for saws at factory prices so licited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAflS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, PEW TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP TELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, U. S. BONDS &e. taken in exchange for Goods or Wor7c. vln20tf. W. S. SERVICE. If EW STORE. The subscriber bees leave lo inform the citi zens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where may be found PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. nl2 vltf J. R. BAIRD. LOOK IIEREl WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. "1HARLES HOLES, Practical Watchma 1 ker, Jeweler and Engraver Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. The subscriber begs leave to announoe to the citizens of Ridgway and vioinity that he is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and at reasonable rates in the very best manner. Shop in II S. Thayer's Store. Special attention paid to engraving. He has also on hand a large assortment of Llocks, natchas, Jowelry uud silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. nev7'b7tf. ATTENTION MILL-0 WNIRS I riMIE EAGLE TURBINE WATER X WHEEL, patented July 80, 1867, is superior to any wheel in use. The under of signed have the agency for said wheel inlhe State 1 Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as being the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings and steam engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expeot by giving satisfaction in our work to reoeive a good share of publio patronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, ft R- BELL. Kersey?ilk Co., Pa., janlS 1868pd. JlICKE & CAMERON, Lesses of the Mines of the Kersey Coa Company. Miners and Shippers of, BITUMINOUS COALS Of supetior quality, for GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND .DOMESTIC USE. Are prepared to receive Ordeis and make con tracts lor these well-known coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO., PA, Kersey, Pa., Maroli 12, 1868. vln!7tf. W. W. SHAW Practices Medioina and Surgery, Centreville, Elk county I'a. Luiar-zz oo-iy. ENVELOPES, LABELS &, TAG 3 neatly priutedutha AdQcala Office HARDWARE- N EW HARDWARE STORE 1 The subscribers have Just 'opened in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shel And will keep constantly on hand a grp." variety or COOK AND BEATING STOVES Bar Iron, Secl Anvils, Bellow. Nait'l Horse Slwes, isprvngs, Uuihl ing Hardware, Saios and lues of wcry ucscripnon GENS, PISTOLS AND CARTM tGE3 Cntlery, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. All kinds of Median-, ios' Tools! TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold it the LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BURN1NG COAL STO VI AND PARLOR FURNACES t Which have received Four FirM Clans V miums at the New York State and nth er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silvei Medal at the Fair of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City, ISOo. They are Perpetual Burners, only one, being required to be inde during the season. M. BKKC1II'1'. -In. WM. II. COl'ELAND. nov28'C7 ly FATRON1ZE HOME 1.NS1 Ti U ! li)NS FLOUR, FEED AND GRAM THE subscribers having completed tl New Grist Mill in li'.dgway are i prepared to furnish tho people of the i rounding country with Flour of the Eest Qualif and of their own manufacture, ut the low market rates. The attention of lumbermen and otl called to our lacilities fur furuisl them with FEED OF ALL KINDS. cheaper than it oan be bought any ot place in the county. JB$3r"-ABH Paid vob Ubain.'i J.S. II VIM?, J. V. IIOl'K. J. K. WIUTMORE. Nevember 7, 18S7tf LOOK HERE! CENTREVILLE Tif.-SHC XOUN WAPLE desire" to make kn tj to the citizens of OViitrville and surrounding country that he has taken shop formerly occupied hy It. J. Moloney "AlcUauley s Corner in ("cntrevilte, that he hopes by payinz strict mention his business and the wants of hit cuMnm to merit their patronage in hi. lino, lie Reap on hand a large and wed ivlvoted ass incut of i ami &crt-3tou Wnre, of his own manufacture, whieh hi- will war to be of the best quality. His stock con of everything that is useful in tin- tinware about a house. I ask a fair trial, and if mv work not give satisfaction, my cusiowt-rs will no obliged to rake it. JOUX rAri. sepl6:tf. J. S. BORDWELL. M. D. ECLECTIC M IM i SJ C t f r 1 ihe word ecleotio means to chovse I lect medicines from ! the diffi sonools of 'medicine ; using remedies tlia safe, and discarding from practice all m cines that have an luijnnotii efteet on the tern, such as mercury, untiuiuuy, lead, per, &o. I lay aside the lance the old blnodle reducer or depleter, and equalize Jtho cirt; non buu restore ine i-ysniii to its ua state by alteratives and tinics. I shall I after give particular attcntiou to chronic eases, such as Rheumatism, Dyxiiepxia, I complaint. Catarrh. No u alsria. diseases o throat, urinary organs, d all diseases p liar to females, &o. CATARRH I treat wilt t new instrument late invention, which cures every caso. TEETH extracted without i... Office and residence N'.tuh of the la iscuire oi. umce uours rroui i lo a. to 1 p. m ; 6 to 7 p. m. Deo. 23'C7.-ly. J. S. BORDWEL YOCIS H. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, lan be found at his Foundrv &t St. M i i. j . . . "o reaay io iiuve all shop. v, oil mo nuo uuut, uu suori notice. Kt. M, Benzinger P. O , Elk co., Pa. myl' JOB WORK tlf all kinds and d done at thfscffioo. TJLACKSMITH'8 OARPENTER'8 I I joiner a toola far nh the cheapest" at tit tit, Mary's IUi oiore (nov28 UN8, PISTOLS, - P.l FI.KS. KN J pocket and table cutlery, of the quality and most appn.v.d pntteicvi, cheap at the Hardware Store on Biberger im ADVOCATB has the 1 I eiranUl the county, and is the ttbl udvoriismg m.