(Kill Gktnfjj Aboc!itc, rpfli.tshSD iTEttr rniDAT obsio, T C B.GOULD; Editor. TERMS, TWO DOLLAK9 A YKAlt IN ADVANCE ' Hates of Advertising1. PnsSqnaro 1 week, 1 O1!, 4 Column 8 months H 00 15 00 SO 00 as (hi 1 m i oo '.0 no 80 oo 40 00 14 (III SO (10 85 (10 4.) (10 IK) (HI M 00 do 8 1 Nil do 8 8 " I'll do n 4 " S 50, da U do do do , do do do Two Sqri, do 8 months 4 ui.i scninmn 1 week month 8 " 6 im do 1 ft " ' 7 50 do 8 14 13 l II do 0 1 week 1 W do 13 1 moiith 8 no t Column 1 week month do . 8 " H 00 do B " VI m do l'l " 18 (K) 1 4 Column 1 week B (Ml On l do 8 do do do 13 qo 1 month 1 00 Special Kotlccs after Marriages and Deaths an addl lonal of one-half th aboro rates. Business Cards five lines or le, 15 00 per year; OTcr flvo lines, at the usual rato o advertising. Tlic Policy of the United States loivni il Spain. Tli9 Triuunk's Washington special snys: President Grant is keeping a vigilant watch 'over the oflairs of the Island of Cuba. Not withstanding the conBdutice expressed by the Spanish authorities of their ability to speed ily Buppress the rebellion, the Government is constantly in receipt of intelligence which shows that the insurgents have not brought into action all their available strength, and it is expected that the next two or three months will indicate) something definite re specting the struggle on either side. In the meantime it is cot the intention of the Gov ernment to iuterl'ear so long as every demand made upon the Spanish authorities, where our interests are iuterfeared with, is prompt ly acceoded to. Although tho Government officials have indicated u willingness to sell war materials of ull kinds to parties who de sire to purchase, no Bales havo yet been made. The Presideut has stiUod in substance that ho believes the Spaniards have exhausted their resources in Cubu, while they have much latent strength, which will show itself hereafter in on effective manner. Our new Consul General at Havana, Mr. Plumb, left here for New York this morn ing, and will sail fur his post on Thursday. lie has received very full and explicit instruc tions, in view of tho importaut and delicate nature of our relations with the Spanish au thorities, lie is required to do ull that .may lio in hia power to protect tho rights of American citizens while they respect the laws, and at the same time is cautioned to do nothing that may precipitate a quarrel with the colonial officials. "Click1 Pomeroy 'Ou the It urn pSIfe'C." "Brick" Pomoroy having been slighted by card signed by Gov. Hoffman, of New York and tho State officers, recommending the "World news paper as an organ worthy of the putromvge and support of tho Democracy, has ouunounced that he will have satisfaction aud justice, or a fight. Tho hero of La Crossr bus made himself a power in tli Democratic party, and ho can't btand insult. That "Brick'' is a sincere and thorough-going Democrat, nooue eouversantwith his writkigs cau doubt. Ho thinks he has rendered such services to his party, as demand respect, if not recognition, and he meau3 to-exact ix3 what he thinks his duo. Ho writes as fol lows: "If buying and selling, if fraud and cor ruption, if double-dealing and trickery, dis honesty, aud uothiug but a love for gain is to mark tho couro of the lending Democarts of New York, I just ask God to spare uiy life for thu next two years. I shall not go into the buying nnd selling busiueas?, but if the Democratic office holders, elected by tho people, who stand by mo us they do, ignore the one who stood by them und insulted the peoplo by urging them to support an organ in the pay aud interest of tlio peoples' ene mies, theu may I rot iti the i-urtti, be damned in tho hereafter, if I don't warm it to tho ones who thus by their own signatures, by autograph letters, iudorse corruption. If forced to it, 1 can sit down at my desk, mix sarcasm, satire, potash, invective, thunder aud liylituing, with u lit tle urguini nt und illustration iu such a man lier as to make 1 be Dkmockat interesting, if not profitable." And so on for quantity. Lively times may bo expected if this pro gramniu is curried out. ( Kkw Law or Testimony. The following In the act passed by tho lust Legislature, pei mil ting parties to the record of any civil proceeding, txci pt in t xeq liuinl cutis biuiid in thu first sevliou, to give evidence on triul. Tlio law has been in force eineo tho loili, and tho general iin-riii-seion sc'fms to lo thut it will prove advautayo cna to the udiainistraiiuii of justice: Section 1. o il cwiclcd itc, That no interest nor policy of law shall txciuUe u pai ly or iwi'mju fiom bfiiig a witness in uny Civil proceed. ny: Prwldul, This act, shall not alter tne law unuw declared unci practiced in the coin Is ot this (Jum nioiiwcalih, to as to allow husband and wife to testify Uijuiiirt each other, nor counsel to testify to the conlidciitiul communication of his client; and this ucl feliail not njipiy to actions by oi against executors, uduiiinniulors or guurdiuns, nor where tho assignor ol the thing or contract iu action inuy bo dead, except in issues aud iuifiii ries dtviuirite vit turn end olLers, ifp.ciiag iho right of tnch deceased owner, between puilies claiming such rifclil by devululiou on tho death of such owner. Skc. 2. That a party to tho record of any evil proceeding, iu luw or equity, or a j eisoii lor whoso immediate beuelit mch proceeding is piod ecuted or de.euded, may bo examined us if under cross ( xumiiiutiou, ui the instance of the adveie puriy, or any ol'thcui, und for tlnil purpose may be Compelled in ILo saino uiunn. r. and subject to the sume rules for such exuniiimlioii us any other witness, to testify; but the p;my culling for such examination bbull not be excluded there by, but may inbut it by counter testimony. Skc. 3. 'iWU the lesuuiony of witnesses author ized by this act niay bo had by depositiou or eomuiicsion issued, us the case may rtquiie, with itch notice to I he adier.-u party, at i now or may hereafier be prescr.bed by tho rules of prop er court, touching the tuning of depositions and testimony and coiumissiou. John Claiik, Speaker of the House of RepresenlHitves. WlLMKH WORTIIINUTOX Speaker of tho beuato. Approved the Fifteenth day of April Anno Powiui on thousand eight hundred and sixty Dine. Jobs VV, Guht, FoMl wTk Killing cbkkwoo Sunday Till Timm's Washington special gnys: Wlieti General Lee called to see tho Presi dent, tho only person with tho President when General Leo was announced, was Mr. Motley, who proposed to retire nnd return at, some other time, but tho President re qnested him to stny. Gcnerol Lee then en tered accompanied by Lis friends, Mr. and Mrs. Tnggert of Baltimore, who, after being presented, took a seat at one side, and con versation ensued between tho President, 'Mr. Motley and General Lee. They talked about the weather, crops iu Virginia, a railroad which General Len is Interested in, and pos sibly one or two other personal mutters. At tho end of fifteen or twenty minutes Gen. Lee and his friends withdrew. Not o word was said about reconstruction, and the call was entirely one of courteRy. The state ments that Senators and Members of thp Hotiso were turned out of the room to admit General Lee, aro pure fabrications. The ITaity Family. The Dayton Ledokr, Vallnndigham's organ, denies that Chief Justice Chase failed to re .eivu the nomina tion at the Democratic Convention at .New York though the oppositionof the "Marryr." It says that Seymour declined the nomina tion in ood faith, and was sincerely for Chase, nnd had he possessed the presence of mind r.nd boldness to conclude his epeech with suggesting the Chief Justice, Vallnn- digham would have acquiesced, Chase have been nominated and President to-day. The Lkdokr adds: "After the multiplied treacheries and stupidities of the Democratic managers from October, lHui, to July, 18(8, there was but one thing which could and would have com manded success the nomination of Solomon P. Chase, who, unlike Andrew Johnson, had brains enough to comprehend that if ho was to overpower tho strong minded, strong willed audacity of the Hepublican leaders, it was alone by antagonizing to it the strong minded. Btrong willed audacity oi tho 'Cop perheads1 of the Democratic party. He wus not nominated; wherefore and by reason of the premises. Grant aud his relatives now hold place, if not power, whilo Seymour emps his hay, milks his cows and churns his butter near pent-up Utica.1 " Axothkr Si.ACunTF.R. We have to chron icle auother of those harrowiug disasters which for a time chill the blood and then are forgotten. Saturday a steamer on the Miss ouri river struck a snag, nearSiouX City aud while sinking, exploded her boilers. Her freight of human beings, mostly soldiers who hod served their time and were on their way homo, was scattered abroad on the waters. Fifty persons are missiug. On Friday the railway offered up its sacrifice; Saturday the water adds another. Broken rails, unskill ful pilots and defective boilers have been drenched in blood. To call for investigation and punishment of the gulty is, wo are sorry to feel, useless. Those lessons will soon bo forgotten. Tbey will bo spoken of in con nection with Angola und Curr's Rock, nnd the public will wait for the next horror. Is the death of Mr. C. B. Seymour, musi cal editor of Tub Times, tho press of New York bus lost one of its most accomplished members. He was a critic of most sound judgment, excellent taste, nnd a wide range of information; a polished nnd genial getl man. Ilo had enjoyed a varied experience in journalism, and iuull the departments in which he had employed his facilo pen, he had reBected credit upon himself and his profes sion. It is rumored that Great Britain will recog nize the Cuban insurgents as belligerents; uud by so doing try to justify her conduct in recognizing tho Southeru Coufedercy. "Two wrongs will not make one right," uud Kng Inud might as well acknowledge her faults first as last. She will have to do so iu time uny way. Totato speculators in some sections of the couutry huve been badly bitten, and nro un loading their s'ocks us a sad sacrifice. A Michigan paper says that farmers iu portions of that State are obliged to sell potatoes at fiTteeu cents per bushel, for which they re fused .$1 50 last fall, aud tlmt they have very large stock on blind. A Western correspondent says that Chica go contemplates cuttiusr a canal 1,000 feet wide and HI) feet loep from Luke Michigan to the llliuoia River. If this were done, Niag. ura Falls will bo almost littcrally "dried up," und the St. Lawrenco reduced to nil in significant creek. IUnnARA Fkitchik. A unlive of Fred rick, Maryland, writing to tlio Wnsb'u g ton Star, says ho lias known the FriteliU family all his lifetime, and that Wliittier's ; . it t. is.,,1-, L.ii- I'ueui is uuo iie Buys, diuu,u,i , uliio was a reality nt the limo referred to When Jackson was passiti'' through Fredrick, i.f necessity lie had to pass the house in winch uc lived, on Wehtlut rick street, youth side, next to t'nrrol Creek. As he and liis troops passed tho house, sho appeared nt the dormer win dow of her one storied house, and waved the Stats and Stripes before their veritable faces. One ot his men rasied his gun towards her, and she cried ' Shoot 1 shoot ! still waving the flag. Jackson himself knocked his gun aside, and com manded him not to attempt such a thing, ut the sinio time raising his hat iu honor of the flag. A shout then went up from his own men, and they jiassed on. This is the gist of the story, which 1 have of ten heard in Frederick, and never heard it contradicted by any olio.1' Baiburaia too ranch of a heroine for the disloyal of Frederick, so the tenible flood of last summer was made a pretext by the .nunioiynl authorities of Frederick lor wideuing Carrol Creek, ou whose bank her house stood. In this way her house is destroyed, and its site becomes the landing place of a bridge across the creek. Virtt in fcw own miri, Mr Greeley and h't Partner. The following instance of Yankee plnck and determination, illustrates well, the mystery of A ti(ilo Faxon success, in com petition with all other races. The mis fortune to the famous fcew York paper (then tn its infancy) which is here told, happened during one of the most terrible snow storms ever Inown in America, llcnd, and learn to never give vp. In Februrary, 1845, the office of the Tribune was burhed down. The paper had " gone to press " at hu!f.pi,.st two in the morning, and the whole edition had been delivered to the carriers, when, at lour o'cl.iek, firo broke out in the lower pare of the b'lildini;, and two hours later there was only a heap of ruins. At eight o'clock, looking on from the brink of the Gory cli'ism, whence smoke und steaai still avceuded, 1 saw Greeley, trudg iug thiough two or three lect of snow, closely followed by his partner, Thomas McElrath the later a shrewd busiuess tnuu, to whom Greeley has repeatedly at tributed the pecuniary success of the I riOtine. .'1 he two advanced to the edge of the gap which held all that was left of the tribune establishment, and 1, standing by tho side of Greeley, put to him the ques. tion : " Well, Jlr. Greeley, what aro you going to do ? Will tho Tribune bo published O If ugaiu f Greeley replied with that curious corru gation of the brotv which always indicates any perturbation in his mind, and in tho old lulsetto tone with which he gives ear picrciug expression to any thing thut may uillict him : " I do o u't kuow 1 " Just at that moment Me. Hi I ruth catno up. Gteeley turned to him with a woe begone expression, and said : " Well, McLIrath, this is a pretty clean smash! What shall we do ? " lucuirain repnea, uet out luo paper . ! , .... . to morrow aioruirn:, as usual I It was done. Though the partners did not kuow but that they wero ruiued : though their safe was still roasting in the ruins with all their books in it, nod though their capital was exhausted, the indemitn- oio energy ot Aicjjjiratn caused the paper to appear at the reir'ilar time the next morning, and the evcut proved to bo the best kind ol un. advertisement, for it brought the Tiibuitc literally a thousand coniplt ments, nnd gave its managers a lusting reputation tor cuergy and enterprise. V incbester s old building No. 30 Ann staeet was hired ; a publication office was- fitted up lor the reception of advertise ments : on tna top floor, printers cases were speedily filled with eight or nine diliorent kinds of type, picked up any where and evcry where ; Greeley was stowed away iu the turner of an uti furnished loft directly over the printers, and his desk was a tmiGoth board supported by two barrels ; all the other impoverished improvements being of similar simplicity. Hero all bunds were soon busily ut work for the whole paper was to be reset. Tho business wan doue, the paper was. served to its- sub seribers ut breakfast tinie,yid a few mouths later, the building now occupied by the Tribune was fiuished. Deaths by Lioutninu. Few people are nwaro how many are the deaths from lightning. It uppears, fnun statistics kept iu Francs, that during the last thirty years tunrS than 10,000 people wero struck by lightning, of whom 'Zlbi were killed out right. 880 were killed durim: the last ten years, and ol these only 24'd were leiiiisles. It lightning falls on a crowd, it does more mischief among the men than among tho females, tie latter pcrsous being the most exposed. Animals are frequently stricken, while those in charge of them are .'pared. Thy rdd idea that the beach tree is a protection is a final error, the neighborhood of all isolated trees Icing dangerous, except when they aro in metallic connection with the soil Eailroads and telegraph wires nro pro lectors in so far as they are able to absurd and convey considerabla auiounts of elec tricity. Every .locomotive does this unper ceived, its metallic mus9 being an excellent conductor. Walking along a railroad track, where it runs through a country without trees, is as dangerous as taking shelter under a tall tree. That windows are dangerous is believed to be an error, for expei ience does not show thut light ning stiikes through open wiudows or fol lows a draft of air. A Dutchman's Answer. Fq-iil " I say, fellow, can you toll me where Mr. Swaokelnauitner, the preacher, lives? " A Dutchman " Yaw. You shust valk de rout up de oreck, and dura do pridge over de rthreum. Den you shust go ou till you gunio to a rote what viddi woots arount a schoolhouse ; but you don't take datroat. Veil, deu. you go on till you meet a pig pain, shingled mit sthraw, den you durn do roat around de field and go on till you gome to a pig ret house all speckled over mit vite, and the garret up stairs. Veil, dat ish mine brudder Ilau's house Den you durn de house arount do para und you see a roat vot goes up in de wools. Den you duu't dake dat roat too. Den you go right straight on, utit do first house you meet ish a haystack, uot do next is a car rack. Yell, he don't live here. Den you vill get furdar, unt you see a houso ou de top of de hill about a mile, unt go iu dere ax de voman. uut she vill tell better as I can. ' Chicago is, as usual, ahead. A young woman of that city has invented a new brunch of female usefulness. She adver tiscs she vill "give lessons in etiquette, and the way of conversing with ladies to any young gentlemen who do not fuel at ease in tho society of the opposite sex. Tuition to lovers extra " She has been quite successful, and makes a speciality of proposals in various forms. From all ac counts the male sex of the Lake ctty have been getting along very well with the lair sex, but ot course, after irVructiun ia the art, they will do much better. Will the number of divorce suits be increased or dec ree ed in eoDsequeoo 1 CitcELTT to Animals. Nothing no much marks the true progress of civili zation as the increasing ntteKion given to the question of humanity to dumb beasts. In our own State much has been done towards relieving them from the cruelties nnd unnecessary suffering im posed on them by unfeeling wretches, or the barbaric ignorance ot a past age. In other States, similar signs ot pro gress exist. 1 he Massachusetts Society for the Prevent ion of Cruelty to Animals are looking after the biichers. They give notice in the last issue of their publica tion, Our Dumb Animals.' that alter the 30th of March they intend to enforce the taw against the starvation nnd bleed ing of veal calves belore being slaughter ed. They have been informed that, bv certain bnchers. "the calves are starved from Sni'day night till tho next Sunday night, besides being bled every twenty four hours, to slop the bleating and to whiten tho veal." An Easy Place. Rev. Iletirjr Ward Bcecher some time slnco received a let ter from a young man who recommended himself very highly as being honest, and closed with the request: ' Gel mo an easy situation that honesty may be re warded lo which Mr. lieecher replied. Don't be an editor if vou would be " easy " Do not try the law. AvoidJ school keeping Keep out of the pulpit Let alone nil ships, stores, shops and mer chandise. Abhor politics. Keep tiway from lawyers. Don't practice medicine. Lse not a tanner nor mechanic ; neither a soldier nor n sailor Don't st udy. Don't think. Don't work. None of them are easy. O, my honest friend, you nre in a very hard world ! J know of but one ' easy place " in it. That place is the Grave. Fort every one life has some ble'sings cup that is not tilled with bitterness. At every heart, there is some fount of pure water, nnd all men, at some time or other, taste its sweetness. Who is he that has not found on his path of life some fragrant rose-bush, scenting nil the air with its sweet ot virtue, that the storm of time can never destroy '( Write your name in kindness, love and mercy upon the hearts of the thousands you come in contact with year by year, you will never be forgotten. No, your name, your deeds, will be as legible on the hearts you leave behied as the stars on the brow of evening. Good deeds will shine as the stars 'of heaven. Lanouaokof tub Clouds. So(t look ing or delicate clouds foretell the line weather with moderate or light breezes ; hard edged, oily looking clouds, wind A dark, gloomy bluo sky is line weather. Generally the softer clouds look the less wind, more again may be expected ; and the harder, moro ''greasy,'' roiled; tutted or ragged, tne stronucr tne coining wiuu will prove. Also a bright yellow sky at sunset presages wind ; a pale, yellow, wet ; and a greenish, sickly ccdor, wind uud ram. thus, by the prevalence, oi red, yellow or other tiuts, the coming weather may be foretold very nearly. Small, inky lookins; clouds foretell rain, litht coloied clmids driving across heavy masses t-how wind and rain ; but it ulonc, may indicate wind only. mm m The old tiresome storv about, the .wheat crop in New England is, "It don't do well. v hen we get the source of supply far enough weM and that time is at hand we shall tiud, by putting braii.s to it, we can grow wheat upon old land. " Old laud," indeed ! The uverago EngliMi wheat crop per acre is double thut of the new State of Ohio, and the finest grain is still produced upon the soil of Italy which wus a garden wIi-.mi the liriiuiis were u stupid race of savages. IIvDttOfHOBi.v has been successfully treated wiih iodine by Dr. Mussey, of Chicago. (Jf eight cass promptly tieuted with iodine not ono resulted fatally, nor were any decisive syirptons of hydrophobia subsequently manifested. Iu four of the cases it was probable that the wounds were from animals really rabid, and not in the other four. The municipal elections iu Ohio have re sulted geuerally in favor of tho Republicans. Columbus give 500s mujority for tho opposi tion, against l.JpUO for them lust October. O evelaud re elects her Democratic mayor, with a llepublici.n mujority of five iu the council. Newark is Democratic as usual. This includes about all the Democratic vic tories" among our Ohio neighbors this year. A shoemaker was the other day fitting a customer with a pair of boots, when the buyer observed that he had but one ob jection to them which was that the soles were a little too thick. ' If that is all," replied the maker, ' put on tho boots and the objection will gradually wear away." A petulant old lndv having refused a suitor to her neice, he expostulated with her, and requested ber plainly to divulge her reasous. " 1 sec the viliiuii in your face," said she. " Thut is a personal re. flection, madam," answered the lover. " Tell mo, ye angelio hosts, ye messen gers of love, shall swindled printers hero below have uo redress above? The shin, ing angel bund replied, to us is knowleige given ; delinquents on the printer's books can never enter heaveu." .- " Remember whom you are talking to, sir!" said au indignant parent to a trao. tisus boy ; am your father sir ! " " Well, who's to blame for that f " said impertinence j " tain't me ! " President Grant, unlike President Johnson, keeps tho Executive Mansion closed to all visitors on the Sabbath day. " You nave a striking countenance," as the donkey enid to thj elephant when he hit him over the. back with his trunk. The Pope will be seventy seven years old on May 13, 1869. NEWS ITEMS. Edwin M. fetanlon rctnrns $10,6C4 Income. The bridge ncross the Missifsippi, ut St. Louis, is to be at once begun. M. Theirs is eighty-eight years old nnd has begun the study of hotnny. A Houston girl horwwhii'ix'd her delin-' tfietit lover in the street a few d.iys nrjee. The New York Express thinks Hint rity will have underground railways in half a dozen years.' In West Virginia. fiO.flOO acres of laud have just In en fold for 25 ci n s un ncr In the House of IM'tige at Rochester. N Y., the imprisoned have formed a brass bund. The Governor of Illinois recently vetoed 46 bills in one batch an example thnt the Governors of nearly ull our Slates can follow, wilb. credit to themselves uud benefit to the community. Ambergris is found in dyspeptic whales or thoe who .have the liver complaint. .A New Bedford Whnler recently captured a whale containing 285 pounds of anibergis, woitc $79 a pound. A farmer a Tuunton. Mush., has a remark--able eow. During the laist year she has given 7.134 quarts of milk, wt h h'ng about 14,:iU8 lbs., and yielding about $.)(it); while the keeping of this animal cost only $144 The Mount Ccrris tnmiel has penetrated through the quartz nnd has come to a strat um of soft, stone, which is so ei.sily worked that it is now exprcted that the tinr for opening the line may beset six n o iths earlier than heretofore. . A Tennesse girl wants $50,000 dnmnres from a resident of Lnnsinibiirgh, N. Y., for a breach of promise of marriege. '1 he defence is that the man was married at Hip time he made the engagement ami that the fulfilment, of his promise would involve a breach of the law. In n Massachusetts town recently, there was an alarm caused by burglars. The neigh bors came to the rescue, but mistaking each other in the dork of the depredators, they ponnded rnch other so severly that both had lobe laid up for si verul dayV. The birg 'I urn escaped. The new female pestmnstrr at Itichmoi d shows' ntrrprise. She has placed two ladies in charge of the ladies' delivery, established st:cpt letter boxes, increasing the facilities lor registration, and introduced t icr im provements into the Eicliinoiid I'osl-i-fiiee. Il is said that a shipwrecked Ynrkeo was lately rescued from one of the Mnrtiesas Isl.md, whose fiivt question on being dis covered wus "IJnw did the Mexican war finally come out?.'1 lie had been a soldier who "had left General Scott's nimy before the cainp iifjn closed. Mr. San url T. Brown, a luw partner o United htntes Senator Scott, writes a lrtt-r to the editors of the llnrrisburg Statu Ucard advocating the claims of Gov. Geary for n rc nomination. Mr Brown says '"Gov Geary is the choice of the reat muss oT Ito piibl!can?,'' and adds, he has mu(!e a good safe Governor and his inlliii nee has always hdon on tlie side ol morality and justice. A ctirion3 incident lately occurred at S'. Petersburg. A clerk in the bank had to convey 2,2(10,000 rouli'es to the post-office, lie sent for a cab and p'a ed the money n it, recollecting fiat he hail forgotten l is over coal ho shut the door and returned to the building to get it.' AVle n he fume bin k he found the vehicle had left! 'I he whole estuh. lis'imetit was in an iuteuse excitement, the po'ice were communicated with, anil a search commenced in every direction. In u short lime the coachman was discovered traveling quietly toward his de.-tiiution, having start ed with the full conviction, from hearing the door shut, that his lure was inside The &rcat Indian Remedy, By thoroughly cUtui-,in the Mood, it railkully cures Ty.stetin, IJver Complaint, CougV, Col ts, 1is w of the KMm?y. lnpiy, flout. !?;ii'itl Vi't!i;'rft, .)nmtili-f , lUteutnatini, Chill und Fever, l'lfliisu Crimp iniii Iliinl I if n thins, t'ttver 8irta, Ervipcla, Suit Kin mn. Neural gia, Low of Appetite, Throat Ji(-;ictj, bore tivus, (.'anker in nil tor ma, Iuihiuinvitinn, Uuiittral Weakness. Sua by DacoaisTS. J. P. FELT, Gen'l Agt. Ko. 714 Arcli St., FhlU. IlAlR MESSittfi Jsvty'e inoneBoiflj BY ITS USB Gray or Faded Ilair is qniculy restored to its youthful color and beauty, and witji tho first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. Jt will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth. Falling HAIR is immediately checked. Far Hale bj all DraUu. DEPOT rrmoTcd from Gr. enwW h 81. to ' 33 Barclay fet. & 40 Turk tluce. HELM HOLD'S Concentmled Exiract parilln, in the (rent bleed rir.iftr. Sftrsg. mm fl 1 5 mm c ADVERTISEMENTS. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Fop restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vilalily and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin liair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or tho glands, atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved fcr usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which mnke somo preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containiug neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasta loug ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Cheuists, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, auoh as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. ProbnMy never before in the wholo history of medicine, Ims iinything won so widely and so deeply upon the conllilence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for)iilinon:ir'eoinpluuits. Through u long teries 'ot years, anil llinonif most of the races of nicn it hits risen higher and higher in their estima tion, fts it has bueoino better known, ltd uniform character and power to cure tho various nflcctionii of the lungs und throat, have made it known ns a re liable protector ng:iint them. While adapted to milder forms of di sease und to young children, it is nt the snine time the most effectual remedy that cna be given for incipient consumption, nnd the dan gerotis nll'ecti'oiis of the throat und lungs. Jta n pro vision against sudden attacks of L'rviip, It should be kept on hand in every family, nnd indeed as ull nre sometimes subject to colds und coughs, all cliould lie provided with this antidote for them. Although settled C'ongumjttion is thought In curable, still great numbers ot cases where the dis ease seemed settled, have been completely cured, nnd tho patient restored to sound henllh by the Chrrr-i 1'eetoral. So complcto Is its mastery over the disorders of tho Lungs nnd Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When noth ing else could reach them, under tho Cherry Pec toral they subside and disappear. SinyerH ami Publio Speaker find great pro tection from it. Amhma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Perioral in small nnd frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that wo need not publish the certiorates of them here, or do moro than assure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fevnr nnd Arue. Intermittent Fever, Chill Fevor, Iteruittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Poriod'Oal or Bilious Fever, &o., nnd indeed nil the affeotions which nriso from malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poisons. As its name Implies, It does Cure, nnd does not fill. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor uny other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise inlures nnv patient. The number und importance of its cures In the ngue dis tricts, nre literullv beyond account, nnd we believe ui me r.Miirm i-uit? cncrieu 111 filisiin.ine cuscs, ami wnere omcr remedies imn wnouy iaiid. wnncciimated persons, either rcsldunt in,; or travellina through miasmatic, localities, will be. pro tected by taking iho AfiVF. CVHK daily. For lAeer Comnlainf. arising from torpllity of tho Liver, it Is nn excellent remedy, stimuli ing the Liver into healthy activity. f- For Bilious Disorders nnd Liver Complaintr it is nn evnllcnt reinedv, producing many truly re markahlo cures, where other medicines had v.iled. 1'repared bv Dn. .1. C. Avkr A Co., Practical nnd Analvtical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. PRICE, $1.00 FEB BOTTLX!. ELK COUNTY rjO ADYEUTISEU8, ADVOCATE. THE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE rriBLisniD EVE It T FRIDAT MORN1XG, C. B. GOULD. Editor, OFFICE IX THE CO UUT HOUSE B IDG WAY, PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM ELK COUNTY, Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job rinting are equalled by very few t esablifhi tents in the country. Orders by mail pronjpU led, All letters should be addressed t i