Local and Misocllnnv. H t" t ar Time at llittfficay. '" Erie Express East 12:45 a. m. do. do West., .' ., " S:34 a rn. ilo Mnil East 6:fip. m, do do West. ........ ...... 8:21 p. m. Locnl Freight. East...... It: JO a. m'. do do West..... 7;u0 p. m. Elk lodge,. A. Y. M Stated meetings of.' Elk- Lndgo will be lipid nl their lmll on the second mid fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE. Sco'y. J. 0. Q. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodco. No. 25(1, held every Wednesday evening at their Lodge Room. W. C. TiNfii.E, Secy. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons nre authorized ngenla for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, Advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.nnicn, J. L. Bnows. Kane. Fbank W. Mkece. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Maoah. SI, Maiys. Char. MuVeaic. Centreville. Komkr B. Lsach. Mnj. BraiSE. Caledonia. W. F. Pstirn, B. A. Weki. Tlonnezetle. John C. BAitn, J. iV. Rkown. Shawmttt. John F.nnF.n. Spring Creek. A. W. InvtN. Highland. Levi Ei.i.oTiioiiri. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Bnrrw.Y. Buffalo and Washir.g'on Bail Red. A General Rail Rood Convention, to be composed of Daiegatcs from New York, Mary land, Washington City, nnd the Counties of Blair, Huntingdon, Centre, McKean, Cameron nnd Elk, in this Stale, favorable 'o the St. Marys route for the Buffalo and Washington Rail Road, will be held in the borough of St. Mary, on Wednesday, Miy 12, 1300. The citkens along the route of thin proposed road are requested to send delegates. Prominent Railroad men from all parts of the country arc expected, and a grand time is anticipated. By order of Con.niii tee. Tt. R. MKEKTixr). Our readers will not forget the Rail Koad'Mecting at St. Marys, on Wednesday of iwxt week. New Goods. Powell & Kimc arc receiving an immense stock of goods. Call and ex limine their goods and you will be sure to pur chase. Take Notice Persons lire requested not to take the cup from the pump-stuck of Derhv nnd Ross, which is put there for the accomoda tion of the public. A party of Gypsies wit li h-iiiic three o. four wagons -und a number of horses passed through this place the other day for them. Look out Til R editor of the Cameron Co. 7Vr. in a re cent issue says : We never saw a medicine that has given such universal saiiofaction nt the Mn-cntuooso." My wife's choice, and the whole family pre fer it, Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair RcsUrer or Dressing (in nne bottle.) Every Druggist sells it. Price one dollar. A fiend in human shape, exciting his venom In a western paper, says that Olive LognA't countenance ' beams with iuttlligcucc uud (wo warts." fiiE Tannery. The work on (heuewtnnnery Las .been commenced, and is progressing finely. We -shall speak more at length of this great pnK.io improvement m a future issue of the Advents. New rnoi-RiKToR. Mr. fchram, the new proprietor of the Hyde Utilise, has thoroughly repaired and refurnished Jio building, nud U keeping an eicejlont hotel. He is admirably fitted for flie position. County Siterinteniiem. The school di rectors elected, on Tuesday last, Mr. George Walmsley, of St, Marys County Superintendent, nnd raised his salary to sis hundred dollars fer annum. Wood's Household Advccate. We havo received specimen copies of this paper, and cheerfully recconimetid it. to our readers. FublishcJ by S. S. WOOD, P. O. Ruilding, Newburgh, N. Y. Scud five cents for a speci men copy. Removed. H. S. Thayer, hns moved into he store formerly occupied by Messenger, nnd is receiving a largo stock of new goods. The Post Offlce is still kept in the old place. and the new Post Master is doing business of tho oflice to the entire mthfaclion of the pt.b lie. T New Stotb. G. G. Messenger, has got nicely settled iu his new store, which, by the way. is one of the best arranged nud most convenient Drug stores to be found anywhere. Mr. M. always keeps a full assortment of Drugs nnd Medic.nes, andean be' strictly re JioJ upon in putting up prescriptions. Ho lias always on hand a fine assortment of fiiicy articles, &o., c. Mes. J. C. Hoi'K has just returned from a visit to the eastern cities, bringiug with her by far the finest lot of millinery goods ever offered in this market. Her unequaled taste in (he seleotiou of articles In her line is well known, but if this was not the case, no one could step iuto her shop over the store of U. S. Gillis and witness the display of "loves of bonnets," hats, ribbons, laces, edgings &c, and come away uuoonvinced of her fitness to order to the cravings of the fair sex after the things wherewith to adorn their beauty. If you wish only to feast your eyes, be sure you leave your money at home, otherwise you will certaiuly have to experience the tclf-condew-pation of having y elded lo temptation. When should a - luupioiuD be punished a a counterfeiter ? When he produce UoC uoles. Departed this lite m Jny (p., April 7(h hi the residence of her son f Mr. Josenh Robin- ton,) Mrs. Lydia Robinson in the 7 Gib, year of her age. Mrs. Robinson was among the first settlers of Elk County, and the township in which she died. Possessed in an eminent degree of that benevolent character, which secured to her the attachments of many fricnd,'and the con fidence and esteem of all those whom she as sociated in life. Relying as she did entirely upon the merits of Christ or.d his righteous ness, not on any amiability of character, Bhe wai as nothing in her own estimation. It may bo truly said that she esteemed her fellow creatures as members of the same family, and as beings with whom she was appointed to act, to suffer, nnd to sympathize. There was a tender sensibility which could pot see or hear unmoved. She was a friend to the poor. The Lord hud enabled her to do much in that line. It wai ever her will nnd her pleasure to serve II i in and His cause. She abounded iu good works. J. B. L. Mast deer, tired of the despotism of monarchy in Canada have fled into Vermont. Tiie Cuban ling is a red triangle with a white star in tho centre, and five trij'es alternate blue and whito. A Torso lady in California broke her neck while resisting the attempt of a young man to. kiss her. A fearful warning. . The surest way to obtain the Advocate is to subscribe and pay for it to depend upon beg g'mg it, is somewhat uncertain. Saxe says in his -new lecture : " Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire retpect in proportion ns we know how they are made," A Montana editor, descvibing a young lady from New York, says she is '" all sorts ot a lovely girl sharp as a frosty morning, full of tricks as a deer, and as happy as a whole flock of snow birds." A Franklin county farmer writes to his pnper that he cured his daughter of the Gre cian bend by pouring water on her ami then laying her out in the sun until she warped back again. The Legislature of Illinois has passed a law giving married women the" right to use and possess their own earnings, nnd to sue for (he same in their own name, free from (he inter ference of a husband of his creditors. A iot BL,E-ENiEn locomotive is .tho last rail way invention. It has no tender, but carries water iu a tank over tho boiler and coal in a no.x in the rear of the furnace. It has trucks and cow catchers at each end, nud ruus with equal lclicity cither direction. A i.ady went out with her little boy and girl, purchasing the former a little rubber balloon which escaped him and went up in the air i'he girl, seeing teals in his eyes, Baid "Nevermind, Neddy, when you die and go up to Heaven, you'll dit it." The latest fish iuii in huts for young men takes the !orm of a sort of a skull cap, with a brim to it made of sky blue cloth it colored hats are lo be in vogue, why not idupt green as the fuvarite color ? It ii igrcoib'e to the eye, and would in many in 'Iniirrs correspond with the mental bearings of th wearer. Avek'r American Almanac, for 1809 lia been received by Powell & Kime, Agents, for delivery gratis, to all who call for it. This number contains proofs lo show that some of :he stars have exliisied for sixty millions of years. We had not supposed such proof possi ble, but the Doctor .gives it in a shape which seems indisputable. His witticisms have long made his book acceptable ; his medical auviee makes it indispensable to families, nud now ho adils;lie most startlinc uroblcins of abstract science to his attractions. cSaml. Iattlebsand Sw kduipiis. It is "more in sorrow than in anger " tlmt we spcuk of thj above class. Every town is cursed with a few of this like whose only visnble occupation seem lo be the preparing of a black list where, in all the matrimonial, social nnd political gossip is set down with marginal notes of bit ter and false invective. Just imagine, dear reader, (he moulhlings of some of these idle tattlers and slanderers put in print : " They tnj tii at Mr. B. is to be morried to Miss S, well I pity her, for lie drinks terribly." " Yes, and thnj satj bad things of her." " Don't care anything about her," &o., on to the end of the chapter utilil their victims name is as lflack as the devils of hell. Contempt of bucIi gracelens creatures thould know uo Lounds, and no words can express its infinity. What punishment they deserve we cannot know, but as sure as eternal justice reigns, they will receive retribution ic proportion to the magnitude of their offense against the law of God and the interest of injured humanity. Few people have nn idea of (lie extent of California. The State is 700 miles long, about 200 wide. San Francisco and bacratnento together have a nonulation of about 170,000, leuving about 3U0.000 population for this vast area of couutry us tare as ail Aew ii.uland and iNew York und Pennsylvania together an area large enough una rich enough to sustain population of 30,000,000. It would make a large sized European kingdom. The State will have 13,000,000 bushels of wheat to t-pare, which will bring in from 818,000,000 to 20,000,000. The wool clip is larger than ever before. The viut age promises to be the best ever gathered meiiiynve minion grape vines are in bearing, ud new vineyards are the order of tho day. The State has just begun its network ii railroads, soon to bo' con nected by the long spider thread across the continent. " Married couples resemblo a pair of biieurs, mm nyuney craunt bo joined that they tannot be separated, often moving in opposite direetioui, yet always punishing anyvoue wno comes Dctwean tnem. Tae dyinr embers of the year, Septem ber, Moveiiiber and December. Hi iii.cile, ('a., Apvii ;ilib, 1609. Enron Advocate ; 1 see no just reasons, nor tho least shadow of an excuse for delinquents on this side of the " ridga " to fail in paying up immediately the arrcage of their pnper. Many of Ihegcn- nlemcn delinquents have returned from ths lumber markets below " flush with spondu lix's " having disposed of their lumber at an enormous price. Is it possible they will be unmindful of their duty now, townrds the printer t With their pockets full of green backs, it ii thought they will not require of the printer such as was imposed upon a certain westorn editor who was compelled to roam the country through in search of " Tom Dick and Harry " to gel his pay, a portion of which was presented to him by ono of the delinquents, in the shape of something of the sort of hoop pole, barrel staves, an aged, nnd worthless " cur " nnd nn old rusty stovo pipe at twenty five cents n foot ; none of which was accepted. Some of tho delinquents here would naturally think it lined, ami cxcccdingyly unjust, on the part of those who owe them "trifles," should (hey delay half ns long as (he printer has waited for his pay, in squaring accounts so much less than the printers bill. Mr. Editor, there is not one of your subscribers, in Klk County but what has the means to pay for his paper uo matter what the oircunistanccs are in which he may he placed, all are uble to pay the printer's fee, yes. ten times the amount, and not know themselves the worse of it. Excuse? are groundless tho " can't tho " exi. gancys" &o won't answer for excuses now offered, nor even at any other time. Enclosed find dollars the amount of indebtedness to tho Advocate for this year, creuit nun wnn ino same, it is uopcu that all delinquents who havo ft spark of the pi inciple.of an honest mm within them will comply immediately with the printers request. nd obc.v tho positive injunction of (he great teacher, " Do unto others as she would that oll.crs 3hould do unto you." Truly Yonrs, J. B. L. dvices from St. Joseph, Michigan, fruit region slate that according to Hie present prospects there will bo n larger crop of peaches, apples, pears, plums, grapes nnd berries than of any preceding yinr. The peach crop promises to be nt least double that of last yar. " Wiiar's the lUns 1 " A rural lawyer, whom we shall designate ns Sq'iire Jovial, once had nn important case in a country court, and the decision depended cntneiy on the way the jury would regard the testimony of one lady. He lost tho c.if-c, because the fair witness swore posi tively to nn occurrence which she wit. nessed at the distance of several rods. although there were several persons that saw nothing whatever of it. The old ?(tiiie looked rather blue when tho jury brought in their verdiot, hut revenged him self by rising and telling the court a story ' or a lnuy he once knew, who was very nearsighted, but always declared her eye sight to bo excellent. Accordingly, one day a neighbor stuck a darning needle in the side of the barn, nnd plucing her on the opnosidesido of tho road, asked her if she could see it. " O yes," replied the old lady, " 1 can see the needle easy ; but whar's'thc bam ? " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TJ'EKSEY HOUSE, CENTkfcVIMP, Ei.k Co., Vs. II. 1. Leach, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hcretolor e so liberally bestowed upon hi'ii, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort .nr.d convenience of gneals, to merit, n continuance of the siuue. vln20Jy. 4 CARD TO THE LADIES. Dr. Dupon Jr co's GOLDEN PERIODICAL PiLLS tor females, lnfall'blo in correcting irreg. ulmi;i:cs, Removing Obstructions of the Month y Turns from whatever cause, nnd always successful as a preventive. One Pill is a dose. Females peculiarly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against using theso Pills while in that condition, lest they invito miscarriage, after which ad monition tho Proprietor assumes no re sponsibility, although, their mildness would prevent nny mischief to health; oll-erwis the Pills ure recommon ded as a Most Invalu able Remedy for tho alleviation of. those suffering from any irregularitios whatever, ns well as prevent an increase of family when health will not permit it ; quieting tho nerves nnd bringing back tho " rosy color of health " to the cheek of the ni06t delicate. Pull ami explicit directions accompany each box. Price $1 per box ; 0 boxes, $ 5. Sold in Ridgway, Pa., by G. G. Messenger, Druggist, solo agent for Ridgway. Ladies, by sending him $1 to tho Ridgway P. O. cau have (he Pills sent (confide-utially) by mail to any part of (he country, irco of postage.' Sold also by Swayna & Reynolds, St. Mary's, and by one Druggist in every village iu the Union. S. D. HOWE, my2 C8-ly. Sole Proprietor, N. r. imperial ilotirrsj, A New Remedy is Consumption. A Physician who had Consumption for several years, -with frequent bleedings of the lungs, cured himself with medicine- unknown to the profession, when his ense appeared bopo 'css. He is the only physician who has used it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; a ; d he can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing buillu use of his medicine; und nothing but utter despair nnd entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence in all others induced him to hatard the exper iment. To those suffering with any disease of the lungs he proffers a treatment he con fidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price $1.50 per bottle, or $8 a half dozen, sent by express. Send fur a circular or call on Da. E. Boyi.ston Jackson," No. 250, North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. iuny30.ti8-ly K RUM ME, M. D.. Physician aud Surgeon, Ridgway Elk co. ru jiuue uuovv siore oi n. u. uillis Office hours from 8 to 10A.M. and 6 to 8 P. M. vln8tf. J ou Printing of every description doue promptly at this office, and in a style un equalled in this Bection cf the State, satisfaction guaranteed. Entire VISITING CARDSNEATLY ed at this oiSse. EXECUT. fHTXADELTHIA d, EI3 RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Tlmi'Tt and D!rrt Route Icttcfien l hi'faIv7j)Iuat Baltimore Harris Iwg, IVilliamsport, and (he GREAT O IT, REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. rW and after MONDAY. NOV. 25th. J the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows westward. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 10. 45 " Ridgwny ,p 3.21 " " arrive at. lOrio ,. 9.60 Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia 11.50 Ridgway 3.31 " ' arrive at Erie 10.00 WASTWAItn. Mail Train leaves Erie " " " Ridgway " " arrive at Phihid'a... Erie Express leaves Eiic " " " Pideway.... ...10.55 a. m. .... 5. 10. p. ni. ,.T0.00 a. in. .... 8.25 p. m. .. 12.45 a. m. nr'at I'iiiladelplna 4.0 p.m. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and All"frlieny River Rail Rotd. 13AG- tiAG'E cueckLd Tiinocmi. ALFRED L. TYIER, General Superintendent. JOHN G.HALL, Attorney nt law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'00 ly HENRY SOU: Ridgway, Pa. SOUTHER, Attornev-nt-Law (feb2'J'C8), ALP1NK HOUSE, St. Mary's Pa., Her man Kreta, Proprietor. pugO'CO "pvlt. W'. JAMES BLAKELY Physician I and burgeon, St. Jiarv s, 1.1k Mary s, Llk county P. i. inar-22 00 1y. FRANK S. BARRETT, Attorney-nt-Law, Clearfield, Penn'a. Will practice in LiK and Lnmcron coni-tics. Isop'J, 08-y, fXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUBrtf: Ijj D,!S Waiiants, &o., ou hand and for sale nt this ollice. CIT. YOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer . in Lagtr Boer, opposite tho Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'G'j-l . JO. I.N G. IIALI, J AS. K. 1. HALL. If ALT. & J3IIO. Attorneys -nt -Law tit. AI AMY'S : BENZINGER P. O. EI.K. COUNTY, TA. September 20, 18GG. ly. J. S. Mordwell, M. D. Eclectic Physician Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt at tention willbo given to nil calls. Office hours : 7 to H A. M- : 1 2 (o 2 P. M. ; and 0 lo 7 V. M. Mar. 22, CO If. 111 AVER HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre nnd Mill streets, with good nnd convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and I he p-tl lio genci-Ally. decl3UU lj DAVID TII .IYER. HYDE HOUSE, RtnawAY, Elk Co., Ta. M. V. Mooke, Proprietor. Thrnliful for tho patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, ty paying strict attention to the comfort nn J convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of tho same. Oct 21 ISoli. t FRANKLIN .HOUSE, Sr. iMahy s. Pa. LARGEY & M ALONE, Tnorn's. The proprietors respectfully nslc tho attention of their friends and the public in general to their large nnd commodious hotel. Every nttuutiou paid to the convenience ot guests. li. LAUUKY, nnyOO 1S-55.1 y J. A. iu ALONE. .XCHANGEIIOTEL, RIDGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvtcd on the banks of' tho Clarion River and Elk Creek, at (he lower end of (ho village, Mr. llealywill spare no pains for (ha cnnvcnie.ee of his guests, lie invites one and all to give him a call nud try Ins house. Sept, 7th'07-ly. SOMETHING NEW! House, Sign and Ornamental Painting 1 II E SUBSCKIBER WOULD RE. epectfully inform the citizens of Elk county thf-t he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dont that he can please nil who may favor hiin with their custom. .GRAINING. PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMIN'ING DOSE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THEn-.ost fashion able and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at (ho Bunking House of boutlier, it ilUs somber will be promptly at tended to. W. V. WILLIAMS, Mny-17'G0-ly. TVTAILS, SriKES, HINGES, RIVETS, locks, bolls, nnd all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at tho St, Mary's Hardware Store than any oilier place iu tin counrty. (u.ooj A 11 orders for Stoves and Hardware A will be promptly attended to as soon ub received, at the 12 07 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. ARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &o., done in a neat manner. and at the lowkst 1'uick, FOR CASH, at the Llk Advocate Printing Ollice. JF YOU WANT TO BUY CLOTMA-a for the Million Q to A. DURLACI1ER, DEALER IN . CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, - HA'JS, CArS, BOOTS, SnOES, TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS, &o. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, TENNA Janl8(381ypd TJLANKS of all Vindi for tale at this of SERVICE. 200,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At tho now Masonio Hall Building. 8TOVE3 at prices that will please of alj de sirable kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind on hand at all times. Speoial attention given to Wholcsalo orders, rrioc list furnished to dealers on application. SI1 kET-TW AND COPPES WA RE. IIouso furnishing goods a groat variety. STEAM AND WATER riPEING, PUMPS, FISHING AND HUNT IXO TACKLE, such as ROD8 BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CArS, POWDER, &c. jj-c. BIRD CAGES AXWE YARIETJf, HOOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper and every kind of HOUSE AND JCB WORK done on short notice and warranted, ' AGENCY of Henry Disstons- celebrated saws. Orders for saws at factory prioes so licited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, TEW TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SBEEP TELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, U. 8, BONDS &o. lalitn in exchange for Goods or Work. vln20tf. W. 8. SERVICE. W STORE. The subscriber' begs leave to inform the citi zens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where may be found rFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. n!2vltf J. R. BAIRD. look: here i WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. C1HARLES HOLES, Practical Watchma J ker. Jeweler and Eneraver. Ridcwnv. Elk county, Pa. The subset iber bogs leave to announce (o the citizens of Ridcwav nnd vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his lino on short notice and at reasonable rates in tho very best manner. Shop in II. rnnyer s atore. bpccuu attention paid to engraving. He has also on hand a large assortment of ciocks, watches. Jewelry and silverware wlncli he oners for sale on reasonable terms Give hm a call. nev7'G7tf. ATTENTION MILL-OWN! RS ! I MIE EAGLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL, patented July 80, 18G7, is superior to any wheel in use. The under! signed hnve tho agency for said wheel in the Btale ot Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as beiug the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire at our ruuuuiy m iversey, w ii ere machinery, mill-gearing, castings and steam eneines will be maae to orucr at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of publio patronage. J. e. ROBERTSON, R. BELL. Kersey, Elk Co., Ta., janlt 18G8pd. gICKE& CAMERON, Losses of the Mines of the Kersey Coa Company. Miners and Shippers ofy BITUMINOUS COALS ! Of supriior quality, for GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. Are prepared to receive Orders and make contracts for these well. known coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO., PA. Kersey, Pa., March 12. 1868. vln!7tf. D". W. W. SHAW Praotices Medicine and Surgery, Centreville, Elk county Pa. mar-22'661y. 1 ENVELOPES, LABELS & TAGS neatly 2j printed t the Advocate Office. w HARDWARE- NEW HARDWARE STORE f . t. t,. tc,f Vmonod in Xlie lUDSiai""" ...v 'ST. MARY'S Anew and Complete Stock of Heavy k Shelf 1 1 9 9 And will keep constantly on band a great variety -oi COOK AND HEATING STOVES Ear Iron, Steel Anvils, Bellows, Nail'.s Horse Shoes, Springs, Build-' . inj Hardware, Xaics and Files of ' Every E-escriftion GUNS, ' PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cullery, Plafed Waro and IIouso Furnishing Goods. Al' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools I TINWARE Of every description, which will b oold at t-he LOWEST CASH TRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in t Mary's for the . IMPROVED-ORIENTAL RASE.BURNINO COAL STOVJ23 AND TARLOR FURNACES! mm Which have received Four Firft CUri Pre miums at the New York Slatp nnd tub er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silvet Medal at the Fair of tho Am erican Institute, held in New York City, lBOi. They are Perpetual Burners, only r.iif being required to be inaiju miring (ho season. M. BEECHE'. .In. WM. II. CQPELAND. nov28'67 ly lira PATRONIZE HOME INST1 1 (UN.S FLOUR, FEED AND GRAI !. THE subset ibers having coniplotud their New Grist Mill in Ridgiviiy are now prepared to furnish the peoplu ut t;c sii rounding country with Flour of ttie Best Quality and of their own manufacture, at the l.nvus market rates. The attention of lumbermen and nihil- jfi called to our lasilities fur Jtirui.sliiJijj tnem witu FEED OF ALL KT,Xt).V, cheaper than it can be bought any other place in the county. ayCA8il I'aid fob Gn.iN,-'jy-j J.S. HYDK. J. V. HOI K. J. K. WIirr.MDliE. Nevember 7, 1867(f LOOK HERE.' CENTREVILLE TIM-SHOP. JOHN WAPLE desires lo mk,. known (o the citizens of Centri-viUe and (tin surrounding country that he Ims taken tho shop formerly occupied by R. .1. .Yluhnu-v. mi "McCauley's Comer" in (nl revile, ' and that he hopes by paying striet i,it 'uiiui in his business and the wants of Ins im-iioni ! s. to merit their pntronnge iu hi line. He will neap on hand a largo nnd well sch-oiud a.t.oi i m cut of Cin anA hrrt-ron M'avt, of his own manufacture, which he will warrant to be of the best quality. His sto,:k consists of everything that is useful in tin ti,.waie Ena about a house. I ask a-fair trial, and. if my work dois not givo satisfaction, my cukIoiihY-, w,lt not bd obliged to take it. JO.Jix ViAPLE. seplG:tf. J. S. BORDWELL, M. I). ECLECTIC I ii J .s IV 1.1 A . The word eclectie means t.i i-hoc or c lect medicines from n I the di" rei' schools of medicine ; using mm-lies .ml iu- safe, and discarding from pr.ieiice jll ii.e.t cines that have an imjurious eHcC on the ,iy i tern, such as mercury, auiiiiK jy iBU,i per, Slo. ' I lay aside the lance f. o i.ld MooJrur.v, reducer or dcpleter, and '.q.iuliKol.e c.ifviilV tion and restore the ay sir in r it twiiur state by alteratives and HnFe. I sh.l hervv after give particular attention tac!nu-j.ie dis eases, suet, as Rheumatism, IvfiepU, L'vor complaint, Caiarrh, Nearalgia. diseases of tho throat, urinary organs, and mil uisesses pecu liar to females, &o. CATARRH I treat with a new inslrumenl of a late invention, which c n re every eai, TEETH extracted without, pain." Oflice and residence .outa i f tbejnil i Centre St. Office hours f.eui 7 lo & a. ; in pj to 1 p. m; 6 to 7 p. m. . Deo. 2.a'67.-ly. 3. S. BORDWELL. TOUIS n. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Can be found at his Foundry at Mt. Mary's whera heis ready to have all ?hip-work in his line done on short notieo. Si. Mnry'a Benxinger P. O , Elk oa., Pa. niyl'tiS'ly TOR WORK of all LiuJ aLd decn J done at this office. mt IIP BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AND joiner'g tools for sale eheaper than the cheapest" at the St, Mary's JUrdwai- Store (nov28'07.) GUNS. PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES pocket and table cutleiy, of th bo t quality and most approved pattcins, t i cheap at the Hardware Store oil Buerger's "ohj corner in St. M-ry's. . Thi Advocati has the Urge.,, rire.ilutim n tie ceunty, and is the best t Jv.. u,td' :