The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 05, 1869, Image 2

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Subject lo the lUoiston of the Republican
State Convention.
Gcnctal Grant, it is announced as defi.
nifely decided, will not nppeur nt any inau
guration ball or reception. This rmiple tact
is probably a very significant indication of
the- future policy of the incoming ad minis.
tratioD a straw which shows which way a
very great wind w;ll blow. Are we Hear
ing the ligid simplicity of severe rcpubli
canism f Is the new rrijime to make good
in practice the theory of our democratic
pystem ?
The immediate results of this expression
of the Presidential intention arc not" few
por unimportant. Retrenchment will be
the order and fashion of the d.iy. Display
And extravagance will not be a passport to
promotion or the iavor of the Administra
tion. Public office will not be looked to ns
the reward of social folly, and the poor
Governmental clerks relieved from tax ol
ball or reception attendance, will fmd in
that exemption at once an .equivalent to the
twenty per cent, increase of salary so pen
sistcntly and piteously called for. Office-
seekers, and those who Lope to bask in the
sunshine of the dcrartments, will probably
find it to their advantage to ponder on lhe
Presidential position iu this matter, and
direct their walk and conversation in ac
cordance therewith.
Senator Cole's Alaska bill meet3 with
ittlc favor in the San Francisco new
At Ottawa, Canada, on SuturJav.
Hon. Joseph Howe was swore in as Presi
dent of the Privy Council.
J'ortyoneot the Ucechee, uergia,
prisoners were committed for trirJ, Satur
day. on the charge of 'nsttrrcctkn, and were discharged.
There was a heavy rain ami tbuuder
storm at Richmond, Virginia, Saturday
mornins. lue liuhtnina; struck in two
or three places.
Governor Palmer, of Illinois, has is
sued a proclamation notifying the holders
of State bon.ds that they will be t uid in
New York April 1st.
It i3 reported via San Francisco, (ha
rcuator Nye, of Nevada- has resigned, foi
the purpose of accepting au appointment in
Uencral Urant s Cabinet.
The motion for a new trial in the
Twitchell murder case, at Philadelphi
was refused by the Judges of the Court ol
Oyer and Terminer, and scnteuce of dcatl
The blast furnace of Algero & Co., a'
Cold Springr, New York, was destroyed
ly fire Saturday aftern-jon. Loss heavy ;
jusurance unascertained
A girl of Oak Hill, New Ycik, two
months married, recently applied to a law
yer in Kingston to know whether her
speculative husband " had any right to
trade her off for an old scuff of a cutter."
The ladies of the New York Soiosis are ar
ranging preliminaries fur a ladies' ball and
invite their Boston friends who have got
au yolive branches to bring tbcm alone:,
A little Boston school girl, recently re
quested to explain how Congress is divided,
announced in confident triumph, " Civi
lized, half-civilized and savage ! "
Zebulon Waters, a respectable citizen of
Baltimore, died there on February , aged
85 years. Deceased was in the service of
the Bauk of Baltimore G4 yerrs, having
entered it in 1805, and served in various
positions up to chief Clei k.
Governor Geary on Monday last issued
warrants for the execution on Friday the
20th of February, cf William Brooks and
Charles Orme, sentenced to bo hung at
Stroudsburg, Monroe county, for the uiur
der of Theodore Brodhead.
, The shoemakers of Chicago are on a
strike, caused by a large firm requiring
more work done each day, for which the
shoemakers demanded, and were refused,
five dollars a day. An effort is being made
to establish a co-operative factory, with a
.capital of $100,000, in $100 shares.
The Delaware State Legislature has
adopted a joint resolution declaring the
authority of the State over the landing of
an ocean telegraph cable on its shores, and
alleging that the Atlantio coast of Dela.
ware is peculiarly favorable for the landing
of the French cable, and appointing J. p.
Coniegys a commissioner to confer with
the oompany owning that enterprise.
Official despatches have been received
hj the Knglibh war office from New
Zealand. Tbey announce that a- battle
had taken place between the British and
the Maori rebels at poverty Bay, and the
latter were defeated with great loss iu
killed wounded, and prisoners. The vie.
lory had restored tranquility in that
.quarter of the colony.
. Amos Stone, of Daubury, Connecticut
whose mind took an iuquirine turn the
other day, determined to acquaint himself
with the anatomy of a hog's jaw, and es.
pecially the lower one, with a view ol find
ing out where the tusks took foot He
boiled the jaw forty eight hours, when the
tusk yielded to his pulling and came our,
lie found that juet below the surface it
curved outward and extended under the
bauk teeth, taking root pear the joint of
the jaws- Those that be took out measured
0 inches in length.
A scarecrow has been invented down
East of so hideous character that the
p'owa ara bringing back the corn they stole
abt year.
Elk County, for the
Year 1803.
Ftce'p'l and Expenditures of Elk Comity for the
xear jtnning j a. fit, ISbU.
Ara'tof tax ree'd for unseated
' lands 1 . 812 505 02
Fines in Commonwealth cases 395 00
Jury fees - w 24 00
Commonwealth costs 179 25
Amount received from collectors as fol
lows, via :
M M Chase,
Ttunczctto '05 SO 30
Fox '00 70 25
Ridgway ' 101 60
Spring C'k " 7 75
Benezett '07 01 37
Benzinger " S91 14
Fox )78 55
Highland " SO 11
Jay " 532 87
Junes ' 88 54
Benezett '08 210 00
Fox " SCO 00
Morton " 53 00
i Jay " 261 00
Jones " 170 03
Rents 50 00
Wni McCnuley
O F Divkinsuu
II Carman
Ralph Johnson
Joseph KovtiiT
lacob Mover
T Cam ( bell
TJintnaa Tnzier
V Miller
If S Johnson
J Hewitt
I) C Oyster
Chmles Webb
V Miler
510 509 94
By am't p'd L Vollmr r cotu'r 225
" " . W Tii j .or " 228
" " II Warner " 97
" IIS Belnup " 20
' " GF Dickinson Cl'k 230
" " J A Malonc Sheriff
serving Jury Notices 2G2 95
Coveying, prisoners
to Penitentiary, 180 00
By am't p'd Commonwc'lth cost 190 22
" " Bount's lor Wclws
&o 80 50
" ' ,! Prison Expenses 329 70
" " " Jury fees 1413 59
" " " Ascssing Expenses 250 50
" " " Flection " 520 32
' " " Justice fees 91 78
' " " Constable fees 228 17
" " " Auditors 47 50
" " " Clerk 25 00
" " Road views 74 CO
" " " Stationary 190 72
" " " Stamps 1 00
" " Repairs to public
buildincs 327 20
" " ' Fuel . 84 17
" " " J G Hall cnunset 100 CO
" " " Prothonctary's fees 13301
" " " Janitor 99 00
" " " Printing 244 2,i
' " " W Penitent iary 187 8S
" " " Tipstaves 2 00
" " " J K P Hall duo him 25 00
" " " Inquest 41 99
" " Mercantile appraiser 4 00
" " " Jury Commissioners 38 20
" " " Paid witness fees 159 12
" " " Cameron Elk and
Clearfield State Road 130 00
" " " Miscellaneous 18 84
' " Damages for open-
ing public road in Benzinger tp
as follows :
By am't p'd Mrs F Wolf $33 00
" " Mrs Paulus 25 00
Excess of rccepts 10
10 500 94
luiit acd Liabilities of Elk Cornty Jan. 1st, 'C9
Assets :
Cash in Treasury
" " Buunty fund
Tax due on unseated land
In bauds of collection su'oject to
exoneration & per centago
Bounty tax
Duerom State
Cameron Elk $ Clearfield State
L J Blakely
$20 915 08
County orders ouUtaudiug
Bounty Honda
Due W Penitentiary estimated
" G. F. Dickinson
Excess of assets
$20 915 08
Amount Due ly Collectors of Elk County Jauay
lit, 1369.
Ridgway '05 $ 37 57
Benczette 'GO 35 04
Fox 520 00
Ridgway " 15 17
Benezetto 07 53 91
Benzinger " 41 93
Fox " 288 29
Ridgway " 045 41
Spring C'k " 2S9 75
Benzinger '08 S48 10
Benezctte " 1 1 9 99
Fox " S64 73
Ilorton " 234 17
Jav 72 44
Highland 41 31
Ridsjway ' 510 87
St Marys 439 00
Spring C'k S04 70
J V Ucuk
M M Chase
Wm McCuuley
G F Dickinson
Ralph Johnson
James Kerner
Jacob Moyer
D-D Cook
D G MeNawl
Jo-eph Gerber
D S Johuson
J Hewitt
D C Oyster
Charles Webb
Thus Campbell
II F Overholstei
Chas Schisslo
A liwiu
Bounty Tax,
John Kcch Fox
Chas Rortei field Spring C'k
8 289 40
200 92
235 25
305 G3
Aruiel Turley
B A Dill
J. A. Malore, Eaq , Sheriff of Elk Coun'y in acc't
with laid County for the Year ending January 1st,
Jan 4th 1809
To bal at last settlement . S 201 15
" County orders 150 00
" Fiue iu Com'th vs Maliphant 25 00
ii " l ' McUooald 25 00
" Jury feca 24 00
485 15
Jan 4th 1869
ltv servina Jury uotice
$ 262 95
""Conveying prisonera to W
Coramcnwealth cost
filling Jury wheel
180 00
88 20
4 00
$ 485 15
The Commlfiioneri of the McKean, Elk Forrest and
Clart n State Bead in ar't with paid Road,
Jan 4th 1803
To bal due at for'r settlem't $
" Orders drawn from Elk Co
" ii ii M'Kean "
i it ii ii Vrest
ii. ii ii .i Klk Co by
Souther it: Willis Atty's
fr Commissioners
" Bunds issued by Comr's
1237 59
2090 12
3051 99
1794 80
7040 50
817 202 25
Jan 4th 1PG9
By Vouchers & bills ren'd
for work and $14 682 43
Balance duo road 2519 82
$17 202 25
C. V. Gillis Treasurer of Ilk Coin account with
aid Co i for the oar ending Jan. 1st, 1169
Jan 4 th 1809
To tax reed from unseated l'ds $12 505 C2
" " " " collectors
" Fine Com'th vs Woodbury
" " J C Luther
" " Comt'h vs Conner etal
Commonwealth cost
Int ree'd from II Souther, bail
for Coyno
348s) 50
310 00
15 00
20 00
179 25
58 07
$10 577 50
Jan 4th 1809
By Co ordevs redeemed I
" Refunding orders
" Am't duo J Coyne, late Tr
" Lands sold to county
" Treas com on am't ree'd
' " " " disbursed
" Balance due county
8492 32
00 40
2 05
588 40
10S 70
G 573
$10 577 50
State Tax.
Jan 4th 1809
To amount of tax received
$ 148 92
$ 148 92
Jan 4th 1009
By State Treasurers receipt
" Treasurers ctnimission
" Balauco
83 02
7 40
53 50
$ 148
Benezetti: Road Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't ree'd from II Stu'.her
bail forCoyne $
" Tax ree'd from uso'td l'ds 2
" Tax ree'd from unseated
lands additional
1 286 55
$1 0-19 07
$2 480 00
249 29
115 08
92 85
715 85
January 4th 1809
By erdeis redeeued
ii ii it
" Treas corj on am't ree'd
" " " " " disbursed
Balance duo fund
$1 049 07
Benezette School Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't due by J Coyne late Tr $
" " Tax from unset'd Id's
" b'ld'n"
i 2097 23
5 450 00
850 00
70 44
24 000
1790 84
$2097 SS
January 4th 1809
By District Treas receipt
i it ii ii
" Com on am't ree'd
" " " " disb'd
Ballancc due fund
Benzinger Road Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't due from Coyne lute Tr S 78 37
" " Tax ree'd from unst'd I'd I5S7 90
Orders outstanding $47 50 $1000 33
January 4th 1869
By Oruers redeemed
" Treas com on am't ree'd
ii ii ii i. (ijjjij
" Balance due fuaq
$1191 50
47 01
35 73
391 49
$1000 33
Benzinger School Fund. .
January 4th 1809
To am't due by J Coyne late Tr $ 10 29
" " tax reo'd from unst'd I'd 1587 91
" " " " bld'g S99 85
$1998 05
January 4th 18G9
By District Treasurers receipt
" Treas com on am't ree'd
ii ii ii i. disb'd
" Balance due fund
G83 00
59 Gl
20 58
1231 80
1993 05
Fox Road Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't due from Coyne late Tr $ 89
" Tax ree'e from unseated I'd 1733
Oiders outstand'g $146 50
1822 27
January 4th 1800
By orders redeemed
" Treas com on am't ree'd
ii ii ii ii .1 disb'd
" Balance due fuLd
$1S14 00
51 99
39 42
410 80
. $1822 27
Fox ScnooL & Buildinq Fund.
January 4th 18G9
To am't due by Coyne late Tr
" Tax reo'd from unset'd l'ds
k i ii ii build'g
$ 23
$3501 35
$1152 14
1040 00
lot 81
05 ,6
1139 13
Jan 4 18G9
By District Treas receipt
ii ii ii ii
" Treas com on am't reo'd
II il II I. II disb'd
" Balance due fund
$3501 35
Highland Road Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't due by J Coyne lateTr $ 241 42
" do Tax rce'd from unset'd I'd 1136 92
Orders outstanding $10 00
January 4th 189
By orders redeemed
" Treas com on am't ree'd
" do v do do do disb'd
Balance duo fund
$1381 34
$ 815 00
34 10
24 45
507 79
$1381 34
IIiontAND School Fund.
Jan-ia-y 4th 1809
Toaiu'tduo from Coyne late Tr $ 155 95
" Tax reo d lroin unseated I'd 798 70
$ 954 71
January 4th lfi09
By district Treas teceipt
" Treas com on am't ree'd
" do do do do disb'd
" Balance due fuud
$ 450 00
23 90
13 50
407 25
$ 954 71
Jones Road Funp.
January 4th 1809
To am't due by Coyne late Tr $ 05 35
" Tax ree'd from unseated I'd 4S0 28
" Balance due Treasurer 07 94
Oiders outstanding $20 00 $ 013 57
January 4th 1809
By orders redeemed $ 398 7G
" Treas cum on am't ree'd 8 4'J
" do " disb'd 5 90
" Am't credited to Wilcox and
Hamlin State Road 200 45
$ 613 57
Jones School Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't tax ree'd from uns'd I'd $1902 17
$1902 17
January 4 h 1809
By bal due Coyne late Tr
" Dis't Treasurers receipts
" Treas cum on am't ree'd
" do do do do dibb'd
" Balance due fund
$ 30 03
1022 50
57 00
3D 00
701 92
$1902 17
Jay Road Fund.
January 4th 1809
To ain't due by Coyno late Treas $ 3 l 00
" Tax reo'd fioui unst'd laud 1318 11
$1382 14
Jauuary 4th 1809
By Orders redeemed
" Treas com on am't ree'd
" do do do do disb'd
" Balance duo fund
$1C.j2 00
40 44
31 50
208 14
$1382 14
' Jay School Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't due from Coyne late Tr $ 12 80
" Tax ree'd from unseated l'ds 910 94
? 953 74
January 4th 18G9
By District Treasurer receipt
" Trea's eom on im't ree'd
" do do do do dibb'd
" Balauco due fund
S 300 00
28 20
9 00
010 5J
$ 953 74
Ridgway Road Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am t due from Covne late Tr $ 5S 88
" Tax ree'd from unseated l'ds 2055 54
" do do . do do add'l 2054 57
Orders out $100
January 4ib 1FG9
By orders redeemed
" Treas com on am't roe'd
" do do do .do disb'd
' Balaucc due fund
$1109 45
$2489 00
123 83
74 07
1482 40
$1109 40
Rido vay School Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't due from Coyno late Tr $ 07
" Tax ree'd from unseated I'd 1541 49
January 4th 1869
By district Treasurers receipts
" Trea com ou am't reo'd
" do do do do dibb'd
" Balance due fuud
$1541 56
$1003 40
40 23
31 89
4(JO 04
$1511 50
Si' Ciieek. Road Fund.
January 4 th 1809
lo tax reo ij irom unseated iu. 2-1
" do do do do add'l 1251 24
Orders outstanding $210 00 $'4508 48
January 4th 1S09
By bal due J. Coyne late Tr $ 19 93
Orders redeemed 1995 00
" Exonerating order 4 50
I," Treas com ou am t rce'd 75 24
5 ' do do do do disb'd 59 85
" Balance due fuud 353 90
$2508 48
Spring Creek School Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't due by Coyne lateTr $ 4 18
" Tax reo'd from unse'td Id's 1040 44
" do do do do add'l 457 44
$2108 00
January 4th I8G9
By District treasurers receipt $ 999 36
" do do do bld'g 057 05
" Treas com on am't ree'd 03 09
. 49 71
3 G9
334 50
$2108 0G
St Marys Road Fund.
January 4th 1809
To am't due Coyne late Tr $
" Tax reo'd from unst'd I'd
19 41
83 55
$ 102 90
January 4th 1809
By Treas com on ain't received
" Balauco duo luud
$ 2 49
100 47
$ 102 90
St Marys Corporation Fund.
January 4th 1809
To tax ue'd from unse'td I'd
39 53
$ o9 53
$ 1 18
88 3g
January 4th 1SG9
By Treas com on am't ree'd
" Balance duo fund
$ 39 53
St. Marys School Fund.
January 4th 1809
To ain't due from Coyne late Tr $ 81 42
" Tax ree'd from unseated land 117 07
" Jo do do da build'g 51 58
" do do do do add'l 88 05
$283 72
January 4th 1803
By Treas com on am't ree'd
" Balisnee duo fuud
$ 0 21
282 51
$ 283 72
Bounty Fund.
January 4th 1809
To ain't duo from Coyno late Tr 33133 00
" Tax ree'd from collectors 700 95
Bunds outstanding $300 int $3S33 91
January 4th 18G9
By b.)inls redeemed
f 335 51
82 00
3 50
i ;;o
8411 51
" Rifd'g order to Col Dwigbt
" Treas com on am't received
' do do do do disburs'd
" Bulauce duo fuud
Jay TowNsnir Bounty Fund,
January 4th 1809
To am't from Ci.j ne late Tr $ 376
" Tux ree'd from unsea'ed I'd 517
$ 9-42 91
January 4th 1801
By district Treas receipt
" Treas com ou am't tve uvel
" do do do do disb'd
" Balance due fund
555 50
1 48
$ 922
Jones Township Bounty Fund.
Jauuary 4th 1809
lo tax recoiveJ from unset'd I'd
$ 99
January 4th 1809
Hy distiict Treas receipt
" Tieas cum on am't reo'd
" ('o do do do di.-b'd
" Balance duo fuud
Ridgway Township Bounty Fund.
January 4th 1SG9
To an.'t due ffnm Coyne lat. Tr $ 81
" Tax ree'd lrom unset'd laud 1027
January 4th 1809
By district Treasures receipt
" Treas com on am't received
" do do do do disb'd
'' Balaucc due fund
$ 992
St Marts Bounty Fund.
January 4th 1809
To a.n't due from Coyne lateTr $ GO
" Tax reo'd from uuscaUd l'ds 86
$ 152
January 1th 18G9
By Treas cum on am't jeeeived $
" Balance due fund 151
$ 152
Benezette Bounty Fund.
January 4th 1809
" do do do do disb'd
" ISxoncrating order
" Balance) duo fuud -
To am't due from Coyne lato Tr $ 53 74
January 4th 1809
By Balance duo fund $ 53 71
Ridgway, Wilcox Si Kane St Road.
January 4th 1809
To cash rce'd from T L Kane $ 770 90
January 4th 1809
By ruf'g order to T L Kane $ 770 90
McKean, Elk, Forrest, & Clarion
State Road.
January 4tb 18G9
To am't duo bv Coyne late Tr $1831 42
Tax reo'd f'm uns'd I'd Hil'd 038 55
" do do do do do Jones 1057 00
$ 400
January 4th 1809
By orders redeemed
" Treas com ou am't received
' do do do do dib'd
" Balance due fuud
Wilcox & Hamlin State Road.
January 4th 1869 '
To am't tax rtod Jones r'd f'd $ 200
" Balance due Treasurer,
0 9
$ 210 41
$ 193 44
G 00
6 "00
$ 210 44.
January 4th 1809 .. i
By orders redeemed i
" Treas com on am't ree'd
" d do do do dibb'd
C. V. Oillif Treasurer of 1 County, in account
with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for ths
Year lc63.
January 4th 18G9
To am't ree'd from Tav Licences $ 530 00"
" do
" do
" do
" do
Liauor do
25 00
Brewers do
F'at'g h's do
Retailers do
Pcdlais do
39 00
80 00
652 00
80 00
$1256 0O
January 4th 1809
By Mate treasurers receipts S Il'o UU
Treas com or. 1000 at 5 pr ct DO OO
do do do 250 at 1 pr ct 2 50
" Ballanoe due Commonwealth G08 44
$1256 00
We tbe undersigned Auditors and Com.
missiuners of Elk county having met at
the Commissioners office in Ridgway, on.
tbo first Monday in January A. D. 1809,
beinjr the fourth day of the month do
icreby certify that we have carefully
audited. settW'd and adjusted the forejioitiji
accouuts and find them correct as stated
G. D. MESSENGER, ) . ,..
h. s. bi;lnap,
JOS. W.TAYLOR, Comr's.
Attest :
J. K. P. 1IAIL, Clk
Will from this data Le prepared to toll
at tbo lowest prices.
Anl in fact for all places where stoves
arc needed. Givo him a calll.
Uidgway Nov. 13, 1808, vlnltf.
U. Vt. W. SHAW Tractices Medicine
and Surgery, Centreville, Elk county
mar-22'GG ly.
iur females. Infallible in correcting irreg.
ulariiies, Removing Obstructions of th
Moiuhly Turns from whatever cause, and
always successful as a preventive. One I'ill in
a dose. Females peculiarly situated, or those,
supposing themselves so, are cautioned against,
using these l'llls while in that condition,
lest lliey invite miscarrisgo, after which ad
monition the Proprietor assumes no re
sponsibility, although their mildness would,
prevent any mischief to liealih; otl-erwiH
the Pills are recommen- ded as a Most Invalu
able Remedy for the alleviation of those
suffering from any irregularitios whatever,
as well as prevent an increase of family
when health will not permit it; quieting thtt
nerves and bringing back the "rosy color of
health " to the cheek of the most delicate.
Full and explicit directioni accompany
each box. Price $1 per box ; U boxes, $5.
Sold in Ridgway, Pa., by O. G. Messenger,
Druggist, sole agent for Ridgway. Ladies, by
sending him $ 1 to the Ridgway P. O. cau
have the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail lo
any part of the country, iree of postage.'
Sold also by Swayna & Reynolds, St. Mary'e,
and by on DruggUl in every villaga in tbi
Sole Proprietor, N-Y.
my2 C8-ly.