The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 22, 1869, Image 2

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    (Kilt Ojonnt gidrocnle;
Chief Justice Chase has few equals as a
Later, and when he seeks to vcut his per
sonal spite, (of which he , always has a
large share on hand) will go any length
for its qualification.; It is well known t hat
while he was in Lincoln's Cabinet, ho was
coslantly intriguing acoinst that puro and
patriotic man, ot whom he was jealous and
whose popularity with the masses was a
source of annoyance to him. Yet Mr..
Liu coin made Salmon P. Chase Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Court. Next, Chase
endeavored to , destroy the Republican
party by acting cheek by jowl with Andrew
Johnson, whose escape Irom ' impeachment
he secured ; and if he could have accom
plished the result, Chase no doubt would
have defeated Grant. It was his desire to
do so. He connived at all sorts of organi
sation to ' insure such a defeat, and only
stopped plotting for it when confronted
with the angry displeasure of the people.
The reader will remember that one Brad,
ley, a blackguard and bullying Washington
lawyer, had his name struck from the rolls
Of the District Supreme Court, because he
insultingly challenged the Judge thereof to
fight a duel, Chase hates Judge Carter,
and to gratiy this spite, has issued a man
damus restoring Uradlcy to practice in
Carter's court. Every good lawyer in
Washington believes Chase to have been
impelled in this matter by his hates, which
he now only labors to gratify. It is fearful
to behold so weak and so mean a man in
the position of Chief Justice of the Su
preme Court, and yet it is not uncommon
now a.days to see what are called great men
thus gratifying their hate. In a measure
American politics aro controlled by hates,
and animatedly revenge. AVhenmen are
successful it often follows that their first
act is to wage a crusade on thoso iu their
own party who exercise the freed men's
tight of preferring whom they please, tnd
for this they are sought to be struck down.
But such hates only show the littleness' of
what are called great men. Hate of any
kind is mean and cowardly, and bespeaks a
little soul wherever it is cultivated.
There is a Traiu Ilevolutionary Club
iu New York.
Flogging in thejarmy has been abol
ished iu Sweden.
The New York Vemalo Club is getting
up a oourse of lectures.
-t Mr. and Mrs. "Barney Williams are
aid to hive a fortune Of 8750,000.'
Parson Browulow intends to make his
KnoxvilleJ Whig a daily uewspaper.
One hundred and two female teachers
in Boston demand the jight -to vote.
Iu Cincinnati, uinctecn ladies have
formed an. Equal Suffrage Society.
Exeter, England, in old times, hadjtts
hanging done by a woman.
Two Montreal ladies rescued a skater
by tying their cloaks together.
Treasurer Spicnet urges that female
clerks be paidthe same as mules.
A book is to be published on " The
Archimidcan Motivity of IJerculeau
There are twenty eight newspaper
correspondents iu Paris, twenty of them
It cost 840,000 last year for " pastin"
and folding " for the Pennylvanian State
Lord Napier has sent General Grant
one of King Theodore' Arabic Bibles, for
devotional nse.
'J he Comet is a newspaper announced
down East, which to have au " original
iaio every ween.
Bjonarne Bjornson is an eminent Nor
ncgiuu pud, emu iu ue quite as gooa as
Alans Cbristian.Andersen.
Deacon Henry Emerson,' of Reading
Mass.. comuiitled suicide on Friday, the
1st inst.
. n.: i.' -
vuiwgu um esiaonsnca ,11s nrst iron
blast furnace, an achievement which the
Chicago reporters elaborately glorify.
John C. Breckinridge intends to re
turn to Kentucky a livelihood by
t'..'. 1 1 .ti -
pmvuuiug uia profession, me law.
J. .Lothrop Motley has postponed the
close of his " Thirty Years' War," until he
gets through his present tour of lecturing
I he iiev. Miss Chapin, of Mount
Pleasant Iowa, has accepted a $2,000 call
to Miiwaune.
inree nusarea lady graduate of
medioal schools aie now in good practice in
.1 y . l n . .
me unitea states. .
, A Miohagan farmer set a Iran for
wolf that had been eating his sheep and
caugoi a ueiguoor.
The martime provinces of Canada do
a large business jo shipping frozen smelts
to our great cities. ; ;
' It is thought that all the railroads in
Ireland will be bought and run by the Im
perial government. ,
" It is now stated that the loss by the
earthquake in San Francisco will reach
three million dollars.
Mexico is still getting up revolutions,
but her treasury is empty, aod as soon as
the " revolutionists " find it out, they at
once yield. ' '
'The Fifth Aepue Hotel pays tho
highest rental of any hotel in New York
196,640 a year. The St. Nicholas comes
next, paying 196,200. I
.... . , v 1TEW8 HEMS. -
Gen. Sibloy has just returned to
Savannah from j another visit to the
Ogeechee. Ho reports all quiet, and that
the remainder of the negroes for whose
arrest warrants have boon Issued havo,'dis
appeared from the neighborhood, and That
no further arrow have been m.ide.
Henry Clay's son, Theodore, is an in
mate of the lunutio asylum at Lexington,
Ky. He is emutl fn stature, and thin, with
bald head, and gray hair and whiskers.
He seldom speaks, but recognizes those
who address hiin by returning the (salute
politely and' with dignity. " "
The members of the " Morning Star"
Sunday School, who for some time past
have met iu ono of tho halls of Pike's
Opera House, yesterday found the doors
ot tho hall closed agaiust them, by order
of the proprietor of the building.
. Cotton was less active and cheaper on
Saturday. Breadstuffs wete moderately
dealt in
j Corn was stronger in price. I'ro
quiet ; Lard and Hogs lower.
Uroceries in less' demand. 1 Moderate
freight engagements were reported, with
541 vessels of all classes in port.
A citizen ot Portland, Maine, thinks
the world is to be visited by a second
deluge. He is accordingly converting his
entire property 86,000 into on ark. The
boat will be fifty feet long, fifteen feet wide,
flat bottomed, square sterncdf round bows,
with a house just aft of midships. The
proprietor is planning and building the affair
himself. He does not intend to launch it
but will simply store it with provisions and
proceed to keep house in it prepared at
uny time, for the risiog of the waters.
The Militia bill iust passed bv the
Legislature of Tennessee, gives tho Gov
ernor arbitrary power to call out any force
of the militia at his will, aud to declare
martial law wherever he pleases iu the
State. A dispatch says that the Governor
will ccrtaitily act at once, and many days
will not elapso before black and white
militia will bo placed iu the field. The
Kuklux outrages still coutiuue in various
porliousof the State.
Many of the tax payers of Columbia
and Charleston, S. C, have taken
measures to test the legality of the assump
tion by the State of the payment of the
bills of the bank of the State, aud to pre
vent the issue of bonds for their redemp
tion. They dispute the validity of the act
authorizing Gov. Scott to issue bonds of the
State upon the surrender of the bills,
Several members of the Maine Legis
lature, who supported Mr. Morrill, in the
late caucus for United States Senator, have
published a card, in which they say that,
according to all precedent, Mr. Hamlin
was nominated, and that tli2y will support
him at the comiug electiou. There was
seventy five votes cast for Mr. Hamliu,
seventy-four for Mr. Morrill, and one was
Tho Republican legislative caucus at
Albany N. Y., to nominate a United States
Senator, held Saturday evening, was at
tended by a large crowd, including the Re
publican members of both Houses. Ou
the second ballot Reuben E. Fenton was
declared tho nominee, he receiving 52 and
E. D. Morgan 40. The result of the first
.jallut was not announced, but it is stated
that it stood ; Fer Fenton. 50 : and for
Morgan, 42. The nomination of Gov
h euton was made unanimous
Several days ago, the People's Na
uonal Hank, in i ltisburg, was robbed of
31,000 1y f nine adroit and daring thief,
who abstracted a small tin box containing
tho amount from the safe. The afiair has
been kept quiet, iu the hope that some clue
might be tbtained to the perpetrator ; but,
although tbe olhcers of the bauk have been
iiiakiug every exertion to ferret out the
thief, and have had the assistauce of ex.
perienced detectives, nothing satisfactory
nas as yet Decu discovered.
The champion eater of the United
States is named Joshua Plumb. A few'
days aao he entered a restaurant in Hud
son, i. 1 ., ana oncrcu u eat all that any
one would pay for. The challenge having
beeu accepted, he disposed ot 'he following
t ! Ii-t- 1. ((..
articles : len pieces of apple pic, six corn
cukes, a quarter of a pound of crackers, six
cups ct peanuts, thirty pickled clams, four
lemous. an ounce of candy and two bowls
ot clam soup. Ho then drank six tumblers
of water, and offered to eat a hundred raw
oysters. No one doubted bis ability to
accomplish the feat but no
one was willing to pay for the oysters, and
so he went off SiUmbling that he wasn't
half full.
Dr. W. II. M. Howard, of West Fnir
lee, Vt., while on his way homo from New
lork, was robbed by pickpockets, in the
New Haven depot, on Friday ni"ht, of
large sums of money. He had with him
when he started from New . York nearly
$1U,UUU in bonus and greenbacks. These
he had stowed away in pocket books which
ho carried in the breast pockets of his
coats. The thieves jostled against him
while he was getting into the cars, and, as
was afterwards discovered, cut his pockets
partially out. 1 hey succeeded in getting
two pocket looks, one containing $14,000
in Government bonds, and the other $ 8,500
in greenbacks. The book which they did
not manage to get hold of contained $10,
500 in greenbacks. .
Gen. Sherman telegraphed to head,
quarters at Washington, on Saturday, the
latest report from Gen. Sheridan of the
progress of the war in the Indian tetritory.
This is an important document. It states
that the destruction ct the Comanche vil
lage by Col. Evans' command, on Christ
mas Day, was the final blow to the back
bone of the rebellion. A delegation of
the chief fighting men of the Arrapahoes
and Cheynnes same to Fort Cobb at mid
night 00 the ulst, and hedged for peace
and for permission for their people to oome
in. They reported the tribes in mourning
for their losses, their people starving, their
dogs eaten up and no buffalo, and all ready
to surrender unconditionally. Geo. Sheri-
denies the Btatemeut made by tbe
Indian Agents .'hat Black Kettle's , band
were on their reservation at the time they
were attacked.
f A Strang Cute.
A murder trial in England hns recently
illustrated, in a very shocking manner, the
liability sf juries to convict innocent men,
even ui a capuai criino. in .dngust last,
a laborer named Cornish' Was found mur
dered near the City xif Wells, in Somerset
shire, his head beaten in with a stone, and
a miiQ limned Bisgrovo koccling beside hiin.
Tho sHry told by this person on his arrest
Was, that being drunk the night before,
ana noding Cornish asleep ou the ground
ho had gone to sleep by his side, and on
waking had seen a tall man in the act of
committing the murder, It was nscor
tained that another laborer named Sweet,
and his mistress, a woman called Drew, had
been in company with bulh BisgroVe and
Cornish up to very ucar tho time of the
murder. Both wore arrested. The wo
man being called as a witness for tho
Crown, testified that sho had quarreled with
Sweet, had gone with Bisgrovo alone into
the field, and left him here with the sleep
ing Cornish, and had then rcjomed Sweet
aud remained in his company until both
were arrested. Her story was supposed to
be an invention for the purpose ot screen,
irg her porsmonr Sweet, aud the juty evi
dently believed that the quarrel hd occur
red between the two prisoners and the mur
dered man, and had been prompted by
jealousy, S-wect and Bisgrove were both
found guilty ; but no. sooner had they been
remanded to jail than Bisgrove made a con
fession entirely exonerating Sweet, and cor
roborating the woman's story. The con
fession reveals ono of tho most extraordi
naay cases of murder teithout any motive
that ever came to our knowledge. The
murderer had cono to sleep bv his victim's
side. " When I waked ud." said he. 1
was going away, but something seemed to
tell me I must murder that man, and then
I went over the river and found the stone
and brought it over on my head, and I
threw it down on the mtin's head.
Whatever made me do it I can't think. It
was not for money. I had no thought of
Now the conviction of Sweet on a charge
of which he was entirely innocent cannot
be classed with the mistakes of circumstan
tial evidence, for it doee uot appear that
there was ary cirvunutanlial evidence
ugaimt A m at all, except the bare fact
that he was in company with the deceased
a little while before the deed must have
been committed. He seems to have bceu
couvicted because the jury wanted to find
a motive for the deed, and could not find
one without dragging him in. They made
up their theory of the murder, and not be
ing able to act it out with a single culprit
they had to secure a second one. Fortu
nately tho poor man's innoccuco is made
clear before the time has come to hang
An IsTEnKHTixft ''Waiter Girl
ITCamrOut. Some weeks ago, .-writes
a San Francisoo correspondent, ja jducw
Yankee arrived here from the" East, an
after looking arouud for a line and findin:
that two thirds of tho people of Sau
hrancisco boarded in restaurants, con
cludod to co into thatSlhusinesss. He had
oDscrvca an tne restaurant keepers
employed fat, lazy and dirty men of all
1 j . 1 11.1 .
nations lor cooks and waiters, and he oon
ceived the idea that if the employed girls
neat, tidy, quick witted and jjood.loukin'
girls for waiters, he would securo a largi
jusioui lmmeaiuTciy. 110 accordingly ran.
sacked the employment office for recruits,
and fiually secured twenty pretty girls ;
two ot tneso lie placed behind the counie
:or uiouey lasers, ana tlio remainder were
instructed to " pass around the hash," The
novelty of the thing made it take imnicdi
diujtely. Tho restaurant was crowded from
morning till night. No one thought of
eating less than twenty five cents' worth
(You must know that a person can cct t
fine meal for fifteen or twenty cents,) and
when they devoured thirty-seven cents
worth they would then toss the money
takers a nlty cent piece ond walk away
ffitn a nouchalunt air. lho proprietor
was in testacies, and walked about rub
bing his hands with unctious delight
Many of the customers would call for iee
creain tnd aek the fair witnesses to join
them they were consequently filled chuck
iuu 'ji nice miDgs an tne time. Matters
progressed fiuely for several weeks, wheu
the proprietor began to find that his waiters
were not so attentive as they ought to be ;
1 hey would serve some good-looking fellow
what ho would call for, and would sit down
and chat with hira while other customer
were waiting to be served. He repri
manded the t;irls several times, but without
effect, so he determined to secure another
ot aud discbarge the whole caboodle. He
began his search for substitutes, saying
nothing of his designs. Yesterday how
ever, he was 6tnrered. If John Morrisev
or Johney Heenau had struck him a blow
below the belt he could not have been
more astonished : for aftei the duties of
the day were concluded, and the cash
counted, he was asked to attend cburoh
with the girls, as one of them was going to
be married. Of course he would go, and
he would giveaway the bride. If they had
given mm notice tu timo be would have
given them a nice wedding supper. An
hour s time sutheed for tbe "ills to dress,
aod then they all proceeded to the church,
where every one of them was married.
During their brief career of four weeks 'in
the restauraut they had been wooed and
woo by young fellows wl o were noxious to
find companions for life, but who, owing to
the peculiar mode of living in San Frauds-
co, iiad nad no opportunity 01 tortum!!
female acquaintance:). This morning he i
rushing about like a chickeu with its head
off, looking for more girls. His establish
ment is better than a matrimonial arencv.
Some portions of New Jersey seem to be
suffering from au invasion bv a small arm
of quack doctors, aud the Hudson County
Medical Society ha proposed a bill which
it will present to iho Legislature, forbid
ding any person to practice medicine ia
that coutty unless lie be au authorised
practitioner. It is also proposed to lays
heavy fine on tboe who pretend to diCL
drujja without a proper tnininvj. c
Taris, Sunday, January 17. The Turk
ish Minister has agreed to tho main points
ot the settlement proposed by the confer
ence, but awaits instructions from Constan.
tinoplo before signing the resolve of that
M. Rangsbe, the representative of
Greece, has informed M. Lavalctte, the
French Minister of Foreign Affairs, 'that
his instructions irom the Government .at
Athens ore delayed in oonsequence of in
terruntions of tho telegraph.
Paris, Jauary 17 Evening. Tho Con
ference on the Eastern Qucftion is on the
point of closing its sessions. It rccoru
mends Grecco to accept so much of tha
1 urkisn uitiinatnm as iciates to Urelan
affairs, and to refer the case of the officer
atSyra to tbe decision of the courts ; and
promises that Turkey will withdraw the
last point of her ultimatum touching the
observence of international law. The Com
ference maintains the policy of strict non
intervention. The latest advices from Athens show
that preparations for war nre actively j?oing
on in nil parts ot li recce, l ho banks of
Athens hsve loaned the government 820,
000,000 for war purpo.c
London, January 17 Evening. Pohl
pattnes irom the kast report that a, dim
cult has arisen between Turkey and Per
sia. Disturbances broke out upon the
eastern frontier of Asiatic Turkeyjbetween
the Persians and the Turks, which havo
ed to the withdrawal of the Ambassador
of the Porto from Tcncrau. Sinco these
occurrences, Persia hns been massing
troops on ner nortnwestcrn iroutier.
Londcn, January 15. The Madrid
journals are hostile to the duke ot Aosta as
candidate for tho throne of Spain. The
chances of the Duke of Monpeusiei seem
at present to bo improving.
the OoiifoM, ol Tuns, however, thinks
the former tho most available candidate
and the most likely t? succeed if Spain de
clares in tavor ot a monarchy.
Madrid, January 15 Kvenius. The
elections for members of '.ho Constituent
Cortes have commenced. Tho reactionist)
undo some attempts to create disturbances
at tho polling places, but they proved abor
tive, vt ith these exceptions good order
has been mantained.
Tho Provisional government have ob
tained proofs of the existance of a con.
piracy, in which Generals Pczuela, Ca-
lougc, and Manuel Gassett are implicated.
The persons named are under atest, and il
the charges against them aro proven, they
will be severely punished.
Madrid, January 1(. The elections in
this city and a great majority of the pro
vincial towns have been carried by the
govcruieut candidates.
Madrid, January, 17' The additional
reinforcements for the army in Cuba will
soon sail under Gen. Pelaez.
Returns from the provinces increase the
overwhelming majority of tho Government
candidates elected.
London, January 15. Tho treaty be
tween the United States and Great Britain
for the settlement of the Alabama claims
has been signed by Mr. Johnson, the
American Minister, and Earl Clarendon,
the Foreign Secretary, on the basis of the
original protocol.
The 1'iitrit, of Paris, publishes a trans
latioo of the letter of Mr. Gladstone to C.
Edwards Lester, of New York, and pro
ceeds to condemn the acknowledgement
made therein as humiliating England in
the presence of America, aud as likely to
produce no little irritatiou ot feeling against
tbe Premier among his own countrymen.
Bremen, January 16. On the 1st of
February prox., tho money order system
between the large towns of North Germany
snd the United States will be inaugurated.
The plan is to receive payment at post,
offices in the North German Union and the
United States, and issue orders for the
same on tne agents 01 tne iorth Ueimau
Llnyd, the amounts lobe limited to about
80O, and to be calutated at a fixed rate of
exchange fo both countries. The an-ace.
ments will be sitniliar to those already made
by the American Post-office Department
with the Government of Switzerland, ex.
cept that on tiie American side the busi
ness will be done by the agents of the
North German Lloyd, instead of the post-
offices, the lW.offiee Department having
declined to enter iuto the arrangement.
Ilavina, January 13. A small ormjof
government officials ot all classes has ar.
rived here from Spain. Old and tried
public servants, maay of them native Cu
bians, have been discharged to make room
lor them. These removals have caused
much public feeling.
General Sturm arrived in tho steamer
from Mexico, and sails to d iy for New
1 irk.
Count Vahnaseda haa officially informed
General bulce that he took possession of
Ilayamb,' the headquarters of tho insur
gents, 00 the 10th lost. The rebels, 00 re.
treating, set fire to and totally destroyed
the town.
Valmaseda reports that, previous to the
occupation of myamo, he defeated the
rebels at Canto del Embarcadero and Paso
RioSulado. He adds that the rebel forces
are scattered iu small parties over tbe
country, aod aro supplying themselves with
provisions by pillage. Most of the bands
are retreating ta the mountain One offi
cial report ot the b&tttle of Paso RioSalado
states that th rebels lost one hundred and
twenty killed, with a large number wound-
ed. The loss of the SpauisU troops is not
given. " ;
I he JJano saya tbe proclamations of
Pantain OaiiiimI DlllA hn va nrr.A tnrA
rctulta in tha . Central Departmet ot thei
Jon l'MHTind of every : deeeription
nromtillv at this office. aaJ fa , a style un
equalled tn this scotlon of the elate. Entire
satisfaction guaranteed, j. . ' j
Will from this date be prepared to loll
at the lowest prices. ' ' '- '
' - I. t
Anl in fact for all places where stoves
are needed. Give hiin a calil.
Uidgwny Not. 13, 1808, vlnltf.
It. W. W. SHAW Pi-Aclicea Medicine
and Surgery, Ccntrcville, Elk county
A Nkw RKMKiir ix Consumption. A
Physician who h id Consumption lor sevetul
years, with f. ciii(int Meclings of llie Iiiiwh,
curca himself with medicine unknown to
he profession, when his case nppenrcit hope-
ess. He is the -only plivsiriitn who has nited
it in his own person, or who has nnv knowledge
of its virtues ; a . d he csn ascritw the degree
of health ho now unjoys to nothing bnttht
use of his medicine; and nothing but utler
despair nml entire extinction of till hope of
recovery, together with a want of confidence
11 nil others induce J in in to haiard theexpor
nient. To llinso Htifj'erina with anv disease
of Iho Uiugs he proffers n treatment he con
fidently believes will eradicate the disown.
Price $1.00 per bottle, or $S a half dozen.
sent by express. Send fer a circular er call
on Da. E. Bovlstom Jackson, No. Sou, North
Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
for feu
females. JnfalPblo in correcting irrer.
ulurtiies, Removing Obstructions of the
Monthly Turns from whatever cause, and
always successful as a preventive. One Pill is
dose. Females peculiarly shunted, or those
supposing themselves so, ore cautioned against
using these Pills while in that condition,
lest Ihey invite iniscniringc, after which ad
monition tho Proprietor assumes no re
sponsibility, nlthough their mildness would
prevent' any mischief to health; otkrwis
the Pills are recotumen. tied as a Most Inralu
Able Remedy for tho alleviation of those
Miiruring from any irrcgularitios whatever,
as well as prcxeut an increase of family
when health witl not permit it ; quieting the
nerves and bringing hack the " rosy color of
health " to the chock vf the most detieate.
Full and Mplicit directions accompany
each box. Price ?1 pe bo ; C boxes, $j.
Sold inKidgway, Pi., by G. G. Messenger,
Druggist, eole agent for Kiilgway. Ladies, by
sending him $1 to the Ridgway P. O. csu
have the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail to
nny part of the country, iee f postage.
Sold also by Swayno 4 BeynolU, St. Mary'a,
and by 011a Di aggist iu every village iu the
my2 C8-ly. Sole Proprietor, N. T.
rflUE suVwctibers having completed, their
I New Grist Mill in Ridgway are now
prepared to furwish the people of the sur
rouuding country with
Flour of the Best Quality,
and of their own manufacture, at tha lowest
market rates.
The attention ot lumbermen and otbtri
is ealled to owr locilitiea fer furnishing
theia with , ,
cheaper than ft eoa be bought any other
place in tho ceunry.
gdrdss Pais vom GAia.t&3
' J.B. II YDS, . .
" ; 1 t: v.. Hour. ,
-1 ' i. K. WIUTMOHB.
1. ScVembct 7, 'lWIif
Vf V-i! ;' K '.!?-''
jV V'V m:.;j '
P O W E L, L & K I M E,
1 hior
'j ; : i -. . !v., ;.i
At their eapacious stores both i
AND ,,..-. !..,.,.
Have on hand, splendid assortments ol?
all seasonable GoD'h adapted to the want
of tfc psojtJ of Elk and adjoining
eounties, which tliey art selling at f rices
that defy compefftri'i. They would simply
state hero, that being very dealers,-
their fanTities for puTcfiasing are bb
equallcd by any establishment in the
county. They buy directly front manu
facture Mdi o las
Another advantage. You can always:
get whitt you want at their stores, hence
you will save time by going direetly to
them and TIME IS MONEY. We
have no space here to enumerate all the ad
vantages you will have in patronising ths
establishments. But cU and see, and
reap the the advantages for yourselves.
Among their Goods you will find
DRY OCOD3 in en Hess varieties;.
GROCERIES choieeand fresh
CLOTHING of best material superior
cut and Cnish, ;
LOOTS & SI10I.3 of tU beet
ttoex and unite,
CROCKERY for newly married,
laiddlo aged aud eldeily.
26 inch shaved shingles tales forgooda,
- f - :i : j , ,
at tbe market price, at both stores. '
- - , . y...n ' ,,.-
Alio most otbor kinds ot country pra
s'r -..I , ... .. .- i . , .... 1 .
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