The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 15, 1838, Image 4

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againstliedamage or loss upon
an ll ' of goods, wares, and mermindise by witiel, t rirli ' y
rail way, upon terms as faroutableas any other in
stit non.
or any further information on the, subject olio.
-en nce , either against Fire, marine or inland risks.
Ap ly to ti r. NRY G. ROBINSON, Arent.
.j ly 45 34-tf , %t Schuylkill Haven:
At Ora•tgsburg.
t p i
re E .
"- InsuranCe Company.
AKE both liiiiitml and perpetual Insurances on
Brick. Stone or Frame Bnildinge.Strrrea.Hotels
M la, Banta. Stable*. Merehandize. Furni , ure,atid.
.1" erty of every descript ion .agiNinst loss or damage
by. FIR. • ,
Ilshesubactiiter has been appointed AGENT for the
abhve mentioned Institution and is now prepared to
l h e INSURANCES upon every description Ili property
.at the lowest &tea. BENJAMIN BANNAN.
• . °Ravine. Feb. 27. 1836. l5
The Fhiladelpiii Fire
lin[AKE both limited and perpetual Insurances on
Brick, Stone or Frame Budd ingt;.Stores, Hotels,
!gills, Barns. Stables, Merchandise. Furniture, and
Property of every descripuou, against loan or damage
la,S , FIRE. •
iThe subseriber has been appointed AGENT for the
above mentioned Institution and to now prepared to
tke INsu FLA nicEs upon every description of property
the lowest rases. BENJAMIN BANNAN.
Pottsville:Feb :25 IBM 15-
, Pottsville Institute.
; 4 Tim undersigned; Truidess of the Pottsville
.Institute, have the pleasure of annopncindto
the public' that they have •e 'gaged M r.;.Charles
siV-..Pitman,a graduate of Dickinson College, SS a
Teacher in the said Dist-auto, which was opened
'fur the reception of pupils en the rith inst. The
*usteett believe Vlt. Pitman to be well qualified
fur the discharge of the duties 'which will devolve
.tipon himon examen us that have receive& tto
ittrongest testimonials and assurances-from the
'resident s of 'the said College " in laver of his
lkill, and capacity. The terms of tuition will be
ade known by application to the trustees oethe
The following Gentlemen have 'teen chosen
*ungers for the ensuing ;rear.,
• L
'Pothtsviße, Oct. 13, 1838. 80—tf
Fin* Snip.
• valuable Meinitnige, tenement and tract of
land, situate in ‘V ay ne triwnship, Sehnytkill
County., atijoiniri,g 'lands of John Snyder, Daniel_
Berger and others, COntainenzsnoicies of which
fare fourteen acres wood laud well timberid, and
ifive acres eicellent meadow, the remainder tit clear
Fin 'good fences and ...well cultivated, the improve
! , reents are a two Scary 'Weatherboarded Dwelling
',House with a kitchen atter.hed, a Barn and a
;Weaver Shop, and n neve' fatting Spring with ex
cellent water closebt hand. POWNCEItillni & a good
Ittitle will be given on the first thly of April next,
tVerms'orthe Sale can be hear I of by the owner
i on the preMises
October 13, 11138
BANNAN has commenced n.-Book Bi
A- 00 cry in cmrnection. with hi Book Store,
[rwhere nil kinds of Books will be bound at the
shortest notice at low rates.
Blank Books -&c.
r °revery eeseription made to order at the lowest
rates—and the trade supplied wholesale at Phila
idalpltia prices.
[ Cobb's School •Hookm. •
BBANNAN has joo. ieceieed a fresh sup
. ply of Cobb's School Books, such as
,! • Primmer., •,
" Spelling Book;
i Readers Nos. 1,2, lied 3,
Arithnaaties No's. I and. 2, and North A
t merie-an Readers, - •
Cptib's Walkers Dictionary, &c. &c.
Which will'be supplied wholesale' at very le
irate* to Soma Keepers. •
Nov. 17 . • 52-
Flooring Boards.
A2OI4NA worked flooring hoards, plough
mod, tongued and grooved ready for laying, 1
and ti inches of different quality and prices
constantly on hand, and for sale to lets to ant
purchasers, upon application by letter to
- Planing Machine Wharf, N. T t . Phila. Co.
s almi 25 31—If
To , Miners and Colliers.
WROUGHT iron Tabea with Screws and .
Sockets, tram a of an inch, to 21 inches' ,
internal, &Owlet Sni , able for Pinprisfur sale by
3d an Walnut St Phila
5epi.12,18313. - .%11 -if.
Ir . h ir4is.key.
UPTAL mesbinvint 'rig) Whi.key fliom tbei
alweekottrated .
(Peani)turia Dibtillery,) recciv.,
•4 and mole by. ' '
i Qatobor 27, lIMI. 411-3tne
I:TLiwa A -or 114000 illixes•ot i Dr.
Leidy .: Sassaparilia or Blood Pill',
sOld it Philad phis alone.
li • 1 Aou •sTiorr. --
Who fo# not /nine '
virtu efficacy 1
prOperVies o the Say l' ..
I f
LIPNER man, womilk:arid - child'that can read, citn
124 tins er e the abas4 as isfery'nestepayer through
outthe U ited StatescOntaingaccounts /Odin anise/Y
-=1 of leat
rows do ss i a ,w patfitla, ittpu ri
rtttn system l . yin" the blood ME
corrupt L
Ask an respectabletpbyamme the ques ti on, What
ievcsain4effieruansts p rffierg the his answer
Suffieet to sly th if all physicians recommend
q uer
it so tibi versa Ily. what ' evutosce can me hate of its
ratalualii. preperttesl
Dkiaqins has veisciavered a method whereby the
virtue oilitie Sarsaparilla IS obtained mit/uglily con
centrated form, and mane) manner. as to make pills
. thorefrorn.sotthont detaysng in the least its efficacy. ,
Thus cafinot be done; y any other person. the pro
cess is khown only to Dr. Leidy, and is a discovery of
his own . . •
Thesell'illitare offered tothe public by the name o
.1 Da& LEIDY'S
compounded principelly of Sarsaparilla and with
which mcombined ingredients (friendly to- the consti
mums) rendering theta more effectual, being gently
laxativean their effec . thus carrying o ff corrupt-he
more frqM the system! ery cradualls,and without pro
diming deSility or any , nconvemence. Taken in suf
fihient Otatitity, hots/Mier, they will phrgc freely., and
may be employed or given to the most delicate, and
even to dnfants, being 111 safe and truly efficacious pur
gative ry aring no r.estraine from diet or deviation '
from reedar habits or/rorn occupation of any kind.
-Theseeptlisitave been pre eminently successful and
from their con vemet4form, must,sooner or later, take
the place of all the different preparations of Saraapa
rilla.-sucti as Syrups. Decoctions. Extracts.. .1, c which
air migrained in botthis. liable to be broAtm. and are in,
conveniynt for takinglir being corriedabout. .
Thede pills hare, diming the part two years. been
amply tested Newspaper advertising being so very
expensive, ample testimonial's from numerous phyar.
Mans gild whirrs accotnpa y the directions.
, They are particular') recommended in -
Rheumatic affectiond, I Dry and watery pimples
Genera) Debilay, , ' i and pustules of toe face
elcerous sores of the' I and body.
throat. nose and ln:nly. i .Scaly erupt,ons, and blot-
Disagree of thg Livek., i l l. ches of the skin.
Skin add Rim a\ J/ retter,Rtne-worms,
Painfoier the region tif the l
; 5....m.4111a, Erysipelas,
heart, breast. and MO- Jaundice. II e 3 cliturft,
ntach, stomach Coughs. Liver!
Pam /if the sides. along , complaints, naterbrash.
the hack and-sumo. ~Socr eructations.and acid-
Inward Peters, lout Wrath. / ities tit the stomach,.
- a bud taste in the ntbuth. Glandular affections, air
Flatuitkicy. want of appe- swelling and hardening
tue.Costivenens. etanips; I oft he glands of the neck,
of the stomach, sad in'- / in the groins, under the
tug-eaten. i
-, i, antis, end along the
t '. spine. the breast. &c.
and the whole train tif diseases resulting from Impu
rity or,the blood, as also constitutional diseases pro
duced try the use of Rarka. Quinine, Arsenic, Mercury
dr, other Minerals, also in impendencies in life, Syphi
Its, Lams, Venereal. itc. dc.
Price 25 Cents a Box. -vb.
Prorared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Di
buoy it health r:niporiuru. 2nd at. below Vine, Pio
191 i
' - Consumption.
, fl F,IA DER. if - yoi4have a cough or cold. beware of
tletr consequences. Colds generally progress
jmpereept ibly . and 01P in ua te themselves throughout
the lottnan sy stem. finally settling upon the lungs and
ending in consi.mpt Mt .
HoW often is youth oat down when least expected
by theiconsumption, , and followed to their graves by
pared4s who are in a'measure the cause of their prem.
ature - death, in neplvting to remedy colds when exist
ing iMphildhood, lodking •upon them as tr,tling atfee
tions,lind not attracting their notice until the destroyer
has cdtritnenced its Work and made sure of its victim.
This is not a fanciful representation, for daily nuttier
-out, instances occur which prove the fact.
In manhood coldaternonate in the same way, but do
not priagrees so raMitly as in youih; they should how
ever, in both youth and manhood be early attentli.d to.
and not regarded as.trifling affections. for it is tidelu
sive Ilea that has doubt shortened the lives oftheu
sands', ;,
PrIMON/ 1 11tY PltttlElt% ATIVE
(rnee.tro Cents per bottle-)
Is an invaluable pre k inraLion. discot err d by a . regular
and cetebrated Gettttan physician. who has employed
oopirards of fifty years on his own practice in Ger
throughout Which country it has been during
that time most exteMuvely nail successflolly employed
n.Critt2 hs. Colds. Influenza& Catarrhs. Ast lima s . Spit
.l nor df Blond. Whooping roughs. Pain of the Breast
and *idea all affectians of the Breast and' Lungs, and
arretil olapproa. Mil consumption.
Mdch may be sai d in praise or the above medicine.
but rit.wspa per ad vetuising being too expens've, every
satisfactory evident* wool be found on all its effects
uponitrial. as well ato numerous recommendations at -
compan ing the dorpctions. Cywards of 7(100 bottles
wert sold in Philadelithia alone during the past wins
ter. ae.on vincing proof of its efficacy. or an large &quan
tity 'ould never htive been sold. The above medi
...eine* are prepared and sold only at
Second below Vine at.
A .N 7) / %WW2 TA NT -INFO!? MA TION.
E.% DER. thd veil ever see a confirmed Dyspeptic
altland learn hisilitlferrnmil 1 - fnot, suffice it to say
he itt a pale. thin and ghastly looking object, his IA
a pp*rently hanging by a thread; he ts miserable and
unb4ppy, Fds suffertnes indescnbable.
Are you Much troshled.w oh Flatulency. Costiveness,
Sour eructations aria' ng from your mioniach.Occasional
wan) of appetite, l i. jlVatertirash. a bad taste in your
mouth. or foul breagi, pain or kheavirress at your sto
madli.Sncliness alter eating, !headache, Disgust to your
• once favorite dishes. ikc. If you are much troubled
with any of the foregoing symptoms, bring before you
the picture of the Dyspeptic, and having resolved to
remedy the consequences, immediately procure
A never Pining and efficacious remedy for
And th whole train of affections resulting from trm
; eales of the Liver:Stomach and Intestines.
The above nibedieine is' warranted freelrom mercu•
rp or s other mineralpreparationa; it is composed on
tirely of vegetobler,aafe and easy to take, being very
pl 3 sant to the toe*. It may be safely administered to
. ' • g and old, reqUlring bit moderate reatrictkani in
d eti only.
Numerous test initmials hove been from dme to time
utilished; its reputation is so well known. further coax.
nit upon its virtukis4s unnecessary, suffice le to ley,
thei recemmendadons accompany the directions a
rottird each bottle.
Ilar - Price One. Dollar per bottle.
Sold 1/1 Phdadel ph at
Dr. N. 14 Leidy ileattleEmporinm. Secmul below
Vide St.—and by : B BANNAN, Pottsville: -
May a . 34-1
i! Tort Clinton Foundry
WILL be it at private sale, the Fouruhl ,
pleasantly isituatettat Piot Clinton, &Amyl
kill county, on ! Very reasonable terms. This
FoUndry is at tIU:, commencement of the Little
Schuylkill and itfusquehanna Rail Road, now
making. and will in•aahurt time 14"ottet of the
'ae4t situations the country to dcLs .
nevi Fear ternti&c. apply to
r flron FounAera,Phitatlelpfiia.
di or I& 4C
Port Clinton
• f—R3t
LENINI'F, • Eatnionactoos Compound, 'the ...1
Vt article in opii Tor .having. a With cup. ly
j et received auditor .ale by • B. BANNAN
I Nov 24 . • I
. .
I- '
- 3
ef the Pennifivania Refer..m. A'
JlL'ry,reteriti'thanke tdiiisTnends andttni publie 4 in
general, for the patreMak.e hohaaheretofore received.
and from ittie efforts he has pade and will combine
to make , th gratify elfin his hie of tmaidess:hehttet^
to 'merit art:cadmium (Al your parronake.
JOHN SILVER has made arrangements with MT.
Robert Harmer. of the "Comucopte." NoA4, 'North
Third street; Philadelphia.. foraa supply of ail the
delicacies-saner the Philadelphia market. can Gard
durizerthe Winter season.'
Bili of Fare.
Rout Beef,
Corned do
Fried °sstirs,
Chafin Dish,
• pm dOz.
do .
Old Madeira Wine, per bottle,
,Palo Sherri Witte. do ,
Old Brown ' do do
Old Port ' do do
Old Lisbon , do do
Clampaigne, (Pannetto,) • do
do .ISlapoleon, do
-do Woodcock, do
do Victoria, do
Pepper's. Smith's & Sec'hers XX.Pale Ale.
Apartments are always in readiness for Suiiper
Parties, &e and those whcocall-may expect 4.0 sesame
every attention.
Puttsville. Oct. 17, 1838
Resumption of Business.
irug SubScaber returns his grateful acknowl
idgements to the citizen of Pottsville and
'others, whosteppee forward to his assistance
ter the loss of his property by fire in Deuember•
last, and would also acquaint them and the,pub
lie generally, that he has again commenced the
Drug Busi ness in the hirose for merli occupied by
Charles W. Clemens, in Centre Street, in the
borough of Pottsville, where may alwayii be had
a general assortment of
Drugs, Medicines,
Glass, Dye Stuta,,
And ev4ry other article in the above line, which
he is disposed to sell on very low anda‘commo Terms.
N. B. 11.3" Physicians prescriptions carefully
put up at the shortest notice.
P..ttPville, May 30. 1838
A mos LEWIS, Respectfully informs his
friends and -the public generally, that he ha,-
; ust received a general assortment of Full and
•Ni n ic v nmrtriz which arr
Superfine Cloths and Sattinetta, Gro de Nap-
Merino, Esiglish and French .do. Loaning Gro
de Swiss, Pault de Soi, Gro de Nap and Senchew
Silks, Foreign and Domestic prints, Black Bum
basins, Popelino. Merino She win -ABMs** Thi•
bet, Silk and Cotton Hhdkfs. )aconet, Cambric,
Barred Muslin. Bobinet, Bishop Lawn, Bonk Mus
lin, Swiss and India Mull Edging", Inserting.,
Quillinge dtc. Hoskin Kid, Silk, Cotton, Woolen,
Buckskin and Berlin Gloves, Mohair, Silk, Lambs
wool, Worsted, - Cotton and Woolen Stockings
Silk and Cotton Velvet, Vestings, Planets, Bever
teen, Fustian. Genoa Cord, Washington Jean,
Brown and Blacked Mumline, Linen and CottUn
Drillings, Bird Eye, Linen.and Cotton Diapers,
Apron and Furniture Check , 8-4, 9-4, 10 4, I t 4,
and 12.4, Rose Blankets, Silk Flag and Pongee
Ilhdkfs. Black Italian Cravats, Satin and Bomba
zine StoCks; Collars, Bosoms, Gum Elastic,
Worsted and Cotton Suspenders, Silk and Cotton
Suspender, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas. Lambs
wool Shirts, &c.41‘4. All of which will be sole
at the lowest prices.
Pottsville, Sept, 29,1838.
Saving Fund Society.
THE Port. Carbon Saving Fund Society, is
now open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at
the Office of Discount and Deposit, for the !Inc
pose of receiving deposits to any amount hot ex.
ceeding $5OO, from any one person, upon 'which
an interest of percent Will be paid en +every $5
and upwards,but no interest will be alloyed on
-any 'tractional parts of $5. The whole or any
part may be drown outon giving notice, from two
weeks to row months, at the Office on Mondays.
hasines of the .Society will be conductcdby
the following/officers and 'managers, until the first
Monday in May next.
President—AQUlLA BOLTON.
- Managers. -
Joseph Carroll • Samuel J. Potts
Eduiard Hughes
Jacob Bull •
I. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer
Article 3d of the Charter. "No emolument
whatsoever shall be received by the Ptesident
or Managers for Chair services. nor shall any
Manager become a borrower from the institm
tion. oct 3 4fitf
Call at the New Store
fur Cheap. Coods.
MILLER & HAGGERTY have received
/TA their Fall and Winter supplies of Dry
Goode, and will sell Who:male and Retail at on.
low prices for cash.
arereers 411 1 Tat ors,
IN kl
FOR.,their friends and the public in gen
eral, that they . cove renewed to their former
stand in Centre Street, (opposite to Miller:Ai. Hag
gerty"... Store„) Where. they have on hand, a gen.
ertl assortment; of superfine.liroad Cloths and
Cassimetes of the Most fashionable otilqrs,
an olegaiit tisoitment of Summer Cloths, Satin,'
Silk, Vaiennia, Xanseilies and Velvet Vestinge„
Linen, Colton and Chintz Shirts, Satin, Silk and
ElnenbazetmStocka,Linen and Chintz Bestows and
Whirs, alio Lihen and Chintz Liosoins without
Whirs, Silk, G4trin, Thread, Beaver and Hoskin
Chives, Linen and Cotton Hose and Hilf Hose,'
Fancy Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs and Gum.
Elastic Suspenders." They, also have on hand an
elegant stock of Gentlemen's and Boy's wearing
apparel, ouch as Frock and Dress Coats. Hounds:
bouts, Vests and fataloons, made after'the4atest
-fashion and the best wainninatiip; Which they in.
tend Mean at seasonal* prices.
' P. S. Wanted two - or three good Journeymen"
Tailors, to when.' constant work will ,be given
thrOughout the season. •
Pottsville. Sept. 15'4838. e
* Letter • Write**.
IeI;AISICALLetter Wrifer;•
Universal • tio.
Just received and fur sale by it BANNAN.
Nov, 17 " S 82
7 1
r. fly- Bibl
• .
FROM $ 1,75, op ' 41
.e $B. ;41 er with an ele:
gait , iiiitoosient- iofTbckat ibles, just re
- rioiveri mei foi.' +Aide hi - ' B. ANNAN,
Nov. 17 54
zoiL pasnixammagogs I.* 2,:-. 1; i,
I BLASTING', - ' -'-
th in drrpteicei ancrunder widen',
An Aartratv SOLELT IN TITZ "15SITILIS STA4I , ,1111
BUSY, HAIrFFOIW, tort*. • -
a recommendatory certificates -might tat
gi n, but, the Scillusiimf,-..oicil-b*Areagsins.
th Si oflhe Fuse, iii'deemed sufficient.
The Fuse supersedes the Priming needle, Pri
ming; and .Match.
s AVOID seen'the-Patent Safety . Fuse ot Blast.
I i ng, I les ted to our satisfaction', we cheerfully
that we are convinced it saves mucletirne
.. .. r.*:airlds to the 'tome of the blast--ensures
j ai
.. nty, and renders bla Ling perfectly safe,—
• . ,it is, wit think, eh per than the common
atm fuse. F. dry b ling it is a great im
pros mesa; but for blasting in-wet ground, is_
my Cable. Messrs. F. Hitehins & Co.; contrac
tors .. the Erie' canal, Certify that they have
'engaged in the Cornish mines, England,
be • the Fuse is exclusively used, and that it
A .ever, to their knowledge, caused a misear
r. - They confirm our above expressed opin
e• f its value. We make no doubt that it will
.. be in universal use.
- Superintendent repairs, Erie Canal.
- :sistant Engineer, Erie Canal enlargement.
Engineer Coboes Company.
s. rams, N. it. Dec. 1.83:7.
1 he Fuse is sold at the very low price of ONE
. B. The common Fuse answers for wet
la . ing, but for blasting ander - water, or where
iscarrisge 'would be of serious consequence,
2 00
2 2 4
2 00
I '
R ev= Puss" should be used, wade specially
, :uch places. Price, two cents per foot, cos.
, nding with the increased cost of snaking.
; or Sale by B. BANN AN,
Sole Agent for Schuylkill County.
ottsville, Oct 17, 1838. 81—
ly Grocery Store, Centre. 3 doors below Market
t , a prune assortment of fresh Groceftes,conetst
n . 1. of
E. S. IVarne
Jesse Turner
P feet :e.`Fueei
N. Nathans S. Co.
FFER for sale at their wholesale and retail Fam
Javi. Rio, Lapilli, Coffee
St Domingo and browned
N. Orleans. St- Croix, brown and / Sugars
white Ilavanna,lual and lump S
New Orleans, West /
India and sugar house Molasses
Imperial. Gun Powder, Young
Dyson, Pouchongprange Pec- Teas
co, Souchong.and Bohea •
- Bakers, Chases. Spanish, Schmitz Chocolate
& Linggs, and sweet spicetj
Prepared Cocoa, Cocoa shells
Reading. Carice, Harvey, 1
John Bulls, Lobster, Anchovy. 3 Sauces
Carlton soy and Currie
G her kin, Tomato. impper.
Mixed,Onion, Mangoe, Pickles
Lemon and French JJJ
Olives. capres. Anchovies
Cayenne pepper. allspice and Ginger
Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs and cassia
Trice, flour Of rice, starch
Cunants, Figs. Retains. Prunes
Sweet and bitter almonds, citron . •
Olive Oil, wine bitters, lemon syrup •
Preset ved ginger. cheese, codfish
Hernng.. mackerel. salmon
White and colored wax. sperm
t Candle
Moulded and dipt tallow
Palm, variegated brovin and yellow soap
Old Madeira, old port, claret
. Brown and pale sherry, champaigne Wines
Old hock. Lisbon, dry nulaga in wood
'Sweet malaga. muscatel & both
Malmsey, mantel Iles & Sicily Medea. J
Scotch, Irish, monongahels & com whiskey
Annisette. anniseed & peppermint cordials
'Cognac, champigne.Spanish 4 , corn brandy
Holland & com. Gin, N. E Rum
Jamaica spirits
Extra sup. span. inferior do
Half Spanish and common cigars
Cut & plain and moulded glass t Ware
China and crockery
eneral assortment of Dry &c. &e. all of
,ich they are disposed to sell on tfie most reasons
terms. Heads of Families and Tavern Keepers
• particularly invited to call.
ascal Iron Works Ware
7.7 South Third Street, S. E. corner Waku
Tasker S *Morris,
RON Founders, and Manufacturers of Coal
Giates, Furnaces, Kitchen Ranges, Bath Boil.
Perpetual Ovens, &c. Welded Wrought
:on Tubes, for Steam, Gas, Hut Water, &c.
Day' Safety Lamps
of the best Construction.
Patterns for the Foundry received, and castings
ivered at the Warehotise, Third & Walnut St.
September 26,1838.
Welsh Books.
HE subscriber has'alwass on band and for
sale cheap, Welsh Bibles, 'testaments and
rimers. B. BANNAN.
October 29,
For Sale, or to be Rented.
HAT valuablertract of Land called the "Clio
I ton tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spohn,
luate on The weatNorwegian Rail Road, next
orth of, and adjoining the Peach Mcontain is
ffered for sate on accommodating terms;•or the
Mines will be leased severally or together
an approved tenant. Apply to
& Wahut Street, Ptriladelptria.
HE undersigned cautions the public against
purchasing or leasing the tract of hind .called
linton Tract, on the East Norisalrian • rail road,
otn Elisabeth Spohn, or Henry Morris for her.
a be the undersigned' 'claims title thereto, abd
tN institate a suit against any parson attempt.
to take the possession thereof.
ManheiT, A iirir2f3,
New ,Establishment,
orneir liCentraentt lefark# ifirCeta Paten/Me
I HE subscribers respectfully announce to
their friends lied the ppblic generally,- that
hey have taken the store formerly occupied b y
acob Bull & Co., corner of Centre and Market
treats!, where theyue now proyi4d witha ahoi,
: ' - Dry Goods, ' . .
. Groceries, •
. • -.•lLiquor . s, X.C. --,3 determined toseti at the very !Mit
eetiirieMg; .. HAVARD lii. STRAUCH.
N.,R. : All, kiwi" ofpocntry,Pmdacetaketi at
eijitU highgit mitris . !t•pricea.
' " -1' ' • 2-6 -
, ;-HIE, . - i :
tenr'rlie extreordinaryitiPutatimi that Dr. Spohn's
eettiedy fat this.rdistresinng iconsphust-us every day
certainiy a matter of 'much astonishment
That so Much sn.ringllhoirkl have existed for ages
- without sny-discovety . of ineeffectual preve.ntive, o
Cute is, truly a ant:demi. ofinuttt regret, but Dr. 8...n0w.
assures the public that laic% a remedy has been in
vented as will convince the Most credulous.. The
principles uport.which it s •
eta Oeliiinple andvlain.—
It is an admitted fact - Olt t 4 thilt coMplaint, whether
called sick Headache, orNervone Headache, arises
primartly from the atomach:—., thole who think they
have the Nervous Headache may rest assured _that
this organ. the stomach, lethe lira cause. that the
system has become vitiated or deliberated, through the
stomach, and that only through the same changel
must they eapeet a restoration;, of the natural, and
healthy functions of the.symeni. This object, Dr.
Spohu's remedy is eminently calculated to attain
The truth of thh. phsition cannot be controverted. and
the sooner sufferers-with thititleadsche become con
vinced - of ii, the sooner will their sufferings end in
restoration to health. Dr. polin`plcdges his profse
sional reputation on Ibis fact. The remedy may be
had of apothecaries. , . ,
Wholesale and Retail by Comstock & Co. No. 2
Fletcher St. New York, and Retail by
Pottsville. July 21, 1#.7 . 8. 56-4,
Stoves S Stoves !I'
CALL and examine fOr yourselves, the under
signed would respectfully inform his friends
and the public in . genekirl, that he has constantly
on hand 0 general asicirtment of the latest and
most apikuved kinds of Coal and Wood Stoves,
IhAt arc to be had in the place, together with a
large quantity of Stove Pipe, Sheetiron ware, Cop
per and Tin ware, as -good and as cbeap as ca.
be bought any where else..
EI:1" All kings of work in his line done to or-,
der at the shOrteit notice.
Pottsville, Sept. 99,
Bishop White.
AFew engraved , full length prints , of the late
BISHOP WHITE, auitable for frames, just
remised and for salo by the sub:scriber. Price
75 cents. • B. BANNAN.
aug. 2'3 1838. 6.5
2 6 drk .BBLS. receised and for sale. at arc
duced price, for coati by
October 27 1838. , , 49
THE Subscribers having tented the wharf on
Fairmount dam, foot ofW Blow St. Rail Road;
joining the one occupied by 4.. J. Bolton & Co.
aie prepared to receive Coal, Lumber, - &c. on
wharfage, and commiseion. Enquire of the sub.
scribers on -the premises. or at 25 South W harves
june 20 . 47—Iy
' Cloths Cassinieres and Sattinetts.
A LARGE and splendid assortment oftloths,
Cassimeres and Sattinetts, of all colors and
prices,, just received and will 'be sold 10 per
cent cheaper than the sPnequality can be bought,
October 27, 1838
E subscriber has now on hand at his Store
m- and §torehonse on Centre and Rail Road
streets, a full assortment of Goods, suitable for the
coal region viz:,
Barr iron of assorted sizes,
Band and Hoop do do
Nails and `pike Rods do do
Steel, Round & Square do do - •
Nails and Spikes do do
Coal Shovels d do
liarilware, a 'general asssortment.
Ail of sif hick he is sailing tit redhead prlces.
Jan 13 .2 J CLAYTON.
Miller & Haggerty,
Dry Goods,Grocery,Wine 4. Liquor Store
(Next door to Mortinret'e Hotel.)
THEIR connexion with a house in Philadelphia
enables them to keep on hand a very exten..
ive assortment of goodi, Which they will sell at
shiladelplaia prices. Store and `Tavern keepers
Pd private families, would do well to call and
judge !or themselveri.
april 19 31
21 by 5-8 inches Rai d ay Flat Bar Iron.
2 by do do do du do
# do Suitable for Screenidg Coal.
All the Iron hits' conntersdnk trilm,"and is cu
at an angle nt 45 degrees at the ends. Splicin
Plates and Spikes to suit the above.
A. & Q.. RALSTON & Co.
No. 4 South. Frpnt Street, Philadelphia
Philadetphia, Match 15,1836.
Swaitn"s Pana-cea.
S the intereFarriMpo and luxury of the age are
hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering the blocid more impure; and as thou
sands have desrroyedthiiiir constitutionally neglecting •
to apply the proper remedies—to such, Swaim's Pan
acea must be, end had been, more than doubly valua
ble as a certain andelfentual means of restoring them
to perfect bealthand•vignr. • Few .familiea are.whol
ly exempt from scorbutteaffections, which exhibit va
rious symptoms, as ereptions, • ulcerations, debility.
loss ofappeute at:01040[1On, all arising front impure
blood, and if not p roperly attended to, produce the
greatest injury , to the Conatiturution, turd may be in:
parted to their offspring.l .Sivaim's panacea is recom
mended at this neasonorthorenr,ati a valuable restp
rat ire of the system. thereby invmoratingthe sonatina
tinsi..atnierialding It erect' or
the summer season. L itho conveyed by the circelif
Ling flinds, and commie their tendency to all those
diseases whichmaginatein oritiated blood, diseased
liver, depraved appeutetor preraenton to affections
of th e &c. Nooneiho ever. isiadvised to use
it without caavincing: th enjsel ofthetruth of what
I is hire Anted.
This medicine is neer Steed vithauceess Malt parts
o(the world,and is pining peak reputation in Eng:
A fresh amply Of OM Medicine just received and
for sale by - B. BANNAN. .
.1 Sole Agehtfor Schuylkill county..
Witecan supply the °hese' medicine wholeitele to
themwho wish' to 'sell-again, esPhiladelptiia prices.
May 1.4 • , 'j t , . , 26-
K -
w•wil9r riEßEAsltdpk4s I
eld,r. - ian away' , from
. Porfearbrinon'ibe I hh IWevehrbet, 1838,
lind left his wife IMO a child.withoot money,
provisoes" oribitl4,4o4:#ois jekher Without
anti cause, I wilt - mils the above reward to. any
. person who will deriver the said Elijah Fieldi to
- the atibaeriheiritifertlenfliniAchnylkillcouity,
or will oil° the 4.441 . Eici4e,ope half of the re.
'ward'ithe will ifilitutirity return 'to his diatielni
eti•witn.'•: • •••••• 1 1 - 'it 'ISAAC BULIWON:
jleokirke 4taitioviary._
. 11i1 NN A Njijnio!•jifat receiiieiirrkFeh'uoto.
'LP ply of Books Ind Stayonacy, which - 43W
will Will aLrety, I rEate4;:habojeiiiil
. Itbd
Nov. 10 • I' • 151.
Star. aee.
I the grandest ornament belonging to .i a human '
frame. Ho is strangely-the loss of it i angel, His
cnuntenance and prematurely brings on t e appear
ance °fold age. 'WhiCh'cauties many to tee. it at•being
uncovered. and iitimetimes even to Alan ... iety to a
-void.thejests and sneers, of theta- acqsainta • ce; the re _
mainder of their lives are - consequently.* rat in re-'
tarement. In short, not even the lore of p '. petty fins
the generous thinking south with that he . ainkicg
gloom MI does the losskof his hair. 'To av rt all these
I innpleasant_circumstances OLDRID/GE'S ALM DV
COLUMBIA stops the hair from failing n the first
application and a few bottles restores i again. it
i ll
likewise produces eyebrows and w isket ; prevents
1 the hair from turning grey. makes t curl cautafully.
and frees it from scarf. Numerous certafi ates of the
of the irtue Oldradgc's
n i•
' first respectability in support
1 Balm. are shown by the proprieto „
ttr - ittead the follow ng:
'ROBERT WHARTON, Esq. late May r
' l -cielphia, has certified, airmay be seen i
1 high character of the following gentleme
' The undersigned do hereby certify that t
the Balm of Columbia Aiscovered hila 0 a
have found it hignly serviceable not only r
rive against the tallifig frof hair. tint *lse.
storative. WM. , ACHERisenio
Methodift Minist r in St. George
No 80' North li i t
JOHN P IN LES, 331 Arch s
• JOHN D. ini m As. M D. 1
JOHN S. Fr EY, 101 Spruce
HUGH lilcil'UßDY, 243 Souih
JOHN GAH.D. Jr. 123 Arch et i
The aged, and thoSe who persist in w
may not always experience its restorative I
it will cer.ini x raise its virtues in she emit
public, when it as kisivrii th3t, three °fun
ere are more, than 50,years oT age, and tl
lima than 30. ,
[Frorri the Mayor.]
'Coitmoowsal_Tit OF PENNSYL
G'ity of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I am
ed with Alessra. J. Ppighs,..lohn S. Fe
McCurdy, whose narkidelire signed to th
ficatP, that they are gentlemen tif cha
apectability, and as much full credit
'ln witness whereof. I have h !canto
and caused RIO seal of the ty to
[L. S.] sixth day of Deem her. S .
Caution.—None genuine with ut a a
engraved wrapper of Falls 'of 'ogre,
names Sac.
Wholesale and retril' Ciemst4 , '
er Street New Tao k and retailed
Pottsville, July 25. 1838.
. .
NO*: Goods.
- general assortment of friesh and
-cs- Goods, just received—consistin
, • - Dry ,Goods,
Groceries, .
alt, Plaster,
which will be sold low for 'dash.
price paid in cash for lOkinds of eon
Mount Carbion, Dee
'& Hardware. Sto
THE subscribers would respectfull
to the public, that he has added t
stock, Iron and Hardware, colosistin,
American and English Bar ben, H..
Iromßound Iron, kisSorted slzesrr
Shear. German • arid , English `Bliste
Steel Vices, Mouse-holt anvil.. Smit
ettut. Steel band. Chopin an , area
and spikes, together with a , snore
of Iron Mongery, all oFwhicl will
duced priers,. b y JO ; N C
April 22
—_,_- ---
Wetheiill 45i: rot
No. 65 NORTH- FRO T S' .
' ... EAST S/ E,- - 1 t
Taus Dooms if OM THE C RNER • 1. A Retl ST.
r2ftI 4 AD,E4 1.11 A.,
, •
111.A.N - 11 - Vt. CTU irk SOF
White Lead dry erd,.. Colo nel „
grostrutin Oil, 'i ' , Red Precipt,l •
Red-LeMl, , ' White do - • , : '
Lithare. . 1- f . Vitriol Alb.
Chronic-Yellow; • ; - - Stilt. Quini
de - . Green •j. Tart. Emeti
do fled ,., .1 ~ Ether Snip ' ' •
Patent Yellow ' !do Nitri
Sugar Lead do Acet r -
Copperas _ I . Jan rCauitc i -
01. Vitriol ' . ICo. _ do ri
Aq,lrofin s . .' • ' I Ace . Mop is .. ...:*
Muriatic Acid ; . 1 Sul do
Epsom :Salts . I L Sulptin. . .11
Tart. r '''' ' lOpi. e Nantot: ~ ,
SoP.Carlt. Soda 1 , I•Ke es Mii..'eral ''-' • -
Corms, Sub... Mere, ..j . . vEttii pa dc.-
Retold" ofatainphor, iSel itre,Brimern ,
&R.,. Offer for sale theittlore mention sir ST& :. to
. gethet ,wttlLa ge,*ai i id - ainortuient of. eitiatikOfts
andr.Fie Sni ff s. aiia - everio - the; arCele_in 14,10twria
cal and Medieinai line. i ; - '
BeiOktenntiNtuners of all the sitici
ander** abeit head, thevr,pleklgo thet
1313 0 thiiii-trieridit and the publia On the
blesterms,... .. I , 1- - I ,
Windoiiimd rictittl'AGlatut..frttea 6
Qc 211ti4T - : ' , , •
.....„ , ,,... 1 .--.1.. 9 COO .
*AMA . ..
, . ~ . -!i[9fY
-0 7,Gt, 3 49110 1 , erifis fix' . 11
*"'" ' . "o DIALE
-: 1" - W
. 4 *
--.%,-_,-..- -•• • • .
AN erei,„i r • ..„ 9„,,rfc't_weyen
itislitiEelio it d elite cl
Q* 3 AM 2 9. 48iik -
' - (
i l'
-4156-"idinfineline. De
,Pleal*enneieed end fa
tail ;
rd- •
it of Phan
ow, to the
e haveaed
' , ridge. and
a a preven-
Certa in i.e.
, • rge,
attace et
I'd at
arin# wigs,
anon oft he
others not
said city of
ell acquaint
,.and Hugh
'above cent
; cter and re
. old be given'
• 1 my hand.
, Mayer.
lendid- oteel
with agents.
111. ck and
3 y
W. T
, _
o 2 notch
57-1 y
in parkol
C. &C.
'lie liigliest
ry prilduce.
& SON. •
his liurnee.
.In part or
a and Band
at, Crawly,
and A. M.
's Bellows,
• axes, nails
e sold . at re,
tat' iiiierated
mostin p
m!:!st 7Casona
to 2430.
ili i sos
j .,.. r ces
• 0--
o,tio-nel like
;.. e -. w
tiee o
L eap by
I B. V.
and iaiwed
r sale
& LI-