The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, November 17, 1838, Image 4

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    `Read the Folio.lWhig • i
' ''''
Inktraiing and Astontio , ng facia.;
7t/ORE conclusive proofs of t e extraordinary
. 1 - V -a efficacy of DR. W5l. EV N'S ecicbrati.d
Camouute and Aperient Antibi sous Pills in ill'
!evicting afflicted mankir.d. I _ , 1
To Sanwa: •Diciratin,l6, Cornt.ill Roston, A 2ini
- for the...,* . e uf Dr. Win,. Eva rt.'N:Co enomile l'ffis.
Low st.r.„ Nov. 15, 16364
tear Sir—Knowing by exertifeuee that every
aTterence - that the afflicted receive` of the benlfe
cial results of medicines. I cheeefully offer mine
tp the pnblic in behalf of DR.WM. EVANS'S
CA MOM ILI?. PILLS. 1 haviebeen afflicted
the last
: len years with diatrePx!in the heads kid
chest: oPcn so bad as to deprive me of sleep for
three or four nights in fillt . CC scion, but have never
found by any of my friends' prescriptlohs,
until my wife saw the advertismirits in the paper,
when she persciirded use to send rur some, whif:h
1 did, and obtaimvi two boxes an i d bottles, which
'resulred alruied dorhpl. tely
ileriti reioring me to
health, althougitl have not yet rely
them. Should yint consider this any benefitto
yourself, or the pitblic, you have hiy . cheerful per
anieviuu to publishlt. Yours, rtspectfolly,
. . THUS, K. GOOI)1114E, Centialist,
INTER 4:STINC: CASE' Cured by Dr 11M.
Evaner Camomile Tonic ant, Family April
Pills.—Xlr. BEND A\l IN 1301% N, corner of
Shippen and I icorges streets, Ph fhidelphia, affect
ed for seven years a eth eatreine4 nervousness,
which he Aces not able to write h;s name—his
eyroptoins were, erusca t ion, daily'i.palimodie pains
in the' head, loss of appetite, ptilpitation otthe
heatt, giddiness and dimness of )uglir, utter Ina
tidily of engaging in any thing; Out d,nianded
vigor or courage, steksieQs arid weakness ex
,teine debility, disturbed rest, a s i ne nl presstire
and weight at the stained' eller eating, great
tneatal desptruleney, <e Vere flying pieins In tier
sear, 01.41%1(1e,, a dislike for
society rind conyerstriton. r. Ci. hes u.pde trial
of sari's Medi. ices 164 , W nefore the public, but
on effect, Unlit, uh,ervuo;l: MU a public piper
roe cfires perCor tried byl, (Jr. 14 ,- titian) Evans',
camomile Toole and Fain ly pe ricul pais, he.
111d11,4.-14 IQ give tklt m. a It of %%hi( fi ha is
at any time happy to state that' they dreetutOly
Cured Filen of the zittove C.n.tresriury.
r_rh•rsolk4 l . tV 110 1100 . bt die albciVe CU! t . ,
tillveivii . 0 Ow “boliv 111 , 11110111 . d per
ton, at the 1 , 11 . HI Sillipt o gtld
Girirgr• ts. 01IN
Philadclplita Oct.A. r
LIVI.:IIO.3II'LA 11'1•.11) V VARNST.i.VaI. ,
1 I ..1 G. ~ !
Mrs. flatinaii` Browne. n i!'e of Joorph Iliovirte,:
N. 6lt .creel, near :Si .t o ol, 11 Mt ittintnirtt, aliLitt•
td tor the ;ant hen ) Cars. V. nh 1.:14 Liver 1,,111;t14111. ,
Ctilllpit ti ly r,.s.t• - d til to lo i:tn th:onh the I rtat
Illeta of Dr. Win. Es .11.-. :-.) itiptnius— I labilinil '
constipation of the Ista el, tidal hens of i,•pt. lite, •
vicrpciatlng pain of Ih• i piy inn le rtte. WU, eft at
deptesisson in spirit-, Lin t . not and On: it‘ niptiniin
uf extreme &tfu . ), 1ii.,./: Ilt•C: ..I . l . b, 11101111011 it 1
flow a (ht. nk,...„,,... in the r• 4 I "nide, ebit'd •
not lie oit lot It n t ite 55th.ot an a t izr. va)loti '.
atilr pain, urine 1110, etihirto, with 401,,r s3 t. t . p .
loins inolie_autig great di.ran n etintit 111 the bite-,
i .-...
lions tillto. 'lit r. i
'Airs Arowsie was arienrled by three of the ifir.d
pl.y - :Oa r,4, lit.' I,o'lll it bill itttil rt./10f trom then
niedieine, till Mr. Brost ft(' procured tom,. ot Dr.
Writ, Evalitt'li inealuatile preparot 'olio, IA liiiit i :-
fectually relieved herO.i Li, I It
. .ii_oire llltst.leittiing
eynt r auzato,.... ,t 6 eft. 1-...e.t.,... 1tt..1.t ii ta n. I,•ti
to-int:mate. Jr i.:-.F.P11 BROSS 1 , r.,..
City and rowdy of New York, no. . I
Joseph BTU.' lie, 0( 'O. 1111;tilis'Ittl: Z, Litt tf I 11111,1
bring duly sworn, d , d d
..elttlz , and soy lii tie.
for tins net forth in the uultii vioteini nt in v hit Ii
he has sultaettbc d Ills 'Owe; are just and Tr 4 ie. .
lins'.iand of the tall II innoil prowler
Sworn befure :tie this . P4' I. day of Jo o itarydirs:ti:.
. pETEtt pi N I \ EV, Coin. o! iields.
I NTV:I3 E:-.;"LINO CASE of 7,,,,,,„„L„ r r„,
..sumpii..._mr. John I: o-•;-1 a po'n d on t 6,• I'.,
day of Scpteniher at the office Int •114I.ain
strt•et,ld%iurinz under the !ollita it, tc d•pioton:
A *light .pining of blood. dist funning rig 1, at
tend, d vi ith atilxp: OW :41 , 1. lit l'"lkd' I.' n.tiler.
night ,•w, dill:, L o in rril 1 1 101440. 4, , dill' , ti 'y of
breath - 11.g- nil eet l
xion se
. at ti a'rli tin, ~, .1 it et.:
flush On the elle, k. On eocaninonion, tint t ihst
Watt rutind t,, sOond w c 4l , s, r V w fl ri .1 art 11 M.-
Litt.!' thy left. cho tele, ant in the unit pit f the
borne giiip, . .
Trtalna°, —Dirt slid to take the resititttlct
CA1210111141? htbi, with t he ircperittratlngi.cnlll
pound, at the cattle iotte an trtjtoicticn. it. Call
four data; when the t.Orht totatratt. had 1 . 1 . 114411.
cjwcw or tuna Ltintott - Iretl, a s to ht fit itt
cotothinz rt nottiong . In the trt•trotog;
`tiered thmal iii ctatto.t. the malt, tile, ttod to
call ut l tw course of a Nt t lt—. l llll ?let,t . 1.
cOntinuctl rapidly n rrcc..ittq, 171 Iti t ()IS 11.1r.1
ettozh. the nth , . .10n the 41 thn.
month., quite cottvaletwertt reltirtoltg to: et,Cy ft
• thanks his the bent fit he ha I Ohl o,(1,
The a node paficrit chicly uutk regim , n,
dune g las tn. at 1:.t•IlL •
ASTIIM 1,1 EF: I,iCt RS NT tti qutor
•iWake him up, he'll do mischiefir imed
term ; fur we ill thought the poor was
tiering under Rome frightful dream.
The Tennessean, bolder than the req, roixrd
in by the arm ; upon which he dropped his
and his countenance changing frogs' lage
.trepidation, immediately excliiiined—"l give
!self up ; lam your prisoner.. But take nolice,
ntlemen, and bear witness for me, I yield to
perior furoe—give me five minutes to sayl my
avers :"
"Death and thunder !" cried the varmint o
Inneasee, starting-back. "the man is mad! ":
knd an, indeed, it seemed to us all. •
ced him to norella.e a lotekige of the hill, ti hcl
regoa-ert in nottyletely removinz ur. TV 19'1111.4. 1 11
011 H, di,ea...e. He vc airs In say lii , mbllve ut
tit•f, drct , ra•ton In, that , tl4 nfllicted Oil!) the
same .0' any 6V" , ,l•ohlms gitniiiir to !finite front
‘A Lich he w happily reirmred, may likewittd receive
tile same tordtimable
tt com Pt. ti six vE.>r cts
Ail 11F, S \RAU tie of Mr
iv-D Amos Itrenno.-r, ,,, rnkr of'Seemid rireet ane
(I,, rma m o wn (20.01, l'i,• lidelplint. lava ter; lor tlw
lust Fix %earl' is,:h Iha wa.
eornvh.tely motored to 1,4,..h. by Dr. W.M. E
V %NS'S Camomile ?tperient
I'l!ls, Her symptoms we ebehitue I ctinniivenfii.iin.
xrruciating pain in tr,rh, depre. , ,on
',virus, languor, ix treat rii lurl ri deep
rust pain in M.r side, coo d nut lie on Iliur l e ft
side without an a ggrer:,tion or pain, d;42,nef.ft in
the head, dirline.. ri!),nlhcr .... sfroploins
dwell:lg great d. rangeo.ent in the fan of
the Liver. Mr.. ftr, nhiser has merle i of i
vow. tnedmines now before II c 'hut
erived un , rl -he . atiVl,,d to make
t -
el ofDr Evarn-' , in ni ne hr
i n that tlo•v r 6.1 civalfv r, listed hei of the
above•r. 9Vflirdrraf.,
a - e not essential to Inn 1144,
Mr. 11, vlth met.. . (h , 6l.3iNd of the , ChiWC MIP
Brttihiscr, had born tva tams d.O r
n th
• .. . ..
•pistressed- state pit. "and C. • tiyAeto. J. Stich .
. .
he was etrequolly;regred. • - r i
P tit A.LirTIC gn4uilATISM.'
A perfect cure ej, 4 ectect by tie 4realutent of M.
. .
.. ItiFienn Boone.
, Mr. John Gibs ha, of N.4tif street, Williams.
burg, LtTliclisi with the abo comptatni for three
years and nine ninnths, d ong which thud he
had louse crutch s . His el let tymptount *ere
extruciating pairi l in all his j nts, but especially
in the hips, shotiliiler. knees nd ankles , an , ag
gravation of the Pains tuwa s night i
and for the
MOO. part all ttnni l a from ex , 'nal heat, an obvis.-
p i ,
ous thickening of4he &eels 'nd ligaments, with
e eomplele toss oCinusculs: wer. Fur the ben
efit of these sfflibled in a s miler manner, 51r.
Gibson conceivea.i it meet td say tha: the pains
have entirely entased,•and that his joints have
enmpleleiy reeinfieed their natural tone; ant he
feels able to restthie his ordinary business.
. .1 . .
Ml. Charlei Ilehart, No. 61'2 Orange street, N.
Y. afflicted , Mr fipe years with humors! habitual
Asthina, &Nitre& at the office 100 Chatham street
m the V '4'Y/cipher, '4'cipher, lahori g under the follow
ing-sy niptoina. iA sense of gightness a.cross the
cheid, vt ith tie reatest - difficulty of breathing,
distressing cougii, generally lending with copious
expectoration uf viscid phlegm, disturbed rest,
the face turbid 16 - rd of a livid' hue=-•cesuld nut lie
in a heerauntal 'qnsition w ithput the sensatitin ot
immediate suffet6tion, lanais r, drowsiness, and
dizziness in the head, and 104 of appetite.
'74lr. H. sin lied to the mmi eminent physic;ant.
in this city, tikes. ise used several other reiriedle.
without aid, ..Mg are peril, n met benefit, unii
f .
li,' fr.nd. Ilerl.tillth . ll 16 , 11 hilplaer: himself endt r
Dr. Witham • Elan , ' treat:m(lw, He is now re:
lii'ved of hi. complaint, and called at the office
‘e,ter.iny : avovi,hl2 , that he tied itoi. c ord.. to 01-
;tress ho. gratitude for the tleneiit he had. sucei , v ,
,d. trends-4-2!1837.
We - /In hert-bii . to:beer:be ?or I:irnatnres to the
troth ol:the atore curt., Ilia) the statement is in
every resia et.true. SA 1/ NII BR ENII ISER,
it ifiX S'l'l.:lF, Baker,
NO. 17:10 ill I.:fen:not:et t,
Inthtticlititi.f. Cot '2l-1, 1 11.37. .1
Dr. W.M. EVANs'S Mt rjtc.,l Office, for Orr;
sale of It t. • zcelat ht Me•ilettle, as at No. 1?, nortlf
EetkhUt seret.t,,l'ltitutit
IN,uid by J. T. WERNER
Solt , Accra! 114 r„ !,tiyr,inCutinty
N. *alit:l nu t i & Co.
i rs. F 1 Fl 2 site a.. their u hirih pale and retail ram
`L- 7 .2,1 CAroct•r) limit,. I 'eat rej 't:001 - 8 below Markel
strut. a 'Till. of fresh ijrUCerit,,Collts/St
Jo, a. Rt., 1. , 2•••• - •••• ; Coffee •
St I ).•,,..141 , 1
lc, ~tr sr ( - ,0,, lyu.. a and
v•••;• loa I lif hilly j .
• , urletti...lVe , d m o b
I llyel1.11,(.01. VI•U1121
P4t1C1111111 . ..l)r.11i.l . 1 . 1.4. • Te•.
kn . :, Sew,' IllOng lid 11 , PlietlI
Tel kern l ,.Scl.lllll/Z
1....1! • aric. • . I larst•:„
Joi.d Rua., 1.,01nE•, r. N‘,.hovy:.Sauces
( ' ammo no, and I . 1•E rat.;
a pep pt
Nilled.(ll.•••••.ldatigutf, l ' icl , Jcer
Lem..nuip! Fret , ch J
cilpr•-.. Ain hi• 111,
P•ls`! l ' 4 eit . 'W: c !A 444.9'.44t d e4R7.. "f r • -
lin 1.. flour .d rice. Idol, i.
t 'on antlt Flea. Itanani I'runett •
:•••••w• Indy, almen 41s. co tam
;Ilse II•tA ware Lail , ra; i.aa,aa a) rap
Pr vet, .51 al he ..y. (.4elfieh
I ferret': mat:seri-I s.:L mutt
1. hnr ..nd ;,..•I••rfai wia•bperut
••••• Nlo•d•ted and thin tail...,
IrVtl4.ll 14'1.'411 .11,1 eftow snap
por/, nidint
B„,„„ r
...I. nun t•g•ns• %I'lnet•
old h.., U. 1....xl•••••.dly; ••woad}in lrt I .1: bottlt
NI .1.14.1 4 1. Ell Ira' ••••••••1) under
Sc•••; h.i;•••••11 A. vc 1,010-y
A tin na•tio.a irrsc. d pt•p;•errn in t rordials
I • 7Lnci h 111.1.1 V. rk. I",ei I , leil4'cuts bratgly
.‘ •••••.t•in,A. F.. 'tutu
• . a 111 , 10•4 el temls
I:stra slip •t;•:••;. Inintlor ale
Sicl (
Mt.\ It 4. a and 1110..10,/ I.lre t Iva
A Lsf
.nnnra I 14cornnent 111 th y ',tads, Sr.. h r. all 01
tp. Ii h. Veil nil Tile 111. /NT • rea.oisa
hit arm.. I 11,., and Invent
are r'elfiN•lll.lfii aimed 10 ITN ii.
. N1()F10 1 t r lrlS
Vegan ble Li11.1 ) ills and Ilie
. ti
nix Slitters.
Irr A rY7 , 4 cll %ti r.—. All onion.. (rt m the remo
ti it irgi o, has had iittliis.ibart Vulonituln only tumid
out the o •iy 1.,), .\ mot, a ' lh hi, the I 1 Ille 01 :he
T. ,, i' Si,i.iii.liiiiia V•ffill or, pO. - , , if• ia t le 011 1) enabledl . o
I .&fie ;10,
101 1. shore, ir hh.o2l 1. 0 vk It h the I.irr 1%1(11-
u - won ' P
12 , I)Id tv, 0 edell Vii I • 10 e I 111 at ten
. 1 1
tired llptlti a: inllhnoWn 11 o l d ! and I hive dleeoae *l.l
the i.rec, A., hid I 1 I Was . l 111 grardl 01 1- 11.1•:AI,T11.
Vt.:4.1.11 . 4E71e ., et la • ta ore !A, il I.l.4)Viii when I CIIIII.
.1 . ,11 nt , it rue ti.4.iirch. tin . tilt Ir am as •yl not. By the
nor of them. o,„e not inb,al l ' i.un the'civje,teu
. 4 .11 , 10 1 ,1 e 11e:A1..4e hearty .fine r ' al tit e 111 .11 Id 611.11004.
mt„,•CoillyUra r i : Lac la speak 11T, I I: tie 1 , 11 I Wed 111)
? -,111/11. I eld! 110., with cipiifuloure ill Ili) own WEite
..' wore, °dints!) is mit my 41 . 10 w enter S rAlf,•ll I lie
~.. :.,der v.;‘)tit 1 tooltiiat tin V 1 ..., ET.‘IILE I,l}l - .N)E.I)-
1( . 1N LS. are • lit,llle tu hi Ova l! I,,et I hant On file
1I I 111) nth , e, . riti B•oitilvi:t . tiiiiitirolln ,f lever.. f nom
-011 e .if iho diont rear/00 . Me ell aene of thin 01 a nd
-1 , IYe larlth.Volralaiy nil-,•r r .. ‘ll.leyyt molly or the %tr.
..,: Jos Of A 1.) 1) Vi. (.: ).1 IA lil.P.1111:1t1( • 1:\ E.
I'cSons wihof,o , co o4to.tieles have lwen Learl)
hy the $:111 intilhhle mineral pre,otrahote. 1.1
tie day. o me[hill the Lae Menu
leen. and 1.41.1 only. arc t tie true tote.
(J.:NE:RAI:it fiI•INIARKS 111 I.NT-11 V. TO I 1101;
F vrts wit: Itlli>. AND l'iliE.l.X. Rill It:IlS.
TheeCtnetlic nes hair. llong.licen I. flill% I. and am - ire
ci.itid. for tqeirextraitoilltlfiry and tinteeddite powers I
iif re.toringJoVlrect health to rersons suffelikee under
nearly every, kind of I.llSCalie, to o !itch the- human
frame is Itallle. 1
In many hunitreds of resttfloated instances, tlicy
ha Vi! vie rOSCI.II KU in•reirs from the very verge of an
iint.tnely rritve, tine. all' the decepnve !rostrums of
'he day liatil f utterlo fa divitand to many thousands they
ti,st• ticrintitentty her, r,-4 That uniform ti joltneet of
health. redline! o Melt hi itself is hit a xiart tat bless.
Ig. . So ziv-at. ire ed. lion their efficacy - itivariahrt
and i• , fail'4 prored. thtir it has appeared sqtrcei)
1 less than iroractilous to !how" who were mincronintivt
writ ;he listatitilid philiosophiesl rrinciples upon
which iheyrr. arr. compomodt d.and upon which the),_
com.equienike act. It on.? to the.r manifest and sensi
ble, action Itin purifying; ;the springs and channels of
Ile a ad eit%)oung them wlith renewed tone and vigor.
tltat they or i re iiidebtedfor thetr name. which n - as
hessoweit upon-them it the spontaneous request of
1 , tereral indiStiduals whole lorts they had obviously,
shred. II .. l
'rhe ro"eetorseejoiole in the oppintopity afforded
Ito the milsrsal ddriwine or the daily press fir plan.
tt 1
I Og his V :Gt.:TABLE:I Lir': I'l f.LS within the
1 I,,nowledgrrit nil reach of !every imltysinalin the COlll.
mitt thy. g ratite O. e hint of pernicious quackeries.
which bra. it of vegetable itnredienta. the life Pills
are purelyind soi.v.o( VFOETAIIII.F., and contain nei-,
!her , NiertOry . A ntimoffy. Arsenic, nor any other
oi.neral in:: any form whatever, They are kutirely
romisAted ikexivacts Hui rare and pqwerrul plantsi.,
_the ri kW which, th4ngh long known to oeveral
• k_, • ` come eminent
chtilVstic it r ie therunknown to the ikne-
Antinittenders tok-nieditialfEcience; and were - never
beCoreladthinistired in do `happily efficacious a corn
Their inn Operation is to loosen from the coats of,
the stomach as 4 bowels, the • various impurities and
Cr.uffities constantly setting around them; and in re
' movelbe haraned .feet's tvhich coin ct‘in the con
volutions of the small intestines Other medicines
only pcutuilly cleanse these And leave such collected
masses .behtnd, as to produce habitual co.auveness.
with all its train of evils, or sudden tharriinea, with its
innument dangers. This fact is well known to all
regular anatomists. whe_eramine the human bowels
alter death: anicheuee the prejudice of these Well in
fo:toed men againstthe 'quack medicines of the age.
The second effect of the VEGE:TA BLF. Ll k:
PILLS ts to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder. and
by this means,the liver ant the lungs, the healthful
action of winch entirely depends upon the regularity
of the urinary organs. The blood. %stitch takes its
red color from the agency of the li vet and the lungs
before it passes into the heart, being th , s purdied
them and nourished, by food coming from a clean
'nectar+, ciiirites 'freely through the •veina. renews
every, part of the system and tritunphantly mounts the
banger of health in the blooming cheek.
The following are among the distrestimg variety el
human diseases, to which the Vegetable Lile Pills
are known to be infallible--
EPSIA, by throughly cleansing the first and
sive stomachs, and creating a flow to pure healthy
lade, instead of the stale and acrid k ;id Fiatuleney.
Palpitation of the Heart, Liao of Appetit , . Ileurt.trarn
and Head ache, Restleirangts, 111-tetiper„Anziefy, /an.
gear .naii,..llekurcholy is hich are the general symptoms
of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of
its cure. Costiveness, by cleansing the IA bole length
of the intestines .with a solvent process. and without
violence; all t ioleot purges leave the bow els testive
within two day.. f ttarrhua and Clod. retnoe
ing the sharp acrid duals by which these complaints ,
are occasioned. and by promoting the lubricative
secret inn blThe merits membrane. Fete, sof all
by rostortng the blood to a regular mreul rtio.n, thrum: ii
the process of perspiration in some cases. and the
through solution of all intestinal obstructions mothers
The LIVE PILLS have beea.known to cure Riwn
maliirm permanently ih three weeks, and Genf in hall
that'finte, by remov ing local rollamtnatron from the
muscles and ligiunents of clic Joints. Draplies rfall
he fri mug and 6111.110 hell the kldlltp , and
bladder; they operate most delightfully on these or
gans.and hence hate ever l eeir found a certain reme
dy For the worst eases of Greve/. Also IS OrMS, by
dislodging from the turnings i 4 the bowels the slum
matter to which these creatures adher e; Asthma and
C//1/3/0114/4411. by relieiing the err vessels of the lungs
from the taunts, which even alight cold 4 I fora remov
ed becomes harder.e4, and pioduces dear. drr•adiSrl
diseases. Burry, Biers suet It. ref, nu!. 'tier:, by the
perfect purity wloch these Life I' Its gL, , to the blood
and all humors; Scorl.attr• Erupti,s, nu iltrd Com
the,r alivrativr Of, I i II; tai ds that
tnorb ti ela Of WhlCh I. ras..u• at!
plain's, Nitliar. (Ina? n. (
ple.rirns 'rh.• tine of these hibkk for a very etioritane.
w.ll ialect all 'entire care of se:011 rh, urn. I:riestprtas
and a tanking on; rf,.1.1.,1.1 111 the rits, cg the
akin (%nitine , n Cnhis. and hiflat oita. aII always be
cored by one dose or by two even to the worst cases.
Par a ri icily for this mo.t citstr. :sari and ole
t.,nate malady, the Veentatile I.,fe ribs deserve. a
(limpet and taut - 111;w reconitnebtiainie. I t Ia v.. ell
keetell to IlUtithelle le tiny (- 0 3 , .. 11 / 4 1 ;Le Vroirrietor
ui these invaluable rills. was 1111tIMil•ti
lb,. lalll fl,r 111,W.:11!, , I thirty Is a. and that
rail sets every remedy I.lee. rd,. d o alas the
whole ~.;(1- 1 ; ass ...i.e Ni•ln-r.J Urdu-a. Ile Nowt t ter,
at len_ru. until the rnetintle a hail he tow raters to
the pehhe, and he seas cured in a very Aram vele
after his reeoi cry had I een ppumunced not only
nnproble. hut abso!ut t)) any human
bl REcrioNs FOR USE.—The proprietor. ofilie
VEGETABLE Llfr P11.1..4 dueß 1, , ,g the base and
mercenary practce of . he quads uf the day, in ad us
ing persons 'o lake his Pills in large quantifier. Na
f - C1444:7 1- de lit, for a
week tir tort night. ai cording to i tie iih.-onacs of the
diseave. The u ` sual dose is friiin io ace...riling, to
the constitut ion of the person. Very dedca persons
should. begin with 11111 ' 1WD. alw it a 'the !lawn;
of the case may re. Cruise more oh.. sr. or of very
costive habit, may 11( . 01 Willi S. “lid Inete.ine to a, or
even . .."P Pills. and They will eqei t a sutfsWiitly happy
change to guide the patient 1 . 11 :lied further use
These l ' ills 00111. - 11nirg,orea•non N.ekni and 'vont ry
ng, though eery seldom, tinle , t, the idomach to vi le
fouh ' itirs, however. may lie ctitiside,id a In, oralic•
syrup otii„as }lie luiti•mt will tidd tunist ta•
hereo.rotti w ill rt. iiier. Tn..)
genially oiler lie Wehili Il i Or 12 hours—, d never give
pain, unless the hie , s, m are Very n' h r., iimberrd
Th, s iok,u the ito' 'fnales tin
ler shy e.relitsssratsees.—lt hu,e eSer. Si
a. 5h.,.1 t hose in later“.... lo rn kr
:tst uuc ata t use, and thus b.'s% el.
npe n ausll,t•ll Pt, n.ay he to he n eLc,e t he ponens
t s in. One pill in .5 1....u5i0n ot Iv:,, rd.!,
41.0011,1 . 11111 d tV.: , Ct. !nay he given AI the
rtllitltS mg dtssest—S tea It; uoll •hur, Till
it 011 . r:tit -; a chid n.e Atitt• [Si dtr v ars of alce,
hall a T , 11:- a , d bout 11% e 1 , . !Ili, one jul'
TI I f: NUE \ I BITTE.I:: , , are roiled,
th y sitter e.f rt•St..r.l , 4 1/•••t l ,run_ ft,
iu•r 4 or 1,4,10, 10 a 14141 . \S itlg lgoa On..
..,..;Inust the
rtmttittlittoll. ?tie «ii.d lit I. testnred u.
llr truth Tht . 1.1111.
iX B-11 ,- 1", :ire rtti.r..l) “;:e1:110.1% C 4 ,1!) ...,eli 111 not
l',Ditid mit) in certain parrs of the OOlO.O 111 1 - 4.11 , 11,
which will tritall l;ly cure 1-1. \ I-1 RS A's. I) .t t:1/ I . t /
of ali kinds; wail spec er tad if; eradicate entirely all
the effects rd Me•eirry infoilr el) sooner; bar, the most 1
powerful preparatlons of Sarsapartlica a ;1 o ii 111011 e.. I
lifittelV 'cure the Mom snmat ion ol 131.1.11 HI T 0 TIIE ,
II %kir; nef er fir ;I in the a,, Aro ss pa ,d, 0 In yo,n he 1
f r , nn h a ,, and , 141 , n• found a reran, •••111.11) ell “-liil
roses of neer,, sdrbdrln and a-faun, so , ,1., mom ; hi
paired ronstootions As ,sae tl - 1111 - IIN 1..: ( 7 170,/
byffifttgiOry /Hie r.r//11/...5M. the I the ..,s ..: i! e ['limn x''
Bitters will be demon:Dram(' Its Ihr" se of ; ''.l.;lle I
bottle. Th e DED a I t lesc r.liirest. lamer ::s 11.1rIttt At li.e
'giass 1011, in VI ater 'Jr , ale, ahd thi• ,p. cre.,•, may Ire
taken (Oct or three 1.1 n,, a day. about' ii II an hour
before trtenle.'m'a less quantity may Lc taken at ail
times. To those who are afflicted of :ii ;mkt:r si ; ;;L t
after meals, these Bitters will prove us aliurble, at'
they very 2reatly increase the ncr:Dri of The J , T;111l1p111
11,1t1•141. help them to erform tr., ait 114 , 1 , •11,4 , d vil.
1111 e the titiiniarli to ft's; barge no, the !;;;reels what
6,11 Itl 011 . -- ~• 1 ii..,. ~g,r.• ~.".,, ~. e.,,,,,iy ~,..1
'Pi ei.d.o lentos ed. am-ewe rev., .i..orri the utearlia
of the at •iiiriierit \ 1,4e1s bl I/12, 1 Cif' I ..! Illarit.On ,5
fireildated. aid sfreoL;lll of poly and rum) of mind
are the hcref s res-hlis For farther ian ;lilacs of
Mc Wt.' AT'S Lin:. PILL S. and pita: ~, 1 x BIT.,
r Kits. apply at Mr. Moira t's office, No. - 516 Holls's% ,
New York. where the Pills ran Is; ohialited for Li
cents, 50 rents. or $l rer hoe ; and the I{ fees for Elf
or $2 per bortie- I._/' Numerous certificates of the
wonderful ellic acy olhotli, niky Ir there insp.'s-tech
In some OINIII sir and comphr cited eases 01 chronic
orri Inflammatory Rheumatism I.svrr Compfair t o r ,
Frier and Ague ; pp:pep:rim l'.lgy. Pi!, a. ertmrli frOM
Hit f ! f merrnry, tpininr, and sitar d,.. as, $ Ir/Ivof
ydamling. it may
,he necessary to t; ke faith the Lire
rills anti the Phcents Bitters, in the dust before re
N,. B — . l%m) Pills and the Bitters, will erg the
friermtry out of the system infinitely fast, r ; ban the Geld
prfparntiowsof Baretparilla. and a certain remedy for
the`ersithing ti the blood to the lowa. or all ri•Jrni'henii;
aches:tie doulenrrux, &c —All persons echo are reedit , -
5 4:4
poscri tWo,paifsly, cite., should pet or be wit - hoof
the. Lafe I ' a Or ale Bitters. finr One &..-r, 11,10i11,10ujI1
save life. ey etivaliz , I he emelt list Ito'; rf the blood.
firms. t all premnie from the bead, prospiratioh,aiad
throw se' everylmpurit‘ be the pores ti ihe sk i lw.
For sale by NIILLEE UM
ft :GERI' ',
's Agents for the Proprietor,
White Lead dry and t. Crrlontel.
atound in Cil, c Red Preeipt,
lied lead. IViiite do
L.thdrge; t'ltruil . Alb
Chrollic Yellow, Sitio. Quinine
dii 4 4:reen Tart I:tn_etie . i
do Red • Ether Stlnt.. 1
Patent Yellow do Nitric
Stgar Lead do ACetie
C.optiet an Lunar Caustic
' DI. Vitriol Com. ' do
Au. 'Yuri' Acet. Morphia
Muriatie Acid Sult.h. do
I , ...narkm Salts ' . Lac. Sulphiir '
Tart- Acid Opt. de bar ent.
SO Carb., Soda Kermes Mineral
Tar Sale. . Correia, Sub. Mere: Et hiotis do.
• .
Refiners orChatophor. Sal .Nitre.l3rimsto .
ne Borax.
civil E New Castle and French Torn Rail Read 1 &e. lifer for sale the above mentioned artic les, to
a Company, will dispose of a pail of the Iron gettier with a general assortment or Paints. Dntßt
ellen from. tae.ilat,.. .. ar. , 4rack. ildquiratare to i and Die Stuffs. and every other article in the Chun'
zoo& condition, VI ht S A latop'.e may be seen 1 021,.. and Medicinal line.
• eing manufacturers of all the articles enntnerated
At the Comjany's Office, Chmnut striet-,wliarf ti
Philadelphia. . , , ~,,, 'under the alsave head.they pledge themselves to tap.
N. DAVIDSON '7" . } plyitheir friends and the public on the most reasons
. _ , tile, , terms.
Ageßt. 1 Window and Picture Glass. from 68,t024 O.
Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1838. . 7-21, 1 0 f 'Oct 21 1837 - 48-
Pot ticv Ile. 2fi
Insurance Cowpony.-
• •
KE both limited and perpetual Insurances
liTA. A
cm-Brick. Stone or Framlsßuildings, Stores.
Barbs: Stables. Merchandize, Furnt.
opt and Property °revery description, against loss
or damSge by FIRE. . _
The Pelaware County. InFurance company wtl.
taso insure against loss on all.kinds amarine risks
and against the damage or loss upon the transporta
tion ofgouds.wares. and mercandise by water. or by
gill way, upon terms as favourable as any other in
For any further information on the subject ofin
sitrance, either against Ftre, marine or inland risks.
pply to IWNRYG. ROBINSON, A unit.
july IS 34-tf M Schuylkill Haven.
At Orwigsburg.
i •
sritimG GAnDEN
yire • Insurance Company.
*WAKE both limited and 'perpetual Insurances on
17.11.Bricli, Stone or Prame Buildings. Stores,llntels
Mills, I:laros...Stahles.... Merchandise, Furniture.and.
Property of every description.against loss or damage
by FIRE.
The subscriber has been appointed AGEST for the
move inekmont d Instant ton and is now prepared to
sike 4pon eters' desenrtinn of property'
at the lowest rates. 131.:NJA: 1 / 4 11: , i BANNAN.
• Podgy die. Ft. 1,2'7.1836.
.15 -
The I hiladelphia Fire
LAI'IrAL BY LAW. $500,000.
( . 11.k gl Eltl' F: PrrU AL, .
*IA KL birth limited and per, etual Insuranees nn
.179 Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings Stores. lintels.
Mills, Gams, Stables. Merehatitill.P. runt ts re. and
l'.ruperty of ever) description, agamst losa or.damage
by FIliE•
•The Hubrscriber has been appointed AGENT for the
a)s•ve mentioutd I too it iit it•n a t.d is nuns prepared to
ts) INJUR S CIS Ul.on every description of property
at I lit• lowest POW'S. BENJAMIN BA NNA.T .
Pottsville Feb 25 1837 15—
New Goods.
E have just rettrived, and are now oit.ning
11 ' a lar:re and general assortment of Fresh
And seasonable goods.—‘‘iliell will be sold at very
rcdured prices for cash.
',Venni Carbon, August 11,1,...,38.
SlTaiunils Panaten.
S the intemperance and luxury of the age are
. /" - R. hastening the ravages of scoriiiii in complaints
and rendering the blood 1,701,
It tin oniaby neglecting
in apply the proper reutedrea.
Jeri 'mist be. and has beer'. more than dbuLly sal:A
ble as a certain and effectual means of festering them
perfiiet health and vigor. Few families are whol
sits-mitt from scorbutic affections. which exhibit va
rious symptoms. as eruptions, ulcerations, debility.
Tss olappetite and dejection, all arising from impure
oed. and sf not properly attended tn, produce the
.oirsiateta infury to the constitutution• and-may iae im
ported to their offsiinng. Swaim's Panacea es recom
mended at this season of the year, as a valuable resin.
~aGveofthe system, thereby in v igorating the constant
:torn. and enabling it to hear the debilitating (slicers of
'it lie ...Ramer season. It is conveyed by the earvtla•
jinx thuda. and corrects their tendency to all those
'aiii•easats a high originate in vitiateal blood, diseased
t!ei.r:ned ap pet ite.ur rroll iliflOt,loll to affinit tons
of the No one, how ever. 1,,1tti% leval to
it without i•onvineing themselves oft he truth of vt hat
is herr stared
Th int-.1,,ne is nnw estni ult ItAtterevs 111 nll I"%r.
01 the world, and tit g.untitv. 141'(• 1:I.JI:Ou ut F.i t g.
A fr. - ,h :apply of the NlPtlicine ;a , dynceived and
for hale -I.v H BAN NA N.
Who rlrt !Imply the altme Ittedietite wholesale to
them vk h.. w tt, ain, at Philadeii Inn prices.
•\l , ) 14 26-
Saving Fund Society. •
ri t fort Carbon Saving Fund. Society, is
non• op, n every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at
the t Wfice of Discount and puma, for the liur
ro, of receiving depo.itt to any amount riot
re. ding $5(10, Irian any 011 C plOO.Oll, NAM shit It.
an interest ofd per evil St ill be paid un , very
awlllo 11;1010 , 1 n ill be d nn
any fraction..l parts of S. The nht,lr or any
'ta r ' m a y be draw n nut on giyir it notice, rl . Olll lIA 0
we , 6410 !leo- month, at the office on. Mondays.
The 111 - 1,611 CS the Society will he conducted by
the l'ollowinglutliccrt. and manngerw, until the first
Monday in Mccv next..
Pr,5i , 14.11t—Ji1.4C11.. ,1 / 4 BOT.TON. t
Joseph Carroll Samuel J. Potts
Edward Hughes E. S. Warne
.11col, Poll .h . 5.. Turner
1.. 'Vb . :int-v. Szc.r....lary and Trt.a.Stircr
Article 3d of the Charter. "No .etiroluaionit
wiiiiiwiever shall be received by the Presi d ent
or \tanagers for their services, nor shall any
Manager become a borrowee from the tostitth
lion. - oct 3 461 f
AVetherill R. Brother,
AT 71114. (4_l) STAND) .
` Pißo:6lPieoaloVi TEAT
I) W.: LSI
Blood Pills
Are the most ifectual purifier of the Blood
caui Animal Fluid., that have ever
been discoiered.
The following are - mini° only of the
Effected and heard from during 'the past TWO
11ONTHS, , in
Louisa Simpson, cured of violent pain in her head
and Andes, with much giddiness to which she was
subject fir three gears.-
John Stocker, relieved from 'habitual costiveness
and want of appetite, with offensive breath and bad
taste. ,
Joseph ftlarlow, cured or an ulcerated leg and arm.
larael jones, cured of a breaking out all °Vet his
whole body.
Sarah Jones, caredyf purloin her Auto and sides
mach heaaache and sickness after eating.
William Mowbray: cured of ii Rheumatism. and
swelling of his legs and. feet, having been unable to
walk any distance for six. months past.
Michael J. Roskina, cured of swelling under his
arms and on his neck, with coni i iderable breaking
out on his body-.
Elizabeth Cranmer, cured of swelled breasts, pain
in her side, constant fo. , d, and much sick
ness at her stomach.
Jeffery. Clam, cured of rhtuntatie pains and swelled
Samson G. iloward, cured of a tester and rusk, a
breaking oat over hie body, with some running sores
and ulcers.
' Rev. A. Canby, cured of an affection of his throat.
sorenesa and tticeratiou, which previously affmted his
The following are some only-of the large numbered
cures effected in Rorke MontgUmery, Schuylkill, Le
high, lancabter f and Northampton counties, during
the past three mouthl: .
Jonas t.;reen. Esq., cured of- a scorbutic affection;
ulcerated leg. swelled joints and rheumatic pains.
Adana C. Carpenter; cured of violent pain in Ins
sides. tnucb cosuaencsa, bad appetite aid a shortness
of breath.
Rachel Snyder, cured of a difficulty in bre thing.
habitual costiveness - and violent pains in her he; d.
Michael Jones, his two daughters and youngest se6,
cured oh a breaking out of dry and sometimes watery
pimples over their whole bodies, attended-with great
itclimg, frequent unpleasant feelings in their heads,
s fitness at thb stomach. and pains over-the heart. Acc.
This family was afflicted for years, and never found
relief front any medical treatnient, or from any medi
cines, bind usuig Dr. Lenly's Blood Pills and a wash
directed by Dr. Levd y.
Sarah Mclntosh, mired of violent pains in her MIA_
and lo.ns, rheinuato.m, swelled joints. &c. •
Andrew Green, cured of griping pains. lois of ap
petite, disgust for food, and habitual costiveness
Adam R. Ginuis.cured of scaly eruptions and break
ing nut, soreness and pain through his bones.
Dinah Crowley, cured or ringworms and tet ter.
Henry C'. Ito. ney, Esq. cured of inward levers,
zurenev.K of his muuth,thruat and nose, glandular sin
hogs. Ac.
George Layman, cured of a triercorial affection and
violent rheumatic pains o'his head and °ones.
Jonathan Stroud. Isanc Coltmit and John G. Thom
sob. cured of canoes affections of the head; cos-in e-
Gess. sour eructations, sickness at the stoinach.4 c.
. Sarah Jenkins. Alried and Tracy Jenkins, cured of
afections of the skin, breaking out, pains in the irlonbs
Numerous other instances might be published, hut
to swell the list w o Id unnecessarily increase the ex
pease ot publishing them.
It mint be mainly seen - from the foregoing, that the
I Blood Pills are an excellent corrective for a disordered
stomach, the cause of diseases to which the human
system is liable, tog ether to g ether
111 Collp ct ton with
a disomereastomaen, very rapidly prostrates the hu
man body.
p 1s of the present day, (which produce as much MIS -
airy as did ever mercury, or the minerals, by weaken mg
the systetn,destrOying the tone and vigor of the body,
and remit ring it a prey to c'onstant and universal
ease, distressed and bodily suffering) but are mild and
nuld and gentle in their operotiim; and only increasing.
Ike natural discharges alficzendr, to carry ti imps n•
firs-as they are correctedby thilr use, not rendiring
necessary any-restraint from occupation or busiress,
:.change of living or diet, or even a liability of taking
cold from their use.
The process for extracting the virtue ofthe Sarsapa
rilla without oeslroying its cffic,c v , , is knom i, dnly to
the proprietor.
P•eriaretl only and sold wholesale and . ret retail, at Dr
Leidy s I lealth Emporium, 2ml Si below. Fine: \o
191—Also Sold by B. BANNAN,
June 9 44 Pottsville.
Wonderful Cures.
Hare (tern perfo, med
_thin city, and ilieougnou
BEIM: a concentrated duid extract of &Int arilla
combined tit h other vegetable extracts, v. Inch re n
ders it as a medicine of grew mild . ) in the Cll., of all
diseases arising from Impurities attie blood, from im
prudences at lie. and constitutional diseases fornwil
or produced by the injeldimous use of inert urv, arse.
nic, hark. or ckuanine. In short, it is an invaluable rem
edy for all.
Ilheuma ire Affection. General 'Debility, rlcerners
Sores. white Swellings Diseases of the Liver and
lcerated Sore Throat, Ulcers of the Nose, ra
ries, or diseases of the Bonen, :" . •C rolula. or King's K
vilik:r)sipelas..or St. Am hon)'s Fire. mid ull unpleo
; sent and dangerous afro, lions consequent to Sypitoho.
Loco Venereal, Sc Se.
etTertaal has this me dicino boon in tiro corn 1)-1 .
V 3 MM.. di s tot who h u is recommended, that at
is far supereesinng ail other preparations of Sarsaparil
la. Pthavea. &c:
It is now elnphyncl by nnmerous .phy sicians, and
has been Introduced by then unto many hospitals, 111•-
firmartes..kd throughout the United States.
It is a preearation of greater strength (consequently
ofgreater efficaey) than any other extrict now made,
to also much cheaper, being but one dollar er bottle,
.1, loch is sufficient to make one gallon 01 Syrup of
Sit-sap:trill:l. and is bought by different druggists for
that purpose.
NOTllerfois certificates have been received and pub
lished from time tai time, but in erinsoquence of the
great expense attending newspaper publication oft hem
the most incredulous can be convinced of the superior
efficacy of Dr Leidy's Medicated Sarsat:arilla, by
calling at Dr. Leirly's Health Emporium, No. 101
north Second street, below Vine. sign- of the Golden
Eagle and Serpents." where certificates and references
can be given to hundrerbi of instances oldie most re
markable cures ever performed by any medicine.
Sold by 13. BA NN AN, Pottsville.
June 9
Public Notice.
A S it appears, that because M r. Crane obtained
no patent for smelting Iron Ore with An.
thraritc Coal in this country, many suppose that
hey are now at liberty to adopt the• nit hod of
.111cliing Iron ore with Anthracite by the use of
a heated air blast; although I gave notice last
year that I had a patent for smelting Iron Ore
with Anthracite Coal, both by the use of a cold
atmospheric and a heated air blast, I would now
inform the public again, that on the 14th of Jan.
nary, ,1838, I received u letter from the Commis
sinner of Patents at Washington, stating:. "Sir,
upon examining the case of Mr. Crane's applica
tion for a patent for Smelting Iron by means of
A Mbramte, I have viewed his claim as interfering
with yout patent of Dec. 1833, and have given
notice to his attorney of Ibis decision." Every
attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the,
,nscofa heated air blast, is an infringitment upon
my patent, against. which I caution arid wan
all men;as I shall prosecute every one loft ingtog
,upon my rights, according to law. And I fur
ther offer to dispose of patent rights for the erdet
ing or furnace; according to my patent, upon
very moderate,tertria. ,
New York, May IG, 1838. 37—ly
. ,~~.,..~,_._,~~.-,,~a...,,.
the coo rani.
1)R LEI 1.,1"S
. riiir -
WIL• ~_.:
LT4reAtoldit privat
pleasantly sittiatedat
kill county:con, ve y rat, ,
Foundry-is at Die ominen
Schuylkill arid '.S lichen
making, and will n-a situ
best situations in t 'e count
tress For terms,&,c..apply
• P
Ikon Foun
. or IS
Noir Ritablii
Cotner of Centre ifirtr 111(p
Taobseribers respe
Their friends ited the
they have , taken ttge shire
Jaeob Bur& Cocorner g
streets, where the yre
alsortment of Fi
Dryll G iI
which they are determined
est prices. IHAZZA '
N. B. . All kings of roue
the highest market prices.
April 1
1111 w GI/
general assditmhnt o I
4-21 . Goods, just ieceived—c
Dry Go.oi!
- Groceries
- • Ilardrrar
Qur..eitsw I
Salt, Pla
which will hie sdld low fo
price paid in easlifor all kin
Mount Carbon' Dec 2
- IRON Zzi: S"I'E
TILE F. 43 bsdr Hien; ti e.
full assurtMent Of lro
and Slquareiron' E fr(4ri
ameter; flat,,lton 3-16th h
6 in. by ## in.; 'Roller, tine
ant .2d quality. suitoble tp
R ebores; rail road iron I~
and 2j by L 'fbey ate; al i
orders to import. Rail Rea
advantageous, turtmein lar •
road oar axles. •,
A 'ull assertMent of Stec'
Amur steel—American and
German and stirint Fteel,
octagonal kited for &Mo.
• •
S. W. corner Markel and
Philadelphia; ; June 21,
composition, Ole result o'
lion Of a cull bruied no dic
of v. Ilia lb tile public w
triunity of a rldath hedlieu
reputation unilaralleled,
rectness of dui :lamented
leitsioo, that' 1 3 he dared
posterity the Benefit iif hi.
ject," and he therefore br
attendant Soloirton Hays,
It is now :lied in the , 1
he private practice in
moil certainty ' for the cur.
so extertsivelyt end effect I
ty, unless 7 Whelv its effect.
nally in the Irklowing en i
For Dropsy.—ercatin
lion at once.
All Stell'infre.—lledu
ease. •
Sore Threat.—[3v can
Croup, a nd
over the chest
All BruiseA, Sprairrs
few holirs.
Sines and LP' cers.—Wh
ing and fercr,sorcs.
Its uperatidns upon a.
ducing rheurriutic-swellt
and tightness(' of the ch
parts, has' twilit' surpristr'
The common; remark of
in the Piles, is "It acts
THE p mes.•:--The
person who Will use a bl
for the P :r ies, and return
being cured.: These arc
.proprietor tolthe Agents
sands sold, ni . :4 one bat) :I
We might insert
prefer that those who se
hibit the original to put '
splendid en roved rota
name, and uhso that of
Sold whol4sale and re
CO., Sole Agbni., 2 Flei I
and retail bi W. T. EP
vale, Pa.
Third Door bhone the P
I Street,'
WM. 111, Sll MER
sincere thanks tei
ons publiefOr their at
.testoweid. on him; a
to see his patrons and f
'remitting ertions to
hlair colt ng done in
Pottsville dirig&st 41
ripHE Suisertbers ha
JR- Fairm,unt dam, fis
joining the one necope
are prepared to rcceiv
wharlage,lind commis:
scribers Qtly the prenais.l
. BUN'
June 20- r' I
i 0o 4 ' dry
I LE — • ,L
-fp*: a Pow*
ortC ' ton,Schnyl.
, ‘ eble t cum; Thol
F. enteot, ..f . the - Little
1:a Rail Road, now
time .• one ofltne
ito do large 1) si.
to .. i
RICE - .5r T TIER .
cre, PhAladerphi .
AC mikrAßS„'
Port Clioto
• - e=tzi - •
T t E til l ist,
sr( Sheers Potts
t tille
1 tinny innounc to
blic gelterally, "het
prme‘ly ,occupic by
[ Cuntrc'end AL , 1. - rt
i rovided 'with a c oire
osell et the very ion .
ry Produce of
fresh airdNreasonaLle
slating in part b 1
& 4:e.
cash. • The highest
'.r of country proOuee.
' frITE.I
. F
L sToR
g.nstantly on tutlnd a
ebniptistog gamut
th up to di
n. 4, W. G. op to
rid e•hect:. iron of r ht•vt
lining liar
Y Y. j
o `preparo to nicely.•
iron upon Altai tro.t
c quantlics; also rail
, comprising conk and
EngILO) MrsterlSterl
and.round IrrM and
huyikill i Sevenlli St
ectenee!and 1112 uni n
.1 matt, the nitrilduei Doi
a investrd w iti J S the',O•
test, liar.' trittltl , .
rfly tiling aLe ior.
)t. Grillo . - 11,st von
of die v. jtliout t tm ag to
knoira ItTge lIIS ,Ith.
t float lied to Itos fro rid .8
he secret of his tdi,covt
I )rincipal hospi als, and
. cutintry, hist Lild
of the Pl ira, and bk.)
1 :1I)' a tq baffit:cr, Jul
arc witiaptised.l
!iplaints. ,
cvraordinaryi abs,rr
1 ,
/12v, torn) in a RI, hour,
it oniC, k
ers;uleers, or
ough.— , E x ter nia Ily , nd
Ad . Burna ir• a
Cher freih or 104 stand
'nits arldl etAldtn in rr •
g 9 or. Yoosenin
nt by rifluxati n 0! !lie
g beyorid coilerniioo.
thaw wiin hnvp u!!!irit3t
;ilic a etiarrn."
, ire $1 ti re fii nt d !,,a, s.
ttte of Hay's .inin,,t,t
the empty bmilt: u tthout
the pot-ittre ord:rty of the
and out of tuirry :anti
.een unFneeess4ll. , ~
cater to any lqtglit, but
I the article, h1F,41 t/-
' laFerS.
if , n he genuine ithont a
per, on whit; l is' my
It Agrog.
61 by COM CK ;S:
.11 , 3 r street, fi w.Yorl.
FING,Cen - fr o e t. Pow,-
lof Vash:tn. •
i - nntrylninia If i, Cfl , tr( -
oitat?illi. t
cgs leave to rieturn his
his frutodii 'tilt gins t
l.totgo heretolo , sol.h , r
id that flo willihel.arpy
l iends,tco he horieQ In wi
ive Hatieliketioni. to all.
the latuet Purtoan lA% !..
,h 1838! 60-3 mo
L ing !ruled thei wharf oti
,t of Willow Pt.' ail fimr:
1 1 by A. 1..8o:ion
' Coal, T.onibel• Av. o , )
• •
ion. .Enquire sv)h.
11p, nr rit2t4Sontlj Whnfv...l
(LAKIN st I ".