The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 19, 1838, Image 2

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• ' • 00
t:bpi& Cot'
•Deti• ;vatic Reputilicana of SelinAtiil county,
friend to thu se-ekietion ofeur prelient worthy
Chief • Majcstrate lOSEPII ILITIttER, whose
Prods ation required the Hanka teinsuntelpe.•
eie pa . rnents, and conseenently bantithed ail the
Shin ' tasters from the State except Ithe 20,000,-
.002 .1 iedcemakile Shin Plaster. isemea • by Van
BUrell Administration, and opposcil to the elee
tir blithe Shin Plaster Loenfeco Sib-Treasury
eendidate, David R Poiter, are requested to meet
et the 1411110 of Henry Stager, in the Borough of
ruttsville, on Saturday Ole..noon, the 29th inst.
at 2 olrJur..ll P. N., to consult tngel)mr, and a,
dopt strelt measures es inhy be tlecu4d uccesisaey
Soar the coining contest. •
1171 The meeting will be addressiekbv Wievres,
.C. Littra3STON and Hr. GIeoRGE and
several others
~kiy th)i committee
Silo itespeesfullv invite the Candidates of the
Sub Tressery 'Picket to come forward and pre
elaim !their views on the leading ineSsures of the
;day, ,usi the occasind.
By order pf the• Standing Commitiee.
DANIEL lllll.ll',
LEON A lt lit stiqou.,
Rii tier, Gold)E? Sitrer, and no Sub
AO , l Erni NG of the , friends of Gov. 11)ner,
opieisrd to the Lixo Foci:l.Bl)in plaster
.eithdi ate. David IF Porter, will Lie held at the
boil of Jacob Hipp. in Union towrielliti, on Sat;
garde Abe 22d inst, at 2 n'olock i P. M. Turn
out amorists, and surportgour ca t ata
Set 8
egri NG of the Citiieris ogilits Borough
pill be held at John Jenningli'leHotel, Centre
.Streci, in this Itrongh, this Even ing. Punctu
al atrdanee is requested. I , MANY..
MELLOW curiztNs
) ..die on sour Guaid
e have received intimittions that
_ •
the Porter Loco Foeos have an in..-
tendon of manufacturing FORGED
CERTIFICATES, purporting to be
from those who have herntofore ex
posed the Perjury and illegal acts
of' David R. Porter, witieh are to
convey the impression thaitlhey have
4 Imea. deceived, and the accusations
askinst Min are all fare ! These
are to be industriously f;circulated
'through the country onl : the eve of
the election, when it,too late
to contradict them ! Ile on. your
guard—theirs is -a hopel ! Fss cause—!
and they will restirt to Forgery, Per- I
jury,. and Misrepresentations to de
e feat the election of JOSEPH RIT
SER. Remember that six years a- -
. -go the people were eht4ted out of
their Farmer candidate by the Fon
by _experience . that nothing Is too
• base for the party, and'`; remember
lon tliat if the charges hgainst Da
vid H. Porter were f4se, months
have elapsed is whiehl his friends
• might have disproved them—BUT
lathier Meeting at triedens
burg. 1 ,
On Saturday last, Um — tat:gest political
meeting ever assembled 'in Wayne town'
, shiponet at Friedertsburg„E composed of
she friends of Gov. /timer. One hundred
and twenty tight persons aMsembled in a'
place which three years egh gavet,,Ritner
88 votes, but where this year he will re
ceive 100 to 115. Many 1 1 ,1 f the, firmer
supporters of Wolf and Muhlenberg attend.
ed the meeting , and will roiw steadfastly
adhere to the Farmer. 'llhe same eight]
siasm was-manifested IA ts occasion as
4tas characterized the othe ,Ritner meet
ings in our county. Many of the neigh
; b9rhig Farmers were present,although it
tvssi.sseding lime, and kilicipat. with
• great cordiality in the vierrs of Ilk meet
--- 7 Our Calculation.—W4 find. our esti
:l7 4:471 *rate alie-imornin t Electorarleesult. ei•
:tensirity copied througho O the;State. We
'havii.retteived repeated aisumtices from
.thiCadreretit counties, thwart hey will do as
promised for them, ar..4 not a
-.AlgerierCatinty has denied the truth o f our
Itiajorjtie,s. • -
- 14
' folt .
4lice, L .q. •
Maserulemma, fp Mostly aikido _Se
- ator Aktemtr,st
atobleinisbo lad !Oil* c'-t"_ 1
Trustess4 Porter's. property, his pub t.
fished a statement n der Ms - own
in which to makes t .
summ •
— 1: - the:tilts Tel . why - the - Trut
did nsi'lic,t wet, alit no ittoPeftrc"la - bf
found—it: was all aupted away.
2. -That heitatjtri Imam/ insal dealinga
with the elder tonebraker for 38 Oare,
and that be ai a member of the Metliodiat
gpiscopal Church, and a men whose cha
racter is spotlesg, and whose reputation
none has. breathed itntil -the otomin
ation of David R. pter Jed to the impor
tant disclosure of hi assignment of_ PP:T
erve • i
3. That Owens is net a member or el
der of the Presbyterian Church, that be is
a man or suspiciousitcharecter, and that a
few; years, ago he :;our taken 14 by his
ncighborsfor pa counterfeit money.
4. That a debt ditto to him, was the one
on which Porter ha 4 his hail to surrender
him when he went t i Fail to take the -in
solvent oath.
'5. That the claim 'hes never been set
tled, bat that within a fottnight. he hiti
obtained judgment ;against„ him befcire
Porter Justice-of the Peace in punting
tubs and
10 °ti e ,
1 5 00
6. That Porter refused to come to atiy
settlement with him{ until after the election.
We .willpaiblish the statement at lengtft
to our next.
Porter's Fraudulent Insol-
• KT If any persim doubts the correct
ness of of the thar4e made against Porter
that he perjured hims elf, let him; call on
Messrs. Benjamin P. Pomroy, Francis J.
PaOvil, James M. Beatty, Oliver Dobson,
John T. Hazzard and William H. Mann,
of this• Borough, a4d Dr. George N. Eck•
-ert, of Pinegrpve, mien who'e characters
stand high in, this community, who were
delegates to the Pittsburg Convention, and
who saw the assignment of his property to
John Sionebraker; before he took the hen.
efit, and the origtnal receipt in Porter's
own hand w tit ing,' for the receipt of part of
I'the property back ;again sifter he took the
I benefit of the Insolvent Laws.
Character Of the Stonebra-
42 Members dthe Methodist Church,
68 of his immediate neighbors,
30 other citizen of Huntingdon County,,
have all come out; in vindication of John;
Stonebraker and John H. Stonebralier. l
Where ere the cot titers to elder Owen's
• I
The statement of the friends of the
Stonebraker4 wilt be published in our next
Journal, when we will likewise lay before
our readers
Further 'PrO43 Of Porter's Fraud I
in transactions w!iich occurred in our own
county! . Till then, all We "aan:Zsay
these will place the Loco candidate in a
still more criminal point t,f view, and show
that Elder Owens is not that. eteclima
man our opponents would persuade u*.
More Backing Out.—As some of the
gentlemen attendi ng the Ritner Meeting
at Friededstierg, on Saturday, were start-
Mit forliorne, a Porter man bantered them
for a bet of COO on the
. general result;
the WTr t € was proMptly tak9, and a hun•
dred more offered to back it; the loco plead
off, saying he 114 no more money tole,
upon which the friends of the Farmer of
fered to bet,one {hundred ihillara more in
specie, and to give the ensuing week to
make the sum uP. Hunt about, or 'you
are a singer to a bad tune, Mr. Loco!
Many of you have been the victims of
oppression, of tithes and .taxes in your
own land, and. hive Fought this country as
a refuge for ‘oarselres and famibes,
not Martin V 4 Buren dying the same
thing ? is he not creating a nations: deht
and pensioningibis friends with - nffices, to
pay for which fezzes must lie increased 7
Vote (her. for .tosepu RITNER, and the
strength of Vanilluren will be havinle4—
we will have dmall..taxes and plenty o
Testing the . ies.—We have received
the Report oft e Com - mines on thia sub•
ject, which we pill publish nn Saturday.
Pottsville AOademy.--tWe are pleased
to learn that the trustees have succeeded
in engaging the services ofa gentleman,
every way competent to. undertake the
charge of pupil, and that the Academy
will be opened 'about the lat. October.
Old Roanoke:—The Virginia District
which boasted bf John Randolph, is unfor
tunate in losinig its members of Congress.
Mr. Bouldin is deceased.
John H. Sitinebraker is 37 years of ag,
and has a grosiM up daughter, was ebou
17 at the time <lf. Parteg's assignment I
.his father, an consequently is perfeetl
able lo rer all the - circumstances
Yet the im n =te Owens say heti was st 4
bout two year old at ;the time; every step
in the elder' statement wades 4hrough
falsehood sad ivoestion. • Weave bomi
ing,ip the trot i ,st last and the falsehoods
of the bmo eer ifieri will recoil upon their
ittuar s etors.
s' '" e
..Ere4,. go Bragk."
. ..0
. .
~,,., :-„,„ ~, •.
--- - -
inu t
4. ' ''& • o' i iita Pt • t1C....' -`z- -
. A fritier paryiurribeentindnetsi
.44' — tiling" •
a Iteport did' we were
11151 to abide byont runlets of - going
10,11 . odog land WOMB 00. 1 4aFits,
.-of Porter's disboonsty, rye lay
thetqlowint-Conreepondence 'before- th -
iuddickandt **pry candid-man if our oh;r
a pritis.iiris not ef:i nature to I:waiter!
anti ritbether' there was any - kicking oaf
on weir part: •
t - pousvilli, Sept. 14th, 1838.
la B. Bannon,—
Ala meeting of the
.. ,
Democrats of the Borough of Pottsville,
held ft the National Hotel this'
the updersigned were' appointed a Cott*
n 4 tiilje to accept your proposition made in
the.Miners,'Journai of the Bth inst. over
ytturlawn signature. We auw propose to
t accompany Huntingdon for the
I , e O + m h P ee p: fu e l :e a r: a c i e n s ing you ay he r
pi th
u er p t usi he t . .c io h l
i a , r aa ges d
p iilisherf in your paper are true or fals4 .
• re)ation to:the 'character of Gen. Porter.
d sire that you will fix any day during the
1 p
~is nig week to gr./Geed to Haim iigiiiiii
fur the purpose abovestated.. ''' .
1.0.- An, unrimcliatir answer: per hearer
is pkrticuiarly requested.` , - .
, r .. • liespeet.fillly Youri%
••..' • STRANGE 'N. PALMER, i.
''. • JOHN AV - HAVED...'• •
Te'the whoa, we .returned the ful9wittg
• .
Sept. 13, 1838. i
Artinge,N. Painter, ,
- • I received yclur
. • •
rim - kitten, a n d was surprised to. find •that
usi Porter men . should select an °fide
. older miler the General Goie.rnmeat, to
cbtopany the ; subscriber to examine die
Reeisrds of 4 •Huntiog.don county; portion
larly•after•tbie subticriber.had publicly. de-
laded that he -would k not acctimpany the
individual named—arid when it is noturi.
us:that tithe charges were true, the rela
situation - in which he stands with nes•
pe* to the Gc;overntlient, would prevent
hini (VIM making public, or even acknowl
edging, the truth oll.,••the charges maden
gainst David Ri Port,er, if thefare clearly
and substantially , mirroborated by the
Dockets and oilier evidence which could
be r•ollected in liuntingdon County. .• There
is also another greet objection to accom
psoying the- Mail.C/Mtrietor to Hunting
dot' county. We are credibly informed
that tie cannot even read writing w and there
fore is utterly incompeteet to exanone for
himself, but must depend, on the mere , as
sertions of others. IL therefore respectfully,
decline accompanying the mail contractor,
but I am ready and willing to accoinpany
you for said purpose, .either to-morrow,
Itlinulay or Tuesday of next week, which
ever day will be most .convenient fur you.
Respectfully Yoorei,
t •
P. S. If you should prefer associating
one or two competent Porter men to exam
ine the Records, 1 will take one or two
competent • 'Weer men with me; and I
pledge• myself not to bring forward any (li
ke holder under the State Administration
ta. accompany us,_ nor one who has bet
largely on the result of the election. ,
On Monday morning the following reply
was handed to the subicriber:
Pottsville, Stpt. 15, 18311.
Benjamin Bannaa—
In the Miners'
Jiaurnal of the Bth inst. over your own sig.
nXture is a challenge to the friends of Da.
vid It. Porter in the following words: We
now publicly give notice that we kro ready
to proceed to Huntingdon in company with
any respectable committee of Porter. men
of this County, for the purpose of ascer
taining whether the charges -published in
this paper, are true or false.? In cense
guence-of that challenge, Mr. John 1, 1 1 1 611-
*er and myself were
s appointed at a piiblic
ineeting to accept vont proposition, and to
iiccompany you to Huntingdon for the our.
(rose of-tiraking said investigation, of which
Yee notified you in our note of yesterday,
Together with our perfect readiness to pro
4..zed forthwith . on the miluKr.
I . Your letter of this morning addressed to
„tayself - individually, I cannot view in any
'other light than as a " rise de guerre" .to
#xtricate yourself. from an unpleasant di.
Ituntha: But sir, conscious of thepure and
exalted character ot Gen. Porter r and that
you may hive another opportunity of
showing that you have not wilfully slam.
'tiered hun t l again repeat that Mr. Weaver
and myself re ready and Willing, - yea, ens-
tons, to proceed -with, you to Huntingdon j
man Monday or , Tuesday next for the pur.
.pose of ascertaining precisely the-standing
.of that persecuted man among his irrunedi
-ate neighbors, and those who knovi him
best ' and how far the public docuinente
will warrant you in the charge which have
so lavishly appeared in the columns of the
1' Miners' Journal. - Anticipating a prompt
tend wiequieocal,answer,
I remain Respectfully yours,
Sept. ,17, 1838, 9 o'clock
Strange N. Palmer, gal.—
I received'
your Note 25 Minutes before 9 o:cloCk
this-morning, I repeat that I am ready;
to iiroceed • With you to' . lElnitiogdoo to
Morrow, for the purpose of Making the cs.
emanation. And I spin repeat that 1 Will
- .
S •4Mi •
kra i ,
_t galtarAlirfel*Ol
cyuti. y.
Intolf to - main the tumuli
1101Puctfolly: -Yours,
N. Let ouslicroW-hy '4 o'cloci
the necessary arningemunta.
Nottfurwer huabeetri t eceived to therhist
Note, it proves conclusively Vat the
Porterites are not quitettio anxious to un
dertake the search. 44hey were, why so ,
obstinate in pushing Cotyard John Weaver,
.who i severy - body - knows - is not a proper per
, sou, and whom, of at the 400 Miner men
irr our borough, we question whether a
dosed could be foond'who•would•eceempa
any bias. The friends of Porter knew that
the; subscraier w ould nOt go with ( Weaver
before they made the jproposal. IHe has
never made any secret of ' the I reason
which prompted has refusal, and 4as only
prevented from excepting hint in hhi public
Offer From motives' of delicacy, which .the
perverse ,Aisrelirespotations of hit friends
have compelled him tO r abandon.
i , l 1
T, e Sub-Treaaurfr an
• . Laboring s elassea
, e- would Hot su Aateu refer ti
tempts of the Van Uuten parts
State to impose upon the laboring
their friendly intentions, did we
ceive it the most designing!and d
of all then misrepresernatiOns.
find by looking ar.thepresent civilized ua•
tiOns, thilt the laboring Oboes en oy pros •
peritv and command respect, in p -oportiori
aettie dustodrof the!publie. money is- re
'movedifrOM the ExeCuti; - Ini France,
where all supplies at+ di dy 4 inider- the
supervision of the deputies of the people,
the ivorking classes are this- mosircheerful
arid contented of created ; man. ln Rus
sia, Where education is prohibit d by law
--where the wlnsper , of liberty odangers
,a man's life; where intolerance reigns in.
frightful despotism, there is a congenial
ion For a Stra-Titzasung! In the private
coffers of the Autocrat and hid' minions, do
we find the revenues ;of the coue ry heap.
ed ty in piles of gold and sil er, while
the lowest kinds.of Copper coin from the
currency Id' the laboring classe who are
the i serfs of aristocratic maste s. The
Government which could rejoi
fall of. Warsaw, and revel in the
martyred Poland; supports a au
on its broadest priatdiplea, and
With Martin Vats Buinii and his
they would make `slaves of all; t
enrich their purses from the h
profits ofthe working classes', t
draw around tlikrn,ai legion of
office holders, each ti sub-treasu
;hem all looselike Itieches on t
aity,=to draw theilife blood fro ,
of commerce acid credit, and
Wibrking-nten;ttaink or this
too it is, Within yourselves to a
of be such degraded slaves; we
tbiddesflatism. itow in its
ment, before tt, is too strong for
be freo while it is in our piiwer
4 Severe Rebuke. — We, learn from the
Telegraph (llarhsburg)'that Mr. Packer,
onsl of the editors of the Keystone, while
hatanotteing a loct*.foco . meeting in Ly
coming county, spoke at length. of Gover
nor Ritner's extravrigance, and coneuled
With a burst of elogiience, "where is all the
Money goner what has become of the vast
sums esPended along the public work.?"
A Ritner into in
,the,roOnt replito--" no
one knows that better than Ourself, who
are a, public defaujter to the
_State to a
large amount; part of the money may be
found in the brick house in which you re
aide, and the rest in the Keystone!" We
I can imagine Mr. Packer's long face, and
I see him packing off!
Why 'do not the Porter papers publish
the Stoiebraker's aflanits? am publishetl
the statement of Elder Oteens,i and all the
arguments from their eolum4. Let up
have both sides geottemen. "h !I da
e Jury of
the people demand ein, but you re not; i
would amount to a convictioo,. and there
fore we repeat, yati DAR Nor! . .
' Why are not thei charges tigainst Porter
denied under oathi The proof against
him has been'so - m tde, why hot its refit.
tationi Is empty allegation td be weighed
against the sanctity of an oath?
Moe; Lias!—The Danville itteltigen.
ver sari, a highlytrespeciabk correspon
dent from Roaring- Creek tells him that
the Ritner men ;are buying up votes 'in
Scolloll coutity: lie says,, a Columbia
county Porter man Came to this county,
and was bribed with a jiffy cot shinplas
ter to turnfor Ritter, and it can be come.
armed by several typectable men. Thni
lie is most unfruitrul. A man who- could
be bribed for 50 Oats is not sOrth gaining.
As t joke it is goad, but it woutabe better
friend Beat, not,t4 pollute. your sheet with
such noasenvical falsehoods.' If lies are to
he tali', immitate moms of your brother lo
cos. and tell one,ot to ding ace the roar
era of Roaring Cpek ; tell '.smasher.
Husscifiir titiLoco tries
—The Lor:os baie carried
votes! After ealploying re
'and speeialiagents. fussing
dart' line, mad seeding mono
ingtod; 'tfity haie carried
only 4000 votes: t: Nci,ntatte
cOdajne are
#4l4i.theiiiitsr in the East
wise sea at Washington yet
against the eharae;
' Wet
11114 •
n 1161311
a paler, cu v i L_ gat
'to day
... , . . .
Otr The - Sunbury. Gazette states that
the locomotive on the Pottsville sold Dan.
villa Ro!4 works. 1. This lattice bridge
'near Sunbury - saignd a li Ai, to h4s been
made perfectly secnivi. ' n Thursday last
a train of 35 ears Uti„ th 13 ions of coal av
rived froth Shamokin, . ,
Cid. M.'
The Mowing et
on, Esq. shows th
er hoe deceived hi
setting,' that al! :kis
except the - cost:lLl
factimi had not 1
Mr: Wharto", ilf is
nomination off'
Irian. At the time t
a candidata for Gimes:nor, MR Wharton
deceived in contrition with others by Por
tern statements, came• oat in his raver
The loco imniediately shouted
a loud pan of victo ry,, but mark the is , .
sue. As 'soon as Mr. Wharton himself
examined the doeuments, he found that
GROSS FALSEIMOD,, and now he has retract
ed former statealents and openly asserts
in oar
of con-
n o fferous
' e Will
Porteris a F raudulent Insolvent!
• Read the fullawing, fellow-citizens, and
•udge if the •man who could betray private
friendship by a LIE, is worthy - the confi
dence 01 the people of this State.
Mr. BcNtorer • ;
'Joggle° to myself is my: spol;
ogy, for thus intruding upon. you and the public;'
My name has freqUently been used in the public'.
prints. as a supporter of. Gen. Porter; which
was. When Gen. Porter -was nominated, the.
idea waabela out by hiipself • and friends, and
eonfismed by the primary.meetings of the. party;
that be was consmative in his views.. Thin
tieing the fact, I felt.thaCthose who where op,
posed‘to Mr. Van Buren could give him their
support., without sacrificing any principles- of
Pennsylvania policy, butlhe resolution passed by,
the y. Men's Convention, and the address of
their 'menibers'of Congress, -have connected Mr.
Porter-with Mr. Van Bureri and his odious sub.
treasury scheme so elently that it must delve
from . his support all those who think the sub.
treasury obnoxious to the people, and anti repub
lican in principle. Hence it is clear, that the
election of Mr. Porter will be proclaimed as a
sub treasury triumph. Pennsylvania's interest
demand that he can be defeated. Joseph Rioter
is honest. - Has he not pioven capable.
As Moab has been said in relation to signing
e in the
: blued of ,
s iteasury
thus it is
ey would
y would
- rcenary
er,aial let
ye commu
the veins
let them
of certain es/11 - kale, in favor of Mr. Porter •ilt
?hall here take ,ocession to explain. The fir ' it
certificate was a OT a charge made in the
celebrated Cainphell letter, as it Was called; cha rg
mg Porter with concealing property for fraudu•
lent purposes, at the time of his insolvency ; and
and other charges oflesaweigkt. Believing
Porter not guilty; and confirmed in that belief by
the fact, that Mt. Porter instituted a suit in the
criminal court sgaintit Campbell, (the suit how
ever was put off by Mr. Porter's counsel at the
August term) as an honest man; I felt bound to
give my name to disprovethe charge.
The next was a certificate of 8 Lawyers (my.
self one) natio& that there were no" unsatiofielf
judgements on the docket against Mr. Porter. 4
Mr. Porter stated to me, that they were all pail!
'except costs which was the reason satisfaction
had not been entered; Lawyers know, that sudh
is often the case. I have since learned by one
who is privately acquainted with the facts that
' they are nut paid yet,
' The third last certificate, was to refute a
charge of bl sp'hemy, which I signed, never hal.
fog. know t, PoTter guilty of the charge, of
my ow itoteletige.
Th charge• made m the first certificate 4itis
beer. ately' placed before the public on much
striae r 'ground 'by the affidevita of the Messrs.
Sto reit kerp; men of as good moral character,
as any in this county; 'and there is no earthly in
ducement which I could conciese to make the el.
der fitnnebreaker, or the younger either swear 'to
that which would - not be true. An old Amin,
pridiablyfill, seeking no political favor. and in no
Wipe connected with party passions, or prejudiok
and has not:to my knowledge, ever asked shy
party for Oiliest favor—For many years, and 'At
this time, a member of the Methodist Eirisenrial
Church of high' standing. In his affidavit he
specifies the prOpeity, left with him by Mr. Par.
ter. 'Let 31e. Portal's !fiends produce the.schiji- •
I dole filed of reccird at,tho time of his .insolvency
—&, tfthe property so assigned, is there returned:
it pule at rest the affidavits; di thousands of the
early friends of Gen. Porter, hive been long Ow.
iously looking thr something of the kind; and" - it
wou:d be-i.ost Certainty stronger evidence, than
mere assertions,. that the Messrs Storiebre:their's
have militated tarts.
and think
r, we wilt
will throw
171 MI3IICe•
es; we wi4l
The Just Huntingdon Jourriat complete
I demolishes; ..the Statement of Elder Ow
ens, in the foltowini manner:
The Proof: The Proof!! Give
• us the, Proof:
In'our•last'ir'e signified Our .determination, to
leave the subject of Portes'a criminality ; beCiuse
we had proven the truth of our statement,. We
aro however forced to continue it in attar to ex
plain the falsehood' meoufactured to screen Mr.
Porter. We shall examine alt carefully—end
request Our readers to compare dates. First then
we shall taki tip the declaration of THOMAS
!COW ElliE'::
The 'whole or the defence: of Mr. Port*o is
made to Test ' timm the "declarations" of this
than Thomas M. Oviebs declarations, Which. the
friends-of David R. Fetter My. "puts to, flight
the makodetil attack, Of tea thousand enchapite
• wretches as dolatniehralers." In order then :that
1 the issue mey i be made direct. we shall address
ourselves ditly to Thomas M. Owens.
'You sir, ve declared upon two eccalions
what you Milliiid thd truth! Dare you sir swear
those deciaritione are true. •Dare you call Upon-
that God von; prefeet to worship, and adore, to
launch Garth thunder bolts of his wra th Open.
yo head if are trot true ? YOU. DARE
• NOT. Let haneequiirocation, no clikug.
log, no *list ' a; but take thom.two declatehme
as they are prated, and swear to them, and we
wilt then admit that the Steoptakere• mad be:
in Maine.
nine by 4000
ease cutters
t the kiwi.
train Wash
.he State by
though rou•
not -tlefeated,
y. light the
little longer.
~ t ..
~~ ~
ut}' • •_ 4, is
t .~~
n a:~y
tir of the Sionebtakers
et,sever authorised
, I *cotter sit; sur.h
. dot
rot wee to its
tomcat. of S. S. What
manger in which Por
fries& by falsely as
debts had been paid,
which reason, saris
entered o 0 theta.—
well known, before the
.Porter, was a Ratner
'e former wiechosen as
Huntinkdon September 10, 1838.
The Owens Statement
meistalsinw 11*.k.will.resit the ,
upon that 'alone. Go sir Wye
Ist hits, whole suiferingiAndi
iris pretendedly. Porter's frill
Minaddited, ittuutrther.sten
those, declarations are true;;
,:viimir illness, and we'have dt
beaker's.. We lean that is
dire you to wilence us with
there be no alterations sr ling
liken year sari.
L 4 Haveyoskankglirea-yeek.
' tle thinking-ofthe cotineria -
In your bratstatemeet, pit y you,
for Flirter, iit JULY 1818, in ' rikti
it was in AUGUST ill& .Ii rin
treacherous. in your brat laratiors
that you gave the litle,paps - dtto' Mr.
\ ld
hands in Dec ober 4318 and letkild
-in your last' ou itor,,fii "Ill
went to BOV county and )4. the
your brit state eni, you sea o, the
assigned to na" ( °us and POtebrak
icecipt was perh in oar poOtketitieN
money was collect •• . In your last ,
you say -"thew tredve the 9 day
1810, yourself. Porter,Stone: h er , an
met in Porter's ?Mee: that I • _Ms..
Signed the receipt'of Mr. A lison, f
,three bonds, to ponied - • • briker ti
• teem*, assigned the bond w ich beci
)8 . 13.-to Stonehraker, after hick. b
-is returned Iss Mr. Port they ,
- with bins until January' MI ' end wt
4 thry given-upogitin to Mr.' ' .itet„ a
:his failure,erbet - think you air, of au
meet, and such iitafimenti 'On th
• were assigned te - you, and .n7the sa.
en back: Oh shares where •your b
' In year brat statement .0 say -
'never interested to the unto tof one
collection of those bonds. . k sir,
own receipt—Does not th t, tell y
YOU LIE, to use no milder rm. Da
to your story, with that re .ipt sta
your face. EVEN YOU -.:: IR, D
and the people of Penosylva hi wilti
unless pact have hardihood nough t
God, and public opinion, t at 7 ou
seal le the warrant of your ern d'
you dare do the Leger, the y, will pla
niche in cavernirrif disgra beside
ed master. • •
You say, or-are made to
braker dealitked giving an
got, to you; and Ire having
arty, most clearly and and
ma and the rest of his
thought tt WORTH WHI I
GAINAT Hi It." -. This is
statement, Swear it no. ,
by the God you insult—S
of heaven, and your fear.
—your "deaorattonsr will.
"By the dread teriors of
To this part of - your state I
the. following trouser ipt-4
knew you had seed Mr St.:
yon bad to pay the- co,ts. a:
ars. You did nit evert '
money: - I
Transcript from Es
Docket of Bi
Thomas M. .osmos
John AitonebnOws, or
J ustfto cost
John StenOiralcer fur
serving sOopuena - 56'
H. Stimebrakei 25
John Owens Esq.
meet. at'
n 25th
roes atonal
• reeable
ng to he
favor of defendent soon ind costs 41
M. Owens paid to D. Cr on the id
1837, $7 84, per order fr 1413 John
favor of David Cree.
'Hufiting4on Count as. '
The share is a true a
above J oda ent,Thr
Pia inutfr an John .
delendent, a entered
' 4
Witness to hand, a
rtav of February, A. D 1838 at
David Creel
S. B:Dewey
Jamei Clark
Year statement.wrips [at on t 9th Janoasty
1819 "Portei wante‘thi last bor.. to go to Gdo.
Davis, for money he ha. lawrorre#"—but that ill ,
finally Rive itto fltontib [ ker; an pi said, "Davis, -
you must wait, '1 wifl Vise' the Money forTitt
sonic day or other." I) the nit paragraph.
you say " O
I knew, at in Nay 821' !caned
t'lcarga pat 4 .1.00 to • . re:paid.when it cold
be raised out oldie ear. last bood"--accordi g
to this thee iir. - you as Porter was indebted to
Davis io 1919; and to - me trim, wirhed to girs
hung a bond due in Da ; and atil . to 1821 Porer
loaned his era:lgor mon y, to be paid when raised
.out of the last bond, wh oh was intended to heye
Wen •his - security for a previous debt; a deht,
which you give no evid nee, haslever been paid.
Yon hate said air. . at You have seen John
Stonebreakees receipt or , 41162.P3, received lon
the last mentioned Bon.. . I calf upon you bill to
*Warr that poi hime seen Me receipt of Jae. Shiite•
bleaker, for money collected by Site , on the bond
assigned by Pinter to 010nel:was see, and by him,
to. George Davis--sweirtu it Tromso M. Owens
, . [
if you dare.
[ Oh most lame; nuse4ble, and liegradirtg. striae %
merit; go sir 'to, and' lin g your head: in shaine,
and confusfon, go .moa n over y, or own fiAlies,
and the crimes of yourURJU ED companion.
We regret that it is ' aryl, thus to cal on
Mr. Owens. Th e et, st is With` Mr. ' Porter,
o rs
and, if Me. Owens d not w h tir sink With
him, he must leave his' hatter bulk to the Eder
cy f the troubled sea. [- [ ~ . , . [-..- i • ,
We all publicly on boa. M. Owens-to swea t
lOUs statement, and w lava a issite,there' '
[ '
Dissolution o
lie notice.' that
Deritekwas dissolved
by the wlibthavral'of
firm, and to all those
pvalui . payment to bi
. I.o.nouy all those ind .1
to thew piyinent to
catnip the acid Kontos.
the stairs : of the eaid
..seelber has an equal ri
videlf half part of all
..inWpat_ti whatsoever
-7 •lsiptetsper 19.1835.
aA aziA
d swear
/ dank
de yam
m to be
and we
any. let
N merle
lea ow It
1.1 testi
lan .
you ay
air lime
p as seY
he l*n4
ad; la
pt wee
r) which
until the'
Caldwell -
orter err,
the first
d ai your
e clue in
tiri done,
were left
ids re
on that
not after
ft* state
9th they
elay gilt.'
`utter was
(cent In the
at Porter's
sir, that
e you sweat
toR you in
you sir,
brave your
ave Witte
atwpand if
• you to
our pedlar-
john Stones
of what be
. • his prop.
to. &Maud
• ses of Tout
ki -,
i d eus—swear
r your hopes
3 , , that ,
I E to ay
Ihe tang
as M. O
ear it b
f eterna t
• of anew .
he tom.
: y death
1 ant, and ,
.ur con')
• d pay h
peal. b
nd Hell," •
hen read in
etiom, You
Yoh knew
m seven dul.
t [Aid the
:mend di
u i r a t i , o not s
.to Cir'. %V'
~ e of the
y of F
s ble retu
. rved Fe .
t CI appea
nil coati
[ 837. Pa
e 25 of
icable, c
S. Dev.
I n book ao.
aceeding lOd
.mrrum issu4
Res+ constei
:. rough of' Bin !
Feb. 4, 1831
on The 10th
1837, cool.
r• 10 1837 pri.
hh on the day',
bed to Feb. 2.
item appear on
eb. 1837, Al.
aim D. Cree,
• tk. J. Clarke
u~tire§ office
• . 1837. Ref ,
.` *mined met
rule mid 111*
jramrn accord.
proceed to
ees sward is
KII it. I
• th Novembet
, nebraker is
utement of the
mes M. Owen§
onebroker, sr.
iny Docket.
d Feel thus 80
the borough-Of
. i
; -
!-r has given ob•
of Nonuser fld
thy& August fast.
meet from j the
e the
the 11111 a
bted to!
hit, the
I. not
►m. an
ht sod
a mock
. the amid fist*, to
,• Kantneri is
l• he said
. fenn slot
said Kant In
;• • °sized to- tie
heaons•tho- ob
taint to one di.
book deists And
o'said firm •1 •
t - • ltlLif;