The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 15, 1838, Image 4

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• _1
• SiiirOiLiiit to the lick.
- -DR. Wlll. EVANS'
ei t tlgeMlLE P I LI,S-. .
..,..... ,
,r, AUSE AND k:FFECT.--ylhen astound and am
IllEa vitas remedy of diseases has lonebeetrin gene
+=lase by the public, bestowing blessings and recess:"
ing iittwraiitis ecargely in the power of . scepticism to,
, doAttM;lirittes. orml envy to deny them.
hen - has achieved as ascendant career ofhse
Valise@ -which distances the competition of mere
'trustful. pretension, and hais swayed al conspiewitur
' , station in universal ratior, by intonate ;worth alone,
its proprfeiceliaay Paint out the eauses,of its insperl•
',sanity.. Without meurring the suameadia ofinvithous
mewl& inetanting the comparison.
• enzs,, Manufactured izy Dr. Williem,Evrans, at lOU
(Chatham street, donut require his explanation of
rthefri, acknowledged efficacy—for the nest -eminent
Oval - Mink tlirougeobt the United States will freely,
nifttmleale4 to, state the reasons wbielf ( have induced
abeertorecomroetel them so extensively and warmly
as they dia. Aid those reasons are, that these jade
wietta ,medicines meve r injure even the most delicate
cinitnituutos, and have, in almost every individual
case furwhich they are prescribed, a marked. an eve
aientVa ',rely 'happy and permament efficacy. Physi
saiths;mareover, set that they an, not .offered to the
ernblie hpirin any quack theory of purifying the blood,
as the after deatractinti of the stomach and bowels.
Purifi-the blood Darnall deceased hutnors. they code-
Middy did; hut not by destroying three ..viscera by
which alone the blood can be' sustained. They are
compounded upon a theory which supposes.a stomach
to hex very essential agent to health; and food, well
'digested. to he a rateable friend to flesh and blood.-.-
'They do , not purity men to ghosts. and maliA them
asirk like beings too refined to remain long in this
world; bet they make them as human as possible, and
fit te.enclo4iter the hardships, and flail the occupa
notes of a sublunary ofe. They do nut make a vie
4ernt purgatory of this lit.., to prepare men the faster
far anattior They proceed LI, Olt Ole 691105i11011 that
the blood, muscles, nervea, orr,-„sni, exeretor3 . l atnist
eretery Aland, influents and te•zumentary inembrittres,
times and 'brains, of every human being recittireto
be simplied with nog risli mem from as healthful a sto
mach as can he made aid Kept ; and upon the doCtrine
that unless the stomach and bowels are in good order.
the blood and every other part of the system will he an
_ • And how is it expected that they will secure health
Is the aternach and how els/ Why by enattlieg the one
to digest food, and the itiM4 to carry oil:wlstt is left
after the nutriment is extracied,an connection with
'the surplus of bile, and the foul - humors oftfie blood,
mecums inembracea, and stomach. And (hey accom
plish these Crest feats of medicine in the Mew simple
way imaginable. The A PERI E NT FA,AttLy PILL.S,
if the inert:tacit be atretted with wind, bile, or coated
collections, cleir it aim by a natural but a trtnetlll
- solvent action, and cleanse, the iv hole all
elyintary canal, within:it griping, and leaving it as free
w.thoat debility, as nature ever desi„mell it to he.—
They de not taki-ihe skin off:he aiomarband Imwei.i,
and lease them like a piece of red velvet. in 1111 !thy"
mciana know the strong drastic pills do, hat !hey
take nature kindly by the hand without ertishing her
lingers. They cleanse every th•ng, without &mitering
-or injuring any thing. , .
When this is effected, as it usual- v is bra the use 0f n
few of tie. PI,MI IV 11' , :itl ENT PI 1.1: 1 4 then corne
the celebrated C A NIDNII LE or ToNIL piLLs. to
strengthen a stomach and bowels which before. per
hapreeirtik and foul )xrmise"diey were weak, and
r ndows-che. with strength to perform aheirtnipor
teat funimons. without the aid of piqued. The .'A
, SIDMILE IL( )'iVER. ellen 'es valuabte princ:ples
are extracted. is acknewledgell by all phy-
Sielanri in every age, to he the be,:t v ekr m itd e m in .,
knowillin the sciettee of modicum? —There is nothing
I cio , r e in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it;
nett:nue that ix at,rice so harmless and in vteoromd
ihealthfol, and in proof of-this the. proprietor of thy
•recowilitsl pills that are made from its puteat particles
might . ito te almost innumerable a uthorai both ancient
and in o
ern. if his own practice had not.proved it to
f t
. tens thousands. ad • •
Theletfects of tiles. ; pills are net only perceived in
an incltease of _appetite and general strength. but in
i resioitition of the body to that universal vigor in all
its funetious, which indicates the return to perfectly
sound ihealth.—The face. and general coin i Amtion.
speak {infernos in their favor, and thousands of fe- I
males can testify how much they have contributed to
their comfort, their complex:on. and. their strength.
, when every other remedy had proved worse than use
less. in nervouir diseases, of all kinds. they are n...vit
acknowledged to be preeminent; gradually restoring
firmness of laidy,4nd ,n:od. without -those annoyance
sad change'. which alley nervous remedies riceaaion
Ilappww.iiilui it hive been for many young persons
oilmen sekee whe are min- in the silent grave, dairy
had learned ru check the morbid tendencies of their
ii.o i nieti aad heulkels by these pure tonics and aperi-
iris, uslithem resorting in quick remedies, the names
of which are cone.-. i led, and of which they know
nothing , 'fiat droidfil scouri.:e CONSVNIPTION
might have been checked in err conunencemen:-and
• disappointed Of es prey. all over the land, if the - first
trtutonis ~f nervous debility h di been counteracted
• by CAM /MILE chem lea ily prepared; and those
bnwelcom,rlaints which least to a host of fatal male-.
- d,as, tnight have been ol.yated by that fine ale:dine
extract rat rherorh: wlech is R leading ingredient in
the APERIENT FAMILY 111.15. Before,both of
these medicines. which are adapted to a majority of
the purposes for which a hundred others are urinece*-
, &wily psed„ fevers. agues. bilious disorders, headaches.
female debility, mile decline. indigestion. and liver
~.. O tia
,cmpla, would have entirely . disappeared, where
;many of ahem have proved fatal.
Bat tie it dirsitietly understood that these medicines
are sot nifered instead-of these natural - organs of the
body which other medicines( dispense with, tea very
- seminary manner. ..f aey. are foinidedmpon mediebl
knowledge. and not quackery, and donut take all the
-red ',articles out ef the huipan blood under the pre
. tence of purifying a. In proof of whiCh difference of
effect, let the faces tad forma of patients bear testi
monyl They constitute a arreftri, etTeetual. nail gene-,:
rally applicable elms ef.medieines fur every family,
, and being both tonic and aperient. and - of the best
preparations known, no person or family should be
without them. -They can be obtained wholesale and
' retail 'of the pro prietor. Dr. %V M EV A N.5.-N ew York.
and of his agents in town and country. with diree-.
cons for use—They are rapidly superced:ng all other
remediea advertised in the pahlic prints, because they
are found to Wring to a very superior clots of popular
. medittine.A single trial usually places them, high in pri
vate estimation. as they are known to be in public
, .
preference, and in the opinion of physicians.
Dr. WM. P.V.4, NS" OFFICE, No. 19 NORTH
EIG lIT ST. I ' M!. A flref;Pli IA . where his medicine'
' may be had. Dr. Wm Evans! Office.loo Chatham
street2New York, where the Ductoh,may be consulted
emceed. .
SUF Interesting Case.—Mr. William Sa Ilion, men at
above Thin) st., Phiiadelphis, • afflicted : for several
years with the Following 'distressing sytniotona : Sick
aess at the stomach, headache, dizziness, • pal pitauoits
of the halm immured appetiti. sometimes acid and
'potrec_sent erwitatinii, Coldness and weakness of the
ettremitie‘eroscialion and geeeral dehility,disturbed•
rest, ki acme of pressnremad weight at the stomach
after eating. nig hthiare. great pientat despndency,
seyere living pato* in the chest., back and sides. costive
ness, a dislike for society, or conversation, ovoluntary •
sighing ani weeping languer and Insitude upon the
/call exercise
Mr. Saluton•had applied to the moat - eminent physi
c ians..whe coitsiderval itibeymul the Ower of meth
moo telestoreltitu to health ; however. as his stain
tops had ;educed him to a very deplorable c'ondiuon,
and having been recommended by a relative of tus,to
nanketrial of Dr. Wm. kVA NS' Me4ciee, he with
ditlkulty -repaired to the offire nod procured a package. I
tp helms: he is indebted for his restoration to
life. health and friends: He is sow enjoying all the
blessings el perfect health. Persons desirous of
further information, will he satisfied with every .parti
eilarniltswstonishing care at Dr. Wm. EV(1113 . Medi.
ell Offices. WO Chatham et.. New %fork; and in Phil
adoleion. No. 19 Npfall lsd(illl'H .mot.
Sold 1 • 10ITN T: VERN ER.
Sole kgentliir
stills. ?inv. 25. 1.71
• - -
A IA lIAVIS.—A few Hhde of
v *- prime Weirt ftsms. pet .2.przpressly
or family tite,•recci ed and for sale by . .
J une RI '
+:-.~..a^ ,k;v c~c''..._.:,. .v~eiS!Zlw,... rT;_ ~ cy.•
or saliiiit tlieiiirVolestile and treks4Faue
ery Store. Centre."3 doors below Market
• 'a
I ,t i* i ta g nirs ' roam
miugo and browned a
leans. Si- Croft., brown and/
/ sugars
!Havana, loaf and lump
Orleans, WetoZteilffoleffses -
nal, Gun Pointer. Young.
n, POnelkOntOritre,PeC, e 211:
) 4?
achtmeind Robes .
. , Chse en . S P anish ' Schninz 4 Chneoktlit
ntgs, and sweet spiced - ,
Cocoa: Cocoa shells
ing. Carioe. Harvey,
Bulls, Lobister, Anchovy. ISauces
n soy and Currie
kin, Tomato, pepper.'
Minor': Slangoe, rtekkee -
on and French
MT a. carmen. Anchovies
larmne•pepper, allspice and Ginger
lo es, Made', plutmegs and cassia
' i , flour of rice. swell
ICU sots, Figs. Raisins. Primes •
Sw et and bitter almonds, citron
OH Oil, wine bitters, lemon syrup •
'Pr erred ginger. cheese , cod fi sh
lie 'ng. mackerel , salmon •
W h te and colored ivne.sperm
*I hied and dint tallow
iPeitn, variegated brown and yellow soap
jOld Madeira. old port, claret
Brown and pale sheiry. champaigne Wines
Old hoek. Lisbon ,41.ry at tlage • in wood
;Sweet main,. muscatel & bottle
Malmsey, marsei I les & Sicily... Medea.)
Scotch. !rush, monongahela &•coin whiskey
IA n a bleu e. anniseed & peppermint cordials
Co gone, champagne, Spanibh 4- nom brandy
ltiolland & coin. Gin, N. E Rum
i i u ma iea Npipte
Extra sup. span. inferior do • • -.,
Half Spanish and Common cigars •
f Cut & plain and moulded ;;I ass / w are .
'. •hina and crockery
ing of
1 ,
, ,
ageneral assortment of Dry Goods. Ace. &c. in or
which they are disposedjo sell on the most reasona
ble teims. lteads Families and Tavern Keepers
are martienhirly invited to-rall.
To Rent.
ertllE Coil Schema and Landings belonging
1 to the Panville & Pottsville Rail Road Com.
panyj at doubt Carbon.- The same being in ev
ery sespeet well calculated for the shipping of
eoal. The sxme may he rreted wittier without
twenty Cnal Car s. aII in good order.-- A au; - the
large warehouse and wharf.
Enquire of TIIO'S 511 , RP.
• Superintendent.
Monett Cattier., July 25 48-3 r
a l lit subscriber las now on hand at lis Store
a find Storehouse on Cc-Titre and flail Roar'
o re..ts, a full assortment of Good; suitablefor the
roal i•sgion viz:
tlarr 'lron of • assorted size;
and and •Hoop do do
. ails and - -pilot. Rods do do
teel, Round &Square do du •
Nails and Spikes do •tio
• tlnal Shovels do do
114 rd ware. a general esseerf mein.
Ail of which hi, is selling at reduced prices.
Jain 13 2 . 3 CLAYTON.
Encourage Home ilanufactures. •
Cola lectionary rflantilliclory.
, i . mp.: subscriber respectfully announces to the
• 'public that he has commenced the Menefee
turenf Confectionary in all its various branches,
It h is Store in Centre Street, nearly crksomite the
Pr-misfile Flamm, where Confectioners and utli.
era ctan always be Supplied wholesale and retail,
at the lowest Philadelphia cash prices.
- Cluntry Merchants are respectfully solicited
to c II and examine his stock before purchasing
elscr here.
nity I 'So—if
vlgetable Life Pills and Phe-,
nix Bitters.
ttlf! A CQNTRAST.—AII nations. from the remo
test ages, have. had ships, but Columbus only found
out 'the way to America. Before the time of the
greaY. Span ish na vigatur, people were only enabled t 5
paddle about the shores. Just so with thc.Life bled
icinds It is but two short years since I first yen..
mired upon an unknown ocean. and I have discovered
the rrecnius object I was in search uf—HEALTLI.
Vegetelde medicines were indeed known when I corn.
ine i,er.d My search. but their use was nor. the.
use Ordure, I have not only passed . from the dejected
inva)al,te the hale hearty and act ive man of business,
but,' cumpamtively speaking. I have renewed my
you*.' 4 car( thus, with confidence in my own erne-,
hence,: advise with my iellow citizena Does the
reader want prooftliat LIIOIE:GETABLE LIFE:MED
ICI NFS are tunable to his own easel I have on Lite
at My offic.e.s44 Binadway. hundreds of letters, from
some of the most respectablecitwens ofthi s my na
tive land, Voluntarily offered in testimony ofthe vir
'Persona whose constitutions have been ccarly
fined by the -all infallible" mineral preparatign•
ihe day. *4l bear me witness, that the Life - Medi
Mune. and such o nly. ate the true mmae to permanent
good health-
These medicines have long,been know.. aril appre
elated, for their extraordinary and immediate'powerr
of epnoring perfect health, to peraornr suffering under
ne*ly every kind of 'uteesiae. to which thOlnunan
frono is liable.
hi many honorees of certificated instances, they
hate eve revue,' sufferers from the very serge of an
nnomely grave, aria; all the deceptive tiostmms ol
theiday bad utterly failed; and to many thousan d s they
belie, permanently secured that uniform enjoyment of
heltii, without which life itself is but a partial bless
in . Se great. ini ed. has their efficacy invariably ,
and infallihly proved. that it has appeared scarcely
led than miraculous to those who were unacquainted '
wit the beautiful philosophical principles upon
winch they are cnmpounded.and upon which the) ,
consequently att. it was to their manifest and remo
ld% action in purifying the springs and channels of
[dila id mottling them with renewed tope and vigor,
dud they were indebted for their mane, which was
hollowed upon them at the spontaneous request of,
amferal individuals whose lives they had. obviously
sailed. ~
The proprietots rejoice in the opportunity afforded
by he universal ddltmion of the daily press; for pine.
ing his VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS within the
knewlenge and reach of every individual in the com
menity. Unlike the host rof perniciobs quackeries,.
which boast of vegetable ingredients, the LITO Pills
are purely and sonimr swot - I.6mA, and contain hei,
thcE Memory, Antimony, Arsenic, nor sly other
mi oral. in any form wherever . They are lentirelY
co posed ofestracts tenni rare and powerful plants.
tint virtues of which, though long .known to. sauna
Indian tribes, and recently to some eminentphomin
centicatehemiats, are altogether unknown to the igno-•
mat pretenders to medical scienOe• ' and were paver
be ore administered in so happily elficacidtel at:com
b' atom. ,
. Pheir first opetation4a to loosen from thecoatitot
the stomach and. baivels. the serious impurities and
crOdities conatanrly setting around them; and to re
in ve the hardened Wee*. which collect in th e con
y amine of the small' intestines Other medicine s .
a ly partially cleamtotheee.and leave such collected"
asses behind, as to produce habitual costivatells ,
ith all us train of evils, or sudden diarrhea, with its
i lumen' dangers. This fact is sell kaowp to all
r info automats, who examine the hUrrianl . bowel
a er deuto and lumen the prejodiee of theite: well iii.
Aimed men !wriest the quack medicines of the age.
Dee netstil effect of the VEGETABLE Llq.
TrifF 4 A.,
0, •
' -- Rita eteiniseiliii= r illie :; bitßde 41141
*Ain Marital* *see and the. lungs, the !thrall
'action of whidrendiely dependi opolalliell .
Ocala urinary omens. The bloods width 4 11 173 I
coloefrain ;the agcy of the liver and the lungs
it palm intik the heart. being thus parifiedby.l
eta anortioutthiled by bond - coming from a'n . leas
freely through the vats. renews
erery part of thesyitetnand triumphantlymountk the
banner of health in the blooming effect. - : 1
following ere among the distressing. tof 1
'helium dittoing, to, which the Vingetabie Life µ'ills
we well known to be infallible.-- .
, DYSeEtal.ia s bt thrmiglily cl earming trie fi r st l ing
second atominhs. and creating & fl ow of pure healthy
bile, itisteitieftheinde 'en# acrid Iciodk,./Lierganey, 1
P:ldtfitn of de Heart, Loss_Y ' Appetite, Hearagon
and Bouladm.Restkarneus, 111-lemper. Anxiety, bap
- , 4 0111d.MelltAddlig *hitt erethe general syrothotes
of Dyspepsia, will vantshoota natural consequ'ence of
-De cure. Cestnness, by cleansing the whole -length
a the Interlines with a solvent process, and Without' ,
()kneel all violent purges - leave the bowels costive
Ain two days. Dtarrhma and Cholera, by retrieve- "
ilg the sharp acrid:fleets by Stich these complaints'
, ale- occasioned, and by promoting the luendative
-slicretion ofthe mucus membrane. i'eversofailkeds."
'by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, thktigh
the process of perspiration in some cases, and th e I
through so lu t ion ofall intestinal obstructions in others.
The LIFE PILLS have been known to cure lame ,
matisai permanently in three wedks. and Gout in half
that time, by . removing local inflammation from the I
'Muscles and ligaments of thejoints. Dnopsies of all 1
/ands, by freeing and strengthening the kulueyti and
-bladder, they operate most -delightfully on theie or
•gans.dr;cl hence have ever beets-found a certain reme
-dyfo: the worst cases - of Gravel. Also Worms, by
dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy
Matter to -which theft creatures adhere; Asthma and
'Conini» ption. by relieving the air vessels of the lungs
from the mucus which even slight colds if not remov
ed becomes haniened,and produces those dreadfill
diseases. 'scurvy, Peers and Inveterate Sores, by the
perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood I
and all bunions; Scorbutic freptirms, and Bad Comp
premons. by their alterative effect upon the flu;ds that
morbid state 'of which oecardopi all Eruptive cam
„plaints. ...Sallow. Cloudy: and whey diaare t ahlccon.,
.pleasons The use of thefse Pills for a very Oen time.
Will effect an entire cure of Salt rheum, Erysipelas
and a striking improvement in the Ciao-nes, ef Me
{slim Common Colds.and Influenza. will-always be
cured by one dose, er by two even in the wont eases.
Pile-a—US a remedy for this most distressing and ob
stinate malady, the .Vegetable Life Pills deserves a 1
distinct and - eranhetictecommendation. It is well
known to tomdreda in this city, that the Proprietor
of those invaluable Pills, was himself afflicted with
tins complaint for upwardsofthirry fire year a, and that”
he tried in vain ex ery remedy prescribed within the
whole compass of the hlateria Medics. Helurwever,
at length, tried the.meditne which he now offers to
the public . , and he was cured in a very short tune
:after his.recoveniskmd been pronounced not only
,miprobable. but absolutely impossible, by any bureau
DIRECTIONS FOR IRl7.—The proprietors of the
VEGIIKT A BIS Ltirt" PILLS does not follow the bone and
mercenary practice of the quacks oldie-day. in advis
ing persons to -take his Pigs m large quantities. No
tesiod medicine ciin possibly be so required. !These
p i ll s ar e to be taken at hod time every night. for a "
week or fortnight, according to the obstinacy of the
disease. The usual doseiefram 2to 5. according to
the constitution of the person. Very delicate persons'
.should begin-with but two, and increase as the nature
of the casemay require:Above more 'robust. or of very
costive habit, may begin with 3, and increase to 4. or
even 5 -Pills, and they will effect- a sufficiently happy
change to guide the patient in their further use.
These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and 'vornry
ng, though - very seldom, unless the stomach is vele I
find; this, however, may be considered a favorabe
symptom, as the patisme will find 'himself at once rit
lieved,and by penteveranthe will soon recover. They
usually operate within 10 or 12 hours, and never give
pain, unless the bowels are very much encumbered.
They may be taken ley the most delicate females un.
der any circuatistances-71t is, however, recommend- "
ed. that those in later periods of pregnancy sbouki take 1
but one at a time, and Diu conflux:tete keep the bowels
open: and ex cn two mat? be taken where the patient
ra very costive. One pill. in a solution of two table 1
spoons full of water, May be given to an infan: in the
following doses—ca tea spoon full every two hours till]
it operates; for a child from One to fire years ef age, ,
half a pill—and from five to ten, one pill.
THE PHIENIX BITTERS, are so called,hecause.l
they possess the power of restoring the expiring em- '
ben of health, to a glowing vigor throughout the
constitution, as the Phcenrs is said to he restored to
life from the ashes ofits owndissolutiou. The Pine
nix Bitterest° eutirely vegetable, composed of root
found only in certain parts of the western count
which will intallibfy cure EVERS AND AcrEs
of all kinds; will never.fa" to eradicate entirely all
the effects of Mercury. lain amine:limn the most
'powerful prepanuoas of Sarsaparilla. and will imme
diately cure the determinaqmi of BLOOD TO TILE
{Et ED; never fail in the sickness incident to young
emotes'; and will FM found a certain remedy in all
cases of nerreins debility am! weakness ofthemost im- .
paired constitutions. ; As is a rented) for Chi' onic and
Inflanuriory Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phasing
Blllerg will be demonstrated by the use of a single,
bottle. The usual dose oftheae bitters is half a wine"
glass full, in water or wine, and this quarititymay be
taken two or three times a -day, about half an hour
before meals, or a less quanutyamay be taken at all
trines. To those who ate afflicted with indigestion
after meals, these' Bitters will prove invaluable, as
they very greatly increase the action of the principal
viscera, help them to terform their ftinctions,and en
-able the stomach to discharge into the bowdls what
ever is offensive: Thus indigestion is easily and
speedly removed, appetite restored, and the mouths
ef the absorbent vessels • being cleansed. nutrition is ' ,
facilitated. and stretigth'of body and energy of mind
I are the henry results. For farther particulars of
TERS'. apply rd Mr. Moffit's office, N 0.546 Brodway,"
' New York. where the Pills can be obtained for-25
exam. -50 cents, or $1 per bra; and the /kneel for $1
-or Ir 2 per bottle. "Cr Numerous certificates of the'
wonderful efficacy ofboth. may be there inspected..
In some ebstinate and complicated cases of chronic
• and: inflammatory Rheumatism. Liver Eemplaints,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Palsy. Piles. injury Arent
the use of mercury. quinine, and other diamset of long
, standina, it may be necessary io take both the Life
Pills and the 'Pitmen Bitters, in ibe dose before re
N. B —lltese Pills and the Bitters, will get the
mereary out of the system infinitely taster than the best
preparations ofSairdiparilla. and a certain remedy for
the ruslonc of the blood to the had, or all violent head
aches, tic doulenreuz: &c.—All persona who are predie
posed teepee/en, mdse., dm., should never be without
the Life l'ills or the Bitters, for one dose in time will
save life. They equalize the circulation of tbe blood.
drew all pressure from the head, prespiration. sod
throw off every impuiiiy by the pores of the akin.
Foe sale by MILLER & II AGGERTY,
' Agents for, the Proprietor.
. .
Pqnsivitle. 26
Old Grape Juice Port Wine, kc.
\VERY superior old grape juice Port Win',
do do Royal company dp, to
do du bottled do do
Very superior do East India Madeira, in wood
and bottles. Very superior old M. LObo and
Duff Gordon Co. Sherry wines, Pico Madeira,
Sicily Madeira, Tenerifte. old Palo Lisbon,
dry and sweet Malaga wines, &c. Ste. for sale by
iipr il 28 - '
Religious Works.
10, BANN AN has just received the Following
• religious works, London and America ed
Ritmo, which he offers for sale cheap.
Original Family Sermons, 5 vols. -
Massillons• Sessions, -
Lelatid's view of Deistical Writers -
- Sturtevant's Preacher's Manual, 2 rids,
Drew on the Resurrection,
- Drew mil the Soot
. Snits's on the Psalm
Pallier MI Itifilielite,
James' chriatian Professor, • •
Prise &may on Reiiiiims : Dissiseiime..
Christian Father at Home,.
A Metlieei Reiluest,-&e. 4.
• • .t• ; •
14 - in Fund See ely.
irruf. Part Carbon Savihg Fun • Society, 'is
m• now'open every day from 9to o'clock ht
the Office of Discount -and DOposi falba pnr
pone of roceiritig deposit! to any •. t' not es
!ceeding 000, from nny -one Orion upon which
in,,interest of 4 per cent will be pa'l an every 15
rhea upwards, but no iiitereat will bC allowed on
any fractional parts of 115. The *hole or any
,pervolay be drawn oat on givir.g noltim, from two
weeks io four months, at the office ion Mondays.
The boVincs of the iociety will be iconducted by
the fiAlowingiofficers and managersi until the first
Monday in May next.
Prelidenr=—AQllHlA 80LT024,
Joseph Carroll - Samuel I. Potts
Edward flughds E. S. Wane •
Tacob Bull Jesse Tur er
L. Whitney, Secretary and T soarer.
Article 3d of the Charter. o emolumdrit
whatvoevcr shpll be received by ithe President
or Managers kir their adrvices. nor shall itny
Manager become a borrower from the Instill:I.
lion. vet 3 . 46t.f
. .
For the preeention ikeure
„.. SP.k„. of Coughs,Colds,Asthintts,
e , Consumptions, Spitting of
1.1 ' Ors. 'ti Blood, Diskases of the
114kri Breast-and LungsAc.,pre.
VA Pq. . pared bnDr.:C LAM:IOA
_„... Fli BEM Alil, of the City
of Lancaster.
Accompanying each bottle of the Specifick,
pointing out in a ecineyncnous manner, all the
symptoms in the different stages df these aistreti•
sing diseases—also particular 'directions respect-
Ling diet and regimen, and haw iatients ate to
conduct through every stage tintil health is re.
stored—for vain and useless would be the pre
scriptions of the ablest physicians, accompanied
with themost powerful and useful medicines, if
the directions are not faithfully' adhered to.
' The public ate informed that thedepositions of
287 persons have been taken before proper au
thorities in the city of Lancaster, all completely
cored in the most desperate cages of consump
tion, some of whiclrate detailed in the bills ac
cornpanying each bottle.
11 ,,,* A supply of the above Specifick has been
reccived.and is fOr sale at this oftios.
Mardi 12 • 18
Swahn's Panacea.
AS the intemperance and luxury of the age are
hastenteg the ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering the blood more imteire; and as thou
sands have destroyed their constitntionsby neglecting
to apply the proper remedies—to such. Swaim's Pan
acea must be i and has been, more than doubly vales
ble as a certain and effectual means of restoring them
to perfect health and vigor. Few families are whol
ly exempt from scorbutic affections. which exhibit va
rious symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations. debility.
loss of appetite and dejection. all arising from itnpure
blood, and if not properly attended , te, produce the
greatest injhry to the constitutution. add may be im
parted to their offspring. Swaim's Panacea is recom
mended at this season ethe-year, as a valuable resto
rative of the system, thereby in vigoratingthe constitu
tion. and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
he summer lieason. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids. arid corrects their tenth:it:icy to all those
diseases whieh originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver, depraved appetite. or predispoaitobr to affections
of the lungs Are. No one; however. isiedvited to use
it without convincing themselves ofthe truth of what
is hero states'
This med Mine is now used with sitcom; in all parts
of the worldi and is gaining great reputation in Eng.
A fresh supply of the Medicine just received and
for sale by &BANNAN.
Sole A gent for Schuylkill minty.
Who can supply the above medicine wholesale to
them who wish to sell again, at Philadelphia
g i 2 :: e
May 14
Insurance Cani.paity.
AWAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances
on Brick. Stone or Frame Balklingo, Stores,
Hotels, Mills, Barna, Stables, Merchandise, Furnr
ttire and Ptoperty of every descOption,sgatnst loss
or damage by ME.
The Delaware County Insurance company
also insure againot loss liken kinds of marine risks
and against , the damage or loss upon the transporta
tion of goods. ward, and wercandise by water, or by
rail way. upon termites fasourabk is any other is
For any further information oti the subject ofin
valance, either against Fire. marine or inland Yiaks.
July 15 34-tf
Schuylkili Haven.
At Orwigalxirg
Fire Insurance luoinpany.
MAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances on
'LTA-Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings ‘ Storei.llotels
Mills, Bang. Stables, Merchandise, Furtiebre,and.
Property or mery'description.apinst lows or damage
by Pia:.
The subscriber has been appoihted Atimer for the
above nienuoncd institution and is now prepared to
make LVSURANCICE upon every deM,rtption of propersi
at the lowest rates. BENJAiMLNI HANNAN.
Podgy i Ile. Feb. 27.1836. 15
- The Philadelphia Fire
CAPITAL AUTHORISED BY ~ 1.10i4,1115001 , 000.
IMEAHE both limited end perpetual Insorancea on
Briek,StoneorFrame Builcuip.Stouts. Hotels,
Mills, Barns, Stables, Merchant ism, Fornitune, sod
P4operty of every chnibription.soinat loss ordsmate
by VI RE.
The subscriber has been appo4iell AGENT tkit the
above mentioned Institution andil: DOD • prepared to
make livennuorcEs upon every d ription ofproperty
at the lowest rases. BENJAMIN HANNAN.
5-Pottsville, Feb 25 11537. l-
Swaines Pinsacluk.,
21b DOZEN Swaim's Panacea, jual receive
ed fresh from the proprietor. .Wards of
deventy.Five Thotmand Botilea of this valuable
medicine were sold hat year, and this demand is
increasing. For sale by the doatn, ore ngle bottle.
Price V per bottle, or three bottles Ili. 05 by
. ' , • MANNA.N.
qple Ageistibr Schuylkill County.
Mort *mini's FUNKS:4m
Sarnapo Blood Pins
-.Are the most efeduatpuriftrgfthelttood
and Anitnai ..F4ddi that hate ever .
'been yl f us: covered. '
'The follbwing are 'some only of the
A:faded end grard Ann ;during the pest TWO
-imams, in. PiOadelpAiii..
- ! Liaise ffimplhan,cured of ens pain in Acx head
and sides, withl ditch giddid4t to which she was
subject fir three years. ~‘
John Stocker', Mien*. - from-. habitual costiveness
and want °Tappet:lie, vitith offensive breath and bad
• Joseph tdarkiw, cured ofan ulcerated leg and OTIO.
israel Jones, cdreil brit breaking oat all over his
whole body.
BansirJones, cured of pain ieher breasts and side*
much headache and siekness after eating. ,'
Williath bloivbmy, cured of a Rheumatism, and
dwellimEufhis legs and - feet, having been unable to
'walk' any 'dnitaAme for six months past- -
Michael 3. Roakins. 'Cured of swelling under his
arms and on his sedk,'"with considerable bteaking
out en 'his WV.
Elizabeth Cranmer, Cured of swelled breaits. vain
in her side, constant disgust to Wind, and much sick
ness at her stomach. .
. ...
Jeffery Cline, cured Of rheumatic pains and swelled
*nts. .
Samson G. Howard, 'mired of a teeter and rub. a
breaking mit overfill' body, with some winning sores
and ulcers. . ~
. -
'Rev. A. Canby, cured of an affection of 'ids threat,
sorenessi end uloeration, eibich previously affected his
The following are some only of the large number of
cures effected in Bergs: Montgomery, Schuylkill. Le
high, Lancaster, and Northampton counties, during
the past three months: -
Jonas Green, Esq., Cured of a scorbutic affection,
ulcerated leg. swelled joints and rheirmatic
Adam C. Carpenter, 'cured of 'violent pain in his
sides. much costiveness, bid appetite tu.d a shortness
Rachel Snyder. cured of a difficulty in brenhing,
habitual costiveness, and violent pains in her herd.
Michael Jones, his two daughters and youngest x n.
cured of a breaking out of dry and sometimes watery
pimples over their whole bodies. attended with great
itching, frequent unpleasant feelings in their heads,
sickness at the stomach. and pains over the heart. &c.
This family was afflicted for years, and never found
relief from any medical treatment, or from any medi
cine:l,lmill using Dr. Leidy's 15Intid Pips s and a Wash . l
directed by trt.l:.eidy.
Sarah Mclntosh: cured - df violent pains in her back
and loins, rheumatism:lj, swelled joints, &c.
Andrew Green, cured of griping pain!, loss of np
petite, disgust for food, and habitual costiveness.
Adam R. Ginnie, cured of scaly eruptiens and break
ing oat. soreness and pain through his bones. •
Dinah Crowley, cured of ringworms and Letter. -
Henry C. ;Rotiney, cured of inward feVers,
soreneeslof hit Month, threat and noire, gladdular swel
lings. &C.
George Layman, cured of a mercurial affection and
violent rheumatic pains of his head and mhos. ' •
Jonathan Stroud. lime Colman and John G. Thom
son, cured of various affections of the head, cos , ive
nes& soar eructationk.sickneas at the stomach,'&c.
Sarah Jenkins. Alfred and Tracy Jenkrft. 'cured of
affections of ihe skin, breaking out, paine in their limbs.
&c. •
Numerous'ether instances Might be published, but
to swell the list wo.ld unnecessarily increase the ex.
pense of publishing them. -
It must be plainly teen from she foregoing, that the
Rioted Pills are an excellent corrective fora disordered
stomach the cause of diseases to wbictt the human
system is liable, regether with the impuki:ty of the blood.
which etistsin all diseases. and in c' junction with
a disordered stomach, very rapidly prostrates the hu
man body.
Mete pille donut purge as powerfidlly as do, tW*t
pills of the present day. (which prmioce as muck mis
chief as did ever mercury, or the minerals, by weakening
the sySten,destroying the tone and vigor of the body:
and rendering ir a prey to constant and universal dis
ease, distressed and bodily suffering) but, are artild and
Mild and gentle in their orklrtim, and only increasing
the natural disciurrget Ja , mitly to merry off impuri
ties as they are cm-i.• by their use, not rendering
necessary any restraint from occupation or business,
change' f livibg or diet, or even a liability of taking
cold from their use
The process fore:n=6llg the virtue of the Sarsapa
rilla without aesiroying its efficacy , is known only to
the proprietor.
Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail. at Dr.
Leidy 's Health Emporiuin, 2nd St below Vine, No.
191.—Also Sold by • ' B. BANNAN,
June 9 41 • Pottsville.
Wonderrul ("ores.
Have been performed in this city, and thr , aitennit
Me country.
BEING a concentrated fluid extract of Sarsaparilla,
combined with other vegetable • extract', which ren
ders it aa a medicine of great utility in the core of all
diseases arising from impurities of the blood, from, im
prudence. in life, and constitutional dineales formed'
or produced, by the injudiciormuse of mercury, arse
nic, bark . quinine. In sbort,it is an invaluable rein;
Rheumatic Affection. General Debility, Mcztous
Sores. white Swellings. Diseases of the Liver and
skin, ‘ Ulcerared Sore Throat. Ulceis of the Nose,Va.
ries. or diseases oftite Bones; Scrofula, or King's E.
vil4Eryaipelits. or St. Anthony's Fite, and all unplea
sant and dangerous affections consequent, to Syphilis,'
Lucs Venereal, dic..drc.
So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of
varionsidisetnao fortwhich it is recommended. that it
is tar superseding all ether preparations•of Sarsaparil
la. Panacea:. dic.
It is nowlemplayed by nunferda s physicians, ami
ties been introduced by then into many hospitals, in
firmaries, &r- throghout the United States.
It is a premiums of gre' atm strength (consequently
of greateriufficacy) than any other extricrnoiv made,
is also much cheaper, being butone dollar per bottle..
which is adfficient to make tote millen of Syrup of
' Sarsaparilla. and i'bought by different druggists for
that purpose. -
Numerouseertificates have beerr received and !rub
fished froi4.time to, time, but in consequence -of the
peat expense attending newspaper publication of thein •
the most inereduloits can be convinced of the superior
efficacy of ,Dr leidy's Medicated Sarsaparilla, by
calling at Dr. Leidy s' Health Emporium," No. 101
north Second street. below Vine. sign of the Golden
Eagle end Serpents," wheretertificates and references
can be giveritri liandreds of insianc'e . of the Most re.
markable curesever performed by any medicine.
Sold by B. BANNAIV, Pottsville.
June 9 44
New Goody.
A . &mint annertnient of fresh and aeasonsfile
Goodejost recePredr-consiatiug in part of
0 / 1 7. "Of
• Groceries,
Quionwsvate, •
Mackerel; • A
Salt, Plaster, &c. &c.
which will be Wild low for east. The higifesi
print ipald coif" fir all kind. ofeinintry phoduce.
Mining ;Carbon. - Deo 2 2
1111.43 T ttINCEIVEtt a Splendid assortment of
‘P Sprloi 'antij•Summer thx)dav consisting' 10.
part Of ! • .
' 'lllll Goods, . .
,GrOterteg,, , ...
. .
Ituieenswaret .
• .1. -14quords Ate.
which I am pre p ared to sell dhetiodt -than ever
offered Sol this market-lor. cash. of lo rexchinge
Or country prod4ed i at the highest market trice
, J. Cs KERN;
opworto _ .
ot •
to,poo Bo es of Dr. '
. , - ...
Leidy'sSassaiiirilla"lii. tlooil Pith
sOlitidklithidelphiit - ial 11er .
• • .I . TI y
WAo does not Animate next hart crititnit' tdiabk
properties ittr the Sarsapatat r .1 - .
VXR_lf „pm. woman, raiti,child t eatt reed, can
answer the above, as evetype ipapeethrougli
viatthe United States containsMebu leofthetiniver.
said:Betel of Santaparallf, iniperi :Oa blood and
Idistonderfrain th e &mint system at ' , ktiiialfs. ,
Ask sag nispeetabhr physicia i the - questiina i Me
is the swat effromous roller of _he 2,00dt hitttiwiter
wilibei,Sms.manti.m., . ,
.... ,
Wilke* ta•sty then, tr all e - hys ie.& ns recoeun
iletio universally, what better evaence Iva tee hate of
nidahiatiePropergraf • I ' , .-
Da.l.Micit as vieseottered a me od whereby the
virtueof the Sarsaparilla is Obtain in a highly cow ,
eentrated form, and in such ',MIMIC as to make- pills
thraithom, without destrosring in t WO its figkael.
This ca:onot be done Flan): other rson, the pro
cess is known only, to Dr. Leidy, and is a discovery of
Atli own, v
VlieseTills are offered to the pub] e by the name of
compounded Killeipiany ',of Sorsa /trills 'and wall
which hieombined ingredients (friendly to the tonsil•
finial) tendering them more effec ual, being gently
laxative in their effects, thus darryineoff conupt hu-
Mors from.the system very gradually; and without pro
ducing-de'bilitg or any intonvenienets. Taken in sur
'ficierit quantity, however. they 'will f,purge freely. and
may be employed or given to iheditist delicate, end
&en th infants. being a loft aid frilly efficacious pur
gative, vezeiirivin no rietramt front, diet or deviation
from littera? karits or from (.oc-spa/ton of any kind.
These pills have been pre erninely successful attd
from their convenient form, must , a nner or later, take
the place-cif all the different (+repel- tions of Sarstipa-
1 0A
cilia, such is Syrups, Decoctions. tracts . &c. which
are contained in hordes. lierbk to be en, and aretn,
convenient for taking or being vomit about.
These pills have, during the pap two years, been
amply tested. Newspaper advertiding being so very
expensive, ample testimonials front numerous phyla-
Mans and others accom pavy the dsworts. •
They are particularly rt nommen ed in
Rheumatic affections, . Dry an watery pimples
General Debility, and pitstults of the face
Ulcerous sores of t 'anti 'dy,
• throat, nose and body : Scaly mitiptions, and blot-
Diseases of the Liver,. chea bf the skin, '
Skin and Bones, - etter. ItingWonns,
s r° p r in b e ill' th E e rY b si re ll a e s j i a lc. '
Pain Over the region of the
heart, breast, and s ic autidice.aleariburn.
:mach, , ' &Manch Coughs. Liver '
Pain of ' the sides, alon complaints. walerbrash,
the back and spine,. goer eructations , and acid-
Inward fevers,thul 'breath. . ides of the stomach,
a had taste in the mouth. landu affectio ns , i i ,
flatulency. want of app
... swell n and hardening
ute,coinveneas, eratn ps ofth ands of the neck
of the stomach, and is.- in groins, under the
' aigestion, arms and along the
and the whole train of diseaSes reAllting from Impu
rity of the blood, as also constitundnal diseases pro-;
duced by the use of Barks. quininei Arsenic, Mercury
or other Minerals, Also in in:Tendencies in life, Syphi- .
lie, Lees, Venereal, dec. 4-c.
.1 .
Price 25 Cerits a Bak.
Prepared Maly and sold Wholeirafe anti Retail at Dr.
Leibly's Health Emporium s 2nd at. '1 lido* Viiae, No.
191 1
%Consumption. •
fl ,
EADER, if . ou have a ;cough f or cold, beware of •
their consequences. Colds generally progress
imperceptibly. and insinuate themselves throughout
the heman,system, finally settling upon the lungs and
endingln consumption. ' • i . .
. A WORD,TO .PA REIMS. - . .
tow often is youth.cot down w ten least expectol
by the consumption, and followed_ to their raves by
parents who are in a Inman& the cause of their prem. .
ature death, in neglecting toreniedy oltlit when exist
ing in childhood. looking 'tiPtin - trifling affecL
done, and not attracting their notice until the destroyer
has 'commenced its work and made sure efita victim.
This Is not a fancifetvpresentatfon, for daily rimer....
oesMirtances occur which prove rlke fact.,
In manhood colds terminate m aka same way, bid do
not progress so rapidly na.ineyouthfl they should how-t
ever, in both-youth and manhood lah early attended to,'
and hot regarded as trifling affectiiMß, for it is a ifele• ,
sive-idea that has no - doubt shortened the hum ortbou- - :
sands.i •
. -,
(Price 50 Cents per ttle4
imp invaluable preparation. flisco•ered, by a reulse.
and celebrated •iermati physician , . who has emp loyed
it upwards of filly years in 'his man practice in Get - -
many, throughout *Midi etuaetrypt has been during
that-tone-moat elittensively and successfully employed
iti Cougiuuredds, fnfluenzaiutatairlis, A ethmas, Spit
ting of Blood. Whooping rou g hs Pain °cafe Breast
and Sides, all aiketions of the Banat and Lungs, and
arrestefupproaehfng constiknptimi
bluctrtnay befid in praise of the above medicin%
but newspaper ^' ' ' too expensive, ever) ,
satalactory evil in ail its effects
upon trial, as w, '..0 endlitions ii . c=
compan,ing tht i sof 7000 bottles
were OW m Phi wing the,past win=
ter, a bonvincint. f.or so Large a-quan
city Would never The above inedir•
- 1 ANL! litlq
and learn
hew pale, tin
apparently liani
unhappy, his aut._ age
Areyon much troobletl
Sher eructations arising*,
want of appetite. Wate
mouth. or fool breath. pai
mach. Sickness after main
oricticasori*e dishes. &c
With anyottlie foregoing
the Mende of the Dyane
remedy the eonsequen
A - oeviv Tailing 6141
And the whale train of I
*seen of the Liver. !
Thenbove medicine i I
r or.other minimal pre.
ttrely . of vegetables. safe I
pleasantto the taste. It ,
young and - old, requiring
diet only.
, Noofereirsfestirnoniall
Lpulidrabed; its reputation is
meet upon its virtues is
then recommendations a,
round eath Nettle. ' I
liar Price One Dollly
Sold in Philadelphia
Dr. N. B- Leidy's Heal
Vine, St. —ard by.
May 5 - ,
CiAP SUGAIt-- 1 111
A-a gar, pOrthAtibtir
era' tart, fbr anti at a
• • VII, I
• JunaV
RAILW 1 7 17tOtkl I ND litON FOR COO
• St' OSA - •
21 - by - 5 , -8 inchei R‘ii±ki Flat Bar prmw
2. by .do U cfp d;) .
Iby do ,Suthdde %If Sereettlhebat
• All the lion ha's criterau . nk , ltolos'iattld,4reat
'at ao angle of 45 devie4 at the 'etal. Splicing
PltteirentSpikes to' sbdt thelithOts. •
- & 6:1 RALBTOtt- dr Co. '
• go. 4 South FrOnt Stviet.-PhSadetphie.
9.1.4 f
r 111PORI
co d below V i n t ie*
r mums •
'c3colfirtned D lapeptih
kot, su ffi ceit to
ing object, his li
to is miserable to
_41,1e. '
'ith Flatulency. Costiienesr,
.., yoblittotnach„Occaaional
brash. s bad tastia in your
or a hecvineak oleo'. sto
, Headiche, Minuet to your
• If yeti are Much troubled
symptoiss, byMg before you
lc, audbairing resolved tb::
, ,imm ediately procure
' ci l ous remedy for
f l e e • ESTFON.
suiting from Mt.
tweet an t i intestiSea. ..
%eau tea . free from vivito
tionsd it is rolopetted ten
sed easy to take, being" very':
, ay be safely administered to
. t moderate -restrictions in
- '
have been from timeto dine
so wellknotortkfurtheriom
onecose ry. iuthee it to say,
Agm DlSTottes. Fur
compi y the directions a.
*be e'.
at, second belo*
N 11.14; Pottsville. or
- 34-1
1100 ftis. t : clod soft !Loaf So=
1Y or'rostra Kelt:.
abed' rice, by
' ! • 48