The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 25, 1838, Image 4

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    ortatit- to. the_itiickw
W. 04. EVANS'
173 . 0. - ANtiEFFECi'--yifben a sound and aci
nadir. remedy , of diseases has long been in gene
bt the pat*, bestowing blessings and,rec.eiv
I iniiinaAt hviscarcely in the power of Seeptsciam to
tit ii virtues. or ofi nvy to deny them.
' hiniqitiinis achiev an ascendant career °rase
, which distills es the competen of mere.
I '
i .
.i, pretension, , and has sewed a conspicuous
ion an universal favor, by intrinsic worth atone,
roprietor may point out the causes of its auperi-
V, without inenrring•the suspicion -of mvithons.
Be'n instituting the notnparison.
1 LS, manufacturedlg Dr. Williant.F.Vans, at lOU
1 tharn &rem, do riot require his explanation of
yy r .laktlowledgeti ifficacy—for the most eminent
r iician. throughout the United Suggs will freely,
iPealed to, state the reasons wbiclihive induced
to recomniend them so extensively and warmly'
Itinayade. And those reasons are. that these juda
a medicines nevr injure even - the 1n0,,t del.cate
1 stimis its. and. h Ive, ni &Most every inditodual
• for which they e prescribed, a marked. an eva
!rt. , a only happy and permanent &lukey. Phyla
7'na. Moreover. see that they are not offered to the
is upon any quack theory or purifying thliktlood,
the otter destruction of the.stomach and bowels.
ifyhe blood front all diseased humors. they undo
bly kr; , but not by destroying those viscera by
the. blood can be susta They are
laded upon a theory which supposes astotnach
be very essentml agent to health; and food, well
esutd. to be a valuable friend to flesh and blood.—
, ey do not pan) , men to Amite. and mike them
lik. like beings too r ti ed to remain long in this
, rld'.but the y m e ake theta human as possible.and
!toucounter the hardships. and o
tidal thecenpa
nis fa Sublunary tire. They do not make a LIO.
t Titirgstory of thiss, life. to prepare men the Taster
1 '3 .. rtrther. They Proceed qt on the supposition that
1 btood, muscles, nerves. organs,' excretory and se.
1 . oq gland. mucurnis and Miumentary membranes,
I neeand brains. of every human beam , require to
I supplied with nourishment from as healthful a Stn.
.ch as min be 'made and kept; and upon he doctrine
. t Unless the stomach slid boo e 1 are in good order,
leblood and every other part oldie system Iv Male in
,son Fer. .
And how is it expected that they will secure health
,the stomach and bowels/ Why by enabling the one.
di4est food, and the other to carry otf whet fa lett
the nutriment is extracted, in connection with
trplus of bile, and the foul humors Mate blond.
us, and stomach. And they accom
these great feits of tnedietue l in the mosi'simple
inaginable. The VPE RIE NT I- . V MI LY I'l LI.S.
stomach he affected with wind. bile, or vowed
lion., cle tr it nut, by a enteral but a most in:
ale solvent action, and cleanse, the . whole alt
',try canal, without griping. and leaving it as free
tut debility. as nature ever desigeed at to be.—
do meta's° the skin ea', lie stomach and bowels.
pave them like a piecivof red ;els et. as all phy
la know the at run; drastic pills do, but they
Mauro 'kindly by i.e hand without crushing her i
a. They cleanse every thing, without impanug
urine any thing.
en th . iii (11',( - 11 , d. as it usual yin by the use of 'a
fife 1 V VII LY 11',..111E:\ I , t'l I .1...5. I hen come
eleirlated C.\ NV/MILE erTO.N. IC PILLS. to
"'then a slam ich and bowels. whoh t:e fore. per
'Cr. ik and foul hee.ufse they were weak-, and
ws them with strength to iteribrin their impor
tummies. without the aid of plivsle. The ...A
il L,t: Y1..1..) , V Eli. when its
_sal Tilde price:lll,i
hem calty ex:rarer:Lis acknowleAged by Ili i M
s. in every :tee, to lie the best vegetable tonic
m in the science of medicine -- There is nothisig
-ti in the vegetall'.e kitt.ption of nature to 'equal it;
nu th il mat cnee so .harinless and an vleorouslt
Val. and in proof of this the, proprietor of thy
and pills thin nre made front its purest parucles,
t quote almost uttiuniertible authors. both ancient
eodern. if Ms own practice had not proved it to
of thousatels•
e effects of these pills am not only perceived in
crease of appetite and general streneth, bet in
oration of the body to that universal vigor in all
nchons which indicates the •recurn to perfectly I
_ _il health.—Tile face, and general eomplext4ti, ,
1 s
tape vplumee in titter favor. and thousands of le- 1
trials can testify how much they have contributed to 1
then comfort , their crimplexion, and their strength, ,
wh ti every other remedy had proved worse than mo
les In nervous diseases. or all -kinds*. they are n , w
acknowledged to tin preemnem ; gradu illy restoring
firmlneidi or body and mttid without those annoyance
and, changes which other nervous remedies occasion
Ihtti?py would it hive been for amity young persona
0r limb sterns who are now in the silent un;ve. Willey
had learned to 'eheek the morbid tendencies or their
sumach and bowels'
by tliese pure tomes and apen
emit, iv th.stt remrtinvo (pack remedies, the names
of which are rumen Jed, anti itif w Itch they know
methiMl.Tent dr...unto tleutirgte Cu) \ St' NI rrio.v.
rn 4lit li I Vfr oven ettecketi in 14 cienmeneeteetit and•l of its prey, all mei the land. if the first
syintoins of nervous debility had been counteracted
by ,C k :%1 ).qi I.E chernicaily prepared; stud . those
bowel co n daints wh.eli leel to a bolt of Goal In ila
dies. irt•nt have been ii. vvit-d by IMP fine ale:dine
extract el rhOtarlitt Nebel' is a leading ingrelient in
the APERIRN I' h* VMI LY Mid .S. klebtre both of
there medicines, which are ada.tted to a majority of
the {tunic's:es for winch a hundred oth-ra are In fiecel
urOy used.fevers.a g ues. bilious disorders, headaches,
rem de deb.lity, In.fle decline. indlgestion. and liver.
• C•tnit:tlaiitt, wind,' hate entirely disappeared,
nithy of them have proved C u b i t.
BM be it dead: - etly undnrstrvid that the te medicines
nee' not offered instead of these n 3tcral organs of the
b sly which other teed let nes dispense with, to a very
autbinary manner They are loonded upon med , cal
knoorledize. and not qua, kery, nut! du not take all the
red narttniev not ollhe lebnamttlerel tinder Or_ pre
terme of pun (*yin:, it. In nroni*.tre;litch ditference of
e. t. let the faces and fortis "consents hear testi
.. na ny. 'Pliny constitute a usedil. nfreetual. and zone
z,tal y applicahle class of romlicions for every tvnniy ,
ith being delve tonic anti aperient. and of the hest
pr par.,uonsikhown, no person or famtv shoe'd he
wi out them. 'They can be obtained , wit . ntequie and
ret it oft he dreprietor, lir. W 41. _EVA NS. NewiYork.
na vy :i n n:
c ry :ls :v:l f t
00 'direr
f:le s esir:b
ta. : ::s )
tr. r zke,
vhm e ee.s4 v :Av
id: e .. rt
:I. - . 1
ik i t i,
Win,.:th, are :htel,i,:::. r R ol .. opinio n l i
,tl d yisi. i
,otl ,known, y (F.A.; i
r: i t .. ,
:( t t t r
„ t
r e r hyxit e e t l eth,rtc.7. i
Ibmi t e,
9, 1
.iconsulted,rvgNn all ho
public, n lot:l t heT p h ai n e n im r ,.
re. edier advtertined in the public prints, becateee they
a re
its I
.twerestiv (.:axe—Mr. William Salmon.Gleen at
. ve Third at.. Priliadelphia, afffir.ted for Several
a wiiii!the following &oncoming ay mpton o f Sit k
' at thmstomach. he:clack ~ dizziness. palpitations
' he hem, impaired. appet Oa, sometimes acid end
i ecsent dritetations, cold , ' 'ai and weakness of the
t mitiesj emaciation and generid debility. dianurbed
. a mouse of premiere and, weight at the qtnturich
i r truing. inzhtin are. gitat mental deep drocy,
re fl
.re pains in the ekes back and hides.. 'tire
. 3, a armlike for society, or cionirmsation, Inv limitary
gmg aril weeping languor and lasitude. pen the
a t exercise
r. Salmon had applied tiAhe moat emin It physi ,
a. who Considered it beytinil the power f meth
'li, to restore him to hear ;'' however. as Ms atilic
ait had reduc e d Sim m a vry deplonthienniinlit ion ?
having been recotnnaen ed by a relative ofhis in
ire trial o'f•Or. Wm. EV..I.NS' Medicine, he with
i iculty repaired to the offiroand procured a package,
sh.c.h he says. he is indelted for his 'restoration to
r . health nod friends. Hie injoyiag, all the
.. . -
,sines or perfect heilth. Personsitleeiioue of
tiler int:mm.llton, will lie4tiatied with ercl7 -parti
crpflps astonis tone cure at Dr. IYtp. PTa 43 ' riled'''.
liEles. loo Chat ham st, New-York ; .a,nd in Phil
iciphia. No. 19 NCAITR _MUTH St,. •
.inid by . JOIN 1% WERNER,
Sole AgenqorSetinytkiliCouniy.
N0y.25 ' 1-tt
V EST P .11.1 A fif A fIAS. Afew • H of;
• pr; W P. 3! ph di 11 3 Ina expressly
'fa'mily use, receive:J:l eisl.-for pale by ,
Jun, 23
retail - Tam
OTy P t t Try r l ' a tor s elitn jvh
re.l e era i tiew Markel•
alteely a prime issonment offresh Groceriesisienahrli
Ing of: -
'lava, Rio, Leonia. • co p e
St..llostungo and browned
.N. Orleans', St. Croix, brown and sw i m
, winteliairanna, loaf ami lump
New Orleans. West 1
Mobtanes. . . •
llndia and sugar house
Imperial. Gun Powder; Young •
!Brion, Ponebong.Omoge. Pee-Teas
} .
' co. Souchong and Bober' i :_
Bakers, Chases. `Spanish. Sclmuuti rhocolate .
1 & Linggs, and sweet spiced I ,
prepared o. 0 NI, Cocoa shells
Reading. Came, Harvey.
John. Bulls, Lobster, Anchovy. Sauces
Canton soy and Currie
Gherkin, Tomato. pepper.).
Mixed. Onion. Mangoe, ). Pickles
Lemon and French _ J
Olives, capres. Anchovies
Cayenne pepper, allspice and Ginger
Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, and cassia
Rice. flour of rice. starch
Cun ants, Figs, Raisins, Prunes '
Sweet and bitter almonds, citron
Olive Oil. wine bittera.lemon syrup . 1
Preset red ginger. cheese. codfish
White andcolores wax, sperm Candle ,
Moulded and dipt tallow .
Palm, vanegated brown and yellow soap
Old Madeira, old port, claret
Brown and pale shei Ty. champaigne Wines
Old hock. Lisbon, dry cailaga in wood
Sweet malaga. muscatel & bottle
Malmsey, marseil les At Sicily Madei.
Scotch. i nab. monongahela & corn whiskey
A,nnisette. anniseed at peppermint cordials
Cognac. champagne, Spanrsh it corn brandy
Holland & torn. Gin, N. E Rum
Jamaica spirits
Extra sup. span. inferior do
Half Spanish and common cigars .
Cut RI plain and moulded gists t Ware
China and crockery
a general assortment of Dry Goods. &c. &e. atl of
which they are disposed to sell on the most reasons•
ble terms. Head■ of Families and Tavern Keepers
are particularly invited to call.
Passage from England, Ireland, Sc . ot
land and Wales.
wiehing tt engage passve for
lilt their irtende, in' 6i et rate slays, from the a
bove plact.4, may now d., so by appi ) in E to
Fnr the accommodation of those persons enga.
king ptsage fur their friends, who may wish V)
send tn •in money, L.tenable them to provide foi
the voyage, drafts *wi:l be given on the following
named merchants, viz.:
P. W. limns. No. 3. Waterloo Road, Liver
pool; Daniel W rieht. Co. N... 3, Robinson ' , Lee
l;I..ML•ow; Witham Miley, No. 2..5. Eden Qnay
Uabhn.. may 6 36
r HE suirscriber has I lOW on !modal "Ins Shod
and Storehouse on Centre and Rail Roar'
streets, a full assortnient of Goods, suitable fug U.
coaLreeirin viz: •
Itirr Iron of assorted sizes,
Rand and Ifoop do do -
Nails and • pike Rods do du
Steel, Round ,St. Square do do
Nails and Spikes do do
Coal Shovels do do
Hardware, a general 'asiniortment.
_ MI of which lib is selling at reduced prices,
Jan 13 2 CLAYTON.
• Cloths and Cassimeres.
4 11‘11E Subscriber has in Store a large and
general NS ~,,, merit of Blue, Bleck, Brown
Green,•lnvisihte Gre2.n, drab and milt Cloths—
Alan, Biack, Blue, drab and gout Casannerea,
which will be sold very Cheap.
Pottsville, July 14, 1838
Vegetable Life Pills and The
nix Bitter*.
Irr A CM/TRAPS r.—ALI nations. frcm the rano.
test a.res, have had ships, but Columbus only found
out the way to America Before the time of the
greatSoanish navigator, people were only enabled to
paddle about. the shores. Just so with the Life Med •
'eines It is but two short years snce I first yen
lured upon an unknown ocean.and I have discove.ed
the'ilecoitei object I was in search of—l LTII.
Vegetable med.cities were indeed known when I coin
meowd my search, but their use was not. the
use of them,,l have not only passed from the dejectei.
invalirt,te the hale hearty anii ar Live m..n of business.
but, cotrapa taticelv speaking. I have renewed my
youth. I can thus, with confidence in my own expe
rience, advise with my iellow citizens Does the
reader w int ii roof t liar t hi V EU F,TA 1.114. IVI ED
ICI NES are .int thin to his own easel I have on Me
at m' offire,s4ii Broadway. hundreds ateliers. from
some ..t'thrmost re.mectablecitizena of thi s my na
tive land. voluntarily offered in testimony of the vir
tue. of A GOOD k Gk....TABLE MEDICINE.
Person* who-e constitutions have been nearly re
inv..' by the -all infallible" mineral preparation- , o
the day. will bear me witness, that the Life Medi
emelt. and cuchouly. are the true cause to nermanen
good health. JOHN MOFFAT.
These medlcinea have long been know,. endrotipre
dated, for their extraorottlary and immediate Mowers
of re-onring pe i feu hea It h, to persona suffering and er
nearly every kind of .oseasle, 10 whit, the human
frame ta liable.
In many tint' oretis of certificated instance". they
have eve resc.t.ei sufferers from the very verge re an
!innately grave, are: all the deceptive n istnims ol
the day had utterly latled;and to-many thousands they
have perms ently secured that uniform eejo)mem ol
health. withodt which life deellts but a pante) bless.
mg. So great. in. ed. hap their efficacy ievar,nble
soil i•ifallibly proved, that it haw appeared scarcely
leei than tntr.teulous to those who were unacquainted
with the beautifiil philosophies] - principles. upon
which they .are compoanded.end upon which they
consequently act. It was to their mainfest and 'One
ida, nation in purifyitig the springs and channels of
life a id enduing them with renewed tone, and vigor.
that they were indebted for their name, which -was
beilowed open them at the spontaneous request of
several individuals whose hits they had obviously
The proprietors rejoice in the opportunity afforded
brthe universal diffusion. of tbe. daily pneas. for pine.
his VEGCTA RIX LIFE PILLS , within the
knowledge and reach °revery individual, in, the com
munity. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries.
which bdast of 'vegetable ingredients, the Life.
are purely and Note's rimers 51.5, and contain nei
ther Mercury. Antimony. Arsenic , nor any other
mineral in any form whatever. They; are entirely
composed ofeatracts ,from rare and powerlid plants.
the in rtnes of wiuu.b l though long known to several
Indian tribes. and recently to some eminent
centical chemists. are altogether u t , known tot ti n g 3 Ze
rant pretenders to medical science; and were never
before.admudatered in so happily eirl9p:iolll4,4com
bibatinn: " -
Their first Operaiioh is to loosen 'from the coats ot
the stomachauSdele, the various impirifies end
crudities constanththetfdig eroded the and to re
move the hardened raven which the con.
volutions of the small intostineic. Other medicines
only portiatty cleanse these .c . jodlisere sech; collected
wives behied; as io produce helfitne/ it4ittianess.
with nti its frain ofevils.or mdden diarrheas With its'
immtheAt dangers. This fact is ' , it'll:lmplore" td all
' ,war anatomists , who examine the dariuM-bowels
after - deall6 - an4hOtice the prejudice Dillies° well in.
fumed men spinet the guack.Medictintat Ofthe age.
The second offset of the VEGETABLE LIFE
. . 1
;-- - :-. ..' -z. r 4, r te '' -a »-w.c.v. $. - - 1 0 . , :..eii. , ..--.... c , .: , : 4, 4 11_ - .. ,
iflklttiftitS , 00 - .. . tilt 1
- - __ _ • , . - ~
7.,._ •- : -..- , - , - - v. ,- , , ..:& 4 4 , -.- .......,.. „..,..
-... , , , ....4..5n=0... --,---,--,- 4 .----- ......,- - -z , r.,;,:i.t•zi. ,- ,,-...., - - 4 4 4i ~ - - ..;;-:.%:-..•,-,,,,.- :,--,,;-_.:..,_ -,..,,-.. —_._ ;
_ _
„Ve t t--.. _ - --,,-. ..
4 1 114A11.0ieRallegll _ ~, eattlebe'tladder,aM
hi thui iticatia,dieliver and la*, the healthful
"action of whiCh entirely depends upon the regularity
of the winamorgartis. „The blood: which taken-its
led colarfrouti_tbe agency edit. liver and the -lungs
-before it pani.;linto the heart, being dine paneled by
them - and nourished toy Rood coming froUra clean
stomach, courses -freely through the veins. renews
every. part of the system sod tinnaphaatlysnounts the
banner of health 'l3l the blooming cheek,
The following !ire among the distressing veriquel
helium diseases, to which the Vegetable Life me 1
arewell known to be infallible—
upset:MlA, by throughly - cleansing the Brat-ands
second stomaehe r and mating a flow of pure healthy
bile, instead of the-stale and acrid kind;—Ftotufesee.
Plafioni the Heml. Loa q . Appetite, Heart-hurt
and Ewa-ache. Rerawness, 11.41m.per. Anxiety. Law
guar.and Melancholy which ire the general symptoms
of Dyspepsia. will vanish. as a natural consequence of
ire Cure. Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length
of the intestines with a solvent process, and without
violence; all violent purges leave the bowelreostive
within two days. - lieu and Chefs, by remove
ing theeharp acrid fluids by which these compiainta
are occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative
secretion of the mucus membrane Fet-ersof allskinds. '
by restoring thi blood to a regular eiceol anon, through 1
the process of perspiration in some cases, and the
through solution of all intestinal obstructions in others.
The LIVE PILLS have been known to core Rhea
madam permanently in three weeks. and Gout in half
that time, by removing local inflammation from the
muscles andligaments of the joints. Lkropsies of Oa
kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and
bladder; they operate most delightfully on these or
gans,and hence have ever bee. found a certain ca m,
dy for the worsteases of Grave/. Also - eVerfnit - by
dislodging front the turnings of the bowels the slimy
muter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma and
Consumptien. by relieving the air vessels of the lungs
from the mucus, which even slight colds if not remov
ed becomes hardened. and produces those dreadful
diseases. Scurry. Peers and Ihvelerute Sores, by the
perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood ,
and all humors; Scorbutic Emetions. and Bad Coss- '
ptertons. by theirelterative effect upon the flu , ii that
morbid state of which occasions all Erupti omit
plaints bellow. Cloudy, and other disogreesdle, 1
afferent The ascot' these Pills for a very sho Me.
will effect an entire cure of Salt rheum, E ' 1
and a striking improvement in the Clea-nea f the
skis Common Cdds.and hiffuenza. 'will al aye be
eared by one dose, or by two even in the worst cases.
Pilo,—as a remedy for this most distressing and ob ,
'innate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserves a'
distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well
known to hundreds in this city, that the Proprietor
of these invaluable Pills, was himself afflicted with
tins complaint for upwards of tidily fireyent, and that
he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the
whole compass of the Matena Medics. Lie however,
at length, tried the medune which be now offers to
the public., and lie was cured io a very short time
after his recovery had been pronounced not only
improbable. bet absolutely impossible, by any human
means. • .
DIRECTIONS FOR LSE.—The proprietors oftbe
Veciert But Lire Piu.s does not follow the base and
mercenary eractice of the quacks of the day, in advis
ing persons to take his Pills in large quantities. No
good medicine can possibly be so required. Their
Pills are to be taken at bed time every eight. for a
week or fortnight., according to the obstinacy of the
disease. The usual dose is from 2to 5. acieording to
the cousin noon of the person. Very delicate persons
should begin with hut two, and increase as the nature
of the case may require: those more robust, or of very
costive habit. may begin with 3, and inciease to 4. or
even 5 rlllB, and they will effect a sufficiently happy
change to guide the patient in their further use
These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and vomry
mt. though very seldom, unless the stomach is vile
foul; this, however. may be conseleted a favorabe
symp,om. as :ha patient 01/1 find himself at once rit
betted. and by perseverance will soon recover. They
usually operate within 10 or 12 hours, and never give
pain, unless the bowels are very much encumbered
They may be taken by the most delicate females en
der any circumstances—lt is. however. recommend
ed.that those in later periods of pregnancy should take
but one at a erne. and thus continue to keep the bowels
ern: and even two may be taken where the patient
is very costive. One pill in a solution of two table
spoons full °Eraser. may be given to an infant in the
following doses—a tea spoon full ever) two hours till
it operates; for a child from one to five years of age.
half a pill—and from five to ten, one pill. •
THE PIICENIX BlT'f ERS. are so ealled.because
they possess the power of restoring the eipinng em
bens of health, to a glowing vigor throughont the
constitution. at the Phienie is said to he restorers to
life from the ashes Gros ownthssolution. The Phu'
nix Bitters are eutirely vegetable, composed of root
found only in certain parts of the western country
which will iniallibly cure FEVERS AND AGUES
of all kinds; will never fail to eradicate entirely all
the effects of Mercury”. infinitely sooner than the most
posverfui preparations of Sarsapanlia. and weal mime•
diaiely cure the determination of BLOOD TO TIIE.
11 11.:0 ; never fail in the sickness incident to young
females; and will be found a certain remedy in all
cases of nervous debility and weakliest of the most im
named constitutions As is a remedy for Chronic and
Inflamatnry .Rheumatism. the efficacy of the Phienix
flitter will be demonstrated by the use of a single
bottle. The usua I dose of these boleti is half a'w ine
I erase full, in water or wine, and this quantity may be
'alien two or three times a day, about half an hour
1 before mealy. or a lees quantity may be taken at all
times. To those who are afflicted with indigestion
1 after meals, these Bitters will prove invaluable. as
they verwgreatly increase the action of the principal
1 viscera, help them to rerform their fenctions. and en
able the stomach to discharge into the bowels what
i ever im offensive- Titus indigestion is easily and
speedly removed. appetite restored. and the mouths
of the alsorbent vessels being etc...used. nutrition is
facilitated, and strength of' '3otty and energy of mind
are the hasp y results. For farther particular, of
TERS. apply at Mr. Moffat's office. \o. 5-16 Brodway,
New York. where the Pills can be obtained for 25
gents. 50 cents, or $1 per box ; and the Bitters for $1
or $2 per bottle. I • Ce' Numerous certificates of the
wonderful carat, of both. may he there inspected.
In some ritemiale and complicated eases of chronic
and inflammatory Rheumatism. Liver Cemplaintii.
Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Palsy. Pike, injury from
the WO of mercury, filltilline. and other disease* nf Emig •
standing. it may he neressary to t.,ke both the Life
Pills end the Phenix Bitters, in the dose before re
N. B —'these Pills and the Bitters, will get the
men:layout of ihe system infinitely limier than the best
preparations nfßancapardla. and a certain remedy for
the rushing of the blood to the head. or all violent head
cudiettlie douleareux. &e.—A ll pernons who are predis
posed to veree.Pahty. ;&e... should never be without
the Life il soi the Bitters, for one dose in time will
save life. They equaltiqthecireolauon of the blood,
draw all
_premiere from the head. prairation, and
throW off every impurity. by the pores of the skin.
For sale by MILLER il: HAGGERTY,
. Agents for the Proprietor.
' 40-ly
Cer.t re Street
Old Grape Juice Port Wine, 4c. kc.
V ERY superior old grape juice Port Wine,
do do Royal company do AO
do du bottled do do
Very superior do East India Madeira, in wood
and bottles. Very sup( nor old M. Lobo and
Duff Gordon 4-Co. Sherry wines, Pico Madeira,
Rielly Madeira, L. P. Teneriffe. old Pale Lisbon,.
dry and sweet Malaga wines, & c. &e. for sale by
ousville.. 26
April 215
Religions Works.
BANNAN has jut received the following
* religious waits . . London and America ed
itknia. which he
.offers for sale cheap.
Original Family Sermons, 5 vols.
Massillon,' Sermons.
_Leland's view of Deistical Writers,
Rturtevant's..Preacher's Mamma, 2 roll,
Drevi mr the Resurrection. '
Wear on the:S„oul.
the realm CXLX.
Fahei sin Infidelity. ; •
James l Christion-Frofessnr.
PrineiNniir en Religions Dissensions,
Christian Father at Home.
A Mother's Request, &c. ite. •
• . - 0 : CARBON . „ •
, Savbi.: , .rturd. - Sopa*.
wee Port . Don, Saving • Funo• Society. 42
JR' • En:Woven e - 'May from 9to 3 o'clock at
the Off:C .- a of - nt and Deposit, for the par
pose of receiving) deposits to any titm*int not ex
ceeding $500,; (Num. any one,permis, ' upon- which
CO interest of 4 per cent will be paid on every $5
and upwards,bui no interest will be allowed .on
any fractional wt. Of 15. The whole of any
i i i
part may be driC n out on giviog notice, from two
weeks to fonr m ths at the office on Mondays.
The busmes nt he doeiety will be conducted by
the frillowinglo cers and managers, until the first
Monday in'Mai next.
President—AQUlLA BOLTON.
4 Meargera.
Joseph Carroll d . Samuel J. Potts
Edward Hugh es E. S. Warne •
4 ,
Jacob Bull ° Jesse Turner
. L. Whit , Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 3d o the Charter. -*No emolument
whatsoever shift] be received by the President
or !Managers °for their services, nor shall any
Manager beelinie a borrower from the institu
tion. j oct 3 46tf
~1 For the prevention 4cure
1 of Coughs. Colds, Asthma,
c .......,.....
IC:,', Consumptions, Spittiop of
ir ' .1 111 7 , 14 Blood, Diseases of the
4 „., 1 1 ;Z : ,
, t if Breasts
dv n p d Li c toni, R tt s pa
4 0 ' '''' <'-' ~... • F r lt re EEllllA r N . ,of the City
.. .00soar.. .
• of Lancoiter.
. ' A
Accompany,ing each bottle of the Specifink,
pointing out in a conspicuous manner, all the
symptoms in the different stages of these distrait.'
sing dieeaseia-, also particular 'directions respeetz,
ring diet and regimen, and hsw patients are to .
conduct thro`gh every stews until health is re.
stored—for vin and useless would be the pre
serfPtions of he ablest physicians, accompanied
with the mos powerful and useful medicines, if
the direction are not fkithfblly adhered to.
The public are informed that the depositions of,
287 pershns have been taken before proper au
thorities in the city -of Lancaster, all completely
cured in the riost desperate cases of consump
tion, some onwhich are detailed in the bills ac
corn ponying
.j ach bottle.
. 6 .* A supkdy of the above Specifies has been
received and As for sale at this office.
March 12 !,IR
A s the intemperance and luxury of the age err _
hastertutthe ravages of scorbutic complaints
and renderin the blood more impure: and as thou
sands have deotroyed their cons' itutii.naby neglec• ing.
to apply the proper remedies—to such, Swaim's Pan
tcea must be,ond has been, more than doubly valve
bit as a certaih and effectual means of rector rig them
to perfect health and vigor. Few families, are whol
ly exempt froM scorbutic affections, which exhibit re
mous spumonis, as eruptions, ulcerations. debility.
toss of appetitk and dejection. all arising from impure
blood. and if tot properly attended to. produce the
4reatest injury to the constitutution, and, may, be on
iiarted to then i' offspnng. Swaim's Pantic4a is recom
mended at this reason of the year. as a valuable retina
rative of the 6stem, thereby n vigora ung the constitu•
Lion. and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
he summer it:mason. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids. and corrects their teleency to ail those
diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liger.depravdd appetite.or predisposibm to affections
of the lungs. c. No one, however.isiadvised to use
it without convincing themselves of the truth of what
is here stated.
'Phis medieine is now used with sneeers in all parts
of the world and is gaining great reputation in Eng
A fresh supply of the Medicine just received and
for sale by B. SANNAN.
I Sole A gent for Schuylkill county.
Who can Simply the above medicine wholesale to
, hem who with to sell again, at Philadelphia prices
May 14 • 26-
Ininsrance Company.
NlAKEilloth limited and perpetual Insurances
on Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings. Stores.
Hotels, Mitts, Barns. Stables. Merchandise, Furni.
tine and Property °Lavery descrytion,atainst loss
or dnmagelpy FIRE.
The [lei ware County lagurs nee rt,impany wil
also insnragainst loss on all kinds 01 mariner risks
and 'gamin the damage or loss open the transporta
tion of gootia. wares. and mereandise by water. or hy
rail way, upon terms as favourable as any other Ak
et 'inti'.
For any iforthee information on the subject din
surance, ether against Fut...marine or inland risks.
Apply to HEN RY ROBINSON. Arent.
July 15 ¢ 34—tf I Schuylkill Haven.
• At Orangeburg.
Fire f Insurance Company.
.mi Al both hunted and ocrpetual Insur a nces on
/TA Brie • , Stone or Frame Boildings.Storev,Hotels
Mills, Batns, Stables, Meichandize. Furninireand.
Property ilf every deticription,apinst loss or damage
by FIRE.;
The sutfecriber has been appointed AG6NT for the
above me tioncd Institution and is now prepared to
make INS RANCES apon every descnption of property
'at tEelow t rates. BENJAMIN BANI2AN.
Eousvi e. Feb. 27.1836.15
. _
• -
MM AK both limited and perpetual Insurances on
LTA Brit k, Stone or Frame Buildinge.Stoye.s.Rotels,
mid., Be ns, Stablest. Merchandise, Furniture. and
Property tof every description, against loss ordamage
by I IREt - •
The satatcliber has been appointed Acre t for the
shove milliotioned Institution and is now prepared to
make IstigtounCrs upon every description of property
at the to eat rates. , BENJAMIN BANNAN.
-Nue e:Feb 251837 .
20DOZEN Ovraim'a Panacea, just
e fresh from the proprietor. Upwards of
'seventy tve Thousand 'Bottles of this valuable
medic.wereriold last year c and Abe demand is
increasi • .F.oPeete by the dozeosvirilogle bottle.
Mat. pry bottlifqor threnbottles for •S by
Sole Agent for Sehttylkill , County.
. Also im'a Vermlfege. •
Sliaiin 3 s Panacea.
Tic - Philadelphia Fire
_ °~;
.z }, ' ,
- I
itSaliliE FACTS,
AN , '_intoOp To inriw rm.?
1)-7 1 IDYIS
Sara* . Alla' gloat!' • Pills
Are the ma ifeitual parifter of the Blood
end. Aninud Fliiide that have ever
• . been discovered. "
The follbwing are some only of the
LATE C.,1111i6
'Effected and ford from during die past TWO
NTEIS, in Philadelphia.
Louisa Sturptom cared of violent pain in her head
and sides. with muck giddiness," to which she was
subject f.or three years. -
John :locker, relieved from habitual costiveness
and want of appetite, with offensive breath and bad
re. -
Joseph MarlUvr ' cured of an ulcerated legend arm.
Israel Jon* cured of a brilaking out all over his
whole body.
Sarah Jones, cured of pain in her breasts and aides
much headache and sickness alter eating.
• William Mowbray. cured of a Rheumatism. and
swelling of tun legs and feet, having heed unable to
walk any du n ee for sir months past.
Michael Roikins. cured of swelling under his
arms and on his neck, with considerable breaking
out on his body.
Eliaabeth44rannier, cured of swelled breasts, pain
in her side. constant disgust to food, and'reuch sick
nes, at berutiimach.
Jrifeiy. Ohne. cured,of rheumatic pains and swelled
joints. •
Samson G. Boward, cured of a tetter and resit, a
breaking out bser his body, with some running sores
and ulcers.
Rev. A Cabby, cored of'an affection of his throat:
soreness and ulceration, which previously affeued his
The folloWing are some only of the large number of
cores effeeted in Berke Montsomery,•Nchuylkill. Le
high. Lancaster, and Northampton counties, during
the past three nuinthw
Jonas Green. Esq, cured of a scorbutic affection.
ulcerated leg. swetied joints,and rheumatic pains.
Adam C. f;:erpenter, cured of violent pain in 'his
sides. nuichecativeness ) bad appetite aid a shortness
of breath. . '
Rachel Snyder. anted at difficulty,' bre 'thing.
habitual-mauve:less and violent pains iii - ber he: d. •
Michael Jones, his two daughters and )oungest st p,
cured of a breaking out or dry and sometiffles watery
pimples over their whole bodies. attended with great
itching, frequent unpleasant feelings 111 their heads.
sickness at the stomach. and panic over the htsrt.A.e.
This family was afflicted Par yearsonal never found
relief from any medical treatment, or from any medi
cine., until using Dr Leitly's Bltaad Pills'and a wash
directed by Dr. Leidy.
. Mira!' Mclntosh. cured of violent pains in her back
and loins. rheumatism. swelled Joints. Atc.
Andrew - Green, cured of griping pains. loss of ap
petite, disgust fur food, and habitual costiveness
Adam 11.. Gottua.curtici al scaly eruptions and break
ing out. soreness and pain throng h.his bones
Dinah Crowley, cured of ringworms and triter.
Henry C. Ro ney, I:sq. cured of inward levers,
torenet • of his month, throat and Dose, glandular swel
lings, d c.
George Layman, mired of a mercurial affection and
violent rheumatic pains 0 'his head and tames.
Jonathan Stroud. Isaac COIIII.I. and John G Thom
son, cured of various affections of the bend. cos ice
ness. sour eructations. sickness at the stomach. &N.
::-arah Jenkins. Alfred an Tracy Jenkins, cored of
affections ut the skin, breaking out, pains in their limbs.
Numerous other instances might be published. hut
to swell the li st w o Id unnecessarily increase the et
pense of pillilishinv them.
It most be plainly seen from the fore oing.ihat the
Blood Pills err en excellent corrective for a d.sordeted
stomach, the cause of diseaves to which the human
system is liable. together with the impurity of the Hood.
which exalts in all diseasts, and. in conjunction with
a disordered Stomach, very rapidly prostrates the Ins
man body.
These pills do not purge as powerfully as do most
pills of theyrrisentday. (which produce as much niiv
chic/ as did ever mercury. or tke minerals. by weakening
the system,destroying the tone and vigor of the body
and rendering it a prey to constant and universal dia.
ease. distressed ands odily sufering) but are mild and
mild and grade in their operation, and only increasing
-the natural discharges sifficiently to starry off impuri
ties as they are corrected by their use. not rendering
necessary any restraint from occupation or business,
change or living or diet, or even a liability of taking
cold from their ose.
The process for extracting the virtue of the Sarsapa
rilla without otstroying ite bfficacv, is known only da
the proprietor.
P-epared only and sold wholesale and retail. at Or-
Leidy's Health. Emporium, 2nd St below Vine, No.
191.—Also Sold by BANNAN,
June 9 44 Pottsville.
Wonderful Cures.
Have been performed in this city, and throughout
the country.
BF.ING a concentrated fluid extract of Samar arina:
combined with other vegetable extract., which riEn
dere it as a medicine of great utility in the cure of all
diseases arising from im r unties of the blood. from IM
prudence') in life. and constuntional diseases floitned
or produced by the injudicious use uf mercury, arse
nic. hark. or quinine. In short, it is ad invaluable rem
edy Air all.
Rheumatic Affection. General Debility, tkerous
Sores, white Swellings Diseases of the Liver and
skid,_ Ulcerated Sure Throat, Ulcers of the Nose, Ca
nes. or diseases of the Bones; Scrofula. or Kind's E
vilreErysipelas. or St. Anthony's Fire, and all un plea
sear and dangerous alibi:UMW consequent to Syphilis,
Lure Venen'al, &c et e.
So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of
venous diseas a thy which it is recommended, that - it
is far superceding all other preparations of Sarsaparil
la.l) inacea: &c.
It is now emphyed by numerous physicians, and
has beeo introduced by the n into many hospitals, in
firmaries. &c throughout the United States.
It is a preparation of greater strength (consequently
of greater efficacy) than any other extract now made.
111 alio much cheaper, hems. but one dollar ter bottle,
which is -sufficient to make one Erallon - of Syrup of
Sarsaparilla:and is bought by different druggists for
that purpose
Numeitimeenificates have been received and. ptib-'
fished from time to time, but in consequence of Arse
great expense attending newspaper publication of them
the most incredulous can be convinced of the superior'
efficacy of Dr Leidy's Medicated Sarsaparilla, by
calling tit Dr. Leidy 's Health Emporium." No. 101
north Second street,. below Vine. sign of the Golden
Eagle and &gents." where certificates and references
can be given to bimdreds of instances (tribe most re
markable Cures ever performed by any medicine.
• Sold by Lk BANNAN, Pottsville.
Jane 9 44
Wholesale and Hard
ware Store.
P4 llal M E l h l elust iei r d
ad 4on totheirrercolHraY:
Monsehnle anvilkspring kcy'd vices. patent polish'd
screw platvs. warranted cast steel axes, broad axes,
nand do. hatchets. hammers,.fleattys Ilk Mullins adzes.
socket end firmerhisels. drawing kuives.blacksmith
bellows. co &wro"t nails. 4. 4i. 5 & 6 in. cast +pikes.
single. tut and double plane irons and planes, assorted
locks. latches, hinges w I screws, round and square
boha, steel. plated and it -13 squares.
All of arluetvare offered on the most a ecommodar
big terinw Feb 18
New Goods.
A earn"l isiortment of freph- and seasonable
received—considting in part of
Dry Goods,
• Simiceries, ,
• Hardware, .
;7 -1 -ttiteensware,
. Salt, Plaster,Ane. Ate:
whiclyOill Ds *old low. for , cain. .The highest
price paid mash for .11 kinds of countryproduce.
Mount Carbon, Dee 2 2
vilwares , Of ' 6,000 Bbietb. Of Dr.
teidre %ma anlla Or Blood - Pills
sold'in'Philad !Oki . alone. . • -
.2 Q ESTIO.Ir.
~ . .
, Who (Toes sot know ciritte4 disaicY clildtiaquas
properties of this Sarstips t
c% VERY man. worifan, and child thst can read, can
..W4l !Sewer the ablitie, as every irewiyilper through
out the Minted Stateactsinosecoonts of the univer
sal efEcacY Of barsa rills, purifying the bleed and
miove g from the A system atl corrupt humors •
drdrany respectabln phrsician the qtrestiola. ' li r ind
is the stoat efficacious i nter of the Bloat his answer
will be, SARSAPARI .
Suffice it to sly th ,it
o an physicians reconi t mend
it so universally, better evidence am we haw of its
producible periapertzes . •
Da. LEIINThan di overed it method whereby t , x ,
virtue . of the Sarsapsrilla is ohtainetl'in a highly con
centrated form, and In such manner as to make pills
therefrom. without dearerug bar the kind its efficacy.
This cannot be donk by any other person. the pro
cess is knovrtionly th Dr..Lerdy.snd is a discqtrerTof
his Own. • , _ . i
These Pills are offered to the public by the name of
D*.-L.E1111(. 1 1,3
eAnctivatilLiA OR . BLO OD PiLis;
comPiauudeld-piint6wlly of safrapatilla and with
which is combined ingredients (friendly to theconan.
moon) rendering item more effectual. being gently
laxative ietheir effects, thus carrying off,Coritipt hu
mors from theaystein very gradualy.and without pm
educing debility or slay inconvenience. ?Taken in aut -
ficient quantity. homver. they will mow freely:and
May be employed- r given to the st delicate, and.
even to infante. bei g n safe and tru tifficacicaa pun
rai e. requiring eta restraint from. iet or devranon
from regular habitn or from occuptida of any kind.
These pills
,haveibecu preeminently successfla and
from their convemient form, most, winner or later, take
the place of all theldiffertint preparations' of Idaranta
, tine. Shell as Syrt4s. Decoctions. Extracts. dm whirl
are contained in des. liable to be brain, and are in,
tormatientjar taltiae or being carried.aboue '
Theie hills havt during the past two years. been
ainfily.tested.. Ne. tanner advertising being so 11.7
expensive. ample testituriniali lima numerous phyla.
Mans and others setompti y the ibreeriuns. •,
They are particialarly recommended in
Riteumatib affeetians, Dry and watery. pimples
General Debility, ' and pustules of fats
Ulcerous soresref, th and body,
threat.nearan46 o 4. . alf eruptions, and blot-
Disarm - es of the Wei . ; - elms of the skin,
Skin and Bones. 'Truer. Ringworms,
Pain over the region of th
beam breaat,.and bp)
tnabh. " •
Pain of the. eider. 'along.
the back and slime,
Inward fevets, fouL) breath,
a bad mate in the mouth,
Flatulency. apps
rite. coanvones l . era tn pa
of the stomach, and
l.krocula, Erysipelas, .
Jaundice, Heartburn, .
Stomach Coughs. Liter
complaints, waterbrarh,
Sour enictations.and
ittre of the btOjnach ,
Glanduldr allections, at
'Welling and hardening
of i he glands of the melt.
in }he groins, under the
_mins, and along the
1 E spine. the Menu, dic.
and the whole train of diseases resulting tram' lnii li
nty of the blriod4as also cormittatirenal diseases. r "-
duced by the use of Barks. Quinine. Arsenic. Mercury
or other Mineral. also in impendencies life, byphe
Cis, tales, Venereal, ac. tyc
erlce ( enter a 'Box.
Prepared only hnd sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr.
Leidy's Health Enepornins, 2nd:st. below Vine, to
0 . Con inntptioni.
ir, gAbER. it You have a coirgli or cold, beware of,
"their couseMiences. Colds generally ,progreis
imperceptibly. npd insinuate themselves throughout
the human aysteM.finally settling upon the lungs and
ending in conl , GrO pi ion.
Plow often in youth cuteowb when least expected
by the consuiriptioo. and followed to their raver by
parents who ate a measure-The c'suse of their prem.
attire death, in t-cng to remedy colds when el m
ing in childhood: ooking upon theta as; trifling affec
tions, and not attracting their noticenntittle, destroyer
has commenced ia work' and made sure of its victim.
This is not a fanCifid representation, for ditily,'numer
ohs-instances oceur whieb prole tie fact. t
la Manhood cdlds terminate in the same wiY, but do
not progress so timidly as in youth; they should how
ever, in both youth and machold be early attended to,
• and not regarded is trifling affbctions, for it iti a delu
sive idea-that haanti doubt shortened thetiott of thou-.
(Pike 50 Cents per bottle.)
fa an invaluable.eparatiort, discovered by a regulat
and celebrated erman physiclan. who has clot Ir" ed
it upwards of fifty years in hie own practice in Ci r-.
Many. throughoUt which country it has been (fulfill
that time moat e;atensively and successfully <MI irli a
in Coughs. Colds. lnfluenzaa. Catarrhs. Astlinias.t7 !-
tin of Blond. Abooping Coughs,Pain ut the Breen
and Sid - es, all affections of the Breast and Lungs, and
arrest of a ppi nail hing consumption
Much may beitaid in praise, of the above Medicine.
but news( aver advertising being te o expens ve. every
satisfactory evidence Wl4l be found in all Is eller , '
upon trial. as well as niinierous recommendations ay
compan, Inc theclivecticiiis. Uysiards of IWO bottles
were sold in Philadelphia alone during the,Ptst wir
ter. a convincing proof of itP efficacy. or so Ititele a qinin•
tity would never have been sold. The abttie meth ,
ernes ire prepared and sold oply at • - .
't 'Second below {fine at.
-• PRE - M. Rif HINTS
• AND I.I9'ORTAVii'T T1VF0.121114770N.
Lp . EA DER. did you ever sees confirmed Dyer epric
A i n and learn . his sufferings! If not; suffice it to say
he'is a vale. thin and ghastly looking object, his life
apparently badging by a.ihead; he ot miserable and
unhappy, his safferings siudeitribable. '
' Are you machtroubfed Wilt Flamlency.Cristiveness.
Sour enictatiouls arising from your stomach. Occasional
want of appetite...Waterbrash. a bad taste in your
mouth. or foul breath, pain or a heaviness at your lito
mach. Sicknesa after eating. Headache. Disgust in'your
oncelkvorite dishes. d.c. Tryon are mutt li trouited
witlianyof thforegoing symptoms, bring before you
the.picture of Dyspeptic,. and having resulted to ,
remedy the co sequences . immediately proeure
l ite
A neverfailing and efficacioni reinedy for
And the who)! train of,si &cumin resulting from dis
eases on he Liver, Stomach and Iptestines. ,
The above medicine is warranted free from inercto
ny or-other m neral preparations; it is composed en
tirely of vegetables, safe and easy to take. being very
plea/motto the taste. It may br safely administered to
young and olds requiring bat moderate restrictions in
diet only. i - . • •
' Numerous testimonials have been from timeto time
published; its tepntation is so %Vella now n. farther com
ment upon its 'v•trtueis is unnecessaiy; sake it to Itay.
ther recomm ndationslacciatnpant the directions a
mind-each Wide ' !
83 Pricel:tne Dollar per' bottle. , - •
Sold in Phila elphia at, ;--- '
Dr. N II- Leidy's Health Emporium,t* ond below
Vine St.—and s • ; S IBANNAN, Pottsville.
blay b • - . 4 :: 1 34-1
T ,OA F SIiCAR.-2000116.. Rood ‘ft Loaf So.
ALAI gar, ptit h hasied'expriii.WilY 'for' Tillietat Keep.;
era' use, for re at asrrethicird price:hi' 's.
, [ MILLER lc IRACKsIERri r t
• .
Mine 24 i ' , i i 1 7 .". -'4B;--\
5-8 itches Railway Rat Bath hen . ,
2by do ;do do: da..--tlo
IF by !do Suitable for &leaning Coal.
MI the ltbn has countersunk k is cal
'ten angle Of 45 degreeti et4th4etilsi' . ' Splicing
Plates and Spike' to laitglie4a6Ovi4
• , &
Na Saudi Pron Street, Philadelphia.
• Phila'del ia, Mitch I - •IR -tf.