The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 15, 1838, Image 3

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    • InforMation liVanted.
Iditbcriber wishes to-get inkrmation of
41 lt•
his brother Philip Moontit, from the county
of Londonderry. Parish of Bs lenogreen, from the
Townland of Clete= Cretan.' The last he beard
from him, he ,was is W dliemsport, Lycnining
Cbunti. Pennsylvania, about' hree years ihit
The Sithseriber respectfully ;elicits hito, if this
should reach his eye, or an other moon who
knows where he is new, t give infotmation
by addressing 1 letter to -
Pottsvit Post Office, 'Pa.
Aiigust 11,1838
Boarding and Bay-School 'for Young :Ladies,
Centre St. 3d door above Norwegian .St.
THE course of instruction under the soperin
tendenceof competent tiachers, will embrace
Ortheigrapny, Reading, A4lriting. Arithmetic.
Grammar, Geography, Map! Drawing, History,
Composition, Philosophy, Astronomy, Drawing &
Painting. Music, Plain and; Ornamental Needlb
Work,•&.c. &n. The Semialsry will open on the
201 h inst. Terms made tinniest on bppligation.
Pottsvale, August 11, 183t3. 62-1-3 mo
Stray iare. ,
L..• i
CAME to thd subscriber, residing
. in Barry townatiiii,Sehuylit ill coon
' 12, about iii week ago, a" BAY
Fr vi. ARE, aboui 6ur A years obi.—
- l'he owner it rtqwested lo come
forward. pro 4 property, pay clisreea, alyt take
her •way, otherwise site Will be sold aireording
to kW
Auguil 11, 1838
ON 'Saturday last in centre street a Pass Book
wsapped in a Flag Ilackerchiec, containirg a
Store 'and Mining account. of no' use to any per s ,.
ann but the owner. The finder yritl be rewarded
by leaving the book at the !tore of T:& J. Beat.
Pottsville, August 11, 108. 62-3
New GOods.
WE have just received' and are now opsning
a large and general assortment of fresh
and seasonable goods—w high !sill be sold at very
reduced prices for cash. ;
Mount Carbon. August 111; 1838, 6:2='
Blood Mlle.:,
A FRESH eupplfr, just 'received and for sale
by 11.1,0ANNAN.
Prineville, August 11,1833. . 62
Handel and Haydn Music.
BOSTON Handel and Haydn Society's collet.
tion.niClinrch Music,; latest edition, just re,
ceiyed and for sale by
Pottsville, August IA, 1638
ETIQUETTE for Ladies, or Hints on Female
Beauty, just received and for pale by
urist 11. 1838.
111113 RN IP Seed and White Radish Seed, just
received,and•tor salelby
Pottmille. Aimust 11. tnn
THE Register of Connty having
granted to the Stitier.rtbers. Letters of Ad
ministration on the estatie of Isaac Moodie,
Merchant, late of Pottsville. demoted. 'MI per
sons ;Adapted Of said decedent, are requested to
make immediate payment, and ell person- , having
any ere requested to presented them pro
perly authenticated wit toot d'elav
Pottsville, August 4th, 1838. 60-0'
To Rent.
THE Coal Schines and Landings belonging
to the Danville & Pottsville Rail Road Corn•
PanY••t Mount Carbon. The 'tame being in ev
ery respect well calculated for the whipping of
coal The acme may be rented with or without
twenty Coal Cato. all in•gnod order. 7 .-Alorr, the
largeWsrehouseand wharf.
Enquire of THO'S SHARP.
Mount Cortokut, July 25
SPLENDID InErain Carpeting. Also superi.
or Mattung and En, ry Carpel in?. received
by N. NATH ANS & Cn.
Pottsville. 112:y 21, 1838. 56
Dry-Goods, Grocery and Li
quor More,
Corner of Centre and Market Streets, Pottsville.
April 8 28-
Read the Following.
interesting and ;Astonishing Fads.
MORE conclusive proofs of ihe extraordinary
efficacy of DR. 'W M. EVAN'S celebrated
Camomile and Aperient. Antibilious Pills in al
leviating afflicted mankird.
To James Dickson, 30. Cornhill, Boston, Agent
for the sale of Dr. Win. Evans's Camomile Pills.
Lown.t., Nov. 15, 1e56.
Dear Sir—Knowing by experience trial every
reference that the afflicted receive of the benefi.
cial results of triedicirerij cheerfully offer mine
to the public in behalf of DR. WM. EVANS'S
cAmomme. PILL.S. I have been afflicted fur
the last ten yenta wOh distress in the head' and
chest: often so bad ad to deprive inn of sleep for
three or four nights insuccession, but have never
found' relief by any Of my friends' prescription;
until my wife saw thc advertisments in the paper,
when she persuaded Me to send for some. which
I did, and obtained tWo boxes and bottles, which
resulted in almost Completely retoring me to
health, although I hive not yet entirely finished
them. Should you gonsider this any benefit tp.
yourielf, or the public, you have my cheerful per
mission to publish th Yours, respectfully,
THOS. I. GOODHUE, Centralist.
CASE Cured by Dr.
Binneet Commie. Milt and Family Aperi
eat Pine.—Mr. BENJAMIN SOWN, earner of
Shipper and Georgie?' streets, Philadelphia, affect-
ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by
which he was not rible to write WA name—his
oymptomirwere,ermication,daily spasniodie pains
In the heed. We. or appetite, palpitation of the
heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter ina
bility of . eigagitig in any thing that demanded
vigor or eoarage, Bickneo and =rani= ex
tame debility. disturbed reet;a sense of prom=
and weight at stomach aßer eating , grist.
mental despcin y.' . sciere flying pains 4niche
cheat back and Aide. costiveness. a dislikeilfisr
society and conversation. Mr. B. has made lsial
of various tnedicir . les now before the public.tbut
to no effect, unlit obilervinf in a public piper
some calks performed , by Dr. William Evaps's
Camomile Tudicend 'Family 'Aperient Pills he
was induced to g ive them a trial. of which he is
at any time state !het they effectuklly
cured him of theabove distressing disease.
ErPereons who dodbt the above cute. sreiPost
respectfully dire dust to the above mentioned per
eon, at the portltyrest corner of Shippen and
Georges streets. BENJAMIN BOWIE.
Philadelphia October 26.1837.
Mrs A Hannah Browne. wife of Joseph Browne,N. 6tl street, near Second, Williamsbnig, afflict
ed for the last ten years with the Liver compliOnt,
completely restored to health through the treat
ment nt Dr. Wm; Evans. Symptom's—Habitual
constipation of the bowels, total loss of a t qxitite.
excruciating paip of the epigasti ic region, great
depression of spirits, lenguor and other symptoms
of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate,.
flow of the menses, pain in the right side, could
not lie on het left side without an aggravation
of the pain, urine high colored, with other symp
toms indicating great derangement in- the time
tions of the liver.
Mrs. Browne Was attended by three of the . .'first
physicians, but tecetvelf but ititJe relief from their
medicine, till Mr. Hrowoe procured mile ni
Witt. Evans'+ i nva lua ble- preparations, which ef
fectually relievtd het of the above disite4ing
6PiiiitmTlai with;, others, which it is t essential
to intimate. .10EPH BROWNE.
City and Conntv i of New York, sa.
Joseph Browee, of Williamsburg, Long Liland
being duly sworn, did depose and say that the
facts as set torthim t he within statement, to which
he has subscribed his name, are just and true,
• HusSarid of the said Hannah Browne
Sworn before rate this 4tb . day of January, 183:.
PETER PINK "i EY, Cum. of deeds.
INTERESTING CASE of Te.lbocalar ,Can
sumption.—Mr. John Rust el applied on the Ist
day of September at the office 106 Chatham
street, laboring ; under the following symptoms:—
A_ slight @Mail of blood. distressing cough. -at
tended with aniexpectaratioa of purulent matter,
night sweats, leneral emaciation, difficulty of
breathing on exertion, with a well inaiked hectic
flush on the cheek. On examitiai ion, the !chest
was found to sound well every where except on.
der•the left cluticlo, and in the arm pit of the
same side. . •
Camomile Palls, with the, expectorating coin.
pound. at the same time an injunction, to call in
four days; when the bight sw eats had ceased. Ow
toxiOrtoratinn slightly t iminished, a.s light fit rut
coughing still [remaining in the mnrning, Or.
dercd as usual to COntinue the medicine, and to
call iii the cour.e of a week—when 541 health
continued rainfllp increasing, without the least
cough. Called at the office on the 4th or this
month, quite convalescent returning his sincere
thanks for the /benefit he had obtained.
The above patient chiefly used milk regimen,
during his treatment.
Treatment .—Directed to take the resiiirative
Mr. ReibertMunroe. Schu,lktll. afflicted w tilt
thy above dirt eessi rig malady. Sy inptions-,.2 rest
languor. flatulency, disturbed rest. nervous heed
ache, difficulty Of breathing. tightness and mile.
tore across fife breast, dizziness. nervous. irrita
tidily and re,ilesimess, could not lie in p hori
zontal posii 1.4. withou t the sensation of
ing sliffocatioh, palpitation of the - heart, distres.
ing rough, coiliivcriesii. pain of the stomach, dros
tuners. great 4 rbthty and deficiency of the tterv
un energy. Mr. R. Monroe gave up every
thought orreclovery and dire despair sat un rifle
countenance fif every person interested in his
existence or happiness, till by accident he flouted
in a public paper some cures effl.cied by Dr. Wm.
Evans's medicine, in his complaini, which indu
ced him to pOreliase a package of the Pill, which
resulted in completely removing everysy mpt
of his diseased He w.ahes to say his motive for
this declaration is, that those afflicted . with the
same or any symwoma similar to theft from
which he is happily restored. may likewise' receive
the same inOrtiinable benefit.
Amos firenhiser, enrner of Second street and
Germa-ntowni Road, Pia dadslphia, affected., for the
last slicers with the Liver Complaint, was
c impletely restored to health by Dr. WIVI., E.
VA NS'S Cadiomile Tonic and Family Aperient
Pills. Her symptoms were habitual costiveness,
excruciating:pain in the ■ ~,,, ach, depreSsion of
spirits, languor, extreme &Wily, disturbed sk ep
great pain in her side, could not lie on her Intl
side without:an aggravation of pain, dizi-nesss in
the head, dimness of sight, with other simploins
indicating Wet derangement in the functions of
the Liver. Mrs. grenhiser has made trial of VIA
rious medicines now before the • public,. but re
ceived no rilief until she was advised to make
trial of Dr - Evans Pills, of which she le happy
to state that they effectually relieved hei of the
above distreasing symptoms, with otheii, which
are not esseptial to intimate.
Mr. Bretibiser, (husband of the above Mrs
Brenhiser, ;'had been two years aflietesl with a
distressed state piles and Costiveness, of which
he was effectually cured. •
• •
A perfect cure e ff ected by the trealasenrof Di
Witham Evans.
Mr. John Gibson,wf N.4th street, Williams
burg, afflicted with the above complaint . for three
years and nine months, during which time he
had to ow crutches. His chiel symptoms were
excruciating pain in all his joints, but .specially
in the hips, shoulder. Ineea and ankles. an ag
gravation Of the oainewards night; and for the
must part all times from external !teat, an obvi
ous thickening of the fascia and ligaments, with a
comPleta.l.we ofmnseulat power. F. h. the ben
efit of those afflicted in a similar mslriner,Otr.
Gibson conceives it meet to say thatithe pains
have entirely ceased, and that his joints have
completely recovered their natural toile, and he
feels able to resume his ordinary busihess.
Mrs. Aone G. Kenny,.No. 115 Lo / cis Street,
between Stentan sod Winston streete. afflicted
for ten years with the following distressing symp
Acid eruetation..daily spaimodic peons in the
headjoss ter appetite. palpitation of the i heart. yid
dinees and? limness of sight, coold not lie on her
right aide; disturbed rest, utter inability of en
gaging qn any thing that demanded. vigor or
courage,.scimmimeia visionary idea Oren -aggra
vation of her disease, Iwhimstcltleversion to
persona OCIVOU and places, grountilese uppre
hensions of personal danger and poverty, an irk
someness end weariness of life, discontented. dis
quietude on every slight occasion, phi; conceived
she could *either die nor live, she word, lamented
•"• • , •
delponded,and thollght slrs led.o emit Iniserablw
lite, never was one to bed; with frequent; mental
hallucinations. Mrs. Kent 4 hid the advise ''of
,several eminentchysicians, and had recoman to
.numerous medicines, bat could sotoobtainweena
temporary alleviation of her distressing
her husband persuaded her to make trial of my
mode_of treatment., She is now quite teliet-e4,
and finds herself nut only capable of auending us
her domestic rifairs. hot avows that she enjoys as
good health at present as she did at any period
of ticr crikenee. -. 3. *KENNY.
Husband of the aforesaid Anne 'Kenny.
Sworn before me this 14th dl, of Dee. 1836.
Peter Pinckney, Cam. of Deeds
Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 12ilbranvsstroirt..N.
Y. afflicted for five years with butnotal habitual
Alithini, applied at the office 100 Chatham street
on the 4t% of October; laboring under the follow
ing symptoms. A sense of tightness *low the
chest. with the greatest difficulty of breathing.
distressing cough. generally coding' with copious
expectoration of viscid phlegni. disturbed rest.
the face turbid and of a livid hne—could not he
in a horizontal potation without_ the sensation of
immediate suffocation. languor. drowsiness. and
dizziness in the head,' and Illfe of appetite.
. _ .
applied to the moat eminent pheiselans
in this city, likewise need sevevatntber remedies
without obtainthr any permanent benefit. until
his friends perivaded, him to place himself under
Dr. Willa= Evans.treatinent. He is now re
lieved of his c.nmplaint,' and called at the office
yesterday. alinWlar that br bad not words to es ,
piece his gratitude for the benefit he bad receiv
ed. October 21, lism.
We do hereby anbveribe oar signatures to the
truth of the above curve, that the statement is in
every reepeet true. EAR all 11111;:NHISER,
.11/11N STEM Baker.
No. 17 north Eighth sorrel, Philada.
I"olsidelphic. Oct. 21. t. 1837.
Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Office. for th
•ale of hi. excellent Medicine. is ■t No. 19, nortl
Eeiehth street, Philadelphia. •
Solikby J T. WERNER.
Sole Agent for Seruylltel County.
M holesale and Retail Dry
Good More.
PoLLo4:3( & WEAVER have just received
in addition to their extensive assortment at
DRY GOODS, Super Sur crier Blue and Black
Cloth,Superior fancy coloured do. new style cap.
simeres, sattinetts and Beverteene, miners' Ma
uling, 4c. Feb 18 14—
G R EdIT BellitGa INS!
Valuable Real Proprrty in Pottsville
TIIE undersigned offer■ For sale all that wel
known three story BRICK STORE ANI ,
DWELLING HOUSE and the appurtenances
oblate in Centre street. Pottsville, Ilee.properVi
of the undersigned, .trigether with nine tithe.
.enements in the rear or said building,- and th.
of of ground whereon the whole viands. Th.
brick building aforesaid, exmlaiifs.thirty feel it
trunt—fini.lted from the haseinent story to th.
zsrret in the best style of workmanship, and brill
is a business stand and a residence, is most fa
vourahly situ .ted. The fipefoing property wil
be sold on luw arid accommodating terms. Par
a the eurchase money may remain on the prop
erty Ihr a few year's, it desired. Title to inputs
hie. and possession can be given imim (stately
4 ppl le to G. M. JUNNINGS.
April 2232—tf
FABLE Colored Leghorn Rai.
a' Prince de Juinville, for men and bnvw, jusi
e ref ired by N. NATHANS dt. Cu.
Puttsvilke. July 21,1818. 56
Ilooring Boards.
drA Cita INA Murked Elocirin_g boards. plough
ed, tongued sod grooved ready for laying. I,
end I dtfe•ent quality and prices,
cunstaitily on hand, end for sale in tots to suit
purchasers, upon application by letter to
Planing Machine Wharf. N. L. Phila. Co.
april 25 31-0 Pottsville.
SURGEox.s' • liavnay.
Miskinls Pills.
THE Original ilygeian Universal Velketablt
Medicine, pre; sired by W. M 'SKIM Esq.,
Member of the litiyal College of Surgeons, Licen.
(late of Apothecaries Co.npany, Fellow of Rol
Court Society, Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen
shin Association, Lancaster place, Waterloo
Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil of Guay's and St
Thomas' llospitilS. London.
These pills having gained acelebrity unparal
leled in every section of the Union, are now con.
sidered by those who value good health, india
pensable a family medicine—patronized by a
num MI body of the most eminent Physicians
both in this country aid in Europe,—is sutficient,
it is presumed, to stamp their character io the es
timation of every thinking man, and it is hoped,
a far better recommendation than the course re
sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled pretenders,
who to tnisleid and deceive the public. publish
what they call practical proofs and certificates of
Cures, that exceed all bounds of rational credibil
ity, and most of which, if not all, are either gross
fabrications, or procured by/rated and connivance.
The editor of the Long Island Farmer, may.
"This medicine has obtained an unprecedenteo
degree of well preserved popularity. Having tak
en these pills ourselves to advantage and witness.
ed their beneficial effects on others. we have no
hesitation ir. recommending them to the public as
a safe salutary and useful family medicine."
b a oiNime are. genuine without the signature of
the - General Arent on the label, by whom the a.
bove medicine le imported into this country.
JNO. HOLBEIN, 12S Waverly Place,
Gen" Agent for H.S.
A supply ofthe above Medicine jest received
and for sale by; . B. BANNAN,
Sple Agent for Schuylkill county.
July 16 • 2-.
2911% 8011 e R ELSouperior Varsity Floor from
'tow the litequedsct Mills. just received Os
Consignment and for sale
Pottsville. ility 1 ;": s'2
Miller lc Haggerty,
Dry Gocds,Proatry, Wine 4 , Liquor Store
(Nextldoor to Mottimeea Hotel)
THEIR ambezion with a house in Philadelphia
enables thSiii to keep on hand a 'very Wan.
.ire assortment of goods. which they will sell at
Philadelphia prime. Store and Tessin keepers
and private families, would do well . to call and
judge-tor themselves.
aril 19 91
•111104110 e. •
THED wagoner sir Rehanytirill booms ltavitt
radted4the seibaciter, betters 4' Admits,
Tatra oo estate a Nowt wag % late or
Part Carbon deoesied. All persons having
claims nalio4 the emote of said decedent era te r
quested to make known dm name to the subscriber
without delai. • ,
Administrator, Pottsville.
July 98, T 88. 58.4
rr HE Register of Schuylkill County havim ,
granted the subscriber. Lettered Anson
pirencia. lib i
nix ROA on the estate of Juni!
Wile. Nortbainptab Comity. deceased.i-L.
AU 'persons timing claims against the smite ot?
said decedenq rs requeided to mate known thii
came to the subscriber without delay.
Ath*istratig. Its emits sea, Pottsville.
I July 28. IEOB. - 58-6
'NAVE on tram
SHERI: do,
• R 4IL ROAD as. •
Bar Iron of any size drawn to order. Nails
and spi k es ad,. all Fite* , for sale at the lowest City
prices. • REIMS; WHITAKER *CO.;
Reading., May 2.1. 1838. 40-Coni •
Poplar Board. anti Plastering Latla;,
20,000 inch Peplot Enordo.
40.000.11asjering Lath. for solo by
14.1838. 45-.
Readiai Nail & Iron Works,
HAVE on hand boiler Iron. sheet of various
ax sizes dui, and also, all the different sizes her
iron; also. round and square iron from up in 3
inch Railroao ism of the various sizes, punched
and-countersunk. and cot the angles ready for
use; and band iron. I sizes-nails and spikesi—
also. ton iron of so 'or quality. All of which
are offered for sale • t lowest city prices.
Readingaupe 25. 183 R. . .50—tt
To Old Countryoseso.
Agency for Line of Packets from Liver
pool to PAiktdelpkia.
THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed A
gent Rif. the Messrs. Comes Line of Liver
pool Parket& between Liverpool and Philadelphia.
and will receive the from those
who wish to send fns their friends in the old
wintry. and al•so. will procure Bills for those per
sons who may wish to L ining* money to their
irsends abroad. ' •
The Packets belonging to this Line are fitted
up in a superior manner. and are commanded by
persona who pay great attention to the comfort
and cmtven'ence of passengers—er.d have earn
great satisfaction to passengers generally. EMI
/rants who intend residing in this region, will
find it to their advantage to engage their passage
in thin Line, and land at Philadelphia; they will.
ay so doing, save the tare and expense from New
'York to Philadelphia, which_ it jeerer fees did
tare for each individual.
The rates of fare will be made known by apply
no at the office of the Miners' Journal.
june 20 B. HANNAN.
s the grandest ornament belonging to the human
I frame. How strangely the loss of it changes the
countenance and prematurely brings on the ap pea r.
lace of okt age. which causes many to recoil at being
uncovered. and sometimes even to shun society to a
void the jests and sneers, of their aequaintaneeohe re
mainder of their lives are consequently spent in re.
tamest- In short. net even the kas of property fills
the generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking
gloom ss'does the loss of his hair. To avert all these
unpleasant circumstances OLDRJDGIF:'S BALM OF
COLUMBIA stops the hair from telling off on the first
application and a few bottles resters it again. It
likewise produces eyebrows and whiskers; prevents
the hai. from tenting grey. makes it earl beautifully,
and frees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of the
first respectability in support of the virtue of Olaridge's
Balm, are shown by the proprietors.
1:r Read the following
ROBERT WHARTON. Esq. lateidayor or
delphia; has certified. as may be peen below, to tlai
high character of the following gentlemen.
The undersigned do hereby certify that we have used
the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Okkidge. and
have found it hi my serviceable not only ea a presets
tire against the falling off of hair. bet %km a certain na .,
storatrre. WM. THACHER.senior, , •
Methodist Minister in Si. George charge.
No 86 Noeth - Fifthunteet.
JOHN P. INGLES. 331 Awl street.
JOHN D THOM %S. M D. 163 Rae. at.
JOHN S. FUREY. 101 Spruce
HUGH m.IIRDY. 143 South 'ld is.
JOHN GA RD. Jr. 1113 Atch st.
The aged, and those who persist In wearing wip.
may an always experience its rierormtve panne, yet
it will cumin!, rue its mimes in the emanation oftbe
public, when it is knnwn that three of the above wip
ers are more than DO years of ago, and the others not
lesarban 30.
' [From the ida_yor]
Comuormrsayrn or PunnermeNti.
Cituf Phlladelphis.
I. ROBERT WRAON. Mayer of mid city of hereby certify item' am well untaint
edeC Witthur Mune. P &Furey. and Hugh
lif. whose names are signed to dreabouand•
riesto,thet they ate gentlemen of ebaramot and '
MuntiM _and u much full credit should beeves
to the Said maidens. _
In linnets whereof. I bun laseminto eat Whisk
itnd canoed the seal of the eity tat beallgrad. this
[L. IR stub day of Deeember. dre.
Roma wumrrox, ia
CaMion.—Nose genuine widsom a spl
imaged wrapper of Falls of Napa. with agente
sames Ore.
Wbolowde and need by Corners& alma Inettbr
or &MN Now Yolk Sad renuled by
T. El.
' likittirdnm My O. MR 117 4 •
ne pitladt "Ibr =Mr.' Ore - "pith'
bithis coiinu7. mini aoPpeee't
MO ate 'non at liberty to adopt die -method
awaking Iron ute • withAndirache by the we
a lusted air blast; although I gave notice
year that I had IL patent for smelting% Iron' .
with Andirainig toil, both by die Mae if a !co
atmospheric and a heated air blast,' would n
infoim the public again, that on the 14th of ;a
1838.1 remind a letter froiii the,Comini
sinner of Adonis at WaWiegtoo, dating: 1 1 . 8ir.
mom examining the ease of Mt.
lion for a patent for smelting bon by, mule fe
Aathmente, I hate viewed -hip elahn arkinaerhiri
with your patent- of Dee, 1833, and have Eiy
nodes to his attniney of this deeishm:"
attempt to Midi Imn ore with anthracite i' ve ,
sail of a heated air blast, la an thfringeinentir
eIY patent. against which I caution and tea
ail magas I shall prosecute cflry one infringing
upon, my tights. according Aercl4
they offer to of rights kir the Unica.
leg of raniacm, aceorCing to my patent 'apnia
very moderate-tines. 1
New York, May 16, , 1838,,. . 37=4 1
noir Sale,
A tialauabk Tract of Coal Land,
LYING and being in the township of Net ire
wegian. Otl the Weld Rraneh near thejW
Branch Rail Road, about ...our miter trout gbht i l
kdl Raven—Alirre it me or more Coal Veins
peeving through We and. For informathM atip•
P 1. 140 JAIX)11 RE€D, 1
March t -
Resumption or Ilusinesil.
• Ernw.mtva STORE.
THE Subset iber returns hi. grateful acknoarl
edgements in the citizena.ef Pottsville and
others, who stepped forward to his at,eistance Alf
ter the lore of his property by fire in December
last. and would .t. acquaint them and the pub
lic generally, that he has a/tin commenced the'
Drag Business in the house formerly occupied by
Charles W. Clemtna, in Centre Street, in the
borough of Paturilte, where may ,ailwaya be had
4 general assortment of
Paints, Oils,
Dye Steak
And every other ankle in the above lineovhieh
he is disposed to sell on very low and acthainio
daline terms:
N. B. TT Physlcians prescriptions carefully
put up at the shortest notice.
Potterille.,Tday 30, 1838.
THE Subscriber is receiving from the Lys?.
tim Collieries. • fresh' supply ell ihe eelebrs
tending at his •had; Pine street, Settuilliell;-'—
Orders left at the office, No. 81 Dank aipeet.,, or
at the wharf. will be promptly attended to.
Philadelphia, May 12,1F38. 42—•
Eyees Note Books.
V . lfEtr'S German and English Now, -BoOkt,
" just received and for sale by -
Poturifle. July 21, 1838.
New Establishment
Corner of Centre snit Minket Streets Pottsville
•VHD' subscribeis respectfully announce (9
their friends and the public generally, that
they have taken the store liirmerly occopie4 by
Jacob Bull & Co, corner ei Centre and. Market
streets. where they ire now provided witha chhice
assortment of
Dry Goods,
Liquors, ifir.c. • -
which they are deternmned t well at the v ery how.
.t prices. HAZZARD & STRAUCH.
N. B. All kinds of Couhtry Produce taken at
the highest market pricesi
Apra I
R._ E 'r-.l
c _ CM
4e 3, II
el s !
o ft
r: -4
ft -c
___.• •
* -
THE Register of &himlkill Coonty having
granted letters of Adibinistration tu theaub.
scriber, on the estate of Atha Timaises, late oi.
the Borough of P3ttirrille, Schuylkill Col Ty.
deceased. Therefore all persons baviiig claims
against said deceased, are requested to pres e t
them -- properly authenticated for settleMent..and
all thus* indebted, are requested to mike imme
diate payment to the subscriber.
JQHolit3. C. MARTIN.
Pottsville. August 4th. ISM
To Coal iMalelio.
THE Subscribers having taken the4lsrge and
commodious wharf strut (or
corner of Callowhill and William sireet.o on
the Schuylkill.near Fair Mount, Philadelphia; are
prepsied to receive any qaantity of Coil; Lmber
&c. on wharfage or storage; on the ope# w rfor cover on the'most .r eamonabie tcrmie E very
attention paid to coal cats' thein. •
References—Mr. George Blasi. Schbylkill•lia
vent Mr. Philip M Si,
8 roucti & HAVERSTIL
Fhiladelphia. July 11, ISM 153-3
Wetherill & Brotheri
• AT 7111. OLD STAND
" fr.
• EAST SOM. * • .
Taw Doors non TEX Coma' ot! Alm Se.
White Lead illy sad / Calomel,
pound in Oil, $ • Red Preeipt,
Red Lead. , Mho do
Litbame. Vitriol Alb. ,
Moon Yam. tbdp.44lliiiill4l
do Great Tart. Lawrie
do Red Ether WA.
Pataat Yellow • _ . do. Nitric 4•
Few Lead 4 -de Acetic , i
Lear Caudle •
=ol ._ OCeele do . ,
Aq. Fork At et Mg*
U:dad° Aeid Suiph. do , ,
1 Epsom
Site . Lae. %JAN» , ,
de Na
Sep.Catb. Soda - b
-N pi. onage Ma ntet. im'
Bet ti es.
Corroa.l66. Neve. Etbiopa
Refines oftbimpber. lel Niue. ' Rees `
lbs. Ms for male the above meothmed 'to
pear yids a general amettereat mf Pato lhatri'
sad Dye *alb mid vital then maids la tbel plea
ed mid Madleleal Doe.
Pam' momalketateta titan die
ism . eall '
eider *taboos ksed.tbey *die j . motto. ,
ply their him* sod tbit'peltbeeit the
Wisdom aid Puitets Cam, Dem 6 S r is ft 10-
. 016,50,1 • . . kl."'
at Ponirtlte,
at Readi n g.'
• iat'tlliMmilik-Oluidry
• - FOR
Vi ttlitt:,-..!,tx•?;-.--
M 'IA seieiibnifolitidrt
kill' cotton/. +Di *rery Ireasojtiableleriee:V:LThie
Voundry I alomtnenternent -ot1.111;ittl•
Schuylkill arid. Suleruchurnhe
4111 to a pitoßt ;tintelbelitioettie,
Seit ft eitiiellone Ithe'Cininiky'to,iio4liii
weal For ttruerAc t apple' to - .
• 1 5 0 Iii
Iron Foonilere.
- or LlA.AcAw.ymik - 4.- - ,
€4l. °
)nly 29
/MVPs .411ret7Areilillffli -3, --
lniOß SALE by
MO i lid il a ttynt i nnr ia ,"
Philadelphia, June 30 ;
frIAEP t S pleasure in in formieg ItiOriendeatiathig
a ,tpublic. that he tontintienhnllniitcetiltiugdee
the I•• Pennsylvania HOW- in tf••ttsville. He: Appear
his Past reputationii.r keeping a respectable Ealabb'
lishmeat, acquired during. the eaperienceen. year*
in the same lice of business. lind a desivi: tri.,pleasea
may merit a continuance of their' &it:ire - end patterel •
age. •
JOHN SILVER has made griangenienta ,Witit
Hobert Harmer. of the "Corrine° ire." . .,N0.44,: North
Third !tram. Philidelphis for a slimily' of
delicacies which the Philadelphia marketeari afford
-during the Summer season. , . -
. . • • Bill of Far eb'
Hoist Beer. cold, per plate, -
Corned do, du do
Fried Ham 4- Eggs, • do
Green Tuitie Soup, do
Sardines, - .
.Fresh Pickled Salmon, .
Spiced Oysters. -' ,
. Otd Madeira Wine. par bottle, ' - .1 WO .
Old Pale Sfierry Wine, - do - • -,I 50
Old 140%11. do do , 150
Old Port . do do 150
Old Lisbon do do - 1 00
Champaigne.-(PainieteciA - do ' 11 PO,
London Brown Sioui, - do rri
Pepper's, Smith's & tiechers XX rote Ale. •
Apartments are always in readiness for - &Tref
Parties,Ac and those who nail may expect to Xecelin
every attention.
Pottsville. May 11, HOS.
Or' The .extraordinary reputation thatDx:Spotin'is•
remedy for this distressing complaint is every day
gaining iv certainly a matter of mach astonishment.
Thatacrinuch soffenrig should have existed for aged•
via bout any &scorer . ) of ap effectual preventive, oe
cure is truly a subject of match 'wet. Nit Dr. S. how •
assures the public thni such a remedy has been in
vented as will convince the most credulous. The
principles upon which it sere are simple atittplain.—
It Wan admnteo fact that this complaint, whether•
called sick .1 leadache, or Nervous Headache, arises
_primanly. from the stomach—shore they;
have the Nervous dlenda he mry rest assured that
tbil organ, the stomach. is the brat cause. that the
system has become vitiated - or deb.hated, thmugh the
stomach, and that only through the? alum cbadhel
most they e,xpect a restoration of the „natural and
healthy functions of the system This, °Neer. Dr,
Spohn's remedy is eminently calculated to• attain—
The twill of th.s position cannot be controverted, and
the sooner sufferers with the headache becornolort+
winced of it. the sooner will their sufferings end in
restoration to health. Dr. Spohn pledges his profsed
simual reputation on this fact Tbe'yetnetly moy be
had of apothecaries. •
WhoiesAle and Retail by Cometock & Co. No. 2
FletcberfSt. New York. anal Retail by
Pottsville. Joly 21. 1838.
THE Subacrthers having vented the wharf on
Fainndont dam, foot of ‘V iiiltW Rt.:Rail Windt
joining tfie one occupied by A. J. Bolton & Co.,
are prepared to receive - Coal, Limber. Re. on
wharfage. and commivoion. Enquire °COW tub.
acribera on the premises. or at SOnih Vt' ha' yea,
jnne 2n
. CaOtion,
THE undersigned cautions thr publie against
purchasing or leasing the tract of land calkd
Clinton - Tract, on the Hest Norwegian- tail road.
from Elizabeth SprihmOr Henry Morris for her.
as he the undersigned lolnims title thereto, and
will institute • suit against any person suerript , ,
ing to take the possespfun thereof. .
Manheim. April 28,1838.
ra„lJ et r i tl ye ß d l b O y lt Jersey Conv,asserl Mimi, just
••• pottsviiie.
1E38: 56
& Cot
, Presh Syrups.
LEMON, Strawberry, -Pine Apple; Ginger..
Blackberry. ALT ireaft l e mmas. paper then. ,
Almonds, Resins attil riga, jolt eta' iced by
Pntlxvilln. Jolv V. 83P
& Hardware *tore.- -
THE subscribers would respectfully, announce'
to the public. that he has formes
clock, Iron and Monitore. earisiiiing to part or
American and English Bar Iran; Hoops and Band=
Iron, Round Iwo, apported Mara; Cast, Crawly,
Shear. German and English, Blister and A, M...
Steel Vices, Mouse.ltolc anvils.Smith'it 'Bellow%
Cast Steel hand, efioping and. Broatialee, nail*
and'spilcFa, together with a.. general ` itssortment.
of Iron Mongery, all of which will be Paid at ga .
duced prices, by JOHN. CI,AYTON;
April 22 - ! 92
B e njamin commhigsi
scarrort.itt r
HAS removed his; O ffi ce to Cerstre•Atreet,
posits the Brick BaildmgreGiiiro M. Jen-
Mum". *here he trill attend to id' boshiess en.
Oat 41
to him in the hoe of hie profmrkion. •
- 484
idus,kal !Instrumanits.
trifE sutscriber bee just received lend , teem
J". fin` sale
4 keyed German Fluter. plain.
Octave Flutes,
' Flageolets, -
Violin Bridires. &dap atellElow4mr,
Clerionct Reedy,
Guitar, Stmigb. •
Vieth) Rows—littre finish.
He respectfully tUritoe'llatt 'o's46 1 4 - taltind ,
moth* hhritock. • • i tr
may dfr, Het
t ,-"-
Ili 8}
1 25