The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 01, 1838, Image 4

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or Tin 1
: name Hiram= ANwrismafipisvicy—
*8,1% People of the wealth otPeunr
olvania, ordain and establish • Constitution- for
',edits' I. The legislative at this Common
wealth shall be vested jin s Assembly.
Which shall consist ofst Senate an nausea( Repre
sentatives. , - ' •
Elation IL The representatives! shall be Chosen
annually by the citizens of the eh} of Philadelphia
and of each county respectively angle second Tues
day of October. •
Election-M. No prison shall be;' representative
who shall not have attained the age of . twenty-one
years, and have been a cititen andlinhabitant of the
State three years next preceding his elec4ion, and the
last year thereof an inhabitant of the di triet in and
for which be shall be chosen a representative, unless
be shall have bees absent on the public business of
the United States or of this Stare
Sedinto It. Within three years after the first mss. No taw iieee4ier enacted, go cre m e.
meeting of tie General Assemblydand within every renew tie &amid the charter of more than me corPo
etitsequelitterro.ef seven years, an enumeration of ration. .
1 the taxable .nhabitants shall be mule in such man- . , ARTICLE 11.
tier as shal be directed by law. I The pewter of I Sectiolt I. The Supreme Executive power" of this
represent ti es shall, at the se.veril periodeof mak-
.1 Commonwealth shall be vested in a Gisvernoy. .
leg such en ration, be fi xed be' the Legislature , ' Section IL The Governor shall be chosetron the
i ne
end apporti ed among the city oft Philadelphia and
, second! uesday. of October, by the
_ citizens of the
thillitaderal counties , according la the number °' Cominsi wealth; at the placerwheiii" they shall ne
teXable in itants in each: and shall never tie less . tidy, sote - for ripielentativesc The - diem
• than sixty or - greater fhan s one hundred.. Each of evely , election for Goverem shall be sealed u p p
I' comity shall have. at least one Peptesentative, but no . and tracismitted to the seat of government, directed .
,„ 00 , s,
I - ter erected shall he elnitill to a "P a " to,the Speaker of the Senate, who alialt r qopen and
--: rate made ration anal a suffigient n bey olliax
,_ pablisbAlen in th e presence of th e me rs of
' able inhabi rats shall be Arogailied within Bs .° both bodes of the legislature. The pe - !having
'entitle them! to one representative agreeably to the t h e bigliest number of votes shall be venaor.
ratio which shall then be established. Rut if ffirto or more shall be equal and highest in
t• Section V. The senators shall he chosen, for three voter, ope of them shall be chosen Goveroot by the
yeses by the citizens of Philadelphia and of the' joint vote of the members of both bousee. Con
severaLcouuties at the same titre in the same man-
I tested 4ections shall be determined by a CoMmittee
net, and at the same places where they dull vote to-be ielected fnittn •both Senses of the I,ola-stature,
(or representatives. fretted and regulated in such manner es shall
Section VL The number of Senators shall, at the bed
-directed by law..
_several periods of making the enumeration before Section 111. The Governor shall hold his office
' mentioned , be bled by the Legislature and a 1 '°n . • during three years from the third Tuesday of Jam:-
tinned among the districts formed as hereinafter cry nett ensuing his election, and shall not he
ofirecterlouxording to the number - tor taxable Whale- capabletlef bolding it huger than sir in any term
• tants in each; and shall never he less than one- of woe : , years.
• (mirth, nor greater than one-third; of the ntumberuf SectiOn IV. He shall he at least thirty years of,
representatives. • •
age, and have been a citizen and an inhabitant of
l Secti° ,,, ° ,._ AT I r l. Th.,.Sen„2"l l e g i sla ture ; °ll2l l he chosen in , di ` - this Stite seven years next before his election ;
trivia, ''''' "` "Inu`" b y t h e
trim Mali be so formed as to entitle it to elect t alifie ü businesa of the United States or of this State.
than two senators, tasted the nuisiwe o f taiabte its.. - Sectlim V. No ' member of Congress or person
tb nheinn " in anycilY, or
_,_ : _ cm ` a , 'Y ithal ,„_ l, alan y, lime " holdingtany office under the United States or this
lee such as to ent it le ji b e'er. " we e '"" 8 " M .''' . n° Stride shall exercise the office of Governor.
My or county shell s he entitled to elect more than Section VI. The Governor shall at stated times
Tour senator* i . when a district Shan be com p ute receiveifor his services a compensation, which shall
of two or more counties, they shall be ad } g ;
be neither increased nor diminished during the
Wilber the city of Phllattelphia nor any county shall period (or which-he shall have been elected.
be divided in rennin% a.district. • • Seeders VII. lie shall be oommender-ireehief of
Section VIII. Nu, person shall, a senarcir, who the army and navy of this Commonwealth, and of
Moan not have attained the age o arty-five years, the militia; except when they shall be called into
and have been a rerun and intl.:Ant of the Suite theeacriel ter - rice of the United States.
(out years next before his election, and the last year - - Seerilin VIII. He-shall appoint a Secretary of the
there- an inhabitant of the dierriet fur whiCh •he Coinnioloreal.h during pleasure, and he shay
be chosen, unless he shall hive been absent on nate arid by and wit-li the adrice and consent of the
the public business of the United States of of t h is Senatelappoint all judicial officers if roierts: ce
State; and no person elected as aforesaid, shell hold', reeord, j unfeeo whemease proeidedfoe on moi ,, Conoff _
said office after he Oat: have ea/saved from such die-
.m1 i m ,.. 4 ff. shall km ., power to fill du vacancies
hid. , ' i
_, 'that new happen in such judicial o ffi ces during the
:Ser.ion IX. Th e "nat." troe_mao b e elected ." recess the Senate , by granting romsnissiOns which
the first general election after Me ndoption of-the
',hall etpire at the end of !heir next e.. esion : Pro
-amendments to the cOnsiiiiiiion, shill be divided
... by , Wed, that in acting on executive nominations the
b i i4 2_. ° C he. ,L e ei r .. „ ° ; . _ The , B _, ent _t:e r ,, L the heeta _ ee `g_ . „ •:enateittoill sit with open daori , and in- confirming
• ""•. 1 "'"' e"'"' shall be meth "' '"1 n'e expiration ", or rejeCting the nominations of the Governor, the
the first *Or rof Me second etatl - at the expiration rote shy: tie taken by yeas and nays.- •
of the second year I and qj the third dam at the ex. Stearin, IX. He shall have power to remit find
piratioa off the third year ; so that thereafter one- and foefeoinoies, and grant reprieves an d par d ons,
third of the whole number 'of immature may be chasm except t . n ~..e . of . i mpeachment _
every year. The °nal* " elected ' b. f .( ' the " end " Section X. He may require information in-writing,
in.nue M lit° constitution shall be " adopted, shall hold from *ie officen in the executive department upon
their effient deringsthe terms far which they shall subject relating to the duties of their respec
reepectivade have been elected. 4 --
live ollices.
• Seetislo *. The General Assembly shall meet-on Seabee XL He shall, (dm time to time, give to
the first Tuesday of January, in every year., unless she em iem i A ssem bl y informati o n of the Mate of
sootier Convened by the Grovernos. • the Cotinonwealth„ and recommend to their eon-
Settled XL Each house shall Choose its Speaker sideratioe such measures as he shall julge expedient.
and other efficers; and the Senale shall also deka! Section XII. He may, on extraordinary ocmununa
) a Speakerpro tempura, when the Speaker shall ex-, convene the General Assembly ; „ and in cosi of
indite the ffice of Governor. ''
Section 1. Each house shall judge of the quell
• to thw ti g ie ll+ a tn irn ' e nt o be f ad tw j ec a:lll l l7l he el t it7 o ad h j o oto " rn iL the wi n th r tu resPer suco:
fications u its members. Contested elections 4411 !jute as he shall think proper, not exceeding four .
be detenei ed by a committee to Ile selected, formed reonthe
and teeth in such manner as Shill be directed by . Sectien ,X 111. He shall take care that the laws
lap. A ajority of each house shall constitute a be ladefulls executed.
quorum to do" business; but a entailer number.mey gectinn XIV. In rase af the death a , 1,4 " , v , ti•••••
adjun. - n if m day to day, and may lee authusized by of thetGovernor, or of his removal from office, the
law to ao pel the attendance of ibsentmemberst, in Spealt4r of the Senate shall exercise the office of
- such mhn er and under such penalties as may be Governor, until another Governor shall be doily
•. • provided. • , qualifidl ; but in such case another Governor shod.
- sectien I - UP F.ich house May determine the be rhaten al the next annual election 0/repretenlet
' titles of Qs proceedings, pun sh its' memnera fur lima 'unless such death, resignation or removal, t behaviour, and with the concurrence of shalt within three ea/ender months intmecti
twa-thirdS, expel a member, bal,not a second time atelY preceding such next annual electioe, in which
for tfie same cause; and shill haiw all other powers me a!Goneenoe shall bf chosen at t h e seam) sue .
Lneeessatyl for a branch of me legislature of a free reeding mutual election of representatives. And
!Rine'. I if the stria] of a contested election shall continue
~- S ectianlXlV. The legielature that, not earepower
„longeri than until then hird Monday qf .January
to enact inter emsullitur th e contra . , er marriage in . next emnsing_the election of Governor, the Governor
(ay came it here, by law, the (otitis of this Conanon- of that last year or the Speaker of the Senate who
health Ole or may heregfler be empowered to decree may be in the exercise of the executive authority,
' et-direorier shall Continue therein until the determination of
Seedier. XV. Each house shall keep a journal of' such Mntested election, and until a Governor shall
Its proceedings, and' publish them weekly , except be ditlY qualified as aforesaid.
each parts as may require secrecy: and the yeas Section-XV. The Secretary of the comMonweauh
and nays of the members on airy question shag, at shall *rep a fair register of all the official acts and
the d ire of any two of them,l be entered on, the proeeedp in of the Goierner , and Omn i *th en re-
Journals: r•
(paha, lay the same and all papers, minutes and
-.airline XVI. The doors of each bode and of vouchers relltive thereto, before either branch -of
ennunititees of the whole shall be open, unless, _ the legislature, and shall perform such other duties
„vehen th e business shall be such is ought to be kept a , 4,4 D a „ jo i ned him by e kw. _ ,
Section XVII. Neither holm; i shall, without the :. ARTICLE 111. . •
tamsent of the other, adjourn ter more than three
days, nit to any other place than that in which the
olin ref shall, be sitting. P
Sec o XVIII. The Senators 'and . repretentitives
shallreceive a compensation for their services to be
ascertained by law, and paid out of the freeway of
the Commonwealth. They shad. in all eases, ex
eept *awn, felony and bench or surety of the
• peace, Ibe privileged Gum urea during their at
, tendanCe at the session of their respective houses,
t io
.and ingo ing to and returning Nom the same. And
: , for - -a n speech or debate in either house, they shall
not be uestioned in any other place.
r'See n XIX. No Senator or representative shall,
during khe time for which he shill have been elect.
- ed, be eppobited to any civil epee under this Cans.
monwealth which shall' have tteen creited,or the
. emoluments of which shall have been increased
durimr, such timer and •no meMber of Congress or
other person holding any oill i c i e e texcept of attorney
• at law ! and
_in thoznilitia) un the United States
or thistornmonwealth, shall belt member of either
- Inoue during Me continuance 411 Congress or in
' alike. 1 I I
' - &felon XX. When vacant:MO happen in either
' house,lthe Speaker shall issue *lila of -election to
Gil ink Vacatiein. I 1 *I
• : 'Sec en XXL All bills for nailing revenue *hall
'Might &in the house of remerientatives, but the
t•gtiate m ay Mbpose imendmenta as in other bills.- 1
Sp la XX* No money sdall be drawn Ourn
1 , T
'" tr
MET- ;ury but in conseqeenee of appluprialleps
liketlen- XXIII: !Every bill which shall have
perlea hob • &Lupe , 11 1 1‘ Pe„ h iMl--tt 4 • to thei9°-
rerstori Zr he approve he s isigit It, but f be
lliatl hht: liquefy .he shill mum it with Ais ob.*.
! „tem- te,the Logue la wide-11.44 ari t giva. led.
;l o tilir _enter te object i ons i sk large upektheir
L '. Olt !sed eroded to Te4Vo4slder it ' If, after
irictirrinsideiatiolt, trio:MU - kg this house shill
ewsiitte" eel's, piss the bill, d shall ee lent withilie ob.
, - 7 r."- -
-, . I
' ...,7
. . ..-7* 3 9' " '-
I .
. . Tr.. 1
I AD* i" 14444 c do
. SAIi.4 IO .N.K I rami
MURS. - I had: Ple• i Xickatliolkiog*
,Air ; 11111.11% from At to,S7 Bu Eli r
8 "- f ""le b 7 • . I , r
fteeeksimul far 604% , ILLER
w oo 3 ft
leetiotilatiitheriltiiiiiieib'‘ 1 .. : ' ' I
shall be sand.l#l . -' V '''. -' VD .
thirds of *Ptieli . • , t. ' 't_.'
cmowlitelentegaWWmttniOlahlafterile ~':.
oye yeas , nod nays, and Me names of perms' . :.
for or against the bill shall be en .-, - on theijisar.
nab of. Mich boom remeOvely. # any. hill .ehall
not no 'phoned by the ahvmnm wllhin ten days
(Sunda y-a excepted) after ft shall bave.. pre
sented ii lom, it shall be a kw in li ke Asti
he had ' Iled 'ft, unless th e General Aisteri ly, by
their adidumweolt, prevent its retti br in w ease
It shall )Ise a law, unless sent' , withiti three
days of* their next meetioir . 1 .
'Seed,' X.XIV. Every -miler, revolution or vote
Ix=the concurrent* of both homes
ri tay be'
(eucept._on_a_ question Of 'Quo agent)
shall lel presented, to the Governor, and before it
shall take effect, be approved by him, or being :die
-approved, shall be repassed by two-thirds4f both
houses •rding to the rules and limitations pre
scribed l 6 ease-of it bill.
' Section XXV. No corporate body Mall be keireritter
created, lenewed or extended, with batting
. er dis
counting privileges, without sir months preri
0111 d
public Adolice of the iytended application or the
sane in knee manner as shall be prescribed ey low.
Ndr Mali any charter for the purposes ciforataiti , be
granted for a longer period than twenty yea) , -8, and
'every stub charter shall contain a clause referring
to the Legislature the power fo alter, revoke of -ansrul
the snow whenever in their opinion it may hir IVY.
riosu iodise citizens of the cosnnuntoralth, ire sock
eimuser h r that no injustice shall be done to thY
. .. .
Section T. In elections by the citizens every white
Irwin= of the age of twent,frone years, hiving re
sided in this date one year, and in the elation dis
trict .ghere he offers to vole, ten days inmediateiy
preceding such election, and within two years paid
a Mali or County tax, which ghat have , been as.
unsatist least ten days Wore the election, Oat/ enjoy
therights at' an erector. But a citizen of the United
- States; mknwd preciously been a gnaliflet:voter of
this Slats, and restored thernfiom and rdvrned,and
who moll have resided in the ejection district, and
paid tam as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, after
residing in the state stemma*. Provided, that white'
Inman, citizens cif tie United States, batsmen . the
ages of twenty-one and honsty-two years, and hav
ing resided in the Mae one yelr, and tfs the election
lists t ten days a aforesaid, shall be entitle to
vole, *thong's they' shall not haw paid lazed -
Btiuti IL 411 elections shall be by Willa, ex
cept those by Person. is their representative cape.
eiture,larbo shall vote Viva rate.
Salim 111. Electors shill in all-maei, except
treasoil , felony, aarl breach or surety of the peace,
be privileged froal arrest, during their attendance
on elfetions, and in going In and returning from
41 RTICLE P 7.
Sa i toir L The ! House of Representatives shall
have the sole power of impeaching.
-son IL All '—mte shall b 4 triad by
Beft ~., emporium .
the Aim sat. .ohM sluing foe that mole, the
Senates. shall beLepon oath-or, allbeiation. AVM&
SOU 41..11 be eoisvitted without theconosUsence of
_!tris-t of the members presesit •
111. Tbelkivimtor; - and ell other civil
wartts under thq pownop ltb, !hall be_liable LC.
lent for - my misdeinanom in, opm
Wnneltr;caift, isol'estiod IMdbet
'than removal tteth °Sestina! diegmßileatiM to
bold i any olleellf honour, mast or IWO;
-1-..essidis petty; sitthe -ivieteng,
„„ -,• • • •
tnil4Mll,ll,lol#4lldijeNtieell4l4 tew
i arrtax v.
-Section L The judicial. power .of• 4iisi Common
lresltle shall 1 -beiettisted in sk - Suppe* Coact, hi .
e;" . of thrermul Midge* and GeOeral Jail De
liverk,-iu 'a Court of Commaa.Pkus, lliphita• Court s
Register's - Taunt, sad i Court of Quieter 'Swarms
of. the Peaces Xce -each county* ht JUstiees of the
Pala, and in sued. other Courts as ttk legislature
May from time to time, establish
Seethes IL The Yudgelef the Supr4ssie Court, if
the several Courts If Common Plea; and if_ such
other Courts of Record as ere or shall be established
by liner, shall be nominated by the Cciajvetor, and by
and talk. Wl 'eaki - nit ortke &nate apposated and
1 commissimsed by Ala. The judges of the Supreme
Court shall hold Iheiraefkes for the term of Mess
years if they she. so long behave thdeas well.
The president fudges V the several' Courts qf corewnk
PleaEand of such other Courts if Record as are or
shall be atabliShol by law, and all other judges re
galed to be teamed - in the law, shall luild their offices
far the tam Olen years it they shall ho long behave
themselves well. The Arsociate judger cf the Courts
V Common Pleas shall hold their (ewes for the term
4.fice years if they shall so long behave Ilmosselres
well. Bea fur any reasonable cause which shall not
be suf f icient ground of impeachment, the Governor
may remove any of them on the address if two-thirds
4 each branch of the legislature. The judges of the
Supreme Court and the presidents V the several
Courts of Common Pleas shalt at slated times receive
for their writes an adequate compensation to be
fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during
their'caratintuuace in office, but they shah receive no
fen or perquisites of office, nor bold any other offwe
of profit under this Commonwealth.
Section 111. Until otherwise direrted by law, the
Courts of Common Pleas shall continue as at present
established. Not more Mai five C males shall at any
tune be included in one judicial district organized
for said Court*. ,
.. . .
' Section IV.. The jurisdiction of , the Supreme
Court shell extenb over the State; mad the judges
thereof, shall by virtue of their offrs ' be justices
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jap Delivery, in
the several counties.
Section V. The judges of the Co of Common
Pleas, in each county, shall by virtue of their
Mikes, be justicerof Oyer and Ternbaer and. Gen
eral Jail Delliery, for the trial of capital and. other
offenders' therein ; any two of the said judges, the
president being one, shall be a quorum : but they
shall not bold a court of oyer and terminer, or jail
deliveiy, in any county, when the' judges of the
Supreme Court, or any of them, shall be sitting in
the same county. The party accused, as well as
the Commonwealth, may, under suctOrgulations as
shall be prescribed by law, remove the indictment
and proceedings, or a transcript thereof, into the
•••;ispleme Court.
Section VI. The Supreme Court, atd the several
courts of common pleas, shall, best e the powers
heretofore usually exercised by them, have the
power of- a court of Chancery, so fat as relates to
the perpetuating of testimony, the • obtaining of
evidence from places not within nut State, and the
care of the persons and estates of those who are
non compotes mends. And the legislature shall
vest in the said courts such other powers to grant
relief in equity, as shall be found cessary : and
may, from time to time, enlarge or dimiuish those
powers or vest them in such other coo as they shall
judge prpper, for the due administration of justice.
Section VII. The judges of the court of common
pleas of each county, any two of whom shall be a
quorum, shale compose the court of Quarter Ses
sions of the peace, and orphans' court thereof; and
the register of wills; together with the said judges,
or any two of them, shall compose the register's
court of each county.
Section VIII. The judges cd the er•Mrts of common
pleas shall, within their respective icounties, have
; eclair,
the hl te
te wen -with the ,ludges ' the Supreme
Court, to issue writs of cerboran to the
. justices of
the peace, and to cause their p to be
brought before them, and the like t and justice
to be done. ,
Section IL The president of Um court in each
circuit within such circuit; and the judges of the
court of common pleas within their respective
counties, shall be justices' of the peace, so far as
relates to criminal matters. - "
Section L A register's office, foe 'the probate of
wills and granting letters of admintatration, and an
office for the recording of deeds, sWII be kept In
each county.
Section XL The style of all tt • lrcess shall be
" The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prose
'cations shall be carried on in the name and by the
authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and conclude " against the peace and dignity of the
St;ction I. Sheriffs and coroners shall, at the
times and places of election of representatives, be
chosen by the citizens of each count. One person
Maid be chosen for each office, mho s all be commis
sioned by the Governor. They shall hold their
offices for three years, if they shall so long behave
themselves well, and until a successor be duly
qualified ; but no person shall beitwice chosen or
appointed sheri ff , in any term of sis4years. Vacm
mes m either of the said offices shall be filled by
an appointment; to be made by the Governor, to
continue until the next general election, and until
a successor shall be chosen and qued as adore.
said, (
Section IL TO freemen of this: common ealth
shall be armed, organized and disciplined r its
defence, when and Fs such manner al may be directed
by 14w. Thant who conscientioosi) scruple to bear
arms, shall not be compelled to do So, but shall pay
an equivalent for personal service.
Section 111. Prothonotaries of, the Supreme
-Court shall be appointed. 6y the isaid Cowl for
the term . of three years if they 's(' king behave
theinsekes well. Prothonitkeries lend clerks of the
several other courts, Recorders of 'dads, and Re.
esters of wills, shall at the times and places of
election 4 representatives, be elected b 7 the qua&
fed electors of each county, or the districts veer
which the Jurisdiction of said ansils extends, and
shall be commissioned by the dominion They
shall hold their offices for three years if they Asa
so long behave themselves well, and until their
successors shall be duly qualified. The legisks
hare shaffprovide by law, the nu*sba' of person.,
in each county who shall hold arid office, and
how many mid Which of said offio shall be held
Yuccusciei in any of the said of.
by one
s= be filled by appointments to be made
the-Goverwor, to continue until the =at
rail election, and until stseeessorsilhall be elected
and qualified as aforesaid.
Section IV: Prot enotaries clerks of the peace
and orphans' arts, recorders of dleds, registers of
• and sheriffs, shall keep -their offices In the
county town 'of the - cianty in wtlich they, respec
tivelY, shadicers, unless when the Governor
shall, for special reasons, dispense therewith, for
say term notaireeding See years after the county
Shall have been erected.
• Section
. V.• All.conanissions shall be in the name
and by thirantlinitY or the Commoeweidth of Penn'
- sylvan* and beatelled with the Spite seal, and sign
ed by-the Gorman.. .
Section A State Treasurer ;shall be elected
• W, by joint vote of both brestehes 4/ the kgis-
Sectioi As:ices - of the c .d or aldernten
shall be elected 6,1 the .several - bOrefighil,
and kliiri/444filt tki,`,limie of the ekekon ?f con
. dales' by the,_qualified enters leerari.4" in such
`siusnber as shalt be Arocksi-by kiw, and shall be
0/1111111 fit the Goirerrior jar a arm office
_bed an toimaihip,:sivard or lorough shall
etas enpre.tham.ttinifiSstiM fl!sleineit or alder
auka-toithoill tie curliest of sim#Sity f the
W'ekdisw - tpithisirth township, ioatreto4o
.t7rtliti VIZ All Officers tads* lotion or_ap
pc/halts ens isnolprociaidfoOisiiiisiciulitutiote,
'ol..ll lbtafa 47111141#,P....4411* flirt
:11113T '4oll4lrediiilltalt: ask
u9Aul 1161/1,1090:4
• -
- 11:=1441)
,oylietik' OF
within ,4injArainsrty iiiiiiiatiiiiCliage :keil'Ef
eititeskarid-W0:44#0/4 - tken4st'imit yealstmeet..
. before- hil.epOmntment,lf !hi 'couisty.aarhiee
been so krng eteekett but if it natitase , blon
so king •,emellil.' theet , toithin• Emits •of the
courtly or counties out of which ' shall have bear
taken. Ni streriber of poiving! ronallsm stale,
an ' Y Perlalr = grAjj; 07 = l /1171
a t ,
the mane tim e bolder exereisciary
Sea in this e, to which a salary is, or ea or
perquisites ,by tasvotrinewd - ; and he kgssla
lure way_by dec/we what &ate ewes are in
- eompatabk. Member of the Senate'or of the
house of repescrdativat shall be appointed by the
Governor to any office during the term far which
be shall have heen ekded.
Section IS; All officers fora term of years
shall hold their offices far the terms respectively
specified, orrlyirmithe condition that they so long
behave thenvielves well ; and shall be removed on
conviction of misbehaviour in office or of any in
famous crime,:
- Section X. Any person who shall, after the
adoption of the amendments proposed by this
Convention to the Constitution, fight a duel or
send a ehalie j ge for that purpose, or be cider or
abettor in ing a duet, shall be deprived of the
right of ho 'pg. any o ffi ce of honour or profit in
the State, and shall be punished otherwise in such'
I. manner as is; or may be prescribed by hsto ; WI
the szecutive* . ty remit the said offence and all
its disqualificutums. . ....., .
• Section I. The legislature shall, as soon as eon
venientljr-um4be, provide by law, for the establish-
Ei&itt of sehhols throughout the State, in such
manner that the poor may be taught gratis.
&Ohm IL I.'he arts and sciences shall be pro
muted'' Or more seminaries of leaning.'
See 111. 1 '' The right's 'privileges, toirpunities
and edirilifi of religious societies and corporate-bo
dies, sball wainain as if the constitution of this State
had not been altered or amended.
Section TV, The kgiskdate shall nal invest any
earpolate body or individual with the privilege
of taking private property for eublie use, without
rectunfing such corporation or individual to make
compensation. to the 010flenof said property, or
give adequate sultrily therefor, before such prir
paly shall lod taken.
Members of the General Assembly; and all offi•
eers, executivi and judicial, shalt be bound by oath
or affirmation; -to support the constitution of this
Commonwealth and to netform the duties of their
respective offices with fidelity.
That the ;milers', great and essential principles of
liberty and frte government may be recognised and
unalterably established, WE DECLARE, THAT
Section I. AD mim are bora equally free and in
dependent,and have eertain inherent and indefeasible
rights, amoneWhich are those of enjoying and de
fending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing
and proteetimi property and reputation, and of pur
suing their 01110 happiness.
Section IL All power is inherent in the people,
and all trete governments are founded on their au
thority, and instituted for their peace, safety and
happiness % Far the advancement of these ends, they
have, at all times, an Unalienable and indefeasible
right in alter, reform or abolish their government, in
such manner es they may think. proper.
Section 111. All men have a natural an 4 indefea
sible right to worship Almightj. God, m•brding to
the dictates of their own consciences ; no man can,
of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support
any place of wont, or to maintain any ministry
against his consent; no human authority can, in any
case whatever, control or interfere with the rights
cif conscience ; and no preference shall ever be
given, by law, to any religious establishments ar
modes of worship.
_ Section IV.. No person who acknowledges the be
ing of a God and a future state of rewards and pu
nishments, shall on account of his religions senti
ments be disqualified to hold any office or place of
trust or profit Under -this Commonwealth.
Section V. Elections shall be free and email.
Section VUTrial by jury shall be u heretofore,
and the right thereof remain inviolate.
'Section 'VII, The printing presses shall be free to
every person Who undertakes to examine the pro.
ceedings of the_ legislature, or any branch of go.
vemment r And no law shall ever be made to re.
strain the right thereof The free communication
of thought; ind'opinions is one of the invaluable
rights of main % and every citizen may freely speak,
write Ind print on any subject, being responsible
for the abused that liberty. In prosecutions for
the publication of papers investigating the official
conduct of officers, or men in a public capacity, or
where the matter published is proper for public in
formation, the truth thereof may be given in evi
dence s And in all indictments for libels the jury
shall have a right to determine the law and the facts,
under the direction of the chart, as in other cased
Section VIII. The people shall be secure in their
persons, houses, papers and possessions, from um*.
sonable searches and seizures And no. warrant to
search any place, or to seize any person or things,
shall issue, without describing them as nearly as
may he, nor without probable cause supported by
oath or affirmation. _
Section Di, In all cruutnal prosecutions, the se
dosed bath a; right to be heard by himself and his
counsel, to demand the nature and cause of the ac.
cusation sigaiiiit him, to meet the witnesies face to
face, to have•'compulsory process for obtaining
nesses in his favour, and, in prosecutions by indict
ment or information, a speedy public trial, by an
impartial jury of the vicinage t he cannot be com
pelled to give evidence against himself, nor can he
be deprived Of his 1 fe, liberty, or'property, unless
by the juagrnent of his peers -or the law of the
land. •
Section X.. No penrin shall, for any indictable'
offence, be proceeded apinal criminally byinforna-
Son, except in cases arising in the land or naval
forces, or in the militia when in actual service in
time of war or public danger, or by leave of the
court, for oppression and misdemeanour in dike. No
person shall, for the same offence, be twice put in
jeopardy of life or limb; nor Shall any man's pro
perty be taken or applied to public use, without the
consent of his representatives, and without just
compensation being made.
Section Xl. - All courts shall be open, Said every
man for an injury done him in his lands, goods,,per
son .rir reputation, shall have remedy by the due
course of law, and right raid justice administered,
without sale, denial or delay. Suits may be brought
Spinet the.Commonerealth In suchplanner, initucti
courts, and in - Such cases as the legislature may by
law direct.
Section XII. No power of suspending laws shall
be exercised, unless by the legislature, or its au-
Sec• ti on . •
XIIL Excessive bail shall not be re-1
quired, nor excessive Sues imposed, nor cruel pi':
nishments inflicted.
Section V. Strprisoners shall be bailable ke
sufficient mitedes;unless for capital offences, wheni
the proof is.; evident or presumption great t and the
privilege of ' the•writ of habeas corpus shall not tut
stispended,''enless when, in eases of rebellion or in.;
suirm, the public safety may require it.
• Section XV. Nocommissionof Unread TermineS
or jail delivery xhall be : issued.
Seetim' NVt. The' person of debtor, where
there is, net, string plresumptionof fraud, shall nu
he.contihnell in prison, after delivering up his Wale
fie the benefit of his encase% in such Jeannie as
shill be prescribed by law. N.
Section. wilL -No ex post/ado law, - hor any law
inapairing contracts shall be made.
Section XVIII. No felon shall be afttinted o
treason or felony by the legi. stature.
Section 4)110E. No artaindrEaliall'irork eorrov
orfillonkinte; except dirlajg thelife oft* offende
forreirore of estate to the conunontrealtb4 She -
tares Of inset persons as shall destroy ihete-ow •
lives, shalt descend , us nestles In torsi of BUMS
MI; -
1 4t 1 J-if gni
5104)W-4,1113. BACON. jaastlzteeeived. anal
y*, ale by the subeetibar.'o-c.c. 7 •
14' I ". J. C. KERN. •
, jugs 16
*pp? tilts
1 **)44,V4 - ., . .94 i lr t a—, .. 1 7 WIWI 11124
• contrail r , •.' , .4ightiletrWneed and thirty
tibts sbalic" ' ' .AtClollske.*Lberettifoie, not
thstandirge- latirislZlWthe eleventh section
of the first mite ',,lsiol' istili dines be regarded
as, the first GeneteL Assembly under the amended.
Constitution.' i ' • '
Section V. Thi tOaverroW,. Who 411 be elected ha
October, eightei htiridred aAd thistypeighi, shall be.
inaugureted 'on I the third Tuitiday m 'Anew,
eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, to which time.
the present executive , terni is hereby extended.
- Section Vi: The commissions of the judger:, df the
Supreme Court, who may be in *Newmarket day
of January next, shall expire .in the following-man
ner: The comthission which .bearathe earliest date •
shall expire on the first day of deanery, Anno Do
mini one thousand eight hundred and forty-two; the
commission next dated shall expire on the first day
of January, Anne' Domini - One thericuni eight hun
dred and forty.fiVer; the connithwirin next dated shall
expire on the .fi nst. day of Jan Anno Domini
one thrmsOnd e hundred an • -eight; the
commission next dated shall. expire on th e first dhy
of January, Ann D omini one thousand eight ban
died and fifty-o e; and the commission last dated
shall expire on tbse Aid day of January, Anno Do
mini bne thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.
Section VII The commissions of the President
judges of the several judicial districts and of the
associate law jwigetot the first judicial district shall
expire as follows: The commissions of one,half of '
those who shall have head-their offices ten, years, or
more at the adoption of the amendments to the colossi
tution, shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of Fe
bruary, one thoutand eight hundred and thirty-nine;
the -commissions ei the 'other. half Of those who shall
have held their 'aces teirywra or more at the adop
tion of the amendments to the constitution, shall
expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, one
,thousand eight hsmdred and forty-two; the firsthall
to embrace those whose 'commissions shall bear the
oldest date. The aumnissions of all the remaining
judges who shall -not have held their races for ten
years at the adoption of the amendments to the con
stitutlonshall .eitpire• on the'tweity-seventh day of
February next 'after .the end of ten years from the
date of their eommisslons.
Section VIII. The Recorders of the several May
ors' Courts, and other criminal .courts in this Com
monwealth, shall be appointed for the came time,
and in the lame manner, as the president judges
of the several judicial districts; of those now in
office, the commission oldest in data shall expire on
the twenty.eeventh day of Febreary, one thousand
eight hundred and forty-one, and the others every
two years thereafter according tO their respective
dates. Those oldest in date expiring first.
Section IX. The legislature at its first session tin
der the amended constitution, shall divide the other
associate judges of the State into four classes. The
commissions of those of the first class shall expire
on the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen
hundred and forty; of those of the second class on
the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen hun
dred and forty-one; of those of the third class on
the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteed'hun
dred and fortyttwo; and of those of the fourth class
on the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen
hundred mod [l:Uly-three. The said classes from the
first to the fourth ,shall be arranged according to the
seniority of the commissions of the several judges.
Section X. Prothonotaries, clerki of the several
courts (except of the Supreme Court) recorders of
deeds and registers of wills, shall be first elected under
the amended Conatitution, at the election of repre
sentatives in the year eighteen hundred and thirty
nine, in such manlier as may be prescribed by law.
Section XI. The appointing power shall remain as
heretofore, and , all officers in the appointment of the
death; and if any person shall be killed -by
Casualty. 'here shall be no forfeiture by reason
Section XX. Tbecitizens have a right, lo a peace
able manner, to assemble.together, for their common
good, and to apply to those invested with the powers
of government fbt redress of grievances, or other
proper purposes, by petition, address or remon
Section XXI. The right of citizens to bear arms,
In detenee of themseltes and the State, shall not be
Section XXII. No standing army shall, in time
of peace, be kept lop without the eonsent of the Le
gislature s and the Military shall, in' all =mei, and
at all times, be in strict mboolination to the civil
*user. •
Section XXIM 'No soldier shall, in time of peace,
be quartered in may house without the consent of the.
owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be
prescribed by law.
Swarm XXIV. The legislature shall not grant
any title of nubility or hereditary distinction,
eteate any offibe the appointment to which shall be
for a longer term than during gootbehaviour. -
Section X.XV. Emigration from the State shall
not be prohibited.
Section XXVI.
.To guard against transgressions
of the high powers which we have delegated, WE
DEC,LARE, that every thing in this article is ex
cepted out of the general powers of government, and
shall fur ever remain inviolate. •
''- ARTI C LE X. • •
Any amendment or amendments to this constitu
tion may be proposed in the Sehate or Rouse of Re
prmentatices, and if the some shall be agreed to by
a majority of the Members elected to each Rouse, such
proposed '
.oi amendments shall be entered
on their f , with the yeas and nays taken
Menton, and the '
cause the s ame to ' published three menthe Wore the
next _election, inlat Mast one newspaper in every
county in whisk a newspaper shall be published; and
(f it the keel' <auto next Afterwards chosen such pro
posed amendment or amendments shall be agreed fo
b!, a majority of the members elected to each house,
the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall , cause the
same again to be published in manner aforesaid, and
suck proposed camminzerst or amendments I shall be
submitted to the people in such manner and' at such
time, at :bast three sitinths, after being so agreed to
by the two houses to the legislature shall preserthe t
and (f the people shall approve and ratify. such
amendment or assioubninti by a majwity of the qua.:
lifted voters of this State voting thervon, such amend
wad or amendments shall become 'a part qf the con
stitution r but no amendment or amendments' shall
be submitted to the people,. tftener Was onto in fun
years I Provided, that .iretsore than one amendment
be submitted, they ishizabe'lubutitted in such manner
and form, that the people may vote for or against
each amendment separateikaruf distinctly.
--- .
That no inconvenience' may arise from the altera
tions and amenditeits it< the Cohititution of this
Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into
complete operation, it *hereby declared 'sad ordain
ed, r. •
&Mien L.All hies of this Commonwealth in fore*
at-the time when ? the. sald- alterations and -amend- .
:meats Mthesaid tion_ shall take effect, and
not irmumisfen / therewith, and. all rights, actions,
primecutioxii; tog and 'contracts a well of indi
viduate atilt en annotate -continue ss if
the add alterable; nmendinenta had not been
made. • - - • • •
Election 11.- Thraitetations and, amendments in the
said Constitntioteithall tains effect from the tint day
of January, eighteen itundred and thirty-nine.
Section clauses', Robins, and strides of
the laid Constitufami;whieb retrain unaltered, shall
continue to be conetnieffie t ed bey.' effect as if the
said constitution . * not been., _ ameaded• ,
exectitivd diekturenti l e . nall continue in th e exercise
of'the ditties' tirlthe respective offices until the
legishuree - sbillt such laws as may be required
by the,eightki don of th e .sixth article of the
amended constitu , and ;inn! iippo!nursents shall
be made under laws; un unless tbew commissions:
shall: be grip e m.hp pew- 'appointments, or shall
sooner expire* Atilt own limitations, or the said
coquet shalt become avant by death or resignatkm;
and such Mies ehall be. enacted by the hut
tUrevinder the tilreOded
11ictioti)Cit The Ansi
election aldermen and
ues of the piisigatialibi belt in-theiereeellist
een hundred and forty,: st the time literitir the
siectiou' ronstabke.,
.Ibe leieishthwe at its aril
ILA 1 • , 2E
. Ba dl salet
,4111ILLERAt HA snit:
-Sane 23 • -M$ '1 0-4 i 445r4413q
session intaeg.tiee r ann9rieCtsitistr lipll shall pe.,
vide fatt.thihala eleiticin* for . ' • . t dug s:
eleellOOlC:3 l6 *.idartnilikeild jell . • - of thi.
now hirree . thassion. or 1e11e ,113 .q,- ' . tleelete de li
appointed, shrill continue to` . • • • - the duties -
their respective omees, until ••* • 'Nye after the
day which shell be Sad by tiorf• 'the, Wahl o f
new .I:ambitious, at the . . .• • 'iPi Which tea k
their conunisskins shalt • - ... ••'_ il • •
. In testimony that the, • -,, Dr 'the amended
' 'constitution id Paujl ein ; . , Agreed tp hi
l i mbers
convention, We the• of di:
convention have ' niter' n ' iiiii , aases ii
Philadelphia, • the twenty ' yOf Fehm.
...any; Antra Dotehti psis '
..A trundisd
~ sod' ebhq-eillat,:entl , cif the - of - Abe - I%IW Stahre iiircmeriei isit piecoul.
. ~ JOHN BERG : Ptesselent,
Daniel Agile*, - 1 Extra S. P i lmiai,.'"
Wm. Ayres. • - Writ. Ha . .• .
M. W. thildwin; Alum' H Iffilnstein, •
Ephraim , Banks, X. Hen • ,
John Y.. Barclay, Wm; ft '
s i k •
Jacob Benrdelsr • Wm: : ~ :
Chaff. A. Banta.. . Willi:on et
! ,
Andrew Bedford, • ' Jos. Ho •Iv. • ,
Thos. S.; Bell.; . - John Ho 4
Jamie *Casten Biddle, Jabot H
tebbeus L. Bigelow • • Charles /Rely 1
SamL C., . Pb.. Jenksi
Char Bto 11 4" 1. . ' **
George Heim,
Jeneurislißrovni.," ' Tamer Ken edy, • .
William Brown, . •••.
Anon E . •
Pieree Butler ; , , Jos. •
Samuel Carey , •, . Jacob KO
John Cruitmti, ~ - H. G. L 9 '
Ka t
Tbeinee S. Cunningham, Deihl Lyom, ,
William'CiirD, Alex. Magee, 1
D * 3lr •C/r j. bire.
. George
W. M. M nth,
John Chandler , James Me ,
Jos. 14.Chandl;r, Levi hie& 'l; •
Ch. Chauncey, - - Wm. L. ler.
iiiiPionietPaPP. ' - leer' e q
James Clarke, • ' ' ' Moyers, •
John Clarke, D...Neviti, ' 1 -
William Clark, .Wm .:.0 Id„
IE4. Clime, - - 'Hite ,
Lindley iarli . Mettbila la nrpacker,
IL E. Cochran, . James Po .
Thos. P. Cope; • ames n Porter,
Joshua F. Cox, Sand. et. mimes
Walter Craig, X. C. Me . -
Rir.hd. IL.Crain, A. H.
Geo. T.. Crawford, Gets. W ter.
Cornelia:l - Crum, Jno. RI e _ .
Benjn. Martin, , ' H. .Go re,
John L. *Caber', Samuel, er,
E. T. *Dowell, James lii. mien ! -
• James *Sherry, Daniel
Mark Danish, John li Scott,
Harmer Benny, Tobias ers„
John Dickey, 'G. Settee
Joshua-Melte:son, • Geo..St 4ee •
Jacob Dillinger • Henry '' tie, • ,
Jas. Donegan, George , tem,
J. IL. Nobel', , Mama LSD],
Joseph M. Doan, Gee. Snii
Jamas Dunlop, ' • ' Win. thily .
Thomas Earle, Josephi: ely,. -
D. M. Fancily. Jon. k - re,
Root. Fleming, Jacob • e,, •
Walter Forward, 'Ebenezer, . Sturdelul
John Youlkiod, . Thosn4 1 , .
bsenh Fry, Jr. Mma4 .1 4 .
• Shi'Fuller, . ' James -
Johnvta A. gamble,Thomsa ver,
William Gearha rt, Jacob . ,Weidman
David Gilmore, • -11.. G. . ,
Virgil Grenell, Geo. W admit.
William L. Harris, • R. Yo Ft
homes Haatings, •
(Attest,) S. &rear, Secretary. ii
a 1- •
G. F ete, ? Ass 04ff:retinal.
J. tynxiaxs„) l'
HA.III.II.OIMIG, Frariliv 28,"1898.
I certify, that the foregoing is ealact end literal
copy of the Constitu tion.of the wealth of
Pennsylvania as amended by the ention of one
thousand-eight hundred and th ven-tbirty
eight," deposited in this office o 28 th day of
February, 18381 the ' in Oahe,
and the retained portions of the I I Constitu
tion in, roman letter.
Sec' of the
(Fbra`ib►ly Parket' & '
, AVE removed -on the o. .. - • ide of Centre
I Street, a few doors above - ,' . 1 • egian Street
for wile ase assortment 0,
where they off
Superfine Broad Cloths. and images of the
most fashionable 'colors, With ... i egant salmon.
ment of Summer Cloths, Vestin • Moen mid Cot.
ton Shirts, Collars; Bosoms!, S , .li l . Mimes, Sos.
penders, linen: and cotton Hose, add all kinds of
Gentlemen's wearing apparel *hick wilt be
madis to order in the most apprm edluityinas to the
workmanship ; and warranted' to . equity* any
in• the City oielsewhera. ini i I
lit ys
P. 8. P.. dc.,.Co. 'keep on.h a am t as.
sort:went of ready.made'ClOthm of all
~, ,
ehich will be sold et very lowit • ;, ,
pine 17 , - ?
. .
HkiTo hand 1
• SHEET` - • f
cOAL 4CR,REN do t
Bar lrqo Otany ma.. drawn order. Nola
and spikes of all mina. for sale at e lotrest•city,
, priees.. HELMS. WHIUKERA CO.
Beading, May 22, t 40-Emo
WTElplilamit, Shot „Z "----"-- & Sides,. rej
°sited an, tansigninent sil e nt ma lot, whiehl
wiU be Sold (ow for rash by it illid. to are'
"I". apply Ito ' _ .
' I
June 24 i 1 -
•. , . , -4
.... , br
- ' PALL AND g . • !V - '
JJUST RECEIVED a splendid litta oti
Spring and Summer . Goody,-; ' is
part of i. i•,
11 .
4 ,1
.4beeenswit .. :)1..
which I am prepared rasa. ,
offered in this market tor cash,
,or country, produce, Rabe 'big .
. ".• -.-, 1 1 i
• '
C,Milli l o Blllo l 4 4 ~ iiit - ..
-- ektn.
_MOO:YARDS Plaid 'it'd! like Col!Erml
" 0 - . - Flaital;.4llao, a qua ti c,of-Pmti'll
Flax LibOaiOir all at red hee4 = °es 4 1
s r B4) l V . 4 1 074... j
tottrilie,4ol7 144 1 4 8 4 , rt. tr. 1
i ,.,7•;c: > ;, , .„ -- E.:' , 7,e/44 e#41404, 1 _,- .„-,
li psi
PIXTEULLY te4derl r ; s‘te, 11
1 . ilia:Lathes orrottrtine in , Ilel/4045P1
bopeelly.„the iniattesse or her ' - i quick
410 1 4 wia 'karate charit 1 09 , :4;4urr,
thelipetroosige. ' . , I
:slEtweieldenele le et hiri4lVl
theueoriThier.illesow.l962ll l
- r`,.." -
. mild'.
io eiehangel
- 431-