The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 28, 1838, Image 4

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    , -.-
-liniportant ga.,okeitAic
- ---..„. ~.--,...
AusE DitrtEL:ft, --Whadaysb _ ;tied sci
~ ..t dic .. fecartocc*hcaltit gene
&thy the" üblidybestowing bitmemET , teems ,
" it.i• l egareel fiitheP o , ll ofreem re
. is whittler. oke linvyttidedythetyVl.:;;;`
•en it litas achieved aisNiscendatit -- - Of use
wbyr'li,dietatieee the eiiiiiiiklit
i t
.' ... pewension, sad hatseeii 't' . •ii iirtfT eee
'am in universal facie, by intrinsic irdridvalone,
:piteprisitor may point out the Putts one! auperi
.tyclithart-Incurring the suspicion of inviibous.
I. 30 instituting the comphrtson, •i.
i Glif t manatee:ied by Dr. William Evans, at WO
Chatham street; dp not reqnitelais 'explanation of.l
r ;acknowledged efficacy—Tar the most eminent;
1 .. ' - its througtioutethe UnitelL4Shmea Wilitirree l l.ll
rilltiiealed co, mate the reasons tilich baveWuceit
i . .lo recommend them tio extilmitvei„.„9 2 .4 1 0,7 1 7 :
, 11* do. And those reagent- al* mat illipladi-
Itell piedicines.never injute e'vsM the what' dielte
,'. netituni es, and have, in almost every incfsidoni
• se Tor which Abey arepreseribed.emerliettitb *re ,
:rat at truly happy end perrnammet effirany, 'Physi
! i CpsorefAter. see that they ar:s not.itlifereOu did
Ica ion any quack theory of purifying ifierthind.
I. _gm alter destruction of the stoinich and bowelsa
(s itys 610i9d front ell diseaied humeri. they uncle.
ably du; but not by ilestruyieg those vasnera try
oh alone the - blood can beaustaitted. The" , are
t' inpounded upon a theory whickaimomies a stomach
3 Ifie a Tel) , essential agent to health; and limit, well
.cited. to be a valuable friend to flesh and blood:-.
. ay do not ;worry men to shostre, and make [heal
• i k like beings um regned to t im long in the
arid; but tit ty make them as human as pins bre, and
Lto encounter theha _ rrl
shi oi, au mini Let 0C1,111.4*,
pas of a sublunary life. Th 1 diemot Murata iiihi
I , t purgatory of this life, to prepare mee th e faster
. r another. They proceed u• on the imppnaition that
• e bictod. mitscles, net ves, organs. er-retory and se.
• retory gland. 'nocuous and tezuatentary mendo inee
.. ties and brains, of every hu nin being requ to to
• . supplied with nnurt+hinent frain as he 410110 a stn.
. inch as can he in ide and kept; 3.1 d .1)011 the doctrine
t at sinless the'stomaeh and bowel. are in gatid ..rder„
e blood and every other part ofthe system will beta
And hew is 't es reeled that they will secure health
the stomach and bowels? Why by enarding the one
digest food.and the other to ca , ry off what is len
l er the ii., runlet is exit ic el IN Collet cl on wilt
e wirplus iif bile and the foul humors of ihis, Stood,
terms mem`wailes, and stonrich. And they aenom.
lish these great teats of mbilicine in tier moat simple
ay trove ible The A PERI -.', ..r - % Vi I Lir pi LG.;
the stomach be offer ted with wed. bile. or rotted
ollentiong, ele i r it out, by a natural tint a most IS.
enable solvent aetion, and cleaose, the whole ali
tentaq canal•tin griping. and leaving it as free
ithont .delnlov. a. nature erer dertvined it to he --
'ney do not take the skin off, he stomach and le)Weie,
ad leave them like a p.ece of red %civet, a+ ail ii -
:cians know the arrowr drastic pills do. but thil
ke nature kindly by the hand witholit crushing h er
ngers. They cleanse every thing, wt.:bout aavaring
r trijciring any thing.
When th , s is effected, n= it nwial y is hr the use era
w of the E %Nil IS A Pr:R I li; NT !ILLS then come
• lie celebrated CA AlO.lll Lk: or TI) N. tIC Pt 1,1,8. to
rengthen a stomach and bowels wh eh 'iis'ore. i ier
ape. weak and foul because they were weal,. and
adows thorn with strength to pert 'tin their tinier
nit functio.ts, without the aid of physic The i',A -
10‘fILE, KIM ER. whdin its isinaolie princ.ples
rti chemic a lly extiacted. is acknowledged by all phy- ,
::fans, in every age. to be the ben re, mode lonic i
amen in the science of medicine —There is nothing
t own in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it,
lathing that is at cnce so harilaiess and so vigormisi ,
ealthful. and to proof or this the proprietor of thy
I n,
er.owned pills that are Made from n• purest .art 'cies,
ighl quote aim 'at innumerable authors, both ancient
rid aindern , if pis own practice bad nut proved it to
ens of thousands.
Theeffects of these pills are not only perceived in
if increase of appetite and general strenlyth, but in
restoration of the belly to that universal vigor in all
ts functions wish indicates the return to perfectly
nand healilL—The face , and general complexion,
peak volumes in their . Tavor. and thousands of fe
nietill can testify how much they have contributed to
heir comfort, their complexion, and their strength,
hen everyother remedy bad proved worse than use
ecs. la nervous diseases of all kinds. they are new
cknowledged to be preeminent; graiduaily restoring
muesli of body and mind without thew annoyance
rid changes which other nervous reniedie.nerasion
army sronld at have been for many young persons
of both Smut who are note in the silent grave, if they
lk ad learned to check the morbid tendencies of their
%mach and bowels by these pure tonics and upen
ds. without resorting to quack remedies, the names
'f which are, and of which Gm , / kitow
n:hint That drea iful scourge, co vst. lIPTIO,N,
nighttght have been checked in us commencement and
amppointed of its prey. all over the laud, if,the fi rst
juionnia of nervous drMility hid been counteracted
v CAMOMILE chemically prepared; and those
aliconaplaints which lead to a host of fatal tnala
a, might have been obviated- by that due ale-aline
‘11.,-let of rhebarb; which is a leading ingredient in
by i% PIM! F. NT FAMILY PILLS. Itt-fore both of
teem medicines, which are adapted to a majority of
flie purposes for which a hundred others are intneces
earilyosed,few'rs, nxney, b.lbous disorders, headache?,
female debility, male decline, indigestion, and liver
, emnolaint. would have entirely disappeared. whise
Many of them have proved fatal.
; Bit be it disdiscily understood that thew medicines
m not offered instead of these natural ornament the
v which other medicines dispense with, is a very
unimary manner. 'they are founded upon medical
nowledie, arid not quacke. y, and do not take all the
Al particles not of, the human blood under the (Micepre
iof nitrifying it. In Dena of which differenc e o f
effect let the laces and forms of patients bear testi
mony. They nonstanie a morfal. effectual, and gree-
t -illy appl.cabie class of medicine% fur every family,
rind being bah tonic ant aperient, and of the best
p r.e p ar atio n s known, no person or family should be
Without them. They can be Martini-A wii ile•-ale and
. 1 ofthe pmpnetor, Or. W At EVA NS, New York,
d of his agents is town and country. • with a rec
oils for ase.—They are money anedreedoig all ether
Needles advertised to the public peels , because they ,
found to holing in la very vi t nereir loss of •copular
Mine. A single trial usually places them high in on.
+ate esttmation, as they ere known to be in public
preference. and an the opinion of physicians. •
Dr. WM. EVANS' orFice. No 19 'efirritit
El IHT,ST. PHIL.% IlEl.Pfli i. where his medicine
' ay be had. Dr. Win Evans! l (lice, 100 Cnatham
rent. New York. where the Doctor may be coutudiad
inferesting Ca' se—Mr. William '4a Imon.Green st
'hove Third .t. Phisadelghia. afflicted fur' several
earn with the foklowing distressing spumonis: Sick-
MS at the stomach. headache. dizziness. palpitations
(the. heart, impaired appetite, sometimes acid and
trecsent eructations. coldness and weaknees of the
ztreinities. emaciation and general debility.disturbed
est. a sense df pressure and weight at the 'tomtit
(ter eating, nightria-tre, great mental despodency,
refleingpains in the chest. hack and sides..a.ostive
,ns. • finlike forsomety. or conversation, involuntary
igbing an] 'weeping languor and lasitudis upon the
M ezemise •
• Mr. Salmon had applied to din most eminent Pb)Si-,
• 'ans. who considered it beyond the power- of amdt.- ;
„ ,I nkojeittore him to hea.tti; however, as his elle-,
it' : : ( 4 „... , ; 4irenogg4 him to a very de,durable copdginn.y
... 1 -!, fleoiewrecominendiul by a relatrve orkii !! .
- ~.. rl .. 1 ?r,. Or. Wtn. KVA NS' Medmind, he *Mi l
~.....7'.'1 " ,,, isalredro the o ffi ce and procured a package.i
~,- -v , 'l, f: . .:J. 'he inys: he ii indebted for Pita reritorlu i on e 0:
T '' ''',llfttirthr and friends. lie is now enj?yino all the
1 . 2 !,' or !nfect health.. Persona dimmus cif,
f rtber information ., n'i
ill be satisfied wilt. every pa-1
der ofhni astonishing mum at Dr. tl'm Evans' %fedi- ,
eel Ol6ces,11:00 Chatham et.. New York; and in Phil
a ielph.a, N 0.19 NORTLI EIGHTH Si.
id, gb by JOHN T. %VERNER,.
Sole Agent for Slr.A . aylkilletkinry.
. I
Puttnille,Vgy.2s ' 1,-tt ,
OVEATNI ALIA ilt t d f or
prime Westphalia put *30014
• family Ave. received apd for 100 ,43+, • ' • •
M I LE. & IIAn4rITY.
June 2'3
-; ~.~
._ inuotia . iro f _.... ..-- .... i
• . ni &
OFFEwfor sale` tiio ;viikkio, e_.!ip mtriip
ly Grokiery Stott:Centre, 3 dentwine ow an
atteet:**priineasierunintoffteab G- - 'coeMet' '
ingef -f , -
Jack Rio, lAgniri• 1 Ceil 4
Ht. l i ming° and browned -
li can& St. Crots. brow.,o awl t agars
whi L i a 'anon .loarand lump ?
RI Orleims.Yest 1 hid:deems '•
bid' end sugar house
Ba rial, Gan Powder, Young' i
Poncbong.Orange Pee. Teas
co. §oachong and Bohm; i
Bak , Chaseitt•SPell"r B ch ; 11 I'olov:date
t. nggs:and sweet spiced • ~
Ci• els. Cocoa @bells 1
Reading. Caeca. Harvey. .
Jibe Bulls, Lobster, Anchovy. Stinnes
Canton soy and Currie
Ghekkin, Tomato. pepper. 1
Alizad.Onion, Mangoe, Pickle.
Len4on and French ,
'.Aliens, clines, Anchovies
Cayetuie pepper. allspice and Gingfr
Cloimt, Mace, Nutmegs and caul
Ric.. flour of rice. starch
Cur ants. Vies, Rations. Prunes ; I
Sweet and bitter almonds. citron
Motet:hi. wine latters.lernian syrup
h pre*erved gin,oer. cheese. codfish 1,
llerkinz. mackerel. salmon 1 „
White and colored wax. sperm ? c4ndlo
Molded end dim tallow • %
PRIM variegated brown and yellonfanap
Old /Madeira. old port. claret •
Brown and pale *hairy. eh un enti, ar Wines
Oldhock. Lisbon. dry en ilaga in wood
Sweet malagn. moscatel I & bottle
hl i Itte.o. ,inarseillee A Sieil) Mule'. J
SC.4Ch. I rnill in ng, het a A etimtwlitakey
~,,, .v i, A itoisette a , . tiorrod kilittriermint 41.1 rd ials ,
' '. • f'fm.,:nno ntormnngne.N.Pms.ti d• tom brandy
Unlined iv r OM. G tn. IN. l Rum 1 .
• Jam.riea spirits .
E %nix um Bean. inferior do •
'La S, tih end mon ailmrn..
Cnt:A plain and moulded glAto 1 4 are
• Clittia iind crockery
- 1 E rr w ral 'assortment of Dry roods. fi kr.. all of
which thrl arcs puled to sellers the moat miaow'.
ble terma.. I lead. of Families and Tree:it'll lieepere
arc pariviihrly ,0 call.
Passage from England, Ireland, Scot.
land and liVales.
OFITISE3NS wishing 4 ergnge r;pigrire for
timir trienrh., in fist rate .wog, rroni the a
bove placci, may now do 0 , 0 h% applying to
WM. ti.xfuGinrry,
Cei.ere Street.
Far thopeeorninodat ion of tlicv=e prisons engs
eing invoulet fur their tripods. who ti(ay wish vi
-end Mein money, to enable !hem ii, ro•Ole int
the voyage, drafts wi!l be given on the fullowing
named - inprehrints, viz:
P. W. lir' lie., No. 3, Waterloo Rfotd, Liver. I rialit, 4 Co. No. 3, Robinson si. e ei
i:1,..g0w; William Miley, Nu. 25. Olen Qitay
Du blin. ninr,'6 36
Cloths and Cassiniftes.
Sobaeriber has in Sinre a larva and
general as.nrtment of Bine. &M.. k, Brown.
Gr 14.0. Lictsibie Gratis. drab and mutt (loth.—
Alan, 131a1A, Bine. darn and mist casaluierea,
whickwill be Fuld very Ehenp.
Pottaville, July 14, 1838. 54
rISHE subscriber has now on bandits his Siert
and Storehouse on Centre and :Rail Rose
streets, a full assortment of Goods, linkable for the
cos: rettion viz:
' 114rr Iron of assorted sizes, !-
Band ane Hoop do do
Nails and pike Rods do do
Steel, Round & Square do do
Nails and Spikes do do'
Coal Shovels,. do do
Hard% ere, a ceners4 isssortrnerit„ .
Allurwhich he is selling al reduced prices.
Jan 13' 2 , J LAYTON.
Vegetable Life Pills-mid rite-
nix Bitters.
IrY' A CONTRAS r.—All nations. frets the ream.:
images. hat i !Lid ships, but Columbui only found
out the way to America Before the time of the
great Saantsh navigator, people were °ell enabled to
paddle about the shores. Just so with the Life Med
icines B iis but two short yeas lence; I first yen.
iored upon an tmknown ocean.and I tuvit discoveied
the preedim object I was in search of ;HEALTH.
Vegetable medicines were indeed known When I com•
menced my• search. hut their tom was rim. By the
use of them. I have not only passed from the dijectea
sieralidoe the hale hearty anti active minter business,
but, compasattyelv speaking. I trate rrnewed my
Yollth• l i can thus, with confidence in M • own expe
rience. advise withemy 'chow citizens Does the
- reader wild penuMat th(l/ EC ETA FILE D'EMED
ICINEB hre sin able to his own ealel I ave on.file
at my ofitce.s4i Broadway. hundreds of letters. from
some of rhe lin si resimetalile citizens orthis mi na
tive land.lvol lardy riffer4•l in ieritimon# of the vie
toes of A• X/D V 4 GETA BLE I%IEI Bah% k:.
Pomona whn.e cnnatittn ions have beep nearly re
ined Y.y the -all infallible" mineral preAarattoit.
the day. If id bear me we neva. that the Life Merit
ernes. an.l such nely.a re the true mate ?IS °prim' nee
good health 'JOHN MOFFAT. •
Th e o. 6edieines have long been know and appre
einost Ail their esuraorainar) and immediate prove, s
of nortorto perfect health. in persons Suffertng under
uoarly every kind of otsease, too Inch Ithe human
frame at liable.
In many h.,nrreiie of CP"tinollei instances, they
ha v ve: resemul au lierere from ilie very . verge 01 an
, in , iirtely elle; all the deceptive p nitrtims of
the li. had utterly falled;and In many ihiftniande they
hive pertir.i eUrly secured that ni.tform erijoy meet ol
health. without which life itself to but a Mabel bless- '.
ine Sn great'. in rd, has their efficacy tievanahl- ,
and ilfailkbly roved. taut it has appearri scarcely
vie thin ins ea culoolite thot who were ut•acquain ted
with the: biantiral pluici-ophieat principle. upon
which Mt
are comanunded.and upon Which they
pommels& tiv act. ' It was ra , toifetil andsense
hie:actin nurifyins die springs tad tbannela of
life a 1 , 1 eli ming them with renewed tonal andianter.
abet they iivere indebted for their name, Which was
bewowed-npon them at the spontaneous request of
eeverel inOtviduals whose hats they had obviously
. •
The prtibrietois rejoice in the opporthalty afforded
by the,uniSersal diffusion of the daily press fty• pine.
ing his VEGETABLE LIFT. PILLS Within the
knnwleleaml reach of every indrvidtial fn dui coin.
munity. rnlike the host of pernicious gonchenes.
w hir* hr+l of vegetable ingredients. the Life Pills
are pnrel and sot.ei r 'WOE ra st E. sioLOontain nei
ther Meripity, Antimony, Arienic. not f-any ;other
mineral.m, wry, form ,whatever. They ire entirely
composetrof extracts- from rare and powerful plants.
the airtime rif'whith. though long know4to several
indum tribes. and 'recent iy to some eminent oharmis.
centical chemists. arealtogetberanknown to* igno
rant pretenders to medical science; and were *ever
before adiiiiniatered in so happily el:Beac out
,1 corn
. binatinn.
Their'fftst operation is to I°O,OT - from e !vats of
the mornaCh and bowels. the rayons im, *ilea and
crudities o)inatantly setting .around themajand flows.
move the hardened fat era whichcoliect , ha the . am.
volutions 6f the vinalt.intostincs Other imatoincs
"only parAlAy. cleanse these. sus, lea se suck. custilected
mavens 'helmet). /UP tti prod.aceilirabinialvstlycfteggS,
with all ititrain evils. or Sudden* diarrhem.with its
imminent "dangers. This fact in Well. ltr4vrt - torah
r nopontisti.whowsamint the boatel toWels
audio:roe the projothiseof tlssite-ser.ll
formed min maim the quack socificintwiethStagis
The second erect of the VEGETAfIpg LIFE
.1 1 / 4 116 - 41:141 - 111,0e addertsud
141tAter.iltOltissl'iltthist - t It4lthrul
*dog4-N1411 11 4 1 *-dgaffildi• UPOlrltre&M
saftheiStrthiiiticgstus. ; s
ritrvialeffrtiM 'die agenci'of theliier and lbe lust
terra Wpm. into the heart:- being wi &aid *-
then* VW-nourished by food comidg f f? m clean
stomach, courses freely through the semis. renewo
ever* Part of the system and inumphatitlyigaoutits the
harmer of healthin the. blooming cheek.
The following 'remixing the distressing .sariety of
amen diseases, to which the_ Vegetable , Otte Pills
are well knoirn to be infallible.--
DyfikaratA, bj.throughly ; cleansing the first and
second l auenacka, and creating a flow of yore heathy
instead of tbe stale and acrid kincli—;.„Flutithotcy,
andciilte Heart. Loss ie Apild de , tHetptfacris'
ilessilassavt, Mastro'. • ,ctaiiely. Lan
por.onti.llfebradroly which are thegeneral symptoms_
• f Dyspeps t a.vvill vanish, ss a natural consequence of
ts cure. (eirremurcr, brcleimsing the whole length
.1 the ante tines with a solvent process,' apti without
iolence ; all violent earget leave the bowels costive
ithin two days. Diarrhoea and Clolera,§y remove
'ng the sharp actid fluids by which these rmp.aints
re occasioned , and by promoting the übricative
lion (tithe mac* tnetnbrane- Fears f all kinds
restoring the bloo4 to a regular circul thou, thrOugh
he process of perspiration in • some eases, and the
brooch solution oral' intestinal obstructions in others
'he LIFE PILLS have been known to cure Men
• ism permanently in three weeks, and Gout in halt
at time, by removing local intlarnmatioq from_th*
••uscles an dligaments of the joints. Dropsies of al
Inds. by freeing and strengthening thy kiiineys sod
ladder; they operate most delightfully on these or
mond hence have ever bee.. found a ceriton reme
:y for the worst cases of GroveL Also Proms bs
• usrodging from the tonnage ot the bow( IS the slum ,
• atter to which these creature* adhe•e; AVuhma
'onsomptian. by relieving the air vessels nit the long
nim the naves. which c,ven sligg colds if n'ut rem.,
d be. owes hardened. and produces those drradf.
.)veasw. Ycurry. Curers mod faveterate Wires. lry di
feet purity which these Lute Pills give toll lie Woo.
rid all. humors; Scorbutic Eruptions. and Bad Ceti
• extoos. by their alterat•re titre, et on the flu ds
tiorbal store of. which occasions all Ernpirre coo
airds. &obits. Lloods. and other dissagreiobk t
•kzaints The use of 112.-se Pith , for a s ere s h ort hot.
will effect en entire cure of Salt rheum, Ergeipelo
and a tanking improvement to the Clea um of
akin Comrito - n Colds, and initursto. wII alwa)a
cored by one dose. or by two even itt the worst Canfr•
rilfj,*—asll remedy for this moat *stressing and ol
situate malady, the Vegetable Life Nibs deserves
*stunt and emphatic remmimei dation. It is wi
known to htindreds in this city. That the Prop:lei.
nl these Invsluablei rills, was himself all4ted wi.
t hi s e „mpiasnt for upwards of Thirty jeerers. and th
lie tried in vain every remedy preacribi d within tl
whole compass of the Materni Medics. h 0
r length, tried the mediine which he now:offers t
the rut/loc. and be was cured in a very short t
After bie recovery had been pronounced :nor on
improbable, but absolutely impossible, by any hums
DIRECTIONS FOR FSF..—The prn; ; hires oft h
VEG.:v.lms Lire Picts deeenot follow thermse a r
mercenary eractire of the quacks oldie day, in ads,
mg persoits to take his Pills in large quintuples. It
ici.itid medicine ens possibly be an required. The.
Pills are to be taken at bed time every eight. for
week or fortnight, according to the obstinacy of ii
disease. 'l'he wins; dose is from 2to 5. according I
ihe crinetia ut ion of the person. Very delicate pereop
should beam with but two. arid icerease as the nano
Of the case may require: those mare robust. tor of vet
costive habit. may begin with 3, and mere:see to 4, e'
even 5 irille, and they will effect a sufficiedilv baps
change to guide the patient in their further UM.
These Pills sometimes occasion richness apd rem,
rag. though very seldom, unless the stomach is in I
rout; this, bowever,may be eensideiecl a ifavoralg as the patient w ill find himself at once re
tiered. and by perseverance will soon recover. The:
usually operate withie le or-1 L hours, and Oevergie
pain, unless the bowels are very much enCumberet'
They may be. taken by the aline delicate females to .
der any circumstances—lt is however, retionimeen
ed. that t boss in later periods of pregnancy 'liquid Ink.
but one eta time. and thuscolimme to keeptbe bowel
open: and even two may be taken where the patien
is very costive. One pill in a solution oritwo tab!.
"peony full ofwater. may be given to an in an; in do
followingedoses--a tea spoon full every two, hours til
it operates; for a child from one to five yeaveof age
half a pill—and from five to ten. one pill.
THE PUCE NIX 81T71.1128, are so called.becanse
they possess the power of restoring the expiring ern
ben of health, to a glowing vigor throw hoot the
ennenbition. se the Mentz tr. said in be reetored fr
life from the ashes ofits owndossolution. The Pim
nix Btu era are entirely vegetable, icomposed of root
found only in certain parts of the westerd rimier;
which will infallibly cure FEVERS ANI AGEE:F
or all kinds; will never fail to eradicate chtirely alt
the effects of Mercury. infinitely sooner thud the most
powerful preparations of Sairsaparalle. and Will imme
diately cure the determination at 131.-tX.ID TO THE
never fail in the siekstess ancitlenl to young
females; and will be found a certain remed y, in all
cases ofnerreatidebility and weakness of th most fin
paired constitutions. As is a remedy for ' enicand
ktflotnitstory Rheirmalisin, the efficacy of thii Phenix
Bitters will be demonstrated bti the use olf aiming-le
bottle. The usual dose ofthese bitters is bill a wine
glass-full, in water or wine. and this quantity ma ybe
'alien two or three times a day, about haan hour
before -meals, or a less quantity may be to en at all
times. To those who are afflicted with indigestion
after meals, these Bitters will prove intaihable, as
they very greatly increase the action of the irincipal
I viscera, help them to terform their functioncand en
able the stothaell to discharge into the bew+le what
ever is offensive. Thus indigestion is eqsily and
seeedly removed. appetite restored, and thE mouths
of the eta:rivet vessels being cleinsed. neftrition is
facilitated, and strength of •acirly and energy of mind
are the haw, resorm For farther partisttlare of
-ruts. apply at Mr. Moffitt's office, No. 516
Od rndwey,
New York. where the Pills can be obtain for 25
cents- ma
50 co. or $1 per box; and lb, Biti re for $1
or $2 per bottle . Numerous certifica tes of the,
wonderful e ffi cacy olboth, may be-there inspected.
In some obstinate and complicated cases 4 chronic
and inflammatory Rheernatism, Livrr, C plaints, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Palsy. Pilo, in wry felon
the use of mercury. quinine. and other di of irttf ,
w in
standing. it may be nerearary to take botbithe Jai.
Polls and the Pbrenie Bitters, in the dose lefore re
rommendrd. 1
ht. B —These Pills and the Bitters, ref get the
mercury out of the system Infinitely tastes tha the best
preparations ofSarseparilla. and a certain rfor
the rushing of the blood to the head. or all vi
cobe*,tie douienreux. di:c.—All persOnsw hi, a favdis
posed toapoplval.palay, Are., should never with.
the Life Pills or the Bitters, for one dose in ime will
save life. They equalise the Ciretilal")" 'of 1 blond.
drew all premiere from the head. prespi fion,anid
throw off everyimpurity by the'porea of the skin.
For sale by 21ILLFArt & DAGGEI TV,
,gents for the Pro wirier.
Portsville. 28 •• Co-11,
n TIANNAIS pea run received the fel
"" religious work.. London and Arne
'dons, which he offers frit-sate cheap. I
Original Family Sernione, 5 Tula..
Massilione' r Sermone.
Leleviers vinare Deistieal Writers
Sturtevant's Preacher's Manual, 2
,Mrew on the.Resurrcetion,
Drew on the.Soni.
Bridge's on the Psalm MIX.
Faber on Inn - deli:v.
James' Christian Frofersor.
Prite'Essay no Relish:lnv Dmienei• •
Christian Father et Home.
A Mother's Reviest, &C. iVe.. 1
Old Grapi f ite •on Wine, 4-4. 4 r .
vEßY. 4 roperier old grape juice Pori • )itine.
do`; do _Royal company, do
do do bottled do
Very superior do Fast Jodi& .14sdeira, wood
and lauties. Very, superior old M. bo and
pyff:Pt i rilan 4..Co..acrry wines, Pico, 'dots.
idedelre.Xo*Pailgritre. old-Pale bow.
dry and sweet Malaya Wings, dre. are. fo. sale,by.
Alti f LEß HAGGE Itt
.april . 68 : - 31
i t
1 .,„!11......: A.,..:4,F....,, ~.:w.,.k.,..:4.7...„..
,um li e1y.4.1 -
Ives Porift*heneSavingiflibilAcielittiOs
,- Mi-. now, opeme*y,,ility,frtnn.9-103" , o!cdoCk'l at . '
.the Office citDipeount . 'int Dkiposiititolithe pit
' .pose of reeeivingidepolits Loan, ,:anion*.not'es.
ceeding 0500 i falai my bise.peraon; upon which
';nr x,
n interest 01 7 4 cent will be paid on $5
and upwards,bn interest will alloWed tin
any framiciaal its of 85. This whcle br any
pert may be draws nut on giyir.g. notice, two to
(mu evoke. at the office -on Mondays. . The bu.
sines et the Society will be conducted by the
-i allowing officerihind - mitietert; tintkt the first
Monday in Maii'nest. - -
Joseph Carroll i - Samuel is Potts
Edward Hughes E. S., Warne
Jacob Bull : i Jesse Torn.?
L. Whitnei. Secretary and Treisurer.
Article 3d onthe Chimer. .110 emolument
whatsoever shall be received by the President
nr Managers fir their services, nor shall any
%tanager beconie a borrower from the institn•
'ion. oct 3 . 4fitf
„,.... For the prevention 4 cure
7 .-- S: 7 c : 4e hs of Coughs, Colds, Asthma:,
3 7 ' A ." '''' l r l . o l Cifirsuniptions, Spitting of
IP .., /or -... tli Blood, Diseases of the
ck 1 1 1 .a q Breast and Lungs,4 a. pre.
\'.• N . . pared by Dr.CLA il Iti.SCIV
4" - - . 1 7 ...... „- . 4 ' _ FRI:EA:AN, of as City
' ....":::::.""-- . - ..of :Lancaster.
Accomiwnying each bottle of Specifick.
minting out in:a conspicuous manner, all the
wmptoetts in the different stages of these disircs
nog diseases—also particular 'dirt ci inns respect.
ing diet and regimen, and butv patients. ate to
•induct through every staee until lit gbh is re.
cored—for vairi and useless would Le the pre
eriptionst of the eldest physicians, accompanied
with the most powerful and useful/ medicines, if
• , e dircctions.are not faithfully adhered to.
The public are informed lino iltedepositions of
S 7 persona have been taken before proper au
'unities in the city of Lancaster. all crimpletely
vred in the moil .1 desperate eases of consurvip
.on, sonic of which arc detailel its the bills ac
.unpanying each bottle.
••• A supply of the above Specifick hay been
-eccired and is for sale at this unite.
%larch 12 ' lIR
Swa*mle Panacea.
ILS the intemperance and lusiiry or the sge are
hastening ih'e ravage, of scorbutic complaints
ltd rendering the blood more intrptre: and as thou
. ads have destroyed their constant. insby sieglec•mg
~ apply the propsr remedies—to inch. Swaint's Pan
'eca must be. end has been, more than doubly valr.a•
-lens a certain slid effectual means of testor ng them
perfect health ind vigor. Few families ore w hol '
q exempt from scorbutic affections, n hich exhibit va
ions symetoms, as eruptions, ulcerations. debility.
..vs of apisetite and dejection. all arising from impure
bind and If not ()overly attends d to, produce' the
reatest injury to the ,constinitut inn. and May be um
aired to their offspring Su siml Panacea is ?mom
tended at this PCIIIIOII Of the yesrors a valtmble ream
eof the system. thereby invigorating t he constim•
on, and enabling , it to bear the debilitating erects of
114 summer Fromm. It ts conveyed by the comae
.ng fluids, and corrects their tendency to all those
asepses which originate in vitiated blood. diseased
Ivey. depraved aorietite.or predispositim toaffeerions
.f the lungs, No one, however. isiadvised to use
t without convincing themselves of the truth of what
here stated.;
This modteineht now flied, with success parts
tithe world, and is gaining great reputation it‘ Eng
A fresh supply of the Medicine jam receisted and
or sale by B BANNAN.
Sole Aeent for Schuylkill county,
Who can supply the above medicine wholesale to
hem who, wisb to% sell again. at Philadelphia prices
Mai It 26
Insurer . »re C6nspany.
41 AK I: both limited and perretnal insurances
41 , .• on Brick, Stone or Frame Buildimpt. Stores,
lintels. Mills, Barhs. Stables, hlnrehandize,
tare and Property of every deacriptioa,against boa
or damage by FIDE.
The Dela wa re' County lmursnce company veil
also insure agaimit loss on all kinds of marine risks
and against the damage or loss upon the transporta
tion •f goods, wares. and memandise by watt or by
rail way, upon terms as favourable as any other in
For any finthersinformation on the subject ofin-
Purance. either Oen moat Fire, marine or inland risk.
A tint) , to "lIFNRY G. HOB] \ SON . Arent.
July 15 34—tf Sehtmlkil/ Haven.
: or WILLIAM i roTTs.
A t Oryigaburg •
• •
• Fire InsOrance Co parry.
NA A KF. both Penned and perpetual Insurances on
Bnck, Stone 'or Frame Buildings. Stores,llotets
Mills. Barns, Stables: Merchandise. Furetteureend.
Property of overy;eiescrim ion.against loss or damage
by File&
- The subscriber has been appointed Aces 7 for the
above mentioned and is now prepared to
make INsuaasess!upon every descnption 01 property
at the lowest rates. BEIAJAMLN BANN.% N
Podsville.feb.r. BM&
The Philade ,
tics ad
&WAKE- both liritited and perpetual lusuranees on
.Y X Brick, Stone ur Frame lainklings.Strires.llotels,
Mills, Barns. Stables. Merchandise. Furniture. and
Tropes y of every ilescriptton. against loss or damage
b 7
The subscriber has been appoiaied tifiuttuirfor the
above mentioned Institution and when/ prepared to
rui,ke IsisUILANCEs Epee every description utprolletl3
at the lowest rata; BENJAMIN 11I%NNA51.
'Pottsville.Feb 25 1837 ' 16—
Swain's Inyisaceg.
2 i n k Swain DOZEN Swai •PinaCea '
jpst reedy.
... M fresh from the proprietor. Upwards of
Sesenty.Five Thhusand Bottles of this v aluable
medicine were Old last year, and the demand' s
increasing. For sale by the dozen, or single
Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5 by
• -R. 43ANNANi.
-.• • •
. Sole Agent for Seboylkill County,.
2 Alto Swaim's lirerrnifuge. •
-' • : -, i l =Atce ' . - s . ,nOliti,l.
''Hil.tiPlii; Itovits_.
• L
.Saingipii •„i a. Blood ' Pills •
dee-the tatiTif trod ' - 1 purifier of the Blood
- Iteut • AnitniitA Flipidi that have 1 ever
lieeiz ckilcovered.
.- . -Vhe-folltiviinglire some only ads -
. , . 4.41:11W CURE,s
Vestal and higi'd4prat during the past TWO
- - 1 XONTIGY i Iin l'Ailadelphie.
Louisa tfuripsonahred of violent pain in her bead
end indes.i wah'asisch igiddmeas to which abe was
trutijectfas three years. ... i
John Siocker , relieved from babituil
end ' want of/appetite, With abusive breath and bad
taste. .-
, . '
1 •Joseph Marlow, cured ofan ulcerated leg and arm.
Israel Jones. cured of a breaking out all over his
_whole body..
:Sarah Junes, cored cd)lain in her breasts and sides
much headache and sickeessatler eating.
William Mowbray. cured , of a. Rheumatism. and
irwelhng or his legs and ;feet. having been unable to
walk any distance for mg - months past.
Michael J. Ruskin. Cured of aidelling under his
arms and on his neck with considerable breaking
out on his body. .
klizabethCranmer, aired of swelled breasts , pain
in her . aide. constant . disgust to fo.'d. and much sick
new at her stomach. 1 . •
Jr ffery Cline. cured ofirhcrimatie pains and swelled
•"oinis. ,
Samson G. HOward. - cared of a tetter and rash, a
breaking out over lus.body, with some running sores
and ulcers.
Rev. A Canby. cured' Of an affection of his throat,
"armies& and ulceration: which previously affra.ted hoi
speech. •
The following Ire some only of the large numbeetif
cures effected in Bering filoutatmery. Stittuy!kill, Le
h'gh• LailCalllert and 235'irthautptou counties, dunng
the:past three months:
Jonas Green. Et . .q , cured of a acorbutic affection,.
ulcerated kg. sweet° joints and rheumatic puts.
Adam C. Ca-penter, cured of violent pain in his
sides. much custiventms, had appetite at d a 'byname.
id breath.
Rachel Snyder. cured. of a difficully, in bre thing,
habitual costiveness and violent pies ocher he. d.
Michael Jones, has two daughters and youngest si-n,
cured of a breaking out of dry and sometimes Watery
pimples over their whole bodies. nuendcd with great
rebel. frequent unpleasant feelings iv their heads,
sickness at the stomach. and pains over the heart. &c.
This' famitg•was "MD tad for years, and never found
relief-Mom any medical treatment, or from any meth
mum., until using Ur Leidy's Blood Pals and a 111111 b
directi d by Dr. Leidy.
b.'irahlkklntriall. mired of violent pains .in her back
and loins. rheuinatom. swelled Joint', &c.
Andrew Greet!. cured of griping pins. loss of ace
pet.te, div.ust for food. and habitual coetmen. ss
Adat°ll.. Lti finis. cern: of scaly eruptions and break
ing nut. soreness and pain throm.h his belies.
Dinah crowley, cured of ringworms mad letter.
Henry C. Ito ney. Faq. cured of ins aid Icier*.
prelims of hat mouth. dnuat and nose, glandular swel
hogs. iv c..
George Layman. cored or a mercerial affettion and
violent rheumatic pains o'his head, and cores.
Joi.ithan Stroud. Isaar Colmin and John G. Thom
• son.cured ofsanium affections of the head, ens e
new& soar eructations. sickness at the stomach. &c.
riarah Jenkins. Alfred an'i Tracy Jenkins. cored of
affections of Mesita], breaiing out, pains in their hmbs.
Nomrrons other instances might be published, but
to swell the list wo id unnecessarily increase the ex- •
F ey se of puWishing them.
It must - be plainly seen Trnm the fore,bing, that the
mood Pills arc an exwiletit corrective for a iderec
stomach, the cause of diseases to which the human
system Is liable, together with the impurity of the,blocd.
which exists in 311 diseases, and is conjunction with
a disordered stomach, very rapidly prostrates the hu
man body.
Thesepills do not purge as powerfully as de most
pills of the present day. (which produce as Rick
chief as did ever mercury, or the minerals, by weakening
the syurem,destroying [belong and vigor tift6e,body:
and rendering ht a prey io constant; and itnisarsal diss
ease. * dispersed and bodil y lasffienng) but are Mild and
tad and gentle in their operWion. aid only hitt-ming
thertatural discharges roAamdy to carry off impurt
tics as they are, corrected by their use. not rendering
necessary any restraint from occupation or bumf-M.
change of living or diet, or even a liabilitylif taking
cold from their use.
The process for extractilng the virsue ofthe Samoa.
rilla without ciestroying its efficacy Lis known only to
the -proprietor.
P epared only and sold wholesali and retail. at Dr.
Leidy 'a Health Emporium, Rnd St :beton/ Vine. No.
191.—A/so Sold by l# HANNAN,
Awe 9 44 Pousville.
Wondeiful (' sires. I
Aare been performed in Ibis * cityl, and throughout
the Ostia , * I *
BEING a concentrated thud extra t of Santsrarills.
comtfused with other vegetable cm cis. Which ren
ders it as a medicine ofgreat utilit in the Cure of all
shamuses arising. from imptirities oft e blood, fiom im
prudences in life. and constitutional diseases formed 1
or produeipl by the injudicious use la mercury. arse
nic. 6:irk. or quinine. In abort, it is en %valuable rem
edy for MI. , i il, •
Rheumatic Affection. General Debility. Ulcerous
Sores. white Swellings Diseases ' f the Liver and
skin. Ulcerated So C reThroat. Ulce of the Nose, a
ries. or diseases ofthe Bones; Scro la. or Rine's E.
vilqErysirielas. or St. Anthony's ri .. and all unplea
and dangerous affections cons eat to Syphilis,
Lies Venen-al. &c &c. . 1
.So effectual has this medicine been in'the core of
various dureasrs lor which it is nece mmended. that it
is far superceding all other preparations of Sarsaparil
la. Pinacea: &c.
It is now eutpl ved by itrameron physicians , i&nd
i t
has been introduced by then into m ny tispitias, 111.
armories. Am throughout the Unit States.
It is a preparation of grhaterstrength (consequently
ofgreater efficacy) than any other extract now made.
is also much cheaper, belie but oneldollar Ter bottle,
which is eufficient to make one ehllon of Syrup of
Sarsaparilla. and is bought by different druggists fur
that purpose. '
Numerous certificates hese been deceived and pub.
limbed from time to time. but in consequence of the
great expense attending newsrs per ph blic.s i ion ofthem
the most incredulotS can be eon winded of the superior
efficacy of Dr Leidy's Medicated. Sarsaparilla, by
callins, at Dr. Leidy's Hehlth Emporium." No. 101
north Second street, below Vine. sign of the Golden
Eagle and Serpents." wheribertificoles an references
can be even to hundred's cif instane f is oft ti most re
Marhable awes ever perform, ed by a y m icine.
1 Sold by B. BAN AN, Pottsville.
June 9 1 I - 44
5 I iiiitit ‘ll a Hard
lesa e n Re
ware- tor 6
IBOLLOCK & WEAYtlthaveltist received in ad
dition in their fOrmerlstock of Hardware . •
hiousebnleanvila.ipriiiikerd vices, parent polialt'd
screw plinks. warranted eau *reel ism.. broad area.
nano dn. bate hetis. ha miner", Lleattyi& Mullins adzes.
locket, aid firmer chisel*, drawing littieelt,blackrinith
totllowa. cut & 5 cast 'pikes.
ent anti dottiqe plane itona and planecaaamted
Inks, hichea , hinges a. screws, round and square
bolts, steel. plated, Ind it! -0 squares.'
Alf of winch are offered on the !nowt atentemedat
illy Varela ' eb IS: 14
New+ Ooods•
Aireneral sesortmenL of fresh,and seasonable,
Good., Jost rectivocionsisiiog in par of
- .1111iry Gos,
- Groceries, '
litirdstOre l
Plitsteri &c. Arc.;
wilds will • . so ifor..ei highest
pr i ao , c o • cub - fall todrt of rum
JOS ' Aral - SON.;
affront Carbon, - 2
, •
Up/Ards ;of 10,00,0 BOx . lot D r.
Leidy's assapan aorß or Pills
saki la Philadelphia Rion's. i
- - a QUEST] 0.4'.1 :
ctierot - *ties. '
WAG st [sr tAe
,efflitegia4 +teeh a ti.
1 pepertiar of ike sY4soprraftel I t -.
EVERY man, woman.and and dis '- : 'elid.caa
answleritie atrive, as itverynerwej a , through.
ouithe United States contains screen o e unmet. ..
u I efficacy of Sarsaparilla, in p 811.44111 Pout GM '
rasioeing , frass the human spit* ad •,.- • era.
Ask any yespectable physician the , q ,_ at ~. fillet
is the Mott effreaciods purifier" r,f the ' • • ' answer
will be. Ssaastsaitu.s. i
.. ~.
Suffice It to arty-men.if ell physician r commend
it so universal!". ickakffirdenee am - qf us
Da.-tmlitbas , discovered a method w by the
virtue oftl et SanaParilla is obtaitied in If *hi ) , eon .
centrated form. and in such manner as to Mote pills
therefrom. mama tdestwayong bi thi host rii /02E 7 .
This cannot be demi 'by any other parrvirr the pro
cess is known onlyito Dr. I f eidy, and is i d elcovery of
his own, ) ' i
These Pil ls are offered tattle public by name of
DR. 1.11D128 4 : •
11AR9APAR/LLA 01 .111.00 D if ,
compounded principally of Sarsagarta rind with
which is combined : ingredients (friendly o the riaitti
moon) rendering them more effectual. bepig gently
laxative in their effects, thus carrying o cutout hu
mors from the system very gntduatly,auti lhout pro.
ducing debility or Shy inconvenience. Ta nin sari
ficient quantity. hots ever, they will lunge l'eely.anil
may be employed % or , given to the most de care, and,
even to infants. being a safe and (rule etc iota inn.
Araiire, illiqvirine wo restraint from (let; o
J . tom r quids hokiii orfrorn tempt ion ofankind.
There pills have veibeen preeminently suec smut tel
from their convenient form.niur.t. sooner or ter, take
the place of all thei different preparattomi o z Swears
rills. such as Syrups. Ili coci ions. f :xi tams. hi C which
are contained in battles. liatie to tie bra/ en. aid are no
curenient for fakilfg . or being tumid ;loot!
There pills have. during the past two Ape. been
amply tested. .(eyrspat er advertising lit 4. to Very
eziensiim. ample testimonials rem nt niiei ins Fliyal •
c l one slid °Mors neetimpa y the dine/t. p... ,
They are particularly n commeided in i 1
I Rheumatic of affections, I D7 and IA awry. pimphi,
General Debility, r aid postitid a ut tue fact
Ulcerous Itiett-u re the aid Lofty. i,
throat. rose and body. Scaly esupt.ors.ond blot.
D Bokser; of the Lifer, - ekes of the ikki,
skin and Bones. Tern I'. RlM.iiitia,
,Pain over the regioh on he! Strofilln. I' ty fit Vas,
heart, brcant, acid std. ant dire, ilest4tn,
mach. • Stivriach .( oiLt 4s. Liter
Pain of the sidest along complaints tits-that h,
the back and spine: Sour en etati t s4ind acid
' Inward revere, toultbreath. , ities of-tile a le Tat b. -
a bad taste in the!niouth„ Glayoular aflerpens, sr
I Flatulency. want of appr - 1 au Piling at kirdeuirg
tite cosi tvetiess, eramt sl . ottheglat 4 orithe fork.
of the stomach, kid in- in the gro:so, lit iei de
aip,estion: i arms, at dl ahmg the
spine; the
and the whole train of diseasea temiltingforp in i ti
rity of the blood, alt also cono'itutmnal dm re , ft' -
d axed by 'before os Barks. Quinine, Ant incilitr mirr
or other Minerals. olio in impeudencies in lite, h.,)yhtt.
lic Lam Venereali Ac-. de
Pt ibe, '25 ( evils , a Pox - 7T t
Prepared only and sold Wholesale andPelsil at Dr.
Lealy's.ileulth Easier/um. 2nd at. Wort- ' , 41/111, ha.
191 1
Corsuniption. I
fiFADER. if yon hide a cough or cot ..swam t i or
their consequences. Colds genera i y :.rogie.t
impeeptilly. and; Insinuate themselre thtoughi at
the busman system. finally settling upon the hinge sad
ending in constenprion. a
How often is eolith cot down when kind 't :petted.
by the consumption:, and tollimed to thr claret by
parents who are in a - measure ihe cause o tlipir prem
ature death. in neglicting to remedy cold when crst •
ing in Childhood. lobking upon them as tAi o an.'
tions, and not attracting their notice until the no). er
has commenced its ',work and madeinre of its victim.
This is note fancift4 repreueptation. for dust . nutner
one instances occur which prove the facts
In manhood coldattencunate in the:sante .
not progress so rapidly as in youths' they II O d fiiiw
ever. in both youth 4ind manhood be early. ti tided to,
and not regarded atrtriffing 4ffections, for pt . *delu
sive idea that has no ;
. doubrehotted the loteiof
sands. •
. • Ilin4 BECIRTFRIS • 'T...4
(Price N'S Cents per bottle )
Is an invaluable prefituntion...discovered ki ,
.in rear
and celebrated-German physis Jan. who hap piffled
it' upwatds of fifty ears in his own ;dee cilia GI r
many.ihriinghout which country it has Op during
that time most extedsively and successful) • etiployed
in Cenebs..Colds. Itilluenzni. Catarrhs. Ast :as:Spit
ting of Blood. tA hodping Coughs. PaTh 6 Alt Breast
I n
and Sides, all affeetipne of the Breast and u4ii,'"and
arrest oft pp ion t. hing .consumption. ' p • •
Much may be said in prude of the alma' inidicine,
but newspaper advettising being too expen . every
satialactory evidence will' bey found in ell ' ' e ffects
upon trial. as well a# numerous reeotrunen , s)a a ac
compan, ing the directions. Ilywards of „Alt houles
were sold in Philadelphia alone during the, P t. win
ter. a convincing prat:if ol its efficaey, or so lir7 ci ilea&
tity would never have - been sold. .. The ahovil medi
cines are prepared sod sold only at ' '
Second:help* V '' eV. .
-"1 ..- - ' E
rpi FADER. did ynn i'ver see a confirmed peptic
Ist and learn his sufferings? If not, scifitee ii to say
he is a pale, thin add ghastly looking ohjt: et ta his
apparently banging by a thread; he is midi le and
unhappy. his sufferings indescribable. 1_ ' .
Are A you much mottled woh Fiei e j e n e y, mess,
r ey,
Sour eructations arisipg from your stomach.. , '`asional
want of appetite. NYOterbrash: a. bad i s e ' your
foul or el breath, pain or a henviness'at, or , irto
mach. Sicknesi attesting , Headache . Di Da t o your
si b y l
once favorite ' disheg. &C. 10you are mu h °Aided
with anYof the foregoing symptoma.bring e re you
the picture of the Dyppeptic, end having 11 ved to
remedy the coosequentes. immeiai ely pto
DR. mums T O NIC AND .ANTI-D. rtr IC
A never failing', and efficsic ions nrm
And the whole train °reflections result d ' fliso do-.
eases of the INOC/s Stomach and'istes init. . 1
The above medicine is wounded free'l NI iiINTt•
7 or other toineril preparations; it is cowl otliel ign.
tuely of vegetables. sate and easy to take.
.. 11 t r y
plaudit to the taste. "It may br suifelpadmii WO.
young and old, requiring but moderate rest 11381 , in
diet only. , . .::
Numerous testimddiall have been f rom (nail*
published:its reputatiOn is so well knetrik r a, .
meat upon he virtues is iinnectissaindfitti o atty.
ther recommendatiUno accompriy,the iliti mita
round each bode.
fjpg' Price One Doter f ee tuttk.,
Said in Philadelphia al
I• Dr. N 1.4. Leidy's I.lPudarEtispitrlndfaft.
Vine St.—sadty - ,• ; ,10 , 11AISINA11r; V
51 a , 5 • : , --_ .4•.17 , i- : ; -'• .
11 nit
• , ...`l,
i 1 '. ti
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