The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 14, 1838, Image 4

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    , . .
, .
T'llittportOlit to the Skit.
.—.. ,
Iye I eFIVEMI: 4 .IgrANS'
C:i.. ' . OIII,ILrPILLS. • ' ',
.. IYEFFECIV—Whesia sound and imi
*OS '_.
~. of diatuuteit,lnitiolig-beienjin gees
Itosthitrte . Ateeleitf.h4lblettSinPafid "'cell'
; tititetotialeareelyfo thir pnwer-of etnaptietsm to
Q ubt iliffiri4f**-010 0 7.1 6 defil : •
Wtffilt."• - haStiehlevedet(Taseisellitut tarsier of eke
buns whilt idistiiitiee4Witimfieuttne[ of, mare
auk pretension. and has seared s', , -Mjewacurns
"lion in onneratirilivor.hy,tfifrinsie Worth alone.
to proptietoi may point . net the pluses of its .supert
. t.0..r,, j ;.. ',.-iottarriatthe susinentasfinvidions.'
esejktasP. ' fingthe coortenteolt.. " •
TherCAlt Li and 'CAIMILIf A lERIP'r:
i'. ' lam * . • , Di.Villiere State 4 It lOU
J J. , z ags*, do .not , .. require In estdinetion jef
.• .''''i ilektionitidgeeeflicatcyciefhe tellisteniinint
t . JJ '• ' •'Shergliket the Uirited , Staien•srOest
PP.0,%- ;state the retires whtelaJharejtodu
''', •., la inilend them so ettenatvely aid. wa
UM/Wit ' Arad those-reasons are. that *lei' ' -
T .
.... ultsittlhetiletterinierts even the mita del to
J - chnitittititon, tin , bane , in almost every *Avid al
j ease for whichlbej•are'prescnbed. a ingked.'an :vi
rdeetentantlyittitppyanit permanent effikati4Y. • ?li t ,
enne. moreover. gee that they are not offered to e
"public normally quack theory of purifylog the bl .
Us the cuter .destroetion of the stomach and bow s.
Purify th is blood from all &spied buttiors.they u de
in* do; but not by destmylng those !viscera by
which' alone the blood can be sustamed.i They.are
:compounded upon a theory which sappiness atom ch
j tatite a very' eisential agent to health: amid good. ell
1 ditcestsd.-to be a valuable friend to fieshand hr. .
.They do not puri:y men to ehosts._ sod make t em
look like beings too refined to remain tong in his
worAkett they make them as human as possible, nd
fit to eticoonter the hirdshi pa. 310 fulfil ihy oc iia-
1 tionief a sublunary life. Thy do not - make ato
lentretritattrry•tarthhilife. fo prepare men the f ter
m. another. 'Pbey proceed tit on the suppotition bat
I the blood. muscles, nerves. organs. excretory an se-
1 cretory gland. Inactions and teguinentary erithubr
1-bottes and brains. of every human tatting rev': to
' he supplied with nourishment from as healthful sisto.
I noel as can be made and kept ; and upon the dim nee
I'that unless the stomach and bowels are its goad.iirdeT.
the blood aed every other pan grille system Wilt beim
ilitor'er. -s .
- • And bow isfrecrected that they will secure lth
to the stomach and bowels' Why by enacting t one
I to clibtat Mod. and theather to carry off what i left
I after the nutriment et - erztracied. in. connection ith
j therturplas of tide. slid the foul huthors ofthe b Don.
I onniaiwutmembranes , and stomach. And they • om- •
plash these great feats of medicine in the most inemie
. way. imaginable- The A PERM NIT FAMILY PI 1.5...,
. it
' if the stomach be. affected with Wind. bile. or c aced
1 eollections.clear it out. by a natural-tint ami in:
sensible solvent action, and cleanse, the whole all
; memory canal, without gnome. and leaving it 113 free
i • w thaut debility, as nature ever desi;xned it to he.-
14%4 do enttake the skin offthe Stomach and bowels.
and leave them like a piece of red velvet. as Kai pin
! skims know the strong drastic pills do.. but
i they
take nature ltindly by the hand without crushi her
lagers. They cleanse every thing. withotittm tang
Or iniorag any thing.
I • When this is effected, es it usual yis by the oak ofa
few of. be P.t WILY at P , IRI EN'P :'l LLA. then enme
the celebrated C A ?dDIVIILF. or TON IC 11l 1,1,8. to,
strengthen a stem ich and bowels which *fore; per
• h . rui. v.t. a 1 k and foul because th 7 were weak. and
iindovrs them with are igth to perform their upper
tan; ,fonctions. without the aid of physic. The Z'A-
PrIDMILE FLO VER. when it, vabiable principle*
are chemeally extracted. is acknowledged by all phr
octane, in every age, to be - the best ve_etable •C
known in tha science of medicine —There is nothing
IX artwit in the vegetable kingdom of nature to eral it;
nothing that is at t..nce so harmless and so vigorousb
healthful, and in proof of this the proprietor of thy
retowned pills that ore made from its purestrarticlest
Might quote almost innumerable authors. both ancient
and modern. if his own practice had . not 'preyed
tens of thousands. •
• ' ' Tit:masts of these pills are not only • reeved in
110i:ensue of appetite and,generil st nettwbut in
i restoration of the-body to that universe vigor in all
to functions wheh indicates the return to perfectly.
i mend liendtk—The Nee ' . and 'general omelexion,
Teak' volumes in their favor. and th, and. 'of fe
'Wescott testify bow much they have c Inhered, tu
, heir comfort, their complexion. and thir strength.
when every other remedy bad proved 111/1111 than use
less. In nervous diseases. of all kinds. ev are n•w
nekeestidged to be preeminent ; grade . Ily restoring
firmness of body and mind without t he annoyance
iihreftenges which other nervous ren . es occasion
Happy would it have been for many y , no persons
abed' eeres-who are now in the sapid rive. ifthey
had learned to check the 'morbid ten ds Cies of their
• stomach and bowels by these Cure tom arid aperi
ents, withoqj resorting to quack reme lt . th- names
•af which are concealed. and of wh it they know
anthier, That dreadful scourge CO NJ. UM - 1910X.
:night hive been checked .n 'is crimm cement and
• iisappoinied of its prey, all over the lo t d. if the first
timbres of nervous debility bad been c ounteracted 1
by .CAM9A - 11LE: chemically preoare ; and those i
bowel corn plaints which lead to a .hovt ffmal MlN—
dies. might have been &rioted by ,ha fine alealinel
• • etteact o(
1" rhubarb; which ts - a leading ingrediencin
these medieineat, which are adapfed to in majority of
' the pnrptes for which a hundred others are mower"- •
. surlily estfevers, agues. bilious disorde-s..headoches,
female d bility„ male "decline. indigeitton. end liver
eximplaint. would base entirely disappeared. nbtre
many of them-have-proved fatal.'
v ilobeit-disdiretly understood that these medicines '
are not offered instead of thpse natural organs of the
body .yvhlt other medicines dispense with, in a.very
• sacrum manner. They are foondral upon medical
knowledge. and not mulickery, and 'do rht take ahl the
, red panicles out of Mel:omm blond airier the pre
tence of purifying it. In proofof whuc difference of
effect. let the faces and forma, of dace 'is heir testi
snotty, They ronstitioe a useful, effect.' I. and gene
' filly applicable data of medicines for every family,
tad' belle both tonic anu aperient. a :. of the best'
. preparations known, no person or fa :Iv should he
irithout them. They can be obconed wfio.esale and
retail °flat. proprietor. Dr. W ..1,1 EV A S. New York.
and of his 'agents in town and Count . with dime
' • tiTtitfinusei--They are rapidly 'wipe .- mg all other
resitediett advertilied in the public prin because they
. arefriund to belong ton very superior .1 les of popular
medicine... 4% single trial usually places t em high in pri
vete estitriatlcto, as they are known lt,. be in' public
' preferentwend in the opinion of phys ' tans.
MOW ST. PHILADEI.PHI.A.*he hid medicine
may be had. Dr. Wm Evans! Mc ~ lire Chatham
.Bga:et. New York,wherethe Doctor May beconsulted
- ' Sii niruni. / . , [
"lir PEPSI . A and II YPOCIIOII 0 MACtshf.—
Ju!Ofresringeitas.-44r. WilliamSalmon.Green it
elides Third, at.. Philadelphia. -afflicted for several
r4Bll:l4itb the following. distressing pions: Sick
netaitt he t stomach, headache, dizun a. palpitations
• =an, impaired appetiwanm times acid and
t eructations, coldness and eakness of the
111101efflitilS. emaciation and general d lit y. disturbed
~seat, a sense of pressure and weight t the stomach 1
. after . , sting . nightmare , great ' I drapiidency.. 1
eesehillying pains in thechest.back sidesaeostiee-
Mei. a 'dislike fOrs9cietT, or noose' ' . involuntary
, sighing Rai weeping languhr and I Inds Upon. the,
kart egercissfi •. , . .
Mr. saliton hail i l pinea tole en.Wii
giant'. Who consider it herondlthei
eine to restore hint tti fiesitl4,hissreS
dons hid redo* hilkt4l:! 4 WilllPl'l
j and halring beeerechmmendeir ti* a
silks • Pa Dir.Ailm. V.VA VS' , t‘f
• d ucal geraltetto theolficeanduno
, tpwlit .leaagalhOs. indebted Om I
hfs ahlt ag4Tfitends. anti
bleak . 4get.,,,_•heilth Pe
f' . lig nosalj bit sitt:lnfi
eiiiiir 11' JOH*/ tide obi w
Awl ' Acertiebotikro 4 l elf
iy Z. 3 N
Sole Ageatfoi ,
• 13TPHALTA'ATA - Mfa' " ( kW
,11611 i: 1
• piiiitu'litristlihstrilli: ; . : itAiiiprlifl
fives ~ ill um,rerk.ilruiT 'inn' r le' by `
ril9 -49 EV:
• !awl!? ~....,,,,,......i ,-...,.. •, -:ii.
.., , • ~,
I i
0.........g..i,..„-L.,..,, 01-,1. , ••1i v ic0v;,...,;,...-.wwW•••• 4 ;.- - - -= ' ; '•••"'
CFERforgiiilst. •-; MhiliiilsdidCrotail.Fam
ly Grocery Store.. ' • • tee 43 doom kJ* Market
street. a'pnmonneordaeot °fir* Oilsaltrialii,Sessiit
lug of i • - ,
•• • - .3ilatta. Rio, Lagnira: • .., i Col n .., -, -
f3t.:Domingo and termed',
N. Orleans. St Crols• brovrtmi plague
' White tlavanna.loafand lump
NeMthimuts. WelkriAl aus ,
. • lum/4 asigist ik- , -F-: - •' ,r
Tnip ndi esiegGinkr.eir . alatrAlk -
• 111gdfith-retichootg ego-rm. Teas •
o.floochong aid .
BakereClutemt3p4MaKtionuta t chacalate
' ,dt Lions: and sweet spiced
• ' Prepared Ci *IL Cocoa shells
Reading. Canc.. Harvey, '
John Bulls. Lobster. Anchovg. Swim
Canton soy and Currie,
Gherkin. Tomato. pepper. '
blized,Onion. Mare, 'I , Pickles • •
Lemma and Frenc • •
'Olives. Capres. An oviem. •
. Cayenne pepperoillipiarind Ginger 1..
, CloVes. Mace. Numiegirensicasata ,
. s'l Rice. dour of riceonarch. . •
Currants. Figs. Raisins. Prunes
Sweet and bitter almonds. citron _
Olive Oil. wine bittersJettton syrup
'Premised ginger. cheese, codfish
Mentor/. mackerel. salmon
• .lA 7 nue.atul colored wdLtsPefln ( c a ndl e
. Moulded and dipt4alluw
Palm. Variegated brown end yellow rasp
. Old Madora:old port, claret
Brown and pale shell ry . champaipe Wines
. ora hock. Lisbon:4U la thia " In. w ord.
' Saseet mainga. mitscatell , . & bottle
'Malinser,inarseil les & Sicily 114,des.
Scoich.lnsh. monongahela & coin Whiskey
A nnisette. an ntseed & peppermint cordials
Cognac. ckam par. Spanish if corn brandy
Holland&. coin. "in IV E Ruin .
yams sell spirits -
Extra sup. span.inferior do
Ralf Spanish and , common cigar,
Girt & plain and moulded glass
China and crockery r
*LSO;. • - .
• 1
a general assortment Of Dry Goods. &c. &c. all of
which 1101 a redisposell to action the most reasons- .
tile terms. !leads of Families , and Tavern Keepers
are particularly invited Ito call. .
1111 R. JOS.' LAPIE Sympakhick for the
&P r satm;mt. speediest, and perfect cure of every
kind of' wound.. ulcepW, cancer and all cutaneous
d arising from coning, squeezing, burn
mg, 6.dt:fly or the impurity or the blood, and also
for curing Dyspepsia, heart' burn, asthma, liver
complaint. roam i ve m saw, colic ks, convulsions, diary.
mall and rheumatick !pains. tooth ache, and sore
eves. The general agent. Prof. G. %ay Wagner,
Reading. Flerks enmity, Pa. offers grains to any
person affected with, rither of the paid diseases,
a certain quantity of the Svmoathick to be tried
and apprevated hrlose making any expense; now
ever. time application must be made lice of post.
'J. R. This orivite cannns he had gennine in
any drug stare M kppothecary shop. It is not
necropsies to talk !nisch shout it, a. if eerytinly
will rec.sttinienif itself to an enlightened 'iblick.
sing 19 r 39,tf
&Lastige from Bagland, Ireland; Scot
land 'and Wales.
Pwishing tt ergage passage for
* their triends, iri first tate - Wyo, liom the a.
hove places, may now do RU by applying to
Cer.tre Street.
Ein the nrcominodstinn of those personaenga
ging passel!. for their friends. who may. Wish to
send them money, to enable them to provide fin
the voyage, drafts Will be given on the following
named merchants, viz:
P. W. Reines, N i n.3. Waterloo Road, Liver. .
pool; DAIIII. 1 Wright. lh Co. N 0.3, Robinson st.eei
Glasgow; Written) Whey, No. 2.5, Eden Quay,
Madill. mai 6
Vegetable I.ofe Pills and Plbe-
Ili* • Bitter's. .
rr A CONITtI AS V.-111 0411101115. from the remo.
test ages, hay-. hol !hips. but 'admitting only found
out the way to America Ilifote the time of the
great Soanish navigator, people were only enabled to
paddle anuut•the shires. Jur so with the Life Aled•
mows It Is but two short yer a s nce I first ven
cored upon anainknOwn °epaulet I have discuveted
the o rtmoile object I was in search of—ILEA LTII.
Vegetable med meerwere indeed known When I corn.
tioomiel my search. but their us« was not. 13v the
use of them. I lure euronly paaaed from the dejecte.
' tsivaltdoe the hale hearty nnii or is of Inveness.
immea rate° Iv nnenking. I have tr«newed, m).
youth. I Clll i hue. with mm6(ll-flee in mi own exam.
I rience. advise with!. my iellow citizens Does the
reader w mt prneftbat theVEf ETARLF. LIFLMED
ICI NES are «unable to his own caret I have on file
it my office.s4° Broadway. Inadreds of letters. from
some of la. most reviewable citizens alibis mri na
tive land. v •'onturily bffere , in testimonj of the vii
toes of A GOOD VI Grl'A BLE 1141.7,fbICIPIE.
Persona yvhoseennstitutines have been searly rn•
teed hy the-all Meallible" mineral pre,Mmtioini of
the day. will bear me witness. that tire Life Medi
'ADM. aunt such only. are the true cease to remanent
good health. JOHN DIOFFAT.
These mediemeshave long been know.. and appre
ciated. for Unity estranrai us ry 8.4 imrsed late powe.s
of esnoring se rfecr health, to ;Orions &fret ing ender
nearly every kind of onease. tow Inch the bsinor,
frame a halite.
du many isiuureds of certificated instances. they
have eve resem.dsufferers from the jury verge or an
serunely erase. snip: all .he dseemtive nastrums ol
the day had utterly failed:and to many thousands they
have perms• ently secured dial indium esjoyment ol
health. without which life itself is hula portal bless.
ing 3n 'great. in. ed. has their of inear.abls
and imfallibly proved: that it bas appeared scarcely
less thah mir seuloirs to those who were unacquainted'
.with the beautiful philosophical • principle., u t cr x i
which - they are compounded. and upon which,
consequently act • It was to their minicart and sews
ble„ . action in purifying the sprier" and channels of
life aad enduing them with renewed tut audiiger ,
that they were indebted for their .. wltiCti wit
bestowed upon them at the sponian . request of'
several individuals _whose lives had obviously'
J r
I ill Mk . •
, Thir oroorietorn rejoice in the oupatinity afforded
.by die Universal diffusion of thu,dady prem. for phut
, int tat .V 1: - GV:TA BIS LIFE PILLS within , the
- kniatileifesinit reach of every individual in the cow
*Unity. Unlike the holt of pemiciotio tptickeries.
which bleat of vegetable ingredients. the Life Pill,
urelmePly ima!tivut.c *Pas • 111 t. and contain nei
ither.•.Mercury.-Auamiry. Arsenic. nor any tithe
tai'nerat.ln any form w,hatever. They are entindy
'cruaintedwEtuttausa-frartnireerril - riunrerfiffnlanta.
rho virtues or whisk-08nel lagt; known to several
. Indian tribes, and ikaitly r,a imeneenetcpflphma k ..
council ehriniameroulthgetheru, tuthr
nut pretenders a anetheal lediencerand were' never
before, adaminterudin so happitt - egkimimmiti tom:
binatinn. • ."
TheirßrltopentionJir iota thauteleel
the Staunch's .11 hoWelc. the various impends* .and
cr4dititte constatitly.setting 'erwand them; anti in 1,4 *
11116ft•thil hauteined fades 'which collvglattahatint•
vdertonvntvlharluillrhi . pardicence
,fsnlY,P"Jim,,24l44e6dicerviitikeii iiebleete'
'% • 'levee Deland:* keproduas . hibinalienedellaelk
affitatntliOliferediVor midden' diarrhamortthst
Manlike Thht fahtin luidiett , 49ol
,nmEaterraddhnni slibormiminti'the &intim bowels,
ratter death: and hence itithltiiiidieifififies - eriirellte
Conned WA( htilidiftlii Oar* medicines or the/tam
• ;The. 4 ertionCedlimt of the VEGETABLE . .LIFE
. V:
Inntinentptrywi l •
wer of mid,-
et ! . as Mx *fain
'table condition.
tine of Ohl
, trine.
reds ;Altaic,
enjoying/01 the
ne Animas pr
ith esery parl
Evan,' litecr
l l 'OrEftr4tlt:
" - 'llCounty. I
1 . 1 -
-Zl.. ,r:4-
For Sale
w^7 • -
:ACS •
PM & is Meleristbe ltid unitise budder, and
rWithiMatiewliiithit Oti iii e
ie ftie:: juswthe betltbf4
ictitioMfwhichi Milled; depend' , epee theregnierilli
of fhb urinary orgms. The bloc e„ which take,. ill
1 red color from t acy of the liver 'mid
uaa 6 e '
' before ft peseet: it-i)eiM. - behltrtlest
them and non .
.- by. food .coming from • clean
stomach,_ - courier* freely throtigh the veins. renews
every partof the seems and tnamphindymbustethe
hemarsofhealth it llistblooming t . - ,
Tbefolloveing u raming the distressing ' of
human diseases, which the Vegetable Life ' ll.
erewelllteowute heinfellibleo.... , , .. ~ •,.
D yspE • cleansiag the See Bed
seemed hi s, creating* flow of pure healthy
tile, Miami albs stale indscrid kind ;--Plithikecy.
Z a Hreitift . 4barli blu attesqV i4 deizie lk r t-bunl Ler
gies.andAdendaely which are the general sy mptom'
or Drpepsicleilllvenish , as natural consequence of
its care., Costumer:R. by cleansing the whole length
el the intestines. Tithe solvent process, and Without
violence; an Violent purges.leeve the bowels costive
within tern days., Diarrken and Cholera, lay remove.
*cabs sharp fluids by which Meth ansimainta
are occasioned, by promotie the lubricative
°Me membrane. t . id/kinds.
by restoring the toe reeler circulation, through
the process of respiration in some eases, and the
throughtiolution fall iitesthellobstewtionsinothers.
The LIFE Pill have.been known to cure Merl
santkas sly i n dime weeks. and Goat in half
penul t
that time, by . nag locaLitillammation from the
enneeleirand l' is ot thejoiiine.. Dropsie s of all
buds.. bi: freeing nad,streagtbeningibe ludneys and
4 elidder;they o . te'most ftelightfelly on these or.
gincand hence ve ever bee.. foubd a cerain'reme
dy felt the ..worst case, of Grey& Also Worms. by
dislodging from t he tuminee of the bowel the slimy
,matter to which these restorer. sdhe , e; Asdasaand
Consumptien. by relieving the sir vessels of the lunge
from the mucus, Which even slight colds ifont rem's.
ed becomes hardened, and Mildness those dreadful
diereses.. Ecuree. Hiems.and Inveterate Sores, by lb•
perfect purity wlch these Life Pies give to the blood
and ell humors ;; Scorbutic ET1044014. and Bad Cam
memos. by McCue., affect wont be died. that
morbid Witten 'lnch occasions-elf Eartjahne ana
pkthits; -,s a ueia ~ • eAnd biker disagreeable Con
pienoris Tbe tile °filmset Pills for a very @hernii te.
will effect an entire cure- of Salt damn. A
and a -striking iMprovement in the Cka-tretts if the
sins Camas= ICcide.end Inflateass. will always' be
cored by one do*. or by two even to the worst cases.
Piles.—ms aremedy for this most distressing and eda
senate malady,. ;the Vegetable Life Pills deserves •
distinct and emphatic reciimmeniation. It is well
known to hundreds in this city, that the Proprietor
of these invaluable Pills. was himself afflicted with
this completing for upwards of thirty "vergers. and that
he tried in vainjevery remedy prescribed within the
whole compass of the Materia Medics. He however,
at length. tried die mediine which he now offers to
the public, and be was cured in a very shon time
after big recovery hid been pronounced not only
improbable. but absolinely impassible, by any human
DIRECTIONS FOR USF:The proprietors ofthe
Vanicrams bet Pit-La does not follow the base and
mercenary preenceof the quacks orthellay, in advis
ing persons to take his Pills in large quantities. tlia
good inediciee. can • possibly be an required. Thetis
Pills are to be taken at bed time every night. for a
week or fortnight, according to the obstinacy of the
disease. The Usual dose is from 2to s.according to
theconetitutien oldie person. Verydelicate persons
should begin with but two, and increase as the nature
of the case wee requirr. those more robost.or of very
costive habit...may begin, with 3, and increase to 4, or
even 5 Pills, and they will effect a sufficiently happy
• change to guide the patient in their further use.
These Pills scanctitues occasion sickness and vomry
ng,chough very seldom, unless the stomach is vi le
foul; this, however. may be considered a favorabe.
symptoni. as the'patient will find himself at once rit-
lieved.and byperseverance will soon recover. They
usually operate within .10 or 12 hours, and never give
pain, unless the bowels are very much encumbered.
They may be taken by the most delicate females on.
der any circamstances.—lt is, however, recommend
ed. thmt homes' beer periods et - Pregnancy' should take
but one al a time, and thus continue to keep the bowels
open: and even-two may be taken where the patient
is very costive. One pill in a solution of twn table
spoons full °fleeter. may be given to an infant in the
followicurdoseir—a tea spoon full even two hours till
It operating (fir a child. from one to five pearl of age.
half a Pill—rand from five to ten. one pill.
THE PIRCSNIX BITTERS. are so called,because
they possess the power of restoring the expiring em•
hens of heal*, , a glowing rigor throughout the
ennetioitiniv: the Phials's is sand to he restored in
life from the lashes ofits owndisaolution. The Plan'
nix.l3'n era are entirely vegetable, composed of mot
found only in certain parts of the westdrn country
which will intalhbly cure FEVERS AND AGUES
of alt kinds; will never fad to eradicate entirely all
the effects of Mercury . infinitely sooner than the most
powerful preparations of Stirsapanlls. and will imme
diately care the determination of BLOOD TO THE
IIAM; never fail in the sickness incident to young
females; and will he found a certain remedy 40 all
cases of nervous debility and weakness of thelllo74 im.
paired constitutions As is a remedy for Clerwric and
„Inficussafory Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phcceix
Bitters will be demonstrated by the use Ma single
bottle. The usual dose of; hese bitter* is half' wine
glass 11.11. in water or wine, and this quantity May be
taken two or three times a day, about &Oran hour
before 111011114. OTI less quantity may be taken at all
times. 'Po these who are afflicted with indigestion
alter meals; these Bitters will prove invaluahle, as
they very greatly increase the action of the principal
viscera, help them to erform their functions.and en
:able the 11400111 Cit to discharge into the bowels what
ever is offensive. Thus indigestion is easily and
speedly removed. appetite restored, and the mouths
of the at anrbent vessels being cle inied. nutrition is
facilitated, and strength of 'Jody and energy of mind
are the hnopy results For farther particular* of
PERS. apply at Mr. Moffat's of f ice. No. Sill Brodway,
New York. where the Pills can be obtained for 23
cents. 50 cents, or $1 per box ; and ihe Bittere for $1
or 32 tier bottle. • ICf Numerous certificates of the
wonderful efficacy of both, may he there inspected.
In some obstinate and complicated cases of chronic
and inflanimatori Rheumatism.. Liver Complaint..
Fever and Agne,ll3yripersia. Palsy. Piles. injury from
the use of mercury, quinine. and other diereses of long
arairdine. it may boner es.ary to both the Life
' Pills and the Phoenix Bitten, in the dose before re
N. tl—Throe Pills and the Bitters, will get-the
- mercury out of the system infinitely lasterihan 'he hest
Preparations nfSantapardla, and e certain remedy fir
the. rushing of the blood to the head. or all violent head.
ackeetie dredevrear. &c.— 1 ,11 persons at ho are predis
posed kc., should never be without
the Life Pills or the Bitters. for one dose in time will
sate fife. They eqoallia the circulation of the blond.
'draw all pressers from the bead. presniratinn. and
throw off every impurity by the pores of the akin.
For sale by MILLER di. HAGGeirrv,
Agent, for the Proprietor.
..iteligious Works.
BBANNAN has just rece?Ved thorn%wing
. religious works, London and America ed
't ins. which he offers for tale cheap. ,
Origitryl Family Sermons, 5 vols.
Mas4linns' Sermons.
• ' Lelanes view of Desstira Writers,
Stiarterant's Preacher's Manual, a vole,
'Drew on the Resurrection', •
• Drew on •theSonl.
• Bridge's on the Psilm cipx.
• Fahey nn inSdeliti.' , ;
. Jame.' Christian PrrifessOr.
Prise Essay on Religious!Disatparioas;,.
• :Phriasfan Felber ai Home.
gather's Request, ike.iitc.
.177 d Grope Juice. .PorTinne; ite.': 4 lo,
VERY superior old grape juice Port Wings
r?"...._.r , -,t , ..4.41-9,4_o4lCaritaes s pany..tioF_ldar... -
.;,, ,
..- 49 .1.2. : _A1u bat :,,.. _ -da dal,
Verrsopenorowns , Al , Madeira. lit: hood'
.4 4iattka:- Viik4l:4o* Ord IC: tales ed i
Doir 1:111.11berry w4ittni. Frei *belie.
81410111 ' Ira. L. P. TerierWiddliettielas,
dry aiiit iot Malaga arinieofid r .lafiVeiai by .
&fair -: : • ''' ri
iring-Fuod - Soclety
E Port Cuba.- Saving, Filed Society. its
- now open every dig from 9 tri 3 o'clock at,
the Office ot_Diseonat.,,and Deposit„ for the ,
pole of receiving deposits Many amount mit ex
ceediug 000. from . any one person ! , upon which
an interest of 4 per cent will be paid on ewer) 115
andlisprards,but on interest Will,klkored on'
any &seamier parts of $5. The 'whole or any
partmly tic:drawn boron givicg Intake. two to
fhor weeks, at the office on Monthly,. The bu.
sines at the Satiety will be conducted try the
following officers and - muter-2s, 4ntil the first
Mondafib May nest.
President---AQIELA BOLTOE.
Managers- •
Joseph Carroll Samuel J Potts
Edward Heeler E. S. %tres
Ja6ob Bull , Jesse Turner -
• L. Whitney, Secretary and treasurer.
Article 3d of the Charter. " o emolument
whatsoever shall be reheived the President
or Managers for their serviees.l nor shall-any
Manager become a•borrower fritir the 'lnstitut-
Oen. , om 3 46tf
l• •
Fort . remeation dears
/ ........1 5 P .16 , .....\ of Coughs.colds. Aothotas.
" -- 1 -7.... " - .. Consamplieus. Spittinp of
.4 jr . iii Blood. Ehiroses of am
r` 1 *4 1;1; .j,
F 713 ";
i d st E lni;li d i l
iv i :C l :L7 f A s ai tit e : ~..*.C P C .:4 " I %:,
. of Loneoster.
Accompanying each bottle of the Specifick.
pointing out in a conspicuous manner, all the
symptoms in - the different stagesiof these distres
sing diseases—also particular . 4rections respect
ring diet and regimen, and hnw patients are to
conduct through every stiure'until health is IV
stored—for vain and-mseless wriuld be the pre'
acriptions of the ablest physiciat, accompanied;
most the ost powerful and use al medicines, if,
the directions are not faithfully adhered to. -
The public are informed that thedepositionsot
287 persOns have been taken before proper au
thorities in the city of - Lancaster, all completely
cored in the moat desperate muses of censump
lion, some of which are detailed in the bills ac
companying each bottle.'
v.* A supply ofthe above Specifirk has been
received and is for sale at this office. .
March 12 18 -
gwaimls Panacea:
A S the intemperance and Inanity of the age are
hastening the ravages Of sciirbunc complaints
and rendering the blood more impure: and as thou
sands have destroyed theireonstitutionaby negleving
to apply the proper remed.ea—to such, Swaitn's Pan
aces must be. and has been. more than doubly salea
ble as a certain and effectual means of rector ng then.
to perfect health and vigor. Fe`w families are whol
ly exempt front scorbutic affection*. which exhibit va
nous symptoms. as eruptions, ulperanons. debility
loss ofippetite and dejection, all arising from impure
blood. and if not-properly attended to. produce the
greatest injury to the constitututt u n. and may be im
parted to their o ff spring. Swaim 'a Panacea is reeorn
mended St this 'mason of the year, as a valuable recto
rative oldie system, thereby invigorating the constitu
bon. and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
the summer season. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids. and corrects their tendency to all those
diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver, depraved appetite.or predispositon to affeetient
of the hinge. &c. No one, however. isiadvised to list
it without convincing themselves of the truth' of what
is here united. ,
This medicine is now used with success in all parts
of the world, and is gaining great reputation in Eng
A fresh supply of the Medicine just received and
for sale by B. BANNAN.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
Who can supply the above medicine wholesale to
thAm who wish to sell again, at Philadelphia_ price.
May 14 a. 26-
Imui•anef Company.
MAKE both limited and perpetnal Insurances
on. Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings, Stores.
i lioteh, Mills, Barns, Stables. Merchandise. Form
!titre and Property of every description,against loss
or damage by FIRE.
The Delaware County : Invorance cnnq•an% wtl.
also insure against loss on nll birds of marine risks
and against the damage or loss upon the sraneporia.
t ion of goods, wares. and mercdodige by water. or by
rail way, upon terms as favourable as any 'other is
For any further information on the subject of
sorance. either signing? Fire, marine or inland risks.
Apply to II KN lIY G. 11031 P SON vent.
july 13 34—tf 3,t Schuylkill Ilaven.
A Oprwagsburs.
Fire lwinrance Company.
im AKE both lunned and .ervetuni insurances an
t.vl Brick. Stone or Frame Ruildings,Sthyst,Hoteis
Mills. Barns, Stables. Merehandize. Forniturc.asd.
Pmpertv of every description,against loss or damage
by Fla.
The subscriber has been appointed Aocrre:forthe
above mentioncd Institution ond I. now prepared to
.makelstesoncas apon every description of property
at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BANNAV.
Pottsville. Feb. 27. 1836. . 15
The PhiladelphjaTire
MAKE both limited and piespetnal Insurances on ,
OR Brisk. Stone or Frame Su tdinits,Stores., ameba,
Berm Stables. Merchandise. riirniture. and
Propetty of every desaiiptioa. against less ordamage
by iIRE. - .- • •
The subiceiber has bees appoiaied Aapci rat the
above mentioned Institution and is atrw' piiitiailed to
unthelNSUßANOZllupoweveiy description Trusty
at the lowest rates.. ,___BEAVAMIPI. BAP. .
• POttlyille.rett 33 1837 "" • - •• , •.1
- tisraines Fitment:4' ,
ed &rah (Min flhe 00Priatirt-elJprinistif
orlen!AfFilot T ,k o "'PC l W- ll TAWk i lif i p ab l a
void,Cciao were sq.. Id lotitif,FAthttija,Kil!
intrOiing. FelOalebilhe ostmben bbttle.
Filee flrri tocittlF, or tin% boilh4i* by
il=n2-ti. •%•,-.11. , r " ft:A DAMMAM.
B aukilkirsmArAibi7lkiltrw l 7.
Afitiroliin;l4A l iNrriftri) 0. - 1 1 •
yyN + # l ~~.t~^~~.tK
•- - • ,•
,IS Sligo* Tasitovii 041,
-D 111..ltaE 119,, ,I..eiden te t .,.Aparkiii...._
sold inCPliii ii, .
sidelib" ' l id
SareaParil, ii,. 14
i ,QI7E. 10
Are the "Mgt ejeattal, plitrVier • - , 1 .-• . ~,- =-4
'S itild AnitnurFinsdethat Wilio doennetkiteet,tlis Mart; r
begli "discavere I , pre left Sarnaperdiat
The following are some '
only of the • IWVERYmait t aroinah.itidihild,
LATE' CURES"t .14 skewer the above, as anima -
Effected mad Award feent. - ibtriiiff 8 Pug TW O cal t lh ff i e ea ll i t , 3il i V u l us a U T ta i elt a u tk a i
. , .MONTIIig imidehAtdei km.- - - - im m it im i dr edni 7= B ; p &p :
• Louisa Simpson,cured 'cif of in in Ihrhead
'and undo, with 'Moab giddiness to• bleb she was in . A th i t eonnt an r r m i mla bl e inal Ph.tilli the 'tho 9
subject fartlintayears. ~- ~ - ... 1 will be. Siettaraitu.a." . "
form" attain lettered from habitual costiveness
waifefpute, With ifintel l
breath and bad Suffice it 011 Y then< it 1111
i ie.univensuloost•BBl7
d a rm • tntsdnobleanverhear t
Joseph Marlow, cured ofim edema 'lap • D a. u rri ii. - b aa dincoveredi a Met
Israel Jones; cured of a breaking o at al over hitt virtue of the Sarsaparilla is obtained
whole body. „
~,, s ides centrated form, and'in anch.manney
Sarah Jones , cured of Villein her trout! a nd thme r r o mi imr a m r d eo r m i rmr m d e,
much headache and sickness after eating.
William Arlowtivay, Cured of a Itheninatlin, and T ess hat is ein in n o ti w t a be on d l f Le
Dr.i.y a t
_ rit . h . er tid p
!welling of his legs and ; feet, havin i been unable to L s orm,, , ' I" .
walk any distance for • six months p 0.. These . Pillsire offered tothe puhli
hitehind J. Roskius. titre& of swelling under his
Arian and on his neck,jwith,consideralgo, breaking DR• LEIDY
out on his body. !SARSAPARILLA OR: BLOC s
Elizabeth Cranmer, cured of swel ed breasts, pain compounded principally 4.. 4 . ,Serear
in her side. constant disgust 4.0 fCI; , and much sick a inch is combined ingredients Prien ,
1 ness at Iter stomach. . 1..
~. union) rendering them more effect
J. ffery Cline, cured of rheumatic us and swelled laxative In their effects. otter enlrrn
jo.ntic. , , moni frorethe eyetirm very gradnally.
I Samson G. Howard, cured of a t ter and• Troth- 8 ' clueing dehility or any meauvenic ni e
breading out over Mu body, with uointi running suits ficietit garishly. however, they will ,
and mess. . at • . . I may be.emplayed or given to the hi
Rev k Canby,cnied of an affection of his throat. eve, ti, / a nima :h eft , a ore
~.., rev .
soreness and ulceration, which pre . iiffcced ins „ af i re. ~,,
~irine no matt ia77„,„,
speech- , f rom reeUrjabits cr frem rcrtiatir
The following are some only.of dm large number
of These pills have been Ore eminent
cures effected in Berta Alontgomery, Schuylkill, Le- filen theirconvenient from. west. so
high. Lancaster, std Northampton comities, dunng the place of all the different peplum
the past three month= ' nib...such asit"ty rims. De env lone. F.l
Jonas Green. Esq:„ cured of a searbatic affection. are contained Mbortka.hatie to 6e I
ulcerated leg, swelled joints and: rilruatte pains . 'convenient joi 'taking or itilig (rani
Adam C i .. Cw•penter, cured of VI lent pain in his These pills have , during the pas; bill years, been
sides. ranch costiveness, bad appetite -at d a shortness amply tested Newspaper advertisi gi . ,betrig. so very !
of breath- , , • • r expensive. ample teen:imolai, trom ro
itMeturphyst. y
I " Rachel Snyder, cured of a difficulty in bre thing., coins and others aelompa y the di urns. S.
habitual costiveness and violent pains in her he il. They are particularly rt cowmen In s
Michkel Jonewhis two daughterMand youngest at n, r
eared of a breaking out of dry and sometimes watery Rheumatic: affections, ID and 'violet? pimple;
General Debility, i
and in tripes of we fate i
Vimplra over their Whole bodies. attended with great
Ulcerate sores of th - and
I itching, frequent Unpleasant feelings in their heads,
threat. nose Bed bbily. Scaly ns. and %Jib. r
1 sickness at the stomach. and `plum over the heart. &as.
Meares of the Liver, ches' t e akin.
This family was affle ted for years , and timer found
Skin and Bones, Tenet. t wourns, . ,
relief from any medical treatment. P r from any medi
ilia aad a wash Pain over thbregioncif the I. B l..rofula F 3 sit clam
caner, until using D; Leidja Blood P heart. brew. and st Jauedic , I est-therm
directidby Dr. Leidy. . mach. • :tomsMight, Liver
Sarah Aleintosh. cured of violent pains in her back
Pain of the sides. along camp i s, waterbrad.
aud loins. rheumatism, swelled Joints. &c.
the back and spine, Sour e ions. and acid-
Andrew Green, mired of ening ) pains. loss of ap- Inward fevers, foul breath. hies ot e sumach, t
pews, disgust for food, and habitie costiveness
a bad taint' in the mouth, Glandul r affeentins, as I
Adam ft. G innis, cured of scaly eruptions and break.
Flatulency. want Of appe swell Oland hardening i
mg mu. soreness and pain through his bones.
tne. costiveness, errimrs ()fib filksofthe Iseult, 1
Dinah Crowley, cured of ringworms and metier.
Henry C.Ho nay. Fag cured of mould fever., of the stomach, and in in th grouts, urger the !
a igestion, arms. Old along the
•orenet• of his mouth. thmat and nese, glandular swel
longs, arc. • -, spine the breast, &c.
George Layman, cured of a merconal affection and :eases res It log from bum
violent rheumatic patina o 'his head and oohes. s.onsineti nail diseases pro-
Johathan Stroud Isaac Colman and John G Them , Quinine A isenic.' Mercury
son, cured of minons'affectiona of 1 the head. cos ive- impends cis in life, Syphi.
c. ,
ness. so Tr eructations, sickness al the stomach, a.c.
Sarah Jenkins. Alrreci an Tracy Jenkins, cured of
-' heu limbs,
affections of the skin, breaking sinft,,patne in t..
Numerous other instances might be published. hut
to swell the list pro Id unnecessarlly iticrtune.the ex
pense of publishing them.
It most be plainly seen from the fore,ping, that the
Blood Pills am an excellent corrective for a disordered
stomach;the cause of diseases to which the human
synitem is liable. together with the 'impurity of the blood.
which exists in all diseases. and in conjunction with
disordered stomach, very rapidly prostrates. the hu
man body.
These pills donut purge as powerfully as do most
pillsof the present day. (:.hick produce as muesli mis
chief as did ever merratry. or the minerals. by weakening
the system,destroyingthe tone and vigor of the body,
and rendering it a prey to constant and universal dis
ease, distressed and,boalily suffering) but are mild and
mild and gentle in their operation. and only increasing
the natural disch= i fficiently Co' carry of impuri
ties as they are by their use. nut rend( ring
necessary any restraint from oedupatinn or business.
change of living or diet, or even a liability of taking
cold from their use.
The-process for extract i ng the virtue of the Bergsma.
.. .
rills without oestroying Me e ying known only so
the proprietor.
P Tared only and sold - wholesale and retail. at Dr.
Leidy s Health Emporium, 2nd St - below Vine, No.
191.—Also Sold by ' .B. HA \NAN, •
June 9 .- 44 • Pottsville.
Wonderful Curep:
Hatt been performed Min city, and throughout
• tiro ...wintry.
BEING a concentrated fluid extract of Sarum; arilla,
combined with. other vegetable extracts. which rev- .
dere it afi a medicine of great htifitv in the cure all
disposes arising from tin unties ofihe blood, from im
prudences in life, and.constitutional diseases formed
or produced by the injudicious use of mercury, arse
me. bark , or quinine. In short, it is un invaluable rem
edy for all.
Rheumatic Affection. General Debility, Ulcerous
'ores, white Swellings Diseases of the Liver and
skin, Ulceraterl•Snre Throat. Ulcers oft,he .Noite,Ca
ries. or diseases of the Bones;..Scrafula.t or. Ring's F.-
vitErysipelas. or St..Anthou,a's Ft re. a id all unplea
sant and dangerous tiffesaionsconseqUent to Syphilis,
Lacs Venereal, - Bic Arc.
So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of.
rarities d seas s ler which it is recommended, that at
is far supercedingall otherpreparatinns ofSansaparil;
P mace= Esc.
It is now emit iyed by numerous physicians. and
has been introducrd by then into many hospitals, in
firmaries &c thronglieut the United Stales. •
It is a urea:antler' of greater strength (consequently
of greater efficacy) than any other extract now made.
is also much cheaper, hut one dollar ver
which is make one gollon of Syrup of
SarAapantla. and is bought by d.fferent die;gists for
that porpnae.
Numerous certificates have been remised and pub--
fished from time to time. bat to ronseqdrace of the
great expense attending news a per publ cation tifthem .
the most incredulous can be convinced of the wiper or
• efficacy of -Dr Leaily's• Medicated Strintliarella, by
i mtllina at Dr. Letdy's Health Emporium," N0..101
north Second street, below Vine. sign of the' Golden
Eagle and Serpents." where certificates and references
can be given to hundreds of instances ofthe most re
markable cures ever performed by any medicine. -
Sold by - B4I4NAN, Pottsville.
44 .
June 9
NI holesale-and Retail Hard
. ,
vrare Store.: '
ziounex & WEAVERhavelest received in ed
it— dition to their tanner stock of Hardware
Mousehole anyile,spriogitey'd viceeliatent. pasted
screw phitc=a;aVaivanted'elit steel axes. bioad axes,,
rwmado.shatcbeci.hannitere:Beattys& Mullins adzes.
ancket and firmer chisels, dra4vingknives.hlackamitb
hollows. cut &Olia i t naili.4. 41i. 5 & fr in. cast .pikes,
single Ant aradefibte:Olaimirons and plemes.assorted
locks. latches, l o ge, el .I,ocre,wevound and square
Win. steel. .plat And it . la aquares,
All of which 4 offered on the most accommodat
laritsionim." tv , ,--;‘,, , ..- ' FO1(18 .-• 14
• ' '-"'' . eiv Goode.
i r
, &.. mere) '
~ Protleirqt of fresh and seasposbka,
AGoOdil eieti'ii 4 d"'''' t .' sg i,g Pir'• of •
, 1. ,,, t 'itlrt, iii..! . 6lbod s ;' • - -
GriKc i l lel s 3e ;
-. 1 . : , r r
- --- vVre4 - .
41 tfAit,%" - :.*E -
,'hkh 011 1 0" ARltiolefor pi ; ''llia:hifthcii
p r iespaktintsiisb stallititidilf&iiiitiy 00doeil
It .-terKi „."--Iq , J- . IO#4MWIEITLE:4 - 0014..‘
Etc,.A , :lik 4 ::;:o-5:6 ) vto111-; 2 ' . 1:m
#„-te.-",.• •
• .
. ,
itke Blood
tie ever
liPwardtrot 10;000 Boat
Eiji* h"lid or. BI
and the whole train of dit
rity oft he li blood, as also
'ltueed. by t e use of ilarks.
or other Minerals. also in I
lis. Lues, Venereal. .le.
Pi iv QS ( rote a Rot
Prrra red only and sold Wholeralr
. .
i .
i low Vine, 'No.
- Con sintipt - i
EA DER , it you have a cough o 4 cold. beware 'of'
KO their consequences. Colds e: evilly prugress
imperceptibly. and inriniinte, the s vet , through Out
the hsman aystem.finully'settling pd the lungs and
endiugln consumption: - _
How-often. is youth cut down hen least erpec
by the consumption, and followc 14 their paves
parents who are in a measure the t#e of their•prem •
ature death, in neglecting to.rein olds when exist
ing in childhood, looking upon ibas trifling eke
n f o
Lions, and not attracting theirnotic til the dertio e
has commenced ' sis work and made re of its victim
This is hot a fanciful repreasintaridn. for daily nu fir.
OUR instances occur which prove I to [ act. ' ,
In manhood colds terminate in the memo way:, bat do
nut progress so rapidly arrinyoulh it ry abould how
ever. in troth youth and manhood be early attended to,
and not regarded as trifling affecti all. fur:it is a de:M
am M shorter e idea atteis no doubt shoer e itlinhaesof thou-
Leidy'a Health limponum, 2nd st.
Riff ITT}
PlarilON A - I'M PP E 4
(Price LO CentsJ er
Is an invaluable rreparntion. disci
and celebrated German physician
it iipwards of •bity years .to his
many.' thrtinghout *hull count
that time most extensively and
in Coul•bs,Coirli. Influenza*. Ca t
Hog nrijiluott. 1t lir.oping Coup .
and Sidesi all affections „i• t h e B.
nisei:sof rippinai hind pansemptio
Much tony,be Rind in praise of
bet news) nter advirttaing being
satislacapry evidence still be fo
upon trial. as well "as numerous r
compan, inc. the directional. 'try
vepreaold :to Philardell his alone'
ter. a convincing proof ofefface
tity world never have been sold
tines are prepnred and sold only
READER.did you ever owe a- •
skit and learn his sufferings, If
he is'a pale. thin and ghastly In
apparently hanging by a thread;
unhappy. his sufferings indescrth
Are you inneh troubled mill Fin
Sour eructationii arising froth you
want of sPingmite. Witten rash.
mouth. onfnet hreath. pain or a I.
Mach. Sickness after eating. e.ft
once favolim dishes'. If yo
wqt nnrilrlth foregoing .y mi ar
the picture of the Dysi , er tie.. an
remedy the cansCiptettees. itnm
A newer failing Ind effienc:
AYSP - FP.Si.4 OR' 11%
And the whole train of affection
PRINiS afthe Liver. Samar
tbe'sbove mind vine is warm
ry or othlir mineral preparation
&sly of vegetables. safe and ea
gleasansto the taste. 'lt may br
young and old, requiring bit ~
diet only: ' -
Numerous testimonials balm
published; itsreputition is sp We
meat Spun its virtues is gnome
IT lIAS NEVER ?Alt TO 174 - AriiN ,
titer reoommehdatiothr amp ~ .
round each .bottle.," i •_ '
- )Mtridertue DOII4- - '',, .7
Sold in 'ehiladelOhis idl -..' ~
Dr- PLAllmidffilitalth Ein •
nine St..-and by
May 6
1 4k IRPAI . T . A
• - ;I.l' 1 "- VigCns
Itiik-0411Sehea,Rallaia it y •
4 .lobioiN-4= ea . Ai -table.
41[114000 has .woolers
va t aboi6vicw,;,.,.
" fa G., RA
pro:4 Routh Front St
1.'.1.101,11114Ptii4, Mitch Is.l
eileirOeidAß. 2 gib; PtFTeliale~ 010,11
• s ba k n o ir e op t ta
.Tigai43 1 4 1 ,
9=,-. 4 •4"
d Pith
" 1 44* 1 1'.. r ,
I. • 1 ' -
ter tg reood
1 4 ~ 1 ,..' .. '
literati, toe . i
1 highly eon' I .
Iffinal•pilla.. i :
• it* aw,.
' 11. t i;pm,
1 411COTt7Or .
b tite,a;me,ikr
• fLLiti •
I , and' 11416 . 1
l a
', ly • o itie:toneo- •
!•• 1,.1ei1 , /s, roily 1
4 totiOltitu- 1 ,
i kok wohout-f to , I
-1401-io !of- 1
• . it. fretly. and
ti drlitOteolod , I
okiews.pyr-I i
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