E ',LEW OF PC4flri v "lrlitikT FLOUR, by the toad tilit'ff'7 50. ' ' !Minn VM.per pushed, b; di b'''' . lVl*E . l 7 l334:Tfi r gOO Per cwt. in ED ..iIOCKWHEAT MOOR E 50. p brthe losd 70 cents by ale RYE CHOP 65 cents per bust OATS acmes—ready sale. POTATOES 40 cents per basis egßy..--45 cents per.inishel in CLOVER'REEDItS 5 0 per abet , ship, deceased. ,• • • TIMOTHY REED-82 00 per shit. = ! 2. The accourd':of Leonard rt6h4 Administrw FLAXSEED, .12 per bushel a demand. . for of the estate of•Hencyßiact 1 of Manbeim WHISKEY-12 cents wolf ' . rims-ashen, dcceasrl. .' • ' . -BUTTER-I.4.centa per Found in Kegs 12 cents ; 3. The account of Henry Eget. dldutintstrator EGGS-12 cents per dozen. . ' . 1 of the estate of Claries-ilen. Tager , tile of ,Ictitty 1., ., LARD-10 cents per' pound. - : i kill Haven, deceased. TALLOW-9 cents per pound. . .1 4. The account of• John Brune and Henry HAMS 12 cents per pourd. - I Bruner, Administrattirs of the to r Jac ob CORN CHOP 80 cents per be el in demand. 1 ~, -0 , Brauer , late of the borough of Mincrsvillc, de- BACON-12 cents per pound. , • BEESWAX-18 ceata per nee d. "' E: e l : he account of Jacob AlsPacli, Adtninistrw FE ATHER:.:.--St cents per pou eh ' COMMON WOOL--40 cents p r pound ' tie of the estate a Elizabeth Strartg,late of-Low . MACKEREL, bythehbl- No 1. $l2 00 N i 2. $ll er Maliantango township, deceased;; l , SALT-2 cal per bbI.LS7 per shel I , 8.- The account of Lierers,:e Reber, Administea . PLASTER, is worth $7 00 per on. I we of the estate ofJokti Reber . , lato.of Mortheim HAY $lB pet tea. ' I i township. deceased. ! .f. . l 7. The seeeend'acconnt or onus Goldner Ad. l • Wanted , • ~. mentatrator °Alm estateeof Gemge.reagicOwidarr, 4 YOUNG man, of good 01 eil habits , who 1 late of West Penn townie/11p, deceased. ; • - 1- °'• can speak the German a English Lan •I, 8. The account of Ahraliam-Meibel nod Rot guars, about 17 or 18 years f ate, and who; ben Merkel, Administrator of the estate of Alva writes a good hand, to attend ' a Store on the ! hans - Merket, late if East Brunie/it): township, West Branch Rad Road. Apply at this otfice. deceased. - . Julie 4 1838. - si-3 9. The acconnt'of Elijah Bensinger, Admiciis . i tratur De Basis etas, with the win annexed of t. . Bricks! BrieiEs !! . Cornelius Hoffman, late' of Brunswick township, 100.000 Aicks will be -arty for sale at deceased. the Kiln on the Port. Carbon r cl, on the 6 insL . 10. The account of John Koch, - Guardian of Persons wishing to bur,.will an ly to. , Elizabeth andJetise, minor ch.ldren of John Mil. , the Kiln, or ; ler, late orMantunin township, depeased. TIMO'rHY CbRURN, t B IIJRANI PARKER. rot rifle. _ 1 ' 11. The account of Ilenzy . Houser, Adminis . , le stator of the estate of Ere kostso, late of West { scribed tract and land of Leonard Reed, and lea -IY. y Two other Kiln's of the same number , each, will be rcadir—one in Aulgust and one. In , Penn township, deceased. can t land. containing 421 acres, 152 perches, and October. 1 14. The account of Jacob Shade, Administra. i allowance-3d trap, bounded by the nevi des a"a.lPousville July 4 - : - 51_3 for ••f the estate of Ducid Maurer, late at Mahan- I critical land and land of Leonard Reef, by land -- - ,_' ________ tango township, ,deceased. ;of the brat above thaseribed and vacant land, con _ . 1;5.. PUBLIC &tiara._ 13.. The accoont of John Bartorf, Adininistra. Itainirg 219 acres , SO petchea , and allowance— "T; tor of the wale 11l Sitittattd Butter", late of Pine. 3d tract, by land surveyed to 'W libiam %Vaguer. 11th of August next, sril eat h e P ILLhe sold at Public Saki, op Saturday gm" township deceased turday L'II! and claimed by James Dundee, and land of Leo- Half; ih the Borough of Putt dl , at 2 o'clock in i - 14. The account of Ludwig Berger. Guardian used Reed, by hind of the second - a,5 , ,ve described of Sal ,me, Jonathan.. Elizabeth and Henry Geb- `tract and vacant lard, by land of John Mover, certain Tract of D tui situate in the afternoon. 1 ert, pirnur children of JlOlablaa attar, late o f l and containing 351 acres, 120 perches, and al A i Pin-grove township, deled. • llosranne—the said three tracts of land by a recent • ' Barry township, Sriliurhill carintv,' --. .1., OB HAM M ER, viurver, coma:sung together 1153 acres, 149 per ~. about 10 milts from ; Putts. tile, and 6 June 30 . 50— , . • Regis•er. elies,nr.tt measure, with the hcreditamtuts aad ::': ....- from Alinerscille; ottl the : 1 1Lthantanee -'"- —l---- road, which runs [about one mile ' SHERIFF'S SALES, —late the estate of Thomas llama_ through toe tract—and Deep Creek also runs IDE y Virtue. of aeceraf writs of rindiriani Er- On Friday the 20th dar , i_J l o uy, & bout the same distance through the aame. Tlo. i- . pussy and 1 4 e-ran Farms, i...tva out of the IE3B e house of Henrc.Christ, nnket ,in land n....= survevgd under a arrasitts dated the 1.1 Cool" of "tonna, Plea of Schnishtin County , the Soto h of Minen.rilk, at 10 o'ckek P 9e . 31. day of ts'epteraber 1792. 03e `2 contain. 3 ;-; •at d to me direrted, adl be exposed to Public o ne n i p , „ lee k , un di v i ded one third of two acres 130 pitches—the oth. r ttao uercs 'aril 13 Sale, at the house of Et eardiJi:Uanor, innkeep. ' thirds parts of nineteen twentieth parts all that perches and allowance, and will be sold to-get:4cl cr, in_the borough of Potts% il.e, i certain tract or parcel of unimproved land, silo- Of in small lots to suit patella- Ors. About 30 or , s I,lti Thttrsd7 R the I ith das tfi ate on the head waters of the Sisatani River, • 40 scree of the land is cleared, there Is an orchard July, I*-3• 4 , at 19 n'cl A. 31. ; ' I formerly in Pine towoahip, marks County, of good bearing apple tares On tke premor., tA II hunt certain The improvement., consist clf two Illousi , . a • ' . .--- • ~ ..,. . a .Pe y eg , on the rout.haterly side . of Centre Street in the . partly i nLowe r ~P lab ntgo, rise partly in Bar- Barn, a good Saw Mill, and seats tor at least 12 borough as .r,vbville,an the Cohuty of &hey! re lowlashlPa. Schuslkal t ' ounty,surveyed on the I 20da, 22d, 23d and 24th days of Slay, A. D. 1:93, in"re , if t r il l utr e d • i be -t Is Alorril's Addition, Bertnnieg at the Ms - This tract ofland is without exception the -t oak timbered tract o r Lnd in she county,. said t. tance , ot three hundred . 4n4 t wenty telt.dbutharnat. in pursuance of ten warrants dated res cinch. nom me true of .. Market 'ltreet, aware t he . Krt- h day of Jattoary, 1793, granted to the Mi. consi portion of it first rte farming land. wara q southwardly along( crilre btreet, ninety feet , two lowing. named persons, mr. Robert Irwin, for The East end a the ' trait Is in the iipmediate ruches to a2O teat once !dr r; thence along said 439 j acres and allowance;Elijah Weed, for 419.1 victuity of the Ciaal ' Regina, arid is well worthy ij m i ni:t i t . acres and allowance; George Weed, for 4391 a the *death= at persona engagtd 111 making rail Ilti w...n fee i t ; de fe.,:i t r lir : ctrefs r rth o, the de g lio, rcea. of 61 -' Iko. 26; cies sad allowance; William Cook, Esq. for 410 roads. canals, or In the Boat Budding Businesa. . rims thence ea...twin - illy along the said Lute to theplace acres. 114 pevehee and allowance; Jam Cook. The land will be sold lour, - ' 0 7 -a . 4 1 u " '''Y 'e ut becoming, to ether , with the hereditaments Esq. for 445 acres 91 perches acid allowance: Any person eishang to view I..cpreutiil s : k aa ob. and apputienanatan. nannaathaz oils three story ._• James Miller, for 440 acres 59 perchea and &Bow anoc- Robert Lyon, for 450 acres, 148 perches tale an! toleroluti°° required from J ohn hid' ' sn - ne builaitu.s, maltainan. , four tenements—late -I .. 6 rending on the same. • I the estate of s. i and allowance ; Andrew Carson, for 412 acres, 6' 4 Persons ale he to purchase the Mbolit, or , only .„ J°147•11 Lyo n. . . , all perches and allowance, coat:Ming in the whole part thereof can dio so by applying to either of the • alt the SOW 4171e . ana race, (us . 43 ,...-1--- t 6 . . , pa acres. peseta= aOd nee, bounded by subscrtbers premons to the day ef sato—hut if not 1 that certain lot of ground, situate in lauds ethic- New York and Schciylkill Coal. Con. told i n the. anciac„Ome, it will palmately be sold oh , „,,,,, the Borough of Pottsville, Schaylkill , ?any. and late as inurveyed to Janata- Wilson., Esq. the dayinentioned above. -1 , - i suss . • iocu t ty, bounded in (rob& by Iktorsre- and others—late the estate of Wm. Lerma., The following Ileum's !laic' seen the land- ...___ _ jian &me i , northeasterly by lot of Seized, taken in exec u tion , an d hfe sold by and me kite t as a bat of rlekrences. ' Itoba_Vt iti_uodsade„,' and Csi the rear by a ten ket„. PETER f . LUDWIG, Renff. ---Jabiagereher: ev- 1 Ite r unntbar alley, and southwesterly by haat Ambrcoe Crow-1 Shcrifrs Office, Ors - Igs- 4 Dr. A. Stemberger, Micerstrillle. ' .cc, cootainiug ita flout 40 feet, and-indepth as , burg, Jam M, It David Di. Lewis, 5 Leeks. feet, marked in 'Jacob Alter's additional plan ' Jacob H. Zteguntuw, Motereville. Pottsville, to ; with letter L. M. with thi wppurterian p RSOCLAM iiTlON.—Wbereas the honorable I Lewis C.. Dougherty'. Schuyliall Haven. 4 rev, et - emoting of a two :rare frame dwelling Cat.e;ai gi.r.roa, Esquire, President of the Who will gore correct Infarmatioa re--per-tang the home with a k dr ik en , an d ve c ,„p wi er iu , a tavern— several Courts of Couunots Pleas of the coontitu, MUM if. pplicateet be made to rather of them. or late the estate of Anatomy C . /lOC/el. , :of Doophut, Lebanon. and Se-hoylkail, In Pron to tilie subscribers. [ alf the sone time andtgl i ttce all • " Ivanta • and justice ef the ' metre / ° ei ne urC ) Jer Ulla- 411 POTTS. Orr iralm•g 9 and Terianner and General Jail Delivery, in avid the iwo full. equal, undtviaind fourth or shams ~,e nr ie g. and G Renee. and D.,,,,,J e i T o g, JOHN HUG tl ..', SOD) lk tit Haven. -duly 4 18 - t a'S.< , 1, si _ a , r.f all that Ce-ta 0 niessuage or lltnetneat, and E e p.,.„.„ , judge-, of the wart e r O yer an d T er ., tract or pitet ofland, sit u ate in Norwegian sown mise r ae d G enera l Ili D e liu ry. fi ve The trial of ship. county of Schuylkill. and State or Penris3l - all capital and other cat:Tenders. us the said " te 1 vacua: beginning at a 4554 in a corner 1 the land ' o f S c h u y aril--,b r their precepts to me directed,l belonging to the aNeri York and Schur kill Coal to al o r „ vg , v i mr. the 30th d ay e v- jome 1 Schur 1 :"4 , IP4.11 . • theme north GI degrees. bast , 1 re rah lc& have ordered the Court of Ovnrand Terrain_ I es to a Pool; Wei:Ode n ` 2lll, " dtg 2 t 4 L . ", west 2 ° er mod General Jail Delivery. to be holden at Or tar. thence south 70 degrees ""AE Pe rt s i wigsbnig, on the last Mendar„ of July neat, (s ..,,, thenet aorta 20 derteL-... west by Vaud ' George Jag the 30th of said motet , ,) to (woe one nuixon, 11.1} perches; thence by hind orthe New week. York and Setuill.th roal•Companf 4 south 611 de- le.sauce h, ah e ' Terme her g i em. t o t h eaamm . Err e*. west 314 nerelie-; south 30, id eves, east , th e p e „„t en „, of the poke,. and cum ul a t e , a t h e 161 4 perches to the place of' tnoetrorl• conta in - said county of Schoilitit, that they are by the nag -4 acre, and 74 perches, called Mars's F-tro- satd precept commanded to be then and there at , with the aPPottentecto—latO th e estat e °E.' , ten o'clock in the forenoon of said gay. with ither Aia Lacesi. '1 e rolls, mosses, inquiaa, erentioatiorts, and all Oil Thursdas the c4m. iday pf . other remembrances, to do those things, which to-' July. at the pause .t..„,.,, of P hilip 8 0cm ,., it , toe their offices appertain to be done.• and all, those! town of Schui l4i:1 Hawn_ at 4 isctorN P. M that are bound sly lecogrozaneevi- to Proneerite Alt those three roatigtaus lots o'graervid, situate against the nri n wiers that are, or then shall be to the :nom of Sthoetkill Haven. in the County [ to the lad of sand ° s a nt? est ' selho Y ikil l• ar e to be &Sch.:aft:lL bearodVd be Colunifiki clreet. lots [ then and there to Prosecute them as o h a rl be jam. No. ll'it arid 142, sad by a 9.o;Teet ialkey, and t PETER F:. LUDVI(IG. e, hawl". marked in the graeritplan ofaaid town, with the i soetifr. Mace- Graligrthvng./ Nos- 111, 14l) and 141, containing tin feet eacli.l "X'''. M. 1533. ( so .also an depth *I dal with the ammutimameete-. s Cod ion ate Ciareiseuesith- Lae the estate or a George Eiazerinb. ' Di, B. The troneotes and yarors who ane-seut. - On Fouie, the latedayjUuly 111" rd to attend said Cettn , ate requested to nose . , 2 punctually. La casw.of mastoterodaiee„ the Ind- • 163 5. al the lisrairigi el - Petet - Faberi• crime. °' ,in suet eases made and provided mill be enforced 't -he borough of qtarigrore z et 10 °dock A. 11 - An rnns tionce-is published pa rts order or r , that eettain lot or piece of ground, rat - 1 the Cowl, those concertimi wan acetic:Lc govern '„,,,. a usteis the Borough er Pm egrore, in Ittlitosehro amorthogly. 11111 the c i mtnt! cif Sebnirikin'• sided b Y UHOR --- 010.,LAJNATIOL—Noviee is . hereby given the tail road au the fast by °mtgs.' t ii. trat zoom of c olorant psi.. far the tad of 1 burg gad on the . south„ by Tat by read no , erara , ntinnetin mo d g o . t h e mom! o r &bout ~ the west, and a Staten feet alley ,its the earth. con- kill be held at Orvrigshan, is the 'eo•=ty aformad i on [ Liman one ace more Or len. the appeals.. Mesiday the 2311 day of Jsey arse, z s In omelocLut loaners, eunsisting of a la rger UTlllottlrtztg the fonasoma • spn3 4l posse acid ttachyto, a ad a Therefore optima”, barin - smite pearam, and all frame fla w, Tbakbaaar. is ati a t; ...aka as a Mesons whose deq , kabala , to apQrasat taid.Coan. ta"n"ate the: estate c 4 rire 9Y W ' C. O' rel k Ee q' Inil tale "ace aali bra ghee PETER F. unm arcumfi° ic.aaset 1 On ..sttordatt the VILVIdas of altriirsofrnonr436.3,l i i-July, 1 1 - 3 . dr *She - house oLlannis Trt, :Irma 30. Ma 50- /THE SETEWRIBEII has ill,ell appointed A- ,in the li ors, at 0 cl otheedla ll7Pmennatanowlsoceitidnagaieritslhe Antral -E- gent for the Messrs. C*'s Late of Liver-1 . - -All gbat certain aid e d cm mss. mad Wiersersessammemadismiemidasthare ' t r,,,„,, ...la, P eetteekeb " bletimelk "Tvx- O ue4 "XI ehilidel P hil ...: putt, the ~..Wiltget into -- , v -1---s • la n ai 1 lfaSol.l EMT DELITOR34.--TIIE mbeereees., and will receive the passage Sooner hole , t and dttitia. 0110 that Taatmaagas lII+ . Ittfaso spoked** the Judge egtheGveit 'romp, Irbil " "lab it trend lift their Pim" is thre - Id emetva. and Benn y Or *4 sausade I l k 5 ; ash Was- ma, rkaa of Schayihinvaatay,for the beaditairtha ortrany„end eIs:4MR Posono Rats fir those per.l 'g„ ca.„,,,1r 4 Saul mai. hooded by beide isevena Amyl paned for at:macro( h ie" who say wish to tearor+O towel' to dud* eg - Jobs Kftebno, PhuTup 31emer other; setamet Dehaaradbakat satd.hidgenhameappoiata tries abroad. ' lataataksh ig in gee whet% tan heildrea' let tee . m . ~...____llwaia7tklead i titietTedlelyuen.at Medea lathe The Peanut belonging to - Lim are fitted ty mem, stiorel* late, wi th * eleiss. ""°"'"it L=Calmil"lll4ll"l66lle M u lta di* c p hp, a superier nornaer„ and earninanded bs, exaarma,,a, as a a* ,, aaaaaa , l a , salaa m lieseng audoesciedhlers wheat . ...dm P er eenes whoa Pe.7 Met alien le the =refers la the lawn or t reah4 . 7. b..) the plan ta mer t t a c i " rrou a mt itor ref h a v e v t. i.... 4 . the ; said tyanal ai. r . ;tam ira ...., si ~... 64. -- ---„, ,: - -. awfisfactialba gresperally- llt benign onlac •'' - - ' 7wltiat . Gtiotgo . Cleats tehe termil- nesiding - dsis repork will i K am p. Diana g l and -' .. iramm4. ~ fic k -g wthdi 5e....„ it t " i llit thay 7 n antlle win. I t h eit azza eleeti am etdediltet*dittle of 1 41d, in t bin/4 2 tes eed 7 , by as save aloe taro end ettpeaselemit4 be that menu* Fab theettliale 11l ___ AZISP4II:I4 ~ York.lb Phdasteipnis ertsiet isfinteett be parted , , ~.o =ea #.iseis tato;taka ' ido. et Lu zillicroos ledindeet. --. . • 1 n e magendl i msietinaiiiii -a < 1 ,. Tlierehritaireeti wit be lonewelEyappllF. and I I "At ef tile egica of the l aak aa : ),,, ~... - ftll l 7ll n r iliiNel'itisti ' a Pewlettaltres,llstle the Pr }une alb • = ll -' r : ' 0 11 ear. AN, Dr ,Nenieesin vereerenennua. KAARIpiTON BOARD . 1 . rir STIPIteIVTE. tanIOR EDIBER. „ Tbariers:—Aslinan. Kainitt. MXItY Muria Kisses:. Gra-raroa Ntuaer.. Aseratenat Fraillier.--MARGAIkET B. Itratice. this Senitnare, ; inisreetcd ir. aNeedh Work, ',Spelling. Rea r b'ing. Wrlung, A. nth-Term BookFinning . e Algehra.Lair Itsb war, Composition, Geograpbr.lll-turn, Chrocil °try; Boum., Natural Thitlisiapbe, - Chemistry, r • Draiiing. Fain he French Lau ? , ua t re- TERMS—For Boarding and Tuition, except.] tag the threerlas named branches. One Hundred', and . Furty Dollars a :rally , quarterly in advabee. For Draribte.iPainting, ard the French Lan guile, • Five C4,l!lars craarter 3th:race:tat, each I Washing charged at rilots * &rm. and • Books,"Airtfroc i 4, &r.. at th e tree prices. . Oeds mud - or, the as , s if the Library and Chin Banta, arni' 'Sari:risked with* intptta olthout ' charge= i 4 .g I 1 useationp, , :stage FOUta It Tenth toondo‘. : mod to the ScSokars who ao monk* at thi Scbkocht, this' Mari ii.oot du - ' • Ear *they information,. P is mod Guard- t*or are t‘z, ne ectenlty reit-rot' Edward B. Rub. Nre.iprotolot! ,, , ,,c l , on ne tSt F. mill:1'04 C.ortee4l rt ren Jodur4 N. tree* iit: t ors, ratsra: ' or tdi Jahn S Schtryttitt Parr, near Port ctZuOurton—ali of ninon bare at liiinbeston 4 School. r I 1 N Koathertoo. Jose PS, 183 I .. I51:1-S+ To Old C Agency for Line of Pitietits frost - - pool to PkilLideithia. •*''.: 4 *r•da n itible; "g r - - My , hereby given, thu the following hkinseittx as wonh ati-Frit•Lecotons, Aduilnistrab# aht2s l and :04ardl1uive' settled their ieeermist ix; th - d otnce o tricßeek - 'ter em nd a : nd. • lof Schuylkill en ted kii ty,:litof„ ro tat the itaid,:accodnts DI _. ~..,,,,,ant the - I% r cwt. in demand 4 i. W in b e p res encei° 4l6 ` o 4 l !"" . . 40--be, b e l d h e b ee l l et_ rea d, at Otwigsburg, Pia t a tor - Bald min ty,. on .1111- . day the 13d day tilJuly 4 .lB3B. for ofteruation. I lin demand. l. The accouut.of Velentiner 'll wn and An drew to demand.. I testament of &Awn Hammel, late OfWaype town lemand. . I, - li-- NG SCHOOL. Pa el& • 'ten - m• • gr)tx.o-.*:s coofiti.4...lote join L r ri p. :e. . d p.caltlitaticertain on me* . nil.' til; , ,lr 4 1 44-inkki two egied ruts, and divided, of/RR-that certain Inns , ' swage; teusurent !tad tract oftriand, ai►tlate in, Rush township_ - _ . county aforesaid, bourn lands Of-Peter Knabb, and vacant Ittrld, log .0 the whole 347 acres .and alluvia,. or lesn,--it being he same premise,. 'illorninontrealth offennfylsania. the 27111 day' of January, 10' "nl eunfurn unto the said Ginr W. Bituai. enrolled in patent B. H. vril. 30 ge 541, with tie ap. ?A purteniances,-4ate th tote officer. 11irbe,. John Biebire and George V. Barna, On Friday the 20th day July, -, of I 83S, at the house of Henry Stager, innkeeper, in thelicirough of Pottsville; at 2 o'clock P. M.— i ' - 1 All those two eoutignons futi of ~ . .;.,; ground, situate in • the Borough ofj :IN .. Pottsville, numbered 44 4. 46, bound. i - ...._ ed .northwindlrby Market,leastward. ly by Chamber Street, sof:al:merrily . by Norwegi an street,and westwardly by Jerome or late Burd Patterson, containing in fruit or width each 6011. and in-depth each 2444 feet, with the appurienan-1 ces, chnsisting' of a two story frame dwelling ' hoosUi—Also, all that certain piece, parcel or lot of ground, situate in the Borough of Pottsville. bounded northwardly by Avenue. eastwardly by lot ot.lohn Porter, south and soothwardly by lots. now or late Benjamin Pott, Nog. with th e appur tenances, toots tnitig one acre more or lesa—late; the estate of —.— % .9.t the same time 'and place, one full and undivided 16th part, the ...,, whole into 16equal parts, parted and i i s .--:.• . asa • oP - divided, of and in those three adj i -- ling tracts or pieties of land, situate in i Norwegian township, county of Schuylkill; Ist' tract bounded by land of Henry Gettle and Philip i Wagner, and racist land, thence by the beat de- I =1 deed di. At, irtiiE:liii4kligiltot TR ME h" • = „ DANIEL Bin It' - , •-! " 7 " QA,1211.0K, 91• Sin k 1111,17-1 MIDLESSICrIiA3GERtY,, Jew Si in ' , MGM which -the nntt and dated oid ae g te ra 77.4,..e N14."-' IRON 41; ware Store. THE imhscriber - would respectftilly annoue: - . to the public, at be halt added to his for nee stock, ban and • 'slteare, consisting in part or American and Ea • lett "Bar Iron, Hoops and Band Iron, Round Iron, assorted sixec crt, Crawly, Shear. German a , , English Blister arid A. M. Steel Vic,,,Mot. holt. sunk. Smith's Bellows, Cist Steel band, .Aping and Broad axes, nails and spikes, togeth• general assortment of Iron Mongewy, lof whit h will herald at re duced prices, by j • JOHN CLAYTON. April‘2.2 , .T.?. • Teas! eas !I C— Teas,: ! 0 CHESTS nd chests of Fresh Green 4 4 and black j eat., consisting of Orange. Paco Sonchong, Iloir,liong, Gunpowder, Young Arson, Old I:ll7 , :inn kind Lipson Shin, just received and for talc at redirecd prices by N. NA rumcs de .CO. Several small el4sts put up for family use. may 33 ' PiesLeadeni di,- Hydrants. mil BAN IA..N has jest remised lot or Lead -11-Di en Pq k, which be will warrant to be of a superior;quality, and inch. Also,Sammer and Wester Hydrants, constructed of the best materials, all of wtlich he will sell cheap. juue 13 43 . New and ~. plendid Goods. rislifE:Lanies of„Puthivilk and vicinity are res /IL Kett - Mk invitied to call and examine'a most tph-ndid assortment of . . • Painted Lawns, Jac :veils, Prints, ta 81ack and White was, Moushriedelaina- onaism ' Hoskin, dark and ght kid Glovms, • Wor,ted, Cotton a d Silit do - Faney Handkerch is, Shawls, Veils, Piaui and ?misted perdered linen Cambric .bdkis. Silk & Cotton, bleach'il Sr. unbleached hose, do do F e mbruidenucl do At the stone of I N. NATHANS & C.U. noir 19 'l 38. flAßOLlNAsmirked flooring boards. plough. 11 - 1 PO, tongtied , abd groused reads for laying, 1, and 1 Ladlea cif difre-ent quality and prim's, .cinistaody on hand, and for sale in fins to snit pureir4mys, opus Application by letter to JAMES M., PATTEN. Planing Mac ill* Wharf. N. 1.. Phila. Co. or 11 LLER & HAGGERTY. aprd S 31 Pottssiße. GRE.Ir itsfitak/AXS!! 4 roluable Reo Property is Pottsville, F R SALE TUE undeisigntd offers for ask all that well known threef .e y e. BßlCK STORE AND DWELLING .I USE and the appurtenances situate In Centre Pottsriße, the property of the unciersirned. together with nine other tenements in ttc rear of said building, and the tot aground whereon the whole stands. The hrs 4 building afarmaid, contains thirty feet in fram--inished ft* the bailment Mary to the garret to the hest style of aroitinanship, and both as a Wilms stand' and a - residence, is most fa rourablY situated.l The foregoing property will be sold on low snla7smadating terms. • Part of the purchase . may remain' on the prop erty f-arra tea years, it desired. Tide indispeda bk, arih possession can be given imalediately aPPIy 'to I G. 31. JENNINGS. Aprd 2.1. 31--tf Poitscille Escourat+. Home Manufactures. Confectictry Manufactory.. r?,111t. cuitecri rimiptetfolls 110110110C123 to the pablie - 'that be has commented the Manche tore te - Cetifeetionizry in ail ha various branches, at his Store •in Cisitre Street, nearly opposite the Pottseale Howe. si here Confectii'sereris and oth ers can siw ar s bo sopidied hoicsa and retail, at the b=at Phihaelphia cash prices. Coostry are resiatethally solhrited . to call " n milte by stock Waft pare sing • rhea bar- JOHN S.C. MARTIN_ nor 4 • 504 f 'COAL. .ralfil Subscribes ia!reeta' lag Crete the .1 1 1. Lee tin-°. ColbeA be* supply at the tektite. led SPOUN ..t., WIS RED Aso COAL, nog 4 . latesste at tu'a e tic Paw Armes. Setetylkdi..— CkOnig left at teem -No. 81 Dock street, et at the Wart, art be prometty attended tn. - F. R. NICHOLS. Philadelphia, May 12„, Ilia 3. 42-- iestunption of Businem. ~ . . IrlaftallG Swaim- 1 returnable grateful :Anne!. ta io the citizens of Padmille mei etbegalsbommied kevauld to bin ateistance of ter ilk lama( hag prapattt tiy fire in Degagebet lag. MA salad also einvieist them and the pub ,he tinerany, 044 d he hag again amismaced , the Dl Reetnee t is the tiortneelyedeepiedby cb ss il e , mf,_ a r is a ges. is Gratte•Silta. Is the Imaditt of Path/kale. where may erase be had al general amentegest a( - ' - , . , =, a ,r GlLlsof t - Dye 15Dzaki --, 1 mieevesigoisif striae in the - alligertige..lll4 hei4 emposed ad gen an_lnirY i z ir # 1 4. - :,iieniaite. eitiiiregria- - ; F ' '% . ' N 1 • , ' '" VS% --- tr rieili6.llB *ll4 o 2l"Vis t ala i i PII 4 'flit liftiliwallawiteet natke..' ,11411. 1 7: 1 ,,NPTIA3c`' -- v - r „..,.....,..I.A. ~r sTlfilz...... a ,,l 4 aiweitti . ll-~P' 4 4 irati4Wevitts saltk:WA PV.A . ' ILLER & • -q Flemiing Beaks. • •• n MMML I I !3M=I M:2 . ..t. Clinton Foundry : ' ' S 4titE 4,...,.1 ; FOR.• tun :L. , sEdd at private sale, the Foundry X V pleas* tly situated at portainkiii.schi q t. lin enmity; n very reasonable terms. This toti troandry ii a the commencement of the Little 'Ealtuirlklo amid Sosquehanoa Rail Road,. now rtaking,!4l twill i. a short time be doe of ttle. *tit ski:lonm in the country to do a large busi. ciao Fur, ;etwaoSt.e_ apply to. I PARKE& TIERS: troll FottiNetii, Philadelphia. ' or M.-1.4C MYRRS, Port amino. E-tt MD NAi IxAVE on WILL' ROtr.VD GO , ll. R Bar Iron o and spikea,of =EC LAD: orp ESP pt,7 the LS& hopes by Ole patch, until oo their patiortr . Her retie the store of Street. June '2 triLIE P JIL fitted op modation of fully unman ••• positiorrly coni POTri e V is Wed* ! to lease ill i t Pottsville, ail • VhdadelPht, ,rates of•Fa c: To Orr tlisburm, Port dlinton, _- Hamburg, • . 1 00 • lleadthr, _ , 2 00 Pottshswo, 3 00 Trip, 3 621 24orrtstosu„ 4 .54 . . .• Phil4elploa, 5 00 PFor Seats apply at the PettasYlvania Hall, ottsville Herr's Hotel, Reedit*: anti at their Office, No.p.s„-Nonh Fourth Street, Flavtlelphia ' - AIINTZER & Co. Pottstence. 8.411'1,.. OVU 4 I..SFII.NE,, Phila. EV ANS & CALDWELL, Do. Proprietors. Msir ?. 1 ' I Cho ic e Wines and Liquois. t 1 ; 71. NATHANS & CO. 101FAVE hand the &Dosing choice meets R-m-iind iLlgoors which they warrant 'genuine, antroffer*or pule on the most tamable terms, vorisisting 'of : - 5O Baskets lehampaigrie Wines. of fey, Hick ory, Srar, 1T nalcoek. fluscbrir . Grape and other . Hick ory 1 10 Bastes S+arkling White 'Burgundy, 10 do , Elack, 5 cases Ol d pe Juice Pori, . . SO do •111 . & St. Julien Claret, Al.o—a few of the much cidehratedXl'st loafs% or Star Madeira, Old Brorrn : Zand Pale Sherry in batiks,' do Madei Muscatel . do Cozruon, P Lore. Rose. Noyaen,, Annie-. sette,•Ann . Cordial.. do • . • ' ON DRAUGHT. a rd • 51 a'deira. P , Brown A. o.?drl :gserry. Lislani, Tederiffe„l Mar. Madura, Malaga, Malliarty, • Dry 111 ,51 estate! arid Old Punt. 4 mt. randy of the Pines braiida; . Cognac., dens: & Charente Brandy. Holland i Gintr of Piet apple and Fob brands, Jam. So rite, li. Whiskey. N. E. Bum, Cu & - n,, gaup Brandy doe. •.. Taverio keepera-froitt the imegittooriog looms. are eespoeifedle invited to celL N. B.' GOlods delivered to iOy part of the 100.. tough omghboring towns free of impulse. ' Asia, 4 • 33 ~ For Sale, raLstrabk Tract of Coal Laid, Liisd being , in the township of Nnrire- A-A isezianoon the tVesr Branch near the West Branch RSA o.cad, shoat tsar wiles tram Sebsyl- Hatren-rLdiere is me in- were Coal Veins passing dussigti this _and. For ininanatioo ap. pi! to -• JACOB REED: , at Potkmak„ r Mr. HOFFMAN. 5.1 at Restful.* CALL AT THE Neitr. Establishinent, Colt±ter sif 04/stre and Akan Streets roared& MIME respeetfully announce to •°- their ' and the paldiesinn, that the3t. base the store tornserlytAmopied by Jae& Can dif Co., meter Or= and Market ir streets, seit they are now abbe dace Neat or • Dry Goods, roceries, shish they ester qno nun . d attliesery kris. • edam • HAZZAR STRAIX.II OM El r. AND IRON WWI HS I and IRON, do. SQUARZ IRON, RELY - do. • AD • 'do. 7113 , size drawn to order. • Nails 1 I sizes, for F i eja at the lowest City • K El MS, VAIITAREIZ it CO.: y 2 2.1838,Y, 411-fono 7 . TE t YEI; . . !ions t ai . de1i:41.14 --I DILVIIIe INULSER, ILLY tetders. her services to of rousville &lilt.* vicinity, and . tattle-3s trfket wiirk,. quick des i erste char ge s , in s, to ertt's.skare of e. . Ice iv at Mini B_'Mason's. oppcitste , imam Neal:roc & Co. in Centre XPRIKSS OF STAGZS. ietors of this Line, (which has been n.a superior manner for the acrom e • to the public that the Line Will 'pence running. Eetween LLE 4. PHILADELPHIA. lb! of Afoy,and will continne offiee at the riennapOraolo y at 6 o'clock, Al. M. and at nve in t 6 o'clock 1 3 . 3.1.. at the foliiiwirg E 0 50 sPostriati eekheimer,;' '4 Sheriy.l - CAIOI4 AND SEISM. =REcgmizo a. .aplatalid ar at of n au34l Simmer -Gaadwearukialiar in • po t .of • Dir Goods; r Gkoceriet4 1 4ueeninware l - Liquires, wir6 1 am pnopared to sell cheaply thiers' utensil in this market, for cassli.-ur fit country pkWilucc. at the inangsr . • G -11;17,4M I . *VIM SabamberWhaeing tented tha.mannitypo ' A Fairmount dawfixdofitlfilicrw joining the ono occupied by - ak. 3. Boltaiiiidtem title prepared:: iteeiee Coat LnaibeyOke.:on, wharfage. and I giatininitirdiiifiai, sotibcran premitea;n►a 28_11#11iirlie*ili. .1 • J ILL 5116V13111 - 044 - :- • IVAIEFS pl4.we in informing histheedkandeild • . public, thef! he continuesAtialszatertmi*Os: t hia.orennsylvOria % Rill," in Peturrillw-,- He 4. lnpas : , his past reputation for teepiega reepeetabkiErindler-, • iiihment, neuoired during the mlreneneten= 'of . ',k the samelum' of basinemi and a desire to may merit a paritinaance of** Sirius, and paitodo , „JOHN SILVER has made arrangernes,.. wide Robert Harmer: of the "ConnuMAMT Mat Nod& , Third street. Philadelphia few a supply , Of 411:tber dekureiet ultra' the Pfiadeiphia mart etiatiitahrdi during the Scunnierseason: inn .Ottre.: Roast Beef *Rid. per t me. Corned do do - Fried WED 4 Eggi,,, Preen Turtle; Soup. do , Lobsters. . • . Ifresh Pickled Salmon; Spiced Oysters. OW Madeira Wine.. Old Pale Slicity Wise, .Old Brown do .Old Part do OM Lisbon I do cbagrParune.l(Pauneno.) ;London Efroio Stow. --S t 2 3 L 1. iPeppees,mith's & See-hers Pale Aearunents ace always in ;imam* foir. Parties, dm. auk:base who call pay ettpecitarunamm &pry summon' tPoussilte. Miry )1. IE3B. • PAIRIKE.III 4ilt.' _co: : :55"4. 7 MEROERS 4. TAILORS, - * •APA-x (Fonrstrly Parkitr & BUB/masa , , ~f In AYE removed on the opposite side - of a-m- Street. a few doom ,aba* Norwegian - 44;0k . tumi d where they offer for gale a elitetasoortniiiir: Simarfine Brood Cloths Ana Caesium/moll . most 'fashionable colore.whh, air *galas . anent of Sommer t.loths. Vesting*. - Ce...l‘ top Shirts, Collars. Bosoms. Eswelts. u fslorea:litaii. • ' *dims, linen ,and cotton Holm, all: kindirrif Gentlemen's lamming apparel. which warbis ' made to order ink: she most ap p roved style tairtiqb , W., workmanship.; and .warranted to, St eqizajfoltnys In the City or ~hiewhere, ' ' • -,, i'- . 'l l . S. P.lk Cro.. keep on hand an evmilatotam. scittront of ready-nude! Clothing ckalllti . " n/Lieh will be imld at very loin rates- : v• ;:f...:* lone 17 • •' •• ~-. ;I' 4.. . , ... A , rotae Notice. ,: s itappeam, that becape Mr. Crantobtabiet Alm no, patenk for stneltitg . Iron Orir.Willlt thracite Coal in this coantry, Many salpeatilla_ iiiiN they are now id !Thirty to adept OW . - sMeltnig Iron ore with Anthracite by LW— a heated air blast; although I gate: niitien y . .. thatl had a patent Rat omelinieirra r k -4. with Anthracite Coal. both b! the me 0f,44110' atmoipheric and a heated air blast, Ilieselesirier itifestt.the public again, that on tlitildditifliin e . Miry, 1838, I tiniMm' si a leder fro& diii skews of !metro at Washington, Stabile . 7.1 t• upon eranunnigthe ease of Mr. Craniefili tkin for a patent Gm Smelting, hoe trr ....tudi,r- Anthracste.l late viewed by claim askaosfe!ing ii,ithlOol Pie& of Deo. DD 2 V-and loixiitteesi notice to ha ettorney oldie! decisio . K."- 'llileiq attempt to smelt Ism ore with anthragibibf-lhe ascots heated air blast. ism' infringeinent upon my patent, spinet which I elation. and-wail all orates I than ProleaSto e'rerisoPo laraltiol 'Ow my rig*. according 4 . taw. Anirr. Kiri -- tticr offer to dispose or palest rightl Gtr the **l io r at remains, accosting to' m 7 patina: - ispeq;, iy . • _ .• ..,„ ~,,,,,,_ : M moderate terms. FRED ERICK W. G , New York,iMay 16, 183 Ii;; : -,..#4y0-4. , Az - vr BAKERY & CON riecTIOXOXIC EST.ABLISHMEXT. ~•• • wick Eithinlts.; ESPECITULLT inforins ids -Merida fold ' the nubile in general. that hi GI *gad a new , . • salotryawl Confictiondry.,Esh in riorwerbo Street vest Our below in the borough of Pottsrdb, simulate ways keep Cai hand and hake fa igditeas, ofeutesekerCzy rialety of ilitterisr 2 4iitit elee usitabreys bekept whew& Mead ibis 'Lad; etr an e*eilent veal* : lad of a-lergrreile.- - "- ; His Calais:4km? exaffilea a Aisga awk _ letai amendment selected with ewe. sad seidjwk - • Rbe verrlariest fares. • 9 • f 2; EC. E. wiall also iamb frenTies-tbat I pnepered to bake FernMy Baited Cr any :mix; prefie..f4rnithiac that own abort* nouccouttt on thembs!. namg(ibiesii*ig sing 21' 1!E = - , Olt= afg. - .I„th wi t bp ISW.F)ELIMCIS-, ' Ml- F r"IMI ZSONI . . 3010211 , Dice 2 , Sta- mv;, . .ac be ' k--- , L , ...-- , - Ec-r•—• .1-- .e r &dm Cavity . esilajti* -';-... cc ' ow, _ .. ':;.---, zZ a . si j . me. Sr iivoir* - z. m i gh --- - - ' at Bridge WWI' , - ' • •,-. 1 . 1 1. Irlifiiili.lier . and willow . -).; el ruri: :-.-- ii**At*ii4lfiffirktfitit-, i...,:. 1 4 Iwbe r '_ - ! , T- . PUMP • -,-; -'•.:, : • BENJAMIN " - ~ ' nit t e. 1 • - AMM- L , so nTizt. ....e. siegoikr " Dr. Or . **Pborg• hue IS" ~ ~,.,. CM s, ,11. 1 .2st EMI Peat aids - 410dit. ' IfsPale-A:! . • , El