The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 04, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
• 1111r1IIINJAMI
_ gattirta • '
*obis mosi-aulisrally ia.odva
$ 4 win b•
*re uol. paper free of
Stow rite's. if cot pall:
bi added to the rice °feu
Tao . DOLIAIta pet annum.
in advance. If not paid within
Aditertisententanot ezeeedina
charged $1 for three insertione-r
insentott. Latgeratitee ‘ ia prof
Ali advertisimente wi ll be inserted until orders
out. unless the time for whi di i are to be continue
Isaneciasid.iind will be charged acconlingly. -
Yearly ad Verdure will be c tired Sit per annum;
including subscriptionto thepa , r—withthiptivilege
of keemng en eadvertieement n t ercealingl Omura ,
standing during the year. and t insertionpf I small.
wr see in each par r for three eccessive time..
'All batten addressed to the ito r mast be post paid.
etberwise,no attention will be id to them. , • . •
• All notices for meetings. . and other notices
which have beretofbre been i reed gratii. will be
'barged 2.5 cents each. except unarm and Deaths.
Duumen. CUT rilkllolllM- I We hard! know
when we have been More pledged than qy the fiil
luiaitig lines, from the -Burlington F Press.
supposed to have been suggested in reiply to an
estpty-headed cozeicomh, who was descanting
freely on the alledged menial infitriority of the
fairer portion of creatios.—Bretine
You prove_that women :have no brains,
For many cogent eanitev't
The principal of which' I think,
By logic's soundeit laws, is—
That into sleep. that wets very deep,
The Lord made man :to fall,
_ Then from his side he teak • rib,
But took no brains Oa.
fie left his brains, the Whole of them,
Bo woman none retafils,
-For bone, you see, can Over bee
Transmogrified to brains.
Since women, they, can have no brains,
Your mother min have none;'
So I Think I may, With tafete.say,
You are•your mother's OWL
It is honorable to hunhinity, an , affords
. a striking example of the devotedness of
"Heavereit last gift to-man," that the re
cent disaster of the ill fated Pulaski exhi
bits so many evidences ef holy sympathy
and unconquerable afletion. With res
pect to the gender sea/ how completely
do they justify at least part of the poet's
"Oh woman: in thy ho/
Uncertain, coy, and
When pain and algal,
A inialstenst angel
There are some hearts,
ry age,. to whom the I
children, and the cam i
ties of a mother, are of
receive small attention;
would not feel such an ii
' , the Pulaski! The' boat
Cobras, after leaving
long the shore, when it
for some hours: and on
attempt to land, was t
wards several rods fro
Prat, after getting from
sou ht for the ladies
NM FRASZI was fi
in charge of one of the
Mrs. Nrownitchur., w
Whelmed in the surf,
with her infant tied to
skate ! This cherub,
saved, the moment it,
Water, assured hi( het
safety by a-sweet ,mil
she struggled firmly w
soon reached the land.
all who were saved spol
admiration of the calm
of this most accomplis
particulars we glean fry
`yen by one of the sun
of New Bedford, to de
bony Evening Journal
tares,: in the facts,
Another affectmgh,
a ske hof the wreck,
ors, ' ich appears
tier . yesterday !
recapitulates in
a tied: but it
theraeord of whi
emotion. - "Willi
the wreck bad r
off the shore,
.., tic with alarm, and
be was about, jumped
far short. He t rued
bailiituatiko, and ~
whom be bah l
; lc
of gaining the w 1
alto him tai
ore you?" be we
here, my dear, r
sky ittudattmi," et ,
ate the rail* r
lisegieto the.
et periehoid.7
/treteiy for
era 'neeeetes
bore AIWA!, aw
viol le
wind tit Wear, Coil
wee effeetual. " Tiei
sailikete did nie..-6/
Awe,—Gene — n - r1
Geierser of e
. * ma y
-. ,.;1ed
. . .•
• •
WILL mica. YOU To n ri c ii v i z wrimiropyisl4Tl"LlP JU amnion Tin CAV 110T . Ti souirr . Aurs, iWTAL WHICH WILLOITZOISZNOTH TO OC>• HANDS LID 81153.1.1. CT •
Exthantirs4 New York, On Lobdon
8j a 9 r CEQ .premium.
Caiarrs pea
If sot p
all them
to oho te-
To midi
in the year 541 4c / rl a l" nrui
seiiption. ,
Pretectiitse niftiest Coadmation of Dm
see.—A company is farthing in London
for introducing , the newly invented process
for preparing 'muslin in such a manner
that if put into the fate it; will not take
flame, but Merely be reduced gradually to
coal. The process does not affect the 6- 1
nest colors. It is applicable to every sub
stance, from the Canvass ofta • Ship of war
to the'finest dace, for the minalbs of bedst
the fumituie afrooms,thecoverings of so
fas, and elite materials which often
cause cone s tton. Itehio-prevents the
attacks of Mildein. Priers 'subjected' to
great heat only carbonize, and ive the
writing or the numbers sand value of bank
notes legible. ,
The royal plate at Windsor is kept in
one tolerably sized room and . an adjoining
chisel, and is valued at £1,650,000 ster
ling. There is one gold service, formed by
George IV, to dine 130 guests; some pie
ces were taken from the Spanish Armada,
some brought from India, Burnish, Chi
na, &c.; one vessel belonged to Charles
XII. of Sweden, and another to the King
*of A 4; a peacock of preriou; estates val
ued at 0,000; and a tiger's' ead i
poo's footstool] with a solid ingot of gold
fOr his tongoe, acid crystal teeth; numer
ous and splendid ornamented gold shields,
one made frost snuff boxes,' value epoo
guineas; and 30 dozen of plates. which
cost 26 guineas each plate. The magni
ficent silver Wine cooler, made for George
I V. is enclosed with plate glass; its superb
chasing end other ornamental works occu
pied two years, and two full grown persons
they sit in 4 without inc.onvenierice. 1
An old tetttleman living in the vicinity
of Bmilsforil,'lt few daysego, bras so be
witched with the fascinating manners and
suasive tones of a lady belongthg to a tribe
of gipsies, that he really believed she bad
the necromantic power, and also the will,
to inultiplyllBo sovereigns belonging to
him to £lOOO. Wet have not beard
what the deuiceur k was to prcipitiate the
good 'will' cif the byl, or whether she
was to share in the proceeds of her mys
tic rites; but it appeerethe faith of the old
gentleman was so strong, that he trusted
her with thik I.Bo\r‘freigas, apd as many
barley co_ , begged by her direction, of
six of his n ighbors. This dope, she and
her dupe, Ito supposed, deposited' the
money and the grain in some sestet hole
or corner it the house, with the strict in
junction frcmrthe gypsey, not to look at it
for three days, or the. spell would be lira
ken. but at the end of three diva she as
sured him, he would find £1000.,-vir
will not attempt to describe the agitating
anxiety and the pleasurable anticipations
whiab the old gentleman, indulged in, du
ring the lueoery long, three dayswhich
intervened hefore the happy- moment ar
rived whee he was to feast .his eyes on
the sparkling treasure; but at length the
happy time come 'when he was permitted
to look upon the magic gold, and flushed
with expectation he pounced upon the par
cel deposited by the gipsy; but; alas ! in
stead of gold he beheld nothing but lead.
His 180 sovereigns, and 20 shillings 'in
silver, had ivarashed, irrecoverably gone; 1
fur it is 6thred the three daysgrace allow.
ed'the enchantress will carry her beyond
the reach iif the law.
A perso9 entering the House of Com
mons, whetrthe Rump Parliathent was sit
ting, exclaimPAl, "These ere goodly gen
tlemen ;1 Could work for them all my days
for nothiogr "What trade are you, my
good friendr said one of the attendants.
"A rope. Maher," replied the other.
Her Maimity's predilection Or equestri
an exercises hy its action on• the fashioia.
Me world,lhas caused a great ebange for
the better linithe condition, of ail the work
men conoectisd with the banana and sad
dlery mu* to use the expreision °l one
of them, who was ftilLafgratiindir;—"The
Quesn'etaking to riding, hal put a bit is
the mostk6fithousands ! '
i - 11
A singalar circumstance occurred late
ly to Mc.ttes, late of HutiOng&n, - who
has recmitly removed to- Hull. A firer
days after h# arrival there, be 'received a
brown palm' parcel, direct is "Mr. Bates,
late chen* and druggist, untingdon; if
left, to be funrarded to Hull." On open
ing it be' , rather surprised to find five
small els of psper,awd M each packet
lee sore • The only COmmunimtion
sent witb,it svas this—" Mr. Bates, accept
fifty somireigme for fikvorsconfitrred thirty
years sigb.7 _ The forming. ; gentleman
declares he lie not at all taste what thew
farm mitt have lien; not has be the
slightest itin upon whom they were
conferrede Were.
Mr. T/ 'Taylor a saddler; of Stioloiy,
614 etedei as of h is rum Wattled saddles
for her Mikity, which of excellent
workonAglip. costly, materfids,ind so well
approved ;bit her MO ity' was pleased
to Bin instrictionn to Ili 'Carl of Albs.
warts to siot him codes eetablisiumet
et her Itipstee stables. '
ayaMe nnpn4nnuall
thelear.fl O will
twelve - limns frill be
' nd 50 cents for one
I rtion. .
of we{ •
brow, I aid to plai
going tha brow,
time' ,
we knowl, in eve - .
blandishMents of
o nd tender anxie
little Salim, l
but what bcisom
ai l
this, of
in char of Mr.
doe vrec kept a
wes nea at last
. stalky hing the
rued boom up
land. r. Coo
: under t boat,
or his p tection.
found nd given
Pulaski'l crew.
o had been over
/s next rescued—
her boson is her
us Providentially
merged from :he
/. is mother of its
Thud blessed,
[th the billows and
It is stated than
e in terms of high
Res and iesolutioo
ted lady, Them
nit the account gi- .
rivors, Swum
editor of the Al
much in
trit -i relation.
is tained in
its r ues.
New ork Con
main istatemem_
t has' previouslf
alluded to is one,
bed without
the is from
and; was lying
'tigers frau
viag what
but fell
the view
al where
.a4di• leaping.
*3O lO
''ktim nev
of • riot
• Its
to the
fir, they
birn l 4;Loi m all
*s B:
at dr
.. , .
; 1. • • ; :
. ,
. _
. .
.. . .
.. . ... , -..z.. , '--:-'? ..-.,--- - •-,_-. -- ~,,..,,,,,•,. 1 -. .' t
. . -_. • ... .
. . , ..,
SO-V .
.. •
, . .
• •
the election of parish officers at
Brighton, on Friday, the chairman asked
&imp person bad a complaint against the
sextoo: upon,which that respectable func
fitinary gravely exclaimed, "No living
sign can have any complaint against the!"
The petition from the Duke of Norfolk,
Earl .Marshall of England, claiming the
gliwe of the right hand, and to support
tbirQueen'a right arm, while her Majesty
holds the sceptre, and to have.all the fees.
aPhertairiing, is allowed. .
' ;; lNese and important Substitute for
Wood Eitgraving.—We have, lately bad
submitted to us a very ingenious discovery
mide by a gentleman of the name of Woon,
the full influence of which, on the arts.and
manufactures of the country, it is diffidult
at moment to foresee. - The new art,
for which Mr. W. has taken out a patent,
ilcalled Metallic Relief of Engraving, and
will, it is believed, Li a great degree; su
piticede wood . engraving; the advantages
of , wood engraving, as is well known, are
the comparative cheapness of - printing, and
the facility it affords of taking impressions
from the engraving block, along with the
letter press at one operation, and without
Mitch additional expeose. The expense
of,epgraving, however, is considerable, and '
while all advantages are believed to be in
cieinmen between the new and the old
garbed, the great. cost of engraving is
sired by Mr. Woone's' discovery. The
new process may be thus briefly described.
4Prepared plaster of Paris, laid on a
smooth surface of met 1, is the material
on which the artist etches the -subject be
pipposes to have engravid, with a steel
paint, as it were, and this drawing or etch
4is at once cast in metal. It must be
obvious that the time occupied for predu
clog a design by thie method, barelytex
ceeds that required by the artist to sketch
with . his pencil on the block of wood, pre
vious to its being put into - the hands of the
ebgrayer, so that nearly the whole labor
and eipenseiof engraving the design on the
blOck is saved. Wobd engravings, too,
I cannot be executed on a large scale ;
Whereas '
bythis process, reliefs may he
obtained of any size. Another great fid
vaPtage is, that the design dues not require
to be reversed, as in ordinary engraving,
bet is drawp the same way as it is after
wards to a ppear, which renders this meth
od particularly applicable to works in
which writing occurs, as maps, plans, &c.
The method is applicable to all relief work,
including the blocks employed for the
printing of cotton, silk, paper hangings,
dt.p. We are not, howeveroio &ciliated
With this new art, - as to be without some
Misgivings as to the possibility of its rival.
ring wood engravings in Certain effects.—
W'e arrangements for undertaking
-iitrks will shortly be completed, when we
shall have an opportunity of testing its pow.
er4 and der readers shall judge for them
Arrival of Col. Case.—The gallant Pro
privet o(the Drumbanagher and Acton
Estates arrived on Ft iday at his princely
plaricut, after an absence of nearly twelve
months. his return . was private, and in
some measure unexpected ; yet so rapidly
wee the intelligence of thejoyful event car
ried over his extensive estates, that the en-
dip tenantry, actuated by one impulse, im
mediately determined on giving some pub.'
IMF,. manifestion of their regard for so kind'
and beneficent a Landlord. The preptr-'
Woos were soon made, and accordingly the
eiening watt ushered in by bonfires, tar-bar,
tells, and a general illumination, extending
Corer several miles of e delightful, pictu
resque andwell cultivated district.-New
ry Telegraph, May 18.
IThe Pawn brokers at adway, have a
()Opted a series of resolutions contradicto
ry of the allegations in Mr. Barrington's
petition to Parliament. To prove that pawn
s ii at* a prosperous trade, they state
tbst four persons were compelled• to resign
11te business in Galway.—May 17.
Government wont establish a direct com-
Riunicatitur for .letters between London,
Literpool, and Belfast, ai the expense
Would be 4 „f # 30,000 while the Post-office
'revenue of Belfiist is but Li I,OIXt wyear:
+Belfast News Letter, May 17.
• i Twenty-nine sheep grazing on the lands
of Doolickphelitn, in the west of Clare,
raped into the sea, during the great heat
TtendaY, and were
_lola, Were it not
.fir the exenions of some of the people im
mediately itear, the entire of the' sheep
'nixing on the farm would likely have ,
~ eharedtbeaame fate, as they were ellrun
utsg toward, the cliff whdo - stopped.-
4lue Jour,, May 19.
We have heanl that the-Rey. Deso,o'-
lthaughnessy has meowed a loan 4,000
friun the bOardetworWeerards complet
ing the NO iteliwit **Wile Chapel.--:
ibid.: ' _
The salary oft ton orbutter in Cork
is to .be increued to - ZIO each.
' Mr.&tell, of Medfield, pri :gator
' of
Casa ei ' about to had to the hymeneal
Oar, the butttilid sad secompho' hod daugh-
ter of the }on. Francis A. Frittie, high
sheriff of Tipperary, and niece of turd Dun
a fly.
Heroic Conduct if a Clergysouta.—A short time
sinetra wherry from the Argyllshire coast, after
croseing the Sound of Kilbraanen, catne to anchor
off Penrioch, ion the -West side of the. island 'of
Arran, and wee landing her passengers in a small
boat. The first party got safe on shore, among.
whpifl was the Rev. C. Stewart of Ltichranza; but
in melting a second trip, \the little boat swamped
and the - men in her (four in 'Amber) were im
met.ied in the' water. Mr Stetvart and two other
men instantlrjumped into sit old leaky boat with
only one clumsy oar, and made for the spot, when
thet succeeded in picking np two of the men; ii
third got on hoard of the wherry by means of a
rope thtown to him by a little girl, the only per.
eon on boarill at 'the time; the fourth, Duncan
Robertson, the master of the wherry, sank and
disappeared. 1 Mr. Stewart stripped in an instant,
and dived in 'order to save Robertson. He had
but been long u nder
, waie`r„when he again appear.
ed at the iurface, and seemed to shift his ground
a little, when die dived a second time, and on his
reappearing called out to the men in the boat to
do .for themselves, tor he was •gone. The boat
had thy this time drifted a considerable distanee
to leeward, add the people on shore perceiving
that a old leaky boat could render the minister
no • istance; bet was in great danger of sinking
herself, some active men ran to another boat
whieh lay about a quarter of a mile farther to
leeward, and ;upon their pulling up towards the
place where the accident occurred, they found
the Young min for whom Mr. Stewart had dived,
float i ng on the water quite dead; they took him
into. the boat, and immediately made for' Mr.
Stewart, and tbund him also floating on his beck,
appetently Iffeless. They were both quickly
taken on shore to a house, and medical aid was
procured rind administered (wit!! be assistance
both of the natives and of two gentlemen who
-- happened to be passing at the time) with the
greatest perseverance. Three hours elapsed from
tile time that Mr. Stewart was taken out or 'the
water, before lie manifested any symptoms of le
turning animation. He is now completely- out of
danger, The unfortunate sufferer, Robertson,_is
much lamented.— Ayr Observer, April 29.
Important to Prinfers 4 —We are happy , to be
able to 'communicate to our brethern of the press
that we have round a simple and ecunomical sub
stitute for theordicary ley used for washing type,
and which id applied by a method which does
not deteriorate the letter so much as the brush or
swing-trough' does, and clears away the ink tar.
more efteetually than either. Receipt—Pot into
a close earthen vessel two Scots pints of rain or
river: water; take une pound of caustic or unslack.
ed lime, andione pound of pearl' ashes, and mix
them among he water, cork the bottle, and shake
well for twenty minutes; then lay it aside, and al.
low .the ingredients to settle. .In the course of
next day, it Should be carefully poured out quite
transparent, 'nto another vessel, where it may be
kept for use, always taking care to secure it well
from the &Iron of the atmosphere. Thus an
alkali of the most powerful kind is produced, the
application or which, while it cleans off the ink,
and diioltes !piths on the lace .of the letter, has
not the slightest tendency to injure the metal. as
we have pftlin by numerous experiments. It is
used for washing jobs, &c, by being poured on a
tmall; piece Of sponge, which should be firmly
tied on the maid of a stick like a mop, otherwise it
will seriooslli e njure the fingers '
of the operator .
After it hase n once laid on, the job is cleaned
from the alkali by dashing a couple of pails-full
of Water on R. We may add, that half a farth
ing's worth 6f this ley will be sufficient to wash
the hirgest fiirm; and may be accomplished in five
minutes. Alter a most satisfactory trial twelve
months, we would recommend it to the trade...-.
Having felt advantages, we are anxious. that
all our brethe rn should participate in the benefits
of our discoye Ir.—Ferrer 9az.
1 1 WILES.
A.t ame bbit of the Engbah white, 'breed:
was killed, Mr. Thornton. of Sonoone, near
tins town. which weighed 16Ibs. Its length
when „tninging up was 3 feet 4 inches' and. from 1
the tip, of eaßh ear 15 inches. The mother was
killed last iear; weighing upwards of Ifilbs.—
This race hive frequently been reared to' weigh
up 'Wards of kBlbs.—Salophien Journal. May 28. i
Mr. Craw hay, is said to have sold his exten
sive Tim *arks .at Tref:rarest, Newbridge, to a
Lou ora
l pany i who have lately purchased the
patent f covering iron plates with - zinc instead
of tin. r.Crawsbay himselfzetains • tmosider
able interest in the establishment, and is one of
the direclone his son Fraiicis Crawshay.Ontinues
the prineiptil manager. Some person, believe
that the above patent will produce a complete re.
volution hi the tin trade: tune will shewt
Mertii)r Osuirdian.,
NO* ieent.—An event of an extremely tn..
gicilau! leplorable nature has taken' place at
Rumgsy, G amorgnshini. about eix tulles from
Newport r --- . Pain, esq, a Young gentlemin
(student:At Oxford). high 1 roily and independent
fortune, whole talents an social qualities, dig.
tingaished end amiable, ha secured the reepei is
and regard Of who had the p ensure of his acquaint
ance, has i*rmtnated his: life by discharging a
pistol through his head. The cause of the gni.
tide accurately ascertiltul. Mr. Pain bad been
devoutly al a
tached. Sid. it is stalsdc t esrgat to
the delight y of an eminentwolicitor d elf.. cisme
coal router, residing in the vicinity., The young
lady (nit yet of age) is exceedingly handsome:
and accomplished. and .from the tenderness of
manner, and frequency of interviews butte= the'
partite, it as supposed that the attachinent was •
ardent and m I; indeed it iainefidently stated
that the fa .. of the lady bad given his sanction
to a p Hance, and was kindly interesting'
l a
himself to ' btain an eligible appoiement - in the
&nickel° the intended ordination of tbe deems:
ed. Th e y had been Teceptly on a visit with!
Ids' sieter , eltenhamowei the anfietanate suitor'
at Oxford.twhere i few days since he s it
t e g er g oin l i hi s bedtwed.. : indurating : in: candid
terrns-thatles she had met moos winnii e lid fill
dimmed lconies bar affections_ :more .animitly
thee tlity ad been previonely enanired.sho.dosin..:
e right to intimate she fut. Her-rathet wai
written* the suns mtst on thri stihjMn„ end.
hesery — derately Bent for his daughter...and
on theivretara home Mr. Pain and the lady add
at thehother father, where she. reiterated
the sill in ination which her letter bind conveyt 4
ed. ./11r. ' . kites I discarded lose r. and on
his tenant [ home wrote ' a fitter to rine or two
AL /
cherish • • friends.' and then destroyed [himself
with ah- slip loaded pistol! The regret for the
unhappy uicido is inlense and general.—May 17
Li The. Was*.
, 4 111r....fahn C. Stevens sold his beautiful
yacht,' bearing this name, to rthe United
States Overntnent, this week, ;for $B,OOO.
She is one.of the most splendid and mas
terly specimens of naval architecture ever
in - ourktmters. She was built, some six
years silica, by Messrs. Orowtt de Bell, of
this citss from models of the Messrs. Ste
vens', and to this day has, never met her
match; Capt. Stockton, when last abroad,
matched' her against a crack yacht of the
Royal -British Yacht Club, for $100,000;
the English gensietnan who made the
match, aisited Liverpool, a feat days after,
to consiik the captains of the different
packets t here upon the merits of the Wave,
and finding they had waked up the wrong
passenger, asked leave to draw the match,
to .which Capt. S. reluctantly consented.
We are pleased to learn, t at Mr. Stevens
is upon the mod:I of a new yacht
to replace " the Wave" a perfect-out
and mit ;•r.—N. Y. Time .
Horrid Tale —The ordered man at
Saltimore, found so lior ibly matilaterf,
f o
proves be i 13enjaminLSt :wart; of Canii
bridge, lirchester county, in that state.—
The fac was so dreadfully mangled with
a hatch t it had been difficult to recognize
it. Tht deceased it appears had also been
stabbed ;and shot. Two men and a woman
have been taken up on suspicion, and what,
is as frit to contemplate, the on of the de
ceased, Wm. Stewart, also believed to be
implicated, was arrested .on Saturday, on
his landing at Baltimore, in the steamboat
from Cambridge. lie and the rather had
been in - town, residing at the, house of
11r. Thomas Stewart, - brother of the de
On; the Thursday Of the previous WO:
they *Talked out, and the son came iniilate
at night land•alone. ' The 'next . morning the
son departed, and Mr, I'. Stewart sup.
posed he and the father had gone Milo the
West, as they were to settle there. Spots
of blood were found on the clothes of Wm..
Ste warti when arrested, and a vial of spirits
of turpentine, ,with whic,h he bad endeav
ored to remove them. Also a quantity of
:arsenic !and several bullets. In his mom
at the uncle's were two pistols, one loaded
to the muzzle, and the other oischarged.
Both of the pistols and also a hatchet found
near-ilia corpse. were identified as having
been mild to Wm. Stewart. The son is
in iprsdh..
Miss: Sully and Queen Victoria.—The
following anecdote of our 'American - artist,
and his:daughter, now in ,Londod, is vela
ted by, the correapiindent of the U. S.
Speaking of the Queen, it appears tbalt
Mr. Sully has had his sixth and Gast sitting.
It does mot appear—what, however, is no.
'here—that the daughter of that aC•
complt4ted. artist has very lately had the
chance,of an interview: with her Majesty.
The tact, s, that Mr. - S t . wished her to a t
one day with the royal garb on—to as
the Queen the' trouble—as he asked`co
sent, which was given. When things were'
in thia Position, the Queen, sent to know if
Mist EE would like to see ker ; and came
in. The scene that ensued might be im
agined, Bear in-mind the young Ameri
can lady is in the Queen's dress and seat.
The latter looked up at her.'.ln the,"most
atnusing funny" way, according to all ac
counts; and behaved altogether to a charm,
as of bourse, did our fairy Countrywoman,
as well, though possibly little taken by stir
prise. Victoria is a vied:hearted aid,
past all doubt ; and' she rather likes the
-Americatts, I thick. The Queen halo pre
sented iMiss Sully with a miniatuFe likeneris
of berielf..
The doctrines, the precepts, the philos. I
phy of Christian religion; make duty
the olijem of affection--and endue the
4 ,
mind, ith many purifying delights. They
light a smile in the visage of affliction
—blu t the thorns of adversityidd,Aew
colors 'to the rainbow of life's enjoyments
—silkan the piniOnt of Mortal time—give
a stalto the aged, and itovin to the dying
bed— ake from death its tang, and from
the grove its victory! What kind of a
heart Must they possess, who strives to
shake the tielieireee faith, and rob him of
'its riCitest treasures? Evpn were hill Wt.
ligimM hopes
: all A vision—a glorious
dreatn one it - the base and cruel would
wish' iiirad.W him. i Let those who
scoff a p recepts of religion=who-expoct
And o satisfied with'the prospect denim
hilatiott, hug th e ice' of their dark 'Oen:
tions.4but let them not attempt to Geo ;a:i
the warm current of the Christian's li - r: -' '.
—Boston Jar:ova'
Victihas to Steen explosions.—The DNB.'
ber of persons in thia_country who bat,
fallen rctiaw - to thriFirninninegligeriee or
*teartioat whilst and :engineers. or to
the. o?fegfive costniCOOD PrboOrs and.
•enginew within thelastthrea years, is com
puted at 350 in,18,3 6 1 00 in 1837, and
10*.iii-‘ 1838, making 2300 innocent per-,
,rburcleregl by a. shocking death in two
~.h-.~i.Y'vfi'' 1 ~
, Ilk snbsreribera have constantly:imiliiind t
firll ismetriaent of iron. eonsprisimillonnd
Bqui from 3-16th no to - C di.
a ”eter; llet-Irtiri 3-161 h by NO:AMMO* to
6 .. 11'11 in.; boiler, gee and`sibeet ir,akabest
• d 2d qurity4 suitably for.lining,cm ,bninis or
.hotes; r i t road iron II by 1.11 by 4:9oiy 1.
a.. 4 21 by 1. They are also ptepliii - Olifeothe
o . era to . import Ilan Roadlron upon the Most
a' noniron' terms hi large"qoatititiim also rail
. d car asks. I • , i : 2 \ - J.if.'"
tk full aisortment of St'eel.noinPrwollsl4ta""
s ear steel—American end Eiglislrldistaillitsol•
man and Sprinir steel; and ioniulliim - n: and
tagonal Steel for drills., - t... i ..o:_c**l
I • , 119104.15 ar-Antali•
W. corner Market and SChuylliill 13t...Phila.
,Philade, phis, Juno 41„; len :„,, -2,,.*Ahno
Dissolution Otraititerobip.
!11.H£ tki-Partnership .heretofineiimieting be. .
tweed -Nies La Moodie, trading
Wider the grm.ofl.4l. Mciodinale - Co. is thhaay
'dim:doe: 4 ly mutual consent. Thoae wilirdieve
claims lust said firm, wilt -pl.
El. Moodie for settlenientiandallailtii . knoiriliam.
selves indebted to. said Ann, as also to the lab
firm of Nice & Moodie; 'are requited to make
immediat4 payment. to Mondie, to whose
band; the lbolluiare left for settle - Mehl. "
- N. B. The 'business will hereafterissilontiuct
ed by
.1. Xt. Moodie, at the old stanct,riext Door
from the northeast corner of Centre - int Norma
gian Streets; and respectfully solicits lictottino
once of public Patronage..
Pottsville, June 30.1838.-
ILT Miltontan. Milton, insert threktimoo..lond
charge thip office. , .
Valnable.Coal Laadt
JIL Baum, Will expose tO Public Sile - CurFilday
the 13th day of July nett, at 1 o'clodleiti.thili al
ternoon + at the bowie ofR.A. Heaton bo.
rough of Tamaqua ; in ti e Counts of
the following describede al Estate: •
. .
First—The undivided one third part nft la-cer
tain messoage, tenement and tract of land,
-ate in Rush township, Schuylkill CoeitiKkedo
ing the town of Tamaqua, and lands °Fifth,. iNttla
Schuylkill] Navigation ;k Rail -Road O.O.,thavL *b
e* containing 229 acres , more or leav e preempt
sit lots of ground, in. the flown of 'Wettemberg,
heretofore sold.) This tract of land bilthitautne
ir situated; the Liule Sclniylkill and Cattityrissa
rail road passing through the same. There aye
a number of coal drifts open on the.., llar
premises ?
&rim which-Coal of the best quality .liiivbeen--
aished.—Also, the Undivided half of i:titian'
tract of Coal Land.situate In Barry aid Sonny.
gian townships, Schuylkill County,. bounded by
lands of John Hartman, Peter Knabb and tither%
containing 152 acres more or less. ,Thiti.tract
attend is situated on a branch of the Big Sclinyl
kill, a few miles from the hied of thelN'estiliiite.b.
railroad, and contains a horizontal- sips- -
rior coal, with abint seven Beet light tuithwthing.
on which a shaft has ken -sunk throughsCrial
thirty-three feet deep. Upon this tract
of land there-is a large •log boilee and
•SO •
stone kitchen, (now cmithipsndiilay:
ern, - ) with emblem, sheds, s '
old Sunhury road passes, itinnediately 41,, Ant.
ers,—Also, a tract of unimproted land, shads in
Rush toWnship, Schuylkill by.
lands of Peter Knabb - and thicant-laWittidian
ing 397 acres and allowance. This — tragrirfland
abuundi with Coal of a .superior
miles froth the Little Schuylkill rail r0ad...;,-,
The terms of sale will be midi kik!** bilhe
Assignees on the day of sale.
Assignees of Geo..W:4lthun.
lone 27
- 41-
Ries ding Nail & Irma WOll4,
jeI"AYE on band boiler Iron, sheet:or eailion' •
usises du. and also, all•the difiniut
iron; also, round and squareiroo trouts} Op M 3.
inch Railtoad iron of the various sisesivonelmad
and counterinuk, and cut to- the anglaszastrist
osr., an d band iron. sixes nailswid
also, rani iron: of superior iptaliti.:?til of -Which
are offeroid for sale at the lowest citi
prleei~. -
Reading, June2s„ 1838. :
WHEREAS, some person or pawn* 'liver
stolen a quantityoflomberlitta(WhOhithe
subscribeir is Dow erecting a threUing4a . ,Oriiiin'
Afahantango Street,
-and on SeVella Ormawijiiro.
untied the walla of the;bnildingby,,,,monordogihit—
&inks at night, and otherwinitinpin*Rithold
mg. thereby offer thi above meard.failitrap.'
prehesoidiniand ciontiction of -anKponiisit‘par
sons who are, or hamatter . may *AO_ of this
Like ac or for any • intornottixt,olto
persons, at may leadAD their. conviction:4 l / 2
_ 1,5041 1 ! 4 '
' ur i c r' • _ -
t rwop
First SausilkiliCoiiiiiktaiabi
vr PARADE en Wedneedir:lborA i tr
0 Jiby, 1838,11 i /0 Ikelliek A...llclik , ..•
timer's tel. By Cakestand.' ' -.. -. :3.- "-
. - 1 , JA S . - P. WOLLUTCRiVia
_ -
• 161 .4bir .14 1 1.101,
F 7 .:A ti ß o t rt
- • ' I, ld
Phi Iphia, Jane 30 , -- , 4o4rat
TED, a good mining_ whir"
also do bonne work, toiellOalkidinillti
will. be gieee--4PIAY
Joint •
i t
-Brick Layiiii6 - air4n7
rig NO in PotterTe s :Blitiataoiiiiiiir
AT r - inity are inhowatkktkett.7thezrebitalor
ha* re red from rhgaddlibia tithiiiikoo*gatt
kwn to undertake to erect Wick Oak,Sniali
ba‘n at the *dint , notice .'. Ho **jar.
*bib ek and other koateriabi for - itLiatergit' ti ,
those ho may .:wish iL B. Nan a lank jag.
work with him . Prnors wiridaidni.,
ma/ to hue Workiliii , orrsiiirr
the finis ntipedsuni for the,earnplithin f or**
at jam" Gillingh_am'r;:iitilat.
Pothmille, June gr . - 454,.
7.. Rl33r"
~i:.r ..~;r~
.., ..
- r --& 4 *l--- •' - •
~ • ,-. itv..,..',1' ,
- 1
- - mss , Wt'.. '
, •. , ..,,4.4..,4. , .. 4 _,..t1,.. , • !
1 .
40 , . 0 *-
- Z't
4- .4sr- 4