The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 16, 1838, Image 4

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01 I:#3
ASmortarowe Tar. COlrrawrioN CT qAa THintikakro
W&, The People of the Commonwealth of rents
iyivank. ordain and establish this Constitution lot
its Government.
Section L The legislative power of this Common
wealth shall be vested In a General Assembly,
wlikb shall consist of a Senate and House of Repro-
*Mathes: • '
Beaton IL. The representatives shall be chosen
annually by the citizen.% of the city of Phliadelphis
end of, eachicoimty cespectiaely on the 'timid Tues.
day of October. -
Section M. No person shall be a representative
Who shall tot have attained the age of twenty-one
year*, and have been a citizen apd inhabitant of the
State three years next preeedinghis election, and the
last year thereof an inhabitant of the district in and
role which -be shall be chosen a representative, Unless
shall have been absent on the public business of
the United States*, of this State.
Section IV. Within three years after the first
meeting of the General Assembly, and within every
subsequent term of seven years, an enumeration of
the taxable inhabitants shall be made in such man
ner as shall be directed by law. - The number of
representative* shall, at the several periods of mak
ing such enumeration, be fixed by the Legislature,
and apportioned among the city of Philadelphia and
the several counties, according to the number of
taxable inhabitants in each and shall never be less
than sixty nor greater than one •hundred. Each
minty shall have at least one representative, but no
county hereafter erected shall be entitled to a sepa
rate representation until a sufficient number of tax-
able inhabitants shall be contained within it, to
entitle them to one representative agreeably to the
ratio which shall then be established.
Section V. The senators shall be chosen for three
yeans by the citizens of Philadelphia and of the
several counties at the Same time, in the same man-
ner, and at the - same places where they shall vote
for representatives.
Section VI. The number of Senators shall, at the
several periods of malaing the enumeration before
mentioned, be tixed by the Legislature and appor
.tioned among the districts formed as hereinafter
directml,.according to the number of taxable inhabt
bnts in each ; and shall never be less than one
fourth, nor greater than one-third, of the number of
Section VII. The senators shall be chosen in di.-
theta, to be formed by the legislature; bid sno dis
trict shall be so formed as to entitle it to elect more
than two senators, unless the number of friable in
habitants in any city or county shalt, at any time,
be such as to entitle it to elect more than two, but no
city or county shall be entillni to elect more than
four senators ; when a distlict shall be composed
of two or more counties, they shall be adjoining ;
. _
neither the city of Philadelphia nor any county shall
be divided In forming a district.
Section VIII. No person Shall be a senator, who
shall not have attained the age of twenty-five years,
and have been a citizen and inhabitant of the State
four years next before his election, and the last year
thereof an inhabitant of the district for which be
shall be chosen, unless he shall have been absent on
the public business of the United States or of this
State s and no person elected as aforesaid, shall hold
said office after he shalt have removed from such dis
Section IX. The senators who may be elected at
the first general election after the adoption of the
amendments to the constitution, shall be divided by
lot into three classes. The seats of the senators of
the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of
the first year of the second class at the expiration
of the second -1 Air t and of the third class at the ex
piration of the third year 1 so that thereafter one
third of the whole number of senators may be chosen
every year. The, senators elected before the amend
ments to the constitution shall be adopted, shalt hold
their offices during the terms for which they shalt
respectively have been elected.
. Section X. The General Assembly shall meet on
the first Tuesday of January, in every year, unless
sooner convened by the Governor.
- Section XI. Each house shall choose its Speaker
and other officers; and the Senate sh,ll also choose
'a Speaker pro tempore, when the Speaker shall ex
ercise the office of Governor,
Section XII Each house shall judge of the quail-
fications of its members. .Contested elections shall
be determined by a committee to he ielected, formed
and regulated in such manner as shall be directed by
law. A majority of each house shall constitute a
quorum to do business; but a smaller number may
adjourn from day to day, and miy Se authorized by
law to compel the attendance of aliscnt members, an
such mariner and under such penalties u may be
Section XIII. Each house Mar - determine the
rules of its proceedingS, punish its members for
disorderly behaviour, and with the concurrence of
two-thirds, expel a member, but not a second time
for the same cause; and shall hare all other powers
necessary for a branch .uf the• legislature of a free
Section XI V. The legislatur-e shall not hare power
to enact laws annulling the contract of marriage in
any rase where, t.y.low, the courts of this Common
wealth are or may hereafter be empowered to decree
a dirorce.
Section XV. Each house shall k e ep a.jnurbal of
its proceedings, and publish them week lyoexcept
such parts as may require secrecy: and the yeas
and nays of the members on any question shall, at .
the desire of any two of them, be entered on the
Section XVI. The doors of each house and of
committees of the whole shall be open, finless,
when the business shall be suet as ought to be kept
Section XVII. Neither house shall, without the
consent of the other, adjourn for more than" three
days, tior teeny other place than that io which the
two houses shall be sitting.
Section XVIII. The Senators and representatives
shall receive a compensation for their services to be
ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of
.the Commonwealth. They shall in all cases, ex
cept tr - cpson,. felony and trreacb surety the
peace, be privileged from arrest during their at
tendance at the session of their respective honks,
and in going to and returning from the same., And
for any speech or debate in either house, they shall
not be questioned in any other place.
Section XIX. No Senator or representativii
during thit time for which he Shall have beeri elect
ed, be appointed to any civil office under this Com
monwealth wb*h- shall have been created, or the
emoluments of which shall have beerCintreased
durine such lime! spd no member of Conivass or
other person holding- any Office (except of attorney
at law and in the militia) under the United States
or this Commonwealth, shall be a member of either
house during his continuance in Congress. or in
Section XX. When vacancies happen in either
bourn, the Speaker- shall• issue writs of election to
11l such vacancies.
Section XXI. All bills for raising revenue shall
originate in the house of representatives, but the
&hate May propose amendments as in otherbillS.
• •
•.Section XXII. No. money shall be drauM from
the treasury but in consequence of appropriations
mote by law.
Section XXIII. Every bill sshicb shall have
passed both houses shall be presented to'the Go
vernor. If He 'arprovn tor Shalt sign it, bin if he
shall not approve he shall return it with bis objec
tions to the house in which it shill have originated,
who shall enter the objections at large upon their
*impala .inid proceed to re-Consider it. If, after
such re-consideration, two-thirds of that house shall
agree to pass the bill, it shall be - sent with the oh-
VIL&NDERSONS PARlS—duet roevived and
tot sale at this .office.
mart 31 24
jeetimilKlf of i; house , lli 41 1 *h fikriaililliit it- :
shall be. end if e*n„z_ved britwess
thirds of ' hiiiiii,it 'shell blia "11 - 4Alllll l stlall
eases the
g uaeret
of both houses shall be detetmined
oy yeas and tiays, and the names of persons voting
for or againstlthe bill shall be entered on the jour
nals of eachhouse respectively, if any bill shall
not be returhea by the Governor within ten days•
(Sundays /*pled) after it shall t have.
as been pre
sented to Ea rn , it shall be a law inlike manner if
tie had signed it, unless the Gene 1 Assembly, by
their adjotirninent, prevent its retutp, in which case
it dull be i law, *unless sent back Within three
days afterthelr pest meeting. .
Section xg,tlit„ Every order, resolution or vote
to which the cetaintrce„ief both houses may be
necessary C ot on a question of adjournment)
shall He Died to the Governor, and before it
theft take, street, be approved by Him, or being dis
epproved,.l II be repassed by two-thirds of both
houses' seCO ing to the rules an li mitations pre
scribed in' of a bill. •
Section XXV. No corporate body shall be hereq fter
created, rmi*ed. or artesuled, with banking or dis
countingleges without six Months previous
public notice of the intended application for Me
same is sudi manner as shall be prescribed by Saw.
Nor shall any charter for the purposes aforesaid, be
,granted /ore longer period than twenty years, and
every soda curter shaft contain a clause reserving
to the ii*i . stature the power to alter, revoke or , annul
the same whenever in their opinion it may be infra-
How to the Citizens of the commonwealth, in inch
manner hi:wryer that no injustice Mall be doll' to the
corporator.. I No law hereafter enacted, shall create,
renew or =and the charter cf more than one corpo
, ration. i
Seeti..ii I. The Supreme Executive-power of this
Commonwealth shall be vested in a Governor.
Section II( The Governor shall be chosen on the
second Tuesday of October, by the citizens of the
Commonwealth, at the *eel; whete they shall re
spectively vote for representatives. The returns
of every election for Governor' shall be sealed up
and transmitted to the seat of government, directed
to the Speaker of the Senate, wi: shall open and
'publish theta in the presence of the members of.
both houses of the legislature. The person having
the highest 1 number of votes shall be Governor.
But if two of more shall be equal and highest in
votes, one of them shall be chosen Governor by the
joint vote Of the members of both houses. Con
tested electians shall be determined .by a Committee
to be selec t from both houses of the legislature,
and fotmed and regulated in such manner as shall
be directed by law.
Section II). The Governor shall hold his office
during threa,years from the third Tuesday of Janu
ary next ensuing his election, and shall not be
capable of holding it longer than .sir in any term
of nine years.
Section IV: He shall be at least thirty years of
age, and have been a citizen and an inhabitant of
this State seven years next before his election i
unless be shall have been absent on the public
business of the United States or of this State.
Section Vi No member of Congress or person
holding anybffice under the United States or this
State shalj eicerei‘e the office of Governor.
SectiontVi. The Governor shall at stated times
receive for his services a compensation, which shall
be neither Increased nor diminished during the
period for which he shall have been elected.
Section Vil. He shall be commander-in-chief of
the army mid navy of this Commonwealth,..and of
the militia,texcept when they shall be called into
the actual seevice of the United States.
Section VIII. He shalt appoint a Secretary of the
Commonwealth during pleasure, and he shalt nonti
rate and by4ind with the advice and consent of the
Senate appoint a// judicial officers of courts of
record, unicis otherwise provided for in this Consti
tution. He. shall hare power to fill all vacancies
that may happen - in such judicial' offices during the
reins of the Senate, by granting eo7rUniSSiOnS which
shall expire,tat the end of their next session : Pro
vided, that in acting on executive-nominations the
Senate shall sit with open doors, and in confirming
or rejecting the nominations of the Governor, • the
rote shall b 4 taken by yeas and nays.
• Section l i 4C- He shall have power to remit fines
and forfeitures, and grant reprieves and pardons,
except in cases of impeachment.
Section X. He may require information in writing,
from the officers in the executive department upon
any subject: relating to the duties of their respec
tive offices.,
Section Xl. He shall, from time to time, give to
the GCneral Assemuly information aS the state of
the Commonwealth, and recommend to their con
sideration ahrh mAasill es as he shall judge expedient.
Section Nil. He may, on extraordinary occasions,
convene the General AssemLly :i and in (MSC 101
disagreement between the two houses, with respect
to the time of adjournment, adiarurn them to •itch
time as he khan think proper, not exceeding lout
ovinths. ' . .
Section Ili. He shall take care that the laws
be in ithfulllr executed.
S•ctbm XIV. In cave of the death nr reviirnation
of the Goiernor, or of his removal from ciffire, the
Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the office of
Governor, !until another Governor shall be duly
qualified ; but in such case another Governor shad.
be chosen co the next annual eledlion of representa
tires, unless such death, resignation or removal,
shall circus! within three calendtzr months immedi
ately preceding such nut annual election, in which
case a Gotiernor shall be . chosen at the second suc
ceeding annual election of representatives. And
if the trial of a contested election shall continue
longer than until the third Monday of January
next ensuing the election of Governor, the Governor
of the ILA year or the Speaker of the Senate who
may be irethe exercise of the executive authority '
shall continue therein until the determination of
such contested election, and Until a Governor shall
be duly qualified as aforesaid.
Section XV. The Secretary of the Commonwealth
shall keep a fair register of all the official acts and
proceedings of - the Governor, and shall, when re
quired, ley the same and all papers, minutes and
vouchers relative thereto, hefqre either branch of
the legislature, and shill perform such other duties
as shall bif enjoined him - by lave.
Section - 1. In elections by the citizens every white
freemanif the age of twenty-otte years, having re
sided in t is state one year, and in the election dis
trict where he - offers to vote, ten days immediately
preceding such election, and within two years paid
a State or County tai, which shall have been as
sessed a h tdeast ten days before the election, shall enjoy
the rig of an elector. But a Citizen of the United
Stalks who had previously beefs: a gualijied voter of
this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and
who skint/woe resided in the election district, and
paid: as aforesaid, shall bcentitled to rote, after
residing its/he state six months, Provided, that white
frermen,lcitizens of the United States, between the
ages if ft:misty-one and twenty-two years, and hav
ing resided in'the State one year, and in the election
district ten days as aformaid,,:shaU be entitled to
pate, although they shall not hate paid taxes.
Stictloa il. All elections shall be by ballot, ex
cept those by persons in their representative capa
cities, who shall vote viva mice.
Section lit. Electors shall in all cases, except
treason, felony, and breach or surety of the peace,
be privileged from arrest, during their attendance
on elections, and in going to - and returning from
them. .
Sectiofl I. The Rouse of Representatives shall
have tholsole power of impeaching.
Sectiob H. All impeachments shall be tried by
the Senate; when setting for that purpose, the
Senators shall be upon oath oriaffirmation. No per
son shall be convicted without the concurrence of
two thirds of the members present
Section 111. The Governor, and all other civil
OAF: tinder this Commonwealth, shall be liable to
im hinent for any misdemeanour in o ffi ce; but
jn gmetit, in such eases, shall not extend further
thee toirernelval front offipeohd disqualification to
b4ant aim of honour, truit or profit, Under this
rawealthr nu party, whether Convicted or
URCHILL'S MANL AL, and Festivals and
, Faits, just received and for sale by
April• 25
• , .•f :Or
',!=•*„..,,., .... boilable 4ndiemailibe
• ... .. A, ant 's ' to kale.l.
- Sedion.l. Theljudki# power of .Common
amides •shall be vcitel in a S use toad, in
Courts of Oyer and- Terming and eral Jail
l ater
livery, in e Court of Common Pleas, rphans" Court,
_Register's Court, and s . tirt-of Q Sessions
4 331
of the-Peace, for each -Or in netices of the
Pelee and,in such o Courts as the legislature
may iron time to time Midi.
Section IL The judg of the Cowl, of
the several Courtt isf OomMoss Pl , and e. such
other Courts of Record as are or ,he established
' -by law, Mall be Waled try, the and by
and with the consent i zl' , the Senate I ed and
cemmeisriased by him. he Judges of the Supreme
Court shall hold their dfres for the tens of Afteell
c o u
years (f they shall to long behave ' Ices well.
'The preeidentjudgis of the several if Clawson
Pleat and q r swa "otter )Comb of ord as are or
shall be,eMablislied by Ow, and all other judges re
quired to be learned in the law, shall 101 l their *cm
for the term of ten ( f they stud, so long behave
themselves well. The A ' e judges if the Courts
yer e
qf Common Bess sha ll their offices for the terra
of five years (r they /go long be h ave theaselres
well. But for any r ' cause which shaft not
be sufficient ground of . haunt, the Governor
may remove any qf t on the address of two-thirds
of each branch of the leg islature. The judges of the
Supreme Court and t e presidents of the several
Courts e Common P shall at sta rdtimes receive
for their services an adequate compensation to be
fixed by law, which sh I not be diMinished dining
their continuance in but they hall receive no
fees or perquisites V , nor hold any other oft. r
of profit tinder this C nwealth. l
Section 111 . Until cd/serwite directed by late, the
ociurts of Common Pima shall continue as at present
•stablithed. Not more &online emetics shall at ant
time be included in one judicial dietrict organizer
for said Courts.
Section IV. The. jOrisdiction Of the Supreme
Court 311211 extend over the State ; and the judge'
:hereof, shall by virtue of their offices, be justice ,
of Oyer and Terminer and General /ail Delivery, ii
the several counties.
Section V. The judges of the Court of Common
Pleas, in each county shall by , virtue of then
..fsces, be justices of Oyer and Terminer and Gene
ral Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other
offenders therein ; any two of the mid judges, th:
president being one, slttll be a quiprum : but .the
shall not hold a court of oyer and terminer, or jai
delivery, in any county, when the judges of lb:
Supreme Court, or any! of them, shell be sitting ii
The same county. The party accused, as will a•
the Commonwealth, m2y, under such regulations 2.
'hall be prescribed by law, remove the indietmeic
titd proceedings, or a transcript thereof, into It,.
•u pi eme Court.
Section VI. The Supreme Court,-and the sevela
'ourts of common pleas, shall, beside the pow.,
heietufote usually exelci:ed by them, ha, e too
power of a court of Chancery, so far as ielaies u
the perpetuating of testimony,, the obtaining 4,1
ri idence from pl.:ces nut within the Stine, and Th.
r - ,re of the persons and est.ites of those who V.
non c.impotes mentis. And the legislature slia.
vest in the said courts such otheripowers to ,
relief in equity, as shall tie found necessary: an
may, from time to time, enlarge Or diminish [h....
potvers or vest them 114 such other cinirts is they •hat
pitge proper, for the clue administdation of justice
Section V 11. The judges of the , cuut t of C. Ifllaltal
pleas of each county, any two of whom shrill be
quorum, shall Compose the court of Qn irter Se ,
sions of the peace, and orphans' count thereof ; an
the register of wills, together with the 'aid judge.
or any two of them, shall compose the register'
court of each county. .
Section VIII. The judges of the courts of common
pleas shall, within tbeir respective counties, have
the like powers 'with the judges of the Supreme
Court, to issue writs of certiorari to the justices of
the peace, and to muse their proceedings to be
brought before them,; and the like right and justice
to be done.
Section IX. The president of the itourt in each
circuit within such circuit, and the judges of the
court of common pleas within their respective -
counties, shall be justices of the peace, so far as.
relates to criminal matters.
Section X. A register's office, for the probate of
wills and granting letters of ad ministration, and an
office for the recording of deeds, shall be kept irr
each county.
Section XI. The style of all process shall be
. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prose
cutions shall be carried on in the name and by the
authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and conclude " against the peace and dignity of the
Section T. Sheriffs and coroners shall; at the
times and places or election of representatives, be
chosen by the citizens of each county. One person
shall be chosen for eitch office, who shall be oonunis
stoned by the Governor. They shall hold their
offices for three yeatis, if they shall so long behave
themselves well, ad until a successor be duly
qualified ; but no rson shall be twice chosen or
appointed sheriff, in y term of six years. Vacan
cies in either of the said o ffi ces shall be filled b)
1; ! n
an appointment, to be made by the Governor, to
continue until. the ' ext general election, and until
a successor shall be chosen and .qualified as afore-
Section 11. Thejreemen of this commonwealth
shall be armed, or anized and' disciplined for it:
defence, when anti i such manner as may be directed
by law. Those wh conscientiobsly scruple to beam
arms, shall not be rnpelled to do so, but shall pay
an equivalent for rsoual set vicle.
Section 111. Perthonoiariesi of the Supreme
Court shall be appointed by 4he said Court f o r
the term of three; years if they so long beim',
themselves well. Prothonotari'es and clerks of the
several other courts. Recorders ofdeeds, and Re
gisters of war, shall at the times and places of
election of representatives, be elected by the quali
fied electors of county, or the districts over
which the juris ' ion of said courto extends, and
shed/ be commini ned by the Governor.
shall hold their offices for threti years if they 7 5 7 131
so long behave 1 natives well, and until their
successors shall be duly qual i fied. The legion--
here shall provide by law, the !number of persons
in each county who shall 'hold said offices, and
how many and which of said ;(es shall be held
bzone person. acancies in iany of the said of.
era shall be by appoiltments to be made
the Governor, o continue Until the next gene
ral election , an d it sneeet o r a shall be elected
and qualified as oresaitl.
I t
Section IV. Pro °notaries, clerks of the peace
and orphans' enures, recorders of deeds, registers of
wills, and sheriffs, shall keep! their offices in the
county town of the county ire which they, respec
tivuly, shall be Officers, unless! when the Governor
shall, for special (reasons, dispense therewith; for
any term not exceeding five years after the county
shall have been erected.
Section V. All Commissions hall be in the name
and by the author ty of the Co monwealth of Penn
'sylvania, and be sealed with th State seal, and sign
ed by the Governtlr.
Section VI. A State Treastpr shall be elected
annually, by joint! vote of both anches of the legis
Section tn. Aar:aces of l4e peace or aldermen
shall be elected the acterul wards, horduglis,
shafi L uth
and townships the time of, the election of con
stables by the aablud voters thereof, in such
number as be directed ,y kW , and shall be
commissioned b the Governor for a term of 'cc
years ; but no ip, ward or borough shall
eket more than . justices cif the peace or alder
men without thd amsent of it majority of the qua
lified electors w4hin such tifionship, ward or 150.-
Section VIII AD officers Whose election or ap
pointnibat is noo, prociad feiies this constihaion,
, *ha be elected fr .d p f irtate4 as skill bedirected
1000 Ibl. Bed Feathbrojost recehretand
"red for salOby
Nov 11
_A t Nadia tOii: **At
Wit in `a - narebtintlirltitAallfiot hetet 'irbeis'a•
citizen and an initabstrint eridl
before his appointment, if .11u county shall have
been so king atelet6 but if it shall not taw been
so long meted, then Within the limits of the
County or counties out of which it shall have been
taken. No member of Cim,,eratt front Ass , slate,
ar any person holding or exencisttny or_
appointment of trust or profit ts the antM
States, shall at the same time hold or exercise arty
office in this state, to which a sat is, or fee° or
perquisites are by law, annexed:' and (he legisla
turerimy by taw .deckere what State offices are in
comple. N o member of the Senate 4X' of the
house of representatives shall be appoeided by the
Governor to any office during the terns for which
he shall have been elated
Section IX. All officers for a term of years
shrill hold their offices fur the terms respectively
specified, only on the condition that they so long
behave themselves , well: and shall be remota on
convietra • n of -misbehaviour in crux or of any in-
famous crime.
- Section X. Any person mho shall, after the
adoption of the amendments proposed by this
Convention to the Constitution, - fight a duel or
send a challenge for that purpose, ar be aide or
abettor in fighting a duel, shall be deprived of the
right of holding any office of honour or profit in
this State, and shall be punished otherwise in such
manner as is, or may be prescribed by-law t but
the executive may remit the said offence and all
its disquabfratums. '
Section I. The legislature shall, as soon as eon
veniently may be, provide by law, for the establish..
ment of schools throughout the State, in such
manner that the poor may be taught gratis.
Section 11. The arts and sciences shall be pro
moted in_one or more seminaries of learning.
Section 111. The rights, privileges, immunities
and estates of religious soeieths and corporate bo
dies, shall remain as If the constitution of this Stave
had not been altered of amended.
Section IV. The legislature shall not invest any
corporate body or individud with the privilege
of taking private property for nablic use, without
requiring such corporation or Individual to make
compensation to the owners of said property, or
give adequate security therefor, before such pro
perty shall be taken.
Members of the General Assembly, and all offi
cers, executive and judicial, shall be bound by oath
or affirmation, to support the constitution of this
Commonwealth and to perform the duties of their
respective offices wan IlUrtiL.y.
That the general, great and essential priliciples of
liberty and free picernment may be recognised and
unalterably established, WE DECL tilt F., TH
Section 1. All men are born tqu.illy free and in
dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible
rights, among which are those of enjoying and de
fending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing
and protecting property and reputation, and of pur
suing their own happiness.
Section 11. All power is inherent in the people,
and all free governments are founded on their au
thority, and instituted fur their peace, safety and
happiness ; For the advancement of these ends, they
have, at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible
right to alter, reform or abolish their government, in
such manner as they may think proper. •
Section 111. All men have a natural and indefea l i
sible right to worship Almighty_God, according to
the dictates of-their own consciences ; no man can,
of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support
any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry
against his consent; no human authority can, in any
case whatever, control or interfere with the tights
of conscience ; And no preference shall ever be
given, by law, to any religious establishments or
;nodes of worship.
Section IV. No person Who acknowledges the be
ing of a God and a future state of rewards and u
nishinents, shall on account of his reljgio s sen
meuts be disqualified to hold any office or place f
trust or profit under this Commonwealth.
Section V. Elections shall be free and equal.
Section VI. Trial by jury shall be as heretofore,
and - the right thereof remain inviolate.
Section VII. The printing presses shall be free to
every person: who undertakes to examine the pro-
ceedings of the legislature, or any br.inch of gi..•
vernment: And no law shall ever be made to re
train the right thereof. The free communication
bf thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable
rights of • man; and every citizen may freely speak,
write and print on .any subject, being responsible
for the abuse of that liberty. In prosecutions fit
the publication of papers investigating the Official
conduct of officers, or men in a public capacity, or
where the matter published is proper for public in
formation, the truth thereof may be given in evi
dence: And in all indictments for libels thejury
shall have a right to determine the law and -the facts,
under the direction of the court, as in other cases.
Section VIII. The people shall be secure in their
persons, houses, papers and possessions, from unrea
sonable searches and seizures: And no warrant to
search any place, or to seize any persoh or things,
shall issue, without describing them as nearly as
may be, nor without probable cause supported by
oath or affirmation.
. .
Section Lt. In all criminal prosecutions,. the ac
cused bath a right to be heard by himself and his
counsel, to demand the nature and cause of . the ac
cusation against him, to meet•the witnesses face to
face, to have compulsory process for obtaining wit
nesses in his favour, and, in-prosecutions by indict
ment or information, a speedy public trial, by an
impartial jury of the vicinage; he cannot be com
pelled to give evidence against himself, nor can he
be deprived of his life, liberty, or property, unless
by the judgment of his peers or the law of the
Section. X. No person shall, for any indictable
offence, be proceeded against criminally by inforu
tion, exeept in cases .arising in the land or naval
' forces, or in the militia when in actual service in
time of war or public danger, or by leave of the
court, for oppression and misdemeanour in office. No
person shall, for the same offence, be twice put in
jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall lily man's pro
perty es• taken or applied to public use, without the
consent of his representatives, and without just
pompensation being made. •
Section XL All courts shall be open, and every
man for an injury done him in his lands, goods, per
son or reputation, shall have remedy by the due
course of law; and tight and justice administered,
without sale, denial or *day. Suits may be broughi
against the cimmonviealth in such manner, in such
courts, and in' such cases u the legislature may by
law raft.
Section XIL No power of sfispending lasts shall
be elercised, unless by the legislature, or its au
Section XIIL Excessive bail shall not be re
quired, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel pu
nishments inflicted.
Section XIV. All prisoners shall be bailable by
sufficient sureties, unless for capital offences, when
the proof is evident or.presumption great ; and the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
,suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or in
vasion, the-public safety may require it.
Section XV: Nocomsnission of Over and Terminer
orjail delivery shall be issued. . .
Section XVI. The person of a debtor, where
there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not
be continued in prison, after delivering up his estate
for the benefit of his creditors, in such manner as
shall be prescribed by law.
Sectiorr,XVll. No ex post facto law, nor any law
impairing contracts shall be made. •
Section XVIII. No person shall be ausinted bf
treason or felony by the legislature. ••
Section XIX. No attainder shall work corruption
of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender,
forfeiture of estate to the commonwealth ; the es
tates of such persons as shall destruy thtdr own
lives, shall de•rend or VP4II 11. . r ....„ :
1011&911 Titnotby Seed just, received and fbr
•ar `aiiie by J. CLAYTON.
Feb 14 1—
- deem viiid - iV:Wlition awn be killed by
Curriltyr theitii no finfeittrre by reason
Seetinta-XX. Thbeititensitavalh right, in a peace
atilwasanner, to asainnbie
_together, for their common
good, and to apply to thole invested with the poWers
of goverment, For, tedress - of
. grievances, or, other
proper purposes, by petition, address or moon-
Section EXL The right of citizens to bear arms,
in defence of themselves and the State, shall not be
questioned. ' •
Section XXIL No standing, army shall, in time .
of peace, be kept tip without the consent of the Le
&Maret and the ,militery shallpin all eases, ant
at all times, be in Mid subonlinaticm to theoffiiil
Section XXIIL Na soldier Shall, in time of peace,
beiluartered in any haute without the consent of the
meter, nor in time of Wir, bit in a manner to be
prescribed by law. • • .
Settiiin XXIV. The legialiture shall not grant
any title of nobility or hereditary distinction, not.
create any office the appointment to which shall be
for a louver term than during good behaviour.
Section XXV. Emigration ;from the State .shall
not be prohibited.
Section XXVL To girara ageirit transgressions
of the high powers which we have delegated, WE
DECLARE, that every thing, in this article is ex
cepted out of the general powers of government, and
shall for ever remain inviolate. - •
Any amendment Or ainenelniersts to -ibis ccoutitu
don may be propose( in the, Senate or Rouse of Re
presentative:, and if the same shall be agreed to by
a majority of the members elected toeach House, such
proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered
Ins their journals, unth the yeas , and nays taken
thereon, and the Secrdary at' the Conanommulth shed/
cause the same tribe published three menghs before the
meet election, in at least one newspaper .in every
county in which a newspaper shall be published ; and
V in the Legislature nest afterwards chosen such pro
ited amendment or ansendmints shaft be agreed lo
by a majority of the members elected to each house,
the Secretary of the rommonaealth shall cause the
same vain to tie published in Manner aforesaid, and
such proposed amendment or amendments shall be
submitted to the people in such manner and at such
time, at hest three months, alter. being so agreed to
by the two houses as the legislature shall prescribe;
and if .the 'people shall approve and ratify such
amendment otemundments by a majority Of the qua
lified voters of this Stale voting thereon, such-amend
ment or amendments shall.become a ps,' of the con.
' siltation; but no amendment or amendmelas shall
be submitted to the people oftener than a:tee in fire
years ; Provided, that more than one amendment
lb* submitted, they shall be submitted in such manner
and form, that the people may rote for or against
each amendment separately and distinctly.
That no in - convenience may arise from the altera
tions and amendrients in the Constitution of this
Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into
complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain
ed, That,
Section I. All laws of this dornrnonwealth hr force
at the time when the said alteration& and amend
ments in the said Constitution shall take effect, and
not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions,
prosecutions, claims, and contracts as well of indi
viduals* of bodies corporate, shall continue as if
the said alterations and amendments had not been
Section IL The alterations and amendments in
said Constitution shall take effect from the first • y
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine..
Section 111. The clauses, sections, and artic of
the paid Constitution, which remain unalte shall
continue to be construed and have effect as if the
said Conititution had not been amended.
Section IV. The General Assembly which shall
convene in December, eighteen hundred and thirty
eight, shall continue,its" session, as heretofore, not
withstanding the provision in the eleventh section
of the first article, and shall at all times be regarded
as the first General Assembly under the amended
Section V. The Governor who shall be elected in
October, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, shall be
inaugurated on the third Tuesday in January, • ,
eighteen hundred, and thirty-nine, to which time
the present executive term is hereby extended.
Section VI. The commissions of the judges of the
Supreme Court, who may be in office on the first day
'of January next, shall expire in the following man
ner : The commission which bears the earliest date
shall expire- on the first day of January, Anno Do-
Mini one thoGsand eight hundred and forty-two; the
c ,, mmission next dated shall expire on the first day
of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-five; the commission next dated shall
expire on the first day of January, Anno Domini
one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight; the
commission next dated shall. expire on the first - day
of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-one; and the commission last dated
shall expire on the first day of 'January, Anno Do
mini one thousand eight hundred'and fifty-four. . -
Section VII. The commissions-'-of the President
judges of the several judicial districts and of the
associate law judges of the first judicial district shall
expire as follows : . The commissions of one-half of
those who shall have held their offices ten years or
more at the adoption of the amendments to the con gt
ttition, shall expire on the twenty-seventh.dAy of Fe
bruary, one thotiland eight hundred and thirty-nine ;
the commissions of the other half of those who shall
have held theii offices ten yeare or more at thindop-
on of the amendments to the constitution, sha
expire on the .twenty seventh day of February, one
thousand eight hundred and forty-two ; the firstlialf
to embrace those whose commissions shall bear the
oldest date. The commissions of all the remaining
judges who shall not have held their offices for ten
years at the adoption of the amendments to the con
stitutipn shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of
February next after the end Of. ten years from the
date of their-commissions. •
Section VIM The'Recorders of the several May
ors' Courts, and other criminal •courts in this Com
monwealth; shall be appointed for the same time,
and in the same manner, as the president judges
of the several judicial districts; of those now in
office, the commission 'oldest in date shall expire dn
the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand
eight hundred
_,,and fottY4oriti, and the others every
two years thereafter according to their respective
__Those oldest in date expiring first.
Section IX. The legislature at its first session un
der the amended constitution, shall divide the other
associate judges-of the State into four classes. The
commissions of those of the firstshall expire
on the twenty-seventh day of F ri ary, eighteen
hundred and forty'; of thote-of tcond class on
the twenty - seventh day of rebruighteen hun
dred and forty-one; of those of 'ihe third class on •
the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen hun
dred and forty,tivo; and of thilSe of the fourth class
on the twenity-seyenth dai of february,eighteee
hundred anirftittrAlyree. ' The said 'classes from the
first to the fourth shall be arranged according to the
seniority of the commissions of the several judges.
Section X. Prothonokuies„ clerks of the several
courts' (except of the Supreme Court) recorders .df
deeds and registers of wills, shall be first elected under
the amended Constitution, at the eleetion of repre
sentatives in the year eiglikteen hundred 4inil thirty,
nine, in such manner as miiy be prescribed by law.
Section Xl. The appointing power shall remain as
heretofore, apd all officers in the appointment of the
executive department shall continue in the exercise
of the duties of their respective offices until the
legislature shall pass such laws is may be requited
by the eighth section of tbe sixth; article of the
amended constitution, and Oita appointments shall
be made under such laws; unless their com Missions
shall be superseded by new appointments, or shall
sooner expire by their own limitations, or the said
offices shAll become-vacant by de.ith or resignation,
and such• laws shall be enacted by the first legisla
ture under the amended copstitution.
• Section XII. The first election for aldermen and
justices of the peace shall be held in the yeareight
teen hundred and forty, at the time fixed for the
election of constables. The legislature at its first
Dow and TOW Lime.
• 1111/ST received and ter side a supply of Bow
a" and Tow Linea. '• •
senior Iddr-21 the suleided . euraita4**.uLif pro.
vide for thisaid , eleetio' and for WI tient similes
elections. The alderm n and justices pf the peace
now in eonimission, or ho May-.ln . th e interim be
appointed, shall coition to discharge tr i be ilutiesof
4 74
their respective offices untilttifteen.iliquiler the
day which shall be-, for the Ow of
new aniithissions,at tb expiration of which time,
their commissions shill re.
la testimony thatll, oreßing sti' . OW amended
constitution of p er nsylveola, es agreed to in
convention, We the officers and metnials-of the
convention .have hereunto signed Onrtunts it
Philadelphia; th e tweor s y-setonti dkr ,i
aAn 4 , t i una Domini bus thousand ndred
thirty -eight s and of the Indepeadence of
• the United States o America the Itixtrieeinnt
JOHN ElgllGtANT, Vresident,
Danm. ie Anew, j Ezra S. Hayhoist ' ‘ ' i
Wyres, • . Wm. Hays,
M. W. Baldwin, ~ Abra:Heltiatehi,
Ephraim flanks, • M. Heade „
John Y. Barclay, Wm,. Hendetkiin ; 1
Jacob Bamdolar, Wm. Hiester, '' , '1
Chas. A. Barnitz, . William High, i
• 1
Andrew Bedford, , Jos. Hopkinson,
Thos. S. Bell, . - ;John Houpt, • i
James Cornell Biddle, ' Jabea Hydei • i - ' 1
Lebbeus 1.. Bigelow Charles Jared Ingersoll, I
Semi. C. Bonham, -Ph!. Jolts,
Chas. Brown, George AL,Keimi . •• '' 1
Jeretniah Brown, , James'Kennedy,:
William Brown, Aaron Kerr, j.
Pierce Butler, . Jos. Konismacbet, ' - ,
gatnigt Carey, ,', , Jacob Kribl, •1 ' .
John Cummin, H. G. Long, 1,
Thomas S. Cunningham, David' Lyon*, i ,
Willtalit Curll, c Alex..Magee, i
Wm. Darlington, Joel K. Mann, !
George Chambers,• - W. M. Meredithj ..
John Chandler, James Merrill,
Jos. R. Chandler,- ' Levi Merkel, • I -
.Ch. Cbanneey, Wm. L. Miller, I ,
Nathaniel Mapp, James , Montgomirry,
James Clarke, • Chilistian Meyers, .
John Clarke, D. Nevin, 1
William Clark, : virni. Overteld, ! .
A. J. Cline, Hiram Payne, - i n
Lindley Coates, Matthias Penny cker,
R. E. Cochran, James Porter
Thos. P. Cope, ames Madlsii . ff
.ni Porn.
Joshua F„ fox, Sarni: A. Ourvikrice .
Walter Craig, E. C.Eeigart, , ' •
Richd. M. Crain, . A. H. Read,
Geo. T. Crawford, Geo. W. Biter,
Cornelius Crum, Jno. Ritter, •
Benjii. Martin, H. Gold Rdgers, ..,
John L. M'Cahen, 'Samuel Royer, . ,1
E. T. M'Dowell, James M. Rustle%
James M'Sherry, , Daniel Saeger,.
Mark Dumb, ' John Morin Soak
Harmer Denny, Tobias Sellers,
John Dickey, G. Seltzer,
Joshua Dickerson, Geo. Serrill, 1 ,
Jacob Dillinger . - Henry Schcetz, ' 1
Jas. Donegan, George Shiliete, , •
J. R. Donnell, Thomas H. Sill,
Joseph M. Doran, - Geo. Smith,
James Dunlop, Writ. Smyth,
Thomas Earle, Joseph Snively, ,
D. M. Farrelly, Jno. B. Sterigere,
Robt. Fleining, Jacob Stickeli
Walter Forward, . Ebenezer W.aSturdevant
Jon Foulkrod, 1 -,_Thomas Taggart,
J seph Fry, Jr. :Morgan J. Thanes, '
John Fuller,
, James Todd, j
ohn A. Gamble, :, Thomas Wea ker,
William Gearhart, ' Jacob B. Weiciman,
David Gilmore,• R. G. White, i
Virgil Grenell, Geo. W. Wardwell,
William L. Harris, . R. Yowl. . 1
Thomas Hastings, i -
(Attest,)'S. &wen, Sieretary.
G'. E. Fails, .1
J. Wthuems,s
I certify, that the foregoing is an erraOt and hien!
copy of "the Constitution of the Commtinwealth of amended by the Conv noon of Ohl
thousand eight hundred end thirty. ven—thirty
eight," idePoalted iii ' ttas otfte Qn . the 26th day of
February, 1838 •, the itineiidnients belkie Wait,
and the fetained liortions of the pment Constitu
in romaiiiette. !
Sec'y of the Com
Regtiniental Ord;
THE enrolled linhabitants of the
-K. Schuylkill, ad companies of
.i ti
composing the 30 kr Regiment of
Militia, are hereb notified that the
ion will melt, projperly equipped fo
Tuesday the22d OfiMay next, at M
The Second Batalion will meet
Haven on Wednesday the 23d of M
linesi to be formed' precisely at 10 n'
By order of ihelColonel. • '
april 20, , 321.. • -
Choice Nines and L
• • N. N&THANS &CO
HAVE on hand the; fidlowing choice Wines'
and Liquora.lwhich they warrant genuine,
and of for !alai on the most taiorable tenni,.
consisting of .
30 Baskets Chalrripaigne Wines, Key, Hick.
ory, Star, Woodcock, Anchor, Gr pe and. other
10 Baskets Sparkling. White Beirg ody,
10 do - 'Old Hock;
5 cases Old Gripe Juice Port,
50 tlo Medoe Qt St. Julien Claret •
Also—a few d'otddno of the much ebmted East
India or Star Madeira,
Old Brown; 'Gold and Pate Sherry Rn bottles,
do Madeira, Mtlacatel • do
Comma, Parra& Love, Rose, Ncfraeu, Annir
sette, Annicaeed Cordials, i do
Madeira, Pile, grown & Sh try, Lisbon,
Teneriffe.. Mar. Madeira, - Mal. is, Malmsey.
Dry Malaga, Muscatel and Oldrt.
Champaigne Brandy of the Pinet rands,
Cognac,• Bcirdeaqx & Charente'
Holland Gins of ;Pine Apple and IF brands,
Jam. Spifits,-M. Whiskey, N. E. um.
Com. Gin, Corn Brandy &c. P
Tavern keepers from the. neigh
are respectfully Invited to call
N. S. God delivered to oily
roorh or neigtibbring townefree o
me v 2
U'S '•I IA b . ,
tory of Axneliat,
uat recejired sod for sole by
April - 14 . . 28 .
Lt .
BANNAN has comme • ee •
a-re err in connesiOn, Wit ly h •
where all kindsto Mai wig •
shortest ndticet toile rata.
of every desetiptien - made
rates—and the it ade'aiikdied 'wit
delphia prices.
April 11
Nest ds!'New
_II.IBT receitted by N. Natha
••••"' 'end elegant. assortment of S
met Prints, painted mualina an
which, may hal found a few pi
Printr'atu very low rate: Al .•
aortment if Cloths, Camimmes,
GirdJaime.' Spillagei.
itO i iiteleiallikiiiiittichxt of Lin
ittOklfitic*e; ,-
county of
mot,. Balla].
• Parade, OR
I Schuylkill
'y next. The
I lock, A. M.
1 HAR,
rt . af . the ba
' 33 •
, •lm" flu
a' Book Bind
Book Store.
bound at the
al the' karat
•teHle at Phile•
is & Co. I new
wing and Sinn.
1 lawns, amen
lire of Enghid
resting , &C.
weir, tcleth, l
Ins, Checks, ilk,
alt. •__