Upwards of io,ooo Bo Leidy's Sarsaparilla or sold in Philadelphia al .fl. QUEST./ . Who does not /tote the airbus, preperties of the Sarsaparilla t EVERY man, woman , and child answer the above, as every ne out the United States contains accost sal efficacy of Sarsaparilla, in pen rinnovingfrain the hiiman system all ' Ask any respectable physician th is the matt dismounts pirrififf of the will be, SASSAPAMILLA. Suffice it to sty then. it all plrysicl it so universally, what better evidowel envali.aLdik = e D tt discovered a m virtue of the Sarsaparilla is obtain centrated form, and in such menu therefrom, without destroying in This cannot be done by any other cess is known only to Dr. Leidyeana his own, • , . I These Pills are offered to the pub!' DR. YtEIDY I , SARSAPARILLA OR BLOPILLS, compounded principally of Saran •Ila and with which is combined ingredients (friaiw, ' ly to the (Wean turion) rendering them more effec 1. being gently laxative in their effects, thus carryi off corrupt hu mors from the system very gradually and without pro ducing debility or any inconvenient . Taken in suf ficient quantity;-however, they will . urge freely. and may be employed or given to the at delicate, and even th infects, being a safe and y efficacious pur five, requiring no restraint from diet or deviation rom regular habits or from • of any kind. These pilla-have been pre-eminen y successful and front their copenient form, must, ner or later,,take the place of all the different prepare 'ons of Semen.- rille, such. as Syrups. Decoctions, racts, dic. which are contained in bottles, liable to be and are in comenientfor taking or being • about. These pills hers during the pas two years, been amply tested. Newspaper advertis g being so very g i expensive.. ample testimonials from numerous physi• cians and others accompany the di ' ions. They arc particularly recommend in Rheumatic affections, Dry and watery pimples. General Debility. . and u to tes of toe face Ulcerous, sores of th and y, throat. nose and body. Scaly e ptions, and blot- Diseases of the Liver, ches o the akin, ' -Skin and Bones, Tetter, ingworms Pain laver the region of the Scrofula Erysipelas, heart, breast, and sto- Jaundi Heartburn, mach, Stomach', Coughs. Liver Pain of, the sides. alon complaints, waterbrash, the back and Spine, Soereruttations. and acid- Inward fevers, foul breath. ities of the stomach, • a bad taste in the mouth Glandular affections, as Flatulency. want of ap swelling and hardening . ute. costiveness, cramps . of the lands of the neck. - of the stomach, and in- in the ruins, under the aigestion, arms , and along the spine, he breast, dec. and the whole train of diseases res lung from Impu rity of the blood, as also constiwu al diseases pro duced by the use of Barks. Quinine, 'seine. Mercury or other Minerals, also in impenden ies in life, Syphi lis Lees, Venereal, &c. tic. Price 25 Cents a x. Prepared only andaold Wholesal and Retail at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 2nd st. low Vine, fad. 191 I, Consumptioft. READER. iryou have a cough 4 r cold, beware of their consequences. Colds g erally progress imperceptibly, and insinuate them Ives throughout the human system. filially settling u n the lungs and ending In consumption. A WORD TO PARE How often is youth cut down w n least expected by the consumption, :and followed o their graves by parents who are in a measure the cxhse of their prem ature death, in neglecting to remedy' cold" when exist ing in childhood, looking upotithe., as trifling affec tions, and not attracting their notice ntil the destroyer has commenced its work and mad. sure of its victim. This limet a fanciful rerinesientatio for duly numer ous instance' occur which prove th fact. In manhood colds terminate in • same way, but do not progress so rapidly as in youth; hey should how ever, in both yOuth and manhood . early attended to, and not regarded as trifling affectio , for it is a delu sive idea that has no doubt shorten the lives of thou sands. DR. BECHTE PULMONARY PRESE (Price 50 Cents per bottle.) ,Is an invaluable preparation, discovered by a regular hnd celebrated German physician. mho has emplofed it upwards of fifty years in his ow I practice in Ger i many. throughout which country t has been during that time moat extensively and suc esafully employed in Coughs, Coldi. Intluenus. Cata ha, Aathmaa .Spit ting of Blood, Whooping Cough!. am or the Breast and Sides. all affections of the B , at and Lungs, and -,arrest of approaching consumption . Much may be said in "raise of e shove medicine. but newspaper iadierusing being t expensN , e, every satisfactory evidence wit lbe fou in all sta effects upon trial, as well as numerous mmendations ac compan, mg the directions. Uyw rd. of 7000 bottles were sold in Philadelphia alone d ring the put win ter, a convincing proof of its efficac ,or so large a quan tity would never have been sold. The above medi cines are prepared and bold only a DR. LEIDY'S HEALTH MPORIUM. Seco d below Vine et. PItEMONITARY INTS . . . . .. AND IMPORTANT INFIIIiMATION. READER, did you ever see a cdrifirmed Dyspeptic, and learn his sufferings? Ha t, suffice it to may, he is a 'pale,.tbin a y loolt . g object, his life apparently hanging by ath . is miserable and unhappy , his sufferings indescriba le. • Are you much troubled with F i .ency, Costiveness, Sour eructationsevising from your • mach, Occasional Want of appetite, Waterbrash. a bad taste in your Mouth: or foul bleath: pain or a h vines at your sto• mach, Sickness alter eating, Heads he, Disguarto your once favorite dishesi &c. If you are much troubled wittbeany of Hie foregoii4 sympto . • , bring before you the picture of the Dyspeptic, and eying resolved to remedy the consequences, immed . tely procure DR. LEIDY'S TONIC AND A I-DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL A neyer failing and efficaci. • .DYSPFPSIA OR IND And the whole - train of affections eases of the Liver, Stomach The above medicine is warrant ry or other mineral preparations; drely of vegetables, safe and easyi pleasant to the taste..- It may be sa ;young and old, requiring ! but siodi diet only. Nuinevous testimonials have bed j pulahslied; its reputation is se , well ment upon its virtues is minecessa IT HAS NEVER FAILED IN A SING , Cher recommendations accompani round each bottle. Pnce One Dollar per bottl Sold in Philadelphia at Dr. N. D. Leidy's Heakh Env° Vine St.—aed by BAN May '5 MANGEIe WURTZEL, Ruta Raga Turnip, and While Flat Turnip Seed, illy the lb. or entailer quantity, april 18 29 BULVS HEAD No. 235, North Mild Street .EWIS W. RICHARDS r -LA his- numerous friends an. heretofore patronized 'the eats has taken the above well knu now ready to - receive them wi that can be bestowed upon ei .er wants. Philadelphia, April 18th, - _ PRESS LIMI OP STAGES. Proprietors of this Libil,(which has beta -IL fitted up in a!poperior milliner for the accom modation of the Travelling Cunimunity.) respell fully announce to, the public that the Line will positively commence runnin between TTS'VI4E 4 PIIIL4IDELPIDA, on Wednesday tals 2d of Alsicand will cautions to leave their office at the Piliessylositie Pottsville, daily at 6 o'clock, A; M. and strive in Philadelphia, at 0 o'clock P. MI. at the following ratm of Fare: To Orwigsbcirg, • ARP 59 Port Clio on. • 75 Hamburg, • 1 00 Reading,' • • , 2 00 Pottstown, • 3 00 Trap, 1 • 362; Norristowin, 4 50 Philadel is, 500 For Seats app y at the Pennsylvania Hall, Pottsville; liert's Hotel, Reading; and at their Office, No. 25, North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. 111NTZER & CO. Pottstown. RAWL. OVENSHINE, Phil . EVANS & PALDVirELL, Do. May 2 Proprietors. es of Dr. tood Pills, ne. Fricyr , pcpTl t can read, can ' paper through ' of the univer the blood and • • /rumors. !. *motion, I;Thst •• • his answer SEMI whereby the in-a highly con s to snake pills hiast efficacy. n, the prd is a discovery of o by the name of Choice Wines and Liquors. IL NATIL&NS Ai CO. D AVE on hand the following choice Wirral s and Liquor which they warrant genuine, and offer for male on the most ' favorable terms, consisting of 50' Baskets Champaigne Winos. of Key, Hick. - ory, Star, Wooceuck, Anchor, Grape and other brands. - 10 Baskets Sparkling White Burgundy, 10 do Oldmit, 5 cases Old Gra 50 do Medoc St. Julien Claret, e leJuice Port, Also—a few doze of the much celebrated East India ur Star Madeira, Old Brown, Gold and Pale Sherry in bottles, ' do Madeira, Mu catel do Curracoa, Perfec Love, Rose, Noyaeu, Jinni.- ( r sett's; Annissee Cordials, , , do 0 DRAUGHT. Madeira, Pale own & Gold Sherry, Lisbon, Teneriffe, Ma Madeira, Malaga, Malmsey; Dry Malaga,M uscatel and Old Port. • Cham_paigne Bra dy of the Pinet brands, Cognac, Bordeau At Charente Brandy, i t Holland Gini of ine Apple and Fish brands, Jam. Spirits, M. hiskey, N. E. Rum, Com. Gin, Com randy &c. Tavern keeper from the neighboring towns, are respectfully i vited to call, N. B. Goods elivered to tiny part of the bo. rough or nsighbo mg towns free of expense. may 2 33 Fresh Groceries. M ILLER & AGGERTY Wave receiv e . l -v-A their spring supply of fresh Groceries, a mong which will be found some very choice Green and Black (Teas of the very latest imports. lions, which they{ can recommend to their friend* and the public. a pril 28 32 Regimental Orders. T HE enrolled inhabitanks of the county or Schuylkill, end companies of Volunteci, composing the 30th Regiment of Pennsylvania Militia, are hereby notified that the First Battal: ion will meet, properly equipped for Parade, an Tuesday the c.141 . ;0f May next, at McKeansburg. The Second Battalion will meet at Schuylkill Haven on Wednesday the 23d of May next. The lines to be formed precisely at 10 o'clock, A. M. By order of the Colonel. EDWARD Y. FARQUHAR, - • a pril 28 32tb Adjutant. 12M1 COATES'S Ovular Medicine, or Family Ad viser, just received and for sole by april 28 B. BANNAN. Coal Merchants, Land Proprietors and othem are respectfully in formed by Haden Smith Civil Engineer, Land Surveyor, ttc. T HAT he has commenced a permanent real Bence in Pottsville, and is prepared to receive• and satisfactorily execute all business with which he may be favored. • H, S. is determined to confine his practice 4 , Pottsville and its vicinity, which arrangement will enable him punctually to attend to those gentlemen engaged in mining, who may employ him. Maps handsomely finished. and Architectural Designs furnished in every style. Pennsylvania Hall, April 25,1838. 31-2 mo WILL be eo! d on Saturday the 26th day of May 183 at I o'clock P. M. at the bonne of Christian Ley, Innkeeper in the town of Pine'. grove, the undivided moiety or half part of a cer. lain tract of Coaliland, eituate - in Barry. township . , Schuylkill county, containing four hundred Ica* or thereabouts, bounded by the lends of Jacob Christ, Wm. Greeff, and others. WILLIAM GR A EFF. JOHN STRINPFLER. Arivieesoi Adam Raadenbuish. May 2 ' 33--ta • remedy for tES7/ON. Teas ! ., Teas Teal; ! 51b CHEST and chests of Fresh Green 1 -F and black Teas, consisting of Orange, Pico, Sonchong Pouchong, !gunpowder, Young Hyena, Old Hysn and Hyson Skin . just received and for sale ai reduced prices by N. HATHANS & CO. Several small Chests put op for family use. may 2 33 " resulting from dis , d Intestines. -. free from mem t is composed en to take, being very ely administered to F to restrictions in fiom time to time Down, further corn. , suffice it to my. marks= Fur ' the directions a- Chamoiiignje Wines. , , vHAMPAIGNE • WINER o f th e f o ll ow i eg IL' choice branda, via: aneher. comet. woodcock, li r obampaigne, g and paimettcc all fine grape wines, for sale a moderate prices by MILLER & HAGGERTY. april 28 . 92 • Chantaign i t Wise.. ii.HE *Ascii relieve J ust received and oats ..a• for sale 50 Baskets C tnpaigne Wine. A. mong whin!' wilrbe found i th e hollowing, Crack Brands, .Nopoleco, Palmet t o, !Bodeen'', Comet, Dart. HAZZApD & EITRAUCH. • Aprol2l , 30:- i to, &c p ' d below UV. Pottsville. 34-ly I or- sale bo . BA NN AN A.VERN. Phi/ode/phis. peetfully informs those who have lishment, that he n stand, and is every attention r. their comfort c. A' QUINN, - ,001LING.0 z and Picture Frame 'Gild , . •-• er, next door Mr. John Mei!anon's, Lyon street. Old F re.gilt in the neatest mati ! ner, and at the • ed notice. april 28 32-3nso B• 29—10 s Public Sale. THE `;=*4" . _ . Old Grape Aim Portz drc• 41 7c' VERY soperiorwid grape jai Wine. do do Royal oorropanyiko do • do du bolded 1 dON. do Very superior do East Into Madeira. Id lined and bottles. Very suprrtor old $. Lobo sad Doff Gordon # Co. 'Merry wines. pion Madeira. Madeira. L. P. Tenants. of Pale Lisbon. try and sweet Malaya wines, &c. &e. for sale by MILLER & HAGGERTY. april 28 MICE'S CELESTIAL Sr:ENERY, alto, Utz eery of Amelia, illustrated bY Cruikshaut just received sod for sale by I april 14 28 - IL ,BANNAN. NEW GOOD.. A LARGE and complete assortment of fresh and seasonable Goods, just received by the subscriber, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, whitilihe offers for sale at reduced prices. The highest price paid for all kind of country produce A. A. G IL E. Sept 23 " 44 Leaden Pipes. - 10/ BANNAI bas just received • very wipe ."' rior supply 0f4,1 and I inch Leaden Pipes, to convey the water in houses, which willibe sold cheap. april 18 - Painted Jacenets. JUST received end for saleby the subscribers v• few pieces of Splendid Painted Jaconetiq together with a choice selection of chintzes ac for sale by HAZZARD k STRAUCH. April 21 • 30.. S UGAR, Soda and Water Crackers, for sale by N. NATNANS 4. CO. may 2 , 33 10.000 VERY superior havanna negate u the Principee and Dosimego brands, air sale by feb 3 MILLER & HAGGERTY. REAMS 'Wrapping Piper for sale whoiesale and retail, cheap, by march 24 B. ' BANNAN. Rail Road Iron FOR SALE. 'VHE New Castle and French- Town Rail -- m• Road Company, 1,11 dispose of a pert of the Iron taken from their Rat ear track. The bars are in vial condition, 2} by A sample may be seen at the Company's office, Chestnut street wharf, Philadelphia. N. DAVIDSON, Agent. 29—1m0 april 18 Miller & Haggerty, WHOLESALE' AND , RETAIL Dry Goods,Grocery,Wine 4. Liquor Store (Next door to Mortimer's Hotel.) T HEIR connexion with a house in Philadelphia enables them to keep on hand a iery exten• sive assortment of goods, which they sell at Philadelphia prices. Store and Tavern keepers and private families, would do well to call and judge for themselves. april 19 31 Brigade Orders. rvHE enrolled Militia and Volunteers, compo. sing the :2d Brigade, 6th Division, P. M. will commence and coadnue the, Spring training's for 1838, as followir 53d Regiment, commanded by CoL Hugh Lind say, whole Regiment on Monday the 14th day of May, 183& 11th Regiment, commanded by Col. Samuel D. Jacobs, 2d Battallioa on Tuesday the 15th day of May next, Ist Battalion on Wednesday the 16th day of May ,next. ' 77th Regiment, commanded by Col. Isaac Yo der, 2d Battalion on Thursday the 17th day of May next, Ist Battalion on Friday the 16th day of May next. lit Regiment, commanded by Col. Abraham: - Siegfried, Ist Battalion on Saturday the 10th day of May next, 2d Battalion on Monday the 21st day of May next. 30th Regiment, commanded by CoL John M. Siam lit Battalion on Tuesday the 22d day of May next, 2d Battalion on Wednesday the 23d day of May next. The company training. will be on the first Monday in May,namely, the 7th, and the places are to be filet' by the commanding officer. these of. The commanding officers of eompanies. and Adjutants of Regiments, are strictly enjoined to have their enrollments ready on Battalion dart, agreeably to law. By ovder of J EREMIAIR BRAPPELL, Insp. 2d Brig. 6th Div. P. M. Brigade Inspector's office, / Windsor, April 14th, 1838. NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONARY ESTABLISHMENT. Frederick C. Eptimag me, VEIPECTFULLY infirm hie friends and the public in general, that he tau apeuud a new Bakery and Confectionary Betaidiskinent in Norwegian Street, next door below the Arcade in the borough of Pottsville, where he will al ways keep oif hand and bake to order all kinds _ofCakesof every variety of patterns—and where also, will always be kept on band', Bread by the Loaf, of an excellent qdality, and of a large size. His Confectionary comprises a large and gen. oral assortment selected with care, and sold at the very lowest 'rates. F. C. E. would also inform families that he is prepared to bake Family Bread for any number who prefer furnishing their own Flour, at the shortest notice, and on The mast reasonable terms. april 21 30-3 m Religious Works. BBARRAN has lost received the Sawing sreligiods works. London and America ad. Mona. which he offers for Sale eiWap. Original Family Sermons. S Mils. Massillons!Sennons. Leland's view of Deistical Writers.. Sturtevant's Preacher's MatteaL 2 voles Drew on Abe Resurrection. Drew on the Soul. • Bridge's on the Psalm MX.' Faber on Lifidelitg, , James' Christian Professor. Prize Essay on Religious Duewasions. Christian rather at Rome. A Mother's Request...ice. 4s. dec 29 5 • Cheese! alters!!! 20 Casks of premium choose. • 20 Boxes plus apple do for sale by N. N4TIMANII& Co. dec 2 2 IN RB' ISM -'" • Ililblit Mlles PURSUANT in an Order of the Orphans' Onset of BehbylktliCounty. on Saturday the Slith des of It: 411438, at 1 o'clock P, M. at die hope of Cie Lev. innkeeper. m the tower enrols* * Dr. Jacob Christ, Adiainistrator of , teer et &Mum Quirt, late of SellnYlkin Conn . ikeemed,, will expose to sale by Pubic Pend * the unißrided moiety or half part ea cedar Mee or Allnd, situate in Barry township, fichu Hull County, containing Aar hundred and eighteen acres ot;thereibouts, bounded by lands ofJa Ch rist, William Grief and o th er., held in MOIL with;' Raudenbush. Also , the legal estate of the said intestate in the ooe third part and some small equits le oatmeal *mounting to about one elere4ti part of a certain house aid lot, situate in thelown of Pinegrove, in the afore said county, bouiided by lots of John Barr and others.+ beteg th4bouse and lot on which Jacob Christ!, Esq. resided at the time of his decease.— ADO, ooe lot of gipond in the town of Deerfield, , oeartown is - Minegrove, bounded by Tolpe becks street another kb, being the same lot tateperch r saidfromßenjamin Berger— late the 0*- t ied o deceMed. Pit By order of the Coort. • LEWIS AUDENRIED, Orerrireborg, April N 30-te Clerk 0. C W helesale and Retail Dry Good Store. urOLLOCK & WEAVER have just received A. in addition 10 their extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, Super tluFerior Blue and Black Cloth,, superior &icy eolbured do. new style Cu. gime*, sattinett4 and Bowmen". miners' fas ke. Feb 18 14— Valuable goal and Timber Land FOR SALE. SITUATED 3choylkill county on the heat' watt:roof - the little Schuylkill river, and in the first coal region of Beaver Creek, containing 229 Acres and 14 Perches, strict measure; this land is covered with - White and Yellow PINE TIMBER said by Judgea,ter be of the first quality, the little Schuylkill rail road rains directly through the above' descriiiid tract of Land, and offers a safe and minvenient - *wage to the Philadelphia mir ket. For turther 'particular■ address the subscri. ber in Columbia, Lancaster county. Pa. F. A. THOMAS. Feb 10 1-3 mo Medal Cheese, Soap &e. 40 casks stiperior medal cheese, 50 boxes Philadelphia soap, 1 hhd. Iriah oat meal, for sale, by MILLER & HAGGERTY NovlB 52-3mr rrHE CHURCHMAN'S MANUAL. an Er position of the Doctrines, Ministry anctwor ship Of the PreteStant Episcopal' , Church in the United States, byAlie Rev. BPAI4IIIIF Doita,-Ree tor 0( 1- Christ Chord', Philadelphia, jest received and for sale here.i . april 18 29-- TAPI:AS ELIXIR For the instantanecem cure of THE GOTH ACHE; Diseavered and *ought to ita greatest perfection BY MONSIEUR CHA BERT. This is to certify that I tried your Tenor as Ebel: in awerid cams of Tooth Ache, in which I have contently found it of very great service. J. 11. HARVEY, Member of tite Royal College of Surgeons. London, Sept. ID, 11330. A friend stepped in to say that he had visite° the Fire King this morning. and witnessed his marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. Qne little boy in particular 4 who looked cross enough tobite a ten penny nail inlear off. in ten minutes smiled at the decayed Muth and deSed its pain.—U, S. angelic. A fresb supply of the above Ehzir just reedy, ed and &reale by B. HANNAN. Bole Agent for Schuylkill county I—ly la ty 13 The Penny Magazine of me lba !Knowledge, I 8 decidedly one of the che a pest and most po. polar periodicals now extant—there are fioo,. 000 copies sold eery month in England. and 63,- 000 in America. The Parts of vol. 6 (for the year 1837) as far as received, can lie had at We Ace. Price 181 per part, or $2 00 per annum.. . This Maga:inn is published in monthly parts, containing 40 large pages; the present volume is much enlarged and improved. The illustrations of wood cuts are executed in a superior manner. There is an adirantage in taking this work over ill others, a person can discontinue it whenever he sees proper, for each part is alwqs complete withko itself. 4 Cdropletesets Of this work from the:commence. mentean be procured of Ihe subscriber, at per volume. Nov 4 lULTELBII PRIMERS, just published and for v sale whole:male and retail. by arta 28 32 For Sale, - A valauab4 Tract of Coal Land, LYING and being in the township of Nome wegian, on the West Branch near the West Brands Rail Road, shoo! four miles from kdl Haven—thire is Joe or more Coal Veins mum, through .aud. For inthrmatitakap- PIP 19 JACOB REED, at Pottsville, or Mr. HOFFMAN. at Reading. March 23 3 ChasmPali= Wipes. JUST received and for sale by N. Nathana & SO baskets of Hey, Hickory, Star. Wood. cock land other brands. Hoak, ,COACHMAHER. 11VCSPBCTFOLLY announces to his friends end the public in general, that be has again commenced' the IChare•Makinir Rosins in Nor. wegi=mit, three doors below the Arcade in the " of Pottsville, where ha is ready to manifacture to Order all kinds of vehicles at the sbortist moth*, Uttire beet materials. and at the hermit rates. also on hand, ready made, Falb, Photons, Chariolcis, C E =Boggle", &e. which he invites the pub. lic to call and eidetic" for themselves. The ar• tie* ire allotefsatured ender his personal inspection. and will gunman= to be equal to any mans r ed elsewhere. Repairs of description done at the short. Obi notice, and the. most reasonable terms. N. S. Coal to solo PaYme4it fee" vdekle. aprtlls 29 3m JACOB CHRIST,.. Adminfigrator. B. BANNAN. SO- ■ • . • 11001i-11011) ; . ERY "; RANNAN had eeethrseeeea a Book Wad 1 1 -P• cry in conn ed n with 61a Book Store. *bete all kinds of Books will be boned at the shortest peace at. law Wes. ' . Blank !Books- Arc. • o f ever y .descsiptioo . 'wade to order at the lowest rates—end the trade Supplied wholesale at Phila delphia prices. . April 11 : Queen Vii &dine . A stow and elegan *M W a dies' Detain ' for its' Detain •r^ just received an 3)r sale by HAZZARD & STRAW/IL April 21 • 3Q- New Goodsi! New 6roods!! J UST received .N. Nathan. & Co, a new and elegant assownen, t of Spring and Sum mer Print., painted tramline and lawn., among which may. be &GOO a few pieces of English' Pilots el a very low irate. Also, a splendid- as. sortmerit of Cloths, gassimeres, Vesti ng. Also, Gendeinen'• Surnmer wear, together with a general assortinent of Linens, Check+, Di. .pent, Ticking*, Muffins, &e. &c. • opal 14 • • • 28 Port Clinton Foundry FOIk,SALE , - - WILL be sold at private sile, the Foundry v v pleasantly shielded at Port Clinton, Schuyl. kill cnunty, on very reasonable terms. This Foundry is at the commencement of the Little Schuylkill and Suagnsbanna Rail Road, now malting, and will in a short Saul be 'me of tes best situations in the country to do a large busi. nets For Aerllll, a 4. apply to • . I PARKE& TIERS. Irqn Founders, Philadelphia. tir ISAAC MYERS, Port Clinton. july 29 f • €-63 t GREIT ; .; ReaEMS!! Valuable Real eroperty in Pottspille, , FOE, SALE • THE undersigned offers for sale all that well known three stray RIME STORE AND DWELLING Mint and the appurtenances situate in Centre street, Pottsville. the property t i of the undersigned, together ith nine other tenements in the rear of said oiloing, and the lot of ground wherVon the soh le stands. The brick building aforesaid , ennui • thirty feet in front—finished from the base eat story to dm garret. in the best style of workmanship, and both as a business stand end a residence, is mast fa vourably situated. The foregoing property will be sold on low and iccommodating terms. ran of the purchase mo+y may remain on the prop. erty fora few yeara l it desired. Title andisputa. We, and possession pan be given immediately— apply to ' G. 31. JENNINGS.. April 22 - if Pottsville New and E legant Goods. AT NATUANS Co. have just received acid 11 0 offer for ale. 1 bul 6-4 English Merin , from 50 to 73 eta per yard Soper French do at $1 50 pet yard, - . Tartan, merino , wo ted,silk and cotton shawls, Red, white, yellow , Fee* and 'cadet flannels, Bleached and un eked Canton flannels,from 10 to 25 eta pe yd. Worsted barna , coin rtaimips,vhildren'shose, Winter prints, glo , &eke Cotton bats and muidingli- 6 .1 per 'bed, : de.c 3 i 2 . QUPERIOR OLID BRANDY, received and for sale by I NATHADIS dr, Co. april 14 - i 95 • The Fatisay Vemanetstany. O. THE H OLI r BIBLE. F ROM the wa of Henry and Scott, and above one hundred tither writers, published in London by the Religions Tract Society, rens. ed and abridged is itivo vOltoco, with 111lapa and Engravings. Thlsivalitahle work is published in parts, at 25 cents nigh. Twelve parts are already completed, and can ,he obtalned at the rubscribers Book Store where iubscOiptions will also be re. tatdved. E • i B.' BANNAN. One 24 . H —3l Boa 4 AO sale. 117 OUR good new hoOkill Boats, built of nat. oral growth ti4obers,l and terms reasonable. Apply to 4 I SAM'!.. • march 24 3 Flooring Boards. CAROLINA wc)ked Rooring boards, plough id, tongued at graWved ready for laying, I, 14 and inches diffetent quality and prices, constantly on han4 and; for sale in•lots to snit purchasers, upon application by letter to 3JAMIES M. PATTEN, Planing Machine Wharf, N. L. Phila. Co. or MILLER & RADGERTY. april 25 31-1 f i Pottsville. rottsvflleA tVR ' __or Company., THE stockhold4ra at the Pottsville Water Company are ticrebY notified, that in elem. uon will be held 4 Wigliam Mortimer's. Hotel, on Monday the 14th of ay next, between the hours of 2 and 6 o ock l i for the purpose of elect: ing nine directors to conduct the busineui • said Company hit • lemming year, ANDREW RUSSEL, April 21 30-3. I President. .Bandersopils Petrie. , AFRESH simply of Ibmdemon't Pans, which is pronounced to bathe brit Book of Teat* ever published, just rem and for sale by B. BADMAN. N. B. Pens. on Dela List ire repeated to call and reosine t .• Books. apnl 21 30 HOOkil MOUS Gum • , Key to Par ' trim Paeq. Catholic Piet , Dorn y' • ! Peer Man's * ' m and fimall Cat= mm Just received and saki by B. BANNAII.' Dee 23 5 Swa NB Panacea. DOZEN wai t es- Panacea, _just mw aca ed fresh f • ppoprictor. Upward. of Eleventy.Fise • • rid ofthis valuable medicine were 804 J4ar, =Law demand is increaaing. For 'Web, amen. or slash Wile. Price $2 per bolt) Or for B. BANNAS Sols 4gent r ScbuyikOl County. Also Bwaim's Vizmi Fe. CALL AT THE , Noir Estelblisbaseigy cwair of 6otvo Magee Stroott"troOkT MOM saimieribere reepeetiblly sametese it their Mende call the .they leave tektit the eters "b7i Jacob• Ball & Co, elomir of Come end 1 .10008 1 eh* the, lye now prerridleditiibildiliel meat Of , - . • • V* • • which they are tesellattheeetyiefifol est prices.'H RD & STItAUCIII47 ), N. B. AU hinds of Count/ 1 Irrodeeetakiset, the hi4hest *alma !lees, _April 1 1 irre Me* Goods. ssuml4 4 A general assortmiatt of Bask and ' " ' - ;ra GOOdll. lost received—eosisistingininitti ad ,' jest 90•11111 - Grocerkm, .11ardware, .1 . • _, -. trimoware ) . I. , .1 _ i Mackerel s Salt, Plaster, &c. 4lces which will be Pala low for cub. The MO* price paid in cub for all ktnill'efeemintty iitittliiii* JOSEPH WIUTE & 4.OPC 1 . Mount Carbon. Dee'! -11.' • r rinlE subicriber has now on Modal iiialltoriq' .a. and Storehouse ion Centre and Ititil IGO' i s streets,. Ball assorunent of Goode, snitablike . Coal region viz : , • I . Barr Iran of awned sine. . • .1 Band and Hoop do do , - • Nails and Frillie Rods do do . 1 . Steel, Round & Square do do . • , 1 Nails and Spikes do do . Coal Skive!, do do . ! Hirdwafre. a . general assoortnient. AU of whiiih he is selling at reduced prises, , ,•• Jan 13 : 2 J. CLAYTON. , ROWLEtrI3 Interest Tabbri ‘ ' jest melte* and for Sale by 12. HANNAN. jan 24 5 HAZZ AR D & STRAIICIPS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • Dry-Goods, Grocery sued Li.• gator Store, Corner of Centre and Market Streets. Polloville. April .8 • 211,. IL Nathan,. tfc° Co. OFFER for malsat their wholesale end' retail rug ly Grocer* Store, Centre. 3 doors Wow Marko street. a pruneessonment of fresh Grocerieemplaist ng of Java. Rio, Laval's. DoMingo and browned C°E " N. OrlslnsJSt. Croix, brown and j uusers white Havanna, loafau'd lump { New Orleans,West j %closes India led house imperial, Gqn Powder, Young) . • Hyena, ,Poachong.Orange Pec- Teas co. Sodbong and Bolles Baker Li ehaw L B P a th a h• *ls ms Choeolato & Lin and sweet spiced Cricoa. Cocoa shells • Reading. Clarice, Harvey. John Bulls, Lobster, Anchovy. iliancen Canton Joy and Currie J Mimi*, Tomato, pepper.l ' Mised.Onion. fibulfino. S^f r ickili Lemon Ind French J • Olives, caves. Anchovies , Capone_ pepper. allspice lad Ginger Chwes,: Haas, Nutmepanctcassla - - Rice, dour al rice, starch Cunantm, Figs, Belting. Prates Sweet and Wow almonds. curs* (Nivea!, wine bittent,lemon syrup Pressured ginger, cheese, codfish Herring, niacketel. salmon White rad colored wax. sPennj cssadlas . Gabled and dipt tallow lm, auriegated brows and y ow soap Old Madeira, old port.charet Brown !and pale sherry. champaigoo Wine Cll&hod, Lisbon, dry neap ill= Sweet nodose, muscatel blalewey, masticates& Sicily Medea.) k Scotch: h, monongshela & com *hides.. Annisette. aniseed & pepperiabircoadiele Cognac,champagne. Swish of cornbread, . Holland & com.Ght,N. E. Rum Jamie' spirits • - Rainsup. span, inferior do Half Spanish and common Cut. plain and nnAdaiorremse w • Chins and crockery 7 ars ALSO a genitral a t of Dry Goods. &c. fix. all of wW.h they sro posed to sell** the moat resanamt. tie teems: Heads of Families and Tama, Keepers are particularly invited to call. • Books ! "very low. Ai BANNAN offers for sale the follonyjpg - ALA • 'standard works at the very low price* of tached. Home, Smollett and Miller's England a .:4 vols. sheep, with plates $lO Clarke's Commedtary, 4 vols. sheep, 12 00 Wesley's works, 10 vols. complete, 11 00 Back's Theological works, 6 vole. sheep, 409 Scott's Bible, and Commentary, 3 Irolis. - - ' • sheep, . ' •it 0. Byron's works, Dearbarno's Editionoheep, 4 14 Rollin's AnCient HistOry, 1 -vol. sheep, {. . • Dearborne's Edition with Maps and plates' 455 losephos i vol. wiO(Piales 9.55 -Marryatt's works complete, 1 vol. , • 35$ Moonr's works, Library Edition . 045 . Burns works, ' 900 Cowper and Thompson's worksi $ IS Pale ' s works - -11 . ' . 00 Bor&n's village Sermons, S 00 Dadridg.s's Puna, Expositor, 3 50 Encyc 2o olope dicotsa of and 100 Geogoapby, 3 vols. with. .. 1 Maps, WS Poet Book of Mart y m. wri te plates. :5 $$ • McKenzie. 5000 Bea to _ I $1 'randier with a wurty °father Books 44 tarty t o w tales, to snit the trines: jolyl. . , , • NEW! IRON . £ Hardware Store; - .111 su 11E bscribers would respentfWly pasimire ••• o c , th e puhlic, that be his added qr hip *awe stock, free and Hardware, amisninir iß pin Sr American and English Bar NU, Hew metillend Iron, Round boo. anonftad aim rut;Crawl, 81sear.Germam and Reglash New eat& Steel Vices, Museloht anrila-'ll Cut Steel hied. atilt itd.s:t*, page ant spikes, Welker punt ewer talent of Iron wlangery, a ll df w _3411 be at re dated Fumes, by JOIRST,CL . AWDRL.-" April Zi • eWLßOlfilik , INITIRUETTEfor "adios, , • mx The State Prisonta, Kate Lido, , New AiDierican vardessr. Alice, or the MyitsHols, • . Eadlass-fun. 4. • Just received Nod kg gal* bir SANN.O • sprit 211 • M•i • .• , ..II =I USA