The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 09, 1838, Image 2

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• "Pispikts. Ciarks, Casio. Bills Af Lard 4
dimailmass oweryf "WI Pawed af
Oki at the Mow cash prizes. ,1
Anadvertisement was left at t 's office,
4oUr absence; by an individua request
us. to publish his Wife. W.. cannot
.mply with this request unless -we receive
.inaltnr ViVR Domani in adiance, ie.
rding to our terms publishe , a short
'me Since..
ourrrr.—A meeting of the Porter men
t wits held at the East Schuylkill Haven
Motel, about three and n half inilem from
this-place, on Saturday last. jWe learn
that the landlord had been ordered to pre-
:pare to dinner for forty persons;' which he I
accordingly did; but, alas! ala 4 when the
dinner guests were assembled and counted,
the number present amounted aoly to 12,
all told ! I And this number composed the
whole meeting: Among the mons pre
,was a special Agent o the ?oat
Master General, from Washin ton. The
landlord, we understand, was quite disap
pointed; he calculated on a rich harvest of
r •
profits from the entertainmen •/ ; but, alas!
the empty places at his • boa , were an
unexpected drawback! We suspect that
the landlord will never again make eaten-
sive preparatiOns on the credit of a Par-
ter dinner in Schuylkill count • .
New Esers.:--New facts a every day
showing the progressive, intimate, and
-close connexion between LoccifocoisnOind
Infidelity! No man woman Or child:can,
shut his or her eyes or ears' , to this con-;
nexion. The United States Gazette ofi
the 7th inst. says:
" A Democratic paper in king out a . . (
mock dictionary, has the roll wing. I
i lia
gAIRT—Some old hypocri renowned )
in ecclesiastical history. T writer 'doeti
not ..say,.continues the Gazette, whether
he alludes to St. John or St.Vaul."
We have another new fact. ;The edi.. I
IN NEW YORK, has been appointed to,a 1
lucrative office in the Custom Houle, in
that city, trj , the Collector, ( sanctioned of
course by the President of the U. S. -
&legates to the 4th of June Contestion.
In Lancaster county, ?DIE& lIITNDR
DELEGATES, and in Buck county' TISO
MISDEED DELEGATES, have bean appoin
ted to the 4th of June Convention, ,to be
held at Reading.
Oxford District—Mai4te.--Sufficiont
returns have been roceive from this
trict to show that the Van uren candidate
has been elected by a mejortty of 4 or 500
votes. This was the strongest Van Btu
ren district in Maine, and gave 1800 tine
jority for the Van Buren candidate for go
vernor last year. This district becal
vacant by the death of Mr. Carter.
A is stated that about i ninety pen
lust their lives by the e.7plusion of
Mr. Clay's resolution, + the bubjec
the currency, which we! published
week, has been referred th the conitni
on Finance, of which Mr. Wright is cl
man, by a strict• party ve . This vi
ally defeats the resolution and shows
elusively that the Goverment is deter.
mined not tnaid the Rank in their atten,pl
to resume specie paymentsp.
The New Berlin Stitt
says :-_j Joan
this co. who has ten or
dollars of shin-plasters in
made an assignment of al
one of his near relations.
of his trash, which we wi
half its value. Report
Borough El tion. I
The Election held in this hoed*, on
Monday last, resulted asFollows:
Chief Burgess I -
Jacob Reed, 249
Benjamin Coombe, jr.: 120
Daniel Shipp. 2 years, 335
George C. Wynkoop,l 216
Samuel Lewis, 1
Benjamin T. Tayloei;lo
George H. Potts, I 164
Charles Lawton, ; 161
, Chides Potts, 2 yearS, 157
Town Crk
Edward Owen Parr , . 6$
High Constable
Daniel Hill, 1
John Lenhad, 161
John L. Coho, ' 39
Audi - e
Francis J. Parvin, I 343
Alezander Graham,' ' 348
Benjamin W. Caiuning, , , 336
The names of the Indidates in italic,
were nominated at a pa lic meeting olthe
Mr, ft. 'H. Choi has tiiltpOlied , th e wad ) .
lishateti of the Harrisburg lotelligeneer to
MeaerA.. B. 8. Elliott *ad C. ,11t.'Cottly. The
slam Whig coarse is to be pursued by the
new 'editors that aria approved the former
YT The Ron. Ekszer. • Ripley.toernber of
the Ratio nHtepretents Veg. flow ;.Lerolatans ,
died at Ma residence in X Oilesnii..dei the 29th
of litaseb last. making the gth seat id the 'Hoare
of Repiesentatives that has voestod 4 death,
or otherwise, this session..
I We a day or two since gave an article
in relat i on to the policy of foreignGovern
m 'nut, especially France, with regard to
exico. Intelligence since received, and
especially the following highly important
1 official papers, which are copied from the.
' _Washington Globe of Wednesday, are
greatly calculated to strengthen the view
then expressed. It will be perceived that
Ge commander of the French Beet in the
ulf of Mexico has DETERMINED
This intelligence is indeed important,
lepecially as it may lead to still more se
eious consequences.—Piii/a. inquirer.
The original charter of the State of Pirmaylve.
Ole has been framed, Covered with glue, and
Placed in the office ofthe Secretary 011ie Com
monwealth, for the inspection of 'loiters.
In Mr. Patton's district Banks.(V. B.) has
Ixen elected to Congress.
(The Whigs have elected '65 delegates to the
Legislature, and the Lao Feces 42. Of the
counties yet to be beard from, electing 27 defo
liates, we bad last year 6, and the Van Buren
men 21. The Richmond Whig sayS,—"We
'tend.' fair chance for Cabral!, Mason and Jack
son, Patrick, Randolph. and Tyler-5. If we
retain the 6 we, had last year, and gain these-5,
the count will then be 76 Whige,. and 58 ad
ministratiOn men in the House or Delegates.—
The parties in the Senate-22 administration,
and 10 Whip. Joint. Whig vote 86, adminis
tration do. 80. Whig majority 6 The reader
can judge of the chances from the data bete
given." ,
The recent astonishing result in VIRGINIA
have been...brought about simply by the calm,
cool, deliberate reflection of the people. There
was no panic• whatever, and less pecuniary dia.
-tre,se in Virginia than in any other State of tbe
Union.• Nay, the Whigs themselves, not titian
log of carrying the State, bad not made a
thorough political organization. But the Popfilar
volunteer, mustered stronger than the Adminia
tration regulars. The " Domocracy of numbers"
ruse up against the Rulers—and said," we will
not have these men, any longer, to reign over its."
Alexandria Gazette.
On account of the scarcity of money and the
difficulty of malting sales. a number of the menu
facturers in Lowell, Massachusetts, have deter.
mined to suspend business.
11:3 "The Whigs of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, at a
recent public meeting, resolved that Lancaster
County will give the Farmer Governor Rrrarca,
a inakwity 0f3,300 votes.
The Vicksburg Register, in describing the late
fatal explosion of the steamboat Orunoko, Which
occurred in consequence of the retention of the
steam while the boat was stopping to receive paw
srngers, says—
The deck passengers were upon the lower
deck abaft the engine. The berths were filled
and the floors were - covered with matresses. We
should not suppose the room would accommodate
more truth 100 persona. The number of deck
passengers on board is estimated at 80 to 100.—
A gentleman who was at work among them, a
carpenter, catenates the number at 150, The
steam swept through the whole length of the boat
with the strength of the lightning torrent carry
ibg every thing before it. A great number were
blown overboard, nearly if not quite all were
scalded severely, some completely excoriated and
shockingly mangled ; some frantic with despair
and agony jumped overboard ; the deck was
strewn with 50 helpless sufferers and the river
alive with them swimming to the bank, then
from it in the wildest phrenxy. To detail the
many distressing circumstances connected with
this dreadful tragedy would be too revolting to
our readers.
It is stated in the New Orleans Bulletin that
the steamer Peru passed up shortly after the ac.
cident ; end although hailed by every signal of
distress—not only by ringing the bell, but
by some hundred persons running to and tro on
the bank, waving their handketchieh and exhib
iting sheets from Cie hurricane deck of the Oro
;noko,--she kept her COLII6O without rendering
any assistance whatever ; and after assistance
was obtained from the steamers New Albany and
/ndeperidenee she returned, and without offering
a helping band, obtained all the passengers she
could and proceeded on her way.
The New Orleans True American has the Wl
lowing statement.
:"----, of May Ord,
SelinsgrOv , in
welve thou nd
circulation has
has property to
We have rime
11\freely givis for
yir that, 6i has
Among the vtctims to this calamity was one
who, by his own acknowledgement, justly merit
ed his doom. He was a known blackleg, and in
the,extremity of agony in which hedied; atinfesi•
sed himself the • incendiary who lately died the
Pinkard House, with the fiendish hope of burn
ing op the city of Vicksburg Revenge for the which his fellow gambleri were routed'
out, be avowed to be the cause that influenced
him. and denounced another gambler, named
Doctor , Saunders, not only as his assivtant in the
act, but as his partner in the intended sack of the
city. That some loch purpose is still intended
by the infuriated gamblers, there is still giod
reason-to believe, and it behaorNt the citizens of
Vicksburg to keep an active look out. We hope
to acquire still further information on this sub.
le encomium= related in the following
paragraph present a new evidence of tbe new=
ty of legislation *robe part of Congress, to pro
tact the persons and property of travellers in
From the Wheeling Gazette, April 30.
Digreeeful Ortrage.—We cannot find lan.
liolgt!'lafficiently strong in which to express our
opinion of a most rascally eceurrence, which him
just been related to us. The steamers Ontario
and l i b:meet in coming up the river, MThe tegeth.
er about 130 miles this side of Cincinnati.
The termer, in attempting to pass the latter,
a we learn, ran iota her, witikint doing any
material iojory. A short time afterwards in at
tempting again to pass, the pilot of the Pioneer,
in order to return the compliment, ran into the
Ontario, striking her near the stern, mashing in
her guards, and KILLING ONE PERSON, (a
girl Of about 12years of age„) and DANGER
and child. Tha :pilot we understand, is named
Pied Qs the Fool
Delaw, a young men employed in the Iron
Works at Saugerties, Writer. co. drank
for a wagera pint and a half Of Brandy.
and soon fell senseless. Be was bled, Lot
no blood ooze(' out of the vein until just as
he ryas about to be hurled, which gave
rise 'to a groundless report that he was
buried singers in a swoon.. -
GUN ?to
Ws" liii fins dm Lesiimine Joi l 441111*-
4ay rage.—?'At mai to die Ant vat
sksfri—Prentire and Ward 1 184. Dais 41. cam-.
4. •
The barna! omits testate the tofu ise district
hi which this vote was Om Bat, we quarrel
Dot with the Aimed for it. eased seeks la this
particular. The sews Lied ataugh kr asp
le Of that BUM
Tit suer rent rem gleaulan
The epeela eleetioo for weathers of Congress
terminated in illismesiptw es Tuesday, as this
evening's Southern Mail brings in the mares
from one of the mums. poutte—palumboss
Lowndes amity.
[From the Southern. Argos—Ewa.)
Crumnera, MissisaiPPit API% 2 5 .1 838 .
• The polls dosed last eyewng, and we hasten to
infpror our fricudi of the' result in this precinct.
4 sonsiams.
Prentiss, ('Whig)
Claiborne; (V. B. Loco Foco) 258
Time does Columbus respond to.the recent vic
tory in her sister, but older city of New York.—
The shoots of hei trim** are borne on the bal
my whip of oar Southern breeze, in dear and
slurry tones, and will be grateful to the wiling
ear of thousands of freemen. Lowndes amity
will show a result gratifying' -to every enemy of
the present aduloistratmo, and to every true pat
riot in the Colors,' The change m this city is air
breading. Sot even the most ardent Whig ever
conceived each a result, la July last, our favor
ite candidate, General Aces, received what was
then thought a triumphant majority of a* votes.
Now we show to the World that we haws a ma
jority rifle] patriots Who will oat "bow the knee
to BaaL"
Shaine Tragedy...l-The Petersburg Intelli
gence: of Tuesday says; "We learn that • man
by the name of Marks, in Prince George, shot a
man by the name of Lerketter and his wife, on
Friday last. They were- both shot. at the same
fire, and died instantly. We have heard a state
ment of the cireumatences which led to this
dreadful outrage, but do not mord it as suffi
ciently authentic to be made public." •
There is no protestant country in the world
where so mane murders are committed as in the
United States. We are getting to be almost as
murderous and assassin-like as the Spaniards or
From the Harrisburg lutelligencer.
.11 is the put of men to feu and tremble,
When the most mighty God, by tokens, sends
Such dreadful heralds to astonish us !"
The terrific eashings,of insulted Deity
have pierced the dark CIGMBIIin of anions.
Tv, known as No 31, in the Hotel which
was struck by lightening on Saturday last!
The veil which concealed the pkarapherna• •
lia of the midnight conclave of SATURNA•
LUX conspirators, was rent, asunder—riv
en to atoms, and the instruments used in
deeds of darkness, disclosed to the vulgar
gaze of the multitude' The elements—
the vivifying—terror-striking engines of
the sky, conspire with honest men on
earth, to purge our Borough from the last
remains of this foul plague spot! It is
not a little marvellous that the " forked
lightening" should have coma in blighting
contact with this Cosiness. of midnight
revelry ! -The electric fluid vivified the
thick darkness which brooded over the
symbols of the late riot, of Which its walls
were the silent witnesses And when the
anxious throng, rushing through each
avenue of the building and through each
chamber, fearful that the fightening had
communicated fire to some portion of it,
come unexpectedly upon this "dark kok,"
the depository of the gambling apparatus,
they were astounded !. Hire their aston:
ished visions witnessed- the wildest freaks
of the wanton elements ; the fierce light
ning had scattered in chaotic confusion
the "Sings,"and Queens," with - their suits,
who held dominion within the confines of
this Pandemonium ! Their royalty put.
chased fur them no immunity or exemption
from the common lot which fell to all their
companions; the "FARO BANK"—with
sundry and divers cloths,' covered with
mystic devices. of , unintelligible import,
were found strewn in undistinguished
masses around the sasetum sweeten= •
whilst innumerable numbers of fantastical!
ly painted "paste-boardioubtless the
mystic signs. employed in,t,he incantations
of the dark spirits who ever and anon hold
their canines," within the walls of this
"Hall of Evil Omen !" Were gazed upon
by vulgar eyes, and trodden beneath the
sacrilegious feet of the wondering specta
tors !
The good citizens of Harrisburg bad
long since beard of this secret haunt;,--
many bad doubtless had ingress to it to
their sorrow, and u an opportunity was
new Providentially afforded them of scan
ning its interior, they readily availed them
selves of it. Their visit confirmed their
worst suspicions, and they retired from its
threshold, sickened With the spectacle !
Nay more : they cameiorth from behold
ing the revolting scene 'with their hauls
sternly nerved and their resolves firmly
taken, *to stand by the ;press and sustain
the editor who would lasb with unmitigated
severity the miza, or coosibinatiois of sstea,
who will traMple upoq the laws an-I out
rage the moral sense of the community, of
which they are members, by the "hellish
practices" of which this room furnishes
ample proof!' it thuMferholt leas, been
more thins im/e fissischidagaisst the walls
V this hottse hg the tiro' of the ONNZPO-
TaRT Thetiety ullierns of the sky have
hashed the r mace 'Beam that is • their
wombs repose, into- this ClLUtlin CI!
Wlcazingtis and let those who thus Wave
the Mast High God, baware lest the neat
Ask wag traaefis is deaththe amiaciees
contenusers of these pollestous warnings!
INEmis,4o l rit- ; 144 4'•
• 7 001160116CATID.
Ws: Itianiufft I ; take adnuamp ora
leisure minute to inform you'eal tin
dwelling of H. Pnanait, Esq. Port Carton,
received on Saturday afternoon last, about
three o'clscit, a Omenl crash from Ftg
.ening, though I pe ni happy to learn that
the family esca serious detriment.—.-
Before it reached termination, the
beautiful but distractive fluid was seen fOr
several moments, as it sped its flight dia
gonally acrois the village; and inits course
it communicated a severe shock' to a
young gentleman who was walking along
the street, perhaps a hundred and fifty
yards distant front the place adverted to.
9e had a cotton umbrella raised in the
left band; and instantly, as the flub dart
ed over his head, the instrument Was
dashed from him, and with his right had
I grasping his left arm, be sank to the
ground. From this position he was taken
into an adjoining store, and in a little time
the effects-paseed entirely off.
I. understand the building has. suffered
damage to a very considerable extent:—
One of the dormer window! is shivered to
pieces, and the other is much injured. In
fact, the whole western extremity of the
house bas evidently sustained a violent
concussion. The chimney, at this part of
the roof, one or two rafters, a large por
tion of the plastering in the attic, and the
two front windows immediately below, are
all exceedingly shattered. After' com
pleting this work of disaster, by some
means the subtile Matter entered into the
tin water-spout, leading to the ground, and
in this manner it made its exit below,
leaving traces of its withering influence on
the paint and boards with which it came
in contact at that point.
Taken all together, it is a casualty of
such a character as to warn our citizens,
to avail themselves of ;he cheapand Mee an
curity bequeathed by the estimable Frank
lin, viz, the LIGHTNING ROIL At this late
day, it were useless and degrading to the
memory of that distingtaisbet philosopher,
to question the utility, or to point out the
modes operandi of this simple but power
ful preservative. Every one' knows its
value ; and the principle upon which it acts;
and every one therefore, should be prompt
to insure the great immunity which it
affords. W.
Ma. BANNA.—The following intercep
ted letter would seem to be addressed to
Mr. Noah, the worthy Editor of the New
York Evening Star; and as it hits off some
of us here, in this city , of Anthracite, with
ears as itching for news and novelties as
ever Athens was in its most curious days,
I give it to you for what it is worth, as
evidence of what strangers think of us.
Yours, eke. • A Suascanist.
" Pottsville, Ist May, 1838.
" Dear Mordecai : During my visit to
this interesting elevation, to get some re
lief from _ the noise and bustle and confu
sion and jamming of omnibuases,
in Wall
street, I have been amused with the suc
cess of a Phrenological adventurer, who
lately stopped here, on a Fowling expedi
tion, in his .scientificall profession of dUpe
making, and hit upon a very profitable
vein in the crania of his game. The
gentleman, by the fluency of his gift of
the gab and characteristic inquisitiveness,
seems to be front 'down ease—that ' land
of steady !labile—for nosey-sulking. Be
was here but a few days, and feathered his
nest by making game not only of litany
of the cautious ganders, but took into his
nets no small number of the geese, and, in
some icstances, whole broodt,of littler goo.
fins. Like a cuts Yankee, so sincere did
he appear himself in the truth of his 'sci
ence'—better called gist-arackery-Ithat
be persuaded, by his preliminary gratis
lectures, and his plausibility
something rising of three h and,
perhaps nearer four hundred, to let him.
feel their soft places , when he assured
them that they really had brains/ an in
teresting fact, which must have been to
many of them a new discovery. _ Among
the rest of his subjects was a remarkable
character of this place, and the leader of
the newly discovered Primitives,' but
who is quite an original jsck.of-all.trades,
and, besides an expounder ef the gospel,
and an excellent judge of horse flesh, is a
great wag. The disciple of Gaul and
Spurzheina was completely at fault; pro
nouncing, in his private examination in
the morning, quite the reverse of his cha.
ratter of the man the previous evening, at
his public examination. I could tell you
a great number 'of amusing good kits-of
charitcter which he did make, (aided pro
babljt more from What he had previously
eidkdAg ear and from physioruney,-than
his "phrenolo gy,) but that decency, *en- •
rim, and great personal respect, and re
gard foi the estimable individuals opPratat
on, forbids me to do it. Now that this
Fowler has goon off with the feathers be
has plucked, I would advise you to send
here some angler, of which there are a
goodly number always in Gotham, and he
may be inte to catch a plentiful supply of
gudgeons here also. But I must finish,
as the Doctor closes the mail precisely at
nine. Your hiend
Cateering.—The Gettysburgb Star says
that Old Adams is thoroughly roused, and
assures its friends abroad, that she sip give
the Fanner Governor one iionsand Bol
'wily in October.
roa Tat *mime' Jecranau
Id saw Bras."
„The ambereiraiiiillmiiierielsed- misers.
bly by the late a* ofthe steamboat Weal*
war Clacineeti. b sow eethisated at hee leitiked
iadliiitY or fate Ned&
A CosattrL
y Beet in Tirsee.,C4l. Wliertmes Res'
'Wive--at the diniiiioe of viz eilles 'ikons Vela*.
so, is
. 0 the meet pictorial's)* kind. The man-
Memoccupies one of the most liantifial setuatioos
that could be chosen, being located in an Island
of live oaks—(islands, In Texas, are clamps of
forest wood in the midst ofraries)—the grounds
are ornaiseented with iigniat faddy Originals
and trees, end *frost is 11 take of elms water
with bluff banks, spreading over about Mess
acres. he the shape of a horse shoe. The`house
is situated on the outside of the shoe, at the point
of the like corresponding to the toe of.the shoe,
the garden being immediately on the edge of the
water. Here the Col. has an apparatus for water
ing the garden tract the lake—and is the beds,
there are five • hundred kinds of exotic plants
which Col. W. has himself imported. Beyond
the lake. and in the centre orals horse shoe, is the
orchard—where every variety of fruit that is
suitable to the climate, blooms in the richest pro.
' This orchard is reached by means of a
boat, which is always. kept at the foot of the
garden fier that purpose, In the Rated of the
lake there is a great abundance of fish—which
circumstance we understand is likely to render
the little Militias pretty owesideriebly rivals of
the great hack Wilton.
to Reading on - Tuesday, evening. May 1, by
the. Rev. John Perry, Mr. GEORGE E. LUD
WIG, to Min MATILDA IL, KEIM, daugh
ter of Bonneville Keim, Esq. all of Reading.
Potion ls, Marl 9, HBO
WHEAT FLOUR. by the load was worth on Fri
day R GO.
WHEAT 180 per pasheL iv demand.
RYE FLOUR 2'30 per cwt. in demand.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 220 per cwt. in deemed
RYE, by the load 9U cent' by the bushel—ready
RYE CHOP 90 cents pit bushel in demand.
OATS 40 cents—reidy sale
POTATOES 45 cents per bushel in demand.
CORN-70 cents per bushel in demand.
CLOVER SEED-413 50 per
TIMOTHY SEED-412 00 per bubo.
FLAXSEED-61 .12 per bushel in demand.
WHISKEY-42 cents per gallon.
BUTLER-14 cents per pound—in Kegs 12 cents
EGGS-12 cents per dotes'.
LARD-10 cents per pound.
TALLOW-9 cents per pound. •
HAMS 12 centsper pound.
CORN CHOP 80 cents Ow bushil ii demand.
BACON-12 cents per pound.
BEESWAX-18 cents per pound.
FEATHERS-62 cents per pound.
COMMON WOOL-40 cowls per Pelted
MACKEREL, by Abe bsJ. no. 1, VS 00 W r t iI I
SALT-2 621. per bbl 4 87 per bushel.
PLASTER, is worth 57 00 per ton. L
RAY $lB per' to*. ,
Richard D. Sheener t
Next Dan to Soosud angel Store, and nearly
opposite the National Hotel in the Borough of
111. RESPECTFULLY announces
to the public, that be conetandy
keeps on hands general assort
meat of Saddles, Bridles, Trunks,
Coach, Gig and Wagon Harness,
Velma, Travelling Bags, Patent'
Fly Nets, Buffalo Robes to cover
Saddles, Stage Lashes, Gig and
Riding Whips, together with ev_
ery other article generally kept and manufactured
by Saddlery, and solicits all in want of those ar.
tides to calf and evamine Mr themselves.
Every description of work in his line, will be
made to order at the !shortest notice, with neatness
and durability; and tin terms as low is can be
done elsewhere. : •
may 9 _ 35- 4, 3 •
NOTICE is hereby ghee, that the partnership
heretofore existing between /firm Owens
and Daniel Spwrasesbearg„ Contractors on the 24th
and 25th Sections of the Cattawissa Rail Road,
was dissolved on the 7th inst. by mutual consent,
Sy the withdrawal of Daniel 13Ponnenbourg from
the firm--and the subseriber also gives notice
that he is nut responsible for any debts contract.
ed by the said Daniel Elimoneobirorg after this
may 9 . 35-3*
Hotel, Coal Landings, and
• Building Lots
AT sc . mi nix ILL HAVEN.
• Pellitilit Sale et close a Cement.
WILL be sold at Pixb fi c Sale, ON SATUR.
DAY, the 2d of ;nee, 1838, at 71 0 % 110 4
in the evening, at the Philadelphia Auction Mart.
in Carpenters Court, Chestnut street. (sootb
Side) ,between Third and Fourth Streets, a large
number of building lots, coal landings, public bo.
tel and out lots, situate in Schuylkill Raven, be.
ing at the junction edifies West and Main branch.
es of the Schuylkill, and at the termination of the
West Branch or Mine Hill and Schuylkill Eleven
Rail Road. on which nearly one-third of the coal
business o 4 .l3clinylkill county was done the past
The property will be sold agreeably to a plan
now exhibited at the Philadelphia Auction Mart.
ane 4 vosiiis of
60 Building Lots on Dock street,
30 on Haven street. •
40 oo Centre Turnpike, the main road to Potts.
A number of out hils. - .froui Ito 12 acres.
A large and well finished hotel. to which.= at,
.tacked *amid land, and seven coal wharves
pr landings. from 150 to 230 feet front, by 80 feet
to depth. ea new eccopied as coal landings.
Its The:public is mast positively enured that
the above property will be sold at the time and
place above mentioned without Unit ot. reserva
tion. Terms at Side.'
' 'J btiintesr. .
• N. B. Plans at the Philaitelpida ic
at the Philadelphia Anaion Man, and at the prin
cipal hods in ali.hovikill end Barks Counties.
Philadelphia, May 9; 1838. 35-44
THE Beadine Book for &hoofs, by Airs.
Sigoorney.jost reached sod for sate by
may 9 AS B. BANYAN.
For Sale, or to be' Rested.
WHAT valuable tritt ofLand called the "Clio.
ton Tract; belonging to Elisabeth • Spohi.
situate °albs west Narwegise Rail Road, neat
north of* owl adjoining the Peach Housain, is
carted for ids on atteonuoodatiolt (aims; or the
Coal Mines will be leased severally or together
to an approved tenant. Aftly to ,
3d dr. WainntStositit
•pril U
•I HE Limited P • ipil ba stodore existing,
• I IL between the se • • lens in Cail business,
under the firm ofTO ' NSENF7. FRANKLIN.
expired oohs ht PriLl by its own lien.
dation. ( TOWNSEND • , FRANKLIN.
. 11!tice.
• The caul barren-will;be
subscriber on the Old !Aar
Clawing st. on Reburikill:Phil
Philadelphia, May I 9,
- -
Nonaland I station.
LETTERS Testamentary • the estate of NA.
RY DAME; dimeneed, Seim( been traot.
ed to the subscriber, sole ease .r of her tut will
and testament Ali . - • , having claims e•
Ramat the said estate, will present them
for 'settlement; and all persona indebted to th e
same per to are requested lb mike yment the sob.
scriber, who the only ' ' bandly authorised
to receive said debts. The a ministration iro n s.
ed to Strange N. Palmer, . hiving become
void by the probate of the w artful said Ray
Bantei and the sobsecpsiust griming by the Reg.
ister•ot Schuylkill County, of-lettere lastamenta.
ry to the subecribef.
Resi int in Pottssini,
Sole Executor of the list-wW, Mar, Bailed, deed.
may 9 35-6 •
Public PI cc» .
►LIRE Register of &boy kRI County, harin g
AL ;muted to the subscri Letters. of Admin.
Istrattoo on the Estate of M RY BANE. late of
Pottsville. deceased: •all persous indebted to said
Estate are booby
.requited l to make tromediate
payment; ind thearhaving Oaken to present then
legally authorised for settlerbent to
8. N. PALMER. Adth`r.
344, .
may 5
Musical bastruments.
.11HE suks_cdher has just! received and Wren'
for italikAr
4 keyed German Flutes, plain.
Octave Flutes.
flageolets. 1.
Fifes. 1
Violin Bridges, Pine, Strings and Bow-bair.
Clationet Reeds.
Guitar Strings. •
• Violin Bowe.- - cietret finish,
Be respeitCelly Meltea he public to Call and
examine his Stock:
may 5; 1838. 34-
Mount- Carbois Rail, Road Company.
NCiTIcE ie hereby given, that a special meet
hag of the. Btlc.kholders or the Mount Car.
bon Rail Road pany. will be held ort Batar.
day the 28th day Jot May, at 5 &chick in the af
ternoon. In Room No. 23 -Merebanb' Exchange,
City of Philadelphia.
. By order of the Board of Managers..
Philadelphia, May 5, 1838. 344
Dissolution of irartnership.
T HE partnership beretbfore existing between
tbs.sobseribers, trading , under theßrot of B .
D. JOHNSON & co. is thin day dissolved by mu
toil consent.. no baldness of ths.late firm will
be settled by either of the subscribers, at tlis of.
flee, 25 South sth street.
Phila.' May 1,1538.
Tliermil busload will be continued by the sub
scriber. who will kiep a Supply of the beet Red.
White and Grey Ash Schuylkill Coal, it the low
est market prices, by the cargo or sinik ton.
Office, 25 south Sth at Wharf, 24 below South.
may 5 34
The Miner"' Bank of Potteviik in the
County of O'chstylkill.
May I, 1838.
DirectoM of that above inatitOtion have
this day dec lared a dividend of 9 per cent. on
the capital stock, out of the profits- of the last six
months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal
representatives on or after thel 11th inst.
• may 5
.f 4-2
IFIHE undersigned emotions the pubiic against
m- purchasing or leasing the tract of land called
Clinton Tract, on the East Norwegian rail road,
from Elizabeth Spohn, nr Henry Morris for her,
as he the undersiped
_claims tills • thereto, and
will institute a spit against anyiparson attempt
ing to take the possession thereot • -
afaisheim, April 28,1888. JOHN POTT
Wetlrillt ik Rs*ber,
• AT
1 112. LI) (
No. 6$ N T R H FROwr STREET,
_ . SIDE.
Titans moons mon COIN= or ARCINI ST
White Ltiedrity and / Calomel. - •
round in Oil $ ' it.:4 PrixtiO.
Red Lead, Virhito do
Litharte. Vitriol' Alb.
Chronm Yellow. Solp. quinine
do ' Green. Tart.
do Red RthertX.
Patent Yellow do Nitric
&ear Lead do Acetic
copzwu — , Lunar iCarintior
01 Vitra* 1 ? Com. do
An. Foggia ) 1 Aces
s rp* i
likriatic_keiii , Sulpb. do
quote neta - Lac.
Tart. Acid Opi. de erm%t.
Sap..Carb. kioda Kemp Miura/
Corms. Sub. Mirc. Ethiopia do.
%Anne ofChamsphor. l Bal Nitia i llebut es oi pm.
he. ORM for sale the above mentioned aniclea, to-
gather with.a genetal • wrionment et Pals*, Prep
an d D ye Biros. cod may mbar amide in the Pamir
cal and Medicinal line.l
going mongrel:mien oral) tbeartides enuarentad
under theidadvohead. they Aida tbernaelaw to sap
their Glenda ned the public the tem Iftio22
Window and Picture Glam. Irma. 6. to 24 30.
Oct 21.1837 ,
T. Let.
THE ibie, Hower an Lelq•
ing •al Mou i Otos, recently Goa.
phony Penrose Brenham.
PO Aerate. &a; apply to
IL 'NICHOLS. SI Reek it.
Philadelphia-4r to my agent,
april 19 29-3 • Pouerille.
Clover Reed.
reesived and sail
20 bushels prime cle►er seed.
Feb 31
continued by the
,f, !mad Wo w